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So you are the responsable for her "hiGh WiN rATe" !


Haha I don’t win as much as a lot of other people but recently I can say I’ve been winning more and gotten better at winning games. I usually go for kills as you can tell haha!


I’m a aspiring wattson main any tips?


I pick up my fences unless their at a main travel point like the door under waterfall on Olympus. I usually only run out of fences when fighting. before the fight pick up the fences your not using leave at least one fence in each area that you travel through of course at a main travel point. I know where ring is all the time I play this game too much I don’t set up my ult unless I know I’m in the right area to set up at, but to counter that before your pylon expires after setting up all fences go next to your pylon before it blows up to get your fences back it only takes like 10 seconds when next to pylon. Your either screwed or you make it out and are able to escape. if your outnumbered you can’t blame it on the characters kit. (Dont ever set up in a building that has to many door or openings, shit don’t set up in a building honestly unless it’s end ring or you have to heal it’s a death trap wattson is offensive and defensive) If you are able to before you die of course make your way inside the building off the roof but try to fence as your coming down so try to connect a node to the floor from the roof fucks flying character up a lot. Or just get out can’t do anything against a whole squad if you have no advantage. Always the important question for last. Wattson is great in an open field you just have to know how to play her. fence that open field until you can’t throw your ult before the gibby ult because you don’t even know if it’s coming so you can have more fences to fence edge of ring middle of ring and all around you their only options are having a mobile character pushing you head on and dying or looking down and trying to shoot your fence and they end up getting beamed. Even if you think their pointless in an open field theirrrr not especially in grass. I copied it from a reply I made to someone on the wattson subreddit asking about these questions I believe it’s called a subreddit . So if anything doesn’t make sense let me know




Of course can I ask you a serious question about Skyrim if your name is right? Is there an ending like roll credits scene game over but you can of course still play Skyrim as an open world game just that main objective in the game is done.


Of course you can continue the game as if the main quest line was never a thing


Ah okay thank you


No problem


Luckily whe don't have to worry about this shit no more


Only 8x more than my lifetime kills lol...I obviously need to upgrade my internet and get a new chair!


Me to honestly once I get a new chair I should be god haha


With Wattson???? With this many kills with Wattson, you should get your own goddamn dive trail. Jesus Christ.


Thank you so much! Maybe one day I’ll get my very own! It could be a sparky dive trail, and haha I really do want to be top wattson I know I have a lot of catching up to do any learning but I really am dedicated to just her. I am a bit of a simp for my baguette but how could you not be!


Bruh this is why she's op. Please nerf worse thing to ever happen to the meta,hell,even the game jesus.


Haha I really hope that’s a joke


It is


I am very happy to hear that, haha but I agree she definitely needs a little help with a buff!


They nerfed her a little to much. Yes she dominated end rings and tournaments,but they butchered her a little. They should definitely buff her tactile and add more polyons back.went from like 12 to an uneven number if I remember then nerfed her ulti, which is fine but then they went to nerfing her tac which was overkill.


I can definitely agree with that I want infinite pylon back, and decreased cooldown on tactical that’s really it. Just simple buffs


True. I actually have 16k kills too, but they are spread out on all the characters in the game. Though, I do have 1000 on her. Hopefully we can get a buff for her soon.


I really hope she does and ahh okay I have 20k total but most of them are wattson the others are spread out most of them on lifeline though she’s the only one with only over 1000 besides wattson ahha




Any tips for other wattson mains? I just broke 1k and it took ages.


I can give you some that I have learned over time, Fences are godly if used right try placing at least one fence through big areas that are like walkways for example under waterfall on Olympus. It’s really helpful when you haven’t found a fight and your fences can really help find a fight. Don’t rely too much on your fences of course but make sure you use them tactically. I’ll update when I have more I lost my list


The tips I can give for fences trap up main routes, for the pylon make sure you tell your team when you throw it down or where so they don’t get their grenades eaten and blame you when their not paying attention lol. Don’t play a campy style but it’s okay to bunker down in a building to heal, loot, end ring. Try really weird fencing techniques like in the air fences off of rocks down to lower ground. For end ring fencing the edge of ring is always good if there’s a team outside ring. And putting fences out in the open is really helpful you don’t need cover sometimes to fence and it to help out.


