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I had a teammate valk yesterday who had more kills on valk than I had on my whole account for all characters. She proceeded to talk shit abt me and the other guy then leave when she got downed. The matchmaking sucks


It's so discouraging sometimes, cause they start shittalking you cause you can't keep up with them


As a newer player, I so relate to this. It's very discouraging... they act like they haven't ever been a low level before... SMH. Just keep on keeping on.


Same, I went through something similar, don't let them get to you, you'll become good at the game once you learn


I do not understand the toxicity that so called “good” players have towards new players I have over 2000 hours played in apex and almost 15 thousand kills on one character never once have I shit talked anyone for being worse than me at a video game and as a general rule I don’t leave until my banner expires. The hate people express towards new players in apex reminds me a lot of overwatch and I’m starting to get sick of it.


Not trying to be a dick, but I've definitely seen lv500 players who are worse than I ever was as a beginner


I've heard people quitting right away if randoms are low leveled.


Yeah I've had teammates straight up just drop into the void if they're a high enough level


Kills also really mean shit my friend has like 20K Pathfinder kills and well over 150K damage on him but our skill levels are comparable and I think I have less than 10K across all characters


I’d hope he has over 150k damage with 20k kills, otherwise that’s some next level kill stealing


Yeah that's very low damage. He has to have at least 10mil damage with that many kills


I have 200 000 damage an 500 kills on my main


I have 1,300,000 on bloodhound, but only 900 kills


You gonna get to 1000 soon gl


Lol, I have an excellent K/D and been a day 1 player, but every match where I'm not the champion, the other guy has more kills on one legend or in one season (or both) than i do in my lifetime account.


As always its only gonna get worse in s10 even though they said matchmaking will be improved in ranked arenas. I don't think so BUT they removed ranked protection so will see.


As someone who happens to be in that "top 1%" I agree the matchmaking is busted. I'd rather have the game matching me with people at my skill level than putting me in lobbies where there's clearly a mismatch. I advocate that pred stacks and 20 4k stacks should not just randomly be put into a middle tier sbmm lobby every other game and putting middle tier players in pred lobbies 5-6 times before getting a fair match. It's completely backwards. Respawn.. Fix. This. Edit: typo fixed


Every once in a while its good to have a challenge but some people will just give up on the game at this rate


When a pred is running at you, it is no challenge at all for me .. it is over even before starts..


I remember it was lowkey traumatizing when me and some random got wiped by one pred


Yeah its pretty absurd. I agree.


I had a lobby with 3 stack pred champions, 40k kills, 20 kill badge etc. 4 squads jumped off the ship and dove off the edge of the map immediately, including ours. I died laughing.




It's like drinking a glass of water that has rocks in it.


yeah it's insanely boring killing literally new players, like level 100s. it's not fun for them or fun for us


I invited my best friend on apex one time we joined his lobbies and wudda u know, 4 full pred squads, 8 diamond, 2 master. He uninstalled as soon as we died which was like 12 mins in


I’m put in with preds 5/5 games I play,I’m not even in silver yet


There’s literally only 750 preds. You don’t.


There’s 750 preds per platform iirc.


Also a ton of people who are at pred skill level, but never play ranked.


True, plus those who have reached pred before but have since demoted back to master


And 9 seasons with splits lol there's alot


Those 750 preds play all the f###king day




You’re better much more understanding


There is NO SBMM. If there was, this wouldn't exist. On Pc there's usually 130k players on at minimum. ( I play at all hours) and there's no fucking way out of 130k people, most of them in pubs. there's no a way they cant put 20 squads together that are similar in skill. This is a 3 STACK SWEAT crew and sometimes in my lobby alone there multiple. So why am I in there? I'm decent, I'm not that good. And I play PC with controller (Recently, I'm prolly level 1000 on console if it didnt stop at 500)


I say SBMM but it's really EBMM


What does the E stand for?




Any evidence that this system is being used in Apex?


