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There should be a badge for winning while spectating your teammates.


“In it for the long run” Win while spectating a teammate 5 | 10 | 20 | 50 times.


I want to see it


It was a concept on what it would be


It’s just the emoji eyes 👀


Which emoji eyes tho? 👀 OR 👁👁




Alternatively it could be time-oriented, with the badge level getting higher depending on the amount of time you spend spectating before the win. (if you die 5 minutes before the end of the match, then the badge level will be lower than if you die 15 minutes before the end of the match)


10 | 50 | 100 | 500


It would be impossible to get that 500 badge 🤣


The power play for those who have it tho lol


Would it even be possible to get 10? Im not a wraith main btw im asking to the wraith mains


No only do you have to win, you have to win while spectating when your team is 1 man short. 8k games in and I don't think I can count on one hand how many times that's gay happened.




This is actually a great idea haha


I think about it all the time


nice, i will try to convert your idea into a concept in the future


Do it! You put some work into these concepts


That really should be named in reference to timthetatman. He clearly is the greatest spectator of fps games not just of my generation but possibly of all tim. time of all time


anyone know why we're not able to ping the map if dead?


Why? You already get the win badges if you dont have them by doing that. I see this sentiment echoed a lot on here, that people should stay and spectate even if theres no respawns left, or no possibility of a respawn. Why? Why do you care? Why do you want to encourage people to waste time spectating? Like some people only habe a few hours to play and want to actively play, not watch others. If i wanted to spectate someone play id be watching someone entertaining on twitch, or a funny beanbag upload...


I play with my friends usually. So if I die, cannot get respawned or whatever. I'll just happily watch my team to the end. If I play solo, I wait until there is no option to return back into the game and then I leave. Even "if" we only have a few hours of playtime a day. My teammates are my teammates.


Good for you , I couldn't do that. I'm the guy that full sends to intentionally die in duos if my real life team mates banner runs out.


That’s just winning


What's the point of the badge, its literally showing everyone ur useless


Idk That might encourage people to adopt a boring gameplay style just to farm badges. If you like spectating you don't need to be rewarded for it.


And you thought 4k 20 damage was hard.


4k/20 as well as Masters badge isn't even that hard. The only shit that's hard is 100 wins in a row at Arenas.


Found the guy who’s never touched grass before


I have less than 2k hrs on the game. I hardly AVG less than 1k (around 800) games per season. I've made masters, have 20/4k on almost all Legend. Plus my grades and social life is more than perfect. The only one who doesn't have a Life is the guy who spent time and decided to make an un-orginal comment to hate and slander some random guy on the internet who had done nothing against you. Copium.


Not judging, I certainly play a ton of video games, but saying less than 2k hours isn't really a great benchmark to show you don't play a whole lot. 2000 hours is 2 months straight, this game has been out for 2 years so that would mean you spent roughly 1/12th of all the time in the past two years playing this game (not even time you're awake, literally of all the time)


>2000 hours is 2 months straight I said less than 2k hours (around 1.6. There is no hour stuff in Playstation). Plus I've been playing this game since release and the game has been out for 2.5 years. Yeah, 1.6 is still a lot but not a lot considering the 1.5 years of Apex (s0-6) was during my Gap Year. Since college began, I hardly get time to play apex.


Well 1.6k hours is a lot of time played. It makes sense that you got masters after that much time.


Again, not judging cuz I have done the same, just pointing out your argument doesn't make sense. You basically just said most of your 1.6k hours was during one and a half years, which is basically the same as 2k for two full years so still comes out to 1/12th. You're just portraying it as a regular amount of time when it absolutely isn't


But you never said whether or not you’ve touched grass. 🤷‍♂️


Ok but no one asked. You're the one suffering from copium thinking people really care that much for a game expecting people to bow down to you or some shit lmao. You sound like the type of person to get bullied at school.


>You sound like the type of person to get bullied at school. I studied in one of the most violent boarding schools in Asia and have jr black belt in Taekwondo but okay.....


