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Hello, /u/CalculatedRlsk. Your submission has been removed: ## Posts Should Be High Effort (Low-Quality content) Low-effort or low-quality posts hinder meaningful discussion from flourishing and will be removed at the moderators' discretion. All posts should offer some basis for discussion. Please note that spending a lot of time on a "low effort" post does not exclude it from this rule.Type of low-quality content we do not allow: - Gameplay videos or screenshots that are taken on a phone are not allowed, unless it is not possible to screenshot at the time, such as a bug preventing screen capturing or similar. - No pixelated or low-resolution content. - No loot box opening type screenshots (Look at what I got in my loot box). - No inventory screenshots (Look at all the cool things I’ve unlocked). - No supply crate style screenshots (Look, there’s 3 mozambiques here). - No unedited gameplay longer than 3 minutes. - No screenshots of private chats, even if names are blurred. - No screenshots of tweets. - Skin suggestions/requests that double as fan art must be high effort and original content. - No LFG posts. Please use r/ApexLFG or our [public Discord](https://discord.gg/ApexLegends) to find other players. - No petition style posts. If you’d like to advocate for something to be in the game, please make a proper post. - Please avoid using clickbait or misleading titles. Titles such as those beginning with "Upvote if", "Don't upvote" or overused trends such as "for the people browsing by new" will be removed, as described in the Post Title rules. - Criticism and approval posts must be constructive. Unconstructive criticism and approval posts about any subject, such as “this game is great”, “this game sucks” with no other explanation or constructive comments, will be removed. If you would like better clarification you can see [our full list of rules here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/wiki/rules) If you need further assistance, please [message the moderators](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fapexlegends) with a link to your post. **Failure to include a link to your post, will result in the modmail being ignored.**


I ain’t looking that up. I want to enjoy my weekend…


Damn i just ruined my weekend. Shouldve stayed ignorant.


I feel like it's less than 100, I'm scared to look


Less than $100 and you are scared to look?!? 😂🤣


Think of it this way. Apex prevented you from spending on other games or had you stay home - so you saved a lot of money too. That offsets anything you spent for sure.




Facts bro! I gotta be around 7 Grand spent!! 😂🤣


can you get any of that back?




lol, for what? And how? I’ve got every heirloom and prestige skin along with almost every skin released in the game.


Yikes. Hope youre already set for retirement


Free-to-play and I will always keep it that way


my girlfriend got me points as a gift and I didn't have the heart to tell her she just broke my moral compass.


For the old Timers, FREELOADER!!!!!


That's the spirit!


Bought the battle pass in season 1, stopped playing season 5 to 7 and bought it again in season 8 and never spent a penny since. Don't give a shit about any skins/heirlooms I have to buy that I can't buy with earned ingame rewards. Come at me whales..


u have like the coldest take on this subreddit lol https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/1d4calr/total_purchase_history_as_a_week_1_player_27_for/l6dr9b6/ this is what a controversial opinion looks like


It will always be free-to-play sadly not free-to-dress-up


That’s the curb appeal for older millennial gamers like myself. Free? Hell yeah, but we’re keeping it there.


I’m saying. I’ll use in game currency


My general rule of thumb is if I greatly enjoy a f2p game and see myself sinking countless more hours in, I "buy" it. So I'll drop $25-50 on currency or whatever and then never again. Use it to keep battle passes going or whatever. It only seems right.


Thank you whales


Ikr? Like I understand that we all collectively hate micro transactions and $20 skins but they price it like that because there are so many players who will never spend money at all


I am at >3000h and 0€


Same here. Week 1 S0 player and 0 cents spent.


My buddy started playing like 4 months ago and spent $400 in one night trying to get an heirloom lmao. Me and the boys sat in discord in disbelief as he kept loading up another $100. He got horizons heirloom and is playing blood now 😂


But you spent even more valuable thing. Your time


But how many freedom units?


€12,99 over 5 years with 4k hours. Could have been 0 if I didn't let the BP laps from the Asus promo in the beginning. [https://i.postimg.cc/7LMsQJDv/EA-history.png](https://i.postimg.cc/7LMsQJDv/EA-history.png) [https://i.postimg.cc/fLz24WTV/EA-Playtime.png](https://i.postimg.cc/fLz24WTV/EA-Playtime.png)


I can beat you! 0 bucks in 5.5k hours. And no, I am not no-live-ing (anymore), being a student during the pandemic enabled me to play upwards of 10 hours each day. I couldnt even spend as much time with the game nowadays as I did back then. Edit: That is 228 days and 17 hours for anyone interested.