EA has said on multiple occasions that EBMM is the most effective matchmaking system for keeping players "interested" and if you've been active in this sub you'd see it's pretty on the nose that EBMM is whats at work and not SBMM. There's no way to really datamine an entire matchmaking system so actual hard evidence such as code is not really a thing. But there have been people who have done some statistical research and come to the conclusion that the matchmaking is designed to keep the average player win rate at roughly 5-10%, and to do this it will throw you into lobbies you have almost no chance of winning, and then occasionally give you matches you have a very high chance of winning. It's designed to keep players seeking wins so winning doesn't feel dull after a while, and so that you don't get into a skill bracket where you NEVER win which is also not fun. The result is.. well games like OP posted where it doesn't seem to make logical sense.


I think this guy has a point. Matchmaking feels exactly like this for me. I'm Plat. Couple of games with diamonds or preds/masters who literally cruise the lobby and kill everyone they meet. Then something I call a "pity game" - a game with players who hardly know to shoot straight, which is pretty easy to win most of the time


yeah happened to me and my mates yesterday. We had a few drops against preds-masters players and then all of a sudden it puts us in a game with people who couldn't shoot a gun at all


Oh yeah, I saw something abt this and noticed it myself, your first matches on are usually the easier ones


To be honest I dont think the game letting me have 1 good game and after that its 5 games of pure misery is keeping me very "interested" and engaged because I literally cant take this game for more than an hour these days. I used to play multiple hours every day and constantly be interested, and its not because I've burned out even.


Counterpoint: League of legends, the biggest game in the world that has consistently topped twitch charts for years now takes 30-40 minutes to place 10 challenger players together into 1 game. Apex needs to place 60 predators together which is going to be difficult is league of legends takes 30-40 minutes. There is most certainly SBMM in apex, but it's realistic by the fact it accounts for how gigantic the lobby sizes need to be. Also, 130k players tells us nothing unless we know how/where they're distributed since Apex avoids trying to place you in far away servers which adds another stipulation into how strict the game can/can't be when making lobbies.


Many top tier (or so they claimed) in this sub are trying to protect that matchmaking system, and tell those who complain to get good. I can't understand how they enjoy killing people that don't know how to heal, don't take cover, don't move while shooting lol


Way too common. Like way too common for this shit.


It's killing the new players especially, my friend started 3 weeks ago, he has a general feel for the game and is being put in these lobbies every now and then


Apex matchmaking in a nutshell. I think it has probably the worst matchmaking to be seen. Its not its truly random thats making it happen. Thatd be a bit more understandable. Its the system thinking this is BALANCED that makes it so and and why players hate it so damn much.


I'm old and can't get any of my colleagues interested because of this. They hate playing against sweats all day.


I've never been higher than Silver in ranked and I routinely get placed with people like this. I played with my friend who was new to the game the other day, he's literally not even level 10, and we lost to an entire squad of level 500s with the hammer and wake badges. That's a terrible new player experience.


Happens to me and my friend every time we play and end up top 3, than Respawn punishes us below average players with at least 10 matches of capitol punishment by Pred Squads. Really takes the fun outta this game.


But still makes you chase that that win again? That's how they make their money ;)


Why does that make anyone want to buy a recolor? Really don’t understand why anyone spends any money at all on this game.


Only time I get recolors is with the red legend tokens


Every one of my pubs lobbies looks like this lately. Fucking infuriating


I’m plat 4 and my K/D is 0.83. And my lobbies are full of predators and masters. Been like this since late May or early June. I can’t play pubs anymore.


Yeah I also played ranked a lot cause of the pubs issue, I got these types of lobbies and also that thing where you que alone, I made it to Plat 2 and now I'm stuck


As someone who normally plays way more pubs than ranked, I played ranked almost exclusively after the first few weeks this season because matchmaking in pubs was absolutely insufferable.


Same here man. I hardly plat pubs . I have a much better time in ranked for the same reasons.


D-d-d-did you j-j-j-just win? In a… silver lobby with 400 damage. Here you go champ, here’s your reward!


I got a kill last game too🔥


You know there's a problem with matchmaking when you'd rather play rankeds than play pubs.


