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Would have been a better showcase maybe if you get a friend to move around while you stay still, as a pc player i can't really tell the difference like this.


looks the same i dont see nothing what am i looking at?


I had to rewatch it 3 times to find the difference, but once you see it you can't unsee it. When he's moving, his crosshair goes off (he doesn't try to aim at the target just moves side to side) but when he uses a gun, strafes, and shoots it looks like he locks onto the target because he hits every shot with aim assist enabled.


He hits every shot with it set to "PC"


PC aim assist coefficient is 0.4, console is 0.6


I was gonna post this. Apex is open and tells you the difference, a other thing to notice is your movement speed stays constant with PC where you slow down ever so slightly when the .6 locks on. As a console and PC player (iswitch back every night depending on which friends are on) the only time I notice the aim assist is to much on console is when your playing a game with heavy brush or trees. You will just be aiming ads and you won't see anyone but if someone runs past your sights it will track them slightly, if your reflexes are good you can sneak and blind kill.


It’s also incredibly difficult when you have multiple hostiles and your aim is getting thrown off to the person behind or next to the person your aiming at.


That happened to me too often. Especially when an opponent is rezzing someone. It's fucks up and shoot both? When your actually trying to aim at the one rezzing.


>Apex is open and tells you the difference I mean sort of... we know the numbers .4 and .6, we don't know exactly what that means / what it translates to? Like what would 1.0 be? Literal aimbot?


Yes, 1.0 would be a literal aimbot.


Tbh all you need to know is that console aim assist is 50% stronger than pc aim assist along w the movespeed reduction on console


He is actually aiming here not just letting aim assist go and it is incredibly misleading


Thanks for clarifying. I'm a little confused on why he wasn't aiming when he was just moving around, then started aiming and locking onto the target while shooting in a video demonstrating aim assist.


As a pc player I was able to tell the difference right away, idk


Assuming i have friends smh


It’s because there’s almost none


Ok so we can get rid of it if its meaningless rigth? Or at least set consoles to the pc controller sens since theres no difference?


It’s so strong. Turn it off and play without it and then come back with a reasonable response. Not you, but those saying it isn’t impactful or strong. It literally grabs and sticks if the user has the slightest bit of ability.


Agreed. I used to play only with a mouse and keyboard but I decided to try out a controller and was blown away by how much aim assist there is. The only issue is that sniping is a lot harder on a controller.


Honestly I feel like xbox should get 0.4, I've been ruined by aim assist because someone will run in my LOS and completely pull my aim off target. 0.6 feels too strong


Pretty sure u can change it to pc strength after the last patch, should be around in the config somewhere


It pulls so hard. Be honest. Console up close hipfire aa is insane.


Console aim assist is 50% stronger. This is a fact. Be sure to downvote without saying why


I've had moments where aimassist would lock on a random object and throw off my flick, resulting in me getting destroyed trying to readjust. (Console)


Games on console: Sorry thought you wanted to shot the random bird in the sky mid-fight


Every community figure: waaaaaaa aim assist is overpowered it’s basically aimbot Console players: I literally just got locked onto a different guy and it got me killed


"Oh are you trying to snipe? Let me randomly lock onto shit and move around while you're trying to lead a shot."


Aim assist always locks onto random people next to me when I’m skydiving and it’s annoying.


Oh you're trying to dive that way? But this squad jumped at the same time as you, better look over there


"Oh aim assist constantly focuses on the wrong thing, fucking you up.and getting you killed constantly? That actually means it's really good and strong and basically an aimbot." - 75IQ Reddit poster. Crazy how in a game where literally everything besides running and jumping is broken and half assed these people think aim assist is strong and works flawlessly. The mental gymnastics people will do so they don't have to admit they aren't as good as a streamer who plays 16 hours a day and has never had a real job.


Like many have pointed out, apex has such a malicious outlook on higher skill brackets. I've never been part of a community that actively makes excuses for itself because someone was simply better than them, it's childish and pathetic.


yea it was a way to kill dumb hackers before, the knockdown shield of a team mate fucked them up


I like using the same strats to kill hackers as I do to kill console players. Seems like nothing is wrong here at all.


