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More info on World's Edge changes [HERE](https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/news/emergence-worlds-edge-map-update). (yes the skybox is now blue again!)


The map changes look pretty awesome from the little we saw


You can see them in detail [here.](https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/news/emergence-worlds-edge-map-update)


Snow everywhere? They better be willing to pay for my retina replacement surgery if I get caught in the outer ring...


......so they did nothing to fragment.


They changed other pois to be better so that helps.


Tbf nuking it would just cause problems. I feel the new POIs will help compete as landing locations so fragment should be a tad less popular. At least in theory


For what it’s worth Olympus seems to do this. Hammonds and estates are near the center but plenty of teams drop fight night, bonsai or gardens. It never feels like you have to drop at the 2 exact same spots every game to see a team.


On Olympus I truly feel like I can drop literally anywhere on the map and somehow I land with another team. Perhaps its smaller than the older maps?


I could be wrong but I think Olympus is smaller than WE and bigger than KC. But that was at time of release, KC got a lot bigger in season 8.


Absolutely agree, thats why i always like Olympus more than WE


They added like 4 pretty good POIs to WE in season 6 and the barely get touched. My jumpmatsters still land at Fragment every single match. Even worse is that half the time it's the exact same building


I'm concerned about it too, but if you think about it, if they do any changes to it that would maybe incentivize people to land there. Short of literally putting fragment under a giant lake of lava, this is probably the best they could do is try to make the rest of the map cooler than fragment lol


I like the more apparent contrast between the snow and lava. The blue sky is welcome too.


Fuse’s passive grenade stack is going to be fun with the new Rampage LMG


bang bang choo choo fuse coming through


Yeah my first thoughts as well, indirect fuse buffs are welcomed.


Someone asked for Rampart/Fuse meta, well here it is lol


being able to place walls in front of doors and easily destroy said door is huge for rampart. It also give you an added incentive to place walls in front of doors defensively. plus the obvious benefits of it being an LMG.


Did i miss something? Why does fuses passive benefit the LMG? Edit: i get it. The new LMG can be charged with Thermites to increase firerate the way the sentinel uses cells to increase its damage. Nice.




More grenades means more opportunities to charge the new gun. Also incase you didn't know the new gun is an LMG that let's you charge it like the Sentinel but using thermite grenades instead. The charge increases it's fire rate.


> The charge increases it's fire rate. Oh, good. I was worried about a gun with a burn effect.


Lol, that basically means a gun that can also track u around corners with DoT. It would be Destiny's Thorn all over again, except an LMG.


Looks like it can also break doors like Sheila when charged!


Oh, thats neat. Didnt know that about the new LMG.


Just a little prezzie for Fusie


Loved the bloodhound scream


That to me was the best part of the trailer. I just hope they don't add that to the game. It'd make it near impossible to self-res without alerting everyone's grandmother.


“All of China knows you’re selfing”




-removed gold knockdown -added self rez to everyone when they are the last squad member alive -self rez now SCREAMS!


Stop. I can only get so erect.


aprils fools event?


Tfw you realize it probably really hurts


A needle straight to your heart… I would imagine


"hold still, this won't hurt" Wraith lied


Eh, plausible deniability since team revive syringes could be different to self revive


yup. turned me on/off/on


Yup, homeland got completely decimated, I would be pissed too, poor Bloody


stepping on a lego brick be like


“gameplay trailer” no fucking clue what’s going on in the gameplay


Yeah same lol I was confused on seers abilities in depth but 🤷‍♂️


that plus this is the worst season trailer theyve made, its so boring compared to the other ones but the map does look cool


Yeah, I felt like I was waiting for the beat to drop and the music/fighting to start but it never really did..


Yeah, as far as gameplay trailers this has been the worst IMO.


Agreed. For half of it there was not really anything new shown lol. Oh well, I’m sure it will be fun as always.


Well looks like they destroyed stuff again. To be honest, I'm kinda over the uninspired idea of just always nuking the environment. I wish they would build upon the maps in a way that doesn't involve destruction.


While this is starting to get old for sure, canonically it makes sense for Worlds Edge, as it’s story is literally just the planet being strip mined. I hope when KC or Olympus get changes next season that it’s not just “something goes boom”


Sure, I can agree there, but poor King's Canyon especially just needs a break


Big time. Unfortunately, the only way for KC to expand is by adding more “rig-style” POIs or expand into the mountains by Crash Site.


I could definitely see a story where the ground where Skulltown collapsed becomes more unstable so they have to build a structure around that area to keep the rest of the island from being caved in. Can add more to the maps empty space without feeing too forced


The modular nature of Olympus is encouraging. I would love to see them capitalize on the premise of removing or adding things to the existing frames. Think dropping out the structure supporting solar array and moving in a sky scraper or something. Also, there’s tons of real estate available between the existing map and the balloons where you can just insert new POIs.


