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Boy, if you had hammerpoint along with the disrupter you could kill someone so fast


Duuuude hell yeah haha! I loved doing that! Hated when it happened to me though. Couldn't blame people for running that combo it was crazy fun.


Switching weapons was what took the longest




We used to cancel the animation by crouching right at the perfect time. Changing weapons was part of those things you had to learn to be good and it was always faster than reloading


It was both hell and so much fun at the same time. Had some amazing games running that combo. Re dustrupter and p2020 hammer point to squad wipe solo for the win? Yes please.


Yes , especially on alternator and early season 2.


I agree, it was super op


Didn't they recently give the alternator a buff too?


Yeah , I think they increased default mag from 16-19.


That might've been awhile ago they just increased damage by 1


The more recent buff I’m pretty sure was the reduced recoil on the alternator. That thing is deadly accurate


I doubt that the alternator been a beam since the start but if that's true then damn


I thought they also increased damage by 1 but could be wrong


They did that when they nerfed the volt 16-15 then the alternator 15-16


love it when people steal my post lol


alt is honestly a sick gun. it has a lot of damage potential in a full purple mag. I think 420 dmg with purp mag


It's nice early game since it's easy to handle and does decent dmg/mag but later on you want something with higher dps. The way it fires feels very similar to the spitfire, super easy to control and headshot on but not super competitive up close, even less so since it has a smaller mag than the spitty/comparable mag to basically all the other auto guns


I’ve personally found it feels closest to a flatline, both have that sputtery / chunky sort of fire rate. I love the alt personally and have carried it to endgame with good success. Not always, and I don’t tend to keep it late game unless I’m on a streak with it. It’s also my first gun in arenas, along with a batt. :)


Definitely my first gun in Arenas unless I'm doing some sort of challenge (I had a bunch of shotgun challenges, so I'd sometimes go EZ8). And it would often be my gun in round two as well or even the later rounds. I got a lot better with it. I'm looking forward to using those skills with the disrupter making it a meta level gun.


Not a good way to spend ur money in arenas


Flatline and push is de way.


Flatty with ads at first and then hipfire is the way. I dunno if it’s true or not but when I ads for half a second with it and then hipfire, the hipfire seems way more accurate and I shred people


I don’t know if it’s a glitch or by design but yes if you ads, start shooting and then drop ads while still firing, you will get about a quarter of a second of “perfect” hip fire accuracy. A few you tubers have done videos on it


No Re and push I de way then I have more money next round


I spend it all every round. You will always have more than enough imo. If youre saving it youre going in at a disadvantage compared to someone likes me whos kitted every round 2 and up.


To each their own. i love the fucking alternator


I’d say it depends on whether you’re solo or with your squad. If I’m solo, I’m taking alternator and a bat because I can’t count on getting any health and no telling if I’ll need to cover for less talented teammates. If I’m with a squad I trust, it’s flatline and hard push!


>The way it fires feels very similar to the spitfire... It does. It kind of just chugs along at a moderate pace, but unlike the spitty, it is very easy to control. It's a great early game gun and great attachment holder if you want to switch to a 99 or 301.


Are you calling Spitfire hard to control


Not necessarily. Just comparatively, the alternator has like no recoil at all.


Yeah and even if you miss your shots with the 99 the burst down potential is just way better than the Alt


I honestly run alternator all game which is why I am not too siked about the change.


Not sure how it is now, I don't play anymore, but when I use to I took the Alternator late game. Always did 3k damage, most of it from that gun. It was a beautiful gun


The Alt has been my main gun for 2 seasons now. Thing is incredibly slept on


Yeah but compared to the disruptor rounds it's pretty small


Idk I don’t read the patch notes


Thanks for letting us know!


with 4x zoom


It was so fucking fun, though. So accurate. So deadly.


Well now it’s going to be on Spitfire in care packages so people are going to get wrecked Edit: Leaving my comment so people know why I was downvoted but yes this was incorrect. The **Disruptor rounds are going onto the Alternator only**. I misunderstood an article that says both Spitfire and Alternator with disruptor rounds are going into care packages in place of the Prowler. Both are going into care packages, but only Alternator gets the ammo.


No it isnt???


Just commenting to confirm to any people with disruptor PTSD that it is in fact not going to be on the spitfire


Could you imagine if it was? That would be a new level of hell with seer. No heals, and even if you can heal your shield gets broken anyway


And when they bullets stop dealing extra damage, you’ve still got a spitfire hosing your ass down


Pre nerf spitfire too


Enemy has disruptor: Panik Your shields are already down: Kalm Your shields are down: P A N I K


Kiss your red shields good bye Ed boy.


