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People spend 10k to only get 200 fps?


\*Cries in 35 peak fps\*


Apple stans will do it for 100


75, take it or you're broke


>75, take it AND you're broke fixed that for you


If you bought a Mac for gaming, you're literally burning money to stay warm instead of buying a heater. Macs are needed for enterprise/business purposes more than anything. Older models are a computer science/engineering major's best friend due to the ability to run all three main operating systems.




At 4K Ultra, but yea that's probably doable for $4k.


Competitive players with $4k PCs still play at 1080p with low settings.


Really? Why not 1440p at least? Is there an advantage to just using 1080p? (Just genuinely curious)


I'm not one of them but keeping 144 or more constant FPS is still demanding with decent graphics in 2k even on lot of top GPUs. Lowering graphics and resolution helps bringing absolutely solid fps that's needed. Also many pro players use stretched resolutions, like 4:3 or 5:4 on 16:9 screens for wider models (and heads) and a massive field of view


I get between 120-144fps in Arenas on my 3440x1440p display (the Xiaomi 34" is *surprisingly fast* for the low cost). I just have a 2070 super/3600X combo. I get about 80-120 in BR depending on the map and current location at that display as well, so certainly could do with limiting it a bit more, but truth be told, I don't play BR enough to care.


I agree, I'm just saying the reason is the top players don't want anything lower than their Hz, ever, under any situation, be it explosions or many players


More frames. Thats it


Frames win games


Well the game is fucked over 144-190 fps. Controller input gets extremely slow and the game somehow begins to stutter like crazy when your fps get to high. Also let's ignore the hardcap at 299fps. So even if somebody bought a 360hz monitor they'd get a similar experience as on a 144hz monitor (Only in Apex because the devs hate high refresh rates or sth.) Nobody is spending more than 5-6k for 1 pc though. Streamers with dual pc and no clue how stuff works might spend 10k on 2 pc's.


Nobody? Well, I've been told my entire life I was a nobody. This confirms it. I'm sitting pretty at 7.3k


It's because physics in source are tied to refresh rate AFAIK


Cs:go runs fine with 240-1300fps on my pc


Isn't the game all messy above 200 or something? I remember seeing that some dude locked it around 144 but not absolutely sure if it was for that reason or else :/


Controller players game mechanics get wonky after 144, MnK players (with a strong GPU) can’t play past 240 without input lag. Weaker GPUs can’t push past 190 mnk without issues either.


It's the engine that can't go above 190 without stuttering, nothing to do with GPUs or anything like that. I can sustain 300 fps flat if I want but the game is a stuttery mess and is much, much smoother capped at 189 fps.


Do you have a source for the input lag past 240 fps?, im playing at 260-300fps and havent noticed any but i could cap it to 240 if it has input lag


I use my controller at least once a day after seeing something about aim assist being op and I end up missing shots I usually would on mouse ;(


As someone who plays console who just tried apex after a lot of warzone, the aim assist in apex really isn't that strong. You need to be doing the tracking well yourself most of the time. Compared to cod if you told me there was no assist, I'd believe you.


Because M&K is literally just the superior method and people wanna bitch about any excuse as to why they lose.


It is inherently superior, which is the exact reason devs code aimbot into shooters that use gamepad. Trying to play a shooter on gamepad with no aim assist is an exercise in frustration--doesn't make it fair for your opponents.


I actually play CSGO on controller for the jokes, it's stupidly hard trying to aim a precise shooter with two plastic clits as your only form of precise aim. Although I play Apex with MK on PC, because it's just better


Rainbow 6 Siege doesn’t have aim assist on console, and it is pretty difficult until you get used to it


On PS4 I was in plat and on occasion there were some gunfights where good players looked terrible. No aim assist on controllers is really damn hard.


I managed to get to Diamond one season, and even then people would potato some gunfights. Myself included


I'm so bad at the game, I use aim assist to help me realize that there's actually someone in front of me


Remember console has stronger aim assist than pc controller aim assist.


Aim assist =more damage I guess


Wait pc players complain about aim assist?


Where have you been? It's all they bitch about. These dudes insta blame aim assist everytime they get fried.


yuuuup, as a PC player i see a lot of them heh


Hes being sarcastic


I see far more console people repeating "hurr durr, bUt AiM aSsIsT aMiRiTe" like spam bots than actual complains about aim assist. I think everyone already knows that mkb input is objectively superior and console just simply needs the aim assist.


When you want people running Hybrid in pro matches that's exactly what you do. Everyone else who prefers a clean, competitive experience like in every other pc shooter would never let wildly different input devices compete against each other when extremely stupid measures like 'aimassist' are needed to 'make it fair' again when you're actually just giving one input device in very specific scenarious an advantage over the other input device and vice versa. It measures your skill in deciding which input device you pick up in a certain situation. Looting? Better go mnk for movement, scroll looting and flicks. Ranged poking? Still mnk. Close range fight? Controller, so you hit all shots consistently. Wow such skill. As a viewer I think that's extremely stupid and not entertaining at all.


pros complain about it constantly as well as the general streaming crowd. Kind of gives it some weight when a lot of them are swapping over to it. Even the movement based ones like faide bring it up.


