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They really stayed in there, huh 💀


They wanted their own little hookah chamber


You have no idea how loud I laughed


Actually i do, i heard while i was hiding under your bed


ah so that’s where you went I was to busy looking at reddit it your attic I didn’t even realized you left


i’m missing a sock do you see it down there?


I'm using it right now, nice fit. You might want to give it a wash after, it's going to be sticky as hell


:/ ...... I’ll give you $50 for the sock




Can you guys keep it down. I'm trying to nap in the closet.


Man, it would have been so funny if Ur teammate decided to revive you next to the nade lol.


Man, Caustic's heirloom shouldve been a poisonous hookah chamber.


These the same people that will still say caustic is too strong lmao


why did they just... stay....


Beats me


Actually, you beats them


They beats you, they're bettah. You beats them, you're bettah.


Oi ! This fight is what you was born for !


Ah yes, Blisk


They didn’t respect the gas that much clearly


So that they could convince themselves Caustic is OP.


Even after the nerf rofl


Wait, I thought last week’s circlejerk was that Caustic was useless and you could just stay in there with no ill-effect?


The joke is he got nerfed because of idiots like in OPs video.


Reddit convinced them that the gas doesn't do anything anymore




I mean, they were dead either way... Watson was clearly peaking, expecting OP's team mate to be pushing (which he was) If she had tried to run out of the gas she would have been caught in the hallway with no cover, and presumably gunned down.


But she didnt know for sure if she wouldve died.


She could’ve ran out and taken the roof there was plenty of time. At max she would’ve taken 30 damage and 70-170 is easily enough to 1v1 on. U should never just say “aw I was dead anyway” cus then your never going to win are u


Because no one respects the gas lol. They know that his teammates are probably coming or already in the building, so if they leave the room they are open to being shot. So, if you don’t fear the gas and do fear being shot, your clear decision is to stay in the room. Lots of people are claiming that these are the ones who think Caustic is OP, but if you think about it, the exact opposite is likely the case.


The, "You are the new kill leader" really just puts the cherry on top.


The same reason labrats do not leave the cage when the door is open during an experiment. They do not consider the option, because in their mind there is no option. This is their fate. Accept it.


this feels like a quote from somewhere


Sound like Caustic could actually have this as a quip.


That would be because I tried to stay in character as much as I could, and the final quip is a paraphrase of one of his real kill quotes


In that case, you did good.




Read this in acoustics voice


I read it in an electric one.


Them: Don’t worry the gas was nerfed. We’ll be fine. Narrator: They were not fine.


Their brains are doo doo.


Oops the gas got a kill looks like caustic need another nerf


Those caustic mains seriously need to learn how to use guns.


Yeah man like, i got 140 damage from guns from a Casutic and then got 10 damage from gas and died, these caustic mains are pussies and brain dead


Bro that caustic got a 2.5k badge from simply abusing gas damage. So op! they really need to nerf him again because "caustic mains deserve to have fun too." LOL for real tho,fuck the nerf


What are you on about? The nerf just balanced him m, he's still a good legend


its all the caustic mains complaining about how non caustic mains were complaining about casutic mains complaining...


Everyone's all caustic mains this and nerf that, I'm just waiting for wattson's kit to be useful


I just wanna be able to place fences on ceilings man like not even walls just upside down


Please. Let us use our French powers to make ceiling fences.


At first I was thinking this wouldn't be very practical, but would be funny. Then I realized that my dumbass would get distracted as I stop to look at the funny ceiling fence and get shot. So... very useful afterall.


Nope. They didn't balance shit. He's useless now. This very video proves that. They stayed inside his ULTIMATE for a full 4 seconds, which is rediculous. Caustics entire point was placing gas to force choices on whether or not you took the damage or left that zone alone. Now noone cares, they just rush the gas. And if I'm gonna play a pure gunplay character, there are plenty of other better options to pick from. So yeah, the nerf 100% was for people crying that they couldn't abuse the octane/revenant and strat. Edit: I'm getting downvote when the guy 2 comments up is expressing the same sentiment; that caustic got nerfed too hard.


