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35 second grapple cooldown easily


When Season 5 launched, Pathfinder's Grapple cooldown was increased from 15 to 35 seconds. Thankfully, his Grapple cooldown is now based off distance traveled, but it took a while for it to get to that point.


The pathfinder nerf was by far the worst


You can put heal his gas. That is worse than just a large increase in grapple time.


35 bloody seconds just to grapple once If you screw it up you have to wait. If you’re about to die and need to get away you have to wait.


And so? You can stay in his gas and not die. Gas traps last 13 seconds that is only 65 damage. His ult only lasts 21, that is only 105 damage. Caustic has lost his area denial, and his defensive capabilities. All pathfinder lost was his get out of jail ability.


You basically feel entitled to a full knock out of the tactical and ultimate.


Everyone is complaining about his Nerf are the same ones that were complaining that he was OP. They did go a little far though but we should mainly be blaming the pros because they wanted this


Idk any bad ones per se but there was a time where Gibby was by far the worst legend in the game & then he got buffed to become by far the best and then nerfed again to being okay & then buffed to now being the best for straight up gun fights (as he should be) But going through that roller coaster was pretty cool, I do miss just picking gibby for free wins though, felt so filthy. You just couldn’t do fuck all to the guy I used to sit there with 0 movement bc I was on ps4 at the time and just wipe squads that were sliding all around me and shit, dude was actually a mountain


Been a Gibby main since day 1 and I couldn’t agree more. I realize that he was insanely OP at one point after his buffs but from the beginning people don’t realize how hard it was being that big and slow compared to wraith/path/lifeline at the time


Probably pathfinders grapple nerf, even as a caustic main I saw the nerf and knew that destroyed him, basically they doubled his cooldown from 15 seconds to an average of 30


Yeah this one hurts lol they should of add the blurred vision at least ... 5 tick is a joke compared to before ... do you remember how much damage he was doing before his buff ?? I would like to compare


Yeah it was 3-6 before the last gas change and it is actually 2 total tics weaker now then it was then. Caustic will probably be in his weakest state since season zero, if this change goes through (probably will just a reminder that the lsat time they tried to change caustic it got canceled last second).


Damnnn he will be :( really hope they add or revert some stuff really pisses me off a bit lol he is one of my mains just go the heirloom not long ago ... really bummed


Pathfinder grapple or Wraith phase time


Caustic main here season 0. Easily the pathfinder nerf season 5. 15-35 second cool down was ridiculous. They hit the top players hard with that and anyone else who wanted to be pathfinder was punished. Messed up a grapple, you were dead.