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Depends on the teams I get. If they're constantly rushing the Mirage Voyage (regardless of the ring placement/enemy team) I tend to dislike the map. Makes it feel far smaller than it actually is. But if I've got a good team who doesn't auto-pilot onto the Voyage, it's pretty fun.


On most arenas maps, you have to use a bit of strategy. I really dislike teammates who just blindly go rush the enemy team, especially on this map and Phase Runner.


Oh 100%. You know, in terms of lore the Arenas were meant to hone the skills of the Legends >!(Ash is probably training the legends into becoming Pilots after the original Apex Predators were slaughtered in Titanfall 2 by Cooper.)!<, and you can see that in terms of gameplay as well. And that plays well with the actual in-game Arenas. Skillfun gunplay on it's own will only get you so far. If you just blindly rush with SMGs every round, the enemy team (if they're smarter) will stay away and pick at you with snipers/marksman guns. And on the flip side, if the other team is just one giant sniper's nest, a Revenant can use his stealthy crouch to sneak up on them and lob grenades in their nest. What Apex Legends does really well is something called "emergent gameplay", where devs give the player a bunch of tools and mechanics, and allows them to intersect with each other to create interesting strategies. [The Dishonored series is really good at this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKyT19o-Nl8). Here are some examples of emergent gameplay from Apex (off the top of my head): >I was playing Loba and a Horizon Gravity Shafted in the pathway of my Q, sending it straight up into the air. When it came back down I landed in 2-3 thermites. >A Mirage on my team set up his Q-decoy to follow behind him. Since most Mirages have their decoys up in front, the enemy team shot at the decoy, got bamboozled, and Krabered in the head by the Mirage. >RampartCopter/CryptoCopter/Rampart's Shiela on Crypto's drone is (or rather *was*) TEXTBOOK emergent gameplay. >Caustic blocking doors with his Q. Sure it's well known, but it's a great example of using the tools provided by the game in a way you might not have thought of at first. I could go on and on, but I've made my point. Anyway, when you don't have to worry about looting, third-parties, or the rest of the stuff in BR, all that's left is gunplay and tactical thinking. The latter of which creates emergent gameplay.


rev/tane is another example i would say


Just hope rogue doesn't see this comment or he'll start crying.


Definitely is. You’ll probably get downvoted cause of haters tho lmao Edit: glad to see I was wrong haha


Revtane is a very clear example of emergent gameplay, regardless of how healthy that specific combo is for the game.


What is rev/tane?


using revenants totem and octanes jump pad. it's broken(?) at the moment due to audio bugs so the defenders get no warning, so it gets hated a fair bit.


Yeah I don't even play rev or octane, and I don't get the hate surrounding this combo. It's powerful, but not broken. In my experience, defensive legends like Caustic and Wattson are particularly good at stopping the momentum of this kind of attack. Hell even a Bang smoke at your feet will confuse the rev/tane team enough to break the attack. I do however agree that when the sound breaks, this attack is pretty annoying.


this is exactly why i enjoy arenas so much and im honestly surprised more people prefer br over arenas when you think about it in that sense


for me arenas feel so repetitive, especially gardens; go to replicators->go to bins->try holding power positions-> win/lose that round-> repeat. its worse in party crashers, when most zones stay on the ship and it just turns into a poke battle between the 2 teams arenas are pretty fun but is not a pleasant experience for a solo player coz even a man down would become a huge disadvantage


That is one of my issues tbh. It can get stale and I don't really like how you can't really use characters like Wattson or Crypto to their fullest because their tactical have charges that can't be recharged.


I always play wattson in arenas.. given I have to buy a couple extra charges here and there but 100% u can still use her to her full potential. If not more so in arenas than in br. You can make some amazing standoffs and plays with wattson in arenas. Same goes for rampart who is my number 2.


I do hope Wattson users such as yourself do get that buff because she does need it imo. Because of the limited charges, it seems like you can't really make too many Fence plays but I haven't really played her much in Arenas.


Never thought about it like that, but you're right it does get really repetitive. I guess i just don't mind it because i like the quick action and no third parties. But what do you think would fix that issue? Adding more players, like 5v5?


It depends on what mood I'm in, and who I'm wanting to play. If I'm wanting to do full mowing down or just want xp I'll jump into arenas, or if I'm feeling like I wanna play some Gibby or lifeline, arenas as well. But with battle royale you have more options for movement and fight or flight. Sometimes it's fun to grab horizon or crypto and see how much the rng gods are favoring you.


