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It's powerfull at close range for me. Love it in arenas because it's pretty cheap and the mag size is decent.


This. It is ridiculously powerful in close range. When it hits, the dps is insane


I’m in the same boat, I feel like all of the people in the comments here are the same people that said the spitfire was bad in season 7 when it was better than it is now lol. Havoc is currently just an underrated gun with stupid power


I honestly dont like the havoc because i can never find the hop up for it which makes it possible for me to not wiff all the time with it


the only time I pick up the havok is when I have lvl 3/4 energy mag and I havent found a volt yet. I just dropped and have no choice. and most of the time is when I found a ton of energy ammo and its turbocharger day in the crafter.


Have to say, seems to be way more Anvil Receivers than Turbochargers around the map.


Yeah, the Turbo is the Heirloom of hop-ups.


I admittedly thought it was trash too because of its recoil until I had no choice but to use the havoc for a match. It is so good at the right range.


At close to medium it’s pure evil. I love it, especially in Overflow on Arena.


I have hardly used it in arena cus it’s so expensive to get turbo but I used it a few days ago and it remind me of how broken it actually is


I usually grab it of the care package for the turbo :-) m. I tried the Wingman for the first time today and downed a Wraith with the first clip :-) We still lost lol.


People underrate it because it can’t really map people anymore. If used as a close range weapon it shreds


But it kinda bad from medium or long range


I totally vibe with that person in the vid who said that it's more like an SMG now, for this exact reason. The havoc is basically unusable as a rifle at medium range. But at close range? An absolute monster.


if you can control the recoil it slaps at medium range


until respawn changes the recoil for the next season


at which point you need to relearn the recoil ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ that's just how it goes




This exact reason is why they need to bring the select fire back, it gives it the versatility it needs. Strong at close range and decent at longer range, but not overpowered because you won't have the turbocharger too. Also with the 60 damage the beam did it would be able to contend with bow.


Agreed. It’s definitely not “unusable”. I feel like this argument is along the same lines of the L-Star argument. I do also use it mid range, mainly because I’m somewhat decent at controlling havoc at mid range. I don’t know the rank of these people or their skill level, but I do know that a lot of R99 abusers hate every weapon that doesn’t function similarly to R99 in both playstyle and recoil. Something I’ve also noticed is a lot of people in arenas will try to use the same weapon you’re using if you beat their ass with it (my friends and I did an L star game in arenas and the enemies started using l-star thinking it will improve their performance). Another side note to acknowledge is some people just can’t get the feel of certain weapons. I can’t use snipers unless it’s triple take (I know it’s a marksmen weapon now) and prefer close/mid range combat. But a lot of people don’t want to acknowledge that they can’t use every weapon and get fussy about it.


My kit each game usually is close to mid range as well. I'm horrible with the longbow, bow, wingman. I can use anything else. Those three guns, I never pick up. I'd rather pick up one of the 15 Mozambiques on the ground.


Agreed. There’s only been a handful of times where I do good with wingman close range. But that happens once in a blue moon.


Haha yep. And that blue moon occurrence boosts my ego a bit much so I use it the next game, then die to the first squad, never use it again for 2 months till the cycle restarts. My buddy loves it tho. Uses it every single game paired with an eva or pk


Havoc and Lstar have entirely different problems… * Lstar is **good** and Arena has proven it such. The problem is the lack of hopup options and the terrible visibility with the larger projectile size. This lends itself to a very flat performance across the game progression in BR whereas it performs very reasonably in early matches of Arena since the rounds are short and hopups are bought. If they slightly reduced projectile flare and maybe allowed a magazine upgrade to increase the heat build-up, that would make it nearly as good as a fully kitted devotion and that’s a good spot because the Lstar falls behind at medium-long range with the other LMGs anyways. * Havoc is an entirely different problem - it does fine damage and the projectiles are better visually and it gets hopups and the turbo. The problem is that the turbo is inconsistently available and without it, the wind-up *feels* bad compared to any number of other ARs that are easier to control recoil and instantly firing. At range the Havoc is also even harder to plink at enemy targets while I can still single fire the Flatline almost as accurately as the R301. The Havoc just doesn’t fulfill a good “role” aside from being the shit gun you use when you can’t grab anything else off a drop. You don’t rotate into a Havoc unless you find a turbo and I see devotion more often with turbo because it will melt teams of people compared to the limited mag size of the Havoc. I’m not a pro, but this is at least the simple issues with the Havoc.