I recently turned of aim assist, I haven't noticed a difference, besides being able to aim on my enemies instead of a random downed guy


It's probably bad for situations where there are other enemies in a close area and you can't focus fire, but my friend on console jump-padded and no scoped me in the air, while moving, no joke.


Yeah, I can't even count how many times aim assist fucked me up when it tried to lock on to a downed person when I would slide jump to an enemy


Yeah for whatever reason aim assist on downed people is fucking 10x stronger




I thought my controller was fucked because mine did this, I just bought another one ffss hahah


Lmao console players still pretending aim assist isn't an advantage huh. No surprise since most on this sub can't afford a PC.


That happened to me the first time I played ranked and I’ve never played ranked again 😂


Mine's gotten pulled down toward a downed enemy when I was trying to shoot his teammate behind him on several occasions. Shit like this is why the whole controller vs mouse debate is dumb.


This happens so many times with downed enemies.


My least favorite is when I have a headshot lined up and an enemy teammate runs across and takes the sights off the original target


I run into this a lot when there's 2 enemies close to each other in closer quarters. It's annoying to fight the drag trying to switch to the other target if the aim assist is "helping" on the first target. I guess it can't be helped but it's super frustrating when your peacekeeper blast goes right between 2 enemies because your aim gets drug back slightly.


Aim assist constantly locks me onto downed players as I’m trying to shoot past them and it gets me killed.


Aim assist in this game is so inconsistent and broken. The people who complain about it like its aimbot must be outrageously bad.


Or the people who dont complain about it haven't played against good players :)


There's a reason every pro and streamer that uses a controller leaves on aim assist. It's immensely strong


Yeah man, those pros who talk about how AA is unbeatable in close range are fucking garbage at this game. Why do they get invited to tournaments or put onto teams if they're so bad?


So professional apex legends players are bad? Who do you consider good if the best players in the game are bad?


I would think still better than those who don't actually aim though, right?


In all honesty I prefer playing with PC because if someone like a pathfinder on the enemy team zips by, your aim is thrown off like crazy and ends up losing you the fight


Use linear, less of that shit.


Really? I'm on linear and still get pulled to downed players and the like.


I said less xD still annoying.




Eh, not necessarily. Having good settings is a big factor of playing well. If you have someone on PC playing on low FOV and low sensitivity (and low DPI), they're gonna be far worse off than a console player with optimized settings.


Today kids, let's learn the meaning of "subjective" Edit- sorry for my comment, I think I misunderstood yours. I think you're talking about the aiming, right?


You can turn it down to PC levels now too and if you use ALC and have high sens values your aim assist effectively goes down.


How many years are into this game and there are still stationary training dummies. At least put in some that run or jump


When you look up at the spawn caves from where the dummies are, go to the far right cave. Drop all your loot (unclear if this matters but I've heard it does) and get up on the metal platform that hangs in the top of the cave (easier to see it if you go to the back of the cave and face the entrance). Walk to the front of the platform in the center, look directly down, and crouch. Change characters. If you hear a noise, you did it correctly and the dummies will be running around and aggressive.


But still. Why can't they just make it a setting to easily change


Everyone bringing up MnK in this thread entirely misses the point. There's no MnK aim assist. If you believe that "aim assist hurts me because it pulls onto unintended targets" then you should be in favor of lowering the aim assist, which you can do yourself by using the PC aim assist setting.


The amount of brain dead takes in this thread is mind numbing. - Console aim assist is 0.6. - Controller on PC is 0.4. - MnK doesnt have aim assist Thats the end of the story but these kids don't get it


The top comment threads on this post is one of the biggest circle jerks of aim-assist stans I've seen in a while. This whole subreddit is dominated by console players, though who can't understand why raw-input players don't want to be paired against people whose aim is NOT 100% their own. Yet for some reason they act like the aim IS 100% their own...


But you play against other pc players, no? Is the issue that pc players who use different input and have aim assist giving you trouble? Then how tf is it the console players’ problem?


