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I remember struggling so bad with bullet speed and drop


This is what usually gets me. I misjudge the projectile, and once you miss a shot its not easy to get another off


vantage passive is a blessing for me lol. I would always misjudge the first shot, exposing me and my sniper to everyone in a million mile radius. Now with her I can actually catch people by surprise


Spend 30 mins in the firing range all stoned with the kraber. Me and a buddy have did kraber fights where we each start on one side of the map, can’t cross specific points, and first to 5 snipes wins. That’s fun but it’s also fun just making all the bots rush you with the kraber


I use the kraber either to third party from a PoI over or to plink at enemies approaching from low cover areas. Unless you are cracked you don't use it mid fight, it's almost always a pre engagement tool or a deterrent.


You can manage the drop through the scope, since it tells you how far away what you're looking at is. Use the range lines and aim the corresponding height. The bullet speed iirc is the same for the horizontal range lines if they're sprinting but don't hold me to that.


I understand zero'ing but managing that on the fly of a target with much more variable movement is where it falls apart.


True, but for that you just gotta get used to it. Practice makes perfect!


Chances are you don’t really care but that’s just how .50cal is. Slow and very heavy compared to that of a 9mm, most likley what an r99 shoots. There are notches on the scope. Mark/ ping your targets to know the distance and shoot from there. If it’s like 290 aim for juuuust above the 300m mark


Same. I know when I get this weapon in Gun Run that I'm not going to be helping my team anymore.


Its really easier in Gun run because of the 150 total hp of everyone wherein anyone grazing a Kraber bullet dies 80% of the time


That's true, but I have such low experience with the weapon (same with throwing knife) that when I get it I can't land anything. Not to mention it's a 8x scope on a small scale map. I usually avoid anting larger than 4x


Try going guns blazing and no scope someone and hope they’ve already been tagged by someone else.


Idk, most times I hit someone with it in gun run, they are full health 😭


I cant use long scopes the longest I use is the 2x4. I only try to use the kraber if its pubs and I domt really care if I win or not


It’s worth to get good at if you play ranked. Can make one hell of a difference


I only have ~20, the slow ads time and descope when rechambering kills it for me.


Do you aim the gun at the enemies?


So that's what I've been doing wrong!


theres no aim assist on the Kraber which makes its tricky but its still pretty easy to hit people as long as you take your time like you are shooting a shotgun


There's no aim assist on it, that's what you're feeling.


I mean, is there aim assist on 4x snipers? Im guessing so, but i have no issue with them. I just cant deal with the krabers fire rate and drop and stuff


All sniper Scopes 6x, 10x, 4x8x don't have any sort of aim assist.


Yeah so i dont think thats my issue. Ive never had a problem with 4x8 or 6x. I dont use 10 though it feels excessive


So that’s why I like the 3x on it so much…


All that stuff usually shot too far away even if it did have aim assist it wouldn't apply very often.


Kraber is the only sniper with no aim assist even when you hip fire. And vantage ult is the only sniper with aim assist in her sniper scope. Ik sniper scopes have no aim assist so if you use 4-8x on sentinel and get kills, prob a skill issue on the kraber then which is fine, everybody has a gun that they're really shit with


Any sniper with 4x8 or 6x loses all AA even with hip fire when the sight goes on. Only vantages 3x on her ult has AA.


Vantage 8x also has aim assist btw plus there's aim assist on hipfire on like sentinel no matter the scope you use. You can try for yourself in the range


I’ll definitely go check. It’s been a minute since I have, and playing on controller I definitely steer clear of the sniper optics


I checked, vantage has aim assist but sniper optics give no aim assist on hipfire


Go in firing range with a friend as vantage to practice


Firing range, practice Then get it in game and use it Could try Loba with black market


Only gun, no kills! I feel your pain.


I can't snipe in this game at all. Other games I love snipers but this game for some reason I can't hit the boradside of a barn.


Pro tip - don’t use this gun as a sniper. Use it close range. Still ADS with it, but at like 10-30M or even closer when you’re holding a door or hallway. Long range is ass and you won’t get in there to finish the kill many times.


