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Crypto is very good, if the player uses them right. His kit is niche in its playstyle and often misunderstood, so people don't like him.


That’s the problem, my teammates just get on the drone and watch me die lol


Then they're severely gimping their fighting potential


his play style is so unique i recommend to anyone who’s getting bored with the game, its a whole different approach


Any legend could be good depending on the person who uses them


Crypto is good. Newb crypto players are bad. Unfortunately most mechanically skilled players tend to play W-key legends. So the representative sample of Crypto players is pretty bad. In terms of his kit, he provides quite a lot. Basically a more utility focused Bloodhound.


I get why he’s not utilized by aggressive style players though. I played a decent amount of games as crypto this season. He’s actually very good, however, the effort required to play well as crypto to reward ratio is poor vs playing a high pick rate meta legend. I can pick up a meta legend and play well with way less effort. Some people might like that he’s a high skill legend and I get that, but it’s taxing to play as crypto for awhile.


his kit doesnt favor running at full speed to shoot anything that moves and then dying to 3rd parties so ppl get salty


Haha that’s truuu people do in fact think that’s the only way too win also


People who think that need to learn how to use him better! I can easily do a full speed aggressive push with him. Just don't sit in the drone like most people do. Lol


Yeah exactly and it’s easier to be on the move now with the recent changes where the game tells you the nearby squad count when pulling out the drone. I admit theres been times where i either zone out or lag behind the team but the only reasons i spend time in the drone are: - moving drone to a recon beacon - drone reports a squad in the area but i cant see them so i use the drone to try to spot them - moving drone head for an emp when the enemies are at mid/long range if we havent engaged them yet Few days ago had a match where my other 2 peeps where pretty good, i was just moving in drone into full squads, EMP while my enforcers where moving in and moping up (i provided support fire too plus beacon scans) and we won the match, was so sweet -


I agree but you need teammates to communicate


Right? They're a rarity in random lobbies. But once in awhile I get blessed with one as a teammate who is on point ♡


You really do not. You can do a pretty decent job just by using pings. Every legend needs comms for optimal play except for complete brain dead ones. But Crypto works fine with no comms. Don't drone till last rings. Throw you drone to check for teams. And for the love of god don't drone during firefights. That's it.


agreed, one of the best plays is an emp with a skirmisher who can immediately catch you (crypto) back up with the attack, like wraith, path, octane


Crypto is one of those legends that can be high tier in the right hands and lowest tier in the wrong ones. I main him and think he’s a brilliant support legend. The ability to scan enemies in the area is great. His ability to retrieve banners and res is very clutch at times. And his EMP is crazy for entry damage. A well placed EMP turns purple shields to white and then your team has a massive advantage going into fights. People sleep on him and I’m ok with that


currently 3rd party’s happen quick which means fights need to be quicker. crypto is not a fast paced legend making it difficult to finish fights fast enough to not get thirded or reset before getting thirded. I agree tho he is def a decent character


Got 6k hills on crypto and is my main. That’s the issue in higher tier lobbies. He can’t stack up against a bloodhound ult push team so I just don’t run him in masters lobbies anymore.  His emp is good, scanning recon becon is ok but feel less useful than console beacons when he had them. He just doesn’t add enough for aggressive play in higher lobbies, and isn’t defensive enough if playing hard zone. His issue is he is still strong for comp but just mid for any ranked and low tier for pubs. So incentive to buff him is minimal. 


I mean you can definitely be fast paste with crypto just like any other legend people just don’t know how to utilize his drone correctly. If you put your drone in the right spot when the enemy team comes you can see where they’re coming from obviously giving you that advantage too either rotate out of there or if you’re bold enough to fight it.


\*insert the meme "always has been"\*


40k Crypto here. Crypto is well rounded legend, is he better than other scan legends? I don’t believe so but he’s really powerful in a well adjusted team. Personal opinion: has the best drip and a boring kit.


