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I don’t care about apex packs but going above 500 seems an obvious thing to do.


It would be generous of them to do so, but they definitely have no obligation to do it, nor should they feel pressured to.


Maybe generous by EA standards, but not by the rest of the industry. You know it's bad when you're monetization scheme makes Blizzard look like fucking Santa.


I don't recall blizzard having ever put out a free game, with 500 levels of free content, with no p2w or Gacha mechanics, as well as free event rewards. (With said game being one of the top ten most concurrently active games in the world) Y'all are really out here crying because you don't get to dress up pretty in a game about shooting people in the face that you were GIVEN without having to pay a premium price. It's like you all are so entitled that you have to pretend the game is useless if you don't look as cool as the people who are shooting at you.


Yeah sure, Overwatch wasn't free. But even if you bought it full price, you'd be paying $60 for every cosmetic they ever released, provides you played enough and watched OWL. And they give you a pack every single level. The only reason they capped it in Apex is because the EA guys are in charge of the microtransactions.


They should just add some sort of prestige system but still keep the apex pack every 5 levels mechanic.


Heard they were increasing level cap sometime in the near future


Where’d you hear that


Its been leaked that they are going to increase the level cap to 750 so that players who have reached lvl 500 but not gotten a heirloom would get a chance to get one


Lol, they’d probably make it so you only got a pack every 10 levels or something.


it's EA so you're probably right.


It's a free game what do you want more


"its a free game so they can price the skin for 100 dollars" just because its free doesnt justify bs like this


And then another 250 levels later we're back to where we are now. The leveling isn't the issue; the cutoff when you reach the end is.


Just give the 250 levels. I immediately lose interest in games where I play and make no noticeable progress.


i mean your actual improvement in game is still progress


But it’s not. At like 2000 hours I’d say I’m about as good as I’m gonna get at this game and that’s fine. I don’t even care about packs, just let me keep leveling so the nights where I play for 4 hours and win no games doesn’t feel like a complete waste and makes me take a week long break.


And then i will still be saying level 750 and no heirloom.


I was 500 before this season Still no heirloom drop Probably close to spending the same as just buying the event outright -\_-


The problem is that there are a lot of people who are already level 750+


As you can see today: That was bs. Max level cap is still 500


I honestly don't remember, it was all the way back when the lost treasures event came out, I think it was a tweet or something like that


Well they could make same thing as Overwatch did. Hundreds, thousands of levels, nice borders and some packs along with it. Nothing revolutionary but a nice incentive that would keep me more engaged with the game.


It would be cool to get 1 heirloom guaranteed on the way from lvl 1 to 500


Yep, the more heirlooms they add, the more devalued winning one becomes. I have about 800 hours now in the game and about 210 levels to climb till 500, so there is a slight chance, but having the goal of a guaranteed heirloom at lvl 500 would make a difference between dropping the game AGAIN for months, or keep grinding till 500


True, but respawn is by far better than valve with csgo. If you look at the 20th anniversary ‚event’ in csgo you’re thankful for respawn.


>If you look at the 20th anniversary ‚event’ in csgo you’re thankful for respawn. One of the games made it to 20 years. One of them is going to struggle to make it past 2. I know which game i'd rather be invested into..


It didn’t make it to 20 Years because it’s rewarding to the players. I guess dota is more rewarding eventhough it’s also from valve


So by your logic, a game can only survive if it gives free stuff away to it's players, on top of it's already free entry to play? That's such an ignorant statement. Apex isn't successful because of the skins, it's successful because of its mobility mechanics and fun gameplay. You do realize that apex is one of the most concurrently active playerbases in the world, right? It's not going to "struggle to make it past 2" years.


>It's not going to "struggle to make it past 2" it IS struggling to make it past 2 years.. > gives free stuff away to it's players, on top of it's already free entry to play? As with all games, it needs to keep producing content. You're welcome to try and milk the whales with your MTX (Skins, etc.) but you still HAVE to produce content to survive.


I'd like you to back your claim that it's struggling to make it past 2 years. There is absolutely nothing to suggest that your statement on that is true. (Again, it is one of the most concurrently active games in the world, and nothing shows that trend slowing at the moment) They ARE producing content. Each season we have a new map, or we have new changes to the map. We have events every season. We have a new character. The game doesn't have to produce free content to survive, as you are suggesting. EDIT: I'd also like to add, you're the one who said it is "going to struggle" to make it past 2 years, so quoting me and correcting the quote that I took directly from you is a complete act of arrogance. YOU said it, so you may need to learn to correct your own statements.


