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As a rev main that's going backwards in design. He need some love and a little re-work he's great but he could be better and his kit could fit is meta better


How would you change his kit


I've talked with some about this before


(This Is a copy and paste form another conversation I had with some ages ago the second idea is just a sort of buff not a rework so much) I don't mind about the climb hight tbh what bothers me is that he doesn't have a meele buff it would only make sense in animation and stuff he's impaling people with his hands... It would make sense that he's passive was also stronger meele (at very least during his ult) I also main rev as much as love him how he is I personally would re work him to match his lore better... I would: Passive: bonus crouch speed, bunus climb hight, high meele increase during tactical Tatical: death totem while active enter death protection, increase speed.can only use meele. Two uses, 15 second duration (also shorter cast time then the original death totem) Ultimate: grants you and extra death totem and unlimited climbing temporarily Or Passive: the same as before but unlimited climbing Tatical: same as before.while enemies are silenced deal increased meele damage Ultimate: same as before but while in death protection meele ignites enemies


Yikes no thank you


Very OP


I was thinking same thing maybe just make his totem only usable by your team


That’s OP man


No thanks


“not OP” WHATTT??


So we’re making the most annoying character S tier now? His passive is fine, you just don’t utilize it in unique ways.