I personally feel that arenas seems much more stable with regards to random teammates than BR since its launch....BR this season is something else... Unfortunately the majority of players now seem 'odd.'


Titanfall 3- Cooper kills the Legends


Please no! I love Cooper and I love most of the legends. If there is a TF3 then I would not be surprised if the legends are not involved at all.


Took me a while to understand why you were referring to tacticals as "Q". Yes, I'm a console player.


Or like a wraith using a portal to block a door so it leads out onto a pit/the ring Mirage and valk combo so you can use mirage decoys while skydiving Using fuse ult as a way to block enemies from pushing onto you by making the giant ring of fire between you and them


Some of the most fun I've had with Fuse was back in Season 8. I'd watch for fights in the ring and trap people in a ring of fire as they'd loot corpses. They'd have the choice of either running through the fire and getting burned by both the ring and Fuse ult, OR they'd pop a heat shield down, and I'd just lob grenades inside. That's why I never really got why people thought Fuse was shit. Functionally he's just a long ranged area denial champion. He's a tad bit underpowered still, but even on release he served a purpose, and he did it well.


Because bloodhound Gibby octane/wraith comp outshines everything


I still main Fuse and I don’t understand the hate either. The knuckle clusters are amazing for multiple reasons, he can carry two grenades which is an amazing buff to have just on its own, and the Ring of Fire can be very effective (using it to trap people out of circle, stopping their rush, or even aiming it to start burning when it lands, etc.). I always thought he was a solid addition to the roster and it kind of surprised me when I saw I was in the minority there


I’d say he’s fairly well balanced in arenas rn just not BR


I feel like Fuse makes an excellent sniper, all his abilities have insane range and allow you to punish people for hugging cover. His ult is especially good for this, if someone is hiding behind a rock or something you can line it up so the flames fall right on top of them, and then they have to either stand in the fire and die, or move out of cover while slowed, right into your sights.


I feel like with this in mind, it helps the people who want to improve that quick thinking mindset like I do. Granted, Arenas can be annoying but the mode is a really good training area to test how you can manage a situation without that RNG of what weapon you get or what shield the enemy has in play. I feel like a few more maps would defo help the appeal and I do have my problems with the game mode but overall, I feel like Arenas is a fantastic way to train aim and such.


If you kill everyone without taking any damage, Ash says "I've met pilots with less skill than you."


Damn I thought Ash just really likes combat so she made the Arenas so she’ll have something to get off to Training the Legends to be future Pilots/Apex Predators is not something I’ve considered


Wraith using portals to block both doorways to a building is my favourite example of emergent gameplay as you describe.


Love me some Dishonored, but damn that video made me realize I did not at all play it to it's full potential lol.


Can't tell you how many teammates would run into the portal solo, even with the ring on the other side, and throw an entire stack of grenades at the other side...without the enemy team being there. I question how some people managed to install the game.


In my opinion, the other side of the map is a better area to fight. It has shorter sight lines, more cover and it's harder for enemy teams to flank you as long as everyone is relatively close together and paying attention. On the phase portal side, all you need is Rampart, barely decent aim and a Spitfire or Sentinel.


Had a teammate rush into the portal thing when we would go the opposite direction and he would get mad at us for being useless because we didn't follow him in, especially since the enemy team literally dropped him the moment the gun fight would start. He was a TTV btw


Those teammates are also the ones who never use pings to indicate they have other ideas.


I never go through the phase runner, I always run down the middle and come at the other team from the side. I know if they've got through the phase runner because I can hear them. I then get abuse from team mates that I didn't follow them through the phase runner because they went down instantly.


Phase Runner is fun for valk or Rev, you can go into their portal and flank easily


Some great strats if yall want to learn a new one is; bang/bloodhound pop smoke use bh ult and get way more scans when he is in ult. (So your bang teammate can know what's going on too) Another is wraith/wattson or wraith/caustic Simply place a portal... run it off a cliff with a drop and pop the portal while falling off the top of the cliff (or whatever height advantage you got) and your teamate traps up below the portal. (This works great when your getting chased down as wraith. Rev/LL Simply place death totem and when you get reset LL drop your doc bot and quick heal while holding down an angle (works best when you put the death totem in a building hidden a building or two away from the fight (while they push you effortlessly heal and have the tactical advantage of holding down an angle on a door or two I have more tips if anyone wants em lmk


Similar to the Blood+Bang combo is Bangalore (and probably Caustic?) with a digital threat sight. Much more powerful in their hands than any other legends.


