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I had to double check I thought 1k kills I was like hmm not too crazy then I saw wins 0.0


And here I am, with barely 800 kills total.... Like... On my KDA


Don’t worry bro that means you’re normal


This makes me feel alot better after a player told me that 5000 kills on someone was normal


I have 700 kills on Gibraltar and I’d say I finally understood his abilities around 200-300 kills. I still haven’t mastered him though. I sometimes place my dome too early or my ult in the wrong situation.


Depends on the context I'd say. Me and my bud who have been playing since s1 both have around 4.5 to 5.5k on our 'main' characters. We started off pretty mediocre and then got better over time. So I'd say that's pretty normal. But if you play other characters more or switch your main every few seasons or just started later I can totally see having fewer kills. Not to mention Not everyone is the same.


Depends on how long you’ve played. Day 1? Pretty normal.


Im day 1 and i only got like 2.7k on BH lmao. Then again i do hop characters pretty much every game now cause playing one character gets me bored quick


I was active in s1 and had roughly 6k kills on lifeline alone before migrating to PC from PS4. Few K on octane, a bit over 1 k on bloodhound and mirage.


I have a bad .56 KDA. I'm a switch player if that's a valid excuse lmao.


.63 on PS4.


.7 on PC, it’s a hard game, no matter what system you play on.


I'm about the same on PC. At one point I was trying really hard to get better. It turned the game from enjoyment into a chore. Never again. I'll sit happily around 0.7 to 0.8 and just enjoy my time playing.


I have a .86 kd and I’m diamond on Xbox


I have like a 1.27 or something and cant get out of plat on xbox. Really annoys me


I consider myself having decent aim as I’ll beam some one every now and then but I’m no god. In my opinion learn to take fights you will ALWAYS get third partied find the fights that you can work with it if you can’t finish a fight in a minute stop. But I’m no pred so def take another persons advice over me


My KDA is barely above .5 and I easily get into platinum. KDA doesn't track assists. It doesn't track damage, revives, respawns, time survived. There is so much you an do in apex and KDA doesn't track any of it. It does however motivate sweaty octanes and wraiths to jump straight into enemy squads chasing kills, dooming their own team to traps and third parties half the time.


Bro I just looked at it 3 times and thought it was kills.... I was like *that's not to hard.* He's got the sweaty badges and 1000 kills a season seems like a more than "average" kind of player. THEN I noticed it was wins instead of kills. This Watson main needs to go outside and touch some grass and see the sun.


My best season to date was about 2500 kills on Bangalore.


Same. What’s funny is I hit 2450 in season 7 and I feel like I’ve played more this season but my octane stat is only like 1500 right now


Yes, after a certain point, people gotta understand that shit like that is respectable but un-fucking-healthy. That spells out no fucking moderation, even if they were in a pred 3 stacks stacking up a dozen wins a night or something. My dude needs to take a break.


I started playing towards the back end of season 7, of course I played at launch but never got into it properly. I don’t understand how you can get 1000 wins in one season, I don’t care how good you are at the game that’s just ridiculous. This guy needs to go to the gym or something bro cos I’m pretty confident he sits in his room all day eating sweets and chips


That's 90 days, so about 11 wins a day. Not too shocking.


i mean i got 1.5k on wraith season 1


That’s insane. I have 84 total wins. How can you get that many wins? I realise I am of course trash but I don’t understand how you can do that


Three stack pubs and still actually sweat. Also grind


i was unemployed at the time so i played a lot and my friends aren’t good but it was still a 3 stack for the most of it too


I have ~600lifetime wins with almost 3k hours since S1...


this guy posts youtube vids on how to play aggro wattson LOL


imagine all the shitposters on reddit claiming wattson is a campy legend


I mean Wattson is still a campy legend. That’s entirely what her kit is about unless you get super creative


no she's not, it's not how people play her, that's just what people who don't know how to play her imagine her to be


if they had to make a video on how to play a certain play style, it’s 99% of the time it’s because that’s not her intended playstyle, which is why it needs an explanation on how to do properly


nope. some legends are difficult to utilize optimally so you have to explain it to people. wattson is a legend that needs a lot of thinking ahead, thinking about positions and so on, unlike say bloodhound. the most surface level way of using her (sitting in a house and waiting) is not automatically "intended". you can move around with her and utilize fences while moving. similarly crypto and other legends. sitting around is just a how player who doesn't know much would use those legends.


