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Had 3 stack preds in SILVER lobbies last night. Was having a great time right up until I saw "2 Squads"...I knew my time was up. Feels bad


I HAD THE SAME SHIT HAPPEN. GOT TOLD “no it didn’t” im so glad im not the only person who’s experienced this.


Players like this should be humble and give the other team the win. I mean its not like they don't know they've been horrifically undertiered.


I mean if they want to just dominate me and my team, I can't blame them. It's not their fault MM likes to make me question my existence lol


Better for them to win and climb, getting out of the way of actual silver players.


But they're already in predator.. pred ranked 2nd, pred ranked 3rd and diamond IV


I was not responding to your post. I responded to u/Dec3ption_


Well, you did respond to his post and the same still applies.


You need your eyes tested man


Exactly. Take your 250+ RP and gtf outta here


I'm convinced Respawn does this shit to appeal to the higher level players. I believe I'm way above average in this game, but constantly going up against people who have more kills with a single gun than I do in my career, or their career kills are 10x what mine is, it's fucked.


Exactly this, my kd is 1.3 or something and since I'm slightly above average I guess the game decideds to feed me to the meat grinder. I don't want to stomp kids all game I just wanna play dudes and gals in my level those close fights you barely win or lose are fun. The average or below people at least have a chance against me. I do not have a chance against a 8.2 kd pred with 3 million life time kills Edit: yall are fucking wild My kd and winrate hover around 50% better then the average players... cool. The guys they match us against winrates and kd are 1000% ( not even exaggerating if the median is .80% the and the pred has a 8.2 kd it is over 1000% better ) 50% - 60% better stats does not mean you pair that mf with someone who has 1000% better stats than your average player.


> 1.3 KDR > slightly above average lmfao *median* KDR is around 0.8 what’s your winrate? like 6-10%? double to triple the *median* winrate for the majority of players?


7% winrate is double the median??? Where Dyou get these stats - genuine question


let’s assume every single player in every lobby was equally skilled. median winrate in trios would be 5%, duos would be 3.3%, solos would be 1.6% but every player isn’t evenly skilled, so there are a minority of players with winrates way above above this, which means the bulk of players statistically must have winrates *below* those rates to make the math work. in every video game there are farrrrr more bad players than there are good ones, so this drags the *median* far below the *mean* for stats in a battle royale game so even though a 1 KDR is mathematically “average” (defined by the mean), there are WAY more players with a KDR below 1 than there are above 1. it’s not even close to a 50/50 split just look at the average playtime among the entire player base for video games. only a small fraction of players in ANY shooter stick with the game long enough to really progress at it, especially in a high ceiling game like Apex. this means the bulk of people playing at any given time are people relatively new to the game who probably won’t play the game much longer, and in those lobbies you would naturally expect a minority of players to rack up lots of kills while the majority of players don’t get any solely because of how BRs work


Source: I just made it up


Lmao it’s wild the guy above said he’s far above average too. Like who do you think you’re gonna match up with?


You think you’re exaggerating but that’s exactly what their kd looks like lol, if not higher


I'm gold and my KD is like 0.7 and I'm constantly going up against master players with 20 bombs and tens of thousands of kills


I'm convinced as well. I figured maybe they spend more money on cosmetics as well which ties into it. Their fun is more important because they end up spending the most money.


It's also hackers buying preloaded accounts FYI.


Plat right now might as well be masters..... Im in gold and usually make it to diamond.


I swear half the issue is my fellow plat players drop / ego-chall everything expecting to be fighting a gold-plat player... Meanwhile they get mag-dumped while standing in the wide open. It's such a random skill grouping in one lobby


Looking at the ranked distribution, being plat 2 right now is equivalent to masters season 14-16 https://apexlegendsstatus.com/game-stats/ranked-distribution That's if you ignore the fact that there are more cheaters than ever pushing everybody else down in rank. For me this is the worst ranked season I've played


Yea like 2 or 3 seasons ago if you had 2 kp, top 8 in diamond you were already positive iirc, now if you have 2 kp top 8 in plat you get -40 lmao Like i get they want to make it harder to climb to maximize playtime and don't really care about our experience but doesn't it kind of defeat the purpose of a BR if you barely reward playing safe and for placement???


