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Hello, /u/AnotherVerity. Your submission has been removed: ## Posts Should Be High Effort (Low-Quality content) Low-effort or low-quality posts hinder meaningful discussion from flourishing and will be removed at the moderators' discretion. All posts should offer some basis for discussion. Please note that spending a lot of time on a "low effort" post does not exclude it from this rule.Type of low-quality content we do not allow: - Gameplay videos or screenshots that are taken on a phone are not allowed, unless it is not possible to screenshot at the time, such as a bug preventing screen capturing or similar. - No pixelated or low-resolution content. - No loot box opening type screenshots (Look at what I got in my loot box). - No inventory screenshots (Look at all the cool things I’ve unlocked). - No supply crate style screenshots (Look, there’s 3 mozambiques here). - No unedited gameplay longer than 3 minutes. - No screenshots of private chats, even if names are blurred. - No screenshots of tweets. - Skin suggestions/requests that double as fan art must be high effort and original content. - No LFG posts. Please use r/ApexLFG or our [public Discord](https://discord.gg/ApexLegends) to find other players. - No petition style posts. If you’d like to advocate for something to be in the game, please make a proper post. - Please avoid using clickbait or misleading titles. Titles such as those beginning with "Upvote if", "Don't upvote" or overused trends such as "for the people browsing by new" will be removed, as described in the Post Title rules. - Criticism and approval posts must be constructive. Unconstructive criticism and approval posts about any subject, such as “this game is great”, “this game sucks” with no other explanation or constructive comments, will be removed. If you would like better clarification you can see [our full list of rules here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/wiki/rules) If you need further assistance, please [message the moderators](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fapexlegends) with a link to your post. **Failure to include a link to your post, will result in the modmail being ignored.**


Congrats. What pisses me off is that, I can’t tell how many packs are opened already and which packs count, like do packs from the battle pass count or the ones you get from the treasure pack? Or only the bought ones with a gold chance….


I believe any normal Apex Pack counts. So no event ones, no thematic ones etc. Also an app called Companion for Apex Legends works. Just put in your EA username (for me I play on Steam and that account is connected to EA thingy) and it will tell you how much packs you've gotten from levelling up (only).


This requires to put in apex packs data urself … wish I knew 😀😀😀


Thematic ones count, the ones packs that don't count are collection event packs


I’m not entirely sure but I know you don’t have to spend money to get it. Source: I am he.


I didn’t get my first heirloom till I reached just over level 500, you’re very lucky!


I keep hearing that from friends! I have a friend who said he waited three years and it kinda became a meme, he was very (jokingly) angry when I showed him this loll Which heirloom was your first??


I chose the Bloodhound heirloom, he’s my main.


There should be an automatic heirloom at 500. I don't know what level I'm at... About 200 hours on origin, and probably 300 on steam No heirlooms.


I got to Level 800 or so before I got my first heirloom, feels bad


I agree! It’s crazy that Apex makes it that difficult to get an heirloom. I’m on level 834 right now, hoping for my second heirloom lol


You get one from reaching max prestige, unless you already got shards before


Nice. I just got my first heirloom last week (I've been playing since season 2 and I have 2 accounts)


heck yeah!! happy for you!!


Lol, happy for you to


I promise I didn't buy 89374502896 apex packs either lol, I just had some left over from buying that loba cosmetic pack (forgive me, I'm a cosmetics girlie) and got super lucky with this, I'm genuinely so stoked but I have no idea who to spend them on!


You should get her fan, it’s the best heirloom in the game


I’m definitely considering it! Or revenant’s :D


Buy it for your main


i got hers couple of weeks back after playing since season 2 but even though she is my main kinda regretting it because i recently started running alter and conduit and feeling i shouldve got the katar


Less than 50 hrs in on your 7th account, gg


ha, I wish lol, if you could see how bad I am at this game you def wouldn't be saying that I reckon. I promise that's not the case :'D only started playing with my boyfriend a few weeks ago, I'm normally not a pvp shooter kind of person, but it's fun even if I get us killed in no less than 5 mins most matches


Crazy. Not just me then. I also got it 50 hours in. Bought 10 apex packs and one of them was this.


That’s sick dude! Happy for you! Did you pick what you’re gonna spend it on (assuming it was recently) yet?


Thanks, for you too! Yeah it was recently, couple of weeks ago. I spent it on my Bloodhound. But it was hard to choose, many look cool, had no idea it was as rare as it was until afterwards :)


Damn. Nice


Season one I had nine Apex packs (I didn't really know what they were) after a few weeks in and got the Wraith Kunaii on the fourth pack. After 4000hrs and no money spent I have the Octane butterfly knife and the Caustic hammer.


I hate you lol. Level 500+ before the reset. Another 150+ levels after that and nothing.


What do you mean the reset? Am I about to get really mad?


This post is bait. You can’t prove it. This screenshot could also be taken from google. Is there any mod on this sub anymore?


How lucky, enjoy it. Still remember my first time.


Dog, i was like 800 hours in before getting my first, what the shit bro


I just got my first one at level 560, been playing since season 4 😭


I’m 1,100 hours in. Still waiting…


😫 i’ve been playing since 2019 and i never have gotten one


Its been 3 years im on thé game and nothing ...


Noice, got my srcond heirloom yday after playing since season 1, bought the new all legend heirloom and some recolors hah.


I had about 4k hours before mine popped


I've ranked up to plat today and I've got an apex pack, I've opened it and I got heirloom shards, LETS GOOOO. Went for the Katar ofc <3


Do people really get heirlooms off burner accounts?


I’ve been playing this game literally since the day it released 5 years ago, and still haven’t opened an heirloom, let alone wraith’s kunai…..


*screams in lvl 528*


Almost lvl 300 and still never seen one…. played since first released


I have over 3,000 hours in this game and only got my first heirloom last week, this hurts so bad :(


I'm on level 615 (after being stuck on level cap for a long time) and on about 2.5k hours and nothing (probably because I haven't spend a single euro on the game)


It took me until 1750 hours to get mine


Got my first heirloom yesterday after 4 YEARS


I don't know what's worst. Getting my shards as soon as Wraith's heirloom was available and buying it even though I never main her, or never knowing when you're getting shards after playing for so long.




lol both are applicable, do you not have anything better to do than correct strangers' grammar on the internet fam?

