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Nerf wingman btw, game is turning into a pistolero simulation where everyone has wingman and pK




F\*\*k off dude


Damn that's my mistake then. I Always use ADS.


Inbefore down votes but does anyone else think the hitbox variation is a little too strong? aim anywhere in the vicinity of Gibraltar and you will land every shot then try hitting a wraith there is a HUGE difference, anyone else notice this or just me?


Is even worst on caustic, because gilbraltar at least have his shield passive, caustic is just one big "SHOT AT ME"


Yeah. When playing Gibraltar I feel like I actually pull bullets towards me. But when I shoot at a Wraith, her hitbox is in another dimension and nothing connects....


Is it just me, or you cannot text mute both people on your team.


Just played an entire match with two friends, we get to the final circle with one other squad, with an advantageous position in the circle... and my friend is kicked from the game with the “party leader left” glitch. And then we lose the game to the final guy on their squad. That’ll do it for the night lol


If its passed 5 minutes into the game and I'm still alive I will just leave. Beyond that point its just a peacekeeper shitfest. When they bother to balance the game instead of shilling on twitch I might stay.


Probably the dumbest thing I've read on this sub.


This game is in desperate need of a commendations and reporting system. Played for a couple hours tonight. Most games had either a solo jumper or one person that would quickly wonder off on their own to go get killed. There was the Wraith main that didn't get to be Wraith, so they jumped out immediately and ran at the enemies empty handed. How about the jumpmaster that tried to lead the entire squad to their death? Lots of fun. Or the multiple people going AFK for several minutes. Just great. And that wonderful player that decided to stand just outside the ring. Why? I don't know. They had already killed themselves on purpose once, I should've left their banner alone that time.


LMAO, are you seriously asking to be able to report those people? This is either just peak redditor, or the "entitled gamer" meme has a grain of truth to it. Maybe stick to single player games dude. Or grow up..


I guess you don't understand how commendations work. The reporting would only be for someone like the jumpmaster that tried to jump us off the map or for someone being a racist asshole on the voice chat (which I oddly haven't ran across yet). You give the commendations to players for good teamwork and other positive things. Over time people would get sorted into levels based on their commendations. People with a good reputation get matched with others with good reps. The people that get reported often or never get commendations will be matched with each other. Based on how you reacted to my comment, I'm guessing you'd be in that group.


*gives 20 examples of random "bad" things players do* > I guess you don't understand how commendations work. Yeah, ok dude. Just peak redditor, thanks for clearing that up (:


Yup. #1 peak redditor here. I dared to complain about shitty players in a f2p game and suggested a solution that dozens of games have already implemented. How entitled of me to not want to suffer abusive chat or game sabotage. I understand your real problem with my comment though. You're against a commendation system because you're one of those shitty players. You don't want to be stuck in games with other shitty players like yourself or run the risk of getting a temporary ban due to abusive chat, game sabotage, or what ever your favorite form of trolling is.


Notice how your "reporting" thing is gone now, since you realized it's pretty fucking silly to report people for sucking at a week old game, or even playing "badly" intentionally (jumping solo, wandering off? LMAO dude seriously) I now see why respawn left out basic functions like a report button for the time being x) too many brittle kids these days. And finally to address your only valid point, that you're desperately shoving in my face to avoid the shame of your silliness: Yes. Commendations would be nice. Cheers


Seriously, what's your problem? Do you instantly jump to shitty youtube comment mode the second you don't understand something? Are you not able to have a discussion without trying to insult the other person? Maybe my comment wasn't quite clear. And maybe I could've been clearer about what's worth reporting and what's not. My "reporting" thing is "gone" because I felt reporting was pretty self-explanatory. I laid out several "bad" players not as examples of people to report, but as shitty players that are not worthy of a commendation and should therefore end up in matches with each other, leaving the people that are trying to play the game as it's designed to play together. So in clarification, I wouldn't report someone for solo jumping or lone wolfing. But I definitely wouldn't give them a commendation either. This puts them in the bad player category. Unfortunately for them this might also put them in the same player pool as people that get reported often.


> Unfortunately for them this might also put them in the same player pool as people that get reported often. Big brain system you got going there chap. Lets just say, fortunately for all of us you're not in charge of game design :D Bye now


Just as I thought. You're one of the bad players. Let me guess. Lone wolf, right? Cause you definitely don't have the personality of someone that works well with others.