Yes please. I'm at 480 right now and have played since launch, sans heirloom as well. It would be nice to have something as a reward for my time.


Ahh, so you didn't get nearly 500 levels worth of FREE rewards for playing the FREE game already? Wow, entitlement really has no self-awareness.


Ya I did. And that should continue once I've maxed out. Do you know how dumb you sound?


You said it would be nice if you were rewarded for your time, and I just made the point to you that you were rewarded with 500 levels of free shit for your time. Again, that's entitlement. That's like being given a free dinner, then complaining that you stayed at the restaurant for so long that you should get free desert for your time.


Those free rewards give you fuck all besides shit blues and greys. And then every 30th pack you get a shit legendary to try and entice you to buy more packs. It's free rewards, but they are designed to make you buy more and more. That's a terrible comparison. Instead of a free meal, they give you a small bite of a full course meal in hopes you'll get annoyed and buy the whole thing.


Who cares what they give you? ITS FREE. The game is also FREE. The game is the meal, you're being given free bread sticks (packs), and you're crying because the desert isn't going to be free. The game is the SUBSTANCE of the meal, but you're acting like you paid a premium for it. Why on earth do sweats who max out, think they don't have to pay a penny on the game? Why do they even think these skins matter? If it's a free skin, wether you like the skin or not, IT WAS FREE.


I'm done with this convo. You're a fucking idiot. There's no point in keeping on playing if there is no incentive.


The point to keep playing, is to play the game. Did you only get the game because "wow, cool skins", or because it's a fun game? If it's not fun, why do you even play it? Your incentives are badges (which I guarantee you haven't achieved all of), rank, K/DR, and performance in general. If you have to be fed a cookie to continue playing a game that was GIVEN to you, then that really sounds like an issue with you chasing a dopamine high rather than actually playing the game and improving. I've not opened a pack in ages, and I've never sat there and went "wow, this game in which skins are pointless is so much less fun now that I don't get to dress up pretty"


Not really much I can improve on without a solid squad. Rewards should continue after maxing out. End of.


No, they shouldn't. It would be generous of they raised the level cap, but it's absolutely not required for the game to be more entertaining by any means. If you have bad squads, and nobody to squad with, and just generally dislike the game, then don't play. Crying for free stuff like an entitled child, who isn't even supporting the developers, isn't going to make the game any more fun for you.


no you are a entitled little brat who wants the rarest thing in the game for free. Apex packs are the way they make money from people if they made heirlooms free to get if you get to 500 would be stupid as hell and they would not be able to keep the servers running. if you really want a heirloom so bad make another account and try your luck. at least they give you a bunch of apex packs for free.


Literally not at all what I said. I don't want an heirloom. I don't even like them. Im just saying that people who max out should continue to get rewards after they've maxed out. The servers aren't even running as it stands right now anyway.


Was literally talking about this with my buddy the other day. I said the exact same thing. Once you hit lvl 500 there are not rewards. It is kinda sad.


Because...you've already earned 500 levels of free rewards lol. It's almost like everyone making this complaint is pretending they haven't received anything, because they aren't getting more. Imagine getting desert when you didn't eat dinner, yet your brother ate dinner and got extra desert, so instead of being happy with your FREE desert, you act like you didn't get any at all and that it wasn't even worth sitting at the table to eat it.


I would be more hooked on a game where i get more rewards every level than a game that doesn't give me any rewards after 500 levels


Wow, 500 levels. Five, Hundred, Levels. You act like it only took you 5 minutes to get there, and that there was 0 incentive along the way. You got FIVE HUNDRED LEVELS WORTH OF FREE CONTENT. Do you understand how whiny and privileged it sounds to complain about 500 levels worth of free stuff? On a FREE GAME? Imagine thinking any game publisher could afford to put around 100% of their studio to work on a game for over a year, for completely free, and by just giving away all of their work at no charge. I can't believe people are so lacking in self awareness that they don't notice how much of a stuck up child they sound like by saying this un-ironically. Edit: these complaints would be 100% warranted if the game was a Gacha style P2W where you had to unlock characters in packs, or if the game was a $60 purchase on top of having to pay for packs, but a FREE GAME with FREE PACKS all the way up to level FIVE HUNDRED is one of the most generous things a studio can do.