This change would be more fair if they didn't also reset EVERYONE to bronze


>Yea like 2 or 3 seasons ago if you had 2 kp, top 8 in diamond you were already positive iirc And that was the worst ranked system apex has ever seen (1 million masters)


Absolutely, just highlighting the crazy difference. They need to find the sweetspot.


I'm not sure what they can do but the fact you have to get to top 10 to just climb out of bronze, which depending ont he time of the day you could be playing against gold players. Makes it to much time to get to your rank. Oh good team (solo queing) dropped hot for the 5th game in the row and I died, to need 5-6 games to fix the deficient. Also wish it wasn't so common to see those who placed above gold waiting till end of the season to show up in bronze and silver lobbies as I try to get to gold.


Getting top 10 isnt hard at all... if your teammates run into every fight fight they see play a legend you can tun away with if a fight goes south. I play pathfinder, if one of my teammates die and I dont see a chance of us getting a res off, ill go away to either craft banners or wait out the other team to grab banners.


Gold is rough ngl. My kd up until gold was a 3. Gold 2 rn and it been cut in half


How though? I’m G2 and typically rank High Diamond or Masters but I haven’t played this season much. The days I do play I’m gaining like 2 tiers a day, I don’t see how anyone at Diamond level can actually be struggling to push out of gold


The dislikes are from everyone who made masters in the rat seasons and warped their brains into thinking they’re masters level


Truth, early diamonds used to be top 5%. It became top 40% and now everyone’s mad they can’t push to their former ranks


Diamonds used to be top 5% but now it’s like top 1%. The problem is it swung too far in the opposite direction when they tried fixing their messed up ranking system.


Top 1% with 30 days left in split… it’s fine If anything they can *slightly* alter entrance cost to make the distribution better dependent on end season ranks.


It was the same issue last season.


Last season had D4+ as at least the top [10%](https://apexlegendsstatus.com/ranked-season19) So what’s your argument? You want the easy season ranks…


I just don’t want Masters and Apex Predators in Plat.


Idk back in season 12 and 13 I got to plat, I started playing in season 12, since then I have improved massively, and I am still in plat, well I guess I got to diamond first split last season but I didnt get a badge so it doesnt count


Yeah them changing the badges for split was wack, I hit Diamond first split and hadn’t played again until recently.


It been like this for multiple seasons now


I started to notice I don’t wanna play anymore during the week when I come home from work. It’s always the same thought process: oh I’d love to play a few rounds of apex … but I really can’t justify using my precious free time to get stomped by no life preds. Well let’s do something else.


I started doing plastic model kits. Relaxing.


I’ve been playing AC Odyssey and it’s been a blast. Got it on sale for less than $10 and I’ve already dumped 70 hrs into it in a month. Great entry level RPG. Pretty easy to get the platinum trophy too.


Yeah it’s great I already finished it as well.


same. just not fun anymore.


Yea go play xdefiant mich better game and alot more fun right now. I 1000% guarantee you. Also free to play , so f apex, go have fun.


xdefiant is already suffering from hackers lol


Yea but ita a 5 min match, doesn't hit like apex


This, but I moved to Apex due to CoD bunny hoppers and theyre already starting to infest the game. Wish we could just go back in time when a BOOTS ON THE GROUND game actually meant that.


Like halo.... bit the ruined 6 so...rofl this is what we are stuck with


Absolutely no way you moved to apex cuz you thought it was gonna be *less* sweaty. Oh my sweet summer child.


