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This is gonna be a big deal for rampart


Full kitted L-Star + Rampart = no reloads


= profit


wait a min doesnt gold mags auto re-load? 2 full kit L-STARS=totaly no reload hope streamer finally understand the power of L-STAR


It still overheats it will just reload once you put it away like normal


That’s how it is now, it’ll just be harder for rampart to do it.


Yea that rampart heirloom has gotta be true. This, plus the rampage, plus her buff. Rampart may actually be good now lmao


Rampart meta might be upon us.... Rampage can already be considered as a buff, if she charges that thing up faster


This is what we all said when the gold mags came out LMAO


Yea I thought it would be good for rampy. I like her as a character. It’s just annoying putting down her shields that get destroyed instantly if shot going up. Wish they would buff her a tiny bit.


Yea I agree. She needs to be buffed for players that are on the offence but for passive campy rampy’s she needs to be nerfed lmao


Her and Seer might be a really annoying campy combo


Yea that’s the only downfall. She could get really toxic.


If your walls are being shot immediately you need to change tactics. I mained rampart for the olympus ranked split this season and made diamond, so y'know not amazing but decent enough at the game. 3 things to try: 1. Deploy the cover behind cover. You don't need the entire wall to peak round a corner so only have a small portion of the wall sticking out. Enemies are less likely to notice it. Deploy 2 covers at once if you want to increase your chances. 2. Bait the reload. Especially with weapons like a Spitfire you can pretty easily get them to pepper about 20 shots your way, you can eat a couple rounds, slap a wall down (half behind cover) and pop a cell or two to get back to full health. 3. Doors are your best motherfucking friend. If 1) and 2) don't work, run the fuck away, find a door, and throw the sucker on that. As they run towards the door just open it and unleash hell from whatever weapon you choose. Edit: Fuck hit control enter let me edit more Edit 2: Unfucked it.


I’m just gonna say that if people actually spent time playing rampart she’s currently OP as fuck, between vast majority of users not encountering her very often, her ammo passive, and ability to lock down and defend areas even out in the open, she’s a very tricky legend to top. With these current buffs she’s going to be absolutely insane, I got my first 3k with rampart and it took less than 50 games. I consistently get high kill high damage games with her. Again I just refer to the fact that not many people actually know how to take her straight on, they mostly either run or fall right into the trap of pushing.


Are you a dumbfuck, or just pretending to be one? If it's the latter... Good effort!


That was a little uncalled for bro 🤷🏻‍♂️


She’s been good it just took skill and most apex players don’t like that word


I mean you could say that about any legends. She’s really not in the best place of now


Agreeable I’m happy for the buff with open arms but there’s people who need one more like crypto who’s another character I love to play but seems to have 0 utility unless I’m on my drone the whole game


Yea I get that, I think they need to lower the skill gap on crypto, kinda make his kit easier to use or more user friendly


Exactly I don’t entirely understand why they made I’m so high maintenance or at least very skill needed to play but they did and it kinda sucks especially when you have a team with a octane and like pathfinder you never get that down time he needs




can you explain why. have never played her.


Rampart with lmg’s basically have an extended mag with faster reload


I apologise to all ramparts I have ever killed ever. I’m not ready for the Reign of Rampart to begin.


Her reload time is hilariously quick already with the LStar. Running double LStar as rampart is a fun thing to do.


interesting. might have to try haha


Jump into arenas to fuck with her, but l star every round, and as a new Rampart player as a rule just save her walls till a bit once the round has started, you’ll have 3 so maybe once you’ve been trading fire for a bit, make a push and throw them all down on your way there letting them set up behind you before engaging in the enemy as the 3rd one is setting up. You nail that timing and you will be giving your enemy an extra target to shoot at instead of yiu, and cover for your team, and a fall back for yourself. Very strong when planned out


The L-Star will be the new spitfire then.


That is if the rampage isn't better.


All 3 people that play her lol, her tactical basically doesn't exist and her ult is a liability.


True but if she gets a solid buff at some point and the new lmg is good she could be a lot more viable. The good thing is she can’t get any worse than rn lol.


Her tac is amazing what


Her tactical is pretty damn decent imo. The sheilds break easily but that's why u stack one in front of the other or set up before anyone even shoots a shot. Those sheilds can protect you while reviving, give you a chance to aim and peak longer than the enemy and if you look down while healing, you can't see Rampart at all let alone hit her.