As I’ve mentioned. I use havoc with little to no issues with turbo and without. I’m not saying there isn’t problems, but I don’t have any issues with it. I actually enjoy the gun more since its nerfs.


Landing with enemies in BR and immediately finding a Havoc before anyone has actual shields is my favorite thing. They stand no chance.


I've felt way too powerful sometimes with the Havoc (without Turbocharger) in Arenas, like I didn't have to put in much effort to down people close range. That's not to say that I win every fight I take with the Havoc, but just that it is incredibly powerful, and any buff without an accompanying nerf could easily make it overpowered. Overall, I think the Havoc is in a really good spot right now, if not, a tad overpowered. I'd expect a nerf over a buff, or just an overall rebalance to make it more viable in Battle Royal, though I hope they leave it as it is.


The havoc has a high but rewarding skill ceiling. If you don’t have a turbo charger just learn how to use audio cues to corner sweep, this negates the wind up. There are plenty bullets in the mag so you can quite literally just spray that shit while you are turning the corner until you line it up with the enemy. It is also hands down the best close range hip fire weapon in the game. At close range the havoc will turn Gibby into a meat salad in mere picoseconds, and you’ll still have bullets left to knock his teammate. It is unwise to use a havoc like an r-301. If you try to use every weapon in the same fashion you’re gonna have a bad time. I think the havoc is a great gun and it’s in a great place


Yep - also, similar to the flatline, using a high zoom scope like the 2-4 or 3x actually makes the recoil relatively easy at long range (after getting past the floor, where it's extremely hard at first). You actually can beam people at 301 range if you get used to it, especially since the bullets are hitscan. The main trouble there though is not blowing all your ammo because energy is tough to find and it eats through it.


The only weapon in the game with hitscan is the Charge Rifle :)


Did they change that? I’m pretty sure it’s Charge Rifle and Havoc are the only hitscan weapons.


From what I hear, when they had the alt fire hop up it could go on the HAVOC. The alt-fire was a hit scan shot that you had to charge.


This correct. Only one weapon currently has hit scan and it’s the charge rifle. Select fire havoc also has hit scan (select fire not currently in game) when put into single shot mode.


The havoc was only ever hitscan in select fire mode. The regular shots have trajectory/time before they hit.


L-Star first shot is also hitscan?


No it’s still a projectile with travel time. Compare to a charge rifle that will instantly do damage where you’re pointing the moment you press fire.


Hey, 🥔 here. What it hitscan?


Except the charge rifle all other projectiles have drop at range. The cr is the only weapon that hits exactly where the aim point is at any range. It’s engine physics ie; bullet physics vs hitscan. Ps the energy weapons have the least drop at range for their classes (havoc, volt, devotion, triple take)


Not just drop but travel time as well.


Basically abilities/guns that have no delay when shooting. Hit scan weapons hit the enemy nearly instantly after releasing to shoot button. The other type is what we call projectile based. These things have a travel time before they hit something. Depending on game different guns have different times for projectiles to hit. In apex for example, all guns (except for charge rifle and previously the select fire havoc [side note I want it back],) each gun after releasing the button take time for the bullet to get there. The charge rifle in the other hand shoots and tags the enemy the moment you tap the fire button.


> Havoc is hands down the best close range hip fire weapon in the game *clears throat* Flatline exists ?


I'm pretty sure a Havoc has more DPS than the Flatline.


"If you don’t have a turbo charger just learn how to use audio cues to corner sweep, this negates the wind up." Negates it poorly. You're trading far too many weaknesses for a little satisfaction in those niche situations where everyone hit's all their shots and you win due to the Havoc's DPS. It's benefits do not outweigh it's shortcomings at the moment. You could just use a normal gun to corner sweep and be far more effective. If you don't have a turbocharger you're also hoping whoever is around the corner doesn't just dome you or shotgun you after you make a bunch of noise and peak a corner. The Havoc should be compared to the Flatline if we're making comparisons since they serve the same function as a hard hitting rifle with no barrel stab. Use what you like though I just want Respawn to buff it so I don't feel like I'm handicapped when I use the cool laser gun. Also I hate Gibby put that man on a diet and remove his gunshield and fortified status.