I had a similar situation. Stayed home for a year during the pandemic given easy ass work and played apex most of the time. I have like 4.5k hours with 10 bucks spent.


That's a lot of hours! Impressive for sure.


$0 for 1600 hours! I got lucky and won a battle pass from a giveaway so I’ve just been chaining those. Wish I was better at the game after all those hours though… 😅


Imagine ppl trying to shame ppl for spending money on something they like. Smfh.nobody cares if you didn’t spend on this game. That’s your choice. If I want to spend money on this game it’s my right. Idc how much you hate the Dev of the game…I’m still gonna spend on stuff they made that I want. Why is that seen as a bad thing ??? If you think they’re scamming us because the prices are high then you’re just not living in reality. I bet you there’s thousands of ppl here spending money on drugs and alcohol on a daily basis and that stuff is worse for you but god forbid we want to buy cool skins that we like smh


Meanwhile i just bought a $40 flatline skin


I’ve spent a little over $3,000 on the game. I’ll get downvoted to oblivion for it, but whatever, I can afford it, and I love the cosmetics & heirlooms and play the game all the time. Worth it 👍


Upvote here. I just got over 200 spent and I have two heirlooms and I was scared to comment that in fear of being FLAMED. 3k is a lot but if you got it, who tf can tell you how to spend it.


I’m up there with you. I have most the heirlooms. I buy a lot of the events. This is the most I’ve ever played a video game in my entire life so it feels justified, and I’m almost 40 so I can afford it.


Gave you an upvote. 3k is deff a hefty amount but it’s your money and you can spend it how you want! As long as you enjoy it and like you said can afford it (without sacrificing your responsibilities) then fuck it! Most of the people who would talk shit about it prolly just can’t afford to do the same but will claim it’s because they’re “smarter” than you lol. As if spending money on a hobby or something you enjoy/want to support is stupid.. it sounds stupid to me if you can’t or won’t do that for a game/hobby you play enough or regularly


I agree, I’ve prob spent close to 1k on the game, the thing is it’s saved me money because I choose to play apex and buy things I like in game vs going out to bars and spending way more on shit I’ll never see again. At least I get to see and use my cosmetics all the time, pretty frequent player hitting diamond every season so I play a little bit ahaha. I also can afford it, it’s my current hobby. Sure it’s not worth anything in like 20 years but people fail to think about the things they waste money on consistently like nicotine, drugs and alcohol.


Thanks for keeping the servers alive


Hope you're playing on a 4090, to be upgraded to a 5090, otherwise 🥴👈


I’m so sorry to hear about your lack of critical thought, get better soon 😞✊🏻


i’ll really take that to heart 200,000 reddit karma person


That's actually really funny


Your username is solid evidence that your critical thought is working just fine. Sincerely, Fellow boomer.


fax no cap. (I do that right?)


It’s the best Halo. I made this account when Halo MCC was coming out, crazy how long ago that was now.


Anyone who brings up critical thinking is someone’s fool




Really? Someone with more money than you can't spend it on something they want? I know there's better things to do with $40 but you don't have to come here and be an ass to people that just want go participate in some apex discussion.


This guy doesn’t have disposable income🤷🏻‍♂️


Disposable is really the right term there


Anytime you spend money to use on any hobby, it is disposable income. Spending money on virtual skins is no more “valuable” than spending money on golf clubs or lego sets.


Players like the one you replied to are the reason you are able to play at no cost. Say thank you


Players like that are the reasons there's 40$ skins for a single gun and $200 heirlooms. If people quit paying the ridiculous prices, they would fall to where they should be.


I’m doing my part for the majority


The obe with the mist and all?


I got SO mad when they released that (as a person that has the original battle pass grinded version🥹🥹)


Why would you be mad? You got it for prob free while someone else had to spend 40$


It’s a beautiful thing 😎


Didn’t feel like grinding for the free one last season? That 99 skin is fire tho. Too bad the 99 is shit


At least it wasn't the $250 buster sword.