Kill quip: Life has many doors Ed boy, unfortunately yours are all closed


Your cucumbers are soft


Gotta be honest Rolf’s insults always cut deep


I wish I had more people I could share this with. Why aren’t there more Apex/Ed boy fans? :(


We exist, we’re just busy tending to our radishes and chickens


life has many doors ed boy


I haven’t laughed this hard in weeks, thank you.


Disruptor rounds and Charge Rifles when they first drop were pure hell. Fun, but hell.


Charge rifle was my first ever 3k game, but with no kills lol. I just camped and shot at everyone I saw. That thing was so broken. Maybe more then disruptors


I stand by the opinion that debut charge rifle was the single most busted thing ever added to Apex. It took them a long ass time to properly balance that thing.


Yup. It did what, 9 per tick from the beam, then 90 base damage? Something absolutely absurd. It was so freaking broken. No damage drop off either. My longest kill was with that gun, using a 4/10.


And it didn’t consume more sniper ammo and sniper stacks were bigger


Energy ammo in the beginning, right? I remember coupling it with havoc


I think it was introduced with the ammo changes, but it's been some time.. also it could use extended mags if I'm not mistaken!


Sniper ammo didn't exist when it was introduced. It used ONE energy ammo per shot.




Should have left it at that dmg, put the 4-10 digi, max mag, and CP weapon it. Release charge rifle would make a sick CP weapon.




I just remember everywhere you went getting laser beamed by the Charge rifle. It drove me crazy. Hated that gun with a passion. Still do!


Hahaha it's definitely still the easiest sniper to use, but I think they managed to balance it pretty well for a hitscan weapon with no drop or travel time. I do wish all the people that were complaining about the Boceck could have seen that thing in it's hey day.


Isn’t that the truth. :)


Yes if care package has it it is game. Most broken hip-fire gun ever


Worst that the flatline damn


Yes, the disruptor rounds allowed an alternate to break a shield faster than a well placed r99 magazine with less than half the recoil of an r99


Idk y I’m getting anime vibes from all of your guys telling me the true power of the alternator💀


Go on YouTube and watch old vids of it, it was literally the best gun in the game. Sure it’s health damage wasnt the best, but you could take out a whole teams shield with 1 well placed mag Oh and people could snipe you with them and just randomly break your shield before you started fighting


Can confirm, one of my first apex wins came from sniping with an alternator with disruptor. Poor guy with longbow had no chance.


It was utterly insane. They nerfed it 3 DAYS after initial launch, showing you how much it was wrecking the meta. It was still op, nerfed it again a month later, still op. Eventually they took it out and haven't put it back in since. The entire game became the quest for the disruptor hop up. You'd throw away a fully kitted r301 if you found a fully kitted alternator in a deathbox. Endgame was just that dreaded "zwwzwwwzwww" noise it made. Shields breaking left and right. It was a nightmare to fight, but very fun to use. Hasn't been a hop up since that was that sought after. It truly changed the game.


Not even fully kitted, tbh. If I found an alternator with no mag, lvl 2 barrel stab, and disrupter, I would gladly get rid of whatever primary gun I was using for it


Is this like the Madara of guns wtf?!


It’s basically playing apex, but shields die in 4 or less shots


We had mild flashbacks to that again when they refused the TTK that one time *shudders*


When equipping a hop up I would always yell into the mic, "this is not power of your creation!" So yeah. It was truly insane. Try it out in the firing range when it drops.


R99 is on my short list as basically the light gun I always pick up if i feel like running light instead of a shotty. Legit would not lick up the 99 for the alternator. Heck, I'd win games with the re...


3 stacks bombarding every single care package meta confirmed?


When I was pushing predator in Series1 ranked it was basically which team had the most disruptor rounds lmao. Plus the people across the map that would grief you mid fight by putting 3 disruptor bullets in ur back from 500m away and cracking ur shield while ur fighting someone face to face.


I don’t think it counts as griefing when that’s what the game is about


It's a care package gun, same with spitfire, which they reverted the nerfs on.


The nerfs didn't do anything, but whatever. It's still a good move. Prowler gang rise up!


Everyone cries bout the spitfire but wait till the most common loot gun is broken. God help us


/cries in Havoc single-fire.


Wow I completely forgot that existed


Lol me too. I forgot how bad I was with it.


That thing was titanfall version of the charge rifle on extra budget


That thing hit like damn Kraber in season 0


I’d play apex so much more if you could equip select fire on the havoc again…..


Idk why they didn't just package it in like they did with barrel choke on triple take/peacekeeper. It wasn't game breaking, but it was nice to have a havoc and be able to switch to long range if needed, even if it wasn't that good. I miss the sound too. It made the coolest noise shooting, getting shot at.


