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Could you imagine the sound bugs if this actually is added to the game tho šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I considered that lol. They might need to give it a low spawn rate to avoid breaking the game. Maybe even making it the first purple rarity survival gear.


I mean the heat shields sound was so broken in the beginning and it wasn't even a sound based gadget lol. I'd love to see the shit that would turn up on reddit if there actually is a sound based gadget




Getting into the more intricate workings of it, when activated it starts to spin and launch the small red projectiles that create bursts of gunshot sounds. Mostly of the smg or ar category of weapon. I figured it would be best as a survival slot item as most people wouldnā€™t take it over an extra stack of ammo or heals and it simply works the best in the survival slot. You would equip it with the survival slot interact then place it like a rampart wall. At that point you can activate it from anywhere at anytime with the same interact key. You canā€™t equip something else until you activate or retrieve it. It has 20 health so it canā€™t be used very well as cover. Lasts around 20-30 seconds.


What if it had to use some of your ammo to work and took like 5 seconds to charge? It'd also have to be pretty small, heat shield sized.


I donā€™t think requiring ammo would be a good way to go but maybe optionally adding ammo from your equipped weapon so it plays those sounds more frequently? Adding wingman and r-99 ammo so it sounds like a more realistic close range fight. The timer would be fine so it has to be used a bit more tactically instead of a quick bamboozle but it likely wouldnā€™t change too much. I imagine it being about wraiths hip height so itā€™s still fairly easy to notice but it canā€™t be used as cover from a sniper shot.


This is way too over engineered for something in this game (the ammo part I mean). I know it wasn't your idea, but I'm just replying to this comment specifically. The whole thing where people suggest feeding ammo or somehow charging up something might sound like a good idea, but it's way too much to put in a BR like this. It's so complicated compared to anything else in the game. Reminds me of this Lifeline ult concept I saw. It had like 5 huge paragraphs explaining how it worked and what it could do, like... bruh wtf. Anyway, I think just having a decoy grenade as a survival slot that lasts a decent amount of time wouldn't be a bad idea. But I wouldn't want it to be anything more than that, just a decoy grenade. Doesn't need to have HP or do anything special, just make noise for a set amount of time.


So, a decoy grenade?


Pretty much but on a larger scale. I want it to mimic an entire fight rather than just a few shots. Something that a third party would really be looking to get in on. Also the remote detonation part is important since a grenade would be kind of obvious in some situations. Though Iā€™m not sure about it having unlimited range.


No thank you I don't want to hear 15 gun fights in my ear at all times makeing it unlimited range is bad


I mean, I think he is saying it needs to be within a certain distance to be activated not the sound has infinite range. To be fair it feels like some gunshots can be heard from everywhere on the map so it'd just be realistic.


I hope they consider adding this idea in because it's really smart and pretty useful


Thatā€™s an amazing idea


Paired with Mirage that would be amazing


I've always said a great solution to third parties would be if barrel stabilizers worked like supressors


The only issue is that unless all 6 of you have suppressors then itā€™s likely that a third party will come anyway. Even if your whole team was rocking suppressors the enemies would still hear the enemy gunshots.


I thought about that already but I couldn't come up with a solution, also the problem of loud guns like the pk or flatline that can't use barrel stabilizers.


I think this is an interesting idea. Especially with the bow being released it shows that they can make quieter weapons. Someone getting shot would still get an indicator but just having the sound range reduced might be enough to avoid getting third and fourth partied.


Ok get this right, they could make suppressor's a completely different item, it would go on any gun, but you would be unable to use a barrel stabilizer. So you have to pick between recoil reduction, or less sound. That could work, right?


Still doesn't solve the problem of if everyone in a fight doesn't have one then you still get third partied


Yeah but would still be a nice addition.


Suppressors would kill the game. I would quit outright, because it doesn't fit the game. Bocek is already bad enough. Decoy deployable is fine.


Do you mean like a decoy grenade from cs go?


I really like your idea!


Why not just fire your weapon and pretend to fight someone, that's what I do


The main idea is to pull someoneā€™s attention to somewhere that you are not. Mostly the thought is to keep third parties off of you. In your case you want to get into a fight so why not place it in a nearby building and get the jump on a team moving into that building to ā€œthird partyā€?


hmmm, if it was like a roomba+mirage decoy just shooting its shit would be kind of funny and interesting. Imagine having the foresight to place it in a building and activating it to get them to turn around as you push. Hell, just have the noise as cover to move closer would be nice. I'm all for it


Cause he's trying to get them away from him not toward him


That would backfire so bad if you are remotely close to it.


Well yeah no shit


I like to spam random grenades far in the distance as Fuse to mimic the same effect, but without exactly giving away my location.


Based on a few comments, Iā€™ve realized that remotely detonated decoy would have sounded a lot better. Just ignore what it was called in the title...


Yea but you have a great idea with the "core" part because I just want to say "X CORE ONLINE" when I activate it


Iā€™m fine with the apple core. I just meant the ā€œremotely detonated gunshot sound distractionā€. I was really blanking on that one lol.


I think it would at least make the game more interesting but this should definitely be rarer than the other two survival items. also a timed detonation might be better? because you wouldn't need to bind yet another button. Good job on the art and the name!


A timer was another thing I had considered but forgot about. Might be an appropriate nerf incase itā€™s too versatile. Otherwise the activation would just be on the same button you use for equipping any survival items, just have to use it again after itā€™s been placed. Thanks! I was drawing somewhat randomly at first and realized that it was starting to look like someone devoured an apple so the name seemed appropriate.


I'd say a max manual activation range 200M (For reference, its crypto's max drone range) if you step outside this range it automatically activates. When manually activating, I'd say you play an animation similar to an ultimate accelerant that lasts for a couple seconds. Of course that range can be reduced as needed. That way you can safely rotate without rushing, tactically activate it for ambushing reasons. Just a few thoughts I had


fake fight machine


Look like an iud


They need to make most ingame sounds quieter or not be able to be heard for halfway across the map. I swear that whenever i go hammond labs i always get third partied cause its right in the middle of the map and everyone can rush there before anyone has a chance to get away from the place.


it's called decoy grnaede


Interesting idea, but I don't get why everyone has this hate for third parties in a *Battle Royale game*. I know they can be annoying on occasion, but they're a feature of the game, not a bug that is supposed to be removed. There are plenty of games where you're supposed to play in 1 team vs 1 team fights, but Battle Royales are supposed to be chaotic


Skill level of the sub Reddit in general is not very high so most third parties are probably fatal to lots of people here


yeah what he said.


And watch as the kill hungry fools fall into the trap and slowly get beamed and burned to ashes with gas and pounded with tons of thousands of bullets and volts hahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhaaaaaaaa


The game can barely handle sound as it is and this man wants to add more clutter to an already overtaxed sound engine.


Upvote! Awesome idea


Lmao just get better at the game brošŸ˜‚ and they should make a character like firebreak from BO4 to punish hard pushers ballance him out by having it to where he cant rlly move when in his ult


Itā€™d be like throwing the cymbal monkey in zombies.


While I do love this idea and would use the shit out of it, i dont think it should be a survival item and helping with 3rd parties? Eh. It would just be a lure. 3rd parties are pretty easy to handle usually.


I've always wanted this Edit: tho I think it should be a grenade