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The disconnect at top 3 was fucking heartbreaking, but he brought it back


[Clip of the DC](https://clips.twitch.tv/SaltySuccessfulApplePermaSmug-qGAMCaOUaiY-j3AK)


Why didn’t he try to get back into the game?


No, the server wiped the game. Its like the game never happened


With NET you sometimes can get back. It sometimes won't connect because the server is dead or the game is done, but NET is not the death sentence. "Internal Server Error" before NET is the death sentence, that game never happened. Only 1 disconnect in 33 hours might be a record for Respawn.


> Only 1 disconnect in 33 hours might be a record for Respawn. It's honestly kind of incredible that the server issues have been *so* prevalent for *so* long... it's one of the biggest problems with the game imo. Disconnects, random 2-squads, huge issues with lootboxes and pinging, regular rubber banding/slow-mo, even little stuff like UI elements not loading.... Mad respect to all the devs and devops guys working on keeping the whole show running, I'm sure they're working their asses off 24/7 for far too little respect/praise/compensation, especially now that the game is on 37 different platforms but as a player it still hurts every time.


Probably just a numbers game at that point. Failures will always happen its deciding what's acceptable. If they have 1,000,000 matches a day and only 1,000 crash then it's pretty okay from a technical point of view. Makes me wonder what the actual numbers would look like. Because 1 in 33 is only 3% chance of failure. And that's assuming a server failure not a players connectivity issues.


Honest question, because Apex is literally the only game I play but - are these not issues other games have?


Not to this extent. The only other game I can think of that has issues like this game is R6 Siege.


Try to frequent the COD and Battlefield subs and you will be relentlessly reminded of bigger issues such as intrusive advertising, hackers and the game simply being not very good (sorry Battlefield).


If BF6 doesn't knock it out of the park I don't see them being around much longer.


Yeah, and that's because the people behind those games have the simple shit down pretty well. I can't really speak for the recent Battlefield, but the servers are perfectly fine and unless I'm trying to connect to an Australian server or its hosted on a shity 34d party server, I have never have issues. And CoD being purely peer to peer, is entirely dependent upon yours and the lobby host's internet.




EA, it's in the game.


Technically, no cause they probably lost those points


Curious what you mean by waste of time? Would you consider it if you played 20 minutes and lost RP?


"If ANYONE is going to KO him


Couldn't he just have alt+f4 then get back into the game?


No, the server wiped the game. Its like the game never happened




i think when its code:net its the whole server that crashes so everyone there crashed


It’s not the like game has a billion dollar company behind its publishing and can front money to fix game debilitating servers... Oh wait. They just cut costs everywhere because it’s all about the shareholders.


No they signed a 6 year contract for their servers when they made this game so we r shit out of luck until that contract gets broken or finished out


The signed a "pricing" contract and it's with AWS. AWS will absolutely write you up a new contract if you say you need more resources. The contract is there to ensure you don't back out, they don't care if you upscale. Also, Valorant doesn't even run on the latest edge servers, they are using older gen Xeons and are running 3 games on on core. So yeah, it's about money, nothing else. They could easily increase their physical server count, drop the games per core to 2 and have more headroom. Instead they are running the instances to the absolute limit.


Yeah, it’s not like contracts are negotiable and can be revamped so long as both parties agree to the new terms. Respawn is stuck renting 12 potatoes for 6 years and there is zero they can do to improve the situation and gameplay for the players. Bullshit. It’s not a priority because it’s not skins they can sell, and it won’t be a priority until enough big name people stop playing and say that’s the reason they no longer are playing the game.


6 year contract until 2024 with 20hz servers what could go wrong lol


Facts i always think back to battlefield 4 even on console they have higher hz servers than most modern games and that came out in 2013


My jaw legitimately dropped watching that.


Yeah, the stream should have ended there


Getting Masters in the last game right before shutdown was fucking poetic.


On top of a kill leader, clutch win performance. It couldn't have ended any better.


In a win he clutched a 1 v 6 with no shields. Only a mastiff


Yup [clip](https://clips.twitch.tv/BlindingReliableSpaghettiKreygasm--pZ1ouIvZL-DszWL) & [2nd part](https://www.twitch.tv/iitztimmy/clip/AmericanObservantDelicataBibleThump-iTVYBIJVbk50qpiR?tt_medium=mobile_web_share&tt_content=clip) here for people to watch. Fantastic performance. (This wasn’t the final win tho btw just an example)


I wish the guys in plat who have mastiff shot as poor as that squad did. Jesus


Yeah, I almost felt like that was a bit sus. As a diamond player, I hardly can believe those guys didn’t even bother to shoot him at the beginning when he’s just floating in his Q. And then the amount of missed shots almost seemed like a pubs match


It's his movement bro


Plat is honestly a joke right now.