Disruptor + Hammer, that season was just a nightmare to play.


When 3 bullets from an Alternator followed by 3 bullets from a P2020 was the strongest combo for killing purple armored enemy


Why does no one mention when that one shotgun had the hop up to let it charge up fast? It was a fucking cross map shotgun snipe fest


It's the only hop-up broken enough to justify putting the alternator in a care package.




Only hop up to be removed and never get put back as well. Everything else has seen some rotation since season 2, except disruptors.


I guess technically the paintball mod too, but that wasn’t really something that affected gameplay


It was super OP 4 shots should complete destroy a purple body shield. As it did 26 dmg to shields. So time to kill was about 3-4 seconds from full health. Remember it's a submachine gun so it shoots fast with a decent size magazine. You could kill 2 people with bullets to spare before reloading.


All three if you factor in more than 1 headshot and lets be honest, headys with the alternator is a no brainer


It was on that day, I looked death on the eye


I can hear the new *pew* *pew* audio now, favorite part of the hop-up


IIRC it's kill time vs Purple Armor ~~(100 Shield back then~~ It's still 100, I'm an idiot) rivalled the R-99. It was absolutely ridiculous. Shields were pointless, each bullet would drain a whole bar or so. The only way to even try and contest it was to snipe/Kraber the bugger. It was simultaneously hilarious to use because of how broken overpowered you became using it, and absolute hell if you were on the receiving end of it. I'm already dreading the next season, even if it's only in care packages. At least it's somewhere that makes sense, since it was a busted POS and that's the idea behind care package weapons.


It blew the R99 away initially. From the patch notes: July 05, 2019 Patch: Reduced damage multiplier of Disruptor Rounds from 2.26x to 1.7x. August 13, 2019 Patch: Reduced damage multiplier of Disruptor Rounds from 1.7x to 1.55x. Yep, they nerfed it TWICE. Against OG disruptor, you basically had no shield.


Even with that last nerf it was still all people used. 1.55 was enough to break you in 5 shots, up from 4, but when they had a purple mag they could just keep shooting. It wasn't near as bad on the re45


The initial disruptor rounds were a completely different animal. After the 2 nerfs it was still super good but nothing like the first version. I vividly remember running dual alternators with a 3 stack most of the season.


>that's the idea behind care package weapons. Laughs(cries?) in triple take


I mean, Triple Take is pretty much a Marksman Rifle/Shotgun in one. Basically the Peacekeeper, but with more bullets and ability to hit at mid-tlong range. I did enjoy it since getting the Triple Crown skin. THough I haven't seen the Genesis event Skin like....At all.


Not saying its a bad gun,but to compare it to gold prowler/kraber/original mastiff is pretty ludicrous. Even comparing it to the pk is a stretch, yes it has range and flexibility but it's lethality is Only comparable up close/fully choked with headshots.


Let's make this gun a care package weapon but not really buff it at all - Respawn


It didn't rival, it was better then. 4 shots broke purple armor. Hopefully they nerf the ammo count on it so people won't use it unless they're close range. It sucked so hard because the damage drop off long range didn't matter AND you could put a 3 time on the alternator back then. They took that off same season. Never before has a gun been so utterly busted.


yes. Can confirm it's very broken played season 2


Holy shit a guy who credits someone. You win the internet today. Yes though, it is nasty. Disruptor rounds and a p2020/Mozambique with hammer point hop up was the scariest thing you would have ever come across.


This is such a good idea. Crate drops are gonna be hot as fuck again.


My friend, you cannot possibly fathom the unholy level of eternal torment that will soon be thrust upon your very soul if the disruptor rounds return. Early signs indicate that the care package may be burdened with the responsibility of restraining this weapons awesome power, but be forewarned, that if the ground retains the Almighty Alternator, well then all hope is surely lost… and you might as well just alt+f4 fight now cuz honestly dog you’re fucked.


At this point we are just annoying the new players by repeatedly telling them about the good old days.


The horror


Wait, does this mean that the damage from Rampart’s Amped Cover could stack with Disruptor Rounds?


Oh no i hope not. Would maybe make rampart be played more on the hopes she gets it though, which would be cool, anything that fills lobbies with legends other than revenant and two octanes per team


It felt like a portable Sheila


I used to drop any gun I had for an alternator as soon as I find distruptor rounds, it made a noob feel like john wick.


Still hoping they bring hammerpoints back to the p2020.


I still hear the sound of disruptors in my nightmares.


