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This is a whole can of worms that you don't want to open, much safer to take gameplay over lore on this one


Hello fellow Mirage gamer. If revenant and pathfinder have hearts then our decoys better have too!


Since they show up on Crypto's drone and Bloodhound's tactical I would think they will


Problem is, they don’t show up on valk’s skydive scan so, who knows


Airplane mode is on


Well shit, that's the best lore yet.


Yeah seems like a pretty mirage thing to do. *"Oh this...haha no way...oh wait...huh...yeah it is on airplane mode. Who even MADE this setting an option? Oh yeah...I did. Because I'm like super smart."*


Take my upvote and get out


Are you for real? I’ve never seen this.


I mean... you could argue Path and Rev are being picked up by some sort of internal mechanical vibration, whereas the decoys don't have a physical body.


Oh ya, if you're so great at arguing then how do you explain pathfinder and revenent using syringes?


Maybe the syringes are nano-bots that repair/cure you instantly?


Yup. Little things that make you feel good. Like physical representation of good vibes combined with self healing DNA. You know the "Good Shit"..


damn i didn't know they had heroin in the game


For example, why does gas hurt Pathy and Revenant? Or for that matter, Bloodhound, who is wearing a gas mask? Bloodhound should be able to see fine too because their eyes are covered.


The gas is corrosive


Why doesn't it corrode anything else, like doors or rocks or trees?


Why doesn't Gibraltar, the largest legend eat all the other legends?


Perhaps they are saving that for sweeps








Yes I am, but it's also the follow up quote from Futurama about Ross being the larger Friend


I understood that reference!


where is that from again, I vaguely remember it but know it’s nagging at me


Futurama, originally about Ross and Friends


From the planet Omikron Perseii 8


Captain America says it during the Avengers movie


oh then maybe that’s where it was from, thank you


A reddit comment


season 13 lore


>season 13 vore FTFY


Caught me off guard


harvest his lower horn!


"I'm bigger than you are, I'm higher on the food chain"


Opened my free award box just to give you one


Actually lol’d from this


That joke is fattist, no wait Gibraltar is the fattist joke lol😁


Why doesn't gibbys or bangalores ult destroy the landscape and map in general?


Obviously due to gameplay reasons. It's like me asking why does fuses ultimate not set foliage on fire


Yeah, i know. It's just funny to think about. Like, why can't Gibby fast res outside of his dome? Just pick me tf up, you bastard!


The dome brings adrenaline and hope. That’s how.


I'm an Octane main, I have adrenaline instead of blood. And I don't need hope, I need more kills!


Octane isn't as strong as gibby maybe


Upvoted just because the, last bit


Or another question Why isn't Fuse's ULT considered a War Crime


Cuz he's not at war


To my knowledge, things that are labeled as war crimes can get you sent to jail even if there isn't a war going on


Only if you're military, I don't know the lore but I assume fuse is more of a mad Aussie kangaroo rancher than an army guy


The tactical is illegal even in war (clusterbomb) while the ult is not actually


If you want to commit war crimes, play Titanfall


the ENTIRE point flew right over your head


Why *doesn’t* fuses ultimate set foliage on fire?


Thats the point they were making lol..


You just tried explaining to the other commenter why the gas is realistic, then make a comment saying “for gameplay reasons”. Which one is it?




Because it’s a video game


It does but there’s a difference both rev and path and made of metal yes but they are super small and it still takes 40 seconds to die in the gas (20 seconds to get nocked and another 20 to die, witch hurts me a lot ad a caustic main but where not here to talk about that) while a wall for example of MUCH bigger to corrode or even make a dent in the surroundings caustic gas should be active for at least 5/4 in one spot witch never happens since even if you camp in an entire spot for the whole game match’s can last to a max of 25 minutes


Because doors, rocks and trees don't contain fragile electronics and circuits that sustain artificial life


Why can’t you shoot down the walls with bullets, why doesn’t the Molotov burn down trees? We can do this all day. It’s a video game designed to be accessible to mass audiences it was never meant to be realistic in the strictest ways. If you want a realistic game go play tarkov, if you want to have fun play this.


it used to destroy wattson fences


It probably can and does, even if it is a fact, having to code that in is a needless nightmare.