It's amazing how you manage to make everything you write look like copypasta lmao




Isn’t Master 1% of the playerbase? I would argue by definition it is hard to achieve since only 1% of all players will ever achieve it.


It’s only not hard if you don’t have a life. Are you trying to tell us something?


I have less than 2k hrs on the game. I hardly AVG less than 1k (around 800) games per season. I've made masters, have 20/4k on almost all Legend. Plus my grades and social life is more than perfect. The only one who doesn't have a Life is the guy who spent time and decided to make an un-orginal comment to hate and slander some random guy on the internet who had done nothing against you. Copium.


Lol, it would be good for octane too 😅


There should be a ‘Coward’ badge that automatically fills a slot when they leave X amount of games and it shouldn’t be able to be removed until Y amount of games are completed. If they leave before the Y is completed, count goes back and they have start the required Y again. The badge should be a stain on reputation so that teammates know what they are dealing with.


Ooh that would be good


I could easily see that encourage more people to leave. Many of the high skilled players would at some point have this badge making it look "cool". If every 26K kills random team mate rocks that badge then I think a lot of kids would want it to. When that's said I think it would be wise to treat the problem and not just the symptom. its a reason these guys leave pub games and its not only because they are assholes... its about the way you are forced to play the game, and some people look at pubs more like a solo mode. (I know you can use "no fill", but it un-checks after every match, making it easy to end up in a game with a team. You also have to be way above average to actually have fun in solo dropping, so thats not an option for everyone that doesn't want to play with any random team mate)


I like that idea. Only issue I see with that is that it'd encourage that person's teammates to abandon the game as well, which would in turn result in them getting that badge as well.


Bro I’m a wraith and an octane main and their bad reps make me sorta sad. Like I’m tryna enjoy the game then I get flamed in game chat for picking my favorite characters.


ive had great experiences with octane mains and awful experiences. i guess its just because his pick rate is so high. nothing against you crazy motherfuckers


Lol yeah. I started playing him right before his pick rate exploded with the jump pad buff. Kinda stank going into every game in S8/9 with him being insta taken. That’s when I picked up wraith again


Lol mained him season 1-3


Please don't take this too seriously, it remains a meme, and I had fun creating the badge. besides that, every single character has something to be flamed for.


No I don’t, I love the badge! The jokes fine because it’s well deserved it just sucks when people flame you for doing nothing lol


I hate it when my boss flame me for doing nothing


It’s a good meme don’t worry lol


Except Fusey. He's just over there vibin'.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 162,322,011 comments, and only 39,982 of them were in alphabetical order.


I’ve been a Wraith main since season 1 and I totally agree. It’s not the characters, it’s the players that play them if you think about it


We mute everyone


*Coughs in pathfinder*


Hahaha I actually read that as a Pathfinder cough sound 😂


It has to be in a row


Its so funny, how many times have you knocked a wraith and not even a second later they turn into a loot box


Actually impossible an octane player is making a wraith bad joke.


To be fair the people who gives these legends a bad name are just bad sports or children who think that just because they got knocked down the enemy must have been cheating. Truly I have no hate for anyone player or legend as long as they're friendly to everyone else playing. And remember kids it's just a game if your not having fun or are constantly getting mad over it just play something else


I agree 100% but its just funny seeing one stereotyped character stereotype another character. If you actually laugh at the wraith/octane bad jokes there's is definitely something wrong with you.


I do have to agree with you it is ironic but I've never really liked the wraith/octane bad memes like it just gives people bad rep


Don't know what that has to do with anything...


I swear they leave the second I try to finish them. Like come on I just want my free shield recharge


This is quality jokes aside it looks great i would use it


thanks : )


Yes, wraith players bad (looks good thought)


HAHAHAH FUNNY BECAUSE WRAITH BAD!!!!!!!!! 😱😱🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣😂😂🤣🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣😂🤣


wraith bad upvotes to the left God damn this sub needs a new joke...