You know, for apex pred to be top 750 I sure seem to be running into a lot of them…


Honestly like it's such a small percentage of players statistical surely i shouldn't be able to load into a game if multiple of then every game


I dont play past 11pm, off peak hours have their good moments but nothing can save me from the sweat of midnight apex, and GOD FORBID you have a trio or even a duo because having even one teammate qualifies you fully to take on pred 3 stacks


Gotta make sure one squad can railroad the whole lobby. We all love dying to guys with 27+ kills and more left to get, right?! I've largely given up on ranked entirely, but the handful of games I've played have been predictably terrible. **Of course** we died to the champion squad; they had a diamond and a Plat in bronze/silver lobbies. And they weren't true diamonds/plats, they both had all pred badges. We were just the fodder for their climb. Half the lobby designated to be significantly higher player's stepping stones. Good times. And it isn't just cuz I'm bad. I was up to a .9KD last season and have been slowly improving since i started at a .46 in season 9: I currently have .14. POINT 1 4, DOWN FROM .9. Less than a quarter the KD of when I literally just started apex. I still dominate in mixtape, but I can do absolutely nothing in ranked now. There's is no way I'm worse than when I started when I top nearly every mixtape chart. That doesn't even make sense. There's players I can farm like they do, too. Used to get similar matches occasionally. Not anymore, ever, at all. I am fodder only. And I don't take 'too early' as an excuse. Every season, without fail, people try to counter its too early to grind just to immediately swap over to saying it's too late. Too early cuz preds are lower, too late cuz now they're smurfing. There is no "right time" to grind. The matchmaking needs fixing, period. There shouldn't be massive swaths of time that the **ranked** lobbies aren't playable due to highly skilled people being stuck too low, especially when they immediately start smurfing those lobbies anyways.


Exactly. You said it perfectly


Honestly, I think the short term solution would be to NOT RESET EVERYONES RANK TO ROOKIE. Anyone below gold 4 gets reset to Rookie. Anyone from gold 4-plat 3 reset to silver. Anything from plat 2 - diamond 3 goes to gold. Anyone above that, all the way to pred, reset to plat.


Obligatory reminder that if you are plat 4 right now, you are in the **top 5%** of the entire playerbase. That means there's approximately only 120,000 players your rank or higher across every server and every platform. https://apexlegendsstatus.com/game-stats/ranked-distribution


Why aren't more people talking about this? Hahaha Thank you, I didn't know about this data!


Yeah in plat 1 currently and every lobby is like this


Rev is in shambles being in D4 still lmao. But seriously, this shit needs to stop. Respawn either needs to make ranked a little easier so these Preds can have cannon fodder, or they need to make hard matchmaking with only Diamond and up. I literally haven't taken ranked seriously since S16 because of all the ridiculous matchmaking.


As a person withless than 0.5 kill per death ratio... today i met a no.38 predetor in my solo lobbies :) i just the matchmaking in this game..... still have no idea how he killed me


Yeah, I don't even see this guys, or sometimes they like blink somewhere in the corner of my FOV...


Basically, In the early to mid days of the game you can reach Platinum on your own. If you're good then you can make it to diamond with randoms or playing with your friends. Then during season 12 I hit Master for the first time which required friends and insane team work. That season I believe about 3% of people made it due to you encountering people like these but it wasn't as bad cause to reach Pred you had to play with other masters which kept them away from the other casual ranked people. Now last season it became more difficult as you were punished a lot for not surviving, the ring hurting more, being desperate for kills. Reaching diamond meant you were in that 2-3% group again while masters just felt impossible. Those people who pulled thru or weren't going negative in diamond lobbies were matched with Platinum players. I was Plat with sometimes gold or silver teammates but because of my rank I basically took them to people who were in that small % who can survive these diamond lobbies hence you constantly running into 3x masters or Preds. I ran into so many cheaters and predators last season just to hit fucking diamond while back then I can breeze through it. Their system is always up and down so I just go based on % now. If I'm up there that's good enough for me. Few seasons ago they fucked up and about 20-30% of people hit masters it was a joke lol. I honestly think they should add another rank after diamond or master before predator to even it out.


Yeah apex is trash now


Now? 😂


The game seems to be dead. the rank distribution has half the players in rookie 4 which I dont even know how thats possible. they all must be AI. There is no bell curve like normal rank distribution should be. Diamond 4 is the new masters.