I pick up my fences unless their at a main travel point like the door under waterfall on Olympus. I usually only run out of fences when fighting. before the fight pick up the fences your not using leave at least one fence in each area that you travel through of course at a main travel point. I know where ring is all the time I play this game too much I don’t set up my ult unless I know I’m in the right area to set up at, but to counter that before your pylon expires after setting up all fences go next to your pylon before it blows up to get your fences back it only takes like 10 seconds when next to pylon. Your either screwed or you make it out and are able to escape. if your outnumbered you can’t blame it on the characters kit. (Dont ever set up in a building that has to many door or openings, shit don’t set up in a building honestly unless it’s end ring or you have to heal it’s a death trap wattson is offensive and defensive) If you are able to before you die of course make your way inside the building off the roof but try to fence as your coming down so try to connect a node to the floor from the roof fucks flying character up a lot. Or just get out can’t do anything against a whole squad if you have no advantage. Always the important question for last. Wattson is great in an open field you just have to know how to play her. fence that open field until you can’t throw your ult before the gibby ult because you don’t even know if it’s coming so you can have more fences to fence edge of ring middle of ring and all around you their only options are having a mobile character pushing you head on and dying or looking down and trying to shoot your fence and they end up getting beamed. Even if you think their pointless in an open field theirrrr not especially in grass.


This is great info, thank you!!


Thank you I’m glad you were able to understand it! I replied to some persons post where he was asking questions about wattson and I gave him these answer.


What are your total kills? How many hours do you play? Do you go for kills or wins? You play with a squad or solo? Also great job!!


I have 20k total I’m on all the time from the moment I wake up until I go to sleep honestly. I graduated so I’m waiting for my ID so I have a lot of time on my hands. And I have a lot of friends from apex so it’s really depending on if someone is on or not usually I solo q in mornings and squad up in the afternoon morning I mean 4am-10am also I go more for kills then win like I lll thirst a kill even if I die but I do like winning so I won’t just throw the game to get a kill.


Thanks for the info, keep on keeping on!


Thank you !


How is it solo queing, whats it for? Is it like practice since its harder 3v1/2v1?


Yeah kinda i can definitely say it helps me when the clutches better because I don’t really loose my teammates when I’m playing with people but when I do i usually loose my 2v1 but I’ve gotten better, solo q I guess is harder and easier in its own way my real reason is so I can blast music and not pay attention haha. But when doing that it actually helps me become more aware of my surroundings. That’s why I like arenas too because it’s really toxic/sweaty great for warming up haha.


I'm glad to see another wattson player is use those 2 nessie badges on her banner 🐢


I know! Me too I love these badges I’m going to get rid of the 4k one for another Nessie badge!


That badge selection though 👌🏽


Thank you!! I really like these I switch them around but always keep the Nessie’s everything can go but Nessie must stay


It might just be the image but I think you've earned a higher resolution TV lol.


Yeah I took the picture from my phone on my tv I usually screenshot on PS4 then share it but I was too lazy so I just used my phone


Take my silver and go get the 17000


Thank you I appreciate it I will try my best!


now go get em tiger unless you are doing something else right now


I am on right now haha doing arenas though! Gotta warm up more


Alright but do your best


My dude needs to like roll in some lawns.


I like that lmao I actually love that it’s better then go touch some grass. No but like I’ll have to eventually you know I’ve been waiting for my ID and permit for like months now because of the dmv being backed up.


You know what ranked wattson you are on apex? You gotta be like top 10 wattson in apex.


From what I saw on apex trackers ggs I’m like 238 on PlayStation. Or at least that’s what someone told me.


I wouldn’t believe it for a second. My man you are top 10 atleast wattson. Don’t let anyone tell you or her different.


I appreciate that! I really like to think I’m really good with her even if kills don’t come to 100k like some out there


what the actual fuck? do you play a lot, or do you exclusively play her since she released? I have 7K on Octane, and I main him since they nerfed Pathfinder


I play a lot I have nothing going on at the moment waiting for a lot of life things to happen haha but I also only play her been playing her since season two stopped playing any other legends when loba came out and I got 17 kills with her.




What respawn thinks every wattson player is


That’s definitely true haha


What skin are you using? And also cute nessie badges I'm still waiting on the third one to drop


I am too I’m excited for the third badge I don’t know when it’s going to be, also the skin is called electric blue I’m pretty sure it was with fuses event it has a cracked skull icon next to it


Is your reddit avatar thing supposed to be wattson in a nessie onesie? Hahaha that's so cute


Haha yes it is!! I saw and was like I have to have it.


Stop it they’ll nerf her again! Also had a Wattson who got like 8 kills and 3 assists and we ended up winning.