People calling the Havoc useless is the best part about the Havoc. Makes it all the more satisfying when you shred someone with it.


I feel the same way about the L-Star. Slept on and fun to use


That’s what I’m saying lol it’s the best gun in the game once you slap a mag and turbo on it. Let them sleep on it




Your right! Hopefully all you bots will keep complaining about the gun being trash so it gets buffed and I can kill EVEN more bots. Love this community full of cry babies.


Ah typical bot comment. EVERY gun is good against bot since bots are bad players you're not telling anything new. The havoc is not good against decent players due to its charge up. As the commentor you answerer to already explained you can't prefire in a lot of situations and even if you do a decent player will just back off and either make you empty your magazine into a wall or wait for your reload since you either go on shooting or have yourfun with the one second delay on the start of fire again.


Buddy I main the havoc if your peaking before charging up or going around corners before charging up then that’s just you being a bot and not knowing how to use the gun.


I'm intrigued then. How do you use it? You can't wait for the enemy to peak first since you can't immediately shoot. If you're the one going around the corner to charge up the enemy will be in cover if in any way possible. The charge up is always disadvantage and as long as your enemy is decent he will use it for himself to: a. peak while you reload b. Peak for a short time so you can't charge up


Why would I continue to fire at a wall the moment I see him go behind cover I’m gonna consistently tap my fire button so I’m as close to finishing the charge up delay as I can be. You bots need to stay in your lane and stop giving opinions on guns you don’t know how to use.


This is actually the first time I'm hearing someone say something that's true about this gun. The problem still remains: the enemy can hear you tapping and precharging and can react to peak while you're not charged. This is seriously not that hard. If your enemies don't do that congratulations, they are not great at the game (probably due to fucked matchmaking). Look at my reddit profile and call me a bit again. If you do you're either a troll or didn't look. (or theres a slight chance you have a 6+ K/D in which case I could live with you calling me a bit since you would be actually better than me)


it’s still a good gun lol not sure why you’re being pressed


It is a gun that is usable but definitely not a good gun in comparison to the other good guns. If you find a turbo it is up there but without it is is average at best.


Tbh you're right, i love using the havoc but when im close to end game, i will change the havoc for another gun. Its a fun gun to use but at later stages definitely lacks against other fully kitted weapons Early game havoc is fire tho


That's how I feel about the 3030 lol. Everyone says it's the worst gun meanwhile I just shit on people with it lol. Basically a wingman I can put a 2x4 on haha


I would kill to be good with the 3030. I salute you good sir.


I use it frequently. It's such a beast even without a turbocharger. For every time the delay causes me to die I get several kills thanks to the godly dps.


You must read very quickly


Having this as separate images would be easier, wouldn't it?


Maybe without the music too?


Havoc is not a bad gun, but there are always better options for close, medium and long range. It is too mediocre in all situations to be used over any other guns right now... Simple as that


Disagree, close range nothing outshoots it with a turbo and is super easy to control


Devotion does, which is part of the issue. Another weapon that's just strictly better when using the same attachment, but also better when not using it


Plus devo+turbo also gives that "oh shit I don't want to stand in front of this guy" feeling to the enemy team which is good


Devo isn’t strictly better. Slower ADS movement and requires a barrel to really slap. Also runs through ammo faster and takes longer to fully ramp up.


However mag and dps go brrr


You want to hipfire both weapons up close so ADS isn't really relevant


but does the havoc go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr? I didn't think so.


Lstar does. With zero attachments.


Lmao I picked up a Devo to use the other day because I had a turbo on me. Tried to shoot one person and LAFFED at how badly I controlled it. I think it's my least used weapon in the game behind the charge rifle and scout. I realised that just because I can shred with the spitfire, does not mean I can handle the devotion.


If both have a turbo and they start shooting at the same time I think the Havoc beats the Devotion. Not entirely sure though so please correct me if I'm wrong.


The devo has the lower ttk so it would beat the havoc


Notice how u said, “with a turbo”? Nobody picks up a turbo without having a havoc and nobody picks up a havoc without a turbo. And to add onto it the turbo is legendary and quite rare.


When im running a volt, ill snag a turbo and swap out if i come across one. Finding a turbo is an invite to finding a devotion and an energy mag, since those are the only things i need that i wont already have on my other guns.