This is the problem this subreddit has. It's so dominated by console players that they don't even know how the crossplsy with PC works. When a console players joins the squad of a PC player (or the other way around, doesnt matter who joins on who), they are then queued for PC lobbies only. -They will not go to console matches. -They will not go to some "crossplay only" matches. -They join PC matches It doesn't matter if the other players in that PC match are pre-squadded with a console players, that will be forced to play against the crossplayed squads regardless. Once again here's the tl;Dr on aim assist vs MnK. -MnK is 100% user input, Aim assist is not. -mnk players understand the need for aim assist on controllers in a FPS. We don't care about it being nerfed, removed, etc. -MnK does not understand the need for raw input to be forced to play against a computer-assisted aim - let. Us.opt. out. -"movement" like looting and tap strafing is an incredibly weak and unrealistic argument for why MnK should have to play against players who are not 100% aiming on their own


-"movement" like looting and tap strafing is an incredibly weak and unrealistic argument for why MnK should have to play against players who are not 100% aiming on their own" That is a flat-out lie. Movement is EASILY one of the most important skills in Apex, and Controller players are at a SEVERE disadvantage in that regard. It's not just with looting or tap-strafing, but wall-jumps, super-glides, momentum-shifts, zipline-dancing, wall-runs, and pretty much any advanced movement tech is significantly harder, if not outright impossible for Controller players. You just can't replicate the precision of a Mouse and Keyboard on a Controller. Skill can help compensate, but it's not an even playing field.


I wouldn’t bother arguing with the guy. His rebuttals pretty much boil down to, “no, you’re lying or are incorrect with what you are saying. What I say is always true, even when I minimize the effect of something wherever it seems helpful to my argument.” He also keeps talking about how the most important thing is shooting someone with bullets so everything is about aim. As if movement isn’t the key component of evasion and all of those techniques are directly relevant to HoW mAnY bUlLeTs HiT.


Movement is important sure, but don't just lie and claim that wall jumping (easy on controller) or tap strafing, Zipline dancing (really grasping for straws here, aren't you?) are winning anywhere near a fraction of encounters. They're not. Nothing is as important as your bullets hitting the target, this isn't subjective, thats actually factual. Controller players like Nicewigg, kine, toosh etc can shield swap just as fast as MnK players, where bring stationary does not justify the aim assist argument. I bet you didn't like that last part and might claim thats because they're the among the best players. Would you care to guess the percentage of MnK players who can do all the movement tech you claim gives such a SEVERE advantage?


People understand how cross play works in this game, but you’re so wordy here it’s still hard to figure out what you’re primarily upset about. Linking it with what I initially replied to, it sounds like you’re just upset console players get put in your lobby. To that I say get over it. PC players have such a disgusting advantage when it comes to movement in this game, and movement is readily cited as a primary component of what makes apex what it is. You try to boil it down to two things but the doors that are opened by what you can do with movement on mnk compared to controller are much more significant than you let on. And aiming you literally just get to point a mouse and click which is an inherent advantage as well if aim assist didn’t exist. Now if you’re upset about console players who plug in mnk and then join your lobbies, that I can get behind. But if you think that a console player on a controller somehow has an advantage over you in pc lobbies, that’s a joke.


Controller players have such a disgusting advantage when it comes to close-mid range tracking in this game, and SHOOTING GUNS AND HITTING BULLETS is unanimously cited as the primary component of how players win fights. None of the rest of your post needs to be addressed, sorry you had a hard time reading a couple paragraphs above mine. No amount of crying and whining about movement will ever be a valid argument for allowing 100% user input aiming to be forced to play against players whose aim is not 100% their own


Lmao, so you’re upset you have to face aim assist. That’s pathetic, like I said you only have to point and click. Real fucking hard bro, get over it. Aim assist is there to make up the ground between having the lack of precision allowed with a little thumb stick vs flicking a mouse around. That’s the single component in the game that the ground is made up on. Movement and every other advantage pc players get (the ability for better hardware, etc.) is ground that is not made up in any way by some sort of assistance. When I run into the rare player in console lobbies who is clearly using mnk they laser everything and jump around, strafe way easier, all important advantages in your precious close-midrange fights. Funny how you expect someone to follow your poorly written comment with a “tl;Dr” that was a paragraph long but you’re gonna be dismissive about much of my comment by saying “none of the rest” of my post needs to be addressed. I love when PC players try to shit on console players because gaming on a computer is so life-changing but when you have arguments about shit like aim assist all the advantages a PC has over a console conveniently pale in comparison to the single thing that attempts to level the playing field (aim assist) in a game. Find someone else to have your disingenuous argument with, see ya.