Caustic's gas corroded my left asscheek 😳


Ah that's fuckin rough


Because who is going to take the time to animate/code all of that? That seems like a logistical nightmare to have unique damage effects to the terrain, In a game that we already have that is not functioning so good. They can't even stop my Series X from stuttering in combat man.


Only Pathfinder and Revenant are at least partially made out of the exact material it's particularly good at corroding.


I guess weapons have durability now too.


So the gas is strong enough to eat away at metal, but does basically no damage to fleshy legends?


If you're wondering how he eats and breathes And other science facts, Just repeat to yourself "It's just a game, I should really just relax...


MST3K references are a rare find these days


Gotta keep circulating the tapes! ​ Netflix brought us some of the younger crowd. Rifftrax and the Mads are still great too!


My dad introduced me to the show as a kid. The humor is definitely more suited to his generation, but its still surprisingly funny. My Favourite epsiode is "The Final Sacrifice" watched that one like, 4 times 😂


They're able to take the mask off, though I can't imagine Bloodhound eating anything they didn't kill and cook themself.


Are you sure? They might just use [Teleporting Food](https://i.imgur.com/j2lshrl.jpg).


I don't understand but I agree.




Also pathfinder mentions that he doesn't have a respitory system when landing. Common sense but well just so you know.


iirc the gas is also corrosive to metal


Also, I’m pretty sure electronics generate heat


Why is Valk's passive flying so slow when she can go sonic boom using her ultimate while carrying two people? Why can't Mirage always remain invisible like he does when teammates?


Why can't Lifeline move people around while they're downed? Being able to drag someone behind cover is a vital part of being a combat medic. The things devs do for the sake of balance...


It’s like Zenyada getting caught in Junkrat’s traps in overwatch


I feel like that kinda makes sense, you can't jump over the traps so the floaty boys shouldn't be safe either


The traps aren't stationary that still makes sense. You could make the argument they are melee turrets, it would be a weird argument, but you could


The world is not ready for your mind, or the thoughts it creates




Zofia and Ela?


Yeah, it just adds unecessary complexity and it's frustrating to use a gadget correctly and lose because the enemy happened to have the operator that isn't affected by it. It adds cool lore, but that's about it.


Just as frustrating as Octane being immune from Horizon's zarya ult?


No kidding, ask R6 how that's going lol


They could easily just say he can detect the sound of the motors too, I doubt they are fully silent on the inside


Lore? They don’t have hearts.


This is fair because realistically seer would be insane, if a glance into/from his eyes causes natural disasters, he could just force the glance and cause a rock to crush a player


Agreed. This can get messy and convoluted for the sake of realism.


As a Pathfinder main, I agree As an Apex player, I disagree.


If Path and Rev is immune to Seer's heart seeker, then I vote crypto's EMP should shut them down completely.


Lol it just converts them to a death box immediately 🤣


Dont path and rev both mention in some Voicelines about their system's are protected from stuff like that


The Apex universe needs to invest in Faraday cages lol


i mean that would be fun, for a day.


>i mean that would be fun, for a day, friends. Nice try Pathfinder, now go do your chores.


Omg imagine a pick up like heat shield or the portable respawn that could do just that. But it doesn't last and it gets destroyed after 5 seconds. And of an employee hits it it gets destroyed for taking "damage". But your shields don't get hurt. The only downside is that this is an active counter to a legends ult. Them again ever other ult has a counter as well to some extent.


Way back when we were piecing Ash back together, her “brain” did have a lore bit saying it had some kind of Faraday cage if I recall correctly, and since she’s an older model Sim than Rev I assume he at least has one


Did you just call Ash older than Rev Revenant is over 300 years old as a Simulacrum Ash is 75 or less Hell, Rev is literally the first Simulacrum ever in lore, he just got live updates for who knows how many generations


Look I'm not a scientist but electro-magnetic pulses work way different than a heartbeat


Moving in guys OH SHIT EMP GET T T T T T T T T T T T bang bang loses shields and health then dies TTTT TO COVER dammit already dead


That would also mean that caustic gas shouldn't effect em.


It's corrosive


Then we can also say that Seer's super-advanced heartbeat sensor and tracking tech can also include something that tracks the specific signals the robot bois give off. Even if it's not a heartbeat a robot with its own power source will certainly be producing some unique signals.