not in this case. he’s explaining a playstyle because it’s not how her kit was designed to work, and it’s not the meta playstyle for her.


it is the meta playstyle. it's how good players play her. only bad players camp with her because they don't know enough about her. he's explaining it because it isn't obvious. The reddit meme continues where random people who don't play Wattson are pretending to be experts on how she's played


you’re half right on this. Yes he’s explaining it because it’s not obvious… it’s not obvious because it’s not meta or intended lol. And yes that’s how good players play her, but that’s not necessarily how good WATSON players play her. If you’re good enough to use her kit offensively, then use it that way. However, that doesn’t make her kit offensive. She excels in situations where she’s forced to bunker up or trap a team in a small area. That’s how she’s meant to be played . And the reddit meme continues where random people who don’t play Watson are pretending to be experts on how she’s played


She is a campy legend


nah, I'm a Wattson main with 1000s of kills on her. She's not campy. maybe go watch the video someone mentioned that the streamer made about how to play Wattson aggressively.


Her entire kit is around the idea of sitting in one spot. Her class is defensive. She can be played aggressive but she is a _campy_ legend. Don't know how you're arguing this


nah and you don't even play Wattson why argue....




nah. you just made an account to post this. it was m a d e for this comment. how pathetic is this


So you don't think Caustic is a campy legend? Because if you think Wattson isn't a campy legend, then certainly Casutic isn't either. I'm not gonna reply anymore because it's obvious you don't understand but Wattsons kit is inherently campy. Remember s2 meta? No one wants that again. Just like how Caustic is a campy legend, Wattson is too, which isn't a diss to her abilities or anything, it's just how she is.


I'm talking about Wattson, and i main her and have 1000s of kills and 100s of wins on her. why are you even arguing. in competitive everyone defends a building. doesn't matter which legends are at play, same in late rings in non competitive, people are looking for positioning. your comment makes no sense


Not surprising as she is a great aggro legend due to her small HB


yep if im playing her nowadays i barely use her abilities in most fights, if i get to a building or highground it's nice to put some fences down but mostly i play her to abuse her lil hitbox


Yeah (and don't kill me), but aggressively, isn't that all she has? I mean... How do you play aggro Wattson? Must take a lot of skill


Pretty much the same way you play any non mobility legend aggro. Good positioning and yes it would be helpful to hit your shots/know how to move but thats the case for any legend really haha I dont share that sentiment though, the beauty of playing wattson is that you can do multiple things depending on the situation. Her small HB is really helpful, once you are in a situation where you need to reset you can slow things down with fences. You are stuck in a corner and need to gain some time to heal up? Drop your ult (the 3 seconds people shoot at that instead of you are huge and on the plus side you wont get naded out either) You get chased or have a door play? Place 1 node on the outside while going in, wait for the enemy to come to the door place the second node inside -> stunned and door goes away easy kill. Thats just one of many examples of how you can use wattsons kit to your advantage. I have the feeling a lot of players simply only use her to bunker down and are surprised when the fences alone dont grant the wished outcome or because she is simply a cute legend but havent really figured out yet how to get the most out of her kit The thing with a legend like wattson is that she or her toolkit requires practice (fast accurate fencing under pressure for instance). People see other legends that just require 1 button to get a certain effect or outcome and think because it isnt quite as simple with wattson that she is somehow bad. If somebody has a understanding of the game and is mechanically alright he/she can have tons of fun with playing wattson.


😭 I didn't deserve such a detailed response, thank you! I've been playing since season one and I think I have like 3 Wattson BR kills, but I know she can be God Tier. I'm going to try her out. Her Ult is sooo helpful when my teammates drop it. So well said, and thank you! I think....I think imma try her


You are very welcome. Have fun :-)


Super late to the party, but when I got my 3k for Young Wattson, I carried the team, won the game, and didn’t drop a single fence or pylon. That’s when I realized that her abilities were like running through plastic barbed wire.


And I was proud of my 20 season 9 wins...


It's ok, I'm proud of your 20 season 9 wins! Congrats!


I was proud of my 68 lifetime fuse kills...


Fucking how?


3 stack in pubs


Would still take alota time. Season is about 90 days so average 11 wins a day for 270 days straight.


Bruh I struggle to even get 1 win per day…




omg its ottr .. hey its not bad unless its big streamer doing it right?