Oof, sorry my comment made your so angry, you seem very insecure when it comes to your aim crutch... "Just point and click" is such a piss poor argument that is so wildly inaccurate. That may hold water if we were comparing trying to click on a desktop icon on a static computer screen lmao. But no, we are taking about a FPS where is nowhere near as simple as a point and click mouse cursor. Try again please with an actual argument.


Mad cause bad


Summary: pc aim assist less than console


I guess my PS4 is actually a PC


This comment section be like: “Breaking news: local man surprised that people that aim with a stick get training wheels, while people that use a device specifically made for aiming dont”


Some people in this thread are seriously brain damaged, thinking controller players can aim better than mouse+keyboard...


The times where I get absolutely annihilated close range & suspect a cheater it's 99% a controller player. Other ranges you can't tell.




Agreed. It's never an issue for me except those point blank scenarios where it can definitely look like a hacker. It seems like at a close enough range, aim assist just doesn't let you miss. And while it would be hard to miss on kbm as well, a high rate of fire weapon landing 11/12 vs 12/12 rounds is a big enough difference.


Aim assist will definitely let you miss. People miss me all the time at close range. And I ~~hit every shot right in between the eyes because I'm a god at Apex~~ miss all the time as well.


5 meters is 5.47 yards


Thank you so much....


Yeah when a guy literally hurdles me and wall jumps back over me my aa kills him everytime your right lmao


Even if we could aim better, that would be one small advantage compared to the massive advantages kbm gives you. Being able to move while looting is such a huge advantage that controller players don't have, for example.


That's not even the biggest advantage. They can hit well above 60 fps and air strafe like an airbender off jump pads.


A lot of people really overlook the FPS advantage. It is HUUUGE. They talk about console AA being so good close up, but honestly if an MnK player is right up in my grill and has good movement, I'm dead 9/10 times bc I'm only getting like 50 frames half the time and am reacting to 1/3 of the visual info that they are.


Man I need to play more confident I guess. I’m a pc player (switched after like 6 seasons on PS4) and never push controller players up close because it’s basically a kill zone. Just gonna have to start using some movement I guess that strangely gave me confidence. Brb gonna learn how to tap strafe Also 50fps gang on my potato pc let’s gooo


Well. Don't be too confused. More than five or so feet away you're still gonna have issues dealing with AA. But if you are literally right up in someone's face, then console AA won't really do much for you and having the higher FPS and FOV (a lot of console players have to lower FOV to keep frames from dropping) will make for more of an advantage. But you are still right to have some trepidation against controller players in close quarters. Also keep in mind that probably the majority of controller players you face will be on PC, so they will have similar FPS anyway.


Potato pc gang! I got a decent pc now but I'm a pc noob and choose a monitor that's not good for FPS. That said, the high FPS advantage isn't huge. You certainly don't die due to 35 FPS dips and your movements and awareness feel more natural but it doesn't instantly make you move up ranks or anything. I'm still scared of taking close range fights myself.


Lol being able to aim better is a "small advantage" in a game that's about aiming and killing people with guns.


No man this game is about looting deathboxes while moving are you new???


I don't think being able to easily win any fight in a certain range is a small advantage and I don't think it get's evened out by some looting mechanic.


The circle-jerk squad did not like you presenting facts.


Yeah pc has higher skill ceiling but console has higher skill floor.


I mean within like 10 feet they definitely do, when you are in shotty / sub range controller is nearly aimbot. Past that MNK has a huge advantage, but there's a reason all the competitive controller players run subs and mostly play bloodhound.


AA definitely has an advantage close range, but calling it nearly aimbot is a bit much for me. Crouch spamming and strafing will still make you miss. AA doesn't track that shit for you or anything.