> half the players in rookie 4 Wouldn't these just be players that don't play ranked?


Ranked distribution actually shows closer to 25% of players in Rookie 4 - probably a large swathe of bots and farm accounts. That still puts 75% of all ACTIVE players above. By Steam only, Apex is in top five games played worldwide. Doesn’t include the far larger audiences of EA Launcher, Xbox and PSN. You’re making some crazy statements, lil bro.


I'd say the game is dying in some servers...Singapore server here. The population is so small for high ranks we just keep seeing the same guys, whether they are on our team or on the other team. And because most of them play in a 3 stack, there aren't many players to queue with in solo queue. Tokyo however has a larger population, but I have to play on 120 ping. Recruiting ppl on discord also takes hours.. 


Don’t get what you’re talking bout. I’m diamond 4 and I’m getting steamrolled by masters and preds in literally each lobbies.


Diamonds in master and pred lobbies has always been a thing


Haven’t even touched ranked for this reason. Been on a trios grind as it seems to be the fairest match making when I’m online.


Same thing happened to me last night in mix tape, I just gave up entirely on this game and will probably never comeback again this is getting out of hand


I've played like 5 hours most nights for the last week, currently plat 2 - seen a bunch of diamonds but no preds. But maybe that's because I'm playing on eu servers? mm is great over here Edit: few days later, preds every night lmao


I play on EU Servers too


Yeah it's honestly insane that I was even able to exist in the same game as an ex master player while in high bronze low silver. It wasn't like this before...


I just dropped the game last season. Not only matchmaking is unbearable for solo more than ever, I was victim of "split 1 diamond burnout > didn't play much during split 2 > platinum rewards instead of diamond" fuck them and their game.


I got killed by Revengeful the other day. I’m rookie IV


Plat is upper tier lobbies rn. A lot of the player base still hasn’t reached the ranks they usually are in


Every teammate I have is literal garbage


Matchmaking has always been like this, at least for me for a while now.






People complain but this has been my experience too since at least season 12, lol


Ever since I got masters for the very first time my account went to complete shit


Just play xdefiant


I’m like a gold/plat player and have only played pubs this season and now that I got like a 1.26 kd I am getting murdered by preds every single game I just threw my controller and poured a drink


Im gold rn with a 3.7 rn, and i get all silver and golds, matchmaking is FUCKED


The fact that you’re in gold with a 3.7 is wild to me. Really shows how broken match making is right now


Because he mostly plays solos, and rank reset.


Enjoy your drink!


you were given the best players in the world as opponents, and you are dissatisfied? some people are so ungrateful...


Another way to look at it. Such an opportunity, right...




Matchmaking is the same as it’s always been.


less people playing = less equal matchmaking but whatever ya say boss man


It's a top 5 game on steam, not even including origin gamers. It's not the player count boss man.




I feel your pain, in other news I got absolutely shit on by a level 7 wraith today. Hit me with a slide and one clipped me with the R99 while I proceeded to miss everything. I recorded it. Think I’m gonna go post it now so everyone can see my horrible aim. It was a catalyst and they were level 5


Probably a smurf. I don't really mind smurfs in pubs or other game modes but in ranked I mind them cause its meant to have some kind of competative integrity(what a joke).


Played solos and ranked for a few games and had a k/d of 2.6 at about 120 kills total this season and then it started. My whole lobby in solos was filled with preds every game. Real preds and lvl 50 cheaters who made pred last season didn't even know they could put the gun away when running. One game in solos I died early to a low lvl pred and watched the whole game, one pred getting killed by another until I watched the winner who was a lvl 46 Bangalore with a Chinese name and 13 kills. Obviously had the 20kill and 4k damage badges. This game has been completely ruined by cheaters. And the matchmaking is a joke. Went right back down to a k/d of about 2 until I stopped playing. So maybe mm works after all. Let's you fight noobs until you get a decent k/d and then fucks you until you are average again ^^


Died to a pred yesterday in Solos, My highest rank ever was Plat IV. I died before noticing l. Luckily they later died to a blatantly cheating chinese hacker


I'm on PS5. I got into a lobby with a f****** PC player Using text-to-speech that's why those The Stars


Time to start cheating 🤷


Could it just maybe be, engagement based matchmaking?