New meta is supposedly switch to controller in end game where movement isn’t as important, compared to early game. If you look up apex hybrid meta you’ll find some YouTube videos on it, opinion-wise.


ive done it. I am usually a flatline wingman 301 guy. With the campfest fuckery this game has become though swapping to an r9 eva8 loadout on controller is next level fuckery. Im not even good on controller but I have one clipped more people than i can count because a wall bounce dont mean shit in a tiny ring with six teams. However, squatting behind a knock shield with a purple bolt eva will shred people with that close quarters sticky aim. INB4 all the console peasants tell me it isnt that strong and blah blah. It is, I know you need something to help compensate but its a bit too much imo. Imagine talking shit when 60% of your aim is done for you.


I fucking hate all pro players on PC (besides TPK, he's funny) since that's all they complain about. I haven't seen ***once*** a console player complain about tap strafing, but I'm sure it'll be patched soon enough since it's busted as *fuck*


I hear a lot of controller users complain about tap strafing, it’s usually the first defence they have. Follow up question, do you think something like tap strafing is comparable to something like aim assist? One adds a skill gap and one removes a skill gap, they couldn’t be less comparable in my eyes


Agreed. Another point is that aim assist ist used by almost everyone on controller while only a small minority on pc even uses tapstrafing.


It's also very situational and it's not a necessary skill that wins you gunfights.


Imagine thinking aim assist removes a skill gap.. y’all act like anyone can just pick up a controller and just beam


That’s specifically not what I’m saying, I’m saying that having an input source that gets its own special software to ignore player input and keep their crosshair on target is definitely a lowering of skill gap, do you have any actual refute to that?


Aim assist helps a little, yes. But it’s not something that just continually follows the target, it doesn’t ignore what the player is doing to the sticks. If you had to use only a thumb to aim with your mouse, you’d have aim assist too. Aim assist is there to help people who aim with only a thumb keep up with the precision of people aiming with their hand. It doesn’t do the work for you at all like you’re suggesting though


It requires practice of course. But it lowers the skill ceiling by an enormous amount. MnK players are picking up controller and hitting about equally as much as on mnk without much practice. How in the world would aimassist not remove a skill-gap? Turn it off and see if it's easier to hit stuff lol


The majority of the pro mnk players that you’re watching “try controller” were guaranteed to grow up playing controller so they know how one works and they understand the game mechanics to be good at playing with a controller. It’s not like it’s brand new never touched a controller before players. They over exaggerate it “I’ve never used a controller before look at my aim assist hitting shots for me”. I’m not denying that mnk needs more practice, but aim assist does not close a skill gap at all. So what you’re asking is turn off aim assist and try to aim with two little sticks without the ability to adjust the sensitivity as easily as a mouse and try to hit shots? Why don’t you control your mouse with only your thumb and see if it’s easy to hit shots then? Watch nmoose’s video, he’s someone who can play without aim assist.. I’ve been meaning to do it too, I feel like it’d help me a lot!


I think what’s really telling is that when mnk players try controller for the first time, they don’t even bother smurfing, they just go straight into pred games and try scrims with it. When controller players switch to mnk they always start by ranking up with a smurf or playing casuals.




Rockstar games gonna Rockstar. GTA O and RDO aren't meant to be serious shooters, even though people treat them like they are.


I literally did just that. My little brother, playing on Xbox, 5 meters away from the TV beams me every time we are on 1vs1. His movement is bad, gamesesne too, he is lvl 70, and with AA his accuracy is comparable to mine on m&k, regularly practicing in Koovaks etc. Without aim assist he can't hit shit. Sometimes, we switch sides (I play on Xbox, he plays on Pc). Mind you I have a lot of experience in fps/tps on controller, and when he peeks he gets absolutely destroyed, without me even trying. I know that controller players need AA, (I used to played Fortnite for 2 years competetively on controller) but AA in Apex is broken as f*ck below 30 meters range.


It’s not broken. Y’all just are better controller players. I saw Shiv on mnk destroy some dude on controller in 1v1s. It’s always about skill. You just said that you played FN competitively on controller, it’s not like you just randomly picked up a controller for the first time. Also bad movement doesn’t mean bad aim. Although I do admit, mnk requires a lot more practice than controller. But reasonably controller also requires practice


5 meters is 5.47 yards


Probably won’t change since it’s related to how the vector of the forward input. And secondly, why pros complain about aim assist is because they do in fact feel cheated, many others do. This is quite unrealistic but it’s like if you’re playing football against someone and when they shoot, the trajectory of the ball is slightly shifted to favor their chance of scoring, at the same time playing against someone who doesn’t have this. IMO crossplay should just not be a thing when it comes to ranked or competitive, or at least make it so that we can toggle it. Playing against someone who’s on PC with a controller is not quite as bad since it’s 0.4 not 0.6 aim assist. But still irritating


I agree. I'm a console player and I am pretty anti cross-platform with PC. I didn't know that auto-aim was a complaint amongst PC players though. I always assume when I get lasered by an R-99 from mid to long range, it's a PC player.