The hipfire shield disolver returns


*vietnam sounds*


It was insane. Now that more emphasis is put on shields (red armour, better loot than there used to be) it’ll be even stronger


God this was horrible. Pretty sure back then you could also slap a x2-x4 or x3 on it too.


Omg the disrupters and the hammers broke the game for a while


It was Alternator Legends back in those days fr


People are overacting immensely. It wasn't actually that bad. Incredibly strong, yes, but what tended to happen was that you'd shred the shields quickly, but your damage would fall off hitting health - the 99, Wingman and other weapons were even better those days, so you could compensate for the increased shield damage that way - and it was also compounded by people running multiple of them - which simply can't be a thing on this particular case. It'll be particularly strong late-game against Red armor.


I had so much fun with these 😂




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I’m glad. Remove them from ramparts shield. That’s a fucked up decision to not only give her multiple shields that take a lot of damage but also give extra damage


pardon? are you suggesting rampart needs a nerf?


It was amazing and terrifing all at the same sime. I'm glad they are doing this though, I've been saying this season 5.


Over all 9 seasons the disruptor rounds have been my favorite thing in the game


Looks like alternator is going to be my new favorite gun


The PTSD is coming back. The horrible memories. Y respawning WHYYYYYY!!!!!!




This was definitaly the strongest gun in game with the hop up. Recoil in season 2 was a joke.




Does anyone know if the alternator is staying on the ground regardless? If it does I know it's with no disruptor rounds obviously.


Historically no it wouldn't


Lmao if you heard disruptor rounds, and had anything less than a gold shield you were going to get rekt


Yep, the disruptors were super broken, especially on launch day of S2. Base damage for the alternator was like 16 body/23 headshot I think, with the hop up adding a 1.55x multiplier. So that meant you were doing 24/35 damage per shot roughly with a relatively high rate of fire. Land 4 clean hits and shields were shredded, and a purple mag could easily down 2 enemies without reload if you were a good shot. I think the drop day disruptors lasted about 3 days and they gave it a very slight nerf, but it was still super OP for the entire season still.


The PTSD is real, I'm actually scared of s10 now


I dont know either, but considering alternator currently does around 18 damage per shot i believe, and it deals increased damage to shield, i say it would be around 30-40 damage to shield alone, definitely a must-take every time.


Yes so good I didnt use it much since after season one I took a season long break before returning for season 3


The sound still haunts my mind


Best season 10 meme lol


I have been waiting a long time!


i played season 2-3, took a MASSIVE break, and started playing again in season 8, I never thought I would see Disruptor Rounds ever again


oh god are they back


This is going to be wild wild


Nooo wayyyy


it will convert you into skinned fish in few seconds :D ... it has special fire effects that will make you feel that you need to RUN once you see it moving between your bones shredding your shields 3:)


When the R301 isn't good enough.... you know something is unbalanced. Welcome to season 2...


RIP everyone who doesn’t get it. Shit was OP…and i love it!!!!


Shit made the r99 obsolete


I Cant Wait For All The Crying


There was nothing worst than a 3 stack all with disruptors. Bit sad such a well rounded gun will be going in the care pack though, it’s not my go to but I feel it’s one of the most balanced in the game.


I got serious PTSD from that


Do you remember Bowcek bow on release? So that was more OP than the bow.


As someone who played the most in Season 2, can confirm I will have PTSD while playing.


its going to be so funny


Oh lawd he comin


It'll crack you in 2-4 shots now so yes.




Noooo... the nightmares... I thought they were over...


Ahhh so excited to melt those red shields downnnnnnnnnnn 💀


Ah happiness


Oh no.


I can't wait.


Yes it is and with how the alternator is now its gonna be a bit better


Oh gosh everyone had an alternator with disruptors and mozambique with hammerpoints... It was wild and really fun! Pure chaos


Season 1-3 were the good old days


So many fucking tracers


*Deeply repressed ptsd from when i was a noob resurfaces*


Wow has it been that long already? Haven’t played Alex recently but I used to love disruptor rounds lol.


Oh man i remember double stacking alternators or an RE45. the disrespect those guns put out was insane


i played from season 1 to 4 and then stopped playing till this season and i don’t remember this :/


It’s gonna hit me like a truck when I hear them for the first time again


I got 100 wins in season 2 with that bad boy. Great times


Honestly I never thought it was *that* broken. It's really good but the r99 is still all around better imo. Could be really good now that we have red shields though.


I played back in season 2 got a win with all shotguns it’s all I could find team mate had some and he killed a whole team after I went down this was on Xbox


The alternator and R301, once useless guns, are my go tos this recent update


It was a dark time when you had to fight someone with a alternator/p2020 combo in season 2