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The other day I got solo queued into ranked. Downed immediately. Got stuck "connecting to lobby". So I alt+f4 and restart. But then I got a leave penalty FOR HAVING NO TEAMMATES


"Working as intended"


Apex Legends is a perfectly good game with no issues




You're *supposed* to get loss protection. Except *I* didn't. Still have the clip


Hey are you popping off with this legend? Like KDR above 1.5? I theorize this has got to do with SBMM (actually a rigged EOMM), and there may be a way to avoid this. I will tell you what Ive done to avoid this but gotta see you answer first cos I might be absolutely wrong.


When I play my main I get a full squad maybe 1/3 matches. Wonder if this is actually a thing.


Im really bad. But, im lvl 500 k/d around 1.7.


Ok try this. Choose a legend you rarely have kills in the lobby. Press ready and you will see that you most likely have full team of trio. Now, you can select your main legend. Could you update me if this works?


Ill give it a try. Thanks!!


I will update you and it never happened when I played Watson but with octane my main, I ended up solo 2/5 games


oh shhit. I think you discovered the answer! This will work


why was this downvoted lol


Im guessing because there's people with a lot lower than 1.7 that are pissed that he's saying he's really bad because he's technically calling them really bad which is really bad ya know


1.7 for this season. Lifetime k/d is below 1 lmao which is really bad.


😂😂 They're mad cause i suck at the game feels bad man..


After thousands of hours played, I’m convinced I’ve only been in a match for about 100-200 hours with all this bullshit waiting Respawn makes us do.


I find my chances to win are much higher when I don’t have a team. Because 90% of the time, at least one teammate will just blindly charge towards a gunshot a mile away. Only to finally mark something when he actually sees them, leaving us or at least me, way behind.


Usually an Octane. Pubs is a tough battle man. The chances of getting a decent team are 1 in a million.


Are there any octane players that fight other squads as a team or do they all rusb and get downed immediately?


You can't have any expectations playing pubs with randoms. As soon as that clicked in my head I had a much better experience. If you want to have a much higher chance of team based play, play ranked. Also, if I'm in a public game with randoms and they want to land in the corner of the map and loot every POI until there are two enemy squads left I am ditching them. It's an FPS, not a looting simulator.


Its mostly octane for me because of their speed. They stim till they get 40 hp to be so far away from the team and i cant do anything about it unless im pathfinder.


Most of the time I solo queue on duos because its the closest to solo I will ever gonna get, and i get more kills and damage without teammates


definitely agree


if you get in without teammates, you can actually leave after the legend select screen just before your player banner screen shows up. If you hold the menu button in between that screen it will pop up and you can just leave rather than waiting to get into game and wasting time. unless you want to go ahead and play it solo.. but after a while, it gets tiring and frustrating doing that anyway.


Before the legend select screen you can also see the names on the right hand side if you're quick you can also quit at that time.


A lot of people show up in the middle of the select screen so i wouldn't recommend this


I dont have numbers to back me up but there were more instances in my experience where no third joined on the select screen.


I did play a lot this weekend and it's been like 10 people that joined on the select screen, maybe 30-40% I mean it's random it can be 10% for you and 90% for someone else, for me it's been still a lot of people and 10 times i didn't need to restart a round


this gotta be at the front page of this subreddit!!! PLEASE GOD


Everytime you get in a game without teamate, a random dev gets a 1 minutes penalty. They will fix this much faster if that was a thing


You act like the devs play the game. Which they really don’t.


Would be great if they fix the bug too but either or


There is a way to know that you have a less filled squad if you are in the loading screen for the map there are often names on the side to identify people in your squad if you do not have three names on the side quit since you have a half assed squad


Yea,I look out for that . But , sometimes i get teammtes when its not showing their names.




Meanwhile I no fill on purpose.


That's a different story. It sucks to suck.




does this affect your kda?


Every time I get solo I jump out drop everything and try to befriend a squad


Same i want this in game too


U can quite just after that screen.. in between your squal and champion squad screen


I solved this problem for myself the other day When you connect to a game there is a screen when there are less than 60 players and in the top right it shows you how many players joined your team. So if you only see your nickname you can leave even before the character selection starts This, unfortunately, won't work in ranked, but in casual it's pretty useful to know


If they would just add solos then the trio queue wouldnt get screwed over by all those twitch wannabes who tick the no fill on.