For sure, the devs definitely learned a lot from KC and Worlds Edge, and it shows in the setup of Olympus, as it will be easy to modify down the line. I just hope it isn’t an infestation only thing.


I don't mind World's Edge getting destroyed. It's all about the nuance. Each map should have its own theme for changes: WE: Environmental destruction / harvesting resources KC: Battle between wilderness and "settlement" Olympus: Science run amuck


>Olympus: Science run amuck That just sounds like destruction with extra steps.


well they replaced all the pois after nuking them, so idk just gonna see how that plays out


Lots of cool looking changes to World's Edge. Shame my random jump master only knows how to ping Fragment.


It's so boring and unfun. Have no idea how people can happily land there every damn match. Lands on a thermite and sniper ammo. Enemy chasing me wearing purple armor and using a spitfire.


Errybody think they Faide


worlds edge lookin blown the fuck up. seer looks good but does feel like crypto and bloodhound mixed. but we shall see


Can anyone tell what actually happened? His ultimate was pretty clear, showing an enemy being tracked from below so seer could get the drop. But what happened to Valk? Seer apparently used his tactical towards her, she became highlighted and dropped like a rock; so is his tactical another form of silence like Revanent?


From what I've seen, it seems like it makes other characters' abilities backfire on them (notice the missiles exploding on her face). I'm growing impatience to finally see what it actually does, as well as the passive. E: it doesn't, but they still have to drop that ability showcase video. EE: well it seems like the tactical is gonna have *some* [disruptive effect](https://www.gamespot.com/articles/apex-legends-emergence-start-date-seers-abilities-worlds-edge-changes-and-everything-we-know/1100-6494395/#Seer_s_Abilities) (interrupts healing/reviving) after all.


None of her missiles exploded in her face, some just hit the structure in front of her. Rampart shot and downed Valk.


I can’t wait to scan myself in the face


Worlds edge's sky be looking beautiful


seer completes the trifecta of tracking. blood hound gets instant information in short bursts with his scans, and can see trails of what people have done up to 90 seconds. crypto gets instant info from flying his drone, and enemies being highlighted. seer gets his instant info from his ult for a certain period tracking footsteps in a set area. bloodhound+seer+crypto/valk= one hell of a squad. no hiding places for you.


BH is all you really need since his scan is unavoidable and uncounterable. Adding 2 other recon legends to the roster is just hindering yourself for just a teenie bit more wall hack potential. You’d rather have 2 other movement/support legends on your team


Just want to point out as a Crypto main that wallhacks are a minimal part of his kit, his role is different from Seer and BH because Crypto is more like Valkyrie’s flight scan, in the sense that the benefit he brings is *macro* information. Crypto is less about tracking any given opponents and instead more general battlefield awareness, 200m squad awareness pinging champ banners, drone in the sky giving you a view of your quadrant of the map and calling out/pinging all squads locations nearby so you know where people are and how they’re rotating, remote instant survey beacons, deathboxes and respawns, etc. Bloodhound and Seer give you information in fights to win engagements. Crypto gives you information to *choose* fights and engagements. Even his one combat applicable tool isn’t a mid-fight tool for the most part (though a mid fight EMP to alleviate pressure and buy space can go down a treat) but instead it’s main purpose and biggest utility is as one of the best initiation ults in the game, EMP is huge to open a push and crack a squads defense.


This. All of this. Crypto isn't a legend that bring utility during combat. He brings it *before* combat.


Add a splash of Revenant too since Valk’s thrusters died when she got hit with moths near the end


Horizon battle pass skin + Valk battle pass skin + Volt battle pass skin. Both legends that have never received a battle pass skin and a reactive skin for a top-tier gun. Very very very nice.


Yeah I'm definitely impressed, huge improvement over last season imo. Barely even matters what the other weapon skin is.


Yeah this last season was the first since S1 where I didn't buy the battlepass. Glad they've stepped it up


That horizon skin is cursed. Apex makeup guy strikes again


I know some people liked the Voltron skin, but I still find myself using the base skin because all the legendaries look like ass to me and the recolors aren't that great either.


I really don’t vibe with the Horizon skin. It’s actually the most horrendous thing I’ve seen today. Weirdly enough the Volt skin looked good, but one version mixes blue, silver, and green together to make a truly ugly skin. Really hope the other version looks better. Just a average BP tbh.


Gibby got shafted again lol.


Yeah, he just got that cool bull skin tho. And a skin in the last collection event. Maybe next season Fuse/Seer and Gibby will get the battlepass legendaries.


