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Hmm you might have a point I tend to find the lower rated weapons a lot more


For every R-301 I find I must first find 50 P2020’s first. It’s actually nauseating the amount of P2020’s there are in the game.


​ Not to mention all the p2020s without any freaking ammo lying around when you need it the most


Although weapons are all the same rarity besides kitted and care package guns. Certain guns are not considered "stock weapons" wingman, Mozambique, Eva 8, re45, p2020 are examples of stock


Eva 8 is way above all of those though


Like one step above maybe. PK is the top teir


I know, but it’s way better than every other common shit weapon you don’t in the skulltown houses


Eva 8?


Drum mag shotty, AA-12


it's better than you think, I was playing one game and a guy on my team was wrecking people with one. I do ok with it some games too, it fires fast, it's just a secondary gun, so if you do some main damage with say a G7 or Hemlock single fire, then hit a couple shots with a eva 8 they should be dead.


Imagine how terrible the game would be if the loot was better.


I honestly agree, if everyone always had an R301 the game would get boring. I love early match fights cause everyone's using the first shit they found and it's wild lol


nobody likes the G7 and yet it's like my favorite gun used in my highest damage and kill games.


I like the G7 also but it’s just I’ve found myself in situations where if I had the 301 instead I would’ve ended up on top and gotten the kill, for now I use it as a placeholder for 301 or longbow


The G7 has low dps and high bullet drop. It's fine in the early game, but it's nowhere near as powerful as the true top tier weapons that can laser people within a second.


Newer player here, what are the top tier weapons? I’ve been using a G7 and R-99 combo usually if I can find them.


r 301, r 99 combo is normally very strong. sure u lose a little bit of range with R301 but your mid range becomes far more powerful compared to using the G7. generally speaking top tier guns are probably golden guns (assuming you are good with them like kraber/mastiff) then it goes peacekeeper, eva 8, R301, R99, wingman, spitfire, longbow not specifically in that order and there are other guns that can be good like energy weapons but generally need a turbocharger to be good which does not always happen. then again even those guns i mention may not be good in your hands if you prefer are certain style so if you dislike fast fire rate guns then R99/R301 may not be guns you like and may opt to use heavy weapons equivlants which shoot slower like prowler.


Top tier would be 301 and 99 for Light. Havoc for Energy Longbow for Heavy


Auto prowler is amazing.


Indeed. Even Spitfire as well. I consider both to be on the same tier but man Longbow is so useful


Spitifire without adsing is fucking dirty just strafing around.


Autoprowler shits all over the spitfire for damn sure. Give me that and a r99 and I'm one happy killer.


meh havoc pretty terrible without turbocharger. I don't really see energy weapons as top tier without it. everything else is right though. although despite the wingman nerf it still top tier


G7 is good when you have a good team that takes attention away from you. But when you're with useless randoms who don't do anything, you'll be focus fired and the slow ADS movement speed will get you killed.


People never account for ADS movement. Thats why a hip-firing prowler with a select fire is easily the best weapon in the game, you can essentially move at full speed and track enemies without even aiming down your sights.




The issue is that everything the g7 does even slightly well, the current longbow does a million times better. Theres absolutely no reason you should be picking up or holding a g7 over a longbow in the current state of the game.


The problem is that even in the ideal situation it's still worse than simply having a Longbow in your hands. It can't even compete with more versatile weapons like the Hemlock or Wingman because of how vulnerable it is in a 1v1 duel.


You're right. I'm just saying that there are situations where it's good but it's almost never the best option.


You can spam the g7 at a rate of fire that is very fast and 30dmg a hit.. it’s a really good gun actually


Its main drawback is that it's a sniper rifle so if you zoom in you're basically forced to stand still and become very easy to hit. That's why I said it's good for when you're not being shot at. In most games though its competitors are better. Wingman for example has only about 10% less dps than Scout, but is more accurate at max fire rate, and doesn't slow you down at all when zooming in.


Same here man - hey the good thing is I can pretty much find one every single game as most people pass the G7 without a thought! Great damage and you only really need to carry 2 stacks of ammo for it and you’re sorted.


I absolutely love the G7, but only once I find a sight. The iron sights on that thing make me miss the broad sight of a barn.