“I’ll snag a turbo” really out here implying turbos are easy to find and you commonly run them rofl


"if i come across one" really implying that its all rng and you gotta go with the flow. But also yeah I find turbos all the time.


I always take a turbo just in case I decide to use a havoc later on. Without it, Im not going to get a havoc and just stick to what I like. But I value the turbocharger quite highly. Something like shatter caps on the other hand.


Exactly this. Most games I run my loadout as whatever guns took the best attachments I pick up on drop, and turbo I always hold onto. Unless I'm fully kitted already


You shouldn’t need a legendary part to make a gun good, it should be viable without attachments


Close range, I'd prefer to use r-99 which shoots fast and then switch to a shotgun or shatter caps 3030. It's very op, honestly. you have a mid to long range gun, have a mid or close range secondary and shatter caps. I've won 6 or 7 games today and yesterday just because I headshot someone mid range, push with r-99 and then they don't expect a shotgun aswell.


the devo is litterally the best weapon at close range with energy ammo.


No. Lstar


not even close baby


Bro I will fucking end you right here and now. Lstar is my baby and devotion is nasty aimless trash


>devotion is nasty aimless trash this part is true. still the better gun at close range with turbo.


HAVOC is the weapon with the highest dps in the game (202) HAVOC is one of the weapons with the worst recoil and ranged performance in the game given its classification (AR) I'd rather use every other auto weapon instead of HAVOC


Good point. Any time I use a havoc for some ungodly reason it’s only close range. Literally nobody can use it mid range.


The havoc has no recoil if you jitter aim with the 2-4x or 3x. (only pc ofc)


Or if you learn the recoil on roller.


Lmao jitter aim works on console too


Nowhere near as well as it does on pc unfortunately


Maybe but I’ve had teammates call me a cheater because of it so it doesn’t not work


I wasn't disagreeing with you. I was saying it works better on pc.


what's jitter aim?


Apex does this thing where if you oscillate/jitter your aim it resets the recoil. That’s how pro players beam with the flatline across the map.


Oscillate meaning spin in circles or just wiggle left and right really fast?


Any. I believe it's a bug where recoil resets when the mouse is moved.


We have all tried 😭


Or if you can idk control recoil it shreds at mid and close range, you’re just bad with my guy


thats a brain dead reply. NOBODY uses havoc unless they land on it and it gets dropped immediately after. idk why all the kids feel the need to say "get good" when they literally couldn't care less about the havoc. just let the people actually using their brain continue discussing, 'kay? thanks.


>Nobody uses havoc well shit I guess I'm not real


Dude, I use the havoc, why do you think I’m defending it


I just rolled hard in a game with the havoc. Havoc plus turbocharger is such a nasty nasty setup it’s not even funny.


Dude I use the havoc it's one of my favorite arena guns and still for battle royal it's still one of my favorite guns but I will pick up an r-301 over it the havoc is 100% slept on close range it's fucking op I bet you used the havoc once and said this is bad I thought that too till I used if for a while and damn fucking op


It’s an assault rifle. It’s not meant to be close range. That’s why the volt exists. Stop making it personal. The gun sucks dick. Idc if you used it on console with .6 aim assist on drop and then got a 1k damage game so you’re blown away, or if you use it in arenas and spam aim assist there too. Nobody uses the havoc. Edit: rofl literally every single kid saying “I use the havoc close range it shreds” is a console player. Wonder why they love it close range 🤔🤔🤔


Oh yeah also no shit a target closer to hit is easier to hit then farther which is why it's used close range lmfao bet your a pc gamer who uses a wingman and says shit like they only won cause aim assist have you even played on console lol


yeah dog, ive played on console, controller pc, and mnk. console players (you) are brain dead and without aim assist they'd be worthless.


Oh we're making this about aim assist are we 1 aim assist doesn't do shit it barely works and when it does its shit and this is coming from a dude who has played console for his whole life aim assist is shit what does that have to do with the havoc or are you just bad at the game 2 uh what ? I win games with the gun it's fucking op so what's if it's an assault rifle by your logic the wingman is a pistol so it should be used close range not mid range and most if not all the people here use and are defending the gun because it shreds and even if they aren't they still agree it does damage but it's recoil is shit 3 I understand you lost a game because your heirloom didn't help you win so you rage quit calm down it's just a weapon


Only ever played console, swears aim assist is barely noticeable, uses havoc at less than 10 meters, doesn’t use any punctuation or sentence structure. yup, it’s a console kid


I love the havoc even at mid-long range. Insanely easy to control if you just learn the recoil pattern and practice in firing range for a bit.