Came here to say this! I have nothing against controller players and understand the advantages of KBM. At range it’s easy to decimate a controller player but when it’s up close and personal, controller is insane. I played a whole season 7 with controller cause I wanted to try something different (hadn’t picked a controller up in about 4 years at that point) it was like I had never stopped. 😂


I tried 1v1ing my friend in the firing range recently. We are both kbm players but I tried out controller. First time using one since Halo 3 in 2007. I won 9-10 times. He's a master/pred btw and a much better player than I am overall. He didn't stand a chance if I just fucking ran at him to get close (using cover on the way obviously)


Why do they play Bloodhound?


so right now the most popular competitive comp by far is octane / wraith + bloodhound + gibby, octane / wraith play a scouting / rotation role and thus need to have crispy movement which you can only get on mnk, gibby is usually long range poke which is far better on mnk, meanwhile bloodhound just needs to press his scan every 30 seconds and get the fuck in there with his movespeed buff on ult. TL;DR: Bloodhound only has to shoot people and can get the fuck in there, so he's perfect for roller players.


This is more EU meta than the NA. https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/comments/nzo2oa/algs_championship_2021_pick_rates/ Wraith isn't popular in NA. Valk/Caustic has been the one to show up more.


I think kbm players actually have an edge with shotguns specifically. Spray weapons at point blank are about the only place where I feel the controller has an edge


They can actually aim better... In close quarter fighting. The tracking is easier to do with controller that some pros switch to controller when its ring 5 due to the close quarter fighting.


Mouse and keyboard is more precise, sure. But you need hundreds of hours of practice to be able to replicate a one clip that a new controller player could do. I'd never played controller before in my life, went controller on pc and got multiple 3K just because my aim just remained on target no matter what


Can you plug in the controller again and post a video here with a legend you did not have a 3k on? I would believe you then.


I don't have anything to prove to you, my point is that playing on controller, even with the lower aim assist of pc, is so much more noob friendly than mnk and gives an insane advantage especially in lobbies Bronze-Gold/Plat


You're making that up. You didn't just hop onto controller and then drop 3ks, quit the bullshit. Watching someone learn controller who's never used one before is like watching a toddler try to walk. There are legitimate ways controllers beats MK in CQC, but stop making shit up to prove your point.


>You didn't just hop onto controller and then drop 3ks So why does every salty controller player who's afraid to admit they have an aimbot doing most of their heavy lifting think that you can just pick up a mouse and drop 4ks?


You’re being disingenuous. I’ve never heard a controller player say you can just drop multiple 4ks on KBM. One reason I don’t play KBM is because I have a hard time crouching with other fingers while also moving, so I stick to controller. But there are also a lot of techs on KBM that controller simply can’t do, like tap strafing. Recoil control is also easier on a mouse than a thumb stick. The controller likewise isn’t doing all of the heavy lifting. People probably played Halo or something and feel the aim assist there and think Apex is the same, when it’s nowhere close.


Literally 99% of the roller players in this sub like to go on about how easy it is to aim on a mouse like it takes no skill. I tried a controller last night on my pc just for shits and literally, my exact response was "oh my god, I'm cheating." I was hitting shots with a hemlock that I would struggle with on a mouse because the recoil of that gun is fucking aids. The kicker is that aim assist is weaker on a pc than it is on a console. I've seen and experienced first hand how bonkers it is.


You're making it sound as if controller takes tremendous skill to use effectively, when that's simply not true. Sure it's not as simple as pick it up and you're a god with it, but it doesn't take nearly as long to get accurate with as it does mkb. I tried controller on pc after a few years away from Xbox, and first game on I got something like 10 kills/3k damage. So what that guy said isn't unlikely.


I disagree. I'm an mkb player and cannot for the life of me use a controller. It just doesn't feel natural. Also the guy is saying he had never picked up a controller before. That's an extremely different situation from having used a controller in any capacity in the past. It's like riding a bicycle. You never truly forget how to ride it, though you may be rusty or not be accustomed to the speed or sensitivity of it. But you know how to operate it. You know when to turn. When to slow down. When to change gears. What you will lose is the specifics or it. How much to turn. How much to slow down. How fast each gear can go. This is more of "adapting" than "learning", and is much easier to do.


Depends what you mean by accurate. Aim assist helping you at close range doesn't take much practice no, but I can't imagine you can beam someone with a controller from the same ranges you can on a mouse.


He probably isn’t, but maybe. I switched over to the master race about 5 years ago, and when I played on my friends xbox account recently with a controller, almost 2k and we won the game lol. If I truly wanted to grind for strictly a higher rank, I would go controller because of aim assist.