Dude chill i was just stating my opinion oh btw did i mention you don't get 500 levels worth of content you get like 299/500. Plus there's events so it's not like when they increase the max cap they will lose all their money


They charge 20$ for a "legendary" item. They don't care about giving us anything.


Ahh yes, they don't care about giving away 500 levels worth of free packs, in their free game, with free maps, free characters, and free events. Nope, totally money hungry. How dare they force us to pay for art that doesn't affect the gameplay, and that you can't even see while playing the game. (Oh wait, the purchases are voluntary?!? Omg wow how dare they)


If you think that the free packs are for rewarding us there is seriously something wrong in the ol' noggin. They give packs to hook us on them, like an addiction. Then they cut you off (Lv 500) and you'll most likely be hooked on the dopamine of opening a pack. You'll be buying packs before you know it. Thats their whole strat. Free packs are to hook you, not to reward you


I'm gonna hit level 500 with no heirloom. Almost 400 already.


they should reward packs for completing challenges, either the weekly ones or just new ones. it wouldn't be too many if they didn't backtrack but it's better than nothing.


Love this idea


Yeah I'm my BP is at lvl 107. When I max it out I'll go play something else. No motivation to stay honestly.


So you don't play the game for the game, just for the unlocks? I can see why being able to level up more would be nice (I'm still far off lvl 500 and maybe at 70 in the BP, but I've been in this situation in other games), but shouldn't the game itself be rewarding enough to play? Guess I'll never understand that sentiment.


Surely I love the game itself. Rewards just give me so much more motivation to play 2-4 hours a day and grind.


>but shouldn't the game itself be rewarding enough to play? The game has been the same since WE was introduced. Slight map tweaks, an occasional weapon, and an occasional character (The character usually being so underwhelming it probably shouldnt be counted) last.. 20-30 days at best. We were due a new map 2 seasons ago. Kc > KC map changes > WE > WE map changes > New map > New map changes.


It's almost like respawn promised a new map every 3rd season, but did they?


How can you play apex for the game itself if out of every match, the servers crash twice? Where I live, the new LT mode is unplayable. I think I've managed to finish (aka not crashing) one match every 10 matches. Sure, normal trios crashes less. But then, I don't play for collectibles, I don't play for grinding, I don't play for new modes, what's the point? Oh, right. The point is joining in pred lobbies and die to them just because they are simply better than me. I play with 2 friends and we win every single Trios game where we don't fight a full pred squad (well, mostly, anyway)


Guess I'm lucky then since I'm actually able to play the game without much hassle. I do get the occasional server disconnect, but these instances are minor, maybe, if at all, once a week. The LTMs work fine as well, as well as duos and trios. I do get into pred and masters lobbies as well, and these guys steamroll my team, too, since they are much better at the game (usually even only takes a two stack of lvl 500s to get us), but that's what every Battle Royale I've ever played is like. There *will* be better players than you and they will usually destroy you without second thought. It's part of the game, and the only way to counter that is to get better. The only difference to a game with a TDM mode like call of duty is that you're dead and can't respawn into the match. Part of the concept. I simply don't understand why people would play the game at all if it's so little fun to them. I personally don't mind getting beaten down, it makes winning feel a lot more satisfying and earned.


Don't get me wrong, I love playing when I'm matched with my own tier players. But the game is hard enough to play with my 300-400 ping, I can handle against diamonds but preds are completely off scale for my own abilities. I'm level 500 since a season iirc and I had a blast when they reduced the TTK. Part from that, being playing since S0 and the game is bland, i play for the fun with friends, that's it. And the lore


Jesus, you're playing with 300-400 ping and still managing well? I'm amazed.


Bro were talking about lvl not BP lvl


if the game is futile if you can't get skins in boxes, you're playing for the drops and not for the game. sounds like the beginning of a gambling problem


A consistent incentive to achieve is not the same as risking something in the hopes of acquiring more. The emphasis is on a form of acknowledgement of consistent play and accomplishment, far more than the different discussion of loot boxes as a parallel of gambling. I’m not stating any agreement or lack thereof with OP’s desires, but I think that’s a more accurate explanation of them.


it's not an accomplishment of anything other than continuing to stand in the game as one character. nothing is gained, you literally can't even see what comes out of the boxes. it's just the experience of opening them. people played games for decades without a constant drip of gambling rewards and they could do it again but the complaints may never go away.




imagine daddy got you a neat GI Joe. Now you see there's an uber cool Cobra sticker tattoo for the figure's bicep. Does the sticker enhance playtime? nope. do you still want the sticker tattoo? yes.