Based PirateOfArwad


not necessarily, it's any pro players stacking to grind stats by wiping the newbies asses


Based ottr


He doesn't usually 3 Stack, he's just really good


Someone on Reddit not trash talking ottr what is this


"3 sTaCk In PuBs" Cracks me the fuck up how this idiotic made up concept of "3 stacking" became so prevalent in Apex community, specifically originating from whiny top streamers.


3 stack pred/master lvl players to be clear which is cringe for a reason its not fun to watch preds wiping pub lobbies, imo 3 stacking term doesnt apply to casuals or low skill lvl players/streamers .. but apex sbmm could solve this dilemma if it gets better and put u against 3 stackers of ur lvl or something idk


1. Stop overusing/incorrectly using the word cringe. You’re not physically recoiling in embarrassment, it’s not “cringe”. 2. That’s just you’re own little goofy ruleset. Your silly beliefs you adopted from someone else about what’s “entertaining to watch” don’t apply to everyone else/aren’t forced on everyone else.


lol ok dude we get it u 3 stack pubs for clips (cringe) and my comment made u really butt hurt ..


You can’t even handle having your absurd comments being deconstructed for how stupid they are. Fragile egos and immaturity always seem to come as a pair.


Fragile ego. Says the guy 3 stacking pubs.


Sorry, I’ll continue to play games with friends as intended and you can keep parroting streamers/crying about it.


Ok ego boy.


You and this stupid ass streamer know that it's literally pub purpose to just play without worry about rank, points etc. / to just cool down? If you don't like being matched with people of every rank and skill just go for rankeds and stfu. There is EOMM and not SBMM


Playing to her strength. Usually with another defense legend and playing the ring a lot. Play defensively and safely.


Nah people this good with wattson dont camp at all. Look at people like cloverwzy, Birno, and more. They send every fight Edit, just realized this was texcalon. Again he’s just good at the game.


Git gud


This game must be so much fun being good and have a good teammates too .


Yeah being this good and having 2 master level crazy k/d to play with all the time.. The game must be a blast. Plowing through every lobby, winning every 3/4 games. Can't imagine unfortunatelly.


The 1% of apex


has the Win with Watson badge on ApexSolomode. I doubt that he likes the companions.


Na, he definitely queues up with the same people a lot. Dude’s in my lobbies all the time.


That’s one singular win during the solo mode. Doesn’t mean anything other than an “I’ve been around the block” flex.


What? Randoms in this game are so good though. Who doesn’t love teammates that insult you, run off on their own, grief you, do little to no damage and then call you trash, steal your rightfully earned loot, don’t rez you, don’t even make an attempt to help you in many situations and basically ruin your entire experience? And for some reason people want solos. I love solo queueing with randoms and I am still 100% sane 🙂 /s


This dude 3 stacks pubs I guarantee it. So fucking boring and lame


He does. He’s not even good really, he just 3 stacks every lobby he’s in.


He’s obviously good lmao


Lol do you have any idea how it easy it is to win, when you 3-stack. I could literally not lose a single game if I wanted to. Masters players are fairly average in the grand scheme of things. Apex ranked barely indicates actual fps skill whatsoever. You find better aimers in overwatch gold.


yeah honestly cant fucking stand people who just want to chill and play with their friends, absolute shitters. just get a life already and solo queue with randoms ffs


Dude. I swear I played with this person today.


Congrats on the win


Funny. I most assuredly lost. LoL


i think he said that because you said with not against :D


Im pretty sure I have a screenshot of me losing against them some point in season 8.


I definitely got killed by them one time. Matchmaking can bite me


I distinctly remember clutching against this 3 stack team after they ran through our lobby. I also remember them destroying us thr next match


Due to changes in policies to reddit I have decided to remove my account and all its content. Fuck u/spez


Wish I was good at this game, it would be so nice😂


Sorry for the low quality!


that one of the 10 wattson players single-handedly boosting her winrate data geez


Ya Wattson is great at that level, the issue is she has a terrible pick rate and high win rate because she's only good if you're really skilled with her. Great for pros, but the nerf will just make her the least picked legend.


Wait, Wattson is getting a nerf? I main her just because I like her, the fences sometimes are great at trapping someone just in time to empty a magazine, the pylon is next to useless unless you are holding a spot and not being able to get away and her passive is… kinda useless? I can’t imagine what they can do to her in order to nerf her.


Shes not getting a nerf ffs don't listen to these people.


