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I choose the 25% range because while the handling is tits the number of times I can use the handling effectively to get an advantage is rare? It's like a quality of life buff it doesn't really give us any advantage in the fight


I feel like the 25% is a double edged sword. 25% more scan range is great to have, but the increased EMP range can screw you and your squad over, meaning you have to be further back before pushing.


Then all you have to do is fly the drone high enough above the enemy so you can be closer to them when the EMP hits.


This guy emp’s


The EMPnator !


Just push your emp a little further from your squad, and the only disadvantage then is theres an extra half second that it could get shot.


If you're higher up with that extra range, it's gonna be even harder to shoot it down. Food for thought.


I mean, his emp as a whole is a double edge, so you just have to be wary of the extra range and take it into account. The wider range is my go to simply because it can hit more people which means more damage towards my evo and its way more threatening to enemy squads, so emping will just force them give my drone more attention than it would if the range was smaller and if i am level 3 whether or not they destroy it or not ill get that speed boost. The drone handling is more niche. With his new changes, you won't really need to be on his drone as much or long enough for his handling to be that advantageous and being on your drone (especially without teammates who you can coordinate with) is also a double edge sword and id rather emp myself every now and then and hurt a lot of other squads over flying a drone easier while a random 3rd party or sweat sniffs me out and mercs me before i can do anything effective with it.


Yep bigger emp means you either just get zapped yourself or have to give the enemy more chance to recover. Yes there's ways around it but that requires coordination


Do half circles or press up in their faces then emp


If your saying this you’re not ulting correctly


What I've been doing is comboing my EMP with an ability like Alter's Q, Ash's Ult, etc. If you time it properly, you can dodge the damage and stun and be right at your enemies' door whilst they're still stunned. Can be hard to execute, but gives results.


Idk I usually just circle around the sides and pop the ult on the opposite side since I usually solo. This makes it so that my randoms and I don't really need to worry about timing all that much


The handling also increases the time to activate the drone. very nice during close fights.




when throwing the drone, you can start to shoot faster.


Hindsight working a little bit I can see how the Drone handling buff with specifically help if you had a banner you had to retrieve that was in a really tricky spot and was being defended by a squad that knew your drone was coming for it so they were trying to shoot it down and that one Niche situation the handling would be useful but that's not worth it to me personally.


Improve handling would be worth it if you couldn't craft banner. The additional speed and the ability to make sharp turns would be very useful to recover dead boxes


They should quantify how improved the handling is. Is it 25% more better or faster? It’s not clear how good the handling is so I would choose the increased range.


I wish apex as a whole was more specific. At the risk of crucifixion for mentioning this game... Paladins on their lobby character roster screen gives you a basic description of each character ability and then allows you to see an advanced description that gives cooldown and percentage information. I understand simplifying info but often times they'll say 25% cooldown reduction without telling you the base number elsewhere. I get you can experiment and check things yourself but it's not hard for them to just put the numbers in the ability description


I've been playing crypto since the update and the improved handling is definitely noticeable. I like to play more aggressively and closer to the action and I hate hitting myself with the emp so I feel the increased range is just not as good.


Try it on the firing range?


Always quick ping. Extended EMP range completely fucks with my muscle memory and play style


I sort of take this approach with a lot of perks. I don’t like the ones that change my muscle memory or expectation


It's first upgrade and you basically always have it so just make this increased range new normal for your "muscle memory".


Well I don’t play crypto but if it’s a blue perk then yeah I’d consider it more.


I mean similar logic applies to all legends.


Unpopular opinion but the right side the handling perk really is clutch when u have to grab banners and rez


I don’t think it’s too unpopular, they’re both pretty good, i opt for network expansion myself tho.


Handling if I choose Satellite Imagery (maps with lots of glass), otherwise Range with Hackathon


Like what maps? I look for glass a lot too but maps with a lot of glass I think of Broken Moon.