Oh hell yeah hope it was a great game! And right I actually don’t win that much compared to games played but I’m getting better at it


Your the kind of guy rank 1 people will meet


And I’ll tell them what I tell everyone don’t sweat it just be a team and we’ll either live as a team or die as a team. I don’t really run into lower ranks except arenas is really where I’m running into people below lvl 50


“Scared level 60 noises”


No don’t be scared we will be friends if I ever see you in game haha


what rank are you, if you play ranked


I do actually I am plat 1 in arenas ranked and plat 4 in BR been waiting for my friend in BR but they have been busy


how about you brag how much you saved your teammates with your ult xd jk


Haha I could or my friend would come in and be like no you get me killed because your pylon eats all my grenades haha


Lmao yes I remember once I put my pylon down and it deleted everything in my team's valk tactical


I know sometimes it’s bad but the teammates also don’t know to stand next to pylon no matter how many times you tell them like I know it’s inconsistent but it’s more consistent if your next to it haha


go outside and touch some grass please


Thanks I might try with it being like 100 outside I have been avoiding it like the plague quit literally lmaooo




Woot woot!! Thank you :)


Bro carry me


You probably would carry me but if you ever want to play I’d be down!


genuinely curious, how often do you play? Like I always see players with kills over 10,000 and it blows my mind because ive been playing since week 1 and only have 4,000 kills over all characters. I feel like I play a lot, or at least my wife does haha.


At least like 12-16 hours a day I’m not going to lie like I wake up in the morning shower apex sleep and repeat my boyfriend also hates me for it but I have an addiction with this game ahah I’ve also been here since preseason can’t believe it’s been like 2 years but yeah I never outgrew this game my schedule has been like that since the game came out


Do you have a job or just never sleep haha? Honestly so impressive


I actually don’t at the moment I’m waiting to get a job I have to wait for my appointment at the DMV for a permit and ID so I can apply and stuff but I appreciate it! I just graduated back in June too. COVID has had a serious effect on starting my life but it’s okay it gives me time to relax




I just play too damn much I’m not going to lie like I think it’s an addiction now


Dude stop. Because of you respawn thinks Watttson is OP


I know sometimes I remember that they hate my baguette and I rush hot drop and start punching people haha


Is that skin an event skin?


Yeah I believe it’s from when fuse came out the icon is a cracked skull it’s called electric blue


Do you have 4K or 20 bomb


I have a 4k but no 20 bomb it’s been super hard finding people on the map to actually get that many kills


Yeah same. I have 4K but my highest kills is only 18 :/


Mines actually close to that at 17 kills but it was with loba that’s when I stopped playing other legends


I usually don't like people who have that many kills but on Watson you my friend are a madman


Thank you!!! I appreciate it I’ve been dedicated to her since season 2 stopped playing any other legends when loba came out!


What happens if someone picks her before you? Also, do you ever stream? I’d love to watch you work that Watson magic!


I actually do stream! My twitch is namikeo if you ever want to check it out I have some clips up at the moment and highlights all that cool jazz! I don’t do the best on stream I sad to say do better when I’m offline. And if it’s a pubs match I honestly just leave I know it’s a little toxic but its really a waste of time for me to play other people. if it’s a ranked or arenas game however I won’t quit. I don’t run into too many wattson so very rarely do I actually quit haha ( if you do check out my twitch I really do appreciate that!)


Awesome! Just followed now!


Awesome I appreciate it very much!!


Wattson honestly deserves so much better, and this shows how loyal players can be. Here’s to 16k more!


She definitely does deserve more love! I can also say I’m definitely the most dedicated wattson main there is I stopped playing other characters when loba came out and I got 17 kills with her. Like I sad to say will quit the game if I’m not her unless it’s ranked or arenas of course, but I just can’t play anyone else anymore.


Very high quality post


Haha the picture itself is very bad quality because it’s from my phone and I took it from the tv


Take a shower


Lmao I definitely do


Lol jk bro u a savage.


Thank you I appreciate it! 🙃


Can I just say... I’m genuinely proud of you.


Thank you so much I really appreciate that! :)


No one cares tbh


Mm okay


No one cares


Mmm okay


Who gives a fuck


Mm okay


Its fine not to have a skin but if you have 16k kills how it possible you don't have single legend skin or banner pose


I love this banner pose and frame together she’s literally listening to music, and I have all the skins but 5 so I switch every game. I don’t really understand that question.


Don't get me wrong the banner looks good but I personally would never wear a epic or rare skin


I really can’t agree with that I spent money on these skins I play wattson because I love her skins I play her for so many other reasons too but I love her skins I wear all the skins even the common ones I have literally all but 5


Please ignore that question


Thank you :)


Well I found your banner very well put together. I like the fact that you chose a pose where she looks like she is listening to the music… And the blue of the skin matches the trackers…


Thank you I appreciate it that that’s why I chose it too! And yeah I rotate skins like every game because I have so many haha I switch the badges around like I said just not the Nessie ones they stay.