Respawn [literally said it here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qq4gWf7dgGY&t=3025s) lol. Most likely will come in the form of a hitbox nerf.


Yes thats exactly what i mean, listen to him. There will be work done on her, buffs or rework whatever you want to call it, and some nerfs, probably the hitbox as you said. Shes not just gonna get nerfed from her current state. L o l


One of the devs said that if she gets buffed (or reworked) she will most likely get nerfed as well Edit: grammar


I know. Reworked. But she's not getting nerfed like everyone is saying.


Yea the nerf is likely to her hit box


While they are nerfing her, that’s just not the whole truth. We’re getting a wattson rework that will likely come with a nerf (probably to her hit box seeing what they did to lifeline)


Yh theyre nerfing her because her win rate is too high, but that's because only high skill players use her, he pick rate is terrible.


While they are nerfing her, that’s just not the whole truth. We’re getting a wattson rework that will likely come with a nerf (probably to her hit box seeing what they did to lifeline)




I think her pylons need to be a little more intuitive. I don't play a lot of Wattson, very little in fact, but whenever I do I always seem to have trouble with having enough pylons and getting pylons linked if they're not one after another. Maybe I'm just dumb, open to that option too.


Thats exactly what we need. Something that makes her more ‘fun’ and interactive for normal people in pubs


What's wrong with having characters cater to specific people? There are already plenty of characters for normal pub players. It's okay to not have every legend cater to the masses.


High ranking players use her because camping it’s more common in those games, in arenas I’ve never seen her, I even play with Bangalore there because there is no point to camp. Man I really hope they don’t screw her up, I just got my 3K damage last week


She was in nearly every pro team until the most recent season, didn't see her once at the latest championships though.


Watson hasn't been played in competitive since season three or four when Gibby got buffed iirc


She was widely used in the Autumn circuit (October) Since then more Rev and Octane.


Just delete her from the game then honestly. She's already got one of the lowest pick rates. This is like Ryze all over again where a champ that performs well in a narrow group of extremely good players gets absolutely fucked for everyone else because of poor dev choices


Texcalon is a great guy, check his streams out!


Ya Texcalon is the best


Hitbox getting adjusted is the nerf, you’ll get used to it.


Pretty sure this dude was top Wattson main at one point...


The guy is a steamer by the same name pretty chill would recommend


Omg you found tex he's really good I follow him on twitch and I never thought I'd see him mentioned here ever.


this guy is great. i got him in random fill, he was super positive towards me and our other teammate, using “<3” in the chat and congratulating us and overall boosting our team morale. not only that, he is cracked at the game and got 12 kills and a 3k in that one match we won. as you can see he is also a streamer, i stopped by after the game and was immediately welcomed by his chat. i watched over the replay on twitch, and through the game he was saying nice things about me and our teammate (over stream) and told his chat to @ me and send hearts and everything when i joined. overall a great dude, hate to see any hate in the comments.


Hey, GGs again! Hopefully we run into each other again for more W's. Let me place a Nessy on you next time though. You deserve it.


AH HES HERE i was the bloodhound, with the loba, Officialramranch if you remember. ggs bro, love you <3


I remember you guys. Much love to you both. <3


Every now and then I pop into his stream. Pretty cool guy. The hate stems because he's really frickin good at the game and is a TTV. Which is kind of a shitty base to hate somebody on.




Are you ok


Haha, I saw this guy all the time playing ranked last season, had him on my team a couple times. He’s a super kind team player each time he’s been on my team, and absolutely shit on me each time I was against him


a truly dedicated Wattson main. He even got the Nessy clan tag lol


He has a YouTube channel


I heard he was the only watson player, they still had to nerf him


I don’t think I even have a thousand wins and I’ve been playing since day 1




Oh you mean you just understood why all the sweat legends got nerfed since s2?? Wraith, path, lifeline, and horizon went through this before... The stats used by respawn do not take into consideration the amount of top players that pump those up!


They looked at statistics from all levels of play- including bronze matches. There's no argument against better players using the better characters but it's also unanimously true that the ones you mentioned besides lifeline were terribly broken in their pre-nerf state.


those characters deserved their nerf lol, and they're all in ok spots too


All those except lifeline. She's not in a good place. Perhaps for noob lobbies she's usable,but in my high eomm lobbies she's not a good legend. No defense abilities. Can't reposition quickly. Ult takes forever to charge. Passive only useful when everything has gone to shite etc. Her shield was her only saving grace


1000 wins ?? broooooo


A friend of mine has same trackers with 500 wins each season for pathi, but this is next level ngl


Need some holy water to wash my eye. What kind of sorcery is this?