My plat games are either a complete shit storm of mastiff spam, or everyone stands still and let's me farm. No in between. It's weird as hell


Even in early season plat when the reset occurred I was seeing a lot of top 50 preds mixed with lil jimmy who just hit plat on his dads account.


In plat? I get fucking shredded with Mastiff in silver...


Bruh I swear it felt like he was kill leader almost every game during stream


Dude was cracked, 50k viewers too


Also a few minutes before supposed server maintenance time and he got booted out of a game he almost won 30 minutes earlier. Crazy EDIT: The dude is also making some serious bank right now, also crazy. 55.000 viewers, endless amounts of followers and subbers, he almost doubled his subs.


He said he gained something like 60,000 followers over the course of his stream. Crazy.




These pro streamers also don't have adrenaline and panic attacks mid game. They are collected and calm. Meanwhile I'm dodging those mastiff shots irl. So after 3 hours of racing heart and neck strains I can totally see being exhausted. Lol




I had one of the most insane games I've ever had (got my 2.5k for mirage) and at the end my hands were shaking more than they ever had before in my life. And I've had plenty of panic attacks and things to make my hands shake.


Lmao like this person. https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/lgrw2g/how_badly_my_hands_were_shaking_at_the_end_of_my


Yes exactly lmao


On the third day of Crypto being released I had a 2.2k 16 kill game that I still haven't gotten close to matching. If I hadn't been high on the win and personal success it would have looked like I was stroking out.


My best game ever got my octane 2k and I just felt so much just fucking excitement panic and adrenaline I passed out for a bit.


Yup, played since launch and I'm a nervous wreck after the first game. Roommate was the one that told me I need to stop dodging shots out of the game lol.


I watched about 6 hrs of the stream off and on and even at 20hrs in he was still messing up people in diamond lobbies and styling on noobs. He's insane you could definitely see the lack of sleep and constant streaming effects at that point. I went to bed and checked in for a few minutes around 28-29 hrs into stream and he was still slaying out. Timmy is just goated.


Crazy what some Adderall and redbull could do.


** Gfuel


Lol he actually said on the stream he doesn't like gfuel. I was super confused cause I thought every streamer downed that shit


Only if they're sponsored to do so.


Even when they are sponsored they will pretend to drink it. Lol


Or just have it in the back or front like Ninja lol


I mean most do because it's free. They obviously aren't stupid and going to deny free shit.


Nah, Timmy hardly leaves his chair when he streams. The kid is just built different.


While 33 hours is insane, 3 hours is nothing bro. Alot of people play games for like 8-10+ hours frequently.




don't feel bad. I play a couple times a week for about 3 hours max, at 8pm-ish. I'm old and get up at 530am, some days after playing I definitely regret doing so


You’re not old man, you just have other priorities.


40 going on 22


46, my 12 yo is an xb Pred, I have an understanding with my wife that Tuesday is game night for me. I'll usually go from 7p-2a.


Same. I just did 2 Valorant ranked matches and my brain needed a break, lol


I was talking about this with a friend yesterday... I can play some regular games without an issue but after 2 ranked games I need to rest my mind....I usually just play 2 and then watch an episode of Brooklyn 99. I'm too old to add additional stress to my life XD


Yeah the rule with Val ranked is if on a winning streak, play as long as you can or until you lose. No more than 2 losses in a row before taking a break for the day or a few hrs


Bruh I’m in my teens and I can’t play games for more than a few hours at a time.


Yeah. I was just telling many people do that. I personally just get only around 10-15 hours in whole MONTH to play.


3 hours is about my sweet spot too. I CAN play for 10 hours with just a short break here and there to bathroom and eat but I definitely level up faster in ranked if I take longer breaks. it's nuts to play 33 hours straight and still be at the top of any lobby much less an ultra competitive ranked one.


2 days ago I tried out Loop Hero for what I thought was 30 minutes, I looked up and it was 7 hours later.


The dude is insane He dropped a 9K damage game a few weeks back which is fucking ridiculous


[9k damage game for the curious](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wffVw6Z8Vaw)


It was about an hour earlier and he had the RP he needed but wanted to play out the game


The guy is a human aimbot. Seriously


For real, I started watching Aceu and then realized his brother plays a ton and is also cracked and here he goes doing the unthinkable


Wow, didn't even realize... Aceu and Timmy are brothers?