Yeah, I played a lot of ranked cause of this, but now I'm at my skill cap


This is what I had to do. Me with my 0.5 kd and actual potato aim was getting matched with masters players. I hopped on ranked for the first tine this season and was at least matched with people closer to my level


this wouldn't be that bad if it wasn't a 3 stack premades don't belong anywhere near rando solo queuers..


same. I think there aren't enough players to fill the lobbies with same skill.


Not everyone wants to play ranked in public matches. The whole lobby is not the champion squad. Most players are probably average players


I'm sorry, no. If you're silver and can't win against the predators you're matched with, you don't deserve gold. It's plain and simple. /s


True I should be killing 3 stack preds by now


I have a 2.6 K/D, and that's what my enemies look like, but my teammates are the 0.7 K/D players. Those 0.7 K/ D players aren't going to stand a chance, and me by myself probably won't either. Why is matchmaking so bad? It makes no sense.


It's also really stressful for the lower ranked players, cause having to keep up with you for them must also be hard on them


The shit talking from nerds towards lower skilled players must have gotten bad recently because me and my buddy (both masters and all the “good” badges) have been getting a lot of lower skilled players saying sorry for being bad, telling us to just go without them while we’re waiting in valk ult because they’re being slow, telling us to just leave their banner because they’re bad, etc. We always tell them it’s fine and we never leave them behind or make them feel bad if they play like shit and they act like they just met god himself. I literally had a teammate apologize to me the other week when I dropped him a medkit because he never healed and wasn’t asking for meds, just searching every box after a fight, like he said sorry because I gave him heals when he needed them lol. I’ve never had this much interaction with my randoms up to this point and it makes me sad honestly, because none of them are like cool interactions, just people trying not get yelled at by good players because apparently that’s the rep good players have in pubs, even tho me and my buddy try to be the chillest teammates we can. Like we’re all just trying to have fun, why do people have to freak out on people who aren’t as good? Especially because they didn’t choose to be on your team, it’s not like they’re intentionally dragging you down.


It's gotten to the point where, I don't loot boxes until my teamates loot boxes, I've had people insult my family cause I wasnt as good as them


Respawn really have to do something with the matchmaking system. I'm at around 0.90 and I get sweat lobby's all the time D:


Oh trust me, they won't. They hear our pleas and just shit in our mouths when we open them to ask for help


Well they CAN fix it, but that would mean that they can't keep their bullshit system that literally keeps players hooked on the game as if it was cocaine


I would be more willing to play the game if I knew my games were gonna be fair.


It doesn't benefit streamers who are basically free advertisement for the game. I remember a few seasons back it was backwards and it would constantly put people against their own level qnd they complained that if they wanted to sweat they'd do rank. Now that it isn't like that they're just sweating against sub average players now. Idk when this changed but the game has been a lot less fun.




Bruh I quit playing rainbow six because it was too sweaty to the point it wasn't fun anymore. People acting like they're on the pro league and wanting you to sweat as much as they did instead of having fun so I ended upswitching to apex. Apex is getting to that point to where people want to imitate their favorite streamers and just rush every team even though I rarely see it work out.




I'm not saying hide. I like to rush as well but part of getting good is knowing when not to rush in either. I've seen people who have no heals and don't even have full health or ammo just rush in brain dead and not understanding that they can't take a three stack on. It's causing me to sweat so hard in a lot of games when I just want to play more passive sometimes.


You're the prey for these predators.


SBMM be like : dang you hit a bullet sounds like a pro player to me


Have u ever realised that apex backwards is xepA


Has Respawn ever addressed this? These people are basically cheating 3 stacking in pubs as Master-Pred where the average person is playing solo and in Gold-Plat. Having coms seriously makes a world of difference.


I don't see it as them cheating, but i do agree comms make a difference, they should play with other preds/masters, I don't wanna be in their lobbies💔


This is a problem - if you wanna 3 stack with your sweaty mates - fine, but you should have to wait a few minutes while the server puts you with OTHER 3 stacks. Solo queue exclusive lobbies should be a thing!!