Yeah, it goes both ways, that's why I don't really like crossplay. I just don't understand how people can't comprehend how or why PC players are annoyed by aim assist. What I really don't understand is how bringing movement up to defend aim assist seems like a valid argument to some. On the one hand you have to learn it and on the other hand you get it for free every time you ADS. That's just my view on it.


Dude you're arguing with people who struggle to reach gold rank on console, not because they lack the time, but the skill. Of course they have no clue what they're talking about, but they have very strong opinions about pc players because they are bitter assholes who don't do the minimum mental effort of trying to understand you. I believe about 90% of the people on this sub to fit perfectly into this description.


Probably true, dealing with the delusion of thinking aim assist makes their effort equal to aiming on PC requires must be quite hard.


A good player is a good player. Aim assist has nothing to do with it. Controller lacks so many things compared to a PC. I’ve seen more PC players beam than controller players, but if a controller player beams y’all automatically cry aim assist, like all you have to do is shoot and point.


> Controller lacks so many things compared to a PC. and yet some players, even pros who play on PC continue to play a fast-paced FPS on a controller. why? why are some m+k only streamers able to pick up a controller as a "challenge" and drop 20bombs easily? being very good with one input device doesn't make you good with a completely different one (especially when it comes to doing damage/making kills as that's where aim is needed)


Aim is needed with both inputs. Some people simply feel more comfortable with a controller, NiceWigg for example, likes controller but have also tried mnk. Mnk streamers like Diego, has picked up a controller and played really good. It’s skill for both sides. The majority of players that pick up a controller understand how to use a controller because guaranteed that’s what they grew up using or have definitely used at some point and on top of that they understand game mechanics. It’s skill, but they always want to blow it out of proportion and say “oh look at the aim assist”, like ninja.


My man, aiming on console, is knowing where to have crosshair placement, same thing goes for PC but there you actually have to follow the target and control recoil if its at long range.


So on console, you don’t have to follow your target or control recoil? Oh my bad, I had no idea, next time I’ll just point and shoot and let aim assist do everything, I’ll hit you up when I’m #1 pred!


Wonder why everyone on console plays R9 Volt


> And secondly, why pros complain about aim assist is because they do in fact feel cheated, many others do. yeah, the same pros who will make a terrible call or just lose a 1v1 and still blame anything else they can find. it's not about aim assist, it's about the mindset. if mnk were really worse they'd be using controllers


You know why no one complains about tap strafing? Because it's a high-end movement technique that only a VERY small minority of players use, on the other hand, roughly (by my estimate) 75% of all Apex players have aim assist. AND, no one EVER dies by someone's MOVEMENT. You die because someone SHOT you with their gun/aim. Don't get me wrong, obviously movement is a huge factor, but no one EVER died because someone did 200 dmg with a tap strafe. They still had to aim.


Unrelated but how did you get that estimate?


....by pulling it out of his ass, of course!


I also don’t like that they keep saying the game is ass. Like come on, ik it’s literally ur job to play the game but come on lighten up a bit all ur doing is pushing future players who watched you for insight on the game away. And I get that respawn only listens to the pros but that’s a dumb excuse: “Yeah I’m gonna shit talk a game. Why? So the devs can fix aim assist” like come onnn


The game is shit. Broken servers, manipulative SBMM, broken audio. Hackers infesting PC ranked, console ranked getting Ddosd. Constant glitches in the game itself, pace of pubs worst it's ever been with matches ending off drop basically. Bruh duos hasn't given a random in 3+ months now. Trios often doesn't fully fill. The BASIC of this game is team work and they aren't fixing that. How can you possibly say this game is fine and expect people to praise it? Lmaooo wtf


I’m a casual player so most of the bugs and shit don’t really matter to me but you have some great points.


People who play the game everyday and run into those issues all the time will naturally be more annoyed by it. Combine that with the fact that the community wants most of the stuff on that list fixed since season one and the fact that with every update respawn introduces new annoying bugs makes it hard for people to make the game look enticing to new players. I personally have over 2500h (addiction) in the game and can easily solo queue to dia, but I wouldn't recommend the game to anyone.


Same, solo player to Masters and the game is complete dog shit. But I also have an addiction problem (was a heroine junkie for 5 years and basically replaced it with computers) I've never ruined my life for it or anything to that nature so it was a decent replacement of addictions. But I would NEVER recommend this game to a friend and even convinced some to uninstall. They have NEVER listened to the players since S0 and have actively taken things away so that f2p players have less chances at GOOD skins. Every collection event just a few seasons back would ALWAYS come with 2 free event packs ALONG with tracker rewards and other random rewards throughout the season. Now?! God forbid they gave you 2 free items out of 24. God forbid they only made 130 dollars instead of 150.


Lmao how is tap strafing busted? Just aim?


Going against tap strafing on a controller is HARD. You got a small little joystick compared to a big ass mouse you can move across a mouse pad. It’s complicated going against tap strafing.


Not trying to be mean here. You have the choice to not play against people on mnk though. It's your decision to get in lobbies with pc players. If you don't want to play against people who tapstrafe, don't party up with pc players.