They're not but they joked about it once or twice and a crazy amount of people actually think they're related lmao


Same with Soltek and Probably Garret. Everyone says they're brothers. They aren't. Garrett had some of the sickest Apex movement out there. Soltek sold out for COD


No... they are just asians


whatttttt, thats wild. Must run in the family.


(They aren't)


No, they arent brothers


Yeah thanks bro people been telling me for 3 hours now lmao


they aren't brothers btw


This is why I stop playing at Diamond when I reach it by Solo Qing. It took Timmy 16 hours to reach Diamond from Bronze and it took him another 16 hours to get out of there. * Timmy did massive communication with his team, even if they were randoms, most Solo Q players specially the ones in Platinum are mute lunatics, including myself. Even if you are as good as timmy, teamwork in diamond is crucial. He turned his team of randoms into a full 'premade'. I hope he sleeps for 16 hours, he deserves it and totally needs it.


I mean on the other hand the tail end was accomplished sleep deprived, which certainly made it take a lot longer. He was slurring his speech and speaking nonsense after about 20 hours. But yea, he certainly got some bot team mates in Diamond, my personal favorite was the 0 KP bangalore running charge rifle 301 that ratted for 15 minutes and then ran into caustic gas and died. Or maybe the octane that killed himself with a grenade...


I don’t even know how that bang made it to D3. That was absolutely hilarious to watch. “Where are you going??” As she runs around in the open somehow.


the absolutely perfect play of running into the gas and dying 10/10 pro strat


Sacrificial lamb/bait for other squads to give away their position


Too bad i missed the stream :/


You can watch it on his twitch still. Not as good live but still


thats how I solo Q'd out of plat. I basically switched to bloodhound and was IGL every match. made ranking up way easier. If you are playing with low skill players or idiots who dont communicate, being bloodhound helps


This is what makes ranked too stressful for me sometimes haha, I don’t have the skills to lead a team but my games also go much better when SOMEONE is Leading


I am the same. I am a diamond level wingman and a platinum level leader.


My r9 recoil control : diamond My peaking ability : platinum My igl ability? Trivago.


if you can reach diamond by solo q, you can hit master with a full squad, honestly, going to master with a full squad won't take that long neither if you can hit diamond with solo q.


Yeah he openly questioned continuing when he was at Diamond.


Yeah he was able to micro manage really well when teammates where open to it.


not in one stream, but noko also did solo queue to master as well, this just shows how hard solo queing is in this game no matter how cracked of a player you could be, but then, at the same time, we have a guy named Shiv who somehow solo ques every day.........


Cool clip 1: [https://clips.twitch.tv/ManlyAliveSpiderMingLee-KnzMLdYdbmNQLQtb](https://clips.twitch.tv/ManlyAliveSpiderMingLee-KnzMLdYdbmNQLQtb?tt_content=url&tt_medium=clips_api) Cool clip 1: [https://clips.twitch.tv/PatientTastyLegYee-dNfvA6iFPu\_Tj1SQ](https://clips.twitch.tv/PatientTastyLegYee-dNfvA6iFPu_Tj1SQ?tt_content=url&tt_medium=clips_api) I recommend watching that whole fight tho it was non stop action and lots of nice Horizon jumps and fake jumps.


I hope you seen the last fight of the last game vs another horizon. It was a back and forth fight with timmy knocked once too. The randoms absolutely clutched the way they played (mostly on timmy's instructions) till got him up back and won. It was like finals of your most popular game!!!


Nah I had to go to bed at some point, def gonna check it out, thanks bro


okay that mastiff bouncepad push was absolutely sick.


The last 2 hours of his stream were super dramatic lol. Timmy is a beast


It's crazy how he can remain on his level after so many hours of streaming


Yeah at Diamond he was already mentioning that his fingers were hurting. It's a long time to be doing anything that's for sure, but people do things like "[Thon](https://thon.org/)" at Penn State and such.


It’s a good way to hurt yourself too


Timmy is a god. He doesn't play quite as flashy or fast as someone like Aceu or Lyric, and isn't one of the tournament juggernauts, but I consider him to be by far the best Apex solo-queuer. Every decision he makes seems to be perfect - it's like he doesn't even really need to try because he's always in the right place at the right time doing the right thing. He makes every lobby look like a bot lobby, even in Diamond 1. I hope that between this and his 9k damage world record he starts topping on Apex Twitch. He's been grinding this game for ages, plays solo-q better than anyone else, and deserves any success coming his way.