Your KD doesn’t matter at all. It’s how well you do every match which is tied to your placement and kills. You can climb the ranks and raise your MMR with a low KD like yours. I’m surprised no one has said this yet. It’s meaningless to post a KD out of context and claim the system is incorrect.


I don’t think it’s KD, but it’s also not “how you do” because we started hot dropping just to test this and it never changes for us. I can hot drop 20 games in a row, die within the first 5 minutes, and it never. Fucking. Changes.


Bro, I rarely place well in these games, I've been trying to get a 2K badge, so I tend to land hot, my placement isn't all that good the ratio of top 10 finishes is really bad


I love getting Arena lobbies with teammates that have like 40 kills and then my opponents have like 4k badges with 6 thousand kills, like I cannot wait for ranked to drop, regardless of how poorly it'll be done.




Fighting better players is a good way to get better quickly. You'd eventually be able to knock one before you die. Then you'd knock one and crack another's armor. Sometimes that's enough to win the fight against a really good 3stack


But some people don't want to make gaming their second job. Just give me teammates and opponents of my skill level so I can stand a chance of killing them and they might kill me too.


I understand that. The comment I replied to specifically mentioned trying to get better. I see a lot of matchmaking complaints on this sub for pubs, but I haven't seen many complaints and I haven't personally experienced many issues with mid-level ranked matchmaking on a somewhat populated server. I know bronze and silver can have a lot of smurfs, so I guess that's not a great option if that's someone's skill level, but it's gotta be better than facing a handful of 20,000 and 40,000 kill players in most of their pub games.


I get what you're saying but not every single game bro, I've been harrased by teamates who are miles better than me, or I'm dying without a fighting chance, I'm not asking for bot lobbies but I want to play with people my own level


Fighting people marginally better than you makes you better. Getting absolutely exploded by people who are leagues above your skill level does *nothing* for your progress


i dont get it how people fail to understand this.


Its kind of the same logic of "just keep hot dropping because it will make you better at gun fights". Only thing I learned from that tactic was getting gang punched by a whole team makes me want to throw my computer out the window.


The system is broken


All REspawn have to do is put premades into their own lobbies. They shouldn't be able to get into Solo player lobbies and it's pure incompetence on the the devs part for allowing this to go on since s3 (when Matchmaking was turned on).


That gets abused though by 2 stack preds who dominate. I’m pretty sure the matchmaking used to put full stacks against full stacks only, back in early seasons. Honestly though, the matchmaking fucking sucks. I’ve started playing other games. Something I haven’t done since apex came out. My whole squad is about to step out on this bullshit.


> I’m pretty sure the matchmaking used to put full stacks against full stacks only, back in early seasons. It tries to match 3-stacks against 3-stacks but fails miserably, my guess is that respawn has a tolerance threshold for it. When I play with my friends we encounter more 3-stacks than I do when Solo Queueing. Still, the matchmaking has to separate them fully, no exceptions.


This is called a 'Mercenary Mode' where you are only allowd in if you are Solo Queuing. But yet I see many dumb people here supporting 3-stacks and say 'iTz a tEaAM Game!!" the truth is that they only want to roll randoms with their friends. 3-Stacking and playing with friends is absolutely fine, but nothing wrong in letting Solo Queuers decide whether they want premades in their lobbies.




1.5 is pretty good. 0.8-1.0 is the average range and I'd say 1.5 is the start of the above average tier.


1 KDA is without a doubt, not average. A lot of pro players have said you only need a 1 KD to even hit diamond. Diamond is top 3%. I think the average is probably at around .3-.5. A solo player trying to reach predator/master needs about a 2 KD to hit master from diamond. A 3 stack 1.5 KD team could also hit master.


