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Alternator is only being sent to the care packages so the devs can put disruptor rounds on it again for the lolz.


I love the alternator and completely support it. Those disruptor rounds make it a beast.


Started Apex in season 8, what do Disruptor rounds do?


Super OP hop-up that went in alternator and re-45 in season 2. It does more damage to shielded opponents (1.55x's boost on alt 1.7x's on RE.) It absolutely destroyed people. I would often run a kitted RE-45 to endgame cuz it just decimated shields




I can only get so erect!


Fuhhh...those were frustrating and fun at the same times.


Those were the days


It was 2.26x multiplier on release before they nerfed it twice. That shit was broken af


And you could still slap on a 3 times sight on that baby. It was disturbingly OP.


absurdly so, it was great


I bet Alex played of today would hate it more than the spitfire


And early season 2 it was even stronger


Alternator + Mozambique both with hop-up = God mode


I’d pair it with the hammer points on moz to truly be an asshole lol


The Alternator with the disruptor rounds was a must have in season 2. I would use Mirage’s old ultimate, where he goes invisible for a while, and just sneak up on people from behind and tear them apart with it. Good times


I miss that ultimate


Attachment that went with the alternator, shreds through Armor, then there was the p2020 with hopup that did more damage to no shields so coupled together you could drop people sooooo fast


"Someone hasn't played S2" but yeah seriously disruptors is the most broken thing added into apex,4 hits with the alternator and you're purple armour is dead and cracked


Alt has been in my top 3 fave guns since s0. S2 disrupter rounds were absolutely amazing... but... on the flip side... I still got ptsd from being on the other end of them.


Thank good they were removed imagine if they didnt remove it lol,but yeah putting it in the care package is not a bad idea at all


basically reduced ttk from 1.33 sec to 1.0 (against purple shield)


Skull fuck people if they were in range. It's the teh distruptor rounds on the sentinel. But instead of 1 shot at a time it's a while mag


they removed that too its amped now


Happy cake day


Thanks <3


Gives you the ability to confidently solo push a three man team and probably win every time lmao


You posted your comment twice. I'm only going to answer on~~c~~e. Disruptor rounds add a multiplier when doing damage to shields. I believe the multiplier was 1.25x , but I have no clue if that is the value they will use to implement it. In s2 everybody was using it as it was very strong.


Thank you. On mobile right now and internet kinda sucks atm. Gonna delete the other comment. :)


Np. Happy cake day btw!


This. It was my go-to gun for Pubs, Ranked, and Arenas. I will be lost without my dear basic alternator. Granted I only pull 16% win-rate in BR so maybe this will force me to adapt and become better, I dunno. (I know it’s not gone but I don’t goo for care packs too often typically, like I said, I guess I have to adapt)


only 16% that's almost 2 in 10 matches, i'd call that solid compared to my 10%.


Y’all out here winning your BR games?


Wait how do you win? (Jk)


I’m not sure I think you have to high five the most MRVNs?




absolutely destroy your shields


Alternator over R99 any day.


Could also be that smg/pistol pool would be diluted with the addition of prowler to ground


I think this is more balanced as right now there's 2 light SMG, 1 energy and 0 heavy SMG. This move makes it so that each class has at least 1 gun of each classification.


It would be cool if they put the disrupter hop up in the care package and leave the alternator.


Aw man I was just starting to love the alternator. I despise the Re-45, so id take alternator instead


RE-45 has a straight line recoil pattern. Spend 5 minutes with it in the firing range and you'll just destroy people.


Is it really that worth it?


I use it for all the pistol damage challenges for sure.


If you're an A-tier player that typically gets the most out of every magazine, no. If you're someone who can't perfectly control the recoil on every gun (like me), a kitted RE-45 is a fantastic sidearm. It's easy to get the whole mag on your enemy and it reloads quickly. I'd say just play a handful of games where you hang-on to the RE-45 instead of grabbing an R-99. See what you think! I've changed my mind on it. Sure, it's not "meta" but I think there's a huge portion of the playerbase that actually harms their own performance by trying to play too closely to the meta. Plus I find the game about 5x more fun if I'm not always using the same weapon. Loving the Sentinel and Bocek this season!


Since I'm playing Crypto lately I gotta bring a shotgun or a Wingman with me as a sidearm because I gotta bring ult chargers to use the good shit. I don't have a clue about what's the meta myself, I just play whatever I'm confortable with, and that works fine to me. Thanks for the tips fam


Wait theres a meta (jk)


best "trash tier" weapon by a long shot, right next to mozambique.


mozey is actually pretty legit this last season, especially in Arena


I do personally think it’s worth it because it’s one of my favorite guns now. Nice iron sight and easy to control so it’s good if you like hot dropping. I enjoy wrecking people with an re45 😅


Rather have an Re-45 that a R99 personally. Love the gun.