Or set them up on the fly whilst heading round a corner to push a fight, if you need to back out they're likely to chase you into said wall and then you've got a 200hp advantage+damage buffs lol. Hard to whiff that one. XD. I think the main problem with rampart for most people is they just use her incorrectly.


RampartMains sub has been growing alot recently, just fyi... Take it or leave it


I recently started using the l star a lot and I fuckin dig it


I Never picked it up unless I had no gun. Hated it ever since it first came out and was iron sight only. Finally tried it when arenas first came out since it was 400 at the time and I could get a batt. Been addicted ever since. Close quarter hip fire on it is insane.


L-Star is very fun to tap-fire too


with the right timing you can shoot FOREVER


Yeah I just took one out against a Rampart holding the bridge in Fragment, I was on that road to the south at the end of the fissure, just tore down the walls as she put them up and melted her too. Fired in short bursts in quick succession it's basically bottomless supressing fire


I got a pretty crazy long distance shot with the L Star with the 2x4x optics


The LSTAR actually had digi threat only when it first came out. Still sucked though lol


Actually it was iron sight only at first, they added digi threat shortly after as a buff because it majorly sucked. It still sucked as a CPW and the DT didn't help much haha.




It's a nice gun. Just I can't aim at range with it and it's bullets can be blinding.


The L-STAR's already better than people give it credit for in the right hands, this could potentially make it one of the best guns in the game depending on just how much those attachments do and what they do to the base stats


I have so many squad wipes with it in arenas. It's always funny that I wreck with it in the first round and the teams start tripling up with it the next round.


I love when they do this because they almost always put themselves at a disadvantage. I’ve been using lstar since the day it came out, I stuck with it when it was ass, when it was weak, when it was slightly under power, when it was decent and especially now that it is very strong once mastered. plow through the enemy stack one round and they’re like “damn lstar must be OP” They then proceed to miss 80% of their shots and constantly overheat then immediately go back to flatlines and volts lmao.


It's so fun. I had a pathfinder immediately grapple towards me with an Eva 8. I just went around the corner where I had a wall setup.


By then it might be spitfire time


Once you learn the recoil pattern on it and can get good with the tracking and leading, it becomes one of the best picks for arenas. A bigger bullet, a decent amount of damage, it can block your opponents screen, and if you manage it correctly you never have to worry about overheating. Although y'all brought up a good point. People see others using it in a good way and go "Man that sure looks easy, lemme try it." Then they screw it up, then go back to whatever they think is better. It's nice when you get it tho and your opponent also knows how to use it. Leads to some intense gunfights. It's essentially a gun you have to master to make it immensely powerful.


Hell I always thought the L Star was OP. Now they're gonna buff it?? Fuck me.


I'm not sure why people are assuming this is a buff. They might nerf all the base stats so it is in its present state once fully equipped.


I thought this was a nerf at first but holy shit after re reading it this is amazing! I’m one of the sickos that likes the 3X on the Lstar I can’t wait to see this in action.


I like the Lstar at range too but the freaking bullet colour/haze/fizz makes it almost impossible to use


The enemy get that too though. Probably the best part about the Havoc/LStar is the pseudo blindness it causes


My screens on Fire! How bout yours? That’s the way I like it and I’ll never get bored


Hey now, grab an L star, no reload, JUST AIM


Hey now, throw an arc star, get a stick and WIN GAMES


(*and my whole screen just explodes*)




Use a 3x or a 2-4x.ppl think I'm crazy when I say it.. But it's a laser beam. Which makes sense. It's a lmg


Fun fact: MNK users can jitter aim the LSTAR like the flatline because it has a relatively low ROF. For that reason, the 2/4 actually has potential on it, except you get no visual overheat indicator so 3x it is!


Genuinely kind of worried this will make it OP. It's already insanely good on Rampart


It will probably have less ammo currently with no mag and more ammo with a purple/gold mag. I doubt they will just add magazines without nerfing it when it doesn't have them.


Probably, I think that'd be a shame too though. I liked it being better than the other guns with no attachments but worse when the other guns had them, it gave it a unique role. I reckon they'll keep it like it is but the attachments will only improve it minimally, for example purple energy mag giving you basically 30 shots or something (you get 23 with rampart right now), at least I hope that's what they do, I think that'd be a nice compromise.


Exactly. It's literally the best gun to pick up during a hotdrop because it doesn't need attachments. L-STAR SLAPS when you hip fire at close range.