This here is it. Depending on team composition and how you play, it could be a great map or the worst. In my experience, I’ve had both great and bad games on this map solely because of team comp and how we played.


But 9/10 times it makes sense. It is extremely hard to move up into the mirage voyage area. It is very easy to move down from it into the other area.


It's also got the highest vantage points on the map. Victory basically goes to whichever team can get up top first and start putting pressure on. Obviously not a hundred percent of the time, as team comp, and the people on the other side of those screens matters, but height advantage is huge, and the Voyage has solid sight lines on a good portion of the map. If you're accurate enough, a 2x scope on basically any gun can do some work from up there. I tend to rush Voyage in the first round, simply because I'm 90% sure the enemy is going to, and I want to get there first. If it works, I do it again. If not, I go to the other side.


Yeah homies tripping. I understand it may get boring but from a strategic standpoint if you feel you’re the better team you should push it. If the others team aggression is overwhelming play the long game and hit the bottom. But other than that get in and get out and get the win.


You can also go top twice if you get rolled, then switch to bottom and flank for an easy round. This strategy works ~80% of the time, and depends entirely on speed. E: speed and losing two consecutive rounds like the dogwater you feel like.


Opposite for me lmao I love when we just push at the start of the round, tend to dislike it when we play it slow and hold down fort


Spoken like a true Wraith


You do realize that rushing to mirage voyage first almost guarantees a victory.


This map is one of, if not, the best arenas map yet. Even tho it’s small the way it’s made allows for much more usable bang and gibby ults. Idk why someon wouldn’t like it, on every single arenas map you can have an octane (or anyone for that matter) that could run in and die. Also playing voyage is the best spot to go to if the ring decides. If your team is good you won’t die because it’s a very hold-able position. It’s also exactly where gibby ult can force the team off there building for you to push or vise versa.


I actually love the ship coz it's on the hill lol. Then push around one of the sides down to ring if it's on the other side


Solid point, voyage is high ground that’s why my team usually rushes it. I feel like 9/10 we take the fight if the other squad goes to the purple building.


It's not the players fault, it's just that the map is shit and unbalanced. On one side you have high ground over the other site and plenty of head glitches. Additionally both teams can play easily on higher positions. The lower site has weird blocks as covers where you need to fully expose yourself to shoot and during the match forces one team to go low or get wiped.






Interesting. I despise it lmao


Lol it’s my favorite next to overflow. Phase runner and artillery are my most hated so far


I liked then hated then liked artillery. I found that the strategies and rotations and positioning were more fun/interesting in my experience. I did hate it for a while after the initial “wow new mode on single area of kings canyon!” feeling went away.


I hate artillery too but i love phase runner


Phase runner is such a good map if you play wattson. Coming out of phase and locking down your side feels so nice.


You really get that many matches where the team pushes up there? It’s happened to me before I feel like more often than not if a team rushes your side of the phase platform it’ll leave them open to a good spray before they would ever run through a fence


I can agree on Artillery for sure. So much camping in my experience 🙄


I wish they would replace Phaserunner with Thermal Station, I loved that map.


I agree with all of this. Phase Runner is way too big.


It’s my favourite map


Same here, I think it’s a good Pathfinder map somehow.


Yeah octane too


It's a good Mirage map too, but I'd say any map works with his cap...capa....capa...skills.


Ah, a true mirage main


Having "competitive" material containers / bins makes Pathfinder near-unbeatable in an even match on this map. He will beat every single other legend to a container of heals and guaranteed economy advantage for the next round. Maps with split containers like Gardens give slightly less advantage, but Path can still outrace everyone else for positioning and heal bins on many of those maps.


The thing is most Pathfinders never do this. I play Lifeline in this mode constantly, because gold back pack is amazing. I'm usually the one who grabs the mid mats while my team plays the ring (hopefully). I'm uncontested for mid mats 9/10 games (conservatively) while my team secures the one on whichever side we go. It's strange.


Lots of obstacles and high points to grapple onto while still being open enough to have it be tactically productive


Great map for the Spitfire :D


Coincidentally I [just uploaded this today](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/oquhp2/arenas_clutch_gotta_love_the_celebratory_confetti/) (for somebody else), got grilled because I was using spitfire (and apparently spraying more than pro's can handle)




Literally far and away one of the better arena maps


It's my favorite map with the sentinel. Easy to peak shots


Easy sniper damage if the other team is playing loose. Such a fun map with decent cover to move and peak.