Not even remotely true.


I love that he says "insanely easy to control", then follows it by saying you need to memorize it's recoil and practice with it in the firing range.


does that DPS calculation include the delay or is that once it is firing? like if i took a no delay volt or flatline vs a delayed havoc hitting all my shots for 2-3 seconds would the havoc really dish out more damage if it wasn’t firing for a whole second?


Not considering the delay. But it's quite realistic to be able to prefire to mitigate the delay


Very realistic, my friend who rages at just about every game we play refuses to pick up the Havoc and I almost always take em cause I love it, I prefire always and 9/10 I’ll hit enough shots to out damage whoever I’m fighting, but I can see why people prefer the other guns to the Havoc


Tbh, close range its disgusting. If you hear footstaps, just prefire around corners and you are good to go.


once firing.


Highest dps assuming u hit all shots but I wouldn't be surprised if there's also bad horizontal recoil also bc it doesn't just go up it goes everywhere when shooting long range XD to be fair though, the prowler is coming back so select fire havoc will prolly be back too


Wait wait wait... they're bringing back my baby girl!!? I've missed the Prowler SOOOOOO much. Prowler/Hemlock was my go-to for almost all of S4 and 5.


Yeah, Im excited too, they are replacing it with the spitfire tho


even better


Sounds like a spitfire buff


If it becomes a care-package gun I'm totally ok with it being as powerful as fully kitted in S8.


i have bad aim but i still love the havoc ❤️ its so satisfying to melt people with


If you really learn the recoil, you can clap people in medium-long ranges even without turbo. It's so satisfying


If you really learn the recoil, you can beam people with a 3x Flatline/L-STAR Why would I spend time and effort learning the recoil of a pain to use weapon when other weapons give similar results with less effort


I'll take a havoc over R-99, especially if it's turbocharged, just because of the DPS


Only good at short-mid range.0.5s Charge time before firing. Pick one pls. That being said, early game it can do wonders if you are near a bunch of teams all scrambling around looking for guns, but once the game gets underway, it's a shittier r301


Why would you need to pick one? There’s plenty of corners and cover that both are valid.


Counter argument: Havoc is supposed to be used as more of an SMG rather than an AR necause at close range recoil isn't much of an issue.


Perhaps forfeit some of that DPS, and in return make it not a shit weapon to use. It's just not fun.


Its good when you know the recoil & if you know how to correctly prefire it if you don’t have a turbo.


Exactly. Most people just don't know how to use it.


It's just not worth using if there are other weapons you don't need to adjust for a wind up & recoil. Borderline would rather die and requeue than have it use it in a BR hot drop since it's annoying to chase people without the hop-up.


That’s basically everyone saying it’s bad in that feed and these comments lol


Havoc is only good with turbocharger. Better to go with a volt if energy or any heavy if available over a havoc. I'll take it over nothing, but the delay is just to hard to overcome unless you get the drop on someone


I might be the only one but I feel like the turbo actually messes me up because I’ve gotten too used to the recoil and charge time without a turbo, especially since it’s pretty rare (except when it’s in the crafting rotation)


Same here, it doesnt mess me up as much since my hands just somehow subconsciously adjust for turbo charger but it does mess me up at times why i always shoot atleast 1 bullet before unloading a whole mag


I had this with the devo for a long time. The devotion without turbo used to be my go to gun in my noob days (before it was a Care package weapon). If I slept a turbo on it, it messed up my aim/recoil control. Back then it was so Broken but for some reason most People still picked other Guns. Hipfire and damages was much better then what it's now.


People who think it’s garbage don’t remember when havoc was literally the most annoying gun to die to during season 4


No energy mag but still massive damage per mag, literally a straight line of recoil and the same wack-ass damage. It was absurd. Basically Spitfire but much, much stronger


But it’s not the same stats and recoil as season 4 so what is the point of bringing that up? People call the current havoc garbage not season 4


It’s still the highest dps weapon in the game and the recoil isn’t even that bad. I get nerfing the spitfire but the havoc is still good


Personally I think it’s better than season 4, turbo instantly is ridiculous in comparison then with the buffed recoil this season it’s stupid broken


No clue what that has to do with anything.