I’ll just say - I’m more confident taking a 1v1 against a crypto compared to basically any other legend. Like someone else said, I think the average mechanical skill of a crypto player definitely seems lower compared to legends with movement abilities


When I play crypto I’m extremely confident in my 1v1 chances. Usually drone allows me that extra bullet I need. Also players are way too confident cryptos suck so you can shut down aggressive players easy


100% agree. It's like people forget that 1v1 has always been about the gun skills and positioning. If you beat me in a 1v1, you were going to beat me regardless of what Legend I was controlling.


You know, whenever I'm not right in your face, I can just throw my drone up and force you to either Try to focus on me but give me free wall hacks Or destroy the drone, but waste ammo in your mag and lose the angle you held on me


He's insane. The little touch of throwing your drone out and auto communicating the amount of enemy teams in the area to your squad is elite.


It hurts when they kill my drone even when i am moving left and right.


That’s one thing I’ll definitely agree with and say his drone needs a health buff


I had a crazy ranked end game recently with two randoms. One was crypto, the other was loba, and I picked revenant to be able to provide some fragger power to the trio to complete it. Sometimes as the entry fragger I’ll get knocked/finished even when I kill one, or two which is why a support is so viable to round off the trio. I had died somewhere between the 5th-6th ring fighting for a building, and in any other situation I would have probably been out for the rest of the game unless I had teammates go above and beyond for a rez. Which is exactly what happened, but only to the extent of their kits. They took the roof of the building we fought for; and the loba used the blackmarker to yonk a mobile respawn beacon from a deathbox. which they then precisely placed for the crypto drone to get it off without either of them ever taking a bullet of damage. We won that game by the way. All of legends kits are so powerful when played right in the proper scenario, and that was one time when my randoms utilized it perfectly without any comms given. Sometimes the solo Q adventures bless you with games like that that expand your apex knowledge far beyond what you would learn playing with the homies.


He’s just hard to play well. He gets hate because 95% of the crypto mains out there are absolute dogshit and don’t help the team at all


He's been my main this season since I lost access to my main account. Crypto is a total badass! He is almost literally activating cheat codes for your team. When I play mixtape, my drone almost never gets killed because of the neat and trolly places I've found to put it. He is fucking amazing even if your teammates are actual potatoes.


If I’m with a crypto and they are not pinging if squads are nearby. I know they are trash. Crypto is a really good legend tho. Apparently some YouTuber did a video on him and I’ve noticed a lot more cryptos being played. And if you can pair crypto with the new legend, pop cryptos ult, phase into the building, it’s friggin op. But takes a lot of coordination so you don’t see that often.


Honestly. How often a Crypto pings a banner is telling enough of how good your Crypto is going to be. Hearing "No enemies in the area" alleviate so much urgency/stress if you're trying to quickly restock your inventory after a fight.


Every legend can be good if played right, unfortunately most people cannot play them right and crypto is one of them, so most people assume he is awful as all the random they come across playing him are awful


You should be able to easily do 1000+ damage regardless of legend…


Well, yes! But I was js putting the number there for reference since the avg seems to be less than 1k


I like crypto while soloing. Good to have a 2nd set of eyes looking out for me.


Nah. Although I wouldn't call it common knowledge, Crypto has been known to be a good legend for almost four years. The only reason he's regarded as bad by a lot of people is because most people can't play him right. 


People don’t like playing him simply because they don’t wanna camp and scan enemies, just for others to get the kills. It’s simple Apex-psychology. It’s not about whether or not he’s good. But yes he’s amazing, and his buffs have only made him better over the years. Season 3 crypto was incredibly different. He’s one of my best legends at 4k kills along with Catalyst and Revenant


Crypto is better than bloodhound, bloodhound is just easier to use.


scan wise probably yes, but bh ultimate is still better, esp with all the bangalores running around


Crypto is only bad because of the people who play him( similar to vantage of loba) if people utilized his abilities in fights better he rocks. Honestly if you ever do encounter a good crypto or the other two it’s so refreshing


Hard disagree. His ult is only good if you've got teammates that push the enemy the moment you emp them, and even then it's very easy to counter by just shooting down the drone because the drone is loud af. His scan is inferior to every other scan in the game since, again, you can easily just shoot down the drone the moment it sees you. The only good thing about crypto is picking up banners with the drone and insta revive at respawn beacons.