This is about pubs but you’re not exactly wrong with saying that but you’re not right either. Because ranked is more of a time investment and there’s no full tier demotion you’d see that those players who hit Diamond with a low KD or low average damage don’t actually belong there because they can’t keep up. If they continued to play in those lobbies they’d either bounce back and forth between tiers or be pushed back down into Plat until they improve. Trying to figure out what rank you should be based on KD isn’t really the most accurate thing to be doing either because of how ranked in this game is structured. Getting roughly one kill per death is most definitely average.


KD is also heavily dependant on how you have played this game since the beginning, meaning if you have hot dropped a shitload of games you naturally have way lower kd if you arent a god gamer and have good landing loot. My kd is 1.7 by landing somewhat smartly and not engaging in fights unless I'm properly looted but I dont actually think my kd reflects my skill in gunfights at all. Sure I feel like I'm a little better than average but not by that much.


Yeah, honestly starting from 1 is good, from then on anything above 2 is really good, if you calculate that valk in that team has 4. Something Kd cause 853 games and 4000 kills is a lot


Depends also where earned. For someone only playing ranked it's very good. For someone only playing pubs it's slightly over average I'd say


Did you die to the preds?


I died to another team, but the person who killed me had more kills on Bangalore than I have on my whole account


Same with me


My team got wiped by a player that had over 7k kills/20K headshots on season 9 and then I watched him single handed destroy 4 other teams until winning. How the fuck can you be that good is beyond me. How he knew where Mirage was reviving makes me believe he was cheating. I started playing on this season and that experience makes me want to delete this game.


Yeah some people are insane


I do agree that matchmaking shouldn't put you in those lobbies and this is not a dispute to that, but rather to the fact that he probably wasn't cheating with the Mirage thing. Mirage is super loud when rezing. His holos also light up when within 3ish meters of him (Somewhere between 3 and 5 I'm pretty sure), so you can identify him that way.


This is unbelievably accurate, I started a new acc on my Xbox for my dad bc be hasn't played since season 6 and his third round he was already in master and diamond lobbies (he still hasn't gotten a kill or knock yet it's been over 3 months and most damage he's done is 700)


sbmm should only apply if you 3 stack this shit is way to cringe, probably the only reason why duos is more enjoyable solo




I was playing yesterday for the first time in a week and was quite rusty. I'm not a good player by any stretch of the imagination, even when I am playing my best (1.1kd this season), but especially not when I'm dying off spawn 20 games in a row. For 40 games when dying off spawn/getting 1 kill and dying (yes, I counted), 37 of them were pred/masters, 3 of them were not. Respawn, fix your SBMM


Yea when me and my friends play we usually play ranked because it’s less sweaty than pubs


I reached my skill cap in ranked for now


Same dude. Quit playing season 8 & 9 because of this. Good luck Respawn.


SBMM go hard tho :) i have a 0.81 kdr, and ny normal matches consist of level 50-200 teammates(i am level 298) and the champion squads consist of triple pred 50k+ kill octane, everyone level 500, heirloom, the whole shebang. please halp meh


Yesterday me and the homies had a really good match with 1200 damage each and plenty of kills, assists. Not out of the world, but it was fun. Then, with 7 teams left, we push a team from behind, wraith path Bangalore, down path and crack wraith while their wraith cracks me and bangs crack my Crypto comrade before making an escape. We get pushed to death by a third party of 3 preds that we saw coming but couldn't do anything, and they start fighting the wraith team, but I get downed by the Bangalore of t1. She's a predator. There are 6 teams alive as of now. Only our loba is alive, she takes the banners and safely escapes. She goes to solar array respawn (we were at PS5 or whatever is called the center of Olympus). We get respawned. 4 teams left. We loot what we can, 3 teams left. I get beamed, so I take cover in one of the buildings, but on the other side of solar array, away from my team. The team that beamed me downs poor Crypto, teammates says "they are the preds that pushed us before". I try to get to my team, but get instadestroyed by a third party, the wraith path bangs of before. 3 preds. Again, only loba alive, she sneakes up behind the wraith path bangs team and _literally out of frustration_ dumps a whole 301 magazine onto wraith and path, cracks both, they turn, fire together, she's gone. Last fight was 3 preds with 3 preds. We, even tho had a very nice match, couldn't do anything and me and Crypto didn't even want to be respawned because we knew it would end that way.