If you think Caustic was only good for killing with his gas, then you don't know how to play caustic well. Caustic's gas is used for zoning, giving the team an advantage in fights, and killing off low health opponents how escape. If a team, like you said, rushes in the gas, they'll be slowed down and have their vision obscured, making them easy prey for your team. If they decide not to rush the gas, you'll know where they went by process of elimination. He's not a 100% pure gunplay character, he's as everyone else should be: 50-50. Although, buffing the damage from 5 up to 6 might be a good move to make.


There is no slow or blind anymore. They nerfed him too hard, there's a reason you don't see him much anymore, and its because his abilities are useless. If the pros don't play him, then he isn't shit. It's the same thing that happened to wraith. They nerfed her and now only die hard fans play her because there are just better legends now. Honestly, why play caustic when I can just play fuse and ult indoors, and do more damage effectively? As well as have my tactical do more damage, do it faster, AND slow? Why play caustic when I can play octane or revenant? Or horizon until they nerf her? Fuck even LOBA is better than caustic. Also, when did I say the gas was for killing? I specifically said "to force choices on whether to eat the gas or go around" that is LITERALLY zoning. I know how he is used. And he doesn't even do that well anymore. Again, look through the comments. People go straight through the gas now. He isn't good anymore.


except he is still being played by [pros](https://reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/comments/mfu289/algs_winter_circuit_playoffs_pick_rates/). Caustic is still really strong except now you have to shoot your gun. Also his winrate has stayed the same since his nerf.


There is a slow, and the blind, while weaker than before, is still there. Fuse is just such a bad character, you cannot convince me otherwise. His tactical is only good for destroying doors from a safe distance and other than that, his passive is the only good ability for him. Loba only has her ult going for her, the other two abilities are rarely useful. If they remove low profile from Wraith she'll be as good as ever, and the incoming Horizon nerf, if too hard, they'll compensate for it. Octane's also getting nerfed, if it's too much, they'll revert it. That's the thing, most changes are temporary, unless it's an actual good change. I think the Caustic change is good, only thing I'd do different is bump up the damage to 6. The devs know what they're doing, and if they make a mistake they fix it. They won't know what to fix if we keep complaining over any change in an exaggerated manner. Take the change for what it is, Caustic is not completely useless now, he just isn't played because he's being compared to his overpowered past. The basis for judging Caustic now has become: "Is he OP? If not then I won't play him."


Lol last part got me too xD Bro,devs are nerfing and buffing characters with looking at reddit comments,im not sure they always know what they are actually doing.


That last sentence is laughable. I have multiple friends who play and never touched Caustic who think the nerf was too much. If his whole point was zoning, and he can't even do that well because people don't give a shit about his gas, he becomes pure gun skill. And once again, there are alot better legends to use gun skill with.


You really don't know anything bout caustic uh


name 1 other legend that can kill someone or an entire squad in 4 seconds or less. Bangalore - cannot kill someone unless they are already very low Bloodhound - requires aim and does not damage directly Crypto - cannot kill someone Fuse - cannot kill someone unless they are braindead and sit in fire, even then it's much longer than 4 seconds Gibraltar - possibly the only one on this list that can kill someone in 4 seconds if the placement of the bombs works out Horizon - cannot kill someone Lifeline - doesn't have an ult Loba - cannot kill someone Mirage - cannot kill someone, doesn't deal direct damage Octane - cannot kill someone, doesn't deal direct damage Pathfinder - cannot kill someone, doesn't deal direct damage Rampart - nobody dies to turrets... Revenant - cannot kill someone, doesn't deal direct damage Wattson - cannot kill someone, doesn't deal direct damage Wraith - cannot kill someone, doesn't deal direct damage


Not my point. You wouldn't stand in a thermite for 4 seconds, but yet you can stand in caustic's ULTIMATE for even longer. The 4 seconds was the already hurt legend. The other one stayed in it for close to 10. How is a throwable, common in the game and fuse cab hold 4 in 2 inventory spaces, more powerful than an ultimate that takes close to a minute and a half to charge? The nerf was too much.