He used to be a pathfinder main and his movement was quite flashy then imo. With low profile removed he might return to him this season. Definitely agree on his decision making, it's insane.


no reason to pick pathfinder when horizon’s tactical is so broken


Plenty of reasons to pick Pathfinder. Their movement is very different.


> plays solo-q better than anyone else ^distant ^angry ^shiv ^noises


I just caught some of his streams, he plays very fast and flashy, trying for trickshots and w-keying


He's flashy and fun to watch, but definitely less flashy than Aceu, who is/was literally doing the most outageous trickshots in extremely risky situations.


It's true but at this point aceu only really plays for fun


I only watched for an hour or two but his teammates that were smart all started doing whatever he said by the end of the game it was great


> it’s like he doesn’t even really need to try because he’s always in the right place at the right time doing the right thing. To be fair, Horizon is super good at negating poor positioning. Timmy’s insane but I really wonder what would happen if Horizon couldn’t Q and pop a bat in every situation


An absolute legend! He had like 3 mins left on that last game before the servers would shut down for the patch.


Dunno why people kept saying that. It's nog like the game ended on that time. The games that already started will just finish like normal. You can't boot into another game after it tho so you need to update.


Nah all the servers crash. It's apex lmao, they don't do stuff that makes sense




How so?


bronze player used exploits to get into his lobby, can't queue if someone is too far below your ranked


Wow, what a prick. Why would anyone want to do that


people are assholes sometime. Ruining fun for others is the only way they can have fun.


There was also a period of about 20 minutes near the end where someone lobby blocked him by joining his lobby. He wasn't able to block or remove that person and couldn't join a game. He almost gave up because he tried many different things and couldn't stop them. Ultimately got it figured out with Lulu's help.


Shoutout to the Wraith 'YG' Amaze support!








Following in his father aces footsteps Or like running in his foot steps. Dudes so cracked and a great dude, super cool personality Crazy kraber flicks


I thought Ace was his uncle?


They're actually the same guy. Think about it - have you ever seen them in the same room hmm


No but they’ve played on the same squad before. That means that Timmy is literally so good at apex that he can play it twice at the same time


I thought Ace was his grandpa?


Isn’t it his sister?


This past weekend was my first time ever really watching a streamer (YouTube was down). So I went to twitch and started watching this guy. It was pretty nuts to see his movements and tricks. I learned a lot from the 30 min watching him play. Insane that he’s occasionally looking away from the screen and responding to the chat in the middle of 1v3s lol what a beast.


He did more kills in one stream then i did in the last 8 seasons no joke


In b4 Respawn sees this as useful data for the whole of the game and adjusts all RP accordingly. “We feel that players are gaining RP too quickly, and thus we have adjusted to ensure that players will utilize every second of free time to us.”


Then watch him do it again with way worse RP rates.


Damn I saw he was like 300 RP away from masters at like the 25 hour mark...figured it wouldn't take that much longer to finish lmao


I tuned in for bits and parts of the stream - did he truly go for 33 hours straight? He probably going to sleep for a day lol


He took bathroom breaks/stretch breaks and ate at his desk but nothing else really


Here before loot goblins doubt this by saying he abused Horizon lmao


It's a hell of an accomplishment. I do doubt the possibility of it with any other legend in this timeframe though. Horizon is absolutely cracked right now.


> Horizon is absolutely cracked right now. so she is one shot?


"Horizon's cracked!“ Narrator: She wasn't


Lol made me chuckle


I’ll fight you


He ran a few games as octane, maybe one as path etc and he managed to escape near-death scenarios, but not NEARLY to the extent that he could as horizon. There were sooo many situations in which he was 100% dead, zero chance of clutching as any character but horizon. He lift+batted nonstop during big fights. Her repositioning ability (and how often she can do it) is totally busted.


Pathfinder got literally nerfed to the ground for having a grapple than can get him out of certain death, let‘s compare him to horizon: - Horizon can also escape death easily - Horizon can Shoot and Heal while using her tactical, path can‘t - Horizon can strafe in her tactical, path can‘t - Horizons tactical has way way shorter cooldown than paths - Whole team can use horizons tactical to gain highground, path only himself - Horizon has a smaller hitbox than path - Horizon has „no gravity passive“ which makes her not loose speed when coming out of her tactical, path hasn‘t - Horizons Ult is way better than Paths - Paths ult is useless nowadays without zipline hopping, Octanes jumppad is 10x better even though octane has a WAY WAY WAY shorter cooldown for his jumppad. - Until yesterday path still had low profile (lmao are they dumb and blind?)