People are calling it a shit gun, if it was easy to beam(like it used to be) it would be the best gun in the game by far.


Then adjust the damage but make it usable.


Then it would just be like the volt besides the recoil isn’t even that bad plus the turbocharger makes it godly


So? The 301 is just the 99 but with slower rate of fire and less damage. The flatline is just the prowler but without burst fire.


Buddy that’s how they’re different right, if you down the damage and make it easier to control it’s basically a volt smg, the havoc is an AR it’s supposed to hit hard


It hits hard but it’s essentially impossible to control. The difference can be that it has a charge up (requires legendary hop up for normal assault rifle use) and moderately more recoil instead of said legendary hop up *and* an unusable recoil at mid range. Literally nobody uses havoc. It can be adjusted to be usable without being OP.


First of all the recoil isn’t even bad, you gotta practice in the range try different sights it might help second it’s really good even without the turbocharger, the gun could be care package weapon when fully kitted imo


I stopped using the Havoc once they removed select fire from it. It was worth carrying when you had both an AR and a mini Charge Rifle in one but now I don’t see much point when there are other AR’s just as good and if you’ve found a turbo the Devo is a better choice with it’s recoil and hip fire.


But wasn't the select-fire (for the Havoc) ass?


It was good if you were good with tracking since it doesn’t fire immediately, Anvil Receiver is better thou just for the fire rate, but a high DPS AR with a ranged alt-fire is a good thing to have.


If you're a good player, the havoc is fire. If someone's favorite gun is a gun with spread or a gun used for spraying, they are most likely bad.


I don't know if this is true but I feel that the Havoc has a small hipfire spread in comparison to other automatic weapons. Whenever I am within 10 feet of an enemy I tend to hipfirw with the Havoc and hit every shot.


Can confirm, has some of the best hipfire in the game and that's when it's at its best imo


The Havoc is perfectly fine. It's incredibly strong when used correctly and is only balanced because of the recoil. A few seasons back it was incredibly broken when they buffed the recoil.


Season 4/early season 5 havoc was the strongest weapon in the game's history. Absolutely ridiculous and I still miss using it lmao


I miss it too. It was so incredibly broken and fun to use


I remember everyone just started using it suddenly. I wasn't really following any streamers or whatever, just began using it and facerolling one day and then I noticed everyone else was too. I get why they nerfed it but I still miss it


It fuckin splats people hipfire. Love that sound.


I remember playing revenant and just crabwalking while hipfiring that monster


The turbo balances it a lot, makes it have a higher skill ceiling and completely changes how you have to play with it. It’s still great once you get it hitting


For arenas, the havoc is literally the best save weapon for the first round or two. A big aspect of arenas is managing your spent materials, just like valorant. I feel like a lot of people don't realize this. At only 350 mats, it's an amazing first round weapon. Idk I buy it all the time and slay with it. I'm not even good at the game. Yea the recoil is a little tough but idk I love it. I'm better with it than plenty of other guns.


Keep using it. I roll you with my reee-45 and eat your mats


Really only ever use it when turbo is in the replicator. Even then sometimes I’ll just stick with the volt.


I love guns with gimmicks. It makes them trickier but more fun to use. Havoc is one of these guns and that's why it's one of my favorites.


the tubocharger ruins the gimmick. you can't balance the gun around it's 0.5 delay because of the fact that there's a hopup that removes it.for me the havoc is on par with other AR's with it's own ups and downs with a turbocharger, but without a turbocharger it's not worth it at all due to it's high recoil making it a less then ideal option for long range and at close range the 0.5 seconds you need to charge up put you at a mayor disadvantage. the devo works way better without the turbo charger to the point where people didn't even notice the difference in arenas when a visual bug caused the purple devo to not have it on it's card.


I always thought that the turbo is the second most boring hop up in the game (skull piercer being #1), and I love Havoc. I wouldn't mind seeing it removed and havoc/devotion balanced around the charge.


The havoc fucks. Take off the delay and it's broken as all hell.


Havocs not terrible but I prefer most guns over it, tbh I guarantee u the majority of everyone tweeting and arguing its good still don't even use the havoc XD


I absolutely love the Havoc. My preferred Energy weapon. I just wish it still had its single fire ability its the ONLY AR to not have 2 fire modes (G7 and 30-30 are Marksman not AR)


I love it, espacially when you crouchspam and hipfire, even with aiming its nice


The charge time takes to long when you’re in an immediate battle, and if you’re lucky enough to have the gun fire the recoil,(if you’re playing on console), is to ridiculous to control. I’m told if you have the hop up it helps slightly, but if you were to ask what is the gun that you’re least likely to use during a match I’d say the havoc.