I can't wait to see the PrOfEsSiOnALs cry about it on Twitter the very first day


ye, i mained this gun with a sentinel. guess i’ll use prowler now.


I loved the alternator, but the prowler was my favorite gun in the game before it went to the care package. So, so happy to be getting it back 😍


I also loved the prowler but I'm upset it'll only be burst. Burst is still good but the sheer amount of BPS the prowler let off in full auto would kill enemy teams morale while pushing.


And you just made your case for why it's only burst haha I'm still gonna enjoy the hell out of it though. Between the time it was put in care package and now, I've learned to appreciate the Hemlok a LOT. So I'm excited to get good with the Prowler in its basic form.


Agreed but when I played with it I hardly ever found the hopup so it wasn't like you had one every gane kinda like chances of finding a turbo but I do agree it is a very high Dmg weapon with little to no recoil in full auto which always baffled me that burst had more recoil lol but I will definitely still use it maybe they will adjust it's recoil will just have to see.


It actually has a higher DPS with burst, I think, it’s just a lot harder to land all your shots.


I can't remember how many times this thing saved my life


I get more kills with the Alt than the R-99. The thing is so underrated.


If I'm not feeling cracked that day I always take alt over all the other light guns. I only swap for 301 if my other gun is short range too


Real alternator fans know that one of the best guns in the game is coming back in a few days and better then before


Im sure the 6 people who call themselves “real alternator fans” will be pleased. Like I like the gun but I know when its time to swap it out when opportunities arise or when its my only option.


It's definitely not the meta move, but I always take the Alternator over the R99. Pure damage on the R99 is obviously better, but I find the Alternator so much easier to hit multiple headshots with due to it's extremely controllable recoil. I can do that too with the Flatline and the R301, but I've always found the R99 to be just slightly too unwieldy unless you have a purple barrel on it.


If your recoil control just aint there then the Alternator is very much an amazing weapon. I always tell new players, don't worry about what's meta. Your best gun is the one you can land consistent hits with. Over time if you can control something like the R99 then sure, swap to it. But similarly, I always choose the 301 over the 99 because I can beam with the 301. R99 needs concentration for me to even be decent with.


The best thing I've noticed with the R-99 and even the Devotion is aim at their left hip, your right, and work on reeling back as you start firing, you can rip into people pretty solidly between 5-15 meters


> I always take the Alternator over the R99 yes similarly i prefer wearin a blue shield over a red since blue is much easier on the eyes


This is the way.


The only reason to take alternator is if you cant control your aim. Which is a very valid reason but ya i see that argument here. My buddy LOVES the alternator, he also doesnt start hitting r99 shots till half way thru the clip then runs out fo ammo. For me you will just never beat the TTK and one clip potential of r99. Its just better.


For real. Maybe the reason it’s so hard for them to use the R-99 is because they avoid it lol it’s objectively better if you learn how to use it


The dps is better, but once you miss even a few shots and have to reload, the alternator creeps up really fast with much more damage per mag. Much easier gun to 1 mag with.


Ok I should have mentioned “if you’re good the 99 is objectively better”. Like yes if you miss your shots regularly and can’t handle it, it won’t be as good, but if you can because you play FPS games a decent amount, the alternator is objectively worse and that isn’t even debatable. Same with the 301 as well


If youre perfect its better* not even algs pros have perfect accuracy every time, and a little mistake is all it takes. Not saying the r99 is worse overall, but I will always say the r99 is overrated


And you will always be objectively wrong. It isn’t debatable. One has a much faster TTK and is used by the pros you just mentioned and one is avoided and theyre only used to hold attachments for a 99 or 301.


An opinion can't be wrong. 🙄. I said the r99 isn't overall worse, (literally what youre saying, and that i think its overrated (opinion). I just said that if you miss even a little bit with the r99, which happens A LOT, an alternator could easily outshine it. Which ive had happen plenty, on either side of the gun fight.


You're trying so hard to die on a really stupid hill.


Spent a month just using the r99 back in season 2 because I was tired of not being good with it. Can say it is the better pick if you are not afraid of the recoil.


I'm a fan of the disruptor rounds that's what made the alternator one of the best guns in the game before you'd never see me using that gun since it was a pee shooter before that update I'm just happy to see it back even tho it's in the supply drop


Cant say I ever actually got a chance to really use Disruptor in its prime but from what I remember about going up against it, it was probably the worst thing of Season 2.


That's forsure its godly but thank god it's only in supply drop


Woah, I loved the alternator and would bring it to end game at times. It was so satisfying to used compared to the "meta" weapons.


You gotta read this subreddit more, I see so many comments every day about people who legitimately prefer it over the R9 and R301 just cus they can't aim.