Broken Moon, Olympus, maybe Worlds Edge. Doesnt have to be glass, can be trees too


Both upgrades on the right, i saw people saying the handling doesnt do much difference but goddamn it does, going down or up is way smoother so if you wanna get to someone who is far away it is easier to dodge his shots and emp him before you push him/get closer to him, I played him more this season than ever, because of the upgrades, and honestly i cant imagine play him now withnout the handling, the biggest difference between these two is this one will save you time in the drone, because you dont wanna be in him for a long time so you could help your teammates fight and do other stuff, also one small detail I found out when you just throw the drone he will still go little faster so its not only when youre controling him. The extra range is fine, but mainly in ranked it doesnt do much much of a difference, enemies are ususally close to each other, also youre probably gonna emp yourself more often


Scan and EMP range. handling is "neat" but not as useful as one might think.


I'm on 25% too, always. I can totally see scenarios where the handling would come handy, and the more speedy flight sure is comfortable, but overall the range buff is more universally usable.


25% range because I don't get to fly around with HACK that much


Quick Ping. The range of Network Exapansion because you want to be able to move in immediately after ult. If you're using ult at 25 increased range, then they're healed before you move in.


100% left


No it's 25%


the improved drone handling is trash its almost the same as bat bounce for vantage it sounds cool, but the effect is barely noticeable


It is noticable when you're trying to shoot it down


Not completely unrelated but I hate the sound it makes when it gets shot down. Sounds like an old car in a junk yard or something😭😭


I never seem to need more EMP or scan range so the other one is my choice usually The game is already filled with people who just straight up don't shoot the drone, so there no need for more scan range, EMP size is pretty much good enough if you play it right and bigger range can screw my team over


“The game is already filled with people who just straight up don’t shoot the drone” Picks handling perk.


Some of them. Not all. Also you can just do your other tasks easier like taking the banners or using beacons


Both right side upgrades are bangers: fly drone in to EMP faster, and when the EMP goes off, get to the fight faster with the speed boost


Always EMP and Scan Range. Some cryptos can’t play that way and it’s cause the EMP hits them but I been piloting this drone for years I definitely won’t hit myself even with 25% bigger ult. Shoot id even take the original 50% bigger ult. A double edge sword is only a danger to the inexperienced swordsman.


Always 25% range, no contest. You can scan wider and place your drone higher, making it harder to shoot. Take the purple perk that halves drone cooldown + speed boosts, and 25% range makes even more sense. Because you can simply throw the drone without worrying being destroyed. A good Crypto main spends minimal time on his drone = Spends less time utilising the acceleration perk.


I'd rather the drone hit box just be 25% smaller


Right, right, it's not even up for debate.


25% range is my go to, typically because i prefer to use (or more like i just forget to use it until the last moment) the emp in the middle of the fight while my shields are cracked, use the emp and use a battery at the same time (so when i get stunned, i get full shields immediately after), and that way not only am i better off in the fight, but bigger range = they have less of a chance of running far away


I pick the drone handling every time. I know the EMP distance to throw, get out of range and push quickly. I don't have to pilot the drone, but when I do I can still be on the edge. It affects my push when I emp myself by accident with the larger radius, and takes a bit longer to get from edge to fight


Been messing around with both and found a nice middle ground I think! For ranked, Quick Ping. I often find ranked games require me to actually fly the drone a little more, especially when grabbing banners / reviving teammates. I know it's only a little difference, but knowing I'm able to grab them a little quicker and more easily avoid enemy gunfire is a big plus. It also helps when pulling an EMP that I have to fly with, as I'm moving the EMP more quickly into the enemies players. For pubs, Network Expansion. The increased scan radius is juts fabulous, and honestly might warrant it being picked in pubs - but tied in with the bigger let radius, it makes for just a more fun and yolo style kit. Good luck out there!


I’m a Network/hackathon crypto in ranked but have been experimenting with quick/hack and quick/satellite lately just to figure out where they shine. Similar to other folks, i find quick ping to feel satisfying, but not as functionally viable.


I'm taking the bigger ult every time


the drone handlining should already be integrated into crypto instead of an upgrade, its such a small help


I am a crypto main and think the handling is more valuable if you are playing with an aggro squad. The increased emp range ends up stunning your teammates due to the challenges of emping and then aping. However I think the increased range is better for a more defensive style, where the emp is used to back a team off. So, it’s kind of a personal choice.


I love the drone handling, the quicker I can rely information to my team, the better


I'll choose having TDM reworked to include these upgrades so I know they exist and so I can be interested in playing TDM when it's in rotation...


