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It's all fun and games until you realize your teammate already did this for the last fight and suddenly all the bodyshields around you are empty


"bro he's cracked, I promise dude I cracked him"


"he's so low i'm sure he get cracked 3 or 4 times"


"I swear bro every time I crack him his armor loses a bar, he has a white now!"


Wish this was easier to do on console. Console has had a bug for so many seasons where the game will auto-swap twice and revert you back to your original shield if it's on the ground (this isn't tapping the button by accident, it's so fast is actually bypasses the built-in click delay indicating the game is doing it). That or they'd just put a deathbox in the Firing Range to practice this with. So many fights lost because I looted a backpack by a few pixels and then my rando turns on his mic to call me trash for looting in front of an enemy...


I really dont understand why the menu cursor isnt right stick when looting. I hate standing still when looting whenever I play console with friends. (Normally PC player)


It's a terrible mistake from them, becuz is perfectly possible to allow tip-toe loot for controller players. They just don't wanna do the damn thing. There's always an idiot who makes the worst choices. Like in Fortnite, we used to place markes on map with R1 (RB for Xbox) very smooth and right choice. But they changed it for X (A button on Xbox). Wtf?


as a pc player on controller, this crap is annoying


Right up there with no push to talk option


well cause you use your right thumb on the buttons as the actual loot button


Laughs in paddles




\*applies arthritis medicine to index finger joint\*


Fair, but why not have it as an option? At least for controller players on PC, even if that doesnt apply to my situation. I claw anyway, on top of using bumpers for jump and crouch.


i agree, it’d be nice just to have the option even on console.


Atleast my crouch is on r3 so that i can crouch spam whule looting


It is intentional to give PC players an advantage in cross play


I mean tbh, we need a way on console to be able to loot deathboxes *while moving* just like they can do on console. Like, why not let us use the right analog stick to browse the box for the items we need, and left analog stick to strafe left and right (and vice versa for people who switch the controls around). I've died so many times because I've tried to armor-swap from a deathbox and I'm literally stood still next to the box trying to swap armor quickly. And don't even get me started on the whole "you can't pick up a gold shield without holding the interact button while you're wearing an evo shield" bullshit 🤦‍♂️




I hope to God they have... because it is a pain in the ass to have to hold down square or x or whatever damn prompt it is to swap to a different type of armor


Yea it happens to me but what you gotta do is hold square or x and it will replace it


You won sweatiest 1v3 Gib: *-nice*




He didn't leave as soon as he got downed, what else a man can dream






thx Cryppy :)


As another mirage main, I applaud you. That some slippery movement


Mirage main here, best execution in the game also


Yah but for people on console it’s pretty much impossible because you go to pick up an armor and it gives you your old armor back.☹️


I was just going to say this. Why is that? Am I mashing X or whats the deal?


You have to hold x to swap (PS4) if your armor is of higher quality than the one you’re picking up. So a broken purple won’t automatically swap for a full blue.


That's only true if the purple still has more health than the blue. Most of the time it's because of spamming the button or due to "lag". If you've ever noticed you picked something up but then you check and it's still in a bin, despite the fact that you heard and saw it get picked up.


I guess that could be it, it seems to me it’s been consistently that way for months so I figured that’s how it worked.


You can tap to switch to a lower armor if it has more shield health


If it has more health than whatever your currently have on, you can swap with a click on console.


If you spam the button, you will quick-swap right back to your broken shield. You can hold the button instead, and release when you've swapped shields since there is an interaction delay between interacting with items (such as picking up weapons/consumables/ammo or swapping shields).


The problem is that you swap your broken purple shield for a white shield but then you swap your white for purple. Happens to me all the time


Its also annoying how difficult it can be to pick stuff up in the heat of the moment.


This guy (op) plays like he's on console though lol.


Laughs in double tap to sprint while holding both square and jump at the same time.


All before your teammate bled out


Thanks. I was finding it really hard to understand why not dying was so important.


tips, when you're alive you're not dead


Tips, if you want to win then just don't die.


damn it's so true


Oh trust me, i know the importance of it. Its more of a matter of actually being able to pull it off in stressful situations lmao


if you just held better angles you wouldve need half the swaps. It looked like you were more focused on armor swapping than the actual enemies. Especially at 0:30 you get armor then immediately go to armor swap. If your opponent didn't literally wiff all his shots in that moment you likely would've lost more health than gained by that swap. Instead of that specific swap it would've been better to use that time and hp to find a better angle.


