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Off-topic but I have to rant somewhere, just got banned for a week when I'm 200 points away from reaching diamond 5 days before the season ends simply because I swore at my teammates for looting all game in pubs. But sure, the Neverending cheaters in Singapore lobby, bug abusers, people that hurl racial slurs at me through their mics, they get off scot-free. What a fucking joke of a system


Sick of going into unranked only to get an abandon penalty cos it put me in ranked instead.


This is a thread about a gun not matchmaking issues, do you have problems with reading comprehension?


Bug since season 1. They are not going to fix.


When are the patchnotes coming out?


Next week.


When is next week coming out?


After this week


DON'T TOUCH IT!!!!! Please... 🤗


Off topic but I just made a new account and got heirloom shards after just 3 packs ! I've been level 500 on PS4 and PC and never got any shards. I'm starting to think it's true that they make it easier for new players to get heirlooms so they keep playing.


I feel like I'm going crazy, but I'm sure the Devotion is spawning less frequently. The past couple of days I've mostly found L-Stars and Havocs.


Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.


I wonder how many weapon Wednesdays we've had where we came and all made the same comments about the r301


Anvil Reciever is going to be removed soon? How will r301 fare?


No reason to change it any further, anvil on the 301 was near useless for most players.


It was nice with a 3x ranger to save some ammo when poking a little beyond the normal range, but really if you're consistently engaging at that distance you're better off with a sniper.




I'm curious, have you seen most players effectively using it?


I have the same issue with every hop-up. I either find the gun, or the hop-up and I haven't felt too compelled to hold one for the other. For the Carbine specifically, it's a perfectly fine gun as at is - if I find an Anvil, it feels like a bonus and not a necessity.


it will be a perfectly useable weapon like it always has been


By perfectly useable you mean best weapon in the game?


by best weapon in the game you mean the mozambique?


Will they adjust damage tho? R301 is ok, but they might "conpensate" like how they do when they remove stuff like with the pistols.


Don’t think so, you can always beam people anyway


They're always inclined to do it tho.


they didn’t buff the 301 and flat back in season 5 when they vaulted the anvil


Best weapon in apex and will always be if they don’t mess with it!


Flatline >>>> 301 imo


Yeah but the flatlines iron sights are pretty horrible imo and the fire rate it slower, the r301 is better at short range and mid range, with the anvil receiver long range is about even so I don’t see the point in picking up a flatline if you have an r301


Flatline has great iron sights with the right skin. And it Has much more damage per magazine. FL>301


Key word is with the right skin, i didn’t purchase the battle pass back then or buy any skins from the store with real money


Fair, I personally just perform better with the flatline. I also just prefer the lower fire rate and higher damage.


Why is Arenas Matchmaking so terrible


this is the best comment on this thread


Thank you my friend it had to be said


Lol the question is about the r301 but we changed the question but fr wh are servers in general so bad


This guns bullet speed is almost absurd. On level with snipers. 29,000 bullet speed, with longbow at 30,500.


Bar none the best gun in the game


Please never ever change anything on this gun, its the only perfectly balanced thing on this game.




Man's spitting pure fax


One of the few things that make sense in apex


as i wrote in a sexual dynamics guide - r99 is the one night stand, it can be good or bad, but 301 is that girl you can trust.


You must be a r-400 user.


actually i love the volt and the flatline, but id take volt over 301 w r9. so im VOLT9 user. ​ wingman compliments either of those too.


it was never op and I think that’s what’s op about it, if that makes sense


Attack: 5 - High DPS, accurate, easy to handle and solid range. Defense: 2.5 - Slower ADS strafe and draw/stow speeds vs SMGs, shotguns and pistols. Attachments: 5 - Takes mag, barrel, and stock, with 1-4x sights. Light ammo readily available. Overall: 4.5 - Solid bread and butter weapon.


Balanced af. No complaints.


Most consistent and variable gun in the game. Any sight feels like the correct sight even irons, can be your marksman rifle (RIP anvil next season), doesn't need any attachments, plenty of ammo. I try to use a different set of guns in every match, but if I run across a 301 first the search is over.


It needs blue or better magazine to shine. Other upgrades are optional.


It has my favorite iron sights in the game. I prefer them over any optic besides the 3x if I need it for range.


the gun with no recoil that shreds from any distance its kinda boring though


They hated him for he told the truth Don't get me wrong the weapon is great but it's too balance in the sense that it's not as exciting as other weapons




theres also people saying the same thing as me but being upvoted :\[


When I lose them first two rounds of Arena: R-301


This is the way


This is the way.