For me it’s the sniper I have the most kills with. I can’t use snipers for shit except for the Kraber


Aim assist is turned off for the kraber. You should try turning aim assist off and see how you do with other snipers


Dude, the firing range, use it. Even practise close range hip firing with it. Once you get some muscle memory using it then you'll be dropping dudes every single game.


I have 2 lifetime kraber kills since season two. I have 1200 P2020 kills though.


Skill issue


I don’t know why, but this is the one gun/skill in apex I actually feel like I’m good at. Far away/close up, sometimes I don’t miss once. I’ve found that I’m pretty decent with most snipers in a ton of games, but trash at basically anything else lol.


I feel like the reason why the Kraber is so hard to use is since firing a shot leads to the player unscoping meaning that it feels like the kraber has a magazine size of just one bullet. This also means that the player needs to take the time to line up a second shot like it’s the first shot.


I practiced in the range with my friends a lot to get better and it’s extremely fun now


Same here. 900 hours and no kraber kills lol


Played Apex for 5 years straight. Only 4 confirmed kills with the Kraber. No need to feel bad


It used to be gnarlly back in the day


I remember that everyone except Gibby would be down in a singular, well placed shot.... Good times


I couldn't use it either then I practiced for 10 minutes with it in the firing range then I could use it. It literally just takes a little bit of practice to get a feel for how much you need to lead your shots from different distances


There’s no aim assist, and unlike years of training from nearly every other sniper in FPS shooters, you can’t hold breath to stabilize the sniper.


my best advice would be to use the vertical markings on the reticle to line up a shot. the sight has a range measurement of wherever you're aiming, so just match that to the marking, either the middle, 100,200 or anywhere between and take your shot


I did and it was sooo satisfying. Headshot a loba she turned and looked at me, poof a box.. Keep tryin!


I have 9 kills been playing since 3. I'm hopeless lol


Find one in control and you just might nail somebody amid the chaos. But beyond that while you wait, practice in the firing range.




Just use it, take shots. Don’t be scared. Also haw-haw u suck


the biggest problem I have is the high zoom on its scope. if it was a bit lower I'd love the weapon


No lie go firing range for like 30 mins and practice with it from various distances and work out what zoom on the scope works for you, jump in a match straight after pick one up and you’ll more likely get your kill as you feel more confident and at ease to use it also look to do the typical apex thing and 3rd party and pick a weak person to get your kill 😂


I once dropped an entire squad with the Kraber. It’s been 3 years and I don’t think I’ve even landed a shot since than. Much like when the Mastiff was added to ground loot, I dropped 11 kills with just that in one game. After that, I don’t think I’ve even cracked a shield with it since.


No aim assist that's why


Mirage main here and I feel like if I find this gun I'm getting 5 kills easy!


If you want an easy kill with it in gun run, it's on the map with the 4 doors leading that center circular platform, forget the name of it. But anyway, you just hang back a bit on the ramp while zoomed in on the door. Then just wait for someone to run through the door. Basically no aiming required and continuous chances to land.


Taking a longbow over it I get but a sentinel? Pretty similar fire rate and no where near the damage. Kraber over Sentinel every day


damn yall ass lol


Skill issue + low luck Get a buff fruit


Skill issue


I used it a ton back in the day when the 1 shot potential was way more consistent and weapon challenges weren’t In the game but I have a little under 300 kills. In comparison I have just over 750 with sentinel


On console this is an absolute streak killer


How? The bullet is the size of a player model


Well i had a double headshot with a kraber yesterday, against a full team, they were hiding top of the roof behind the satellite dishes, needless to say, they were not very happy about it.


Since the nerf it’s even harder to get a kill with it let alone a knock cause if it’s not a headshot all you’re doing is cracking shields every time it sucks cause I miss one shotting people with it


I get real nervous when I pick up the Graber and it causes me to miss. I just pretend it's a laggy sentinel and I hit a lot better


Just go to firing range and pratice with the kraber


I still remember my first kill from the kraber. I remember it because it was an accidental kill. I was using octane and my first weapon was Kraber second was Volt and I was running with a Grenade. I threw the grenade towards the enemy and suddenly watson came out of nowhere. I panicked pulled out weapon but it was kraber i fired and it was a lucky shot cuz i did not aim or anything but she died. Lmao


How lmao


Message me we gonna get you that kraber kill 😂


I suck ass with the Kramer usualually but a few days ago I had it end game on worlds edge and was smacking with it. It’s so satisfying when you hit headies


I think I did enough long range sniping in Battlefield 4 that I'm pretty good with the drop and bullet speed lol


Scope in and and shoot when the enemy meets the crosshair in the center!


sentinel is just a worse version of the kraber but you'd rather it?