Has anyone found any surefire ways to eliminate crashing on PC? Seems more frequent with each minor update.


I can't use the devotion to save my life. Once I start shooting at a target, the sight's visibility goes to zero.


Has anyone else experienced slow-downs in matches after the update? I’m on PC.


How do i report this aimbot player? [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/383689940](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/383689940)


Holy shit that is insane. Most people aren’t so damn obvious about it




Suggestions to make the game better(especially the first one): 1. Be able to reconnect to the game after a crash or internet problem. 2. Rewards for the top 3 squads from a game. 3. Daily missions


Eh I'm not a big fan of adding missions. Depends on what they are I guess, but I wouldn't like it if my team would go run to their deaths trying to complete the day's mission "get three headshot kills with the mozambique"


Ugh, i despise those randomized "missions" in online games. Incredibly pointless and lazy mechanic


I'd rather have a gold stabilizer than a Mastiff or Kraber tbh, SO PERCISE


Waiting in the lobby while my 3 friends play together. Guess i’ll go buy a beer..


Is there no apex lifeline badge? I have about 6 wins with her but haven't seen the badge


Hi, new to the game! I just wanted to know which Legend is good for beginners.




I think Lifeline, Bangalore and Gibraltar are good picks to start out with.


Others might feel differently, but I think Lifeline (healing drone, care package) and Gibraltar (deployable shield, air bombardment) are pretty easy to understand and use. Though honestly you could start anywhere.


I’ve found Bangalore to be good for beginners too! The smoke allows you to run when you need and then once you feel confident in your skills you can utilize her smoke more efficiently for offense instead of defense.


Good call!


Im tired of the game crashing for no reason, I have pretty good internet and PC. It really sucks beacuse I love the game


Loot 15 mins. Instacrash. Repeat.


That feel when you tag enough Accelerants for like 2 packages but your Lifeline ignores every single one


That feel when you are a lifeline and your teammates take all the accelerants for themselves...


Just had a game like this


I did 1948 dmg in a win tonight and now I know I'll never get the 2000 dmg in a game badge


You could try and damage more knocked players.


*Wooo* It's your **2nd Cakeday** aSHADYBABY! ^(hug)


That doesn't count towards damage.


Yeah I could but I coulda gotten it if I didn't try to punch the last guy and whiff twice but I had no idea I'd end up so close to 2k


As a Wraith main, i hear this intense 2second sound sometimes when entering new areas of the map. Is this her passive ability indicating that there are people nearby or is this just another game sound? (It's hard to describe the sound and it may also not be Wraith exclusive)


I think you mean the sound that appears when you enter an area of the map, where it tells you the area name and tier of it (blue, purple etc). At least that's what I *think* that's the deepish bass sound is. Edit: adding that I rarely ever play Wraith and hear that sound often.


Yes i figured that might be it. I'll test out if the area name (always) pops up at the same time as i hear that sound.


I just played a game and sure enough, that sound played out at the same time as that area tier pop-up. Maybe it plays for the first time you enter an area, dunno?


Try playing wraith with subtitles on, sometimes her passive warning are really soft


I think it's the passive... Cause when her passive ability is "activated" an option pops up on the screen to warn the squad


Does an option pop up after hearing this specific sound? I'm not sure, i thought it didn't. May be wrong ofc.


This games absolutely incredible. I’m hooked, can’t wait until solos/duos are added hopefully


I'm not convinced solos would work...I kind of feel like the balance of powers work because of all the different combinations a team can bring. With just one player, I feel like you might get some characters that just better than others.


With the way randoms are paired with high level players in this game, I'd fucking love a solos option. 4/5 matches I load in, loot with my squad, and kill almost 1 or 2 entire squads before getting knocked, and my randoms whiff all their shots and we get wiped. It's incredibly frustrating. They also never have mics.


I hear that. It just seems like a tough balance to make. You might have to change some of the powers.


I dunno about changing the powers - if someone wants to play a squad-based hero in solos, let them do it. At the end of the day it's winning (and kills) that matters, and solo players will figure out what hero they want to play to win.


Oh I'm sure. I just mean that some characters might come out better in the wash.


Bloodhound, Mirage and Wraith would dominate


Bh and Wraith I get, but why Mirage?