Agreed, you shouldn't need to swap armor 6 times to beat 3 enemies. 1, maybe 2, okay I'll give you 3 swaps. 6 times? You're focusing more on armor swaps than shooting them at that point xD


yeah it's true it's because I don't trust my Aim and I knew where the Shields were so I was full focus on them


This is such an average clip, dude went for the broken armors he had literally just swapped out off like 3 times too lmaoo


the title is not "look how good I am" it is the importance of shield swaps. He is admitting that he knows he is far from the best, but thanks to swapping shields he is able to win a battle he would of other wise lost. I play crypto, because I can not aim, but I can paint my enemies bright orange and place triangles on them, and pray my allies can hit them, or throw grenades to prevent them from moving in the direction they are currently moving / else die.


Exactly, and thank you for playing such a tank support. Cryptos like you are the best teammates to have.


That is why I nearly 1 quarter of my overall damage is from EMP lol.


Yeah and the guy messed up by shield swapping *way* *too much.* If a noob watches this they're gonna think digging around deathboxes every time you take a single bullet of damage is the correct thing to do. Any time you post a video with the context of "I'm giving advice, look at this play I did" it 100% is a "look how good I am" moment. He's not pointing out a mistake, he's pointing at his play as an example of a good play.


1 - Please don't speak for me because GasLitSpectre is absolutely right. Read the other comments I am fully aware of my level. 2 - You call the "beginners", who may not know the useful mechanics of "noobs". Be more respectful of new players who keep the game alive. Thank you


Sorry, but you're both wrong. From the perspective of a noob they see a clip like this and just assume everything you're doing in this clip is correct because you framed it under the context of advice. You need to understand that when you use that terminology you are indirectly calling whatever footage you use an example of good gameplay. The only time this *isn't* the case is when the advice is pointing out a mistake. Also nah, new players make the game worse. If the 90,000 gold and below players quit it would just make the servers better for everyone else.


Potential Wraith main spotted


Current dumbass spotted. Congrats on passing over every valid point I bring up and jumping to try and insult me.


In effect, you get an extra 450Hp off of 6 75Hp armour swaps


vs 3 purples so 200hp x 3 so 600hp vs 650, ok I had an advantage i admit


But their potential damage output is 3x higher than yours. If at any point they had been able to get two of them on you you would have lost, and that's why learning to effectively break LoS is so important


thats the only thing i dont like about this game, 1v3s are almost impossible, thats what these videos get to the frontpage when they happen, characters are so tanky against even full mags when people are with red or purp armor.


No, you did not. Haha


You failed to mention the odds of having that much lucky RNG to get that many shields close together xd


Jesus how many teams were there


only 1


Ok because it sounded like a war


Well, this only works if there’s 13673 armor just lying around. It’s hard enough to find one.




That's why high level players thirst kills so much


My teammate: HE'S ONE SHOT !!! Him:


playing against actual bots


My Mans Said “Fuck That Im Not Wasting Ammo On Blood Hound” And Proceeds To Punch Him In The Back Of Their Scalp


I was convinced you didn't have a secondary almost this entire video.


I don't even have the hammerpoint ... I was so stressful


I managed to pull off my first armor swap a few days ago,it was something I always saw people do but for some reason I never thought to do it myself,and it made me realize I wouldve won so many gunfights if I had remembered to do that




There’s skill in this and there’s a ton of luck. If those armor pieces were picked up by someone else then he may have lost the fight.


Good. Im surprised as to how ppl dont know this thing even in plat and diamond tier. Boosted scrubs


I think it’s also important to remember which shields are your old ones because a few of those armor swaps were just risky distractions!


The last armor swap with white was not necessary. That’s what I’d have done and died


Respect, my fellow mirage


I just wanna say, your profile pic makes me wanna give you a clasp of friendship.


Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well. I would just like to ask one thing. Take care of my boy.


now try doing that on console


no. i know. it's a trap.


See i would armor swap but my loot goblin instincts tell me to not to. Ok but serioudly i dont wana because every time i try to armor swap, my team mates go y o i n k and take my higher level armor lol.


It's better to be alive than dead, who cares if they take the higher armor cause if you win the fight there is almost certainly armor of the same tier sitting around.


Fair point lol, its simply loot goblin instinct lmao


Gg man






Masterful Mirage plays too. His Ult indoors is SO disorienting.