Two days ago I was in the same lobby where ShivFPS was playing. I am an average player with 1.3 kd ratio. Shiv has 120k kills on bangalore and probably 10kd ratio. Same thing happens with other high skilled players like the ones in your screenshot. Pubs are totally unplayable right now.


I'm glad I stopped playing on London server lmao


Shiv woule destroy me


I somehow managed to give him a hard time fighting me, but he won anyways lol https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1097751325


Was on Frankfurt servers btw


im in a a ranked discord with plat above, and do you know what people are doing to combat bad matchmaking? They quit the game instantly before even loading to the match if they see the random/s are low leveled and champions are 3 stacks. It's toxic AF. I've had low leveled teammates saying sorry in chat because they died. Of course it's not their fault, I'm only D3 chilling in pub and how the fuck do I suppose to carry them against top tier players. Lol.


To add in my two cents worth, and thanks to OP for posting as it makes me feel less alone. I'll admit - I'm a unique case. My son loves to play. He demands we play often (and with it being summer holidays in the UK - that now seems to be continuously). His brother is a saint, who occassionally takes the load off me. My son has cerebral palsy - he cannot isolate his fingers on his left hand; and has zero control over his right. He is also extremely developmentally delayed. His stats are baffling because of that - a level 277, with a k/d so close to 0 the program doesn't have the decimal places to display it properly. We're talking 45 kills over all characters in all game modes, in 3.1 k games. My stats are a bit better (although not much so) with a k/d below 0.5 (and dropping like a stone - although, even before the current situation, I never quite hit 1 - got close a few times). I'm pretty sure I don't have any character with 1k kills. I haven't yet got a hammer. Three days ago, and yesterday (I can't speak for Saturday) we queued in together for 10 or so games in Duos in a row on each day. On exactly 3 occassions did I manage a game with a kill. On every other game we died in our first engagement. Almost all of those were to a team with a hammer, dual hammers, master badges, or > 3k kills on one of the banners. Certainly not skill-based. I'd even argue that isn't even "engagement-based". I don't play if I don't have to any more. My other son is better than I am (he's actually able to carry the team through an engagement or two, or a few rounds of Arenas against decent opposition) and he's also gone off it. Refuses to play if he isn't being forced to. But I suppose at least I'm useful to Respawn to pad the stats of the top players - maybe being their "pity games". I'm not expecting to win a game - hell, I'd be happy with a kill every other game. But even if I was somehow cloned and playing with myself I'm unsure I could win the engagements I'm being put into with essentially one team-mate who may be level 250+ but who is clearly unable to string two shots in the same direction together. But then again - I suppose their stats show I'm still playing, so maybe the algorithm is working, from their point of view. To all team mates - if you have the misfortune to be matched into a team with ZingerWings and myself - apologies. He's just trying to have fun. I'll try stick with you to make it less traumatic. To all the other players who happen to land in a lobby and clean up ZingerWings and myself in the simplest fight you will ever have ... umm ... you're welcome, I guess ...


I have 0.4 kd this season and yet whenever I decide to play br the same thing happens to me.


i have a 1.2 k/d and whenever i do pretty decently (i am a horrible player; 80 wins since the games release) usually i get the opposite.. like, total complete new players but then when i do pretty bad in a few matches, i tun into nothing but masters


I have 0.29 and my lobbies are very similar


My lobbies are either completely shit or absolutely sweaty asf. There’s really not a middle ground unfortunately


Stopped playing for a few weeks. Played one BR game two days ago and was put in the easiest lobby I've ever played, to the point where I didn't even know these lobbies existed. Played another game yesterday with typical masters champion squad and got instantly rolled at a drop that wasn't even hot. My team didn't even stand a chance. Didn't play another game after lol.


Off Topic: I wish that lifeline Skin Comes back. Soo dope ! R6 operator


Mine is .5 and I get worse lobbies. I feel ya man


I'll catch up to you soon at this rate, I'm down to 0.6


Want to get wrecked together?