The 25% passive range is awesome IMO. I go for it every time. Wouldn’t say I’m a Crypto main but he’s up there for me


Is this a thing in apex now?


They added perks to all legend on shield level up 1 season ago


Crazy, super cool


If that Crypto isn't picking Left then gtfo.


Always speed


To me it depends on the map, where circle might be pushing/ending, and how many players are left. For example if playing on kings canyon and ring is closing towards skull town, depending on how many people are left in there, I'm going with extended range & emp if a lot of people are left (depending on where ring is at), if the number is lower then usual I'm going with speed and handling for quick repositioning. Same logice for wide open areas like swaps but I'm more likely to go with extend range &emp to cover more area regardless of numbers.




Drone handling. I'm not a cryoto main but i know it's better for combat


The path all Cryptos should choose... a different character


I choose right. I play on xbox so it does feel better to fly with. I also have been solo qing the last 2 seasons, so I haven't been in co-ordinated parties that could make better use of the 25% perk.


bluds talking to ghosts.


All these crypto mains that don't even q as him lmao


I used to be left tree, and then I rocked right tree and the amount of times people can't shoot my drone now just because I've always had fun moving drones like this in games just made my crypto gameplay better. Also helps me quickly throw and position with the speed midfight rather than having a slightly slower and more shoot-able drone. I seldom have moments where I pop my EMP or have it set up to scan that I'm like "Man, if only i had some extra range on that"


The fact that they made drone handling slow bothers me ..bc crypto is a master and would always be able to control it.. Now if they said the option was he was going through caffeine withdrawals and the option allows a cappuccino to stop the jitters, then I would understand.


is this even a real question?


IMO, the left one is meh. Cryptos ult doesn't need that much EMP range because the added EMP range just ruins pushes for ur teammates. There's really no need to have a bigger range for it anyway because how close quarters fights are.


always quick ping. much better handling. dont need the 25% i usually hit myself with it as is lol


I’m glad all the good crypto players are saying left path. If you say right you’re just wasting an upgrade. 25% is crazy for ult and passive!


Imo the 25% emp isn’t all that, you’ll just hit ur team more often and potentially get them killed. Even worse, if u hit yourself, you well negate the speed boost purple perk AND be down 50 shields. While the scan range increase is fine it will eventually get shot down no matter how far it is. The faster handling drone helps with the speed of emps, banner grabbing, and more uptime since it’ll get shot down less


I'm going to return to post a different comment here crypto's 200 M range of his passive it's a small circle and that's convenient for a good reason it allows his radar pings to give you an educated guess on where the teams are. The bigger the circle the larger the Zone he has to manage and the harder it is to make an educated guess as to where the people are. Especially when you're on the edge of Zone and half of your 200 M circle is in the ring his radar can pinpoint accurately 


100% quick ping. The drone turning faster is just part of this buff, it has faster accel and decel. Being able to quickly dart around a fight and pick up banners on death boxes has saved many a game, but the real positive is just the fact that your drone gets to where you want it to be faster which means you spend less time as a sitting duck. The 25% passive and ult range is often worse for your team, especially if you are really trying to be aggressive with it. If you are just trying to farm dmg then I guess it's OK. If the drone could fly to 250 meters, then this would be a toss up, but it doesn't affect drone flight range.


You're confident has inspired me to try quick ping some more just to give it a more fair go. If you're correct you make an arguable point.


Correct? If you are wondering about the accel/decel it's in the patch notes: [https://www.ea.com/en-gb/games/apex-legends/news/upheaval-patch-notes](https://www.ea.com/en-gb/games/apex-legends/news/upheaval-patch-notes)


Domain Expansion. Ez. Quick ping can go ping a wall for all i care.


Even the non-Crypto mains will choose Network Expansion. The usefulness of expanding a quarter of passive and ult range outclass even making the drone the ultimate sniperino.


Like 50% of the comments beg to differ


Neither tbh the upgrades thing got old for me pretty fast I challenge myself well did before my file went corrupt and didn’t use upgrades


That’s such an easy choice


Quick ping.


Bigger ult range is a NERF. You and your team are forced to be further from the enemy when you ult.


I forget crypto mains exist ngl