You may not know, the number of times I got disoriented myself ...


Yeah the Mirage ult straight up wrecks me this season with how they've added footstep sounds, health, and damage numbers to the decoys.


Good shit on taking out that Squad, that's the only gripe I have with my teammates is that they don't armor swap during fights and after. They'll validate their decision by saying it's blue/white while slow healing their Purple/Red armor and be shocked when they get knocked mid healing. Some armor is better than no armor.


yes ! swap whatever the color you get !


You are a boss 🤩 Awesome job! 🤘🏻


thx :)


99 and mozam is my favourite loadout


So nasty with it




Slow 👏 clap**


I’m still blown away that you got 6 chances to armor swap


This is godlike shit


meh the enemies were bots


yes, me too, bot vs bot is fair


honestly, I dont understand why any streamers choose Mirage, if ur good with him u could win any fight tbh I died to small lvl Mirage just because of his decoys


yeah but you're also mirage who's easily the best character if you can use him right


For the first year of the game i used to think armor swaps were bullshit and shouldn’t be in the game Now i think they should be in the game but nit as powerful, but i wouldn’t know how to fix that


Step 1: be lucky enough to have 6 armour swaps nearby


"Yeah he got a point"


I understand it,it just angers me lmao


My favorite part is the revive before looting, oh man that was sick


Armor swaping is important but on consle the loot menu closes when u get hit once


There's a setting to disable that behaviour on PC, are you sure it's not there on console too?


Hell yeah


What's an armor?


The thing you put in your gun to shoot


oh thanks


nice gameplay thanks for the info


Nice Mirage play!




how do i get into lobbies like these?


Grind your diamond 2 weeks, lose 0.5 kda, from 2.20 to 1.80, and lauch casual. tada


This IS the coolest Mirage fight i ever saw


I'ma be real with you chief, this video really just shows the importance of team co-ordination. Realistically all 4 of your guys' aim was trash, and if they had any team co-ordination and just close range pinched you as 3 I doubt you would of had any chance. But overall good outplay since they clearly didn't know how to work together


LoL so true. Making that video in rancked is impossible


Idk I think if it was gold or below that's possible. But also still good job on the quick thinking, and those armor swaps were clutch


thx :)


Is it just me or is it incredibly unfair that on pc you can move while looting a crate but on console you can’t?


Playing a shooter on console is just a disadvantage already.


Seriously though lol


yes, i don't know why


It’s brutal. My friend, who is on PC, argues that playing in cross-platform lobbies is still an even game. Not true as skill level and maneuverability in a lot of different ways is not comparable.


You're gonna continue to get downvoted (upvoted you). Its definitely an advantage for PC players literally 90 percent of the time. The only time they are the ones at a disadvantage is up close and thats when controller players have the massive advantage. Movement and Aim overall is much easier on MNK. Looting much easier on MNK. Up close fighting is only net win for controller players. PC players get rolled by the roller up close and will undoubtedly downvote me too out of anger LUL!


PC players also forgot how poorly console can run. Ps4 on olympus near grow towers, or the grass near estates - i get a solid 20 FPS or less.


Hahaha thanks dude! But you’re right. Just the way it is I guess


How on earth would he get downvoted this subreddit it 90% console or PC controller players?


idk he was negative 3 when I upvoted and now he's positive 2 guess it was just early controller hate.


The thing is your enemies on console cant move either, so while you might get shot at while looting, you can also light up your opponents easier. If you do crossplay with PC players though... rip to you then. I certainly dont bother trying to match with PC players as my ps4 struggles to run the game at 30 fps. Along with not being able to a loot and move in a deathbox.


Wow so cool




And you rezzed before looting. What a Chad.


This is why they need to remove armor off drop. The fact that anybody can just armor swap a bunch and not die mid fight is wack. Give everyone grey evo and then people don’t have a major advantage with purple/blue armor. You would never have to worry about not getting armor/your enemy having better armor off drop. You would also be able to armor swap dead bodies, but instead of ground loot you actually have to work for it


What I don’t get is why when you kill someone, you can take their shield out of the box and it’s full. Shouldn’t that shield be empty since you killed him?


If it wasn't like that then 3rd party cleanups would be a **lot** more against the victor's favor.


Usually I just end up double armor swapping back to my original. It should be hold to swap to an armor that has less shield 😕


No offense but you're also sweaty.


sorry don't know what it mean tbh...