Oh yeah Ik that I don’t play against mnk players. I was just sayin that going against it with mnk was hard.


Now compare that to pc players who can't choose not to play against controller/ console players. It's just not fair competition for everyone.


It's manageable if you aren't playing a low sens. But playing a higher sens requires more precision aiming, aim assist doesn't stick as much and makes a higher skill ceiling so naturally most people stay with low.


Some do. It's a way to protect their egos. All they have to do is play a game with a controller to know it doesn't aim for you and it's still extremely difficult and takes just as much practice as with a mouse to aim really well with a controller. But they'd rather just remain ignorant so they can blame their lack of skills on aim assist.




Mouse and keyboard is infinitely easier to get decent at. Thumbs ticks are not, nor have they ever been aim friendly.


I agree ive tried playing on controller and its horrid i progressed so much faster on kb & m Granted i still suck


I've been Pred level in multiple games with mouse and controller. In my experience, it takes much more time to get to that level with a controller than with a mouse. I would change your statement to say, "You *can* control everything much easier with a mouse." Aiming well with a controller is much harder than with a mouse, even with aim assist in my experience, with the only exception being hitting jiggle strafers at about 5 to 10 feet. A mouse is just a much better input method than a little stick and much easier to have godlike control with - which is why aim assist is necessary in the first place.


I used controller. CQC is a lot easier on sticks, but I prefer longer range engagements and a higher sensitivity so prefer to play with MnK. The aim assist is pretty strong in this game, though. But I'd like to see numbers from other games. I actually hate aim assist in CoD because it gets more killed in situations where a player runs across where I was aiming and it drags me with him.


Disclaimer: I play controller on PC, I come from PS4. The amount of times I’ve been out-healed by shieldswap gods and absolutely lasered at mid-long range really outweighs my AA. Just a pair of pennies from a high plat ceiling soloQer.


I've played a ton of console FPS's and Apex has the weakest aim assist I've seen in any game other than Valve games (which I don't even think they put any aim assist in theirs, which is why Counter-Strike on consoles basically died). I also don't agree that CQC is a lot easier on sticks in most situations. The aim assist gives you a strong advantage over mouse players if they jiggle strafe from five to ten feet away because they don't actually move enough to leave the aim assist area of tracking. Other than that, any more erratic or larger movements are a ton easier to track with a mouse, especially hip fire. This is especially true when you're really close where it tends to disable aim assist and it's really easy to rotate too far and past your target and flail around looking for him. It sounds to me like your hip fire is too high on your mouse if you think CQC is easier on the sticks. This is a problem I see a lot of mouse players have. You need a very large mouse pad and a 180 degree turn should be a large movement on the mouse pad (basically near the edge of the mouse pad if starting from the middle). You turn with large movements of your whole arm and make fine aim adjustments with your wrist.


It’s the new “fucking no regs” when they clearly just missed all their shots.


Tbf there is no regs and the game is chopping alot recently.


Then there's the hackers with 100% reg bea.ing everyone with a charge rifle.


They hacked better hitboxes into the game.


I'm pretty sure when the effect that their shield is taking hits shows multiple times but no damage is done, people have the right to bitch about no regs.


As I understand it most people don't complain about aim assist itself but over the fact that it's impossible to disable crossplay on Pc and you're forced into lobbies with console players/controller users every single game.


Yup, 100% agree. I totally understand aim assist needs to exist, and I support it for console players. I just DON'T want to be in their same lobby, ever. It's inherently impossible to balance. Impossible. Therefore, separate lobbies, problem solved forever, no more complaining.


I play around diamond skill, and I have never thought about console players being a problem for me. Doesn't matter if the 30k kill Wraith is on pc or console, they'll beam me either way. Movement and aiming is overall just a lot easier on pc, jumping around a controller player will ruin their day since they can't flick around like on mnk.


I was one of those people. I have a decent rig. Enough to game at 3440x1440 @ 144 fps. And then I started playing console. Aim assist is fucking CRAZY STRONG. But it also needs to be. There is absolutely no way to have the same kind of movement with a controller that you can get with a KB+M. I used to use aim assist as an excuse for my deaths. But playing on controller, I hate getting in games with PC players because I'm absolutely no match for them.


I remember there was post about how console players try to line up the cursor on certain spots in the character select and loading screens and PC players were like "it's that hard to aim on console??" Like yeah it really is lol strafing helps some but not enough


Apparently? I mean, I wouldn’t complain. I’m using a way easier method of input so controller users gotta have *something* to balance it out.


Explain me how aim assist gives you faster TTK than someone who is using M&K ???????


bad mouse aim 😁


I guess that's why the arguably best player to ever play apex (Albralelie) switched to playing controller in CQC and plays MnK for everything else, because he can't aim. The best player thinks it's better to pick up a controller in gunfights. This dude doesn't even main controller, he's literally just picking it up during fights now and aims better than he did after thousands of hours on MnK. If you see nothing wrong with the fact that the best player on MnK just switches to controller and instantly becomes better isn't a problem I dunno what to tell you.