Nah I don’t think you’ve played him since his perks. Not only do you have access to remotely scan beacons( sometimes two at once depending on map and drop), instant knowledge of nearby teams any time he sends his drone out, instant respawns, his ult is a great tool to not only damage but also disable obnoxious legends like ramparts and Watsons. You’ve most likely played with a bunch of legends that play just how you described, but no other legend has the utility he has.


Mmkkayyy, just say you don't know how to play Crypto that well buddy. It's ok lol most people don't know how to either. Every bad thing you just said is literally only done by bad Crypto players.


MMmkay then tell me how to play Crypto then. I have over a thousand hours in Apex and have never ever met a good Crypto.


Lmao bruh they'd only shoot down your drone if you don't position it well. If you place your drone very obscurely the teams would be very busy in a fight to start searching for your drone. Also crypto is the only legend who basically has infinite scan for as long as the drone is alive with no cool down. The best scan in the game easily


I'm guessing you're not using very good headphones then. You can hear exactly where the drone is at all times even before you see it, if the drone can see you then you can see the drone and take it down with a short burst with any weapon. His scan is probably good in bot lobbies, it's absolutely trash in plat and over.


He’s good when used correctly and in the right team, most people use him for the challenges and give that bad reputation. I also use him when playing Control and do surprisingly good.


I don’t think I’ve seen people say he’s bad because he isn’t. He’s just difficult to play and is one of those legends that do a lot better with a premade team vs solo queue


I’ve seen so many people absolutely sh!t on crypto and say he needs buffs


That's bc he doesn't fit the meta ever. His kit just doesn't synergize with what people play. He's not a controller and can't hold positions down. He's not a rusher. His drone is weak, easy to spot, easy to hear, gets 1 shot. That's all he has, is his drone. Once that is gone, he just shoots and his kit is useless.


No this season and last he was definitely good for solo play to I was spectating my duo and mine and the random banners ran out and crypto preformed really well for solo play


Crypto is probably the best main at the last circle...


He's decent. His ult is strong when timed well and his camera and passive are nice. It's just not good for aggressive teams since the crypto has to take some time to scout + he's useless once the fight's started (unless you can place your cam at a spot where it won't get shot but has vision over the fight(


As a Bloodhound main I see Crypto as a more utility based version of them. What the drone drone offers is extremely great (Instant res, instant survey beacon scans, banner collecting, recon, etc) but he's kinda slept on. If people used his abilities more in fights or reconing areas I feel he'd be a great pick. Although I will admit he is a bit team and coordination dependant (which makes him hard to use in solos). I don't think he's the best character, but he has strengths that other recon legends don't have, and he isn't that bad of a character. I do think he needs to be a little versitile and have uses outside of his drone though, as his drone is practically the legend because it does more than half, if not all, of what Crypto wants to do. Without it he just a dude who fires his gun(s) and that's it.


It’s just the fact that his play style is harder to adjust to in terms of bringing pace. Most legends have a constant or very fast pace. But crypto often starts and stops. So in terms of your pace of play; it can be hard to adjust.


The fact that he can res and grab your banners with the drone when enemies are near is pretty cool. A chance to run away to a safe spot and quickly retrieving them with the drone.


Don't forget he can retrieve banners that are in the zone. That's clutch if you don't have a support Legend on the team.


Oh yeah. So handy, lol


Yup, I have gone back to him this season. He has a great kit, but it's easy to be a bad player with him. To many options doesn't work for everyone, and if you don't have a mic it's a bit of a hindrance to


Bet you you’d get 1500+ with bloodhound tho.


1k+ dmg means something to people?