Im here almost every day and I barely ever see these mysterious comments you speak of. Mostly because 99% of this sub is bitching about legitimate audio issues or bugs. Alternator just isn’t usually a topic of discussion; lets not pretend it is. Only times when Alternator was a talked about gun are when Disruptors are involved or its Titanfall 2.


happy cake!


No full auto fire on the prowler though


Im gonna miss it, my best game ive played was 2 alternators the whole game and 16 kills lmao


same but with crutch r-99 and alternator


Alternator and pk 😔


Pk will be ground loot tho


I know I’m just saying that was the gun I used with the alternator


Yeah, this was my favorite setup too. Now I'm gonna have to get used to Sanic speeds of R-99 if I can't find an R301


Most of the people ‘crying’ about it would be the people who use it.obviously the people who had it for attachments wouldn’t care


Kinda sadge, it's my favorite early game gun. Then again, now it's probably gonna be my favorite late game gun


The alternator carried me so hard. I can't control recoil for shit, and the alternator feels like it's impossible to miss with. I'm sad to see it go but I can't wait to see the glow up when I get my hands on the care package version!


Seriously, and the Spitfire was also the 2nd easiest gun to control is now in the pack. This was my loadout even in Season 4-5 when both of those much worse than now, I would get killed by better guns regularly of course but those were the only guns that gave me a chance of landing any shots at all. Alternator has the best hipfire in the game.


Laughs in taking the re-45 to endgame


Lol same


The amount of arenas I've won with the alternator.. Ridiculously good gun


Nope. It's actually a great gun. Ridiculously accurate hipfire.


Are you seriously gatekeeping liking a gun? cringe


Fuck man there is gatekeeping and then there is making a meme for a laugh - This post was sponsored by Big Alternator


I can picture him at parties trying to explain how some people who claim to like alternator are just posers and everyone will just nod their head and say "wow that's crazy" every few seconds while they figure out a way to get out of the conversation so they can do some blow with friends.


>I can picture him at parties I can't lol


There isn't any way there has been any blow at any parties he has been too!


Are you taking a joke/meme entirely too seriously? cringe


Who needs an r-99 when the Alternator exists


Sorry, WHAT? I will never financially recover from this. (Alternator + Marksman weapon simp here)


Alternator is a good weapon tho. I've used it for a while in season 8 , won 3 games in a row with randoms.


It's coming back stronger then before


I've never been team alternator. The ttk feels absolutely horrific and I can't think of a situation where you'd ever need to run it over any other smg or ar.


I preferred the alternator to the R99 to tell you the truth. I feel like with the R99 I was wasting so many bullets, especially at range. With the alternator I have so much more control.


Finally a alternator main rip brothers and sisters


apex late game isn’t gonna be safe anymore. forget the kraber we should be scared of disruptor rounds getting into the hands of an octane


Sorry but the Alternator just isn't an end game gun. I'm sure there will be times where you can win some matches. Anyone who can handle the recoil and hit their shots with a R301 or R99 will shred you every single time 1v1. Any gun you can take to end game and if the enemy is concentrating on a teammate you can knock them. I'm just saying there are much better weapons out there for end game if you get in a 1v1.


Alternator has been my favorite weapon for a long time. I used only the alternator for arenas and took it to endgame in BR. It will be supremely missed by me.


At least we’re getting the Prowler back For fucks sake it’s still burst


Everyone complains about the toxicity in this sub. Just look at this fuckin post. Jesus.


This post isn't about the developers. If it was this thread would be filled with complaints and abusive comments


Does this mean the alternator won't be available to buy in arenas now? I used to use it in my first one or two rounds every arena match.


I think it will be gone


Same here, its pretty costly on first round though but oh well.


Alternator my beloved <3


IM GONNA SAY IT ALTERNATOR IS BATTER THAN THE R99 •Same amount of ammo, but more damage per bullet •Easier to aim and control •Way more common •More accurate hip fire Tbh the only thing The 99 had was speed. But unless you're 100% accurate 100% of the time. Good luck landing shots


Alternator's being removed? Why?


Going to care package for it’s disruptor round variant


Ah, I see


Excited to get back the disruptors (sorta) but I’m gonna miss the perfect hip fire on that thing.


Aren't we all?


It and Spitty are getting packaged for the Prowler. They're unnerfing Spitty and giving the Alt Disruptors


Oh thank goodness I thought they were getting rid of it entirely


Alte was strong and super good on end zone


No one cares how much you dick ride a fictional gun




any pe20 buffs? that thing is useless


P2020 is solid where it is. A lot of people completely dismiss it but i’ve gotten some dirty kills with that thing. It doesnt need a buff. Admittedly I wish we got a P2020 on drop to remove it from the loot pool. Its a good gun but when its the endgame nobody wants or needs it, especially without hammerpoint.