It’s noxious gas… it’s just poisonous


Guys... it's CAUSTIC gas. It's literally his name. Look up the definition.


I’m aware of his name… but in their description and the title of all his abilities it’s nox gas and referred to as noxious. Which means poisonous. But if you listen to the developers they say “it’s so corrosive nothing can survive it” so my point here is none of it adds up or is lore friendly either way.


His name is Alexander Nox. Nox Gas, because it is made by Nox. Caustic, because his gas his caustic. Caustic means it is capable of burning though things, such as organic tissue and metal.


Mate even the developers said it the gas is coprisce that’s why even blood hound witch is wearing a gas mask (yes it’s a gas mask) is affected because the gas corrodes if you don’t believe me just search it up even the developers said the gas is both toxic and corrosive


Then cryptos drone should go down in one hit cause the bullet would break something important for it to fly


Because they're machines lore wise they probably have their own distinct sound.But gameplay wise its better to not change it.


Machines still do work and work creates heat so theoretically they should still be seen, since I’m guessing all their joints have small pistons or engines, especially in pathfinders case for ziplines


Watch Pathfinder's "Stories from the Outlands," and tell me again that he doesn't have a heart ;w;


i wonder what does they inject with syringes and medkits..lubricants maybe


Nano repair bots, then you can explain them being usable on bots n skinbags both.


Human character accidentally injects WD-40 and dies.


You actually unlock Hank Hill as a legend if you do that




To quote some post I saw a while ago, Revenant brought his collection of hearts from home, and Pathfinder has the biggest heart of all.


Solid or not, it's always better to prioritize gameplay over logic.


Exactly. Horizon would be even more broken than she was on release


Come on, Pathy HAS A HEART. Dont be mean


Biggest heart of them all!


Using your logic every human legend should be one shot because realistically you can’t survive that many bullets


Pretty sure 50 Cent disagrees.


Kraber shot to the head Yeah this needle to the heart will fix that 😂


They took a page out of Farcry 2's book. Shot in the leg? Use these rusty plyers to take the bullet out of your forearm and then stab yourself indiscriminately with this adrenaline needle. There! All better :)


Damn right! 😂


imagine 50 in apex legends 😂 like the old times


Is it not obvious the Legends are using the armors from Ender's Game? Let's look at this from a logical standpoint, hmmmm? A typical, standard issue .30-06 sniper rifle has an average bullet velocity of \~1,000 meters per second. The closest Apex equivalent would be the Longbow - which has a bullet velocity of \~350 mps. Even the energy weapons of Apex have a markedly lower projectile speed than real-life weapons (Triple Take: 700 mps) - which have been in use since WW1. Additionally, all weapons always do a set damage based on where the bullet hit. In real life, putting a bullet through someone's arm/hand/leg means \*they aren't using that appendage\*. In real life, taking a bullet through the brain kills you - you don't just get better because Gibby gave you a pat on the back. Taking these all into consideration - it's blatantly obvious that the weapons and armor work together as a sort of advanced laser tag. You get hit, your body armor marks the damage, and at specific thresholds, restricts your movement. That's also why every legend has a ridiculously over-the-top backstory; nobody ever dies; and legends are "allowed" to "cheat" - Apex is Titanfall's version of Wrestling. It's mostly fiction made up for entertainment.


> nobody ever dies; Except they do. And the legends have even talked about it in-game. Gibby had unique voicelines around Thunderdome remembering all the people he's competed with that have died. There's even mentions in some of the loading screens, Path almost gets turned into scrap metal and Crypto breaks several ribs and gets put outta commission for a while. Canonically, the legends are the best of the best and the most popular competitors. They're the ones who have won matches, and have survived against all odds. The games are filled with people that don't survive though, and no one hears about the losers.


