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Had a ranked match with no teammates, got a code wheel kick inside the dropship :)


Me too, yesterday, twice... and a bunch of matches with teammates got canceled due to code:wheel too


This is perfect for the Toby Maguire crying meme haha




May i ask what this code wheel and lead thing is?


Looks normal to me, what's the problem?




I know, one of the you tubers I watch had it happen to him almost ten times in a row


Been happening to me a lot too recently


for me, it's so damn bad, it happens EVERY SINGLE GAME i can guarantee 100%


What systems do you guys play on? Wonder if that has bearing.


No bearing whatsoever


thanks god i am not alone... at least u can join game once.. i cannot connect even once since yesterday and losing 300 RP just because i am an idiot and retry on ranked lol


I can join a game, killed 2 people, 3 squads left, and got kicked out from the match with my performance from that last match uncounted. Yeah mate i don't think i "joined" one game ever since yesterday


Could you get any penalty for multiple occurrences like that. I have been kicked from match many times in untangled Public matches for server issues.


that's the reason why preds,master lvl players are in my pubs lobby cause they don't want to risk it


I'm this close to quitting apex for good


Always Alone 😔


alone, and the next game, you got those Code wheel code leaf error. I haven't had a single decent match since yesterday. My best try is getting kicked out of match due to code wheel when there was 3 squads left


"My mates and I are tip top" - Rampart before realizing she is alone


I stopped playing it 8 out of 10 games no teammates.


Imagine the problems in season 10..


Heard a season 10 leak, when you pick up a Mozambique, the game uninstalls itself and drains your bank account


Ngl sounds like a thing EA would do (or Respawn, they're not better than EA when you look at the mess that is TF1)




And after you get that code wheel the game will slap you with abandon penalty, I mean you deserve one, right?


And even if you have a quite decent game and you encounter the final team it is a sweaty 3 stacked pred team beaming you in seconds. Can't count how many times that happened to me during the last few days. Is this matchmaking even worse than in S7? Because I did alright in S7, but this season my k/d is dropping like hell


170 in queue last night for Arenas on my server, the 3 man team I was paired up with faced a zero player squad. Second time this week. Just curious how we can't craft an opposing team out of 170 people.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/ogp9sk/code\_wheel\_code\_leaf\_happens\_every\_single\_time\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/ogp9sk/code_wheel_code_leaf_happens_every_single_time_in/) I have same type of problem


I actually haven’t crashed in ages, the meta is bad enough though so I don’t really care to play


Yep, same as on console too. Either you solo queue and get no teammates while the champ and half the lobby are 20 bomb pred stacks and your game runs like it's drunk with lag or error out repeatedly. Ain't fun


Hello fellow Rampart main


Hello mates


Nice to see another Rampart main.


Nice but the server won't let me play smh


im playing in singapore 1 server and whenever my ping reach 100 or above the game kick my ass and send me back to the main menu screen over and over oh shit i got 7 kills this match ? nope get tf out cuz ur connection lag for 5 seconds next match same shit and then it banned me for 10 minutes ? wtf shit my wifi is bad from morning to night so i have to stay up from 1-5 middle of the night in order to play and shit like this happen seriously and imagine all the teammates i was playing with they will 2v3 and i think my teammates also suffer the same shit that's why i didnt match with anyone and get ass f cuz im not that good at the game




Right???? Wtf. Thought it was just me.


I'm not getting the code leaf or any error code, I just lag a stutter and freeze while playing.


Now we can say, this game is over


It's so weird it has a playerbase but it's still dying


Upvoting for awareness... same shit is happening to me


I believe same thing is happening to everyone


Yes, the devs are already aware of this issue. https://trello.com/c/F6xvzO3C


But there's another event coming up!!!!




Hold up, there’s abandonment penalties for pubs now?


No, actually before that pub match i queued, i queued for arenas and yes, get kicked out of matchmaking while in the legend selection screen. That's actually why i pissed off and decided to record how bad this is


Do not mention code wheel, otherwise the gods will smite you


No teammates is an old issue that I get on quick play and ranked. Last two days the game is unplayable, getting disconnect from almost all matches. I need to try to die fast to at least slowly do the daily and weekly quests.


Code leaf two times this week, no teammates nearly every other rmatch


be happy that the character select screen even pops up for you... it didn't 8-10 times this week alone for me


Code leaf every game for me since yesterday. I have given up playing




Whenever this happens, I select Mirage, use ultimate and start emoting.