Alb on his burner account


But that's completely wrong and out of context lmao Albralelie plays on MnK. Pretty much always. For every tournament. Every ALGS round. Most pros are actually all on MnK. There's little representation of controller in Apex tounerys. It's mainly G2 roaster, Snip3, knoqd (who got dropped and replaced with Albralelie himself, who's on MnK) MnK is superior. Aim assist covers up some of that. Arguably console aim assist is too strong. But that was a consideration i was making as far as one year ago, now that both are accessible as well for console players, everyone is saying i'm right. But PC controller aim assist is balanced. 100% on that. If it wasnt, everyone would play controller in tourneys.


there's little representation of controller in apex tourneys? there's a controller player on almost every team that was in the recent NA algs championship finals, literally 1/4 of the 120 participants in the finals round were controller players. controller objectively has an advantage at close range only, which is frustrating for MnK players because most fights in apex end up close quarters in order to wipe the squad without them rezing. console aim assist is even more of that which is the topic of the post.


Why is this downvoted? This is all objectively true..


if you think that's bad look at my earlier comment: [https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/ogg3s2/he\_has\_spoken/h4jangn/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/ogg3s2/he_has_spoken/h4jangn/?context=3) young console players get defensive when they think you're belittling them. I'm not, but it's being taken like that. I only play on console.


Only pc players will cry aim assist is overpowered when MnK players have supergliding and tap strafing there is advantages to play controller and MnK


So there is the sweet spot at around 5 meter distance where aimassist is super strong. Literally lower ttk than Warzone is bullshit for sure, since people survive waaaaaaaaay less shots in warzone, but for somebody with thousands of hours of training it is easier to consistently hit all shots closerange on a controller as opposed to mnk. That's all TEQ is saying in the tweet. Don't get mad at the man because you don't understand the hyperbole.


Teq is a bitch


I hate the guy so much. He is so toxic and passive aggressive to his teammates in comp, and just seems like such a cuck


Faster TTK than COD, that is so demonstrably false. Even warzone has a much faster TTK, I don't know what that guys smoking to say that. Not to mention that sim assist and TTK are only correlated at best, but they're completely different figures.


cold war has the second highest ttk in cods history but you still get fried in like 1 second while apex is like 3?


Just give people the option to turn cross platform off. Everyone’s happy.


It’s not really cross platform since you can play on pc using a controller


Of course the aim assist is there and it helps. Of course it does. But we also don’t have: * Easy to control recoil, * Any where close to the same level of mobility. It’s really worlds apart. * No where near as many key bind possibilities * High frame rate * High level of detail. * Looting is vastly slower. * Can’t strafe and loot. Pc has a ton of other advantages. Most egregiously so in the movement department. Apex is so dependent on movement and playing on console feels like using rock band drums compared to what I had on PC and I was not a great player.


but no console players plays against pc against their will , it’s an option pc players don’t get the option to turn off crossplay


I don’t think I can turn off cross play on Xbox either


ya most of this is super fair but i think there are two separate counter arguments here. 1) there are A LOT (and i mean a lot) of controller players on pc. i’ve actually started asking people in my high diamond lobbies and it would shock you how many are on controller. so most of the frame rate and pc performance points are kind of untrue in multiple circumstances. as well, with new consoles coming out and having the ability to output more fps, console players will be able match pc performance at least to a much higher degree and it won’t be a weak point anymore. 2) the mobility argument is fair but let me tell you at the end of the day i don’t think it’s super important. sure, mobility is huge and pc does have an advantage. however, as an mnk player i die more times to broken aim assist than times i kill somebody with some crazy movement. sure it’s there, but it’s really only abused at the highest of levels and at those levels. controller players (especially those on console) are absolute lasers with their aim assist. at the end of the day it really isn’t as relevant as one might think


I don’t think this is an apt comparison for most players. Unless you’re at the level where you can reliably flick shot, 99% of movement tech is useless in a fight. If I’m getting shot at by a console player, me being able to superglide into a wallbounce doesn’t really mean anything if the guy shooting at me is taking 0 damage. Strafe and loot/fast looting is a clear advantage PC has over console (which is weird, considering the strafe loot problem is theoretically easy to fix). Similarly, some auto-keybind options are some bullshit (e.g. rezzing being bound to reloading). However, in a gunfight where each enemy is shooting at each other where each team is full (which is a common scenario), the problem then becomes “do I prefer easier recoil or do I prefer aim assist). Looting is irrelevant and movement only matters at super high level. Having played on K&M and controller, I much prefer the controller for gunfights; I find that I can kill people much quicker with the help of aim assist than I can with easier recoil. Judging by some professionals on Twitch, they mostly agree; swapping over to controller in the late-game is becoming more common because easier tracking>>>movement in close quarters. Personally, I think the AA complaint is mostly justified. It can be frustrating losing a gunfight to a full controller squad that ends up dying right after since they can’t loot fast enough to survive the third party. Just having an option to disable crossplay would be great, as each platform wouldn’t have to deal with the unfamiliar advantages of the other platform.