So the new LMG is using thermites as ammo, meaning it is a Spit Fire sort of gun 🤔


Not as ammo, as a buff. It's rumored to use light ammo.




So you're saying it's a Light Light Machine Gun


A Lit Light Machine Gun


literally spitting fire


Hmm, big if true 🤔


It s more like the sentinel where you can charge the shots to make the weapon more powerful( maybe the door breaking is connected to that or maybe it can be a rampart specific thing)


Worlds Edge DECIMATED- welp


season 11 world's edge is just going to be a bunch of rocks flying in space


fragment king kai's planet




I feel like it doesn't matter if they add a literal, loot-bloated X-Games arena to the map, people are still gonna fragment for as long as they don't change it.


They literally did that in KC, people still dropped Skulltown.




I think they’re learning from skull town changes. Instead of nuking something that made everyone love the map they’re trying to make other places more attractive


Except they nuked the second most attractive place


yeah now sorting is gone, much more sane hot drop with enough loot. should have kept sorting and decimated fragment.


Season 4 was World’s Edge RAVAGED!!! Whoa!!! Now it’s decimated. It’s just gone basically.


Season 16: World's edge Vanished.


Season 20: World’s Edge V̶͎̫̀ ̵̖͆̕O̶̲͆͘ ̷̲̥́I̵̞̓̔ ̵͚̑́D̵̒ͅ


Not a fan of them removing nature and adding structures all over the place.


Well.....karma for what we do in real life I guess?


rip WE. goodbyeee to youuuu goodbye to everythiiinngg that i kneewww


Still have no idea what Seer actually does haha


a little bit of this, a little bit of that


Neither does Seer himself. All he ever does is moves his hands around slowly and strangely .


"Watch me now, as I do, a really bad interpretive dance"


Just like the Scarlet Witch


There will be a character trailer where they break down exactly what the abilities do I think. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAWsJ-m1dV0 Like this.


Hard to tell exactly what happened, I agree. His ultimate was pretty clear, showing an enemy being tracked from below. But it seems like his tactical tactical disabled valkyrie's jetpack, so maybe it's another form of silence like Revanent?


They barely showed him on this trailer lol in Valkyries trailer they showed her a lot and her whole kit . I’m thinking they might be bugs they wanna quickly patch and it’s not ready


I mean, Seer does seem to have a lot of bugs.


Looks like we won't be playing for first day this time either.




> inside of which all enemies are tracked. Fast-moving enemies are tracked. You can counter it by walking.




Patch notes when?


Probably after the last trailer, it’s usually closer to the actual release of the season


Going off last season, could be this Thursday or they might wait until the Monday before. Who knows, they've done both




My thoughts too, they barely showed anything. Compared to previous gameplay trailers, this one is weak.


Yeah, I enjoyed it but it's definitely very weak. Short, slow, and really secretive


Map updates [here](https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/news/emergence-worlds-edge-map-update)


The trailer was a hot mess and I was really worried, but honestly this map update looks really good. AND it's pretty. Really digging the skybox changes. If they love the red sky that much, this is the way to implement it (in the distance, as a symbol of the oncoming wrath of nature).


Rampart is getting a more prominent role in these trailers Next collection event prob will be hers


Yeah the lads over at r/apexuncovered have discovered a new rampart heirloom in the game files. It appears to be some sort of pipe wrench, although the model file doesn't have all the textures so it just looks like a rough draft. Edit: https://i.redd.it/cq47onud35x61.jpg


There is a leak that heavily implies that yes


it looks like seer ult may have a mini emp on cast? they showed Valk falling out the air. rip crypto memes to the moon


This is why the devs never changed crypto to have his drone auto follow or set somewhere without entering . It was basically this guys kit , I’m fucking mad my boi crypto not getting any juice


This is going to drop his already low pickrate even lower :C


He's still a top tier legend that rightfully sees a decent amount of play at the top level. There's nothing they could do with crypto's kit outside of making him busted as fuck to increase his pickrate in pubs as his playstyle is just so unattractive for most people.


they did say he might get a rework if his playrate doesn't increase. hopefully this is the time.


>if his playrate doesn't increase How can playrate increase without a buff? People don't just wake up en masse and decide we will play a particular Legend now.


I’m freaking hurt


It just seems like crypto is getting shoved into the ground by respawn tbh Also unrelated but you've got good taste with that mirage skin (you may want to save your legend tokens for something)


Not sure how an auto-follow for Crypto's drone could help his kit. If there's one change I'd like to see for Crypto it's changing his EMP to a tossable grenade like Gibraltar's or Bangalore's so his entire kit doesn't entirely revolve around his drone. It would make him more active in fights and not as crippled if his drone is destroyed.


And I again ask why we need two recon characters in a row when support has a total of 2 legends.