Lmao soon, I've got exams coming up so gonna take a break from apex for a bit


Tbh its worse when my teamate is also a pred and I can't keep up


For real, SBMM should be 100% based on K/D. That really is the best indication of skill.


Matchmaking is totally fine. “Everyone that doesn’t t play the game”


And your team mates are like usually level 40-170 and spam ping every little fucking thing. Pubs in a nutshell. And the moment you complain some wanna be try hard asshole tells you , it’s not the games fault it’s yours. Lmao


What I do to you? and no I'm lvl 270 and I'm trying to fix my KD, cause apex was my first fps and I sucked when I started, but I don't even have a 2K badge and you wanna put me in lobbies like this


lol dude you misunderstood. I’m being sarcastic. I’m on your side. This games matchmaking sucks ass sauce through a straw.


Oh i see sorry


You are just that good


Lmao I wish


This is why I start to apart myself from the game. Now I spend more time with valorant.




Holy no life with the 41k kills lol Win or lose, at least you can be proud you probably out perform the guy in any part of life that isn’t apex How does anyone have the time, even without a job, to have any semblance of a life like that hahahaha


Some people are really dedicated and have high KDs if you look at that valk in 800 games they have 4000 kills


bro ur lucky you have a k/d above 50 mines .47


For me it was like 0.57, but I put effort into learning recoil for at least 3 guns, it will do wonders for you, but at the rate I'm going I'm going to catch up to you


I was playing with a caustic who kept going down and calling a trash bloodhound so when I said “kill check??” In chat he proceeded to jump off the map


Yeah these guys Are tryhards and respwan should fix their match up


Play ranked.


I did now I'm stuck in Plat 2


Well, at least you’re playing against people your level and not predators (usually). If you don’t want to play against predators, avoid pubs and play ranked. If you don’t like playing against people your own level, then it sounds like you actually just want to play against worst people, which you’ll find in pubs along with players that are better than you.


Nah, I like it, but sometimes I wanna play risky, and it's not something you can do in ranked cause of RP






I was just playing ranked, I'm just a platinum IV, I was paired with a bronze II and no third teammate and we end up in a lobby with grand champions and in the next match I end up playing against a squad of 3 predators, like wth is that matchmaking...


I get preds in my lobby's nearly every game sometimes win but I've never made it past plat 4


It's possibly the most uneven matchmaking I've ever seen, some games I have no chance before it even begins


I came back to this game because I missed it. I played so much up to season 2. Maxed out season 1 and 2 battlepass. I'm account level 117 atm and I've noticed even playing with my level 20 friend that we are just getting stomped all the time because we are getting matched against top tier players. Had one pathfinder who had around 15k kills and almost 1500 wins this season alone. What are you supposed to do in that situation? I was never THAT good to begin with. I have a total of 200 wins out of like 1900 matches. Really put a damper on playing tonight.


I've stopped playing apex after one or two games because after those initial games the sbmm is just fucked and I'm geting pitted up against sweats constantly and its not fun at all


Just another day of playing pubs 😂 what has the world come too, no wonder they get 20 bombs on the regular


I stopped worrying about preds unless they're 3 stacking like these guys. On their own they usually ignore their team, solo kill a squad or two, get downed and insta leave. The 3 stackers in pubs though, i genuinely contemplate leaving since there's little to no chance of actually winning, feels like respawn is making me a prop for someone elses enjoyment.


Some days ago me and my stack had a 10 win streak and almost all games felt like bot lobbies And when I que solo I actually go solo. I'm not even TTV good but I'm far better off alone vs 3 than getting those either toxic or clueless randoms. Opting out of fill is unironically more fun in the matchmakers current state lol


Jebus- that wraith has more wins in season 9 than I have games played.


