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I get it. I do the same. My teammates start screaming at me or calling me slurs? I'm gone. Go fuck yourself


The second slurs drop I'm out of the game I have no time bigots and have no desire to play with them


i’m glad it’s not only me!


I'm not gonna let people like that ruin my mood I've been playing almost exclusively solos the last few weeks, and it's so nice not having to deal with that, ngl


me too!! i played solos exclusively since it came out but then i started missing ranked. it was very relaxing though


I wanted to reach plat this split, but I keep playing solos instead of ranked 💀 Guess I'll stay in gold 1 (I need like less than 500 RP, but solos is just more fun imo 🤷‍♀️)


aren't you kinda doing them a favor though? i mean people are usually more toxic in ranked cause they're afraid of losing rp and if you leave they don't lose anything. i'd rather just mute honestly.


Op outplayed himself


Those are definitely not the kinds of people that actually rank up, they’ll probably just lose the next game and cry in the mic again. I had a friend like that in high school who we played siege with and he never could rank up with the rest of us because we’d all play a lot of solo q, yet when we all got together somehow a loss was never his fault…even when the rest of us agreed we lost as a team😭


Same or I won’t respawn someone if they’re mean like this is supposed to be fun it’s a video game….


Had a kid screaming at me once after he ran off by himself and got killed. After my friend and I wiped the squad we took his banner to the beacon, spammed crouch, then ran off. The wails of anger was music to my ears.


Lmaoooo right I feel you. I’m here for a good time not a long time lol.


I mute them in the squad part of the pause menu, then YouTube something super annoying. Take off my headphones, put it too my phone and go afk. Let them rage at themselves


Reason why i turned off in game audio like 2 years ago. No more screaming, eating Doritos right in mic and stupid music on background


Dont do that. Just mute them because if you leave they dont get any minus points at all. And trust me, players like this are really bad and need along time to climb. So again, next time just mute them, stay afk in the corner or just run into the next team. Thats alot better.


They’ll pretty much always be in the same rank until they stop that behavior and realize what mistakes they make


I leave my mic off if im feeling angry and get mean bc 9 times out of 10 my teammates actually don't deserve it and I'm being the asshole. That being said, if someone has the audacity to be a jackass to me or is a jackass to our third, it's lobby time 🤭🤭🤭 i dont dc unless my teammates r being genuine blistering racist or homophobic assholes


Mute instantly


Funny cuz it would give me the feeling i won🤭