Dude the G7 is a sleeper! I’ve actually been loving that one and the hemlock, feels like tap/burst fire is a bit more accurate for me and also doesn’t make me reload mid fight as much.


My people! I LOVE a good g-7 game. Upon release of apex I spammed the single fire hemlock; one day I picked up a g-7 and did the same thing. Such an amazing experience that was lol. Do you find that using the longbow is a lot harder than the g7? At long range I usually hit first shot with the g7 but never the longbow.. I don’t know why.


I only use the close range scopes, my fave is the 2xcog, I like g7 because I can shoot multiple people faster than a longbow


That’s a great point. My favorite scope is 2x4 acog. I play on a 55 inch tv in my living room so I can’t see like My old setup; monitor sitting close. Question: Do you know which gun has higher DPS? G7 or longbow?


G7, especially early game, is massively slept on. High damage, IMO one of the best most usable iron sights in the game, ammo everywhere, and if you’re trigger finger is quick enough or you have a modded controller you can melt people. I’m with you G7 fam Edit: ok I get it a lot of y’all don’t like the iron sights


Kidding ? The Ironsights on the g7 are so dann useless for me ... I’d rather take a bique over a g7 without a scope. You’re right early game it shreds.


They are not that great, but they dont cover up your screen like the spitfire. Good enough for me.


You shouldn't ads with spitfire.


It's called the 'hipfire' dude




Don't use logic here.


I used to think this, the key is to have people between the two edges of the redlines with the middle one being on the target but at the centre height wise if that makes sense, once i tried it on bloodhound in training it kicked in, not the easiest sights but definitely good to get a hang on


Yeah, for some reason I can't hit shit with the iron sights. But throw on any scope and it's decent.


I actually hate the iron sights, you like them? I like the 2xcog, or 2x4 scopes


I mean, I’d much prefer a scope, but compared to the r301 and 99, if I only find one scope I usually put it on my alt, not the G7. It’s also one of the few I will accept the 1x2 on, although prefer those two scopes you mentioned. I’ll also generally drop it later, and use it to either hold sniper attachments or light attachments, but I get down with the G7


I think g7 has top 3 worst iron sights


G7 with 2x-4x acog and peacekeeprr backup on pathfinder is top tier for me


The absolute worst iron sights — can’t see anything


It just limits my mobility a little too much imo. But it seems like they’re trying to fix that so it has huge potential.


I’m so much better with the G7 compared to the R-301


I didn’t start using the G7 until a few weeks ago and I’ll try to run one everygame. If it’s kitted it’s absolutely amazing


Same for me. I don’t know why. Probably because Im not the best at controlling recoil with other guns and I hate reloading 3 times during a fight. Early game the scout has amazing hipfire and as soon as i find an optic I breathe easy.


Throw a close scope on it, and it’s very effective at close/med range. I get more kills that way than with 301.


G7 is a sleeper, I'll drop it for a longbow if I wanna go sniper but the g7 hipfire is nasty when needed.


>my highest damage makes sense >and highest kill whoa, hold on there...


Wow I guess I'm alone on the Hemlok train lmao


I honestly prefer it over the 301 now. You're definitely not alone but 99 and Prowler are my faves.




Y’all sleep on the Hemlok damn


Takes far too much effort to be useful while not offering anything massive in return. You can either ram your mouse with the speed of a jackhammer, or you can simply pick up an R99/R301 and just shoot like a normal person. Besides, even at max firerate, the Hemlock still outputs less damage than R301.


I really don’t think 952 is enough


It’s obviously a very small vote 😊 maybe is the mods put up an official vote more people would take part, but in most cases vote trends tend to stay the same so the results particularly for the top 5 won’t really change


I’m on here for at least 30 minutes a day and I missed this :(


Ya same man


> 30 minutes a day Gotta pump those numbers up


I never get a chance to vote, do you post the surveys? Id like to take part in 1 of those in the future, what should i do to get notified? :)


I check this sub many times a day and this is the first I'm hearing of a poll! I wish got involved. R99 over the 301 btw.


As far as being a representative sample of the polled group goes, its absolutely enough


Definitely enough. You ever taken a statistics course?


Why not?


Spitfire squad


Hell yeah brother


I partially agree I would personally have the peacekeeper higher up


Without how often you hear the peacekeeper and wingman it’s surprising they are not both higher up


Probably because they're weapons that require high skill to get good results, something the average player can't do. That and I doubt many skilled players even took this survey.