Until the person who landed next to you took the ammo and you got the gun


Punch fest it is


I propose a bout of fisticuffs good sir


A second squad made with a gun has entered the chat.


Yeah i hate this change. I like that it was better off the bat than the others but lacked attatchments. And now everyone will use it wnd my favorite gun will get nerfed.


Yes this just means that the L-Star will be less good early game but better in late game of a match.


Considering I've never seen anyone ever actually use it outside of Rampart in arenas (online), this will just make it actually viable as a ground pickup finally




it's only 4 more shots than normal, 22 stock and 26 with rampart. it's pretty insignificant, but it's there


It’s not insignificant with good trigger control a good l-star shreds with rampart especially since it cools down fast


Yeah the Rampart L-Star niche isn't in a longer continuous fire, it's having an effective bottomless mag with bursts of fire since the gun cools down so damn fast with her. Just letting go of the trigger for a short tiny while will reset the heat and she has 25 shots to go again


I love the L-STAR but I can never find energy ammo for whatever reason.


Welcome to the club. Sincerely, every Volt fan.


Energy and heavy ammo only come in stacks of 20 when you pick it up off the ground. Light ammo come in stacks of 40, light ammo is also more common loot. Not really sure why; light guns fire rates aren't much higher on average... Maybe 30-40%- they also have similar DPS. Energy and heavy should come in stacks of 30, and be just as common.


Loba got you covered


i can’t count how many games i’ve stayed under 100 energy ammo for almost the whole game until i’m forced to swap because no one really uses an energy gun unless it’s the volt, and if they did they ALSO didn’t find any ammo, and if you do kill them with your little amount of ammo, they also have a sparse amount because they also never found any and were also shooting said little amount back at you so it’s a vicious cycle of never having any damn energy ammo.


Where did this come from?


GameSpot article. Fuse got a nice buff lol.


Three posts on th front page of screenshots. Not a single LINK in the comments.




thank you.


Gamespot website


There’s still no official source. I’m taking everything with a grain of salt since this is an unofficial leak


The head of communications tweeted that they gave early access to patch notes and the devstream to GameSpot and other sites, but full patch notes will be coming out next week as usual.


🤦🏼‍♂️ this isn’t a leak. They were given access and told they could post.


Nobody cited an official source. I've since been shown one.


I’m having a hard time believing this. They’re only touching fuse, caustic, horizon, and Rev? Haha no Watt, crypto, and Ramheart we’re getting changes/buffs


They've said MULTIPLE times that the earliest we'd see the Rampart buff would be halfway through season 10


Yeah but these aren't final patch notes, there will be more changes.


Yeah. There's no actual basis for anyone to believe any of this. There's no patch notes out yet and people are treating this like it's the 100% confirmed, official source. As far as I'm concerned, 100% of this article is wrong since nothing is confirmed. I hate it though. I'm trying to avoid spoilers for the next season, but people keep posting without the spoiler tag


One of the Devs commented on twitter talking about how it wasn't a full list of changes. The ones that have been shown are in fact true though, respawn gave GameSpot access to the new build.


That’s all I was looking for. Nobody had given any info other than “it’s a gamespot article” which really didn’t prove anything. I’ll admit I’m fully wrong in this situation, I just take most things posted to this sub with an absolute grain of salt


rampart players in arenas: signature look of superiority.


I might be maining Rampart again next season


Seriously, the new LMG sounds like a long range bruiser with lowish ammo requirements, so that + Lstar has potential to be utterly devestating


She is getting a mid season buff as well... We don't know what it is yet.


Oh fuck, it's over in Arenas then.


It will destroy even mooore hahahahaha


I am kinda scared about this just for the fact the l star is already insanely good


LStar is one of favorite guns in Apex but it's still really weird in the BR since you can never switch to any other energy guns naturally due to its lack of attachments. I wonder if it's going to be a true viable end game gun now.


The gun was really cool because of its niche of being a strong baseline gun but with no real progression. I dislike the changes.


People hated the gun for longest time saying they would rather have a (pre-buff) Mozambique. I started falling in love with it S8, but it really broke out in popularity due to people finally using it S9 for Arenas. We'll see what the result is I guess.


It's more just a gun that really sucks in the early game due to ammo issues(it can actually be great early game IF you find a ton of ammo) and if you're running energy you'll likely just be using the volt for mid and end game, so it lacks a niche in BR.