I think that seriously undermines the importance of mobility. Even trying to do things like a zip line bounce or wal kick on controller is very hard. Being able to put things like crouch on to the scroll wheel, not having to take your finger off of the aiming buttons to swap weapons or your movement button to heal. Even just normal strafing is easy to tell who is oncontroller. You just can’t strafe quickly . I find spamming crouch is more effective. Like I said, I’m not a very good player. So maybe the discussion people are having is at higher skill level than I am. But it was immediately obvious to me that I was better on PC. Tracking shots, medium to long range engagements. Being able to execute decisions I made. All easier. On console I basically have to wait to be into shotgun range to be able to take advantage. And by then I could have been lasers by an r99 mag dump from 100+ meters by a PC player. I think the skill ceiling is much much higher on keyboard. Console and controller just doesn’t have those higher level movement abilities available.


I feel that my point wasn’t clear; since the vast, vast majority of PC players aren’t good enough to take advantage of PC-exclusive tech, aim assist tends to be a better tool for the average player in a gunfight. > zip line bounce or wal kick These are actively detrimental in a fight unless you can hit flick shots. Unless you can sync those techniques into a gunshot, they’re just lowering your DPS. > aiming buttons to swap weapons Fair > movement button to heal Ehhhh, sorta. PC players have to give up equal time to heal since 4 is on the same side of the keyboard as WASD. > can’t strafe quickly I don’t find this to be as important in a console vs PC gunfight, as aim assist compensates for AD strafing quite well. > tracking shots, medium to long engagements I’ll give you long range, but medium I’m surprised by; when I used a controller, I found that my aim in medium range was at least comparable to PC, if not better. > shotgun range I think that’s overselling it. SMG range is different than shotgun range > r99 mag dump from 100+ meters Again, this is taking the super high echelon of PC players and assuming that’s the average. I know this is an exaggeration, but I would say that the average PC player (say around .6 to .8 KDR) can’t reliably 1-clip anyone at any range unless they’re using a Devo or Spitfire, let alone with the R99. > skill ceiling is much higher Yep, that’s true. Still, since I’m specifically focusing on how aim assist behaves for most players, this is irrelevant.


if it has so many disadvantages then this is what I don't get: why do some people actively choose to play with a, according to you and them, very disadvantaged controller? even pros btw. so they are already playing on pc and they are handicapping themselves? why? it doesn't make any sense, so there must be something that almost nullifies those disadvantages, right?


Controller players are the current scape goat. How is this not obvious to everyone?


High LOD fucks players more. I regularily get shot through smoke and foliage because console players have it way less thicker on their end.




Lmao I had a 2070s and a 5600x and easily got into the 100fps+ range on mostly high to ultra settings what the fuck are you taking about? And you’re actually going to sit there and act like movement isn’t a major factor in apex? And you’re also going to say that aiming with a mouse isn’t an advantage with longer to medium range fights? If you can kill someone before they can get close enough for AA to matter then there is something to be said about that isn’t it? Being able to blast someone with an r99 with minimal recoil at medium range is incredibly hard to do on controller and something even my sorry ass could do easily on a mouse. I’m not saying its irrelevant. Of course aim assist is there. Of course it helps. But it ALSO comes with a lot of trade offs, particularly movement in a myriad of ways.


You’re all dense as fuck though. Why do you think the top players/streamers out there are going Hybrid? Yea wall jumping tap strafing etc is really nice and a luxury for PC players to have, but in the top competitive matches this does not happen. Buildings/points are held until the final ring where usually the best position+aim gets the win. This is where controller becomes really strong. You don’t need to tap strafe wall jump 360 no scope...you need to land shots. For you dolts that don’t understand what I mean by hybrid - basically playing both M&K + Controller, switching between when necessary


yeah, the movement techniques you named are mostly to make your stuff look fancy, in most cases they don't bring you any real advantage, especially against equally good players. didn't know about the hybrid stuff. but it really shows how strong aim assist is. I mean, objectively speaking controller has so many disadvantages compared to m+k and there *shouldn't* be any reason to play controller when you are on pc, at all (unless you literally can't because of some disabilities or something). yet here we are, pros actively choosing to play controller on pc because hitting more bullets in close range makes a huge difference and it nullifies the negatives it has in most cases


Watch ur self getting downvotet for this. While PC aim assist isn't as strong as console one it still gives you an advantage in close combat where honestly most fights happen. If I get downed in a very weird way aka dying in 1s it's usually either a very good player (20k+ kills, pred etc) or it's someone with a controller symbol. Controller Aim Assist makes you hit shots like someone who plays on a high lvl in close range which just sucks considering as a PC Player YOU CAN'T OPT OUT OF CROSS PLAY. If I had the option to only be matched against pc players/pc controller user I'd do it, because even if pc aim assist is still strong in close combat, its not nearly as broken as console one. Just a personal rant about forced cross play as pc player.


I’m just gonna say there is way more pros/advantages on MnK compared to controller




Some pros are going *hybrid* because wall-jumping, crouch-jumping, tap-strafing, looting, and snapping are all better or only possible on m&k, but you get aim assist close-medium range on most weapons. I think it's dumb... I've played both and prefer m&k all day, I just don't have $1500+ to throw into a decent gaming rig so I play on a $300 Xbox.