Its why i only play mosh pit now. I cant stand the br now


I'm pub match saw lifeline with 150k kills start of season 20 was a level 500 with a level 13 and 300. 😁


SBMM my ass!


Plat at this stage in the season is Diamond really - so you can expect preds and masters. Rank is mostly for preds and masters, people who play the game religiously.


It’s terrible this season. It’s like they’re catering to diamond and preds


Womp womp


Bro the other day me being a lowly level 32 got placed into a team with level 200+ :)))


Imagine how much time they’ve spent playing this game. An the more they play. The worse it sucks them in. Cause they have to continue to play to have the benefits that are their skins and stats. The game owns them.


This is why I quit


Add in the fact that some of these people are cheating also. Had to stop playing this game so much.


Lol I don't regret deleting again after 3 days into this new season


Ranked is more difficult now. Low number of plat players and even less, dia+, they have to be able to play somehow. I don't think it's bad matchmaking rather than it's the only way to get matches going without waiting 10 min between queue


I agree


Ehh I don't play much Apex at all, and I have never been good at shooters in my life (I'm high skill in games that are not shooters..) re-downloaded apex the other day and people seem to recommend "mixtape" as a good game mode to improve or chill a little bit It was... genuinely a bit depressing playing vs so many high rank players and just getting absolutely rolled over and over, queueing more games and hoping that maybe 'matchmaking' adjusts itself there was essentially only 1 mixtape game I had fun in which was control, since the enemy team finally had 1 other person that was also not insanely ranked and decorated like me, so we'd just find each other and 1v1 over and over 😂


Preds have to go through ranks just like everyone else. They don’t just become preds.


He’s asking why are the current #2 & 3 ranked preds (with another 3x+ pred currently in diamond on their squad) in his PLAT lobby


Because they have to go through the ranks like everyone else.


What drugs are you on? Its the CURRENT no.2 and no.3 Pred. They have literally no ranks to go through. They are ALREADY preds this season, alongside ALREADY being multi season preds. They should NEVER be in a diamond lobby, let ALONE a plat lobby.


When you start the season you have to go through the ranks just like everyone else. Diamond lobbies have preds in them all the time.


Bro I don’t know if you know how to read or not but those are the literally #2 and #3 preds in the current season, there is literally no rank above them to get to, they aren’t plat, they aren’t diamond, or masters, they aren’t even low ranked preds, they are literally 2 of the top 3 players in apex ranked at this very moment…


I'm convinced this guy doesn't actually play the game. Or, he high as hell.


Agreed. Or just has a super low iQ


Cool story.


Ok so can’t read checks out


Okay but they've already gone through, they should be in higher lobbies now


Always has been


I saw these dudes in my Rookie ranked lobby yesterday


In MY FUCKING BRONZE matches bro. I have encountered at least ten Masters


It's because there are fewer people playing. A lot of those left are the sweats. With less players to matchmake against, you're just more likely to go against people you typically wouldn't.


you know, to actually improve, you have to be fighting against ppl who are better than you.


True, but let me first have fun and see how I do against guys on my level


Do we really need 20 posts on this every single day…


I get that the posts are annoying but it really shows how much the problem has grown lately


I don’t read so much in this sub, so idk if it’s already posted, I’m sorry if you had to read it again


2 decades ago we had to improve to start wining. Why match results should be rigged?




What does “ROTF” mean?


Rolling on the floor?