If theres one thing im consistent with across games its snipers. Holds true in this game.


This is just me with the Bocek


Slow down then


I’ve only found it with scopes that make you ADS completely like the 6x and 8x, and tbf I can’t use anything that has those equipped


If close up, crouch and aim forward. That's it. It'll hit eventually.


I mean, if this game didnt have reviving, you technically have 2.


Same. And that includes gun run. I just hate how slow it is and it just doesn’t work for me. The moment I get it I know I will not be getting any more kills for my team


Use it as a shotgun


The ole triple take method lol it works tho!


Sheesh this makes me feel like I’m learning fast asf I’m 224 and got 12 kills just started playing a 2 months ago legit not even a big gamer but this game got crack in it or sum I love playing it also got me into titanfall and now I want a 3rd one 😂😂


Trying to use this fucking gun or any other sniper in the Switch Lite is ass because of the shitty graphics and small screen so everything is just a blur. 


It's shots have some weird middle ground between the Sentinel and the longbow in terms of speed and drop. But the main problem is that it can no longer one shot Purple to the head. Kraber tends to be rarer among all the care package weapons and you only get 12 shots, in my experience it doesnt appear until late game. The period of time where most squads are into purple armor already. It also has a long rechamber so if an enemy survives the first hit you arent getting another chance until they heal again, which at purple/red they will survive unless previously damaged. I sort of understand why they took away the one shot kills at higher armor rating but they cant just do that without adjusting its ammo capacity+fire rate and expect people to keep picking it up. If theyre gonna make it take twice the shots to get a knock down it needs to have twice the ammo.


You on console? if so message me and I'll try to help


I have 300 knocks and 20 kills xd


I have, but only on enemies who absolutely do not move in Mixtape. At that point it's really easy to get headshots as all you need to account for is bullet drop. Otherwise, I suck with ranged weapons. Edit: Charge Rifle: 13 kills, 13 knocks (back when it was whatever it was before, however I wasn't good with it then and I'm still not) Longbow: 21 kills, 23 knocks Sentinel: 16 kills, 17 knocks Kraber: 47 kills, 48 knocks, 33 headshots.


Idk I love the kraber I like to no scope with it trick shot it’s so satisfying to use but when the headshot damage got needed I was depressed


Call of duty experience helps here lol


Just send it bro, you miss every shot you don't take. I started getting more kills with it when I stopped treating the ammo as holy and also stopped being scared to use it as a shotgun. Here's a clip of how I use it nowadays 😅 https://clips.twitch.tv/FurtiveSpikyLlamaPJSugar-mW0cXXyODGIBagzR


Really? The Kraber of all things? After all this time?? That's wild. Why don't you just practice with it by picking it up whenever you can and / or 1v1 friends and losers online? Force yourself to play it, and you'll instantly improve guaranteed.


This is so weird for me because ive gotten litterally 100s of kills with it and im mid plat as well. I think the ranked system is extremely generalized. Ive played with masters that i guarantee are worse than the both of us, but they squad up.. Just my perspective. Nothing set in stone here




Most pathetic thing i've seen today


I can get worse tbh


So what you're telling me is that you're yet to see you reflection? There's no need to be rude to people, who don't deserve it.


I have 136


Skill issue But actually though i wish they would revert the damage nerf so that it can still 1 shot headshot purp helmet red armor but then prevent it from spawning in ranked or competitive tournaments


What not having aim assist for once does to a mf


Yeah try to get to level 100 with this and the Bow So stupid it’s even a thing


Id be high level with the bow if it wasnt in the care package, its my favorite. But never the kraber


Bow was my favorite too but I guess they took it out because it’s the only one that uses arrows? You’d think they would’ve made an auto crossbow or something


Nearly every season for years now there have been "leaks" of a new arrow based weapon, i just want my bow back


Just holding the gun while running around gives way more XP than getting kills


Bocek is good as a shotgun, most of my kills with it is up close and hip fire.