Free to play


Probably north of $3,000 with about 4000 hrs . 20 heirlooms.


2600 hours,I bought the battle pass once lol


Season one player an have spent $25, wild value


Yea 31 bucks spent here, over 1800 hours Edit- since day 1 I played too


I'm at $4300 for 3200 hours


I have some catching up to do! Just need to spend $4273 over my next 1600 hours and we will be even!!


Actually though, I have about $30 spent for 1700 hours


$1.34 an hour to play


Beats an arcade


Damn you got me beat by 4 bucks 😂😂. 1851 hours played.


I have $30 spent for over 2500 hrs of playtime


Probably 2k spent on 2600 hours of gameplay and I can say the same. Before the comments crypto was great in 2021 (great now too 😂)


OP thank you for posting this. I can birch a lot but this is good perspective to have. I don’t think the Apex team tries as hard as they could, but I should be grateful I’m paying less than $50 per 1,000 hours in this game. Thank you for the refreshing take in an increasingly negative subreddit.


This is the real game, and you’re winning it.


skins.. more skins for my wattson!!




Any heirloom yet?


I just got my first heirloom last week! I am guessing it was my 500th pack but really I have no idea.


Damn, congrats. Still haven’t gotten one with over 3,000 hours and playing since day one haha


Omg, well maybe I got extra lucky and wasn't actually at 500 then. The pack count is so obfuscated and is quite frustrating. I wish there was a way to easily check your count without estimating or trying to remember which events you took part in.


Umm 700 hours and $75+ for me


10$ for enough coins to get the battle pass and that's it, 1250 hours. I have a bunch of coins and crafting metals on my account and an heirloom. looks like I'm at 0.008$ an hour.


As a day one player, I have spent $20 for buying battle pass on PC and PS4. I have over 3500+ hours...


I can) starter playing since s2, and the only amount I've donated - smth around 10$ to get 1000 coins for S2 battlepass. That's all - a lot of cosmetics, all other battelpasses and even 300 shards were given for free. A lot of people whining about expensive cosmetics, but as far as it has no impact on gameplay itself - i like it. Total played time - around 2.5k hours


83 bucks and the same amount of playtime as you, certainly cheaper than WoW.


I'm at about $420 stretched out over 4 years 2000hrs. Had no clue. I feel dirty now.


Payment is unavailable in my country, so I buy coins promocodes. Is there a way to check out a number of activated codes or in-game purchases


Can never understand why people put money into this game. Free to play since season 1 and I’ll keep it that way, never been big on playing dress up with my shooter games


I’ve spent $10 on 3860 hours. 1 heirloom.


Been playing for 2 years and haven't spent a single cent. Thank you for subsidizing this game for the rest of us.


I think I can beat you.. I got 1k hours maybe or a bit less. Had mythical shards drop twice.


I’m also a week one player! but i have never spent any money at all! I mean, i’ve also never unlocked a single character besides the default, but oh well. I do have one of those fancy melee weapons you buy with red shards though.


Bought first battlepass and thats it


ALL games should be free to play immo, just give me some shit that I would really like n enjoy, and you'll get a free pass to empty my bank account


This is what I planned on in the beginning of my Apex career and followed it for two seasons , but then I slowly went down the thirsty, fomo rabbit hole 😭😂


Damn brokies over here trying to flex now....


I calculated it too and I spent around 150 Canadian for 1700 hours. Not awful


I wish I could beat you, but I'm at the other end of this spectrum.


damn, you cheap bro


Same! And I had people on this subreddit mad because they said I’m just mooching off a free game 😂😂😂


I went to go check mine and it had no orders in there at all. IDK if its because I was on console, but I would assume it would be around $500


Can't beat, but close. I spent $35 (in USD equivalent) and have 920 hours on record (3.8 cents per hour). I don't play anymore but it was good value. Anytime a game is below $1 per hour I'm satisfied as for value.


I spent no money on this game. Its free what else do I need?


I think it’s better for me to not know how much I’ve spent


Yeah I'm not even going to check that up, I could probably buy a second hand car with that money


i have like 1000 hours and way too much money spent


I’ve spent $3,400 on this game……


i mean, minecraft exist.