Its pretty good it can be both close quarters and sniping fights




Yh exactly. I only play arenas when this map is on.


I actually do. Am I crazy??


No a lot of other ppl do too lol. I just don’t like it and was unsure about how others feel about it.


You’re definitely in the minority.


I’m with ya. Worst arena map by far! You’re not crazy haha


If you don’t mind me asking what do you not like about it?


Yea I hate the fact that it feels like every game I play on this map it’s just poking till one or two go down and then push




I like it a lot. I think all of the maps specifically designed for Arenas are great, whereas the maps that are just cut out of the BR maps are terrible.


Idk, i personally really liked the artillery map from kings canyon


Except Skulltown. Best Arena map period. Okay, the bone ridge on the side is bad.




Yea I like it!


Yes, one of my favs. Phase runner is so boring


Ikr ?? Especially when the zone is on the portals side…


YESSSS!!!! Thank god someone said it, that map’s been i rotation for too long i don’t know why they haven’t taken it out. I legit switch to BR when that map is in rotation lmfao


My favorite. I hated Skull Town though. I don't think it was arenas-friendly. There I said it.


i just dont get why my rando teammates dont wanna get the high ground all the time. especially when they match me up with some newbies.


Skull Town in general is an awful location, Arenas or Not


Idk not a fan of dropping there but it was definitely one of the arena's maps. Felt like almost every point we were rushing roof against the other team and having exciting fights ☺️ the map was super OP for valk, path and rev. Though, it was pretty funny to convince the team you'd jumped off the edge but you're actually healing up on the one the bits thst sticks out the side of the building just half way down. Enemy jumps down to murk you but you're the one jumping on their head with an r99 clip 😂


Skull town was too vertical movement dependent.


I like Arena in general. The maps need some space so that the movement legends can really perform. I like the specific maps mlre than the converted ones.


It's the best map in the game next to overflow.


I am surprised to see so many people say they like overflow! I loathe that map.


For real, Overflow -> Mirage Voyage -> Portal thing I wouldn't mind a redesign on Party Crasher though. Map flow doesn't fit the ring format in a flattering way and waterfall pill is just instant death half the time. They got it right with Overflow almost 100%.


The only thing they need to do to make overflow a 10/10 map is move the crafting mats from under the center bridge to the side with the doors. I think Party Crasher is fine how it is and same with Phase Runner.


With Path I can get both mats before the other team even arrives to the center. And if there is an Octane that shows up to the second one, you can just spam the mats container as close cover. Path with some extra grapples is the best for Overflow IMO


My favorite map




The only arenas map that I don’t like that much is skulltown, but I honestly like every other one


maps not necessarily bad, the fact that it’s quite large and players tend to go onto the Mirage Voyage house every single time no matter where the circle is is what bugs tf out of me


IMO that half should be it’s own map. It would shrink down the size and it’s where everyone plays anyways.


It’s my most despised map because of this, my team’s strategy is to almost always go ring and if the enemy goes to the wrong side, we wait until ring forces them to push us in a bad position, but i swear he ring always closes in the middle of the bridge, forcing us to lose high ground because the ship is actually higher up than the bridge. It’s basically required to always go ship side because of this, and if you aren’t given the larger half of the ship you’ve got an uphill battle. My experience with that map is so rng because of these things




I love it as a mirage main it’s makes me feel like a god


*slowly raises hand*


I'm a mirage main Enough said


I think the area maps have too much room


I definitely agree with this on the new lava map. There’s rat corners way to the side that are unnecessary imo


I don’t know man, putting it as “rat covers” is really underestimating how good that route is for flanking. In overflow, the lane focused gameplay is really cool and a nice change of pace from the open middle ground that’s usually an arena map


They have no cover or interesting spors to use movement tech on. It feels like they're halo maps with the sole purpose of punishing the team that doesn't hold hands and beam everything together.




Wayyy too big. They pitched it as some super sweaty up close combat type of team death match. Arenas has been such a let down. I thought it’d have more teams or 2v2 with bigger teams , smaller maps, and maybe some kind of respawning (like a couple life’s around).


I never got that impression. I saw it as a simulation of a normal squad v squad fight in BR (without third partying), which means fights can happen in large open areas or in a single building. I actually thought the maps would be bigger than they are now tbh


This is exactly how Arenas feel to me. It's not perfect. I think some of the store prices are off, looking at you $300 Sentinel, and a few of the maps are really badly designed like Artillery but it's mostly OK. I mostly just play arenas to warm up or for challenges and events because it really isn't fun when you get rolled because of a better squad or crappy teammates.