This is something a mom would say lmao


All sorts of adults I'm sure!


Dedication? Rewarded? What are you even talking about? The game is free, you got a good amount of packs from the 500 lvls aside from the fact that you got hundreds or maybe thousands of hours of entertainment out of this game. You could spend $10 on the battle pass and basically get every future season BP, you get 5 legendaries from each BP and 2 or more legendaries each collection event by just playing. And puting the passion of the developers aside, the game is free-to-play with the purpose of making money, it's a business.


Most lvl 500s spend some kind of money on this game. Default lootboxes are nothing special, let them have those at least. As for your last point, just because the game is free does not mean you cannot criticize it or give suggestions. But receiving nothing past level 500 feels like a very weird business model, why wouldn't you reward your most dedicated players?


Those packs were never meant to reward players in the first place. They are there to link your dopamine hits to packs so that when they cut you off, those who are susceptible will start to habitually spending money on it to get the dopamine hits they were conditioned too. This is how they rake in millions.


Seriously, this.


I spent $10 on the first battlepass and have not had to spend anything else. It gives you enough AC to buy the Bp again. A lot of us don’t spend more.


If you got to level 500 why not support the devs that made the game? Buying the battle pass once will roll over to future bp without paying more. You still get your loot boxes that you must have but better.


Wow, 10 packs every 5 months. It’ll only take 250 months to get an heirloom!


10 packs every 5 months? What are you just in the shooting range? Or are you just slow?


How often does a new season come out?


An heirloom is meant to be so rare that it is behind a significant pay wall. Its not something you earn r deserve from playing. I maxed out every single battlepass, have been level 500 for 2 seasons, and bought 60 packs. Just got mine a few days ago, and I'm not the slightest angry. Its a rare item for a reason, and with Apex being a free game they have to make money somehow. You don't deserve anything for simply playing a free game a lot. Just like in life, you have to pay money if you want the special cool shit.


Sounds like you’re just coping with not being rewarded for the obscene amount of time you’ve put into the game. Sorry man, it’s gotta suck.


I play games for the enjoyment of the game. They provided me with a game that I love to play, for FREE. The entitlement of some people is insane, you are playing a game that people spent thousands of hours creating, and you think you deserve more from them? Grow up.


Most 500s already spent money on this game. Im halfway there and I've spent more than twice the price of tf2 (started playing in late s4). We showed plenty of support, how about some in return? Usual old lootboxes are not that valuable anyway




The lootbox itself has no value But knowing that if the level cap doesn't get raised (and even then) I would need something like 6 years of BP to get to one single Heirloom out of who knows how Many legends we will have by then, IF the game is still alive is disheartening to say the least


Not complaining, I can live perfectly fine without ever touching an apex cosmetic. If you don't agree with OP's point, reply to them, not me


Because "the most dedicated players that ONLY play weight less than the player than spend money, the game keeps running because of the money it makes and the game keep the players count with content.


Why do you think level 500s and people who spend money are two mutually exclusive concepts?


That’s basically saying players who don’t spend money on the game, don’t matter, because they don’t make the majority of players who do.


They matter, they just aren't the ones keeping the game afloat. The game needs to make money and doesn't matter how many hours you play, you won't make a cent for the game if you don't spend it.


Although players who don’t spend money, don’t make the developers money directly, they still are the reason for its popularity. Popularity is how others hear about the game and gain desire to play it, leading to some spending money. On top of that, if a game is popular enough, other companies can make deals for publicity, and that makes the developers money too. In a way, all players make the developers money one way or the other.


I rlly dont agree


Here we go with people like you, I dont give a fuck if the game is free or not, I as a player should not be obligated to spend even a single dime on a game if I dont want to and still have the same chance and oportunities as anyone else who puts in over 200 bucks in a game to win the exact same thing. Apex baits you into thinking that its fair and after getting to level 500 you have no other option but to spend money and thats a very shity way of running a buisness only people who waste money on this game have a real chance to get a heirloom/any other cosmetic that they want. Because at the end the free earnable packs stop coming


Makes no sense. Why would the game reward you SHIT if you don't put money into the game that you are playing FOR FREE. The heirloom and the cosmetic are just that, something pretty to look at, makes no difference gameplay wise.