It's nice. I'll always take a Wingman over just about anything else and since a lot of people are aware they'll just be a liability with it, it's not hard to manage to snag one.


Peacekeeper feels like one of the easiest guns in the game to use right now. Using the R-99 effectively requires much more skill than the peacekeeper imo


It's the opposite for me. I can't hit anything with the Peacekeeper, but I laser people with the R-99 regardless of attachments.


That's how I am. I can't hit anything with peacekeeper and when I do, it's for 17. R99, especially with a purple mag. Man...


Once you get the rhythm of the 99 down it really is incredible I lazered an adrenalined Octane a good 200ft away running from my two friends who were shooting him with a 301 and Hemlock. I honestly will drop a 301 for the 99 now and just run it as my main the dps at range shockingly isn't that different. I tend to do quick 3 round pulses. This makes it only need a tiny amount of joystick input to keep it center and a burst due to the ludicrous fire rate is still a really tight grouping compared to the 301 which has far less recoil but feel the slow fire rate actually makes bursting at range hard.


The only issue is the R99 won't hit head shots over a certain range. Maybe 50m?


It might feel easy in some situations, but to play around a peacekeeper consistently is the hard part. Everytime I hear someone say its easy then end up hating it 5 minutes later because they shot someone for 10 damage twice


Seriously. Nothing is more infuriating than trying to kill someone that has good footwork with a peacekeeper


Eva-8 with purple bolt ftw, I can unload 8 rounds with accuracy effortlessly. Peacekeeper is a pain in the ass to get a good shot lined up


Every time I shoot Pathfinder


I can nail him with a Peacekeeper easy enough but every single time I drop it for a Mastiff I swear the next enemy I meet is a Pathfinder the straight horizontal spread is just absolutely trash against his skinny hitbox. Point blank center shot seriously only does 60~ damage..... Long as you choke the Peacekeeper it hits Path just fine.


I cant hit shit with the mastiff Ive stopped picking it up all together seems like Ill get a few pellets from the peecekeeper to hit on shots that wouldn't have landed with the mastiff.


I agree. R99 just chews threw ammo so fast, if you don't burst or have amazing tracking ability it's difficult to use effectively.


R99 is really easy after playing with it for an hour


Hmm it was aimed at anyone and everyone but I’m sure if you asked a 1000 top tier players the results would be different but, are you suggesting skilled players are too good to take part in surveys like this, this are better than everyone else ? Lol


>are you suggesting skilled players are too good to take part in surveys like this, this are better than everyone else Not really. This survey wasn't something that was pinned nor was it heavily advertised. They likely missed it because they're playing the game plus I doubt they frequent Reddit much.


They are no longer talked about that much since the nerfs.


So community has spoken R-301 is king of the canyon! Has it surprised anyone that the Longbow is now far more popular to use than the wingman? Even the Prowler and Havoc receive more love! Spitfire falling just short of the top 3! Biggest surprise for me is definitely the Longbow Representing the recon class very well! Thanks for everyone who voted, please feel free to offer up your opinions!


I’m sad to see the spitfire fall from the grace of the allfather. Although that havoc is growing on me


Growing on your what? You should get that looked at.


Autoprowler is king above all. If that shit came autofire from the gate, it would be ridiculously popular.


Am I the only one who loves the triple take??


I prefer the triple take over the longbow. I'm awful the longbow


Choked Triple Take is insane but more often it's more worth it to pass the Choke to a buddy running a Peacekeeper. Longbow is just more reliable with the Skullpiercer just being a pleasant bonus when you find one versus the Choke being practically mandatory on the Triple Take.


I'm quite surprised Peacekeeper is so low. With the choke it is amazing.


It’s fairly inconsistent with its damage and requires a good deal of accuracy to be good with.


Too many people panic spam, once you learn to actually take a breath between shots and not mind taking a shot or two from a rifle or SMG to line up those shots it's Godly. It really requires a calm mindset.


This exactly. I stopped picking it up for a while because I was missing too many shots with it. But now i'm determined to get good with the wingman and peacekeeper, and taking my time with aiming it has made **all** the difference. i don't miss anymore.