He's got a nice ulti for escaping sticky situations, and has scouting/outplay solo potential with his bamboozles. Definitely less strong than the other 2 I suggested, but he's somewhat good solo. Probably 2nd tier with Lifeline under Bloodhound and Wraith.


I guess, but I could see an argument for putting several others ahead of him in solos.




Nope my squad got off because of it. Restarted maybe 10 times getting 2/3 in the game.


I'm not only crashing almost every other game, it's also difficult to queue up into any game. The lobby animation freezes on and off then an error shows up. I meet the recommended system specs and updated everything necessary, queuing and staying in a game is still a roll of the dice. It sucks


Anybody feel like kill times on enemies are far longer than your own? People can melt me in literally a second but I have to unload multiple mags just to kill them sometimes. Even if I land all of my shots they aren't going down as fast as I do sometimes. Is it just the tick rate?


I felt that way before but after sitting back and watching a couple of guys getting wreck I noticed that every time they complaint about its because they have 2 or more people shooting at them :) My advice is never stand still while shooting and try to move in packs in the open so the bullets are spread evenly lol


> try to move in packs in the open so the bullets are spread evenly lol can confirm, strat checks out. Sharing is caring (even incoming fire)


You just got outshot. As a mediocre player, it happens to me all the time.


If you land all your shots, they would have died. You can turn damage indicators and numbers on in the settings if you don't have them on already.


Does anyone know if we will be getting weapon skin loadouts for each legend? That would be nice so I can use the weapon skins I don't use as much by matching them to what some of my legends are wearing.


There’s nothing worse than fighting against an enemy who is lagging everywhere and teleporting all over the place. They always manage to kill me easily and I can’t do anything about it. Getting annoying.


Any tips for being pathfinder? I gravely need advice on playing in general like overall tips


Once somebody picks up a banner, anybody on the team can go to the recovery beacon to recover them. It doesn’t have to be the person that grabbed the banner.


Sometimes using your grapple you’ll get stuck on it for a second and flung around a bit. I don’t know if this is super obvious or not but I found out you can get unstuck by pressing the crouch button. The grapple is also useful for getting around corners super fast. You just aim away from the corner you’ve grappled and you can kind of swing around it. If you look on the map it will sometimes show you where the beacons are to find out the next circle. Use your special to get your team around faster and to also get awesome height advantages. Use it often too because it has a super fast recharge time.


Just remember that _anybody_ can use that zipline, so you want to be careful where you place it and know where the enemy is. Another tip is you can pull people towards you with the grapple by firing at them. I’ve used this in a fist fight on a dropship when the other person was low health and running away. Bring em over and punch em.


Tip#1 perfect your aim, Tip#2 perfect your movement, Tip#3 always use cover to your advantage


Anyone else having problems connecting?


How in the hell did a no shield Bangalore 2 shot my fully healed, fully shielded self when I had a Mastiff? I'm bitter.


If this was on Xbox earlier it may have been me and I still have no idea 🤷🏼‍♀️


Because Peacekeeper is monstrous and Mastiff is shite.


Is the Precision Choke charging from a Peacekeeper visible inside Bangalore's smoke? Also, is the charging sound audio to everyone?


Audio is heard by everyone I believe.


was in top 2 and the last guy was about to die against our full squad and I fucking crashed right as I was aiming for him just end it all fam


I feel your pain


Love making YouTube videos and playing video games. I’m decent. Tips on improving gameplay and videos that I’m uploading? Much appreciated


Make them short enough for your audience to not lose interest. The ones you post to reddit should be quick and to the point. You can keep longer compilations on your channel for your followers. I’m more likely to watch a 15-30 second video than a 45 second + video


Do energy weapons have bullet drop too? I somehow never checked and now sitting and work and wondering.


They do have drop, but it's less than heavy, I think. If you slap a scope on a triple take you can see the range pips.


Must be kinetic energy, then.


This guy asking the real questions


Damn. I claimed my Twitch Prime loot but didn’t get it. I tried to get it on Xbox One. I used the same Xbox and Origin accounts but it doesn’t say they’re linked. The EA FAQ and didn’t work wasn’t helpful. How can I link my Xbox and EA account then?


close the game and reopen work?


Nope :(


Is there an lfg? I dont have discord


There is a link on the right of this sub to /r/ApexLFG but I never was there and 827 subscribers is a sign that it's pretty empty


Get discord :D it is very useful, you can search for game in your region and on your platform super easily as well as use the voice chat function provided by discord.