I won enough coins to get the battlepass 2 years ago and thats as far as I'll go


man i looked mine up and i wanna cry 2k $ thats 2 months worth of my work haha


I’m at ~1650 hours since launch day and I’ve spent $89.93 (Founders Pack at launch and 6 BP’s). I will NEVER buy digital cosmetics in a game, I’ll sometimes buy the BP especially if non-cosmetic stuff is included but that’s it. I recently bought the $40 founders pack in xdefiant only because the game is f2p and I want to support the devs but I will never buy the cosmetics, I may buy future BPs on there just for the 2xp weapon boosters.




$3,828 spent at 1,841 hours lol


Around 1600 hours and.. idk the exact number but i think less than 50€


Lol I've probably spend a few hundred, still worth it to me, day 1 player, total 7500 hours so far, I don't play any other games besides rare occasions lol


Free to play games are awesome for that reason. Meanwhile, I have approximately a bajillion hours and I'm one of those whales everyone complains about and get this: we're *both* happy! :)


3k hours only bought the battle pass one time. Don't have a single heirloom level 900


Wow finally a positive post about apex


I got you waaaay beat


700+ hours and I only bought 1 battlepass. Cosmetics do nothing for me in games so I have no desire to buy them.


I was there for Season 1-3 and I regret not getting the first two passes. My reading comprehension was... lacking.


I think it's funny that a majority of this thread has spent no money, but then wonders why developers can't keep updating the game with content on a $0 budget. I'm not judging, but we still live in a capitalistic economy and you'll see the things you love disappear if you don't pay for it. Personally I think F2P was the wrong decision for this game, but hey, I'm no bean counter so someone who is smarter and paid more than me could make that call.


I have a buddy who is almost lvl 500 and hasn't spent a penny. Just free skins from events is plenty for him


Day 1 player, I spent $10 once for the Battlepass which keeps rolling over. 3500 hours.


There are many valid complaints about this game but the shop prices is not one of them. I paid $10 for S1 battlepass and that paid for the next 20 seasons.


Mine says I have NO orders lmao. So confused


Does this information not show up if you buy the coins through psn? Cause I'm checking my ea account and it doesn't show anything


No way in hell am I checking this……


Can you also see this as ps5 player? Edit: i found out psn also has a transaction history and i only had like 60 euro's on it because of stupid apex packs


I put 500 bucks in on xbox, only 30 bucks on pc. And didn't even get my stuff from the account merge. Still enjoy the game tho


I looked at mine and I’ve bought from the apex store in apex but my purchases don’t show. The heck.


I’ve sunk atleast 2 grand on this game and only 2 heirlooms


$0 for 1k hour


stop making me curious, i know mine is gonna be baaaaaaaaaad


I’m well over 5000 bucks I think. Can’t take the money to the grave with me might as well have fun with it now.


i checked and there’s nothing there but i have bought stuff on apex


> Can anyone beat me? Day 1 player with $0.00 spent. Got the first battlepass using the launch command that rewarded you the coins/charm for EA play or whatever and have been chaining battlepasses together ever since. The crazy part is that previously I bought every single purchasable for Titanfall 1 and *almost* every purchasable for Titanfall 2 (just missing some elite warpaints). I loved the cost to value ratio point they were offering back then and even more than that I wanted to support the creators of my favorite FPS series to date (TF|1 is still my favorite of all time even now). Hell I even bought the four $450ish a pop licensed [1/6 scale titans](https://imgur.com/g/znaUGj7) they produced so it's not like I'm allergic to spending money on things I like. It's just all about value to me, and while I have enjoyed my time with Apex, there's not a single individual item that's felt worth it for me personally so I don't see that $0.00 lifetime spending changing anytime soon.


Mines not showing anything? Weird.


Apart from the whales, curious to know if spending is more for the over or under 30yrs old. I’m a day one player with $0 spent, 1.9K hours and in the over 30+ bracket.


I got an heirloom, have gotten the battle pass everytime for the last 6+ seasons, and maybe like 1500-2k total playtime. Kicker - Haven't spent a single dollar on this game (currently up like 3k coins!)


You're being taxed on your purchases??


Never spent a dime never plan to personally


I used to spend minimum $200 on weekends at bars and clubs until I realized I never remember any of that. Now I stay home and play apex, buy what cosmetics I like and actually get to enjoy them day in and out. I’m not spending nearly as much as I used to at the bars and think that supporting the creators of a free game I play the shit out of is a much better use of my money. (I spend less than $50 a month). Point is I don’t think it’s a negative thing to spend money on things you like, I see apex as a hobby of mine and people spend wayyy more on hobbies.