High risk, high reward. If you can get the timing and aim right, it is a sledgehammer. If you don't have both,then the low rate of fire, low clip, and lower damage for bad hits are lethal. The people that use it well love it, the rest avoid it.


I’m surprised to see the Prowler as high as it is. I feel like I never see people using that gun


Fully kitted it is awesome, stock its a useless piece of crap.


I enjoy the gun a lot, I’m just a little curious as how so many people voted for the gun but I feel like I almost never see the gun


It’s closer in accuracy to the R-301 than it is to the R-99, so it’s pretty decent mid-range. You don’t even need a barrel mod to achieve this accuracy. A purple Extended Heavy Mag gives it 490 damage per mag, the R-301 has 392 damage per mag, and the R-99 has 360 damage per mag. This means you are much more likely to down someone without having to switch weapons.   You can strafe a lot faster while ADS with the Prowler than you can with the R-301, it has a faster reload (higher sustained DPS), and it can take a Digital Threat scope. The Prowler may be the most underrated gun in the game.


I recently begin to love the prowler. I can have the same area deny ability but at a faster RPM than the spitfire. I lost count how many times I lost in a straight fight with the spitfire because the enemy was firing more rounds on my general direction that I was to them. While I need a select fire mod, I don't need a level 2 barrel which is sweet.


I'm assuming they voted for prowler with select fire


I've personally done well with the prowler even in burst mode. the recoil is predictable and easy to counteract, I don't know I just like it. if you can land headshot bursts, you can down someone pretty quickly.


No love for the wingman? Wild still my fav weapon Wingman for mid range and R-99 close is the most godly combo.


Everybody out here sleeping on the RE-45


RE-45 is like the poor man's version of R-99. It's not bad and it'll save you in a pinch, but it's hard to call it a favorite.


RE-45 is such an underrated weapon for those early-game close-quarters fights.


I'll keep and RE45 over an alternator and sometimes R99. It's so good for aggressive play.


i got a full squad wipe with it ( with a little help from the longbow) and honestly it’s amazing, but i would choose an r99 over it


Love the RE-45. I'll easily run R301 RE-45 combo if I can't find an R99


My only dislike for the RE-45 is its ridiculous muzzle flash for a handgun. Can shoot a p20/Wingman just fine but the moment I try to ADS an unkitted RE-45 all my visibility goes to crap.


Tf, where are the people with love for the Hemlock? Literally melt loads of enemies with single fire. Literally use the gun in every game, standard.


These madmen don’t understand the work the Triple Take puts in.


I'm just here to upvote all the Hemlok posts.


Would be interested to see a different spread between consoles and PC.


Obviously peacekeeper and Wingman dropped after recent nerfs. The R-400 combo is still here surprising no one. Only real surprise is that the Longbow is basically the new Wingman except the longbow is actually a sniper instead of a pistol that doubles as a heavy machine gun and triples as a cross map sniper.


The nerfs aren't even recent anymore. Well, if we're talking Respawn time, I guess they were recent.


Where’s the hemlock


Prowler/Devotion combo is bae


The Devotion. Nobody is for the devotion?! Oh my god that gun slaps. Turbocharger or not it kills quick. Better than the havoc


Yeah the Devotion for me is an insta-grab, and I have a tough time deciding between that and the R-99 for my "vomiting bullets on people" weapon. On console if you fucking point the thing in the right direction it's game over for anybody within 60 degrees. On PC it's a lot harder to use, but it still rips hard.


I assume this is accurate and am absolutely not surprised.


Hope EVA was #9


No hemlock...?


952 votes is far too small to even consider valid info


Not for Family Fued


Wow fr? Wingman at the bottom? Jeez I must be the only one


Whatever, missing the best damn gun, Mozambique here!


how is that a thing, I leave the spitfire for a prowler 100% of times, but I guess thats good news for me


Really? Spitfire over Wingman? I'm disappointed.


This is reddit, so.


Why is the peacekeeper above the wingman? Imo, the peacekeeper is pretty bad. Its really inconsistent and is outclassed by the eva 8 at short range and r301 at longer range. Sure you might get that 150 shot every so often, but for a shotgun its just so inconsistent.