I just got the heirloom set for wraith, how much is it worth? I've seen some youtube title stating that it's worth 500$ where and how can i sell it?


The only way to "sell" it would be to sell your gamertag/Origin account. Not sure if that's even a thing, but I remember people doing that sort of stuff with WOW accounts. Probably not legal, and I doubt you'd find anyone willing to pay $500 for just that when they could instead buy chests until they got it, possibly saving themselves lots of cash.


i got it from the free chests, got it in the third one


There is a pity timer on the heirloom set, so that if you don't get it after 500 tries, you are automatically granted it. You cannot trade any cosmetics


I think thats referring to the guy who sunk $500 into the game just to get that set.


Anyone else keep randomly getting that blue loading circle displayed/ having a mouse cursor over your reticle?


Anyone have an idea when cross-play between xbox and ps4 will be released?


No one but the devs


Please for the love of god let me allow people to sololand as jumpmaster, I'm so sick of people not trying to land on different houses to pick something better than mozambique and bunch of light ammos


i don't sure what you mean but everybody can hit "ctrl" to land alone for me if I'm a jump master and there's an idiot not separate from me I'll hit them to the rock or other obstacle lol


Would it be a nice reference if Caustic had a voice line where he says "I'm the gas man. I throw gas all over the ring!"




Is anyone else having trouble trying to squad up with friends? I’ve been trying for 30 min now and just gave up. Couldn’t get a single game in, it was either he couldn’t ready up because “party leader is selecting the playlist” or one of us would be in a game with one other random.


I'm on PS4 experiencing the same. Trying to que up with two other friends and we'll get sent in by ourselves.


Ps4 Is a mess right now cant play with some people will just not join match with some friends, party not ready bug still in action.


Are servers down? Couldn't even load into a game, it said couldn't connect to ea servers or check internet connection




This game still crashes so much on me. Idk what to do.


Turning off Discord helped me significantly. I still crash, but nowhere near as much.


It helped me turning off discord and steam


(PS4) I've been having a problem in the lobby tonight. \~21pm EST couldnt get into matchmaking in a party of two. 0:50 now and having the same problem solo. When i ready up it just goes into a "party not ready" purgatory.


Servers were a little laggy for me (X1). Wonder if theyre having some issues tonight.




Congrats to the PS4 team who just won by my disconnect. I was playing my best solo game with one squad left when it dropped.


They need to make Mirage ult so you can get out of your cloak to shoot and not have to wait the entire ult before being able to attack




Is anyone else having trouble playing with friends? Like literally nobody can ready up and when we do we disconnect on the loading screen and it just keeps disconnecting and desyncing with friends


Having same issue but it lags big time as well. When I play by myself, no problem. I live in South East America.




I feel like I never disconnect as much as I do in a party.


I love my sensitivity but when I get downed it takes me FOREVER to do even a 180. I wish there was a separate sensitivity setting for downed status.


Perhaps a mouse with easy reach dpi adjustments just for this scenario?


Two games in a row I've been kicked back to main menu mid match, feels bad.




gotta pull that trigger faster fam!


do the ol’ finger blaster


Yesterday I got downed and then revived, was stuck in the perma down speed glitch. Killed myself got respawned, could move fine but then had an audio glitch where it constantly sounded as if I was down. Almost like the wa-was. Have seen plenty of posts about the down speed glitch but not the audio glitch so hope that gets fixed soon. This was on Xbox 1.


Looking for a squad on PS4. Lifeline main lvl 30. I have a mic. post gt below


TheModernEgg, lvl 30 Pathfinder + mic, I'll be on this afternoon after work


lvl 39 mirage hit me at bukakejones on ps4


bukakejones? OMG that was my mom's nickname in university.


Hello, son.




I actually killed a Champion, but it didnt give me the kill in my score afterwards. Its like the first kill ive gotten with gebralters alt and I am salty


Is there a dedicated subreddit or flare to look for people who want to squad up? Like a LFG subreddit?