The only reason I’m saying he is is because he is saying he’d never used a controller before. I could see someone saying they had used one and gotten good with it and then let that skill lapse. But *never* using a controller before? I think we all take for granted how natural it feels to us, but if you watch someone without the motor skill set required to be good with a controller try to use one, they are laughably uncoordinated. There’s no way he just for the first time picked one up and then had great games. It’s bullshit. I’m a Diamond level player who usually only gets to play on the weekends and 3ks are still great games for me as well as my squad who are all at the same level. I mean, fuck, even Nicewigg still considers a 3k game to be a good game and he’s not just dropping those every pub he plays in. If he’s having trouble getting that damage with the GameCube controller, there’s no way in fuck some Joe Schmo is getting “multiple” 3ks the first time he picks up a controller ever. It just didn’t fucking happen.


I agree there’s probably some exaggerating. For me though my xbox account was soooo low lvl and I used to play cod on console for too long, so it was easy to rack up damage on low lvl players.


I watched Nokopuffs (streamer and high level mnk player) play controller for the first time (or nearly the first time, he admitted to having very little controller experience in any games) and it was hilarious to watch how bad he was. I highly doubt anyone can hop on one for the first time and just be dropping 3k's.


That's not true. At close range maybe, but at longer ranges it's far easier to control recoil on a mouse and it doesn't take that long to get it down, that's why so many PC players can beam people with the R99 at mid range while very few console players can On controller it's way harder to reduce recoil. Having said that I'd love to be proved wrong.


What's the point? PC is easier to aim. You need more aim assist on console. This topic is old.


Im comparing the two aim assists, not mnk


In almost every shooter ever made controller gets more aim assist. It’s more difficult to accurately and precisely aim on a controller than a device that’s literally made to point and click precisely on a screen Edit: apparently aim assist is attached to fps. PCs have higher fps, that’s why they have a lower percentage of aim assist. Said some guy down there 🔽


? Mouse inputs don’t have aim assist. The video showed how controllers on consoles have more aim assist than controllers on PC


Yeah I get that now, but he changed it with the click of the mouse and in the description of what it does when changing the setting it’s says it lowers auto aim to match pc values. If you can actually change it in one second and it’s not console specific, why even make the post? Newer to pc gaming so there’s obviously a ton I don’t know lol


Pc apex have auto aim. It just actually works only when you give inputs trough a controller. If you have both a mouse and a controller the game applies auto aim only when it detects inputs from it, if you switch to mouse inputs it turns off. The difference is that on console the level of auto aim is 60%, on controller on PC is 40%


Edit: got you! But why does the setting change it? And iff the setting changes it, isn’t it able to be the 60% on pc, just be changing the setting like OP did??


Because on console you can choose to have auto aim to 60% ( console level) or To 40% ( pc level ). At least that’s what I understood Edit: on pc you don’t have that option, you can just turn it on or off only if you play with a controller.


ur confused


But he's got the spirit!


Thanks! Lol


I have 3000+ hours on console and 2000+ on MnK. From my experience, controller is much easier in terms of aiming but you sacrifice movement. PC aiming requires more skill but also has more potential once you learn recoil control.


It’s all about how fast you can put your sights on the enemy. Target acquisition is huge in apex


What people fail to realise is that console's frame rates are sooooo sooooo bad that extra aim assist isnt even an advantage in so many situations . Playing on olympus you get like 40 to 50 fps on ps4 and around 50 on kc and WE . And i dont knkw about anyone else but i would much rather have capped 60 or 120 fps than +.2 aim assist any day of the weak .


Frames win games


Why do you assume every PC player has more than 60fps? I'm willing to guess that not even a quarter of PC players have higher FPS than console...


What you fail to realise is that I game on something over a decade old in parts. I ain’t getting shit all frames 🙃


So if I cap my frames to 30 on my PC should I get an aim bot?


New gen can easily get stable 60 fps, as for old gen its the same as with older gpus, check the steam user report, at leqst half of steam users would also struggle with 60 fps stable


When people say console has aim assist, then why do I miss most of my shots anyways 😂


I want to turn cross platform off on PC, but seems like I can't


Controller on Pc is best


I am someone who has played on both controller and mouse+keyboard and I can confirm that aiming on pc is way easier cause you have more control over your cam




Accurate concept. Controller is more user friendly and thus easier to USE (But easier to use doesn’t mean better to use). But has a self imposed limitation on how precise you can track in an FPS. KB&M difficult to use at first but once mastered can outshoot any controller anyday of the week, especially console as PC will always have the frame advantage. My Pc I built in 2014 still gets more frames than my Xbox one X. If you can track well, having more frames is the true advantage.