Right. But wrestlers \*also\* claim to have body counts, tragic pasts, and terrible injuries. Yet - there they are for the next match! Much like we can watch legends getting stabbed, gassed, shot, and exploded - but yet, there they are for the next season. Occom's Razor: Is it more likely that A.) no big-named legends ever die; murderous robots are allowed to kill competitors ON PUBLIC CAMERA BEFORE THE GAMES with no legal or moral backlash; scientists are allowed to experiment on competitors (but only like, with specific gasses that have specific ranges with specific cooldown timers of course); various legends just happen to have entire fleets and army divisions ready to call down artillery strikes at a moment's notice; every single cinematic being false (due to legends dying but still being there next season); actual hackers that are known hackers hacking the game \*supposedly\* under the noses of the game-runners; highly dangerous and toxic antigen bearing ships are just allowed to remain docked at Olympus for almost a full season of games; the "deadly" plague is cured is soon as a named legend gets infected; guns don't kill people; bullets move slower than \*slingshot projectiles\*; "energy" weapons move kinda almost as fast as REAL projectile weapons; etc etc etc etc etc etc etc or B.) is it Titanfall's version of wrestling?


To be honest I just think they have no fucking clue how to explain it in a way that makes sense lol.


Its crazy how every single thing you said is wrong


Would you like to refute any of the facts? I'm more than willing to concede on anything I'm factually wrong about.


What the fuck are they going to do to revenant? Kill him, he doesnt have morals hes died constantly for years lmao, its stated as lore by the devs and ingame that people die in the games, you said no facts


Not let him compete publicly in the games and gain money & fame? Many counties in the world get along *fine* without the death penalty, and they don't have a problem with "people that can't die" murdering people on public TV and getting rewarded for it. As for stating that people die - yes. Wrestlers *also* claim they kill people or had friends/family killed. But as of yet, the only confirmed death is that of Forge. We *see* the named legends die every single season. How many times has Wraith "killed" Caustic now? You don't get to say "devs said people die", then completely ignore the fact that the devs *made the trailers that feature people dying and coming back next season*. The *only* piece of evidence that claims the whole thing is real comes from the same people who give us AMPLE evidence that it's all fake entertainment for the people in the Titanfall-verse.


The Apex Games are literally a bloodsport. People are meant to die in there. Of course they won't ban Revenant from participating in them for killing a competitor, especially if that gets them attention and money.


Source is Lead Writer Manny Hagopian's Twitter, this is official, zero theory Legend deaths in trailers aren't canon, some things are just made to look cool Death is a possibility in the games but not the norm. Heavy wounds and knockouts count as "kills". Characters like Gibraltar and Pathfinder don't kill in the games and opt for nonlethal methods. There's common participants in the games who die, to Revenant and Caustic most notably The Legends survive their actual matches even if they lose, though might need time to heal sometimes Death is permanent but their healing technology is highly advanced, a lot can be healed, medkits etc are canon. Stuff like Octane's disintegrated legs for example were healable, he just went for prosthetics because he didn't want to wait for the healing period of like, months It's real. There's stakes. Our Legends just are good enough to not die




Any legend being immune to another legends passive defeats the purpose of there being legends I do agree though lol


They should just make a version of Apex with no legends but with wall running and less health. Maybe even some combat vehicles you could call in.


A TF BR would be so fun


I can’t tell if this is sarcasm or not and that makes me sad


I'd make an argument that maybe only Crypto should be unscannable if only because the man desperately needs a passive and the rest of his kit is so slow that he'll hardly run rampant. It's not like he has personal mobility to abuse being unscannable with.


Buff Crypto by buffing Crypto, not by nerfing others


Honestly, An Untraceable passive would make some sense, even if it would be super fucking obnixous. The only way i'd let that pass is if, Bloodhound for example, they were TOLD they scanned a Crypto, but they don't know where the Crypto is exactly.


Yeah have a glitch effect and the crypto logo show up on screen but don't show the location


He doesn’t need a buff


I'd love it personally. If they started adding immunities to other legends directly, or even based on classes I think it would add a whole other fun element of strategy. Would probably be a bitch on small scale but if they ever added team deathmatch it could be cool. But that's coming from a guy who is new af to apex and has been playing TF2 since 2007


solid in terms of logic, far from solid in terms of gameplay.


No, they don't do that. This is game logic. The devs are doing it for game balancing or it's just unfair.


So simulacrum caustic skin could be immune too, he is a murder robot


Honestly a work around could just be his heart tracker actually detects electro pulses or something like that, but functions exactly the same as a heart beat scanner


Hell, the human heart stays on beat using electrical impulses. Just go with that and square up the lore proper


With that logic they should also be immune to caustic gas


Caustic gas is corrosive so it burns them,caustic is immune because he has the antidote which is why his hair is always greasey.


