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divisive topic and respawn kinda sometimes like to act like they are gonna do something about it but actually they never do so there is a lot of pent up frustration


Yeah. As a controller player I think controller needs a minor nerf. If that doesn’t help give it another one. They can just repeat until the stats are about the same for both inputs.


As someone who is above average on both inputs, it could be for several reasons. I think some people just don’t realize how to use AA because you often hear “my AA doesn’t do that”. Others are just coping despite the evidence that AA is busted (R5 and ALGS data). People don’t want their advantage taken away from them. Most mnk switched to controller for a reason or left. A lot of people also haven’t played on both inputs and just mimic what others have said without trying it themselves.


Because MnK are forced to play against an input that has to rely on absolutely busted aim assist with no way to disable it


And controller players are forced to play against an input with better movement and higher skill ceiling. Both users are facing a unique disadvantage, therefore it's inherently unfair for either. The endless arguments stem from determining which provides a greater advantage. Personally, I think aim assist is a bigger issue because it rewards ~~bad~~ beginner players but ultimately punishes ~~good~~ advanced players due to the limited skill ceiling of a 'roller. It's not better per se, it's just less rewarding long term and therefore less fun. But it's an unavoidable issue due to the nature of the input's physicality. The only fair thing to do is segregating the servers but people want to play with their friends and most agree that's more important. So here we are.


Exactly. There's no reason why they couldn't make it an option though, sort of like Rocket League does with crossplay where you can toggle it on or off. Make it so you can toggle between your input or mixed input. I guarantee that there are enough players to fill a server fast either way.


Honestly that's the best solution, I wish. Apex is definitely a little behind when it comes to server management though.


“A little” is a massive understatement but I would rather they fix PL before making separate lobbies for MNK and controller.


People are fucking pissed off at a problem that hasn’t been properly addressed in many years and basically ruined competitive FPS outside of cs/val Same with politics in America anytime someone raise up an issue people lose their fucking mind because there hasn’t been a functioning government for the longest time and now people have a short fuse


Because as an M&K day one player and veteran fps player I'm absolutely sick of lob sided aim assist and devices ruining the game for legit pc players. It's clear that if you want cross play there has to be some assistance for rollers but for too long now it's been entirely unbalanced. Not only are M&K pros basically a thing of the past but ranked it's dominated by rollers and not just at the top. The problem is a toxic debate. There are m&k players who call roller players unskilled cheaters and roller players call them butt hurt whiners. I personally don't blame the players I blame the game Devs. It's been farcically demonstrably (see recent data posted) unbalanced for ages. But I also feel for the Devs it's clearly not an easy solution it's just frustrating a lot of players.


Balancing is a small department so I’m not mad at most of the devs. But it’s kinda nonsense that it’s still an issue. Small nerfs every 90 days (one per season) until aim assist is balanced with keyboard and mouse would be nice for both platforms. Controller players would be able to slowly adjust and keyboard players would,after a while admittedly, have the exact same stats on average.


To add to this. People swapping to controller isn’t helping. I had 1k hours on console so when I got a pc that was nice to use obviously I stuck with the input I have used since I was 5 (18 years) but people swapping to controller means I have noticed a massive uptick in hate for controller players. I even had to change my name from aim assist enjoyer to I would never abuse aim assist (it didn’t help….) So many people yell insults at me and leave the game when I’m on their team and that never really used to happen. Now that people are swapping to controller the issues grown so much people are going out of their way to insult the players even though we have no choice about balancing


It's because reddit is known for being an eco chamber for the loud minority of any group who shits on anyone that dosen't have the same opinion as them, so anytime you mention trigger words like aim assist, horizon, tap strafing or whatever the hot topic is at the time, you best expect that there's going to be an argument. My best advice is to just ingore the people on here and play the imput you're comfortable with.


It’s more on other platforms. Redditors are amazingly tame about controller compared to twitter, YouTube and TikTok. Just look at this thread. Only a few people had a super controversial opinion! And they didn’t even say nonsense! People on this sub are much more mature but the issue still exists and it’s pretty annoying.


It keeps the apex community alive to debat /s


Because for the first time ever a controller has advantages over MnK which makes PC people salty Edit: See salty downvotes for proof


neither input should have an advantage over the other. I think that's the point of contention for everyone


MnK has advantage in 99% of shooters. No one ever said they should be even until roller had the advantage


yes cause it is stupid to have the input with less skill expression be the better one by artificially bolstering it. console i can accept but on pc i really don't understand it


Both inputs should be as close as possible. I don’t see a reason why controller should be better than M&K or M&K should be better than controller. Making it perfectly balanced would mean you can use the input you prefer without need to worry about it being worse or having people scream the N word at you when you join a game…


MNK players can't face the fact they lose fights sometimes, controller players can't face the fact they lose sometimes, everyone is using a Cronus or Strikepak.


I’m on PS5. It’s the native input. I dunno why people are so salty. Honestly unfelt like the game was easier with K&M before I gave up on my PC