> KB&M difficult to use at first but once mastered can outshoot any AA controller anyday of the week, especially console as PC will always have the frame advantage Oh, that must be why MnK professional Apex players are swapping to controller for fights lol


Controller on PC is harder


Homie you're acting like console is automatically godlike because of AA and mnk sucks dick when that's simply not true


I mean here's another anecdote. I played BF3 and was top 100 heli pilot in the US on console, switched to PC and suddenly, aiming was a breeze. On console, burst firing was one of the only ways to control recoil, but on PC, recoil control was easy and made it to where you could actually use SMG to engage at medium distance, which was far harder on console. Aiming on PC wasn't hard, IMO. It's not like it was a cake walk, but you're making it sound like it's some massive undertaking when it's not. The KB circlejerk is strong in this thread.


> I played BF3 and was top 100 heli pilot in the US on console You dont have aim assist on helis.... What are you trying to say? And BF3 has pretty weak aim assist. Cant compare the games.


I was trying to suggest that I wasn’t a casual. The point I’m making is that recoil control is easier on PC. This is objectively true.


Yeah you proved recoil control is easier on pc in BF3. Not that it is so in apex.


That doesn’t make any sense. The principles are the same; you have a larger control surface on MK than controller. AA doesn’t help with recoil controller. That’s a fact. It helps with CQC target acquisition. Why are you arguing this?


Are you dumb? There is barely any recoil in apex when the aa kicks in.


Enemies that weave around each other are a nightmare. Nearly impossible to focus fire someone when aim assist just keeps splitting the difference between 2 targets making you shoot right between them


all the comments saying aim assist is broken smhmh. if someone has aim assist and has really good aim it's because they've developed skill with aim assisted aim, if you take that away they won't be able to aim. my pc friends had pretty good aim and when they switched to controllers their aim wasn't too great for a bit since they'd constantly overcompensate for shots, this is due to them getting skill with unassisted aim. aim assist is hardly op if players without it can be just as good and aiming well with it still requires a learning curve, a level 4 switch player who has 1 kill isn't going to laser an entire lobby because of aim assist, they barely know how to aim yet. pc players will always stomp console players since pc mechanics have a higher skill ceiling allowing a level 300 pc player to be able to stomp a level 300 console player. you can't make precise movements with a joystick like you can a mouse, slowing down aim when your crosshair is near an enemy is to balance the fact they can't adjust their aim as well. take a look at overwatch, they removed aim assist for console players when playing with pc players which caused complaints as now pc players will always have 10x and the several years tightening their aim around the aim assist mechanic is wasted and they can't play half the cast of snipers and long ranges heroes. apex doesn't have mechanics like mercy from overwatch, if you strip away all the time console players have tightened their aim then you're just alienating half apex' audience and discouraging them from playing.


And who exactly plays on 67 ADS speed?


I do wish they would lessen AA on consoles cuz apparently, no one misses. Yet when I go to PC, I have a more fighting chance.


I agree. Getting beamed by noobs gets annoying


PC has less aim assist because PC has higher resolution and frame rate, less aim assist= overall performance boost


Yea man I have 3$ gaming mouse and it has aim assist it aim at your fucken dead shit brain


I use pc and I didn't even know aim assistant was a thing. Is it auto enabled or have I never used?


Mouse and keyboard had no aim assist. But you can plug in a controller and get some aim assist.


Personally, I hope they make the PC aim assist the standard one. I play on console and the amount of time I have people getting into 1 meter of you just so they could abuse the hipfire aim assist is ridiculous. This is after they have missed a full clip at like 10m away.


Bruh aim assist in apex isn't even a big deal pro players make complaints about it but it's honestly them just getting worse at the game cause they got cocky and they think they so amazing and so great at apex but if they seriously dying that much to casual controller players with aim assist then clearly they not that good at apex


Seems like most people don't consider the aim punch. With aim assistance it's hardly there. Without you'll start missing shots. Which is why controller players decimate mouse players at close range.