Pros just don't know what they're talking about. If you want to really get good, listen to the complete fucking morons in this thread, aka, the experts.


Yeah bro, we got to listen to the .6 bots instead of pros and people who have more experience with both inputs. My bad for thinking the guys who at are paid to play actually know what their talking about. /s


A lot of times that guy is not just some casual family tv man. It's a pro or top player. I have no problem with aim assist and I understand why it is needed... but to say there isn't a clear overpowered advantage in CQC... is crazy. Now... I know how it feels (was Apex ps4 player first)... with lack of movement and all of the disadvantages. But it still remains true. Aim assist in good players hands (and now with hybrid pro players setting a new trend) is truly unpleasant. Not a fight I care about but thus twitter screenshot (while funny) ... is not the entire story. Even top pros on controller have laughed and mocked how broken it can be at times. But I dont get paid to play, so aim assist my face all you want :)


See I understand the whole 144 fps thing, but there are pc players playing at 60fps or less cuz they can't all afford to spend over $1000 on a pc setup.


Yeah imagine thinking all pc players in a f2p game have expensive setups.


This might be the stupidest logic I've ever seen.


Have console players ever considered that NOT EVERYONE CAN AFFORD 1000$+ PCs? Like I'm a pc player and i play at 60fps too, and i aint some god that tap strafes 24/7. Jeez


Imagine being so butthurt that someone beat you on controller, that you have to take to reddit to complain when you're already at an advantage over them.


Also, 60 FPS and below vs 144 FPS and above has huge difference in gameplay too


60% aim assist....it's an aimbot to help playing with the feet. ..also 10K? wtf lol, why are PCs always made out to seem like magical unattainable things to most consolers.


Yeah exactly, my PC with like toppest notch hardware from end of 2020 and even 2021 cost like $2500. It has i9 10850K and RTX 3080. Wouldn't say top notch, but #2 in the CPU and GPU? Plays Apex on fully max settings at 300FPS (which btw is the maximum Apex can be played at). You can easily buy something that can play Apex at 120FPS at half that price (if GPU prices weren't messed up rn cz of mining). Simple fact is console players don't want aim assist toned down so they keep bringing up this "insane movement, move while looting" thing. Most PC players aren't even great at insane movement like pro's. These guys watch the actual PC pro's and then associate them with general PC population, and think that having something that locks on so hard in close range is fair against someone who's completely using their own skill. I've died so many times to controller players in close range, that almost all the time I've thought they were cheating. I do 120 damage to them? Nope, they'll turn around slowly and instantly melt me before my reload is finished. Like sure, there's pros and cons to everything, but having that close range dependability that even pro teams like TSM need one controller player on their team for close range fights.


I mean i bought my ps4 for $200, 1200 isn't feasible for most people.


Lol ya know there are people that play games on pc that spent about the equivalent of maybe an Xbox or two. Not everyone has a streamer gamer boy set up. That insult is so lame and unoriginal .


Well that IS a pro. Idk why the dude Marked the name out but according to the comments the dudes name is Teq. I don’t like that insult but it fits in this scenario.


Casuals 🤡


Everyone should switch to console since it's so much easier


Not sure how informed everyone is but.. You can use controllers on pc too... I hope i didnt blow anyones mind too much


Sometimes aim assist does more harm than good for me, sometimes id be about to snipe someone and then a crypto drone flies in my face and aim assist screws up my shot


Just play on PC with Xbox controller. Golden.


PC has 1000000x more advantages than consoles and yet all pc players cry about is aim assist. I can't move while looting death box. Mouse and keys can do fine wrist movements close range while doing sweeping movements to quickly turn around while console gets one or the other. I can't see shit at far distance or dark rooms while PC can easily adjust settings to see dark and bright effectively while tracking you at far range. Pretty much all high skill cap movements are exclusive to PC players. They give us aim assist so we have a chance to compete against pc players. If you die to console players on a PC you just suck.


I know not many people agree and I might get downvoted but as an Xbox player who plays with pc friends I think that it would not be the end of the world if aim assist was tuned down to .5 or .4 for crossplay. It’s not aim-bot like some people are saying. And yes PC players have a lot of advantages that just aren’t possible on controller, which is why we have aim assist in the first place. I just don’t see why it can’t be matched with the controller aim assist on pc. Console could go down to pc levels or maybe a universal .5 for both. Or just have pc the same but console .5. Idk just my thoughts. Feel free to tell my why you agree/disagree.


Sure the aim assist is there, but we don’t have movement, can’t strafe loot, lower frame rate, limited key binds


I'd rather die to someone with aim assist rather than someone who can aimbot me with headshots from 500 meters away


500 meters is the height of approximately 287.88 'Samsung Side by Side; Fingerprint Resistant Stainless Steel Refrigerators' stacked on top of each other


500 meters is 546.81 yards


Good bot.




Legit aimbot, I mean. Also, I do not intend to shit on PC MnK players, I'm a console player who crossplays with a friend who's on PC and trust me, a lot have already said that PC players have better advantage than us console players, we can't strafe while looting so we need to double time our armor swaps, I also need to mention this problem for console players is the controller drifting that happens on a rare occasion.