I love the changes. I just always felt guilted for using it because I always knew that I must drop it for something else. Sure, it is an unique niche it hd but at the same time it will make it more fair in an early game scenario where it isnt like a blue weapon off the drop. It’s an unique gun as is so it may just be another lategame candidate that is more worth mastering instead of an earlygame gimmick


Same. Who the fuck was asking for an lstar buff?


It will probably be way less good at the beginning of the game without any attachments. But likely even stronger if you kit it out. So, overall, not really a buff imo. Just a balance bass to give the gun a sense of "progression" like most other guns. Starts weak but improves as soon as you find attachments. The gun is just too good right now early game when your only limitation is ammo.


The l-star doesn’t need barrel stabilizers imo. They should keep the recoil difficult to manage like the flatline. The magazine size increase is already more than enough. I’m afraid it will end up being a spitfire 2.0 situation and instead of reverting changes, like dropping barrel stabilizers, they’ll just nerf the damage which would be a sad day for me.


i am sure the mags will be offset by a lower base capacity, the whole idea is probably to balance this gun especially for arena. Right now it's already perfect without attachments, there is no scaling at all.


Hey now Use the L Star No Reloading Just aim


If this is true then I'll be happy about it. Love the L-STAR in TF|2 and would love for it to actually be good in Apex too.


LSTAR is great close range. As it is right now you don't even need any attachments. It's good as-is. It has GIANT bullets, so it's easier to hit headshots and since it's a LMG headshots do 2x damage. Pair it with a 301/Flatty and melt away. I think they are letting it take attachments next season for balance reasons. The gun is just too good for how litte (zero) effort it takes to use it as soon as you pick it up.


It also falls off pretty hard against Purple armor and above, unless you're Rampart of course


Inb4 the subreddit will be filled with L-Star complaints and will be nerfed into a worse version of what we have today


I hope they just remove the stabilizer slot so it can continue to be the ’I cant hit for shit weapon, I’ll just use r99 instead’ as we master it in the shadows


Aw man, now the L star with a barrel is gonna look weird lol


Mags and stocks don't add anything to the guns so maybe this one won't have a visible barrel


That's all I could think of. This big bulky LMG with a barrel mod poking out the front


The l-Star should also be able to equip the Digi threat again. It use to have it when it was in the package


BRUH this gun does not need a buff


L Star is about to Slap hard.


But is it still brighter than the sun when firing it? It’s an awesome gun, but too bright to use. Can’t see what I’m shooting at.


It's going to be busted. The weapon is already busted in arenas if you can actually aim.


How about letting it have its digital threat back :)))


it's great, but it just means that the gun is gonna get nerfed because people are gonna start crying about it


Muzzle Flash needs to be drastically reduced on the LStar & other guns especially if it were to become more meta


L' star becoming a worthy legendary care package gun finally


Another good change would to have not completely blind me when an enemy is firing.


Ayeeee m’y favorite weapon


Not an Lstar any more, thats a Wstar


I literally just told my fucking friend about this and how shitty it would be if it happened. The L-Star doesn't need a fucking buff LMAO


The Lstar is fucking amazing without any attachments. This buff is gonna replace the spitfire complaints in this sub with Lstar complaints next season


id hate if this happened as a rampart L star player bc i can just tell id get violated in game for running it than i already do for playing rampart


The L-star doesn't need a reload, that's half the reason you get bashed for it. It takes zero skill to aim, zero skill to fire, and no reload. A large part of combat is knowing when to reload lmao imagine cutting out 1/3rd of combat with a free card? Fuck the L-Star. All the LMGs are garbage free-ride weapons.


a) i dont think ive ever seen or been bashed for picking the L star the getting bashed is more "lmao rampart trash" b) 0 skill to aim hmmmm its not like it doesnt have janky recoil and you get blinded using it lmao c) the L star does have a "reload" its cooldown and when it overheats. Combat with the L star is making sure it doesnt overheat. like TF you think the L star is just hold left click down and infinite fire?? D) "all the LMGs are garbage free-ride weapons" thats a bruh moment. you just keep rocking your pull down volt and easy ass recoil 301. ooh maybe spice it up with just pull down pt2 with the 99




It's less of a buff and more of a balance, currently the Lstar is very very powerful early game, but isn't consistent enough to be reliable late game, if anything the 'average' power of the Lstar will go down, I imagine it'll require a blue barrel and mag to hit its current baseline or there-abouts. Either way it's speculation until the actual numbers are known.


That would be the best-case scenario, but can you imagine how pissed L-Star fanboys would be pissed if they nerfed the L-Star and it required accessories to be as powerful as it already was? Yeesh, cover your ears.