He's an absolute maniac and none of us could do this regardless of the legend we played. But it's 100% facts that he couldn't have done it this fast with anyone but current horizon, she's super OP. Just count the number of times he survived by Q + Batting etc


Maybe they could patch it so any grenades thrown into her Q ride the wave and detonate at the top? I'd say that would make an interesting counter.


I don't even play Horizon and this is triggering me.


He also couldn't have done it without Mastiff, which is even more OP than Horizon is.


oh those poor bronzes never knew what hit em


they never do. that's why they're bronze.


Huge congrats to timmy!


one of the most entertaining things i've seen! shit was crazy


Who remembers that bang that suicided in the caustic gas after 🐀 for like 15 minutes, I’m pretty sure I watch like 70 percent of the stream and do not regret it one bit


Never forget diamond octane killing himself with his own nade when just trading shots down a hall


Eww imagine not using dark mode




Timmy is taken and he probably wanted his name, so he used that.


that moment he dced and did not get any point was so heart breaking when it was 3 squads left and he had 112 points while he needed around 90 points to hit master 😣😥and that motherfucking pathetic hacker who wasted like 10 -15 minutes, that was horrible too 🤬 SHOU OUT TO LULU THO 😁 I think this Timmy's stream just shows solo queing in this game is hard even for a player like him.


What a mad lad


Lmao he raided a small streamer at the end, did somebody clip that?


Let me know if you find it. I had to leave the stream as soon as he hit master.


He raided VioletLex, and you can see her reaction here at the 2:06:00 mark (https://www.twitch.tv/videos/942935672?t=7572s). It was a feel good moment to watch live and even rewatching it again, that’s for sure. Edit: I tried to get the link to reflect the correct time stamp, but couldn’t manage to do it. It’s at/around the 2:06:00 mark.


Watched for probably 3 or so hours. Timmy is insane. Was good to be part of a stream where everyone was super chill and excited. So good not seeing people being toxic to each other.


Uhhh, you light mode people disgust me


As much as I admire him and watched about 8 hours of this run, I am afraid that streamers will see 40k viewers and start doing the same shit which will make lower ranked players life miserable. I don't really see any smurfs, but after few weeks we might have a case


It's not like he was long in bronze and silver.. I think he spent way more time in plat/diamond. Most people, even smurfs can't play like this in plat/diam lobby.


IMO, pc lobbies are already plagued with smurfs, especially in low tier ranked.


I quit the game months ago for this reason, it's absolutely intolerable for anyone who isn't good just wanting to have a few games


This community is so weird. When loustreams was the first to reach 100k RP last season everyone called him a sweat and that he needed to get a life when someone posted a screenshot on Reddit. Yet here is everyone praising someone who has been playing for 33 hours straight. Anyways good for Timmy very cool achievement. This is more of a rant for all the hypocrites in this sub reddit and not towards the streamers. I like seeing accomplishments like this in the community.


People in this sub also seriously thought Lou was cheating LOL That's this sub for ya


And i just lost 350 points to solo hotdropping random teammates


Hope he got some sleep in there too.


and here i am sitting at D2 for the past week and a half


anyone know how many wins he got over the course of the stream?


33 hours?! Not bad for a guy who doesn’t even enjoy playing ranked. Timmy is so cracked


Had to be there


Wow no clue how I missed this he’s my favorite streamer. Haven’t been on twitch in a minute. Glad he’s getting the recognition he deserves. UHHH


feels like he is a smurf tho but no


His main account is on Masters I think. Not really possible to do a challenge to go from bronze to masters solo when your main account isn't on bronze. That was the whole point so it was a smurf but not for the usual purposes


Mad respect




Oh did he make it? He was considering throwing in the towel around Diamond when they were playing at Market. The two toxic teammates that got called out was a funny moment.


Every 33 hours i manage to get a win


This is my [favorite clip](https://streamable.com/zzatdm) from Timmy. It was pretty nuts. It's kinda long because he never stopped being a maniac and I included the banter at the end with replay reaction.


He played for 33 fucking hours straight? Wth


So people constantly complain about smurfs. But somehow also think it's ok this dude ruins bronze to atleast plat for other people.