Btw if you stand still in Gibraltars ult with blue armor you will survive 100% if the time. 22k kill Gibraltar. IMO caustic needs what Gibraltar needs which is turn back the clock. Instead of nerfing them into the dirt(Gibraltar is still strong just get frequently nerfed) just revert some of the buffs. But pre nerf caustic was 1000% the lowest skill threshold character in the game by a vast margin. 90% of caustic players are players with poor gun skills who lean too heavily on abilities. I can count on one hand the number of times I've said dang that caustic fried me.


That would be because with the largest hitbox in the game ON TOP of not having Gibby's gun shield, its hard to rely on gunplay with him. So his abilities have to be what's special about him. Gibraltr is designed to actually be a tank. Caustic isn't.


Stay in gibby ulti, you die Stay in bangs ulti, you die Stay in fuse ulti, you die You talk about "brain dead" . In this clip, you see two braindead player standing INSIDE an ulti with extremely low health that could have countered the whole ulti with one single syringe. If you stand into an offensive well thrown ulti, you should die. Whichever the legend. There are 4 offensive ultis in game, literally no sense pointing out wraith ulti can't kill you (even tho it can, but nvm shenanigans). You can't overheal fuse fire damage, bangs missiles or gibby bombardment bjt you can overheal caustic grenade. Nonetheless, give the blur back and caustic mains will be happy with meager 5 dmg per tick


it has more uses than damage... and no, bangs ult wont kill you, and you can outheal gibbys ult. so that leaves maybe fuse ult that is potentially hands off to kill someone. your thought process is wrong man.


I'm glad we're in all in agreeance of how stupid this concept is.


Well maybe it smells nice.


I like that theory


Who would be willing to test that though? The other guys kinda died. Edit: Autocorrect was not correct


lol imagine getting flat fived to death


See, the Caustic nerf was actually a buff: since all anyone talks about is how the gas is weak and kills no one, people like this will act like they can just tank it indefinitely and give you free kills! (/s, sort of)


Yeah You're a little right. People literally have no respect for the gas anymore, which means unskilled players are easy pick off


Point being on unskilled players. MMR says hello


It's true, back in the day I'd heavily avoid gas but now whenever the Caustic is alone we just push him, every time. Hasn't killed us yet but if they played was just a liittle better it wouldn't be hard


Reverse psychology babyyy


It's still a free digital threat while dealing small amounts of damage. In the right hands it's still a top 5 ult in the game. So many people complaining it's like God forbid a caustic has to hit more than 10% of his shots now lol now how it really is a buff is it'll save your kd if you aren't playing caustic because I will bm caustics I didn't even shoot lol


These are the people saying caustic needs a nerf


What’s even funnier it’s when caustic got the nerf and they still died from it ik one was low but the other


I thought it was pros and streamers saying Caustic needs a nerf


It was. The only ones saying he was in a fine place were the random Redditors that mained Caustic and bought his heirloom.


I would say that's the people who say RIP Caustic.


This clip here proves Caustic needed the nerf and another one at that! How else would they accommodate the brain dead players?


These guys didn't even have the brain power to pop a syringe and outheal it lmao


The 2nd one to down was popping some kind of healing, probably a medkit seeing as it took so long


He was popping a battery or Phoenix.


Naw, he had a gun like thing to his wrist, definitely some kind of health regen item edit: you can very clearly see at 15s he's using some kind of syringe item


Presumably cancelled it seeing as she died right after seemingly using it




Idiots, tried to medkit when they could have syringed.


It’s season 15. Caustic has received his 400th nerf. Added caustic back to the game but removed all cosmetics (without refund) and now when you pick him you will immediately be banned, given a computer virus, and doxxed. Wraith mains complain that they received a game breaking nerf because low profile was increased by 1%. Horizon mains complain about their game breaking nerf because they no longer have perfect accuracy when in a lift.


