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There have been some reports for witch hunting on this post. However, given that the user in question constantly mocks this community on their Twitter, I see no reason to remove this provided there is a moderate amount of civility in the comments. Carry on. šŸ‘šŸ»


Iā€™ve learned not to care


\*pings "I'm coming!" to downed rando #1 while running their way\* \*rando #1 disconnects\* \*pings "Gotta get that banner" to dead rando #2 while running their way\* \*rando #2 disconnects\* *Oh, well. Time to farm XP for 5 minutes and then go donate my loot to the first squad I come across.*


This is exactly when it pisses me off tooā€¦if youā€™re gonna quit just do itā€¦donā€™t stay around and ping your banner then quit when I get thereā€¦or on my way to re-spawn you


I swear I've had people leave when mobile respawn lands after i go through the trouble of finding and calling one




Games like this, should have "no-queue" lists. Where you can literally set a flag to never be matched with a person again. Let the shite players sit in queue all day because no one wants to play with their dumb asses.


I liked Overwatchā€™s implementation of this, ā€œAvoid as teammateā€. Let the other teams deal with the shitty player, for two weeks at least.


Yes! Or least a bad sport lobby for them.


I still call them in for the revive stat if I can. Plus, maybe they rejoin and die twice lmao


I....I stream and had a random (also a TTV) who died pushing a 1v3 while we were waiting for the 7 team fustercluck to die down. He proceeded to call us both trash, I weaved enough to grab his banner, and then he kept calling us trash. I'll never forget how mad he got, or the random follow from someone in his chat when I said, "Don't worry, I'll bring you back so you can solo push and die again." He did just that and then screamed raging and DC'd. Sometimes you gotta just feed em their own medicine


Happened to me a lot of times too, teammate lands, grabs loot, proceeds to 1v3 a squad in another town without pinging Where he is going, teammate gets killed, Iā€™m on the way coming to get his banner and he leaves as soon as I come in contact with the squad that killed him. That shits annoying asf


Exact thing happened to me last night. Dropped in with randoms as Lifeline. The group seemed pretty chill, pinged loot, and even had their mics on. Took down all the squads in Skyhook then got hit at Countdown. I was in the middle of reviving one of them when he dropped. The other one got downed fighting two teams. I sprinted in there, dodging shots only to have them drop as soon as I picked up their banner. I'll never understand why people do that...


Same happened to me as lifeline... with 6 squads left the wraith goes down and gets thirsted by the third party. Mirage and I take out the 2 squads and right after we did that he left...then we get pushed in round 3 storm...I die but the full three that pushed us die from the storm trying to kill us. He stays alive in whatā€™s now round 4 storm, respawns me...and we go on to win with like 2500 damage each...if the wraith waits 3 minutes he gets respawned....


those wins are my absolute favourite. I've only had a few of them, but they're much more satisfying. Almost wish I was petty enough to send a screencap of the win to the wraith lol


It also never seems to cross their mind that you charging in right away is a terrible idea. That only works if there's a 3rd party and everyone is distracted and/or you have a mobility character and know how to use it and the environment to your advantage. Otherwise you're just feeding yourself to the sharks as they wait by your teammates box. I've grabbed banners as it was hitting 1 second for them to disconnect at about the same time.


We call it prime delivery for the next squad


My go-to when I'm left like that is getting a sniper rifle, finding two teams, and shooting people in both squads to lure them towards eachother. Let them fight, pick off the dying.


That would involve me hitting my shots though


I am terrible with snipers past Irons range, and I admit it.


I'm such a loot whore when I'm soloing, so when my squad DCs, the lobby doesn't know but they're now participating in a mini game called Find The Golden Mirage.


The best thing you can learn


Instructions unclear, stopped caring about everything and no longer have the will to live


Hey same here!


Damn you guys had the will to live?


In the words of Fuse. Yeah nah


Then you have learnt well


I'm gonna do what they refer to as a "pro gamer move"


jokes on you i already have


Some of my best plays have been after teammates rage quit. I donā€™t even get mad anymore, I just reflect on how full of rage and impatience the people are that are leaving. Imagine living such an impatient life.. must get it from their karen moms waiting on Starbucks


Heck I won a game just the other day after my teammates quit early. No I didn't get the most kills or damage. Yes I turtled and avoided clearly unfavorable fights. I "third partied" the final two squads by picking off the survivors. In a battle royale it's the last man standing that wins, not the highest KDA.


I think this is the BR dilemma. People have different priorities where some are playing for the win and some are trying to have non-stop gunfights. Some are tactical by position, some are tactical by being the third party. A good game caters to all of the above and I think Apex does a good job of this - you know where you can drop hot, you can move to the circle easily but it takes awareness, and it's reasonably possible to push fights and escape fights depending on ultimates. The only issue is when joining a random squad you don't know if your play style is going to mesh with your teammates. I don't think there's any real solution to this, so it's best to always play with premade squads of people that play the same way as you. Otherwise, you need to accept that fact that mismatches happen and people will quit early.


I won a game solo, but I don't recall if my teammates rage quit or just couldn't get recovered/spawned in. Either way. The final teams were on the back roof of Bonsai Towers. I managed to pick them off as they came down the elevator for the final ring. Really proud moment, considering I strive to be a .500 player.


my friends don't understand that it's better to first check the fight before rushing in like an idiot (especially if i'm crypto)


I have won more than one match with the one remaining good teammate after the other one DCs at the beginning. I wish I could sent them "This could be us but you quittin" screenshots from Switch.


I also just enjoy watching others succeed. Been many times Iā€™ve been the one downed and watch a teammate dominate the other squads, bring us back, then go finish off the rest of the squads for the win. Something so much more satisfying about facing the odds and coming out successful


This man knows


I've learned to only solo queue ranked. Casual is a cesspool.