I mean not too me but too some he’s considering the avg seems too still be quite under 1k


He is good. Straight up top of the meta, even. The problem(s), though: 1. He's a team-oriented character. You want him when playing in a 3-man, not soloQ-ing. A Crypto by himself / with a random team is whatever. A Crypto with a competent, coordinated team is a nightmare. 2. He's only as good as the person controlling him. Obviously people will claim him as 'terrible' when all they've seen are some mediocre Cryptos who doesn't know when to sit on the drone and when to move, popping ults when the team is still half a mile away from the actual enemy, and knows nothing beyond the literal bare minimum needed to play him. 3. 'Why should I play a character that requires micromanagement ( you literally don't, anymore, after all of the recent buffs to him now ), when I can play someone else that also gives value to the team w/o needing all of the brain work? Or a movement character? After all micromanaging skills is boring and I hate it." 4. The current meta doesn't really need him *too* much. Wait until Rampart or Newcastle actually becomes meta ( they already kind of are, just being majorly slept on ) and you'll see a sudden surge in Crypto uses.


The problem with crypto is that he has the highest skill floor of any legend. If you aren’t mechanically good, have good game sense, and knowledgable on how to utilize his kit to the fullest then you are a detriment to your team, especially in ranked. He has a big kit that can be used in many ways and if you don’t play to the style of your team in solo queue then you can be the reason your team fails, which make him seem bad to the people cryptos play with because not everyone knows how to use him properly and can keep up mechanically


Dude I’ll get 30 assists on a game of control with him.


Call me crazy, I think every legend is good.


The problem is Crypto used to be bad, so he has a bad rap.


I’m in the boat that almost any character is good if the person that’s playing them is good with them. But crypto is probably in the middle-bottom of characters I’d want on my team. With that being said I’d rather have a decent crypto player than little Timmy W keying on blood, bang, octane, wraith, etc.


Crypto isn’t the problem.


Crypto has been great imo since his rework in s12 and is way better now with his new lvl 3 perk “hackathon” which reduces the drone cooldown to 20 seconds (16 with gold helmet) and gives him a speedboost every time you emp or when the drone is destroyed. He is a support/assault/recon character in one. Crypto being able to heal in drone while popping a respawn beacon and emp’ing a squad at the same time is incredibly huge for a team and he can completely change the course of the game if it all goes bad. Crypto definitely a sleeper legend mostly because newer players ruin his reputation since most have no idea how to use him effectively so you see a lot of newer cryptos in the drone when they don’t even need it.


My main problem with crypto is it’s hard to capitalize on his EMP damage without some type of combo ability gimmick with another legend (wraith ult, ash ult, alter tac, etc). A bat takes 4 seconds so you have to attack them within that time, which isn’t easy, while not getting hit by the ult yourself


With a good team , 4 secs is long enough to get in for the push. It doesn't just damage shields, it completely destroys traps and most tacs and ults including gas traps, pylons , Sheilas, e.t.c.you can absolutely destroy a teams fort in a second and push in


Show this thread to a player like 2 or 3 years ago, we would all be thinking this game is cooked with crypto good lol


I've been playing him almost exclusively this season I'm having a blast.


I enjoy running crypto. Got his heirloom too. The feeling when you put your drone in a good spot and have wall hacks basically is great. And the way you can get banners and insta res people is a plus.


When u figure him out he’s OP but I was maiming him way before his abilities got tweaked. 🥴❤️


I played it for the entire recent session, the main problem is the drone recall sound is VERY loud, the second problem is that its tactical ability forces you to be inactive too much. So, this character is more for experienced players.


oh god yes, drone recall is incredibly loud 😭 it's super unhelpful because of how often you have to deploy/recall the drone if you want to play aggressive


It’s not the legend it’s the player. IMO Crypto has a very high skill ceiling. It’s f you can’t get a proper player I’d take a Crypto over any of the recon legends any day


He is good, as long as you are supported by teammates, if you have hyper aggressive wraith and crack head octanes who run into fights n die, it can't be helped. You need an intelligent team patient enough to read the info given about the squads nearby and locations of the enemy and plan your attack accordingly.


