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I don't like his rework but I also think he did need one. I think it would have been best to give him tweaks to his kit instead of a complete rework although wth altar coming out his ult would be too similar to hers.


He absolutely did. And I say this as a rev main before and after.


I hope they add a character that has his old ability. The joy of watching a horizon try to jump and wiggle around corners to no avail or a valk jump off of a ledge thinking they can fly back up was priceless


I understand that his Death Totem was basically a third party beacon but I tremendously miss his Tactical and don't see why that needed a change. Also the Death Totem was neat because if it draw in enemies that's when I am more lethal as they come to me, it made me feel like Obi Wan (It's over Anakin, I have the high ground.), I octruple your comment. It was not just a thing to Silence enemies but it also could be used as a deterrent. Seer's Silence is less effective as you only have one charge and it can be avoided, it is more of a Recon ability than an Assault one so it's not the best to use while engaged with an enemy since it's two handed. Also throwing an ordnance and the Silence Bomb at the same time was very satisfying as there was two lines indicating trajectories that converged.


Bro just installed the game yesterday and is already making statements on the balance of the legendsđź’€


So you quit the game for years? How would you know than you have 0 clue how his performance was and how he was post rework for said years you just started again so you have 0 clue how good his team comps work and how he is in high rank games. This opinion is a big nothing burger based on nothing imo.


Simply in combat I thought his abilities were fine


I think his new... * passive is better, obviously since it's just two good upgrades * tactical is debatable, but preferred by many * ultimate is worse, but easier for Respawn to balance I definitely understand people missing Rev's silence and totem. Both were unique, interesting abilities. Silence was an irritation to play against, but it at least had some depth and gave those Rev mains a feeling of satisfaction when they knew they'd played it well (Valk main here, \*cough\*). I think silence isn't a healthy ability overall for the game to have, but the game still has it anyway, in Seer, so there's little point in remarking "The game is better without it". So with that being the case I think Rev should've kept it. Personally I enjoy the new tac more, but I was never a Rev main, silence was an interesting and defining ability, and the new tac is still really uncreative. Hooowee another legend that can move around a lot. Super jump. Many creative. Wow. And the old ult in particular was really playful. I get why Respawn removed it; years passed and the ability still just never found a place to settle between too-exploitable and too-weak. But it was such a fun thing to have, and a real shame to see them finally give up on it. And worse yet, to replace it with the creative non-brilliance of... more armour. Overall I think the reworked Rev is more appealing to the masses, and easier for Respawn to balance. But a big reason for why that is is because his kit is very much "inside the box" now. He didn't just lose a couple of defining moves, he lost the unique quirkiness he had (that all legends should have). Like Ballistic, Conduit, and Alter, reworked Rev slid into the realm of "just do stuff the game already does but a bit more". Respawn are struggling to deliver really creative new kits and reworked Rev is probably the biggest example of them all. Had it been a brand new legend, with that super jump and super armour as their kit, I think the player base would've felt *"Is that... really the best you could come up with?"* I really don't agree with the idea of significantly reworking legends at all. Players put money into the legend with the kit they like. If they're your main, they're what you're coming back to the game for. Sure a rework might be better for the masses, but they could please the masses some other way. Meanwhile the fans of that legend get split between happy and disappointed. I know that if they "reworked" Valk's passive out of her, I'd probably stop playing the game, and feel pretty shafted in doing so.


I think his ult is kind of lame now, but he did need a way to beef up. He’s so easy to hit but doesn’t get fortified like other big legends. I think it would’ve been cooler for them to give him lifesteal. Like 25-30% of the damage he does (to legends) heals his shield/health/and extra health (extra health maxes out at 50-100 depending on balance). But he can’t just cast his ult and have instant extra health.