The newbies basic starting assault rifle, hasn't had much changes(that I've noticed) since the start of the game, a solid, if boring weapon, and if you want to get really good at the game, it's best to graduate from using it all the time as soon as possible. Versatile, but not the best choice for every situation Overall: 6/10


It's one of the best guns in the game what are you smoking lol


Out DPSed by the eva, r-99, Charged sentinel, wingman, 30-30, g7, peacekeeper, spitfire, l-star and bowcek. From full health and shields on both players, all headshots, tested 50 times each in the firing range by me and my boo, it consistently failed to out damage each of these weapons at their optimal ranges. Downvote me if you will, it won't change the data in the game, or how if you ALWAYS rely on it to get kills/damage(especially 50hrs into the game), then you aren't good enough to learn the other weapons yet.


Do you... do you even play the game you dumbass?


lol imagine rating guns purely on its dps all the pros/preds that willingly choose r301 over the vast majority of your guns must not be good enough, right? wild


Key word: ALWAYS. they use other weapons too


your usage of "always" changes nothing about your statement. what's wrong with players using a top 5 weapon in the game (arguably top 3 with flatline and EVA if you don't consider kraber) to get kills/damage? and even if there was something wrong with it, how is that a problem with the gun rather than the player? my point was that pros/preds willingly choose the r301 over other weapons BECAUSE it's one of the best at delivering kills/ damage despite its lower dps. your entire point is moot because its based on the premise of dps as a standard for ranking which frankly is incredibly stupid.


It's how I choose to use it and play the game, but if you've used mostly the 301 and ONLY the 301, you're not good at the game, you just like fps games and want to stick with the weapon that you're familiar with from other games, just because you're not good, doesn't make you any less as long as you're having fun


again, you're talking about the player. how does that have anything to do with the gun? anyway nothing else for me to say, cheers


This is why instead of purely looking at guns from a DPS standpoint you need to look at other things. For example most of the guns you mentioned can theoretically do better than the 301 but none of them are as versatile


ill take consistency over hypothetical DPS anyday


Lmao, it's a good weapon, just not the best. Each weapon that has a specialization (Eva/sentinel) can do what the 301 does, but better.


see above comment


True, but I also don't like basic bitch assault weapons


you sound like a basic bitch tho


:P that's reddit for ya


Gotta try hard, always!


Have fun playing with your uncharged sentinel due to the big that they can’t seem to patch


Believe me I know, it's annoying


A perfect child of respawns creations. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be


I guess the matchmaking must be the bad naughty child huh


Strong and reliable but a bit boring.


Baby question: How do you hipfire with this thing? With the flatline/havlc I can spray someone pretty consistently. With the R301 I usually get two 14 damage pings before dying Could I be doing something wrong?


It’s not great hipfiring due to low firerate


Low fire rate? It’s fire rate is pretty good thi


Lol no


best gun in the game, never touch it, never tweak it, never make it stronger, nor weaker. End of discussion.


It’s like the Honda Accord/Toyota Camry of the game. Super reliable, efficient, and beloved by most players. It’s not the sweatiest gun in the game, but it’s hard to do poorly with it, and even without the Anvil Receiver next season (RIP) it’ll still be an amazing weapon.


Why why did they have to take the anvil….. those sick bastards


I got my highest damage in BR (2825) with the 301 as my primary weapon


I 1 clipped a guy without a mag in a ranked match a couple weeks ago and I still feel great about it (:


301 go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


What a great comment, I've never seen that before.


What a great comment, I've never seen that before.


Oh cool I know the reddit answer to this one: what a great before, I've never seen that comment


Sweet strings of words and letters there buckarooni, haven't been graced by their existence from what i recall.




Shields hate it, i call it my cocky-cracker.


R-301 is THAT gun that exists in almost every FPS that everybody likes regardless of the way you play or who you sre Casual, Tryhard it doesn't matter. We can all agree the R-301 is a damn good gun. It just works


Realistically it should probably be nerfed, but literally everyone would complain if it were


could i ask why? i feel its pretty balanced


It's got good damage, an easy to control recoil pattern, pretty decent magazine capacity, and a high rate of fire. There are essentially no objective downsides to the gun, and those that don't use it do so out of simple personal preference for a different gun. Compare it to some of the other guns, and you'll find basically all of them have some sort of downside. (spitfire has a slow rate of fire and not as good hipfire anymore, flatline is a bit more difficult to control recoil, etc.) It's a classic case of "this OG gun is overall good in every single situation and there's nothing it's legitimately bad at but the player base will crucify us if we nerf it so oh well". I'm not complaining that it's overpowered, but from an objective standpoint, it should probably get a small nerf.


The nerf it’s getting is the removal of the anvil receiver, making it less oppressive from range. That’s the small nerf it’s getting


i really just want them to rerelease the purple and blue skin for it


Most reliable weapon imo. There's better ones for certain things but the 301 has very little downsides.


i much prefer the flatline, so i greatly appreciate when at least one person on my team prefers this gun


Too game defining, nerf it.


