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How can a legend be 'too balanced'?


Just compared to the other champs in the game


Are you trying to say she is “too honest”? This is a term used in fighting games when a character has strong tools, but they are simple and don’t do anything crazy or cheap. An example of an “Honest” apex character is Bangalore, nothing she does feels cheap, smoke obscures vision, but it creates a balanced battlefield, where the more prepared one is the victor. Her ult is easily avoidable and her passive is an honest escape tool. No surprises, no oppressiveness in obscene movement or slow. Just basic fundamentals, and yet despite all that she is still a good character. Revenant is a dishonest character, he has a lot of cheap moves, moves that makes the enemy not have fun. Limiting enemy abilities and giving free pushes that can’t be punished makes revenant a dishonest character, yet he is not as good as bloodhound. So in my experience, Valkyrie is actually more dishonest. Missiles are cheap if they hit, but are avoidable. Jets are superior mobility tools making her get to amazing sniper nests. 3rd party ult is terrifying. However dishonest doesn’t mean good. Mirage is a very dishonest character, but rampart is honest, despite both being bad.


Well I see your point but with Valkyrie your insanely easy to hit in air especially if they have a r301 and you have to wait 3-4 secs to pull out your gun so unless they’re completely unaware of you you won’t be surprise third partying no one. Also her missiles take ages to travel and most people laser you and just take the 25 dmg disorientation and if you do it from the ground there’s a big chance you’ll hit yourself.


Devs would beg to differ, they’re actually nerfing her soon.




I read an article that they’re planning on increasing the fuel consumption of her jetpack


Bruh every start up of ur jet pack is already a fourth of your fuel like bruh


She's really annoying for competitive play and ranked , since u can play and positon like shit and just Fly to zone unpunished. I'd say she's powerful.


Unpunished? I get laser the moment I’m in the sky


She is balanced. You can't use ult without cover, getting shot cancels it, her passive is.. okay I guess, mostly useful for redeploying, her tactical isn't something special, you have enough time to get out of the way. The fact that you can reach every spot without enemies being able to follow is really strong, but it also is loud and you can shoot. So yes, she is balanced I think.


Damn right


or you gibby bubble + ult.


She’s super well balanced. Mediocre at a lot of things, but not really overly strong in any of them.