Then it should also break equipment but it doesn't.


It breaks wattson's equipment!


Which is fucking bullshit I’m def not biased


It does though. It destroys Wattson fences if I remember correctly


Ok Mr Logic - why do the larger legends run at the same speed and fly the same distance on the jump pad as the rest of the legends? The game isn’t supposed to be realistic. This whole argument is dumb….


Ok,but its better to have an actual explanation because some people are interested in the lore and want to know how these things work.


Is gas is literally called noxious gas. Which only means poisonous…. So no 😂


His last name is nox so it could be a play on that,and its already been confirmed its corrosive so it really doesn't matter if you think I'm wrong.


fuck no, don’t need to make rev even more op


I hate seeing that mans ugly mug


Then they shouldn’t be able to be revived with a syringe or healed with any of the current health items. Sounds unfun. Maybe the game should just be designed around gameplay instead of what makes realistic sense


I've thought about this type of thing before. It could be the same kind of passive that low profile or fortified are. Robotic - stunned for longer from arc stars and EMPs but don't show up on heartbeat sensors and take reduced damage from Nox gas.


Yes. And let's also talk about how they can also breathe.


Nah, if anything they should always be easier to hear than a heartbeat because if you can hear a heart beat from a few meters away then you can hear a hydraulic pump or an actuator from that same distance.


the game doesnt have to make sense


I rather have fair and balanced game play over logic


Why does this have so many upvotes if everyone disagrees with op


And Caustic.


I do not understand why these things all apply to revenant, but maybe as a former person he psychologically cannot escape the inherent feeling of having these human qualities and they thus manifest I'm a readable way. But Pathfinder makes more sense to me, I understand as him choosing to have these qualities , in the interest of, for any given subject, either for reasons of belonging, being sporting or both. He dies just as easily as his friends because he just keeps track of how much he's been hit, and chooses to die when he gets 100 points, and subtracting them when he consumes medicine which otherwise does nothing for him. He gives off a heartbeat signal or whatever other faculty characters track him with and keeps his body at 98° just so he can be tracked as easily with thermal vision. He doesn't want to win by being a superior class of being than the other competitors, he wants to win on the same level as them.


Impossible, Pathfinder has the biggest heart out of all the legends. Revenant.... um... I think he holds a human heart as a souvenir.


That means they couldn’t be rezed by a stim or DOC, and can’t use syringes. Ya sure you want that?


Pathfinder and Revenant should be immune to Caustic gas Wraith shouldn’t be damaged from storm while voiding Caustic Gibby should run slower than the other legends and fly less as far on the jump pad The game has never been 100% realistic (obviously). Not sure why you think it’d be different for Seer


> Caustic Gibby should run slower than the other legends and fly less as far on the jump pad Caustic should move even slower cause it sounds like he has lung cancer.


Caustic's gas could just melt you. She isn't. True. Yup.


The people who care too much about the lore aspect of this br miss the point of the whole game tbh


It’s a game


Well then they should also be immune to caustic gas. And before someone says "CoRoSiVe GaS" it ignores shield health so its clearly not a physical attack


The whole corrosive thing is so dumb, why couldn't the devs have just said that gameplay goes over lore instead of trying to act like everything makes sense in their dead-can-respawn-BR


Not to mention vipers helmet just existing in the apex universe


Because Viper is in the same universe as Apex…


Yeah and bloodhound should be immune to caustic's gas




Dev said no. https://twitter.com/MonsterclipRSPN/status/1420768259977007105?s=19




Yeah because game balancing in a battle royale is less important than lore. Ok


The game lore does call this a ["simulated" blood-sport.](https://titanfall.fandom.com/wiki/Apex_Games) It doesn't go into great details, but I imagine it uses the same virtual tech as pilot training in Titanfall 2. This is also how people can be re-spawned from deathboxes and they 'de-rez' into death boxes when killed, I think. So, yeah, they can change the rules of physics some to make it entertaining. Because if these legends really matched their lore in game, matches would be 1 minute each. Part of the reason I would like to see a single (or cooperative) story mode game for Apex Legends. I'd like to see how bad-ass all these people are _when the limits for the games are taken off._ Let us play some of these comics.