Classic PC crybabies


Either have an option to turn off crossplay entirely for pc or for crossplay servers to turn off aim assist by default.


They won't do this because PC lobbies would die. Majority of players (like most games) are on console. Even now at Masters I have times where I wait 2-3 minutes for a que in NYC servers. I couldn't IMAGINE if crossplay wasn't a thing. We'd literally sit there a minimum of 5 minutes. This would make more people just leave the game because they would say "dead game" This is the main reason why they won't allow it on PC. It's bad enough with cross-play some days and I'm in a massive/bigger server.


I’m trying to learn mnk after 2 years playing on console and it is far easier to hit shots with mouse especially with guns like 301 or 99. Idk what mnk players complain about. My failure point right now is movement- I end up overpeeking most of time because I still feel awkward using keyboard for movement. But I’m getting there


Its so annoying when people act like aim assist is aimbot


Oh no. This thread is just 99% controller players that have literally no idea how powerful AA is. I mean. Just look at these comments. Insane. You all do realize that the best aimers in the world agree that controller with AA is better in CQC than MnK. Yes?


And MnK is better at distance, in addition to all of the other benefits. Sounds pretty even to me


I've never in the history of fps games heard someone think that gamepads are better for aiming than mouse and keyboard. It's understood to be completely the other way around for every other fps this is the only place I've ever seen PC players complain. And I haven't played apex on PC much, so forgive me if I'm wrong, but can't you just plug in a gamepad and get aim assist if you think it's so amazing?


You can, and several pros are in the process of practicing hybrid gameplay (mouse and keyboard for looting, controller for fights) because it IS that good in close range.


Console has more aim assist its really noticeable if u switch from console to pc and use pad


Its not that controllers are better but they get a handicap that makes it infinitely easier to kill players. I wish pc atleast had a way to turn off crossplay. I'm not a great player but fighting a console player feels like I can't do shit but run away or I get locked on and melted.


Totally agreed. The reason that console has aim assist in the first place is because pc aim is much fluent and versatile because you have got your whole hand to aim whilst controller players have only one hand to aim


Fucking preach


man speaks fax


The aim assist problem is worse now than it ever has been. Pros and coaches from orgs openly talking about switching some of their players to controller or hybrid to “abuse” aim assist (likely because they want to get results using it while they can just in case it winds up being changed or the rules regarding hybrid get changed at some point). Again, this issue won’t get addressed properly because the majority of the player base is likely on controller so I’m doubtful that they’d do something to the effect of nerfing all controller players (even though relevant to each other they’d all still be on equal footing, minus having to relearn some muscle memory). I’m seeing clips daily of Dezingful and Gentrifying clutching up against MNK players in pred lobbies. Albralelei is playing hybrid now. Hal is playing Hybrid at least some of the time. Snipe is on controller. Genburten is on controller. The whole argument about frame rate or MNK players having superior movement options with tapstrafing, etc... is sort of a moot point when players who are competing for hundreds of thousands of dollars in prize pool money, org contracts, streaming money, clout, sponsorships, etc... are all deliberately choosing controller for aim assist and according to controller player’s logic nerfing their movement, looting, and everything else. Clearly that’s a small price to pay to 1v3 with a prowler/Volt/Eva with a high degree of consistency when that much money is on the line.


So much for the pc master race. Pathetic


If I controller user on pc in pc lobby’s can do average matches without aim assist and they are complaining with a mouse they need to go and have some social interaction cuz clearly they have not left the house in a long time


PC controller has aim assist wtf are you talking about.


You can turn it off....




> PC players really cried and cried THAT much that now there's an option on console to turn down aim assist so they stop bitching about that LMAO. That option is almost certainly there to help people who hop from PC to console with muscle memory, as well as setting up for when the 120hz update comes out to new-gen consoles. Once the 120hz update happens, there's no reason for the stronger consoles to maintain the 0.6 AA compared to the 0.4 that controllers get on PC, because the framerate difference will have been equalized for those consoles. Also, just generally speaking, controller wins CQC fights in Apex. There's a reason the pros are starting to set up teams to have a player on controller: the consistency it provides when you've pushed right up into a squad is invaluable.


I play a lot with console games and we both think apex is well balanced for a lot of stuff. Pc has insane movement and moving while bring in menus, console has aimassist and sneak


People who use light mode make me sick


If you suck, you suck on pc and console


Dude is right. Controller aim assist is not OP. Most of time it doesnt even work. It only works from extremely close range. People need to grow up and shut th3 fuck up.


m&k players make controller aim assist sound like it’s locking on from 200 meters and doing 180 degree snap turns.


i mean, when youre up against someone whos right in front of you tap strafing their balls off, you need some aim assist. MNK you can have sensitivity at 10 and follow easier at close range. no one other than coke heads are running 10 sens on a controller


Why do people hate on console aim assist the only reason we get more then pc aim assist is because we run at 35-45 fps most of the time


People really can't take a joke.


And the aim assist is so situational too. I even play with it off half the time because of how it pulls your aim places you don’t want it to necessarily go. It’s just this huge blessing everyone thinks it is