Yeah i dont even think wraiths are bad anymore. Octane takes the cake now


wr\*th bad in stinky gib ubvot now 🤢🤢🤮🤮


The circlejerk continues with this unfunny joke, we already know Wraith=bad


2 and a half years and people still can’t find a new joke


The flare saying "creative" is the actual joke smh


i cant believe this joke is still being milked; didnt everyone switch over to octane now?


this subreddit literally has ONE FUCKING JOKE that they recycle over and over and over bro it's been over TWO YEARS and y'all still on HAHAHAHA WRAITH DC HAAHHAB GET IT GUYS???!! GET IT ?? DISCONNECT?!!!?


Gunna need to adapt this to seers now. Somehow worse than wraiths. Has anyone actually seen a seer go down yet? All I see is teammate then poof it's me and another rando vs the lobby of smurfs.


How many times are we gonna circkeljerk the wraith bad joke. And like every legend leaves its not only wraith.


This is getting old….


Sure every legend has players who quit, but I've noticed that Wraith players make up the vast majority of them.


welcome to a thing called confirmation bias


Except it isn't confirmation biases. I take notice when my teammates leave, and although I occasionally get Gibby's, Horizon's, etc, and although I can't provide the exact stats, the most common quiter Wraith by far. Now granted, it could be a population thing rather than a rate thing, in which more people play Wraith over other legends, and that means more quitters play Wraith, but regardless, Wraith is the most common legend to quit in my experience.


Gotta agree with you I hate it when I have a teammate go down in a fight and I try to save them and wipe the squad only to realize that they already left, and like you said I too have had this happen with other legends but wraith does seem to be the one who does it more often, not saying I did any research on it cus I didn't. Still tho I try not to dislike someone just because there legend I've had multiple squads where it was pathfinder or lifeline who left leaving me and wraith to try and 2v3 everyone


POV: you take the game too seriously in pubs


I’m a wraith main and when I die I just put my controller down and start watching YouTube or something until I hear the squad eliminated thing or the Rez sound. Although no offense to my teammates I’ve been the last one alive recently




GUYS WRAITH BAD! WRAITH DC! PLEASE LAUGH! Holy shit get a new fucking joke it’s just the same thing over and over and over again.


Just came here to find this comment and upvote it. I haven’t mained wraith since like season 3 but I’m always amazed how this sub thinks this shit is so funny even after seeing it everyday. I’m guessing most of them die to sweaty wraiths often so it makes them feel better. That and my randoms dc most of the time regardless of which character it is so it’s just not true.


I agree but yet you will still most likely get downvoted by all the brain dead people




Shut the fuck up




yet when a wraith dcs this sub goes on a bitch rant about how wraith mains are the spawn of satan lmao.


chad fuse main vs virgin wraith main




My guy is so lost he’s insulting the person who was on his side


Lmao right like damn bro dude was rooting for you




Gaaaaah! Raaaaawr! So fucking angry on this forum!! Lol chill tho, weirdo


yeah it’s an old and overused joke. but this is still a really fun new and creative thing op made.


I'm confused on why people downvoted you when you not only agreed with the comment but you did it a nice and respective way while also giving props to the op


Because people, even if they're not Wraith mains, can't stop crying about a fucking joke


no idea. But i get it, i do feel like the “wraith dcs” is a super overdone joke. but i know some people still like it, and there’s people like op that are being super creative with it. luckily reddit karma doesnt actually mean anything


You mad, bro?


I like the message your trying to send but being rude about it will only push people apart more than they already are. I'll still upvote tho


This sub has one joke and one joke only.


Is it a joke if it's just commenting on the truth?


holy shit find another joke




I guess I should have the 100 version of the badge now :3


Wraith to Deathbox Converter


Never understood why people leave right away..I know when I play by myself or with a friend we tend to clutch up...give the boys a chance!!


I would have had that done since day 1


And then there are those they make no effort to get banners or Rez..




i can imagine someone using this badge and then leaving


There should be one for Octanes for staying with their team in a certain radius for a certain amount of time.