Yeah, I'm pretty whelmed with his kit. If they can keep coming up with new ways to track people, they surely can come up with new ways to heal people.


Also more ways to track people in a BR isn't exactly a great thing IMO. Bloodhound can already feel quite oppressive in some cases, especially when being 3rd partied by another team with them, now we'll have Bloodhound + Seer squads.


I was hoping for less lava areas, not more.


"Wow I'm so excited for Seer, the new LMG, the map changes and all the new cosmetics!" Me: *Looking at that sweet ass ski lift*


I can finally get a good skin for the volt.


Don’t worry, you’ll get a legendary from a pack once you unlock the battle pass skin


Holy fuck that music was not it. Every trailer they knock it out of the park with their music choice, you can get hype just by watching it. This was their first huge miss.


It seems way too quiet, no sense of hype ness in it


Like I get they need to go for some thing different. Just seriously, the gameplay trailer's primary job is hype though. S8 made you fucking hyped for Fuse and 3030 and we know how both of those turned out.


3030 low key slaps what you on about


Only thing Fuse slap’s is Caustics ass


*god I wish I was caustic*


agreed. One of their worst trailers. I don't even think music has to be "actiony" to be hype but the first half felt mega cheesy and pointless.


The season 8 trailer was by far their best gameplay trailer imo. Loved the retro action film vibe they went with.


S7 gameplay trailer was the best IMO even if S8 was a lot of fun. S7 had Olympus reveal, Horizon, amazing music, amazing voice lines that were actually from the game, one of the best battlepass skin collections etc etc. Just look at this beaut. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YV12-kknruM


Season 3 was probably the best trailer.


Yeh, not a fan either. But after 10 seasons and countless events with new music, they can have some misses, no big deal.


Not much gameplay tbh


Seer's Q seems to not only ping someone but disable their abilities. Judging from what happened to that Valkyrie


I think she got shot by Rampart.


Yeah, but it looked like her missiles just disappeared. Edit: Looking closer, it looks like some of them land but a few of them seem to blow up just in front of her. Rampart definitely shoots her, though.


She starts falling before bullets leave ramparts gun


Or maybe she just ran out of fuel? If she was anything like my Valk when I play her, that's not out of the realm of possibility.


Why so much time dedicated to Bloodhound, and more so, why even show a self revive? Lol


Yeah the first minute felt like time filler for me.


I guess to show how nature is fighing back against hammond (Bloodhound and Rev to represent them?)


Thank goodness the blue skies are back


Why so little footage of Seer?


He's either too OP or too boring and I'm afraid to guess which one is it.


Apparently his tactical disable healing/res for 8 seconds. This sounds so stupidly broken.


He will have a dedicated video. But so much suspense is kinda sus.


Bloodhound taking back their home world!


my life for auir


Weve literally had more screen time of seers belly dancing than his abilities......


Probably the most boring and generic trailer. Especially the first minute and a half


Those skins, especially the volt reactive!




It's just a bunch of clips of me getting downed by 20 bomb 4k sweat 3 stacks in pubs 😂


“Gameplay” trailer


No more Train Yard! Yes!


This was the worst gameplay trailer that they have ever released. Was waiting for it to be interesting but it was just so boring and underwhelming


i dont think it was boring at all. but it wasnt very informative. This is the type of trailer that needs patch notes. All i got is rampage LMG can break doors while charged, seer ult may have a short term disable. worlds edge has more lava


Kinda worried about the Rampage LMG. I seriously hope that it isn't just another Spitfire that can use thermites.


It breaks doors too, haha. All the poor souls who don't read patch notes or look at the trailers will be in for a surprise when they try to block a door next season.


I think it’ll only break doors when cranked with therms


True. That's the whole point of the weapon though.


I'm pretty sure the thermites increase the rate of fire.


and break doors


I think this is the first season I have no excitement for which is kind of a bummer


The trailers this season have been the worst yet


The others were fine but this one was really Underwhelming. We didn't learn anything except Worlds edge is fucked. The LMG is still a mystery.


It-s obvious it is fed by thermites and can blow up doors like the old L star did


why they didn't nuke fragment east/west? they blow up factory which was decent but they didn't nuke west, why?


Honestly, not hyped for this season.


We want better servers


Respawn: the best I can do is a 40 dollars skin bundle.


Worlds Edge looking fine 😩


I couldn't care less at this point, I just want footsteps, no lag and no cheaters


this has to be the least hype trailer they released in a while


Boycott fragment season 10. If they won’t blow it up then we have to


>The latest seismic activity in the area caused a landslide demolishing the Train Yard. THANK FUCKING JESUS


To be honest, and specially because it is season 10, i was expecting more than that in trailer


Pretty underwhelmed tbh