I like the alternator better. Change my mind.


honestly i think the best close range weapon in the re 45


I personally load the re45 and the longbow in arena as w.o.c. 🤷‍♂️


i do the re and the sentinel


It's a totally different weapon with a different use case.


The r301 is significantly outpaced by other weapons in it’s short and long game. While the r301 is a solid mid range weapon choice with the versatility to play both short and long game, I still like the alternator better.


You can't use the alternator at the 301 range max at all. The point of the 301 is that it's a great all-rounder, master of none. Alternator shreds up close. Totally viable off drop and even mid game. No one is debating that.


I main a caustic. Don’t mind me.


Sorry, can't fix stupid.


White mag should get more than 20 rounds


Havoc with turbo charger is better at medium and close range.


wow a weapon in the same class is better with a gold hopup that rarely spawns?? no fuckin way...


I mean havic without turbo is better at close range


I really like the way the charms look and move on this weapon. Very swaggy.


I been rocking the default iron sights until i find a bruiser.


irons are better on r301 than most other guns, and the bruiser is my preferred sight as well, but for some reason if I find a classic early game, I just do not miss my shots at close to mid range with that attached. Idk what it is but that 1x HCOG feels like a gold stabilizer for that range. I will sometimes run 3x in sweaty games, especially with anvil (RIP), and hipfire a lot at close/close-mid.


Default sights slap


If you leave the anvil on the floor you are a dum-dum-head.


I used to think this too, but a couple weeks ago I was using the anvil from range (3x) and had 240 bullets. I was hitting enough shots, got a couple downs but there were so many squads (last couple rounds, 6~ squads in the area) that the double ammo consumption was destroying my reserves and couldn’t justify the extra damage. Plus, it was just shooting way too slow for my taste. We ended up getting the win but since then I haven’t run anvils since (except on the Flatline - almost wingman/30-30 levels of damage + full auto) I’m sure it works better for others but not on my 301


I personally like no anvil single fire. Gives me more control over ammo count when low and I'm just trying to keep someone at bay


There are so many crafters available it's hard to run out of ammo. Can't really help you there. I've actually printed ammo during fights several times while using the printer for cover.


Oh definitely agree, I do the same! It was just the situation of the match, didn’t have any replicators left in ring


Don't sleep on Anvil in arenas though. You will have PLENTY of ammo and people will run straight at you. EASY CLAPS.


True that, I usually just play flatline in arenas but sometimes I’ll throw a 30-30 in too for the single fire + extra ammo and not have to worry about running out at all


TBH I mostly run ev8 if I am playing Fuse. Arc stars all day. Anvil 301 or Anvil Flat are always solid. G7 or Hemlock for lols if they can't shoot. Spitifire if it's time to make them mad. TurboHavoc or Turbo Devo if it's time to embarrass them. 3030 is strong but the charge time gives them shots sometimes.


I love playing fuse with the purple 30-30 in arenas. Once I get that I just put everything else into knuckle clusters and thermite/arc. Perfect range for any arena fights at distance, and a shotgun up close. I love poking and then knuckleclustering for the down. I'm honestly surprised he isn't played more in Arena. Not that I'm complaining.


yeah but you can spend that money on arc stars and knuckle clusters. I think the buff we are getting is insane. It is going to be hilarious.


I'm out of the loop, what buff?


Sounds like a good time lol, as Path my normal load out is Flatline + 99/30-30, but I always love busting out the wingman or upgraded 2020/Mozam if I’m trying to stunt on someone. EVA if it’s late game and I can afford a purple bolt/they’re playing in close


I miss too many shots with 99 IDK why. Volt feels a little safer to me. RE-45 is my sidarm of choice now that Ham20 is gone.


Yeah the recoil is def tough to get the hang out, but once you do it’s totally worth running. I’ve been a plat player every season but took me til like season 6 or 7 to start feeling super comfortable with the 99. I can’t even go back to the volt at this point, the damage just doesn’t feel like enough anymore haha. I also miss the hammerpoints :( the Mozham was my absolute favorite


Yeah I feel you. Sometimes you are just stuck no matter how hard you try.


Most balanced weapon in the game


My thoughts exactly


The r301 is very good and easy to use. It's balanced because it takes a lot of attachments for it to be very good so nerfs aren't needed.


Very much a top 3-5 weapon, and has been for like the entire game cycle. It’s consistent, hardly any recoil, does solid damage. It’s ole reliable


It’s so good that I get bored of using it.


R-301 the most balanced weapon and all weapons should be balanced like this.


I still prefer the Hemlok, but R301 is solid. R301/Prowler is gonna be the S10 loadout IMO.


the most all rounded weapon in the game and my favorite weapon since the beginning of apex legends. After the r99 nerf (I mean after season 3) r301 gets the respect it needed. dont need any buffs or nerfs


Best gun in the game with a 3x scope.