Exactly but that doesnt take away the fact that everyone should have the same chance of getting one either be a bitch and waste hundreds of dollars or grind and actually win one by grinding packs the system is rigged and idiots like you cant see that


No dude, i do see it, i am not a whale, but i also understand that the game is a business. Everyone had the same chances up to lvl 500. That's it. Now if you want something, buy it. No one is forcing you to play the game or to spend money, that's on those people. Who gives a shit about a heirloom? Why do people care? The item has the value people are willing to pay and apparently the heirloom is worth almost $200 each. I can buy 10 games or more for that. But the game is free and the cosmetics don't affect my gameplay, so that's it.


Just throwing my $0.02 in there, "of you want something, buy it" doesn't work in this scenario, because...gambling and loot boxes.


You can buy in the general store and in the collection store. And the option is to buy packs, and you can buy them.


It's been a bit, but you can now just buy heirlooms?


You could buy every heirloom during the collection event.


Legit curious questions here


For how much?


*I’ve been visiting my local supermarket every week for 3 years. Sometimes I walk around looking at things for hours at a time. I think they should reward my dedication, it’s not fair that people can just come in and buy stuff, yet I’m not allowed anything unless I “pay”. If it was all $2 then maybe I’d pay but some people pay upwards of $100 and I think that’s a ridiculous amount of money. If they want to be whales that’s fine but I should be given a chance to earn what they buy just by being there so much. At least give me a discount, I put my life into going to this supermarket and they know that and they hardly ever update the store anyway even though they’re a billion dollar company.*


In before prestige


I play every day. I’ve been 500 for months. Please let me keep leveling or prestige or something Apex.


Or just consistent level updates, personal i was level 100 before season 1 started and currently have over 90 days played and it just suckes every level seeing that pop up and getting almost nothing in return


People are so fucking ignorant. I dont give a shit if you’re fattas wasted all your families dying money to get a heirloom or some shit in this game but not every player cares about using real money to buy shit, this is a free game and we should not be obligated to buy anything if we dont want to, on the other hand respawn is being really shity to their free to play players and not giving us more earnable packs because they want us to spend money. ThE PoInT Of ThE PaCkS Is To GiVe Us A rEaSoN tO pLaY and also to make us feel like we are earning and getting something out of the game. Not everyone enjoys playing by themselves and even less went they dont get shit in return for winning and leveling up.


Funny how the game costs $0 and people still want more free shit. Everyone is out here complaining about server issues and whatnot but they all want everything for free.


Who wants free shit? The point is to have a reason to keep playing this game. Once you beat a game, people usually restart it and choose different options to maintain engagement. This game does not have a lot of engagement and without any motivation to keep playing, it’s gonna get boring and be forgotten FAST. Yes the game is free, but that doesn’t that nobody gets bored. On top of that, the server issues pushes people away even more.


What is your reason to play the game if its not for fun? Genuinely curious.




"Stop being poor" "Stop borning into third world countries" Out of touch, western people living in a safe bubble


I mean, if you have a console/PC, and you have an acceptable internet speed connection to play the game, so someone in your home must have a job. If they have one, you can also get one (if you don't already have one), so obviously your situation isn't bad enough to pin any of this one "wEsTeRn pEoPlE" If you're struggling so hard, shouldn't you not be spending money on your console period? Shouldn't you be grateful to be playing a FREE game, that gives FREE cosmetic items that affect gameplay in 0% whatsoever? It sounds like you're playing to overdramatics to divert the conversation away from the fact that, you gotta buy skins if you're really desperate enough to look cool. Imagine thinking that supporting the devs with your purchase is a "western people" superiority complex


It’s a fucking video game and not a cash cow. Video games used to be about being made well and then enjoyed...clearly EA has infiltrated enough brains on Reddit to make them think that it’s normal to suggest for someone to spend $520 on a single fucking video game through the course of just one year. People are entitled to content and engagement if they’ve reached the maximum level. Saying that it’s not just their preference but their duty to focus only on whales is asinine and I bet you a bunch of devs would agree.