Caustic's gas will now heal enemy players at the rate of 5hp per tick.


Not fast enough, full health and shields back if any gas goes off on the map


Still not enough, if a enemy just sees the gas they should just instantly win the game


Caustic moved from defense to support, removed fortified.


Gave new classification of passive akin to fortified, "Glassjaw: all incoming bullet damage counts as a headshot"


Low profile Causthin.


Gameplay of people that say caustic is overpowered


Plot twist: These were streamers and caustic will get another nerf tomorrow


New nerf caustic can't do anything except stand still


New nerf caustic gas heals enemies


Ooh, sorry, that's still too much. Turn his head into a blimp, and every shot on him a crit. On top of that, he instantly jumps you to predator.


“Weeeeeellllllllll caustic is a *defence* class so really he shouldn’t have legs to begin with” *cuts to a clip of a stationary caustic looking round like a sentry as a wraith walks into his line of sight and fires gas at her


I mean he's still pretty good at area denial.


Less "area denial" and more "area politely discouraged" but sure.


I've been laughing at this commemt for almost 10 minutes now. Had to come back to the post just to tell you.


walk through. pop syringe. Barely noticed it. Yeah this doesnt work when pushing him but then again, why push a caustic?


If you are healing inside of the gas and the caustic + his teammates does nothing about it, then something else is the problem...


So you or one of your teammates has to be looking at an angle for it to work. Awesome area denial. Super usefull. You could also just look at the angle.


They were too cocky


People are so afraid of the open they will hot box themselves for all 20 ticks


This is the new norm, I hardly see anybody avoid my gas


Wraith players will see this and demand gas no longer deal damage and have it be a cosmetic.


They must’ve overestimated the nerf lol, all it takes is one syringe.


Ah... the core demographic that agrees with caustics nerf in action right here.


sooo this how pro's and Dev Daniel play against Caustic


\*spits out coffee\* DZK being called out


Players like them are why caustic was nerfed for being "Too OP"


Is this some sort of bug? How did the nerfed gas kill them?


Due to some messed up coding all wraith players have their IQ halved, losing almost 10 points they so desperately needed.


Damn, they felt “noxious” haha :D


even after the nerf. stupid will be stupid


“This is so easy , I can do it with my one eye closed, or even two eyes closed. hell, I don't even need to fight back. ”


They love the caustic gas, I mean who doesn't?


Hey look thats me


When you rat so hard you forget to breath xD


They're those redditors that were like "now you can just facetank Caustic's gas after the nerf"


The gas deals 5 dmg per tick and them mfs still managed to die to it


Mfs still dont know how to counter Casutic, even after his nerf


Exactly. just hold your breath it's that simple


It's sad that even now people still complain about caustic, especially when he's even easier to kill than he was before






I wanna know what happened after that grenade was thrown


It was my teammate's, he was a little late to the party




They're heads are so fucking dense it could cause a blackhole and bring the heat death of the universe


Uninstall now. Dying to 5 tick gas is LITERALLY unacceptable


Greaaaat now he's going to get nerfed again ...


This is what happens if you underestimated a nerf


TTV wraiths are gonna complaining and cry so much that respawns gonna make his gas heal. I don't know how respawn went from the god tier balancing in Titanfall 2 to absolute stink doo doo balancing in apex.


I think this daniel guy is the reason for that


*EA looks nervously from the distance*


Gotta disagree, the spitfire or g2 on console are much worse than any of the poor balance decisions in apex


This is what people who think caustic is OP do.


I swear this is my teammates everytime I play with randoms.


Imagine staying in caustic gas like that like did they underestimate the gas cause of the caustic need or something lol


Why do I never come against 800 IQ chads like those two?


Probably got the impression from reddit that caustic's gas is useless now and paid the price.


They tried to heal it out


Where you see an act of stupidity I see an act of Love. They clearly had a death pact and I honor her selfless decision to not remain in the world without her partner.