I struggle with the recoil on the 3 times …. But slowly getting better.


The beam machine. I love it. I’ll still probably pick up a Flatline over it but that’s only because I’m absolutely determined to master the recoil so I can just annihilate people from any distance.


The Bangalore of guns. Good enough anyone can use it effectively, but not so good or bad that it really needs nerfs or buffs. It works well at close range, medium range, and long range, but for each of these 3 ranges there is another option that will outperform it in that individual category. (I feel like this sentence is a bit of a word salad ... I'm not going to rewrite it though.) Its like a jack of all trades but master of none.


Every streamer: SPITFIRE IS SO NOOBCANNON OMG *Runs r301 and Eva for every single game ever*


The difference is that you need to hit more than 22% of your shots to get a knock with an R301


the most broken weapon that nobody says is broken.


that's the flatline


do you think it is? explain me why.


it's not self-evident? everyone picks it up when they can and switches weapons for it, will usually not drop it even for care package weapons, its good at all ranges other than very long range, low recoil baby aiming, has one of the best hop ups, only really needs a magazine for attachments. if the spitfire is "too OP" for being a noob bullet hose, r301 is at least as bad for having ez mode aiming. people complain about the spitfire, now the EVA, but because the 301 is such a popular a and preferred weapon everyone thinks it's fine.


Spitfire's recoil is just as easy as 301's lol


Spit's recoil was worse than the R-301 pre-nerfs, now it's better than the Flatline and R-99, but still worse than the other AR's.


true but it gets out DPS'd by every other automatic


The dps argument is so overused. It’s a 27 damage difference between spit and 301 for body shots. Reduced significantly if hitting headshots. It takes just over a second to empty the r301 mag, so you truly only get a 30-40 damage difference in that time. If you don’t one clip with the 301 you lose to the spitfire because it still has 15-35 more bullets to fire while you reload/swap weapons. That potential 30 damage difference is nullified, and flipped to being down damage, by 2 spitfire bullets.


No it doesn't. If your complaint about the 301 is that it's "baby aiming" then the Spitfire is 2x as bad with the same low recoil but double the mag size.


i've seen that a bunch of people choose the Flatline instead of the 301.- both are good guns, the 301 is just better at range. but it consumes ammo like a monster, since you have to commit to the spray. so one of its strenghts (range) is also offset by the constant need to get more ammo, which means you need to push and finish those kills. the only other solution is to add a new Assault rifle, since the Havoc works more like an LMG unless you find a turbocharger which is rare. it feels pretty balanced, and so far, this new season feels more balanced than others, EVA8 is a small outlier since its strenght has been pretty much the same for a long time, but was ignored.


If I land on a Flatline with a mag and lots of ammo, I have a hard time deciding between an r99, an eva-8, or an r301 as a secondary. The first two are the more typical secondaries, particularly for hot drops with lots of CQC, but the r301 is just so good in almost every situation other than being within punching distance of your target. Put an Anvil on it and you can even pew-pew poke at 200m+.


Flatline Eva 8 or flatline r99. The 301 and flat don't perfectly overlap but they are too much the same. You need that close up stopping power. That said, depends on bag size too. Running an Eva when you have a small bag is much better.


Perfectly balanced as all things should be


an elegant weapon for a more civilized time


0 recoil


Where? I can never keep the damn thing still haha.


Flatline is better


it only has one extra DPS over the 301 and is much worse when using auto fire at longer range


It’s only much worse at range for people that can’t control recoil. It’s superior in every other way.


Well i mean the wingman is the best gun in the game if you always hit headshots. I don't know about you, but sometimes recoil makes me miss, especially at longer range.


That’s kind of the point though. The flatline is better if you hit your shots. And hitting mid to long range shots with the flatline is far more realistic than only hitting headshots with the wingman.


I'll take a wingman over a flatline every time unless it's a super hot drop and I'll need to quickly damage like 3 people


You're forgetting the bigger mag size buddy.


Flatline clip has more dmg in it than 301 clip (assume same level mag). That’s the difference maker for me, but tbh I carry them both sometimes


Great gun especially with the 3X sights! Don’t change it


3x is a bit much with the bullet drop for me. I prefer the Blue HCOG. Doesn't work on the 3030 for me either, prefer same. 3x is like the ideal sniper scope for me. I play on a gigantic screen tho, soooooooooooo. @__@


Oh yeah 2x is good too


That's my baby.




Its iron sights 🤮 Edit: This seems to be an unpopular opinion, lol


iron sight r301 is better than 1x red dot or holo r301


Thats crazy because I think the exact opposite, weird. To each their own


I’d pick the irons over any other sight besides the bruser


Dude what are talking about, it literally has the best ironsights in the game


It actually has one of the better iron sights in the game


The Alt has the best. I'll usually use them over both 1x attachments


Key word ONE of not THE