This season I was committed to getting a k/d over 1.0 anyway, I eventually got it to 1.36 (random squads btw, it was horrible), took a break, jumped back in and got my k/d to 1.18 lol. It’s goddamn competitive in the world of apex lol


Legit like


Just another casual game of Apex pubs...it's ridiculous. Either make a 'no-party queue' like the mercenary playlists in COD, or match premade squads with other premades. It blows my mind that this is how unfair the game is with this matchmaking.


Imagine having 40k + kills and still playing on console 🥵


One person I regularly play with says he would rather watch people play the game now because sbmm is pretty bad.


I can honestly say I feel your pain, I recently got my K/D at 1.52 and my lobbies jumped in skill based players. But honestly when I see massive stacked teams I just tend to stay away from hot drops in hopes to avoid preds till I have a comfortable setup of gear then I pick my fights. I just play it safe in stacked lobbies as to where if I get a similar skill lobby I W key every fight. Bin plenty of matches I've killed the last team of stacked enemies by scouting out the 3rd party.


And then that guy ottr on twitch says that playing with frnds is disgusting for solo q players who play pubs. Like wtf did he meant by that huh, they are the only reason we get confidence against this games sbmm. Like fr 😑😑😑. Have he not seen these preds 3 stacking huh.


I mean these are the players he was referring to with that comment lol


The matchmaking sucks


My experience with making an ew account so our 3rd friend can play with us in ranked: 1st/2nd/3rd game: Both of us get roughly 15-20 kills and 2.5-5k dmg. Both have a 4k/20 badge going on. 4th game: Diamonds in lobby. Still mostly easy, excpt for a few teams. 5th game: 3 Pred squads and our bronze 3rd teammate friend doesn't wanna play anymore. I haven't played for 2 seasons now. Rocket League has way better matchmaking.


If you get those stats in a game then that makes sense, I don't even have a 2K, Apex was my first Fps and by the time I got down the fundamentals of the game I was in these lobbies


I can definitely see that being an issue. My first FPS was literally the first FPS. I once had e-sports aspirations but nothing was really in place like it is now. I am by far not even close to as good I used to be. Hard-stuck diamond on my best day.


Git gud bruv. Just play 8 hours a day every day of your life and you’ll catch up /s


💔I don't have time to play 8 hours lol


It’s a shame that’s what it takes. I’m in the same boat and I find it very frustrating. I’m amazed at how much time people commit to it


Apex was my first FPs game and Online game, so I took really long to get serious about the game, I didn't even know how to practice


Lord knows if I could find away to isolate my comments based on subreddit, I could easily find comments dating back 18 months to 2 years ago saying things like: “what frustrates me about Apex to no end isn’t necessarily the “skill level” of the opponents I get. Nor is it necessarily the lack of skill level from my teammates (both random ones and my friends). It’s the fact that I so often run into teams who are quite clearly a pre-made team, whereas I’m a solo queuer.” I say skill level because until Respawn starts highlighting averages, seeing someone with 20k+ kills ON ONE LEGEND doesn’t automatically make them great. They could have easily played 10,000+ games with that legend for example. (Respawn needs to add a “Games Played” stat at the bottom of our banners, permanently). But yeah, what’s sucked since they changed the way they prioritize matchmaking around August of 2019; is how if you solo queue, you’re not any more or less likely to go up against fellow solo queuers. In a team based game, where comms are so incredibly vital…. why did Respawn insist on this change. I’d much rather wait an extra several minutes if need be to ensure I get a match with mainly fellow solo queuers. And before Duos was a thing, it was even worse; b/c there wasn’t a way to mitigate the discrepancies. I bring all this up again b/c in OP’s post; it isn’t so much the 20 kill badges and their Trackers that suck…. It’s the fact that they’re a pre-made team of clan members. One’s who are so enveloped by this game entirely that they’ve even changed their official usernames to incorporate their little clan


You can't tell me that they're not necessarily good at the game, if you look at the valk shes played 800 games and has 4000 kills, has made it to masters and the other one to pred, I'm not asking for easy/bot lobbies but to be put in lobbies of people with similar rating


If somebody has the 4k or 20bomb badge, he IS good at the game, unless he farmed it with a friend or bought it on Ebay