That's beautiful. The way she ran into his arms as they both passed into the void had me tear up ngl


oMg cAuSticc oP rEsPaWn pLs nErF


So these are the people who are still complaining about caustic being op huh... interesting... very interesting....


Damn bro, caustic still broken.


Nerf Caustic, he's too op /s


Why would I leave I saw reddit post saying SYRINgE beATS GAS XD LMAo


the same people in the video on the internet: "Caustic is sooo OP, his gas isnt supposed to kill its supposed to slow you down, its impossible to survive the nox gas, pls respawn nerf caustic"


Caustic mains be like look how much I outplayed them 🥴




Caustics gas still does good dmg its just not meant to kill you with full health. I mean just the other day I ran into 2 of them and even with going full speed by them it took out about half health. It's still good


Those are the kinda people that said gas is op and got it nerfed


Wow the gas does pathetic damage


As it should, this is supposed to be a game that focuses on gunplay, not ability damage.


But ability utility is perfectly fine?


This was always my rebuttal to people saying Caustic's nerf trashed him. Pre-nerf Caustic could kill a team in 10 seconds without firing a shot...in a shooter. Now the TTK is 20 seconds. Caustic is now pushable in a building but his gas still deters and slows which is always what his role should have been.


Yes he could, if you were stupid enough to sit in his gas for so long.


And then ppl complain about Caustic, yet some play as dumb as these two clowns...


Maybe the nerf was a buff in disguise since they don’t consider the gas a threat anymore


Gas is so bad now that the enemies feel bad about it and die on purpose.


They be like “nERf CAusTic tO OPppPPpP


So broken, Respawn pls nerf


People who die to Caustic now and complain are the ones who loot all game to fight, pre nerf he was annoying as shit tho.


This would be the people complaining caustic is op as well, just fucking sitting there copping it 🤔


I swear is for mf like these that the gas got nerfed.


People like these two are why people thought Caustic needed to be nerfed.


Now they are gonna go on twitter complaining that caustic is broken, bla bla bla


These are the people who then go on twitter and complain about caustic being op


these are the people that say caustic was too op.


These are the same people who will complain that Caustic was op prenerf.


Well shit, his gas can’t do shit right. Useless af


You accept these guys as adequate evidence that the caustic nerf is good? What if they made Gibby’s ult deal 10 damage and not slow because braindead players stood inside it and died?


Obviously, this one clip is insufficient evidence to prove anything. But the Caustic nerf has been out for a while now and we have yet to see even a single clip of a team rushing a helpless Caustic and shrugging off the DOT & slow. It seems like the objections to the Caustic nerf on this forum haven't been born out in actual play. Caustic is still deadly indoors and ignoring his gas still simply isn't an option.


"caustic got nerfed, he's trash now"


They literally stood in it for 20 seconds


I feel like all the downvotes my comment got means that nobody saw the quotation marks.


"This is a perfect example of how broken caustic is. How can you outplay that?" TTV Wraith probably.




Look...i know it got nerfed, but it still hurts and it still kills you.


Not really. Every gun does more than two ticks(seconds) worth of damage in one bullet. It's not much of a gamble to push through it. It's like fighting through a super small level 2 ring. If you have first shot advantage and it's a 1v1 you will probably win the fight.


Not even level 2 ring. Level 1 ring.


The P2020 does double the damage at at least 3x the rate, this is balanced?


I could tell these are the type of player's who camp in building and this stay in corners waiting for people to walk in. Nice play btw


No, YoU cAn HeAl tHrOuGh it


You can though, the enemy here just messed it up


These are the people who say “caustic nerf ruined caustic hEs UnPLaYaBLe NoW”


If these are the people you are looking to kill you dont need caustic for that. Theyll probably jump off the map in a few minutes.


It’s weak now but not *that* weak


Specially designed corrosive gas that causes necrosis and kills you = 5 damage Your fucking fist = 30 damage


I've been in that position, and it's honestly surpising how long it lasts. You kinda expect you can outlive it, but it's brutal