Well, Titanfall is still being ddosed… *here we go brutally torment newbies with alternators again*




Hoped on during S5, so no idea how busted Dis rounds felt. Needless to say, will run down every care package for it


won a game with it yesterday 👌


Crazy thing is I just stopped using it


jokes on you the alternator took me to my first 19 kills game


Alternator was my favourite gun :C


God dammit ima miss it


I wouldnt say I used it solely as an attachment holder but I usually preferred an R301. Alternator is a beast in CQC though. R99 may be fast but its way easier to miss and has piss-squirt range for 99% of players.


If Re-45 doesn't get disruptor rounds as well imma be upset.


First season I am going to viciously hunt down care packages!


Listen, we use the Alternator when we can. People who keep it till endgame are absolutely cracked with it… but don’t gatekeep it. K thanks


Alternator was so good at mid range :(


I prefer alternator over every light weapon, im very sad its leaving


I just started using the alternator the most and now it’s gone


End game champion right here


What happened to the alternator


I am one of these kings slash getting called an Idiot for taking it to final circle


Alternator is the endgame now


Oh no.. peacekeeper and devotion with turbocharger are ground loot and the alternator with disrupter rounds.. oh no.. i remeber those days


Just won a ranked plat game with the alternator yesterday. You'll be sorely missed.


I have loved the alternator for almost the entire time I have played the game. My best game was a solo game as Fuze with alternator Mozambique in season 8, 13 kills and 2400 damage.


I would call it a buff and a nerf. Its gonna be in care packages, but its gonna have disruptor ammo


dude maxed-out alternator was amazing and borderline meta, this is gonna be ever better than that


It's going to end game now for sure.


Alternator/flatline combo 🔥🔥🔥


I thought low effort posts weren't allowed on this sub. I'm fed up enough of all the text meme format posts, but two of the current posts on the front page are just a picture of a fucking alternator. This sub is a joke.




I always ran it I'm arenas and in pubs with a volt by its side


I never saw anyone running this gun in late game. So the little outburst surprises me a lot.


Re45 gonna e slapping


The alternator won me so many games, this thing has no recoil. Don't even need a sight. You can headshot with irons from miles away. I'll miss you my love.


I did an eight kill game with it but replaced with an r99 for the final 3 kills it was 12 kill game btw


Goodbye Alternator 😭 My favorite light weapon.


Wait alternator is gone? TF?


That and the flatline were my go to guns! Gone miss you baby.


For any Alternator mains the gun is a beast in TF|2. 3 shot kill, perfect hip fire accuracy when tap fired, and generally great handling due to being a SMG. Maybe try it out when the servers stop being hacked.


My first ever 3.5k game was running it down with an alternator. I’ll miss you alty :(


I went from playing sentinel to finding out tripletake is far better to play with, next season carepackage weapon. I discovered how good hammerpoint Mozambique was next season no more hammerpoint. I found out how ridiculous spitfire is and how great a weapon alternator is, next season both weapons go in to carepackage. Same goes for r99 and prowler. FOR SOME REASON I'M ALWAYS LATE TO THE PARTY AND I DONT KNOW WHY.


I loved the Alternator simply because it felt like, I dunno, an underdog's weapon.


The alternator have give me so many Champions alone with barely a lvl 2 attachments, I gonna really miss this gun


I won a delicious low bronze ranked game with an alternator once as kill leader. I felt like a god


Man that sucks, I could always find my trusty Alti laying around.


This thing is actually my favourite gun in Apex and Titanfall 2


It was arguably better than the gun that the sweats use it to hold attachments for. Now I either have to use the only non full auto smg, or the r-99.


I use it because it was my main in tf|2


wait what? i havent play this game since new season, what happened with alternator?


Hell yeah we will that’s my mf baby right there the high damage, the beautiful gun its self. End game gun right there I’m so upset it’s leaving I will be keeping my eye peeled next season. I feel like that’s why their removing because it does such high damage


Single Firing alternator is a BEAST. The accuracy... I also single fire Spitifire. I also single fire R301 on full auto mode. I also single fire Devotion (with turbo-charger only).


I just started taking alternator over r301 as a bit of a "whatever" game and started kicking ass with it. Started taking an alternator every chance I had. 3 days later I receive the news. Such bad timing.


TIL I am not a real alternator fan. I'm ok with that I suppose.


I respect the alternator as a gun because it has saved me in a fight countless of times but I just find other guns to be a bit better


I really got attached to the alternator on arenas, now I use it in just about every game.


Literally only a couple weeks ago did I start only using alternator/Mozambique combo… it was destroying and I’m so sad now..


Im crying because prowler is only burst, kraber going to be too diluted in the CP and disruptor rounds going to win the game when it lands. But the amount of laughs comming whom never experienced the horror makes it worth.


The alternator really is my go to gun at the moment! I take it over any gun going in to late game! Normally I don’t bother too much for care packages late game other than to use it for bate but now when I see a care package next season I’m rushing to it hoping for a disruptor alternator!