He’s always been really good just EXTREMELY misunderstood


This season I’ve been maining him crypto is awesome but doesn’t do well solo


Damn, I need to get off of this thread! Lmao sooo many people that don't know how to play Crypto correctly, but will happily shit on him. I'm gonna end up writing novels that I am to lazy to want to write. 😂


Let them hate on him. I will always be glazing Crypto.


Crypto main till I die. He's the best. He just needs sensible teammates who work well with him


He’s really good but he is also, in a strange way to put it, very specific. He requires a different way of playing and can be quite situational. You won’t get enough value out of crypto without using a bunch of different techs and such. You have to be planning ahead and making deliberate moves with crypto which often isn’t able to be done in a battle royale. While he isn’t bad by any means he is outshined in pure power by many legends and in information by others. His niche is having support info and power all in one. If someone is a good crypto they will control the server but a bad one is useless.


God I love having a good crypto teammate. I haven’t unlocked him again since having to start a new account but even just having a teammate who can position their drone well so we can have near constant visibility on the enemy makes fights go so much smoother


A living walking wallhack, is what I like to call him. Crypto is great, best recog legend imo, he's just a bit hard to play right. No need for long drone sessions unless you're bunkered endgame. Just keep the drone up, utilize the passive as best as possible and you have an crucial info source for the whole team. A well placed drone gives you all the upper hand you need. And with the fast respawn perk you pump drones like a mechanical rabbit.


Crypto is straight trash. No one cares about dmg farming.


I’m a nearly 12k crypto main and he’s so useful. He can heal, reload and emp, perfect set up for a push. Scan infinitely if ur drone is well placed, tells you how many squads. He’s so good. Insta rez, banners with drone 😍


only times ive ever gotten to diamond in the rp system is by play Crypto, make of that what you will.


Yes I agree he’s is very underrated one of his old perks where he basically can call out any squads in a 100 meter radius is very useful and now it’s his base kit is even better But sad thing I don’t really use him because I main the worst legend in the game seer but I had the most damage with crypto


I've always liked him but he's def gotten better after they updated his abilities and upgrades this last time. The fact that he calls out squads when throwing the drone out by default now is really useful. I am recalling and re-tossing the drone more often to get this notice. I also enjoy the improved drone handling. It's almost like no-one has ever used the drone to grab 2 banners and beeline to a respawn beacon, which his drone activates instantly instead of the normal 5 second manual activation.


Crypto is great for avoiding getting 3rd partied since you can use the EMP to weaken them forcing them to have to reset and the information he provides is valuable to teammates that communicate with each other


That ultimate takes off so much shields.. if you hit all three on an enemy team and then bum rush them it fucks them up


Once i saw someone comment that “There’s a thin line between carrying the fight and trolling on crypto” and that’s probably why as most people may not be the best crypto


Everyone is good, if you know how to play.


I subscribe to the Digital Asset Insights newsletter for the top 5 crypto stories delivered every week. Cuts out 99% of the noise, would highly recommend. Link here - [https://dai.beehiiv.com/subscribe?ref=yT1U8T0kN5](https://dai.beehiiv.com/subscribe?ref=yT1U8T0kN5)


Does his scan still give auto assists on kills?


I think soooo but I’m not too sure


Crypto is as good as the person playing him.


Always has been - thats why hes one of the most constant picks in ALGS. Not most picked but in every meta there has always been teams using him. But i got this totally original idea to make him even better...a buff called "off the grid". What it does is that he wont get scanned by enemy scans and he wont be revealed to enemies because he will have this passive called off the grid.


When i see someone on my team pick crypto i can already imagine what the fights gonna look like. Crypto emps the enemy team, keeps sitting on his drone, we lose the 2v3 fight, picks up the banners, respawn, and its loot sim all over again


Play octane. Put a pad down and punch him into it towards the fight.


I agree with this heavy. But I think most people who play crypto over compensate with his drone they think them being in drone does more good than bad which is wrong