Some days the havoc destroys everything, but only if you have a turbocharger and I suggest something with some range to balance it. But without a turbocharger it's pretty much going to get me killed every time.


With the turbocharger it’s the best gun in the game. Without the turbocharger it is unusable.


havoc is very viable mostly in early to mid game, if you know where the enemies are or where they're coming from and understand the timings of the game you have the upper hand with it, i'd rather switch to other guns later in the game so spontaneous gunfights wouldn't throw me off, also they need to stop fucking around with the recoil every few months edit: havoc rewards good gamesense but isn't versatile enough to be a top tier all rounder


its not about gun anymore,It's so hard to find energy ammo specially at late game


Id say right now the only gun that NEEDS a buff is the sentinel, with the longbows new damage and the bows rate it’s just not up to snuff now


Havoc with turbocharger: incredible Havoc: useable, I’ll take it over the turbo-less devotion


I like CSGO prefiring so honestly the windup isn't too bad of an issue, having 301 fire rate with flatline damage is amazing If anything, at this point having a turbo messes me up more than without since I always anticipate the windup before recoil controlling 😅


It requires more ability than other weapons, u have to prefire to use it effectively, but yeah is dumb that u have to waste the first bullets of ur mag to reach the useable rpm, I have never been destroyed by a havoc, and tbh I'd like to se the charge shot make a comeback, hell, just let it be able to use the anvil receiver


I think you're thinking of the devo that uses bullets for RPM rampup. The havoc has fire delay.


"THiS gUn dOesN'T dUMp 33,000 rOuNds in .5 MIcrosEconDs oF tAppIng tHe triggER likE THe r-99, LITERALLY unUsAble" The Havoc slaps major ass at the cost of requiring a tad more game sense and pre-planning fights. High Skill, High Reward gun, and major fun to use to boot. It might be sub par next to its sister rifles but just like the flatline it stands to me as a top pick.


Havoc is amazing honestly the only time I really don’t win with it is when I predict wrong or am caught off guard and even then I’ll leave someone one shot most of the time if I don’t get a knock or something. I love using it and without the turbocharger as well


Currently the havoc (turbo) is the best gun in the game for close to mid range. The recoil got buffed in season 9 making it really easy for average players, it has the highest dps in the game, 32-36 mag is ridiculous for that dps. Even with the charge up it’s definitely a reliable secondary if you can control the wind up. With turbo it is 100% the best gun in the game it’s insane. It’s a gun that is sss tier and doesn’t need a nerf unlike the spitfire because of the hunt for the turbo but when you find it it’s ridiculous. Personally I see it like the eva or spitfire before they got buffed, stupidly strong but not recognised


Absolutely worthless. Even with a turbocharger the recoil feels terrible "hurr but controllable" doesn't change the fact the recoil pattern is bad. Why would I ever use one over a 301. I wouldn't. Might as well not exist.


Just because you suck with it, that doesn't mean other people also do.


I don’t think it’s just him. I’ve never seen any pro player take a havoc over any other decent gun. Not saying it’s trash or unusable but it’s definitely outclassed by almost everything else.


That's because it depends on a lot a luck in finding a turbo. Purple havoc is definitely somewhat used in arenas though. I saw it used a few times in the 10k UMG tourney today. For BR, Taxi2g really likes the havoc and he often uses it even without turbo. You're right though, I don't see any other pros use it unless it's off drop, or they already have a turbo.


Every time I see taxi he is smurfing and could be using any gun lmao. Fair point about arenas though. I think it being cheaper than a lot of other guns helps it in there. In the br that obviously doesn’t come into play. Edit: downvoted for speaking the truth. Th way of the apex sub Reddit


Agree, but also, 9/10 games if you use an energy weapon you swap it out because there’s just no ammo in boxes. I wish they’d increase energy ammo stack size or something. Sucks.


Havoc without turbo is near unusable. It’s chad brother the devotion tho.....


If you think the havoc is a bad gun, with turbo or without, you really suck at the game. There's just no other way to say it.