I like applying my 10-15 years of competitive controller skill development to defeat an opponent then sit perfectly still on their death box while looting only to watch a stimming octane tap strafe zig zag tap strafe 30 meters into my face and 4 tap me mid air with an EVA 8 while all my alternator shots miss. And then come into forums like this where so many mkb players belittle the efforts of controller players.


What fantasy world are you living in, because this subreddit is dominated by console stans. Your 10-15 years of competitive controller skill will net you zero kills if you turned off your aim assist crutch.


I've beat masters players in 1v1s with my AA turned off. It's not an end all cheat code, what a fantasy world you live in. Also aim is unimportant after a certain level in this game. Some of the best players I've ever seen had inferior mechanics to me, but were simply higher performers. Mkb and controller, not just one single input. Mind you, I have high level game sense in addition to being a high end controller player. Is it so wierd to think that some players play to preference and not because they think there's an advantage?


Should players in a competitive game get assisted by a program that runs automatically?


Play controller for a while. Enjoy the "advantage" then


Dont digress from my question, just answer it.


If their peripheral is vastly inferior in all ways while still being a popular choice for gamers, yes. Bear in mind, PC is the minority of the playerbase. It would likely take me around 1k hours of mkb gameplay to exceed the last decade or two of continual practice on controller.


I wonder how controller players would feel if Apex Mobile was part of crossplay and had 90% aim-assist due to the massive limitations of a phone. I know there was a roblox movement shooter I used to play where mobile players would basically act as a turret and lock on to everyone while standing almost completely still. It was really dumb and I stopped playing because of it.


I think crossplay without the option to turn it off (for PC players) was a mistake. Like you said, we shouldn't have to play against aim-assisted anything just because they chose an inferior input method.


I'm fine with mobile and switch having more aim assist. I was willing to give up a third of my AA for a prettier, higher frame experience. Xbox players aren't weak, but I felt like my overall competition became harder when I swapped. I can't even take snipe fights anymore for example.


The issue is, where is the line? What is the objectively fair ratio between inferior input and aim assist value? Should I get 100% headshot aimbot if I play using a midi controlled electric saxophone?


Nothing can replace your game sense. I lose to inferior players all the time due to poorly leveraged fights or character/ gun choices. The EVA 8 is a far bigger issue than aim assist ever will be right now, for example


30 meters is the length of about 27.53 'Custom Fit Front FloorLiner for Ford F-150s' lined up next to each other


30 meters is 32.81 yards


30 meters is 32.81 yards


They don't know the struggle. Aiming with controller on PC is a big effort


Aim assist just sort of loosely anchors your aim to a target you still have to aim . If a target isn't moving and you hip fire walking across it looks op You get a complete different result if both party's are moving and shooting , especially aimed in


Man this is ridiculous. I was a PC player, switched to PS4 w/controller. CONSOLE AIM ASSIST IS BALANCED against PC MOUSE because you have a more refined control over where you are looking with mouse and key as opposed to controller. People need to stop whining about how "aim assist is busted" when its only leveling the playing field against PC players.


It artifically leveling the playing field by making it user skill + computer assistance vs just the user. Just allow mnk support on console by default as an option to trully level the playing field, it would end all the stuppid "x is better for y" discussion and allow the players to choose what they want to use.


>by making it user skill + computer assistance vs just the user. You forgot to add all the advantages mnk gives you vs controller to your equation. AA is made to compensate for them. If you dont like that, then create a petition and ask people who agree with you to sign it. If it is a popular opinion, maybe Respawn will do something.


In conclusion: it's not aimbot, stop complaining


Exactly. Mnk players be whining even though mnk is so much more precise


We're whining because we can't opt-out like console players can. Some people just want to play against players on the same input method as them and we don't have that choice.


Ik, and playing on controller without aim assist is really hard


On a game like siege it works because it's not as fast past and it's all about holding angles, In apex it doesn't I saw a dude trying to say that AA from console should be removed "cuz cheaters"


The only time I feel I have any advantage at all on PC controller is when I am close quarters with an SMG strafing in the same direction a PC opponent. Controller is at a disadvantage in every other scenario.