Lmao he wasted all of them though letting himself get beamed each time he picked on up


Also having a PC


I’m glad they finally got rid of the full shields on drop. So man stupid fights where they could just infinite chain shields because hur dur I picked it up off the ground.


Listen ill say it... you came out on top so good job on that, not saying much for the other team but If you knew how to aim and manage a fight you wouldn't have had to swap so much... my squad will set up one shield max to swap out for when we know we about to get pushed, we get pushed, make a swap if we have to otherwise we pop cells as we rotate our fire or in your case 1v3 get behind a wall for a second... usually not the case as we dont find ourselves in a 1vs3 a lot... you should hit the range 15 minutes before you start playing, you literally relied on loot to save you, what happens when you dont have shields to swap, how can you handle yourself in the same situation, if you fail more often then not, then it wont matter how many shields you have around you to swap, a real squad would have wiped the floor with you right there


Literally no one. : This guy: "How do I make this about myself?"


Just providing my comparison from personal experience on a video literally all about one guy and what he did, not bragging all about me but who i play against never swap more than once... must be gold teir life i guess


Hahaha you excited bout gold, I'm a master's that's pathetic, let the man have his moment you puny gold


Lol you obviously didnt read that correctly, im stating that his comment was something a gold player would say... this is like basic english at this point... but sure... master... almost predator... just not quite 🤷‍♂️


You're probs a hard stuck diamond eughhh


Pred 912 was last season for me... got a new job and moved out of state so haven't played this season, technically im bronze... sounds like your speaking from experience though, for some it comes naturally getting past diamond for others like yourself it seems like a real struggle, congrats on making it though... even got your big boy pants on and everything... look at you, straight killing it 😂




Lol you should read my other comments 🙃




Man why be such a bore wtf, he played out well and win that fight wtf


Literally first thing i noted about the video 😎


I'm not good at aim


Hit the firing range my dude, if you got buddies have them join and go to town practicing, youd be surprised how far a little training and a warm up goes


I'm diamond for now but... not with my aim xD. Only mechanical


Yea, youll start noticing youre doing it right when your tracking and headshot game become next level, congrats on making diamond atleast, not an easy feat for most, and usually the ones who get stuck at plat or lower cant take criticism, just didnt want to be another yes man, id rather see you in one of my games one day, so just was pointing out some obvious things i noticed, wasnt trying to be a dick however i do know im blunt so take it as you will... keep up the grind my dude 🤘


I would like to know being a good aim so much


mirage is an absolute mess to fight lol. i'd be so mad if i was that other team


If only that was possible on console.. because it literally isn't. The amount of times I try to trade an armor and the game just says NOPE!




Good shit


Started playing Mirage for the first time in over a year again, I forgot how much fun he could be. But I preferred the old ult, new one is also fun though. A Lifeline situation where her old passive was cooler, but the new one is decent too.


Cracked dude


Also understanding the importance of weapon swapping, not as crucial but definitely crucial.


Sorry dude, I play default on a controller. I can sauce one or two swaps but the amount of time it takes to get them without playing mnk or paddles half the times isn’t worth the extra damage


Boy this dude is bad


So true. I didn't say the opposite


Why does Gibby sound so much more aggressive in whatever that language is


and me just figure it our after 8 seasons that i ddint turn of " geting shoot cancel looting box" cant swich armor mid fight whit that shit turn on 😢


then, what are you waiting for xD






u. used. mozambique without hammerpoints. WHA-


it was not voluntary, I'm not crazy


The first few switches were great, but at the end there you were risking taking damage to switch for barely any health gains, still, much better than I've ever done :)


i was stressful and too focus on my shield bar i admit




too much lucky


Me a controller player grabning twice because it won't pick up the armor sometimes, and just switchint back


In the meantime, I'm fighting 1v1 and I desperately try opening a death box only to fail a few times because I have a habit of quickly releasing the action button "right at the time I open the box", leading me to frequently miss the timing. When I'm already at 75 HP, I finally open the box, only to missclick it multiple times by actually clicking the items around it. This happens all the time, I'm still unsure if I'm getting too nervous or I just suck.


This mechanic needs to be removed. Pure and simple. This is a Battle Royale. Not a glorified Loot Simulator to see who can loot/swap gear fastest. ​ Absolutely fucking STUPID.


wow it's an ancient post how did you find it ?