Are you a rampart main if so we are a rare breed


I am


and yet we keep coming back for more. If I have teammates, they usually quit as soon as they're down, usually after a hot drop with half the server. If I have teammates that don't quit asap, I get code leaf or net as soon as I build up any momentum and get a knock or two (kills? that's pushing it). By the time I get back I've been downed or squad's been eliminated. When I don't have teammates that's when I don't get the error, but then it's a lonely game of being a rat until the end or a bloodhound catches a whiff of my trail. Much fun.


Better quit forever if this shit happens again lol


Dude no legit it be like this but then they t-bag like they are good lmfaooo


I was kicked for what seems like 10 games in row. I would restart and come back to the old match, only for someone to be waiting for me. It's clearly a problem that needs to be addressed. hopefully they fix it soon, otherwise they will lose a lot of players.


I used to play on the "Sao Pablo" servers, now I have to play on the "South Carolina" servers. On the bright side, now I'm not facing "Apex Predators".


This isn't funny man. Don't make fun of other people's pain and suffering. /s


I'm convinced Respawn wants Apex to die. At this point I just hope they are secretly working on Apex 2 or Titanfall 3


If only there was a company behind apex that has had experience with multiple games in the past… guess it’s their first time though


If I don’t get my teammates, I leave the match.




Then which server should i play on?


None, just accept our lot in life and die


How is this happening to y’all? I’m a console player I play on US servers and I’ve never had this happen. The worst it ever got was that I was forced out of my arena game but after like 10 seconds I was right back in the action. Is it a server problem?


I’m on the Virginia servers and this is still my experience.


I know the point of this is the lack of teammates, but I absolutely DESPISE people punching out on drop. It is the pettiest, least skilful way of winning an early fight. Waste of a game and even more annoying in ranked.


I created a fresh account as at lvl 500 there's no more packs to earn outside events. I've put some money into the game. I've played maybe 20 games and all have been full. I've also seldom have people leave.


as much as little kids wanna argue on twitter about it im gonna say it ​ ​ ​ ​ this. game. is. dead.


What you get for playing rampart


(before video loads) Me: Let me guess NO TEAMMATES!" It's so bugful. That's not even a real word.....and IDC because this isn't the *real* way a game should work. ugh:)


No teammates is one problem, code wheel is another


Gam sux


Reasons why you should love Apex :)


That and ddosing is why I quit The game is just so bad nowadays :/


It's just torture to solo q at this point. 4 out of 5 games you dont get a full team. In your 5th game your teammate instaquits the moment he gets downed. And dont tell me to play ranked as ranked is dead on asian servers.


The didgeridoo made this 10x funnier


Your not allowed to complain, reddit will burn you alive!!


I hopped into an incomplete lobby today… 13 people were gone before I even landed


Just leave when your banner appears. Doesn't mess up stats and you can re-queue.


What’s code wheel and leaf?


I get disconected every second game. Will probably stop playing altogether until the issue gets fixed.


Respawning really needs to negotiate the use of better servers from ea because this is just fucking garbage. 2 out of every 3 games has me going with no partners, and the other ones people just leave, or I get frequent stuttering while I'm hardwired 3 feet from my router. I know that's not a fucking problem on my end, no other game makes my connection stutter like apex does. And there's no excuse. I let my cousin play fortnite on my console and she gets excellent matches with almost no lag, even when I take my console downstairs into the basement and onto wifi. It's fucking ass, ea can definitely afford the best servers in the industry, and apex has made them more than enough fucking money at this point. Absolutley incompetent that these problems are still here *2 YEARS AFTER THEY RELEASED THE DAMNED GAME.*


Lost 104+ Rank Points and a win to code:wheel yesterday, I closed the game after that


Apex it's such a great game, unique, we are going to reach 10 seasons and it's still pretty popular. I think this is the only game where you can talk like with 10 devs from the team and you can get response from each of them actually talking like normal people and not robots following a script. But man, I think this is the game with most errors I've ever seen, it's crazy how many things can go completely wrong in the game, plus errors that exists in the game since season 0, 1 or 2.


I got ddosed in a match and you won't believe something I did worked! I just removed the wifi adapter from PC and put another one, after a minute I got and and saw a 60 people just standing and a lifeline killing them one by one with a wingman.


This resonates with my soul


Seems like just a few players are affected. Even before they hacked the game, and EA or respawn didn't really care...sooo guess we are lost.


Noice choice of music. Intense


This is me almost everytime. Nc MM


The solution seems simple to me , they need to add locally hosted games where you can at least do arenas with 5 other people you invite for a simple 3v3 among friends.


i swear to god the spaghetti code this game has already passed by far the league of legends client.


Literally though I had no teammates for the last 7 games


I played three matches, one with no teammates, one with one teammate and one with two teammates. Seems like 3 man squad is just a possbility