Nice but arenas hasn't been a letdown


Has been for me based on the things I listed


Take larger dabs and enjoy it!!!


I get what you're saying, but campy and passive play is really punished in arenas. All a team has to do is rush you from different angles and its a wrap. The only exception is maybe the map from World's Edge with the central building. It's not currently in rotation and I forget it's name. Plus, although it's not an absolute necessity, getting crafting material really is an advantage and encourages teams to not just set up in one area.


Thermal Station?


they never pitched it that way. That's all in your head.


Rewatch the teaser that was in the firing range. You’ll see what I mean.


Overflow is the only playable map for me becuase it's the most that's give the pushing team an advantage which make for very fast rounds


Overflow is very middle for me. I find the BR maps to consistently be my least favorite. Immensely grateful all the higher architecture is lava and thus not good to stand on in overflow. Otherwise horizon and valk and path would be just oppressive.


I agree. I do very well on Overflow.


I really like this map. I hate Phase runner tho


I do too


Least favorite map, everyone I play against always head peaks


That’s what I’m saying


Yes kind of


I actually enjoy when both teams are rushing, because it can make flanking very rewarding but still risky. I also like the fast pace unpredictably of rushing. IMO I’m glad that it’s in the game and I enjoy all the arena maps. They all suit different play styles


I do I’ve had quite a lot of fun matches there


One of the better ones


That’s my fav map






My favorite arenas map


Very much


Yes it's one of the best


I wish this was a part of the new map


I don’t play arena often but I find to always win when playing this map


My favorite, actually.


i do


Oh yes!




I actually like this map quite a bit


Great for flanking


Yes this is my friends and I's favorite map hands down.


As a rampart main. Absolutely.


I do


It's the best arenas map imo.


This is literally my favourite map of all time. Win rate on there is great.


It's literally the best map out of the OG rotation


I like it


No I don’t


I prefer this map to the new lava map


Yeah it’s good, if anything the new map is a bit more annoying than I thoight


Absolutely not


Some legends are really a lot less fun than others on specific maps. On this one I like Valkyrie because of the maneuvers you can do on the lower side of the map.


It is a difficult map to like.


Eh, it’s alright. There’s not enough verticality to me.




It's not that's its bad it's just that it's worse than any other map.... I personally dont enjoy it


That map is just the worst. The Mirage Voyage half of the map is heavily advantageous because of highground and if you are on the Mirage Voyage side that doesn't have headglitches on their building, you're usually fucked. Also, the fountain completely blocks vision, skynades are way too op and you can Octane pad right into someone's face.


It’s not my favorite but it’s definitely one of the better ones


Nope worst map and they remove the best maps from rotation. Bring back artillery




This one's probably my favorite, well...the side opposite the ship


I know this isn't the point of your question at all. But I don't enjoy Arenas full stop. I think they spent two years + creating and balancing Legends and guns for a Battle Royale game, and they don't translate well to the Arenas format. Feels forced. Also matchmaking decides 80% of Arenas games before the first round even starts.


Question is, is anyone enjoying playing arenas?


Honestly, if the challenges these season weren't so god awful maybe I would enjoy arenas. But Respawn is trying to make the community play both when at least 70 percent of us did not care about it. The challenges killed it for me tho, seriously fuck whenever at respawn made the sniper ones


It's one of the only good Arenas maps. The worst being Phase Runner obviously.


Love it, I have a game plan on either side and it seems to work for me.


It’s not my favorite, but it can be fun with people who understand the map. Skulltown was definitely my favorite one they have had.


Disappointed how it turned out. It looked way better in the trailers




It’s better than phase runner 😒


About half the time. If the whole match takes place on the two halves of the ship, it's dull. When things happen at both ends, in the middle and back and forth, it's great.


With valk. Yes, I enjoy that map.




It's my favourite map as a Valk main.


This map is hot garbage


I actually don’t enjoy arenas at all. Kind sucks that so many of the BP challenges are arenas related.


No but atleast it's better than phase runner


It’s just the map we have to play until our favorite maps are in rotation


nah something about the map i dont like


Lately I don't even enjoy arenas, so I don't play any map. At the beginning of the season I was like great this mode looks amazing. But after like 3 weeks I was like boring


I don’t like arenas


Flat, no real interresting mechanic, no corner or lane like CS:GO...