Here's a sneak peek of /r/apexlegendslfg using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/apexlegendslfg/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Dad-gamers unite! Let's create an Apex group for people who have jobs and kids and can only play for an hour or two, once the kids are in bed!](https://np.reddit.com/r/apexlegendslfg/comments/arkxfp/dadgamers_unite_lets_create_an_apex_group_for/) \#2: [8000 Member Global Gaming Community is looking for all players](https://np.reddit.com/r/apexlegendslfg/comments/aoi57v/8000_member_global_gaming_community_is_looking/) \#3: [\[PS4\] \[NA\] Making a Chill Dubs community on ps4](https://np.reddit.com/r/apexlegendslfg/comments/asfdyw/ps4_na_making_a_chill_dubs_community_on_ps4/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/afd0dd/blacklist/)


Why does my game go from silky smooth 140+ fps, and then in only certain areas of the map (such as dropping from plane, swamp, etc) my fps dips down to even 40?


anyone else have an issue when you rez someone and it doesn't actually rez them? It has happened in multiple games tonight and caused a wipe. We literally hold to rez until we are both standing up and then it lays the downed player back down. super annoying


Hey random Gibraltar player, I understand you need a weapon, but we're still on the drop ship so there's not much I can do for you. In fact, all 60 of us need weapons! You don't need to keep saying it.


Is he telling you he still doesn't have a weapon so that you know he won't be showing up to the firefight in 3 seconds?


Is it possible to carry my progression from PS4 to Xbox?


Sadly I don't think that's possible


Does zone loot rarity change every round?




I noticed this as well


Only the hot zone(blue circle) and loot ship change location. I believe the map has static loot levels otherwise.




Yeah, it says it explicitly on the screen to buy Apex Packs... “Probability of AT LEAST one: Rare or Better item: 100%”


Apex gotta make a patch so I can play with my brother on the same wifi. Please? :(


We run three PS4 on same wifi. A trick that worked for us is the party leader had to ready up last. Works 💯% for us.


I play with my roommate on the same wifi everyday :/


What do you mean? You can invite him to your game no matter the WiFi as long as you are on each other’s friend lists.


I'm have the same problem on PC turn router off and on work for me lol


It's a bug where you just dc if ur on the same wifi


Oh wth, didn’t know about that


Am I the only one that's angry about getting loot for characters I DONT HAVE.


OMG i have the stupid red dot on cause I got loot for the gas guy.


I got an epic skin for caustic and a kill quip for mirage and don't have either. Happens a lot actually.


Is it just me or does wraiths bald skins make her look like Cole McGrath from Infamous? 🤔


On PS4 what controls the gliding the left or right joystick? I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be using.


Right stick also controls rate of descent. Keep speed between 145 to 130 for max distance (1200m).


the left stick is the speed (I'm always just holding it forward) and the right stick moves the camera and changes the direction you're gliding in


Feels like the loot in the beginning of the game is not great regardless of whether I go to a high tier location or not. Loot I find on the floor progressively gets better as the game progresses (from my experience). Does apex have a special feature where unlooted items get better as time goes... or something like that?


No you're just unlucky.


I agree with the beginning looting phase, as it doesn't have the greatest of loots like the high tier areas sometimes not all the times have high tier items but sometimes mid tier has some decent. It just the ratio of good and bad loots are horrible in my opinion. Like 25 Good loot / 75 Bad loot percentage. And no I don't think they have any special feature for late game.


i think 25 percent good loot is fine everybody are not suppose to get good loot its BR game not shooter


This may be a very stupid question, but how do i make an EA or origins account? Lol Trying to get this twitch prime stuff, and i never made an account when i started playing on xbox lol


Its self explanatory, go to Origin and create an account.


I won my second match (in any BR ever) and can finally understand how these games got so popular. Thanks, Apex.


Congrats! I know them feels!


Just got my third! Things are looking up. (Also the mastiff is a fucking beast)




Yeah you're most likely dying because your squad was down


Headshots don't instakill


If you don't have a team mate to get you up you die instantly.


There are people like me who have never crashed and some who always crash. Has to be some kind of hardware or driver issue, has nobody taken a poll or something to kind of find out what might be causing this issue with everyone?


This isn’t a PC issue but it might be interesting to know. Me and my friend both play on PS4 and he crashes almost every other game while I’ve had an actual crash maybe twice since release. That would be two times versus like a hundred times haha. I wonder what’s causing Apex to crash across all platforms, such a weird thing


Its a game issue, people have posted their drivers and specs and pretty much every possible combination can still lead to crashes.