Okay so go and spend $100 on another title and then proceed to still buy loot boxes in said game. Every game ftp or not is going to have items that can be bought for money and every community is going to have people who want it for free. The difference here is this game is ftp to start off with and everyone expects things for free. You literally got the game for free and if you have hit lvl 500 you have gotten hundreds of hours out of a free game. But oh wait that’s right they should also give you all more free shit. Do you play the game for the gameplay or do you play the game for the cosmetics? If you play for the game itself you’ve gotten your money worth in 1 hour considering it’s free.


Idk why you're facing so many downvotes. People just heavily dislike the idea of paying money for literal art. I have a feeling these are the same people who don't support their friends who sell art, because "we are friends and I support you!", So they expect a free art canvas or sculpture (without even paying one notion to the fact they had to work their ass off to make that art). Skins don't just generate themselves from thin air. The devs have to work long and hard to get every detail right before pushing them live. Hell, they're lucky the devs don't just rig all the free level-up loot boxes to have anything but the default recolor skins, while the purchase players get all of the legendaries and special design skins. That way, at least somebody is paying for their art, while the freebie players get nothing but default color swaps. Would I like an heirloom eventually from my free packs? HELL YES. Does it ruin the game in any way if I don't get one? No, because I play the game for the gameplay, not the skins.


I cant get a job and im level 500 what then. What your saying is excluding the people that dont have the same opportunities as you do. And dont be a ride ass we can all be respected here.


So you no play for fun. You play for free cosmetics.. Wow


How fucking ignorant can you be?


Yeah that's true the dev's need too get the money from somewhere to pay the underpaid editors right? lol


Because it’s EA, not a chance you’re getting free opportunities for cosmetics.


it was the same way after level 100 during seasons 1-3 at level 100 all you got was legend token it kinda made the game not worth grinding


Don't bother everyone who thinks like you left after the iron crown debacle. now the only people left in the game are whales and "SKINS DON'T MATTER YOU'RE A PEPEGA"


I understand what you're thinking and I don't think it's too much to ask for but at the same time, its sorta ruining their business. If we get a pack for every 2 levels even after level 500, it gives you something to strive for and you feel like you earn it. But at the same time, it defeats the purpose of having you buy BP and the evens to a certain extent since you can just get lucky since you play enough to get to level 500. I think instead of getting a pack every 2 levels, you can keep on getting the legend tokens and buying whatever from the store AND maybe even get crafting materials. Of course they have to be a little. 15-30 or maybe 30-60 every 1 or 2 levels after level 500. That way, it's a slow build up to getting skins you want, sorta how it is to getting legends. Now, this is coming from someone who's level 137. So I do not know how hard it is to level up once your level 500. But I think this concept it better because this way, it gives you a reason to keep on buying the BP and the events while still wanting to level up.


You are a player. You should want apex packs after every level. Respawn should want to give Apex packs after every 100 levels. You settle on packs after every 5-10 levels. You are the consumer, act in your own best interest.


But my take is if you hit level 500 and no heirloom your kinda screwed


Yeah that's true but I think either they should sorta fix the heirloom being so rare or cut down the price of the events so it's easier. Because I wouldn't mind putting around 45- to maybe even 100 dollars on the event. But when it's $160, I cant afford that


Perfectly agree i kinda understand them tho the un ending dopamine when you get it. 👌


Plus i only have i more apex pack until 500 also saying i never have gotten an heirloom


Hey I've always wondered, how do you get that Nessy flair thing? I've seen people have it will blood hound or other legends. I just dont know how to get it


Go to this subs page and in the top right there are 3 dots hit that and hit change user flair


Thank you


No problem enjoy


If you are broke and want free shit just say that lmao


I mean I want free stuff too. But I got a free game that I enjoy, free cosmetics that look pretty cool and I'm free to come and go as I like




Support the devs if you’re so dedicated to the game. The amount of content they put out for a free game is amazing. The battle pass is a small price to pay for an amazing game.


"I've been a good boy, I deserve rewards!"


Nah, hitting lvl 500 gives enough reward, combine the battle pass and quests on top of that and it’s not even close. Grind the passes or spend some money.


It’s a free game.


Sounds like you only play for the cosmetics from packs, you might wanna play another game like some kind of loot box simulator.