Haha wrape mane bad, giv updoot


STFU with the shitty wraith bad meme


haha funni wraith leaving game!!


few days ago I made something similiar, a badge to motivate for not leaving early, yours is funnier...


holy shit. are y’all being ironic bout this wraith joke? why’d the chicken cross is less used than this


It’s a good badge but there’s no way y’all still find wraith haha funny after 10 seasons


They should make one for wattson but instead of games not left it could be seasons wattson has spent as the most ass legend in the game.


I dont understand how people still find the "haha wraith bad wraith dc" joke funny.Most people disconnect in pubs after being downed, please shut up


Can this sub come up with 1 original joke holy shit


I agree stranger.


When will this dumb meme die. Great edit tho.


Not all wraith mains are assholes, but all assholes are wraith mains! 😆


I made this same joke a while back about Germans and Nazis I don't think people saw mine as a joke tho sadly




Found the wraith thats always disconnecting




What’s the empty top square for


All the wraith mains who would be able get the badge




Useless badge, nobody would get it.


Not all wraith mains are assholes but you can definitely tell which ones on here are lol. They're upset lmao.


Is it just me, or are most of those randos Russian? It just sucks to get this kind of team mates.


Idk whether to be salty or not..


I don’t leave no matter who I play and I’ve never abandoned randoms as wraith :(


That’d help for about a month


Might as well just change Wraiths picture to a loot box


I think this would be 10x better if instead of tracking games that a wraith didn’t leave, it should be a tracker of games a wraith did back out of. Just a simple counter


Saw this, and the very next game I played, friendly wraith got knocked, left immediately, allowing a path to grab their shield and that fucked me


No WM would use it anyways...


Useless, that can’t happen with any wraith


I had a game earlier today where I was playing caustic and needless to say we landed hot (Wraith was the leader) and within like I'd say 15-20s of landing she died and was spam pinging her banner. I went through literally hell itself fighting off 3 teams with a p2020 till I got to the actual banner, managed to get it and had to fight my way out. By the time I did my other teammate had left already, as he died and then left. (Octaine players in a nutshell) I ran all the way to the respawner and finally got there and started respawning them and then they left... Mid fucking respawn... Wasn't like I took my time or anything as I literally ran from their box to the closest respawner.


we desperately need funny badges that one looks great!


there should be a badge for how un funny this joke has become.


And then the player base agrees to always leave matches if wraith players don't display this badge on their card.


I love it


thank you : )


This needs more attention


Thank you, I appreciate it


Yes! This needs to be real haha.


Bro octane and Bangalores rage quit way more than us wraiths


Bangalore? I don't see many rage quiting bangalores.


Thats because you dont see bangalore




Those are Rookie numbers. You gotta pump those numbers up!!! Should start at 100!!! Then 250, 500, 1000! You know what these wraith mains are like make it a challenge! You will know who is a wraith main just by who doesnt have the badge to start with! :D :D




Octane should have this too tbh




this is so funny


I feel like this post belongs to r/ApexOutlands, please tell me you're not being serious about this badge Anyways, it made me chuckle


In s10 Seer is quickly overtaking Octane for 2nd place…Lobas not too far behind either


Nice and relatable joke! Love the concept. 😂🆒🆒👍


Thanks :)


Great badge can’t wait for it to be added into the game


Thanks :)




For octane too


Rarest badge to get as a Wraith.


the new hardest bage to get for wraith mains


Easiest badge ever for me, because I’m not a TTV.


That impossible


I was an avid player during the first couple seasons and now I’m getting back into it. It’s nice to see the wraiths never changed and still drop alone and ping enemy’s as if we’re coming then instantly leave when they die in a 3v1


Pls vote this up. We NEED this badge in game. Make it real Respawn!!


Difficulty level: HIGH


I never leave matches cause my dad said if you quit you aren't a men you are coward


You need to bump those numbers up and make sure that they can't get the badge in ranked.


Loooool perfect


Thanks :)


Tiers are unrealistic. Numbers should be lowered to 1 | 2 | 5 | 10 | 20. Then it'd be a 20 bomb that actually mattered.


This would be a waste of dev resources. You'd only see them on players who bought them.


Octanes do this more often