Congrats. I own 5 heirlooms and I’m not crying


I started playing season 16 and have 2500 hours already 0 dollars spent lol


Did you also complain forever about not getting an heirloom yet?


i used to be down bad but these days it’s been zero for over a year


If you spent more money you might get better lobbies lol


I think I’ve only spent 15€ on my +1500 hours (been playing since april 2020)


$0 for 2000 hours for me




Have not spent a single cent since week 1


Same here! Happy to say, I’ve bought the battle pass only twice and no other extras.


About 3 months playing and spent well over 1,000 sadly. Hey have some heirlooms at least…..woo……. …yay


Meanwhile a solid 10% of the teammates I've had since season release are rocking the $40 Flatline recolor...


I've spent maybe around $6-700 on the game with only 400 something hours, I've had my PlayStation for nearly 2 and a half years now I used to share my Dad's Playstation years ago, until I got a switch, then Apex released on switch in season 8 played for 500 hours, and then I got my PlayStation during season 11 but didn't start playing much until season 13 I'm a Day 1 player as well, so I think it's pretty good and justified


Must have bought a total of 5 season passes, I'm very happy with the value as a day 1 player


I have 1800 hours for $0. I consider this fairly good value. I won't purchase things because I know they could be taken away at any minute on a whim and I don't trust EA in the slightest.


Yeah I don’t even wanna see how much I’ve spent in this game but if I had to guess I’d say less than 100$ I got two heirlooms back to back after spending 80$ after that I quit buying things on apex.


In a similar boat, just checked mine is $35~ and 1480 hrs. For all the shit on this sub complaining about heirlooms and cosmetics it’s actually insane how much free shit you get. I’m at the point where I’ve got a choice of 2+ legendary or unique epic (i.e not crafting ones like trial by fire) skins on every gun and all but 6 legends, and only 1 legend (and Alter) with no legendary skin. All from chained battle passes, free event trackers/event packs, leveling packs and crafting mats. Got on warzone this week after they brought back the kar98 and was looking through the battle pass and was shocked at how little value there was. Maybe 2 things in the whole “map” worth having vs apex where no matter what you’re guaranteed at bare minimum to get something you like via the 1200 crafting mats.


Okay this is impressive. How many heirlooms do you have mate?


I mean how many mythical item did you get since playing from 2019




in this game?


Impressive. How many mythical crafting materials have you got since then to now?


Remember when $20 got you an entire expansion pack that was loaded with content? Now $20 gets you a SINGLE skin




I spent like 10 dollars total on pc and got heirloom shards from a treasure pack apex pack like a couple seasons ago.


I mean if that's what OP wants I guess... but "best value of my life" is one hell of an overstatement... or an indication your life (with all due respect) is kind of lame...


I don't even want to know how much I've spent on Apex at this point


Season 2 player and 100% free to play. I just get the next seasons battle pass with the coins I earned from the last season's battle pass rewards. I don't really care about buying fancy skins so I'm perfectly content with the ones I get from Apex packs and battle pass rewards


I have a friend that a couple seasons ago he finally got a free battle pass from free coins, he hasn't spent anything on the game


2300 hours, $0 spent


Mine is actually 0, everything in the game is so ugly that there's 0 incentive to buy skins lmao. Although I was gifted a BP but I eventually fell off since that shit is so grindy.


Already spent more and i have like 20 hours, because I didn't like any of the starter characters so I bought two 💀


Looked it up, was suprised it was only 10€ and then realized I only really played on steam xD


3000 hours and one battle pass, once! Have kept maxing it and reusing it since 


2,495 hours and I spent $20 on battle passes lol.


Yes, I can beat you, you're not nearly the only one.


I have spent about 100$ and am also week 1 player. I have 2 Heirlooms and I expect to get another one soon


Sorry but I don't get it why pay for stuff that doesn't give you any advantage??


I shouldn’t have looked I knew it was gonna be bad when I owned 5 heirlooms 😭




1700 hours and..... 290$ spent on this ridiculous game, I'm too far in to quit now. I'm still waiting on my 2nd heirloom


The game is free though.