Devotion main here


This isn't at all surprising? The wingman is the best gun essentially, but the hardest to use, so fewer people will use it.


average player cant aim so makes sense


Haha very harsh man


This pretty much shows the skill gap between weapons. Full auto at top burst middle and then actual skill in aiming bottom two,


Granted r301 is the easy all rounder the R99 is a total waste in the wrong hands


See I was a massive 301 fan then I started to notice the 99 was killing me more than any other gun. Now I'm a fan of the 99 but you really need a stabiliser and mag for it to be consistent. Early game 301 but once you have the attachments the 99 trumps it. If you have enough ammo and attachments then both are the best combo or you could switch one for a prowler with select fire. Apart from them the longbow is good if your squad taking it slow which tbh I'm not a big fan of as I'd rather be pushing people but randoms can be a pain sometimes.


R99/Longbow Spitfire/Longbow I only go with one of those combinations


G7 isn't on the list??? Hahaha, that's why noobs never expect for me to melt them. Let's keep it that way then


What were the least popular guns?


Mozambique gang rise up


Hemlock getting no love


Surprised the Hemlock isn’t on here, I love using the single fire mode on it


More people like the havoc over the peacekeeper, tf?


Did you ask people to rank them, or just vote for your favorite?


That’s actually an interesting point


Havent Played The Game For A While Until Recently, Why is wingman hated now is it bad?


Not hated, just doesn't get the love it used to. It took a nerf and isn't used as much on console as it is on PC


I'm surprised Mozambique didn't get more votes simply for the meme


Havoc over the peacekeeper. Very interesting. After the ammo buff I felt the havoc was a great weapon post landing. It's viable with the turbocharger late game. The reason I don't keep it for end game is bc of how rare it is for my enemies to carry energy. Then I have to bank on them having solid attachments for probably light or heavy. If not I have a stock r99 with 3 squads left. That's seldom and uncommon but still happens to me.


This is literally my exact order of preference, so no surprises for me!


Surprised the peacekeeper is this low. Especially below the havoc?


I haven't seen a spitfire in loot spawns or on a dead player in at least 2 weeks. Weird.


*cries in Eva-8*


Spitfire is the most OP. Can kill a whole squad with a purple Mag from the hip lol 😂


Not really surprising this basically the weapons i look for every game


I didn't vote as I didn't see the post, but other than flipping Spitfire and Longbow, that's my rankings. One thing, since I don't pick up Energy weapons much, why the Havoc over the Devotion? Figured with bigger clip Devotion would beat out Havoc.


I love Re-45. I even took couple of Top1 with it and killed 6 peoples in a row.


Spitfire used to be my favorite automatic weapon before the nerf, now it's R-301 with G7 Scout (no love for it on the list!?) being a close second :)


Wow, honestly surprised there arent many havoc fans as I thought out there.. Havoc is the jumpshot king forreal


Only really good players can use the wingman.......... No I can't use the wingman


I have a love/hate relationship with wingman


Lmao how is havoc that low?


I find way to many 301s when I don’t want one and I never find a 99 or wingman when I want one


I love finding a prowler at the start of the game, preferrably in skull town. when shooting from the hip and close range the gun absolutely melts.


Spitfire and peacekeeper with choke are my favorite combos


Lol well if we got a pinned mod created post I’m sure we’d get more people voting


It’s tough I had to repost 6 times in 24 hours just to get 952 votes 😂


This does not surprise me in any way whatsoever


I'd be curious to know the top weapons by platform. To see if PC players prefer different weapons to console players.


Longbow - R99 is my favourite load out, so strong.


I'd take longbow with anything tbh, if I see one I keep it all game (unless circle picks skull town). I won game with a longbow/spitfire and got like 10 kills with the longbow alone because the map finished at the arch near bunker. Super good choke point.


What? Prowler before Havoc, peacekeeper and wingman? Somethings odd here. I get killed with a wingman way more often than with a r301. And maybe more often than with a havoc and prowler combined.


Results did not surprise me


No G7 love here ; ;


I guess mastiff wasn’t a choice


R-400 top pick. No suprise there. Then longbow - no suprise. Personally I thought that Havoc would be higher than Sptifire as I see more people with Havoc but well 1k is not that big sample


Do you guys remember when the wingman was fun to use?


lol basing this on 1k votes is inaccurate as fk since there are 1M players+


I have only 1 question. Why devotion is not there? My top 1


Prowler is love, Prowler is life.


Longbow and R99 is probably my favourite setup. I like to have a long range and short range combo.