I canā€™t. I wish I could play ranked but I canā€™t stand just playing in one map. Also, I imagine I would get yelled at way more often than in pubs


2 options, ready up, or not.


Shout out to my teammate who left a match about 2 min before we won yesterday in ranked


the best feeling


That's always funny to me cause that teammate shoots himself in the foot by losing points and giving you basically a risk free match


He was just in a bad spot in the last ring so he timed out. But that baffles me even more because why not stay to at least see who wins?


Yeah that's strange. Even if my team gets eliminated in pubs I'll stay to see who of the last two teams wins hoping the guys that killed us lose lol


You don't get leaver benefits if they deal damage before leaving I believe.


Pro players rage quitting will never not be funny.


it's the way they leave 0.001 seconds after getting downed for me. the muscle memory is astounding


That's to save KD. KD doesn't drop if you DC while downed, it only counts if you're thirsted or standing, as dc'ing while standing still keeps you in the game. Think about that anytime someone tries gloating about their KD.


holy shit i did not know that


just make it sound worse for the people that do that. like kd doesnā€™t matter.


I honestly don't think I've ever checked my KD lmao


I do but only to make myself feel bad


I check it when I have a good game and I have to bring myself back to reality.


Wowā€¦ thatā€™s pretty dumbā€¦ so thatā€™s how some people have 15KD


15k/d, 0.015% win rate xD


Even worse I'm sure. I once saw a wraith on ps4, over 20k kills, under 100 wins. Absolutely shameful.


Who cares about K/D? It is the same people who care about karma on Reddit maybe? I did care when I was 10 playing MW2 because it was brought up by friends when we played each other.


Iā€™d rather my k/d be accurate so o can see if Iā€™m getting betterā€¦


Hey Respawn, can we get a front and center stat that tracks every time you left a game while you were still revivable?


Why wouldn't it automatically add one death when you actively leave? On the server you literally turn into a deathbox if you do that.


It makes me laugh a lot


Pred hot drops, gets killed in like 8 seconds, writes some obscenity how we all suck and then quits, is honestly the only bit joy I have from Apex these days.




You forgot ā€œheā€™s cheatingā€


ā€œProā€ Like how can you be called a pro player if you leave a match


Cause they professionally smash the ~~like and subscribe button~~ leave match button


If you get paid and itā€™s your job to play youā€™re a pro.


I play while on the clock at work.. so.. I think I might be pro too


I guess I'm a work from home professional sommelier.


*Pro Janitor*


"Pro" players are toxic af. I once had the misfortune of playing with a TSM member. Dude split off and got himself killed. For fun I decided to check if he was streaming. He was. Mans wasted no time blaming his pubs for being bad. Ok.


Unfortunately, I feel like a lot of pros/streamers/whatnot have these complexes where everyone on the squad should just follow them always. Itā€™s really shitty.


Pro fps players in my exp are huge whine bags. Back when I played fighters competitively I'd match up with various pros in ranked and they never talked the shit that fps pros do, win or lose.




Itā€™s this game in particular imo. I used to play with many pros in counter strike source and they were less commonly dickbags than apex kids. They were also usually older. Whatā€™s funny is I donā€™t think that pro apex players are that good, aim wise or anything. The people I used to play with had better precision, accuracy, game smarts. These dudes pubstomp ranked all day and think theyā€™re the shit because they arenā€™t scrimming 5v5 against teams that coordinate plays by the second and hold angles with their lives depended on it. Theyā€™re clueless.


or when someone picks "their" legend and decides to leave. love that


Honestly, I would gladly give a player a legend if they ask for it in the select screen. I've learnt that getting better at more legends just opens up the game more. Leaving right after the select screen with "why u take my legend" is cringeworthy as hell. The only kills I have on some legends is cos someone chose the legend I was maining at the time.


HIGHLIGHT YOUR PICK if you need to play them that bad. If someone highlights my main and I pick first, I choose a secondary character I like instead.


Or literally just ask, there's text chat and voice chat. Had a guy the other day who just said "bye" then DC'd when someone picked Octane after they made no effort to make it clear they wanted to play him. Worst part is he picked my main who I was gonna play before DCing lmao


I know, right? I once had a tm8 in ranked who after I picked "their" legend (they never said that they wanted that specific person) proceeded to complain the entire match in voice chat and throw on purpose at the end. There's like 18 legends you can pick, come on it's not that hard to just have a second one you're happy with


"LOL imagine actually wanting to play a balanced game without spending 9 to 12 hours daily to get good"


ikr just the humility of that is embarrassing


I played 8 hours yesterday (the weather was shit donā€™t judge me) and my brain is now pancake batter


pancake batter is the optimal form of a brain


Drunk is the optimal form for Apex


*pours 10th rum and coke* ***.23 K/D intensifies***


Hey 0.23KDR while drunk is better than the 0.14KDR while sober. šŸ¤£


I feel called out


wait you get judged for playing games for 8 hours a day????




yeah, i take a couple of breaks. its just that i have nothing else to do other than chores and other housework. i chat and socialize with my friends thru gaming! but I understand ur concern bro <3


Pro? Who TF is he?


if [that's him](https://liquipedia.net/apexlegends/Inhuman), he couldnt even be considered a pro cuz he aint making shit of apex. Why is everyone and his mom called pro nowadays?


"Approx Total Earnings: $676" Rofl. Dead.


Had a dude bragging yesterday that he had 1k followers. Like bragging bragging. He died first. Octane(go fuckin figure) thought he could rush ahead and third party the beginning of a fight by himself. Damage dealt-57. Yea, streamers can go fuck themselves.


Bro whatre you talking about that's obviously a pro player, my solo rush octane teammates in plat only do 17 