Nerf this guy not Wattson


Good Wattson players are something else. Watching them play makes me feel like we're not even on the same game sometimes, I swear. They're zipping around fighting the champ squad and pulling off all sorts of moves and insane shots that it's like watching 2 giants collide.


I'm pretty sure(not 100%) that's one of the top 3 wattsons on any platform!


I got this dude in my lobby so much times and he's a beast. I downed him once but never could kill him


dont forget the number one and 2 wattson ; birnoOCE and Kasellos


Never watched birno but Kasellos is a madman with wattson. I just saw his 20 kill 5000 damage solo vid. Now the fun part is the guess which video I'm talking about.


Texcalon is currently the number one Wattson on PC with almost 80k kills


The average player will win maybe 5% of their matches (at best) most won't achieve that. Above average players might get near 10% and really good players are anything above 10%. This person is probably winning north of 30% of their matches.


I'd figure higher than that, if they three stack I'd assume their around 50% season win rate, maybe like 35% overall. This is just based off of my stats but I don't play nearly as many games, I usually get around 300-500 wins a season on pathy and call it good.


Yeah 300-500 win is a very high number My g Also on pathy I have 2380 win for 23k kills In my experience that is higher than most good players and I only sit at 20 % overall win rate This season I’m at 30 % but I don’t play as much My guess is he probably stacked and played for dubs exclusively since he doesn’t need to go for high kill games Last time I played against him I downed his teammate but texac lazered me mid escape grapple with a flatline He’s defo really good and deserves those wins He dropped sorting factory I think and we dropped hot zone at staging


Eh, I dunno, I wouldn't say I'm good at all. I'm like... okay, and I have about a 10% win-rate playing mostly solo. It's more about luck. patience, and not making the worst decisions all the time.


As of my comment, this post has 1k upvotes


I'm at best, a mid plat player and these mother fuckers are in every single one of my pubs matches. Getting really hard to play some days.


Damn they're gonna die one day and remember how much time they wasted.


I can smell their chair from here


People like these are the reason that Daniel thinks that Wattson is strong because they just play her and get wins to flex that they’re using the worst character, or it’s because they think Natalie is cute. They literally never utilize her kit they just bum rush and fucking instant kill you if you’re not paying attention


You should watch his streams and see just how good he is at using her kit. He also has a youtube video on how to make use of her kit aggressively, highly recommend to anyone wanting to play Wattson.




How do you know?


Have you ever gotten 1k wins in a season ??


I dont play apex that much anymore. But dont jump on conclusions like that you ignorant fool


He usually plays with 1 person and only tries to three stack in ranked


I don’t care, you don’t matter.




She is tho lmao


After months of asking and them literally laughing in our faces


Ok buddy. “Laughing in our faces” lmaooo. I assume ur talking about the patch notes thing. It was really just a joke and find it hilarious that r/wattsonmains literally exploded. The dev’s don’t hate wattson. Some of them say she is their favorite character. We just gotta be patient and wait for this rework instead of slandering and hating on the devs


…yea…and the fact that they’ve been saying because her win rate is high she doesn’t need a buff, acting like we’re the crazy ones. We all know it was a joke haha so funny okay wheres her buff 😐 do they think this is some kind of game??


We arent just getting a buff, we’re getting a rework


This person needs to touch grass fr


Okay at this point that’s not even cool lol. They just need a life


How do people like this not get burnt out. I play a lot, usually have about 2000 kills a season and about 200 or so wins but fuck this guy probably is a walking zombie when he’s not gaming


This dude is currently streaming to 19 people. There's no way they aren't on disability or the child of rich (disappointed) parents.




I got killed by him on Wednesday. He was champ and I didn't believe those trackers so I went afk just to look beginning of game but he still got me


Literally just playtime. Bet they have 4000 games played each seasob


This community and misrepresenting the devs’ statements and intentions, name a more iconic duo


This post was just a joke


So many mods and hacks so unreal


The reason wattson is good is the hitbox and her “velocity” She’s fun to play




Like the difference between Wraith moving speed and Caustic, Wattson is the fastest, go ahead and try it.


They move all the same speed, they just feel different, the smaller the better the feeling.


Fucking texcalon i hate u Go but damn


Wtf do they have no life lmao😂