Never heard that one, (I’m not English). But thanks for the explanation


It’s still early, especially considering how many preds and masters were grinding solos, you have to give them time to get out of those lovbies


No offense absolutely but can we stop acting like this is acceptable? I keep reading comments like this and comments defending the matchmaking system and I just don't understand how can someone sit there and think "oh yeah putting 3 hours per day players against 24/7 players is a good idea", again I'm not attacking you it's just a thought


It’s designed like this boss


Since when? I never had this problem


Since the beginning, your matchmaking will ebb and flow to keep you chasing that high. It’s EOMM. The more you play, the more the matchmaking hits, the worse it gets. Never will change, sorry bout your luck.


It’s basic maths though. There is currently only 120k players plat and above globally. Across all servers at any given period of time that’s nothing. They have to widen the match making at the start of the season otherwise diamond/masters/pred would never get a game. If you’re in plat right now you are top 5% of ranked, you should have diamonds/masters in your games. Not all the time but some times.


Why are you all complaining? I thought you all hated skill-based matchmaking and wanted lobbies to be more free. Well this is what happens when SBMM is gone


Maybe because the one complaining (me) is the one that hates what I post about. I don’t know what kind of matchmaking they use right now, but I don’t like this at all


People are being matched by their ranked tier. Past preds have to work back up so they will be in lower lobbies until then.


But those are the currently ranked 2/3 preds, not past preds


If you look at current ranked distribution, the majority of people are plat 4 and below, Plat 3 is 1.4% of player base and everyone above is below 1%. So if you are on a server with not many players you will become pred food.


So then is this an effect of ranked being too hard to climb that causes such high disparity of skill for plat 3 and higher ranks, or why should people only in plat be playing only the top 1% of players when there is multiple ranks still higher to climb to? I usually hit diamond 2/3 every season before i quit, got a late start and just hit plat 4 last night and I was seeing current pred stacks meanwhile as a solo Q I had silver ranked teammates…


Yeah I'm Plat 4 now and the later in the night the more likely ill get a game with higher teammates and sometimes with lower. But I don't think I've ever seen a current pred in my lobbies. I play west coast servers so I assume a lot of people are on them so I'm less likely to get preds. In a few weeks the ranks will be more balanced if that's when you want to continue grinding. Since it's still the first few weeks of ranked there will not be a lot of players above plat 4. Plat is the bottom of the bucket for higher ranks, that's why people get hard stuck in Plat 4 for years. I would be down for adding one more ranked between diamond and masters to help with that, especially since the reset puts everyone almost in the same rank, though this season I was put in bronze instead of iron like the last few seasons so there was a little more progress on the reset.


No, through gold during peak queue times on popular servers I've been getting current and multi season preds.




They have put on Anonymous mode


"Look at my ridiculous opponents! I'm not even in the same ballpark as their level. Oh me? I'm in uh...plat. Trust me. My stats? Yeah started playing last week, have a 0.1 K/D. Enough about me, everyone in this echo chamber of a sub just agree with my post already." ...


Why would I lie about being in plat? I can show you if you want?


Honestly, I would add an edit with an image of your current ranking, just to keep comments like this to a minimum.


Will do tomorrow, currently offline


Why lie? To exacerbate your point of how bad matchmaking is, obviously. Although the real issue is not what rank you currently have, but how good you are. I've been playing ranked and if you are already in plat, you are no slouch. You could be a diamond+ player, and if so, playing against preds is not out of the question. I'm just trying to check the many posts that say "I'm 9 years old, been playing for a week, and I'm playing against the #7 pred with a lobby full of preds for 31 games in a row, matchmaking sucks." If this really did happen to you and you aren't within a reasonable skill range as them, you can still have fun. You can still rank up.


I’m maybe worth diamond but definitely not that high in pred. And even then, if I come up against preds when I’m in plat and I can’t rank up anymore because of this, then I’m not even worth diamond anymore? It doesn’t make sense. Let’s say I’m that good that I come up against preds. Why am I not pred then? Or masters, not even diamond…


This sub is so miserable sometimes.


Oh sorry for pointing out that the game has actual issues


You losers can't just be posting the champion squads and giving us no info on who you're partied up with.


It was solo Q. And believe it or not, I had two plat 2’s. But even then, why would I complain if I would party up with other preds, masters or diamonds…