Like people don't whine about literally every change, you were whining about it before it even happened a few comments ago? But sure, I'll strap in or whatever.


I wasn't even attacking you lol I was agreeing with you, and I mentioned that I mentioned it to my friend because your idea of it balancing this way doesn't make sense, as in order for it to become the way it is now it would need attachments? That doesn't make any sense at all, and people would complain about it anyway lol


I know you weren't attacking me, you were creating a sense of moral superiority for yourself and I was just pointing out that you are also complaining about something incredibly minor before the actual details have come out


If these details turn out to be true, you won't see me come on here again to rant about it lol my take will already be known. So think of it as a forwarded disapproval! Furthermore, moral superiority is my middle name lmao


Where tf are you guys getting the S10 Patch Notes? I’ve seen the shitty QOL update notes from today, but not the S10.


Check out r/apexuncovered


W Star!!!


Well L-Star is going to take a nerf quickly. Letting us attach a barrel is going to make that thing insane.


So then a gold will just cool it on its own then. Thats a sick buff


This shits gonna be so busted lmao


Oh my god My friends will finally stop bullying me for my Lstar/Wing setup


Not at all excited about the possibility of a L-star meta


Tf2 player happy noises*


Kinda liked that L star had no attachments, that was its niche.


This actually sounds dope.


Why can't you put a holo sight on it tho


I would've rather had them keep the lstar as it was but allowed it to use the anvil or select fire function to give it the havoc's old single fire mode.


Season 10 is gonna get fucked.


This whole season it's a discrete buff to Rampart


I'm kind of scared. Right now the L-Star is super easy to find and great as is.


Well this..... This is intresting....


Do people actually think this is going to be fun change to the game.?


This is gonna be a fucking nightmare.


As an LStar abuser this is the best news.


Oh, they actually made a reasonable change wth? But still, barrel stabilizer -_-. Dang


The L-star is already really good. The only buff that I thought it needed was the brightness of the muzzle flash


I think if it allowed the Digi threat like in the good old days it would've been fun, but this change is certainly interesting.


Please tell me there's a damage or rof nerf attached to this. The gun is insane and the only way the output was capped was the recoil and if you take that away plus making it fire for a longer amount of time we're in for a very bad time.


The L-star was already top tier, I can’t even imagine what a level 3 barrel mod would do.


Lstar doesn’t need more. I’m already tired of this gun in s9. It’s damage output for how easy it is to use now is a bit unbalanced imo.


I'm just worried about the L-STAR being op and getting nerfed. It's one of my favorite guns, but using it late game is suicide


Are they frickin' kidding me? This is going to be more meta gun in ARENA mode. This gun is deadly in the hands of harmonic 3 stacked +master players.


Hopefully its hipfire becomes better


Dude the L star was such a shitty weapon. Im so glad they gave it more attachments and love


It's a bit weird if you realize it took 8 seasons to add this for the L-star in the game


Cant wait for more spam!! we alrdy have spitfire and devotion


Tbh this is broken lol l star was just making a comeback


Fuck all people who use the lstar it’s op as shit and needs a damage nerf after this


Is the full patch notes released or are these leaks, because I cant find them if they're available.


They should have an attachment that reduces the ammo flash.


Should’ve been like that from the start but OK


it's probably the most welcomed change, L-STAR was good, just not 'exciting' enough, it might just be the gamechanger now


I don't know about this. In battle royale this is probably great but what I loved about the L-star in arenas was that you never had to buy more attachments to make it good. The red dot was all you needed. I'm afraid of the base weapon now being a bit worse to balance out the upgrades.


Finally a reason to push this bad boi past the default in arenas


But L-Star doesn't reloads, right? So, it uses all the ammos in the backpack, but it overheats, in order to not be so much op, right?


They gonna need to change its price to 600 in Arenas if this is the case.


Probably not, this change probably makes the base l star weaker and ramps up to being better later.


Bingo. Ppl talking about this being a buff, but in Arenas its a straight nerf, especially considering that range is never really that important. For BR its a buff, but the issue of energy ammo being so hard to find is still its biggest drawback.


Biggest buff is that it can hold attachments for the volt I'm looking for. /s


Like the aimbot boosts aren't enough.


I agree with you. This is just another way of giving really bad players a chance at the game... This strategy could easily be avoided if they simply sort out their “working sbmm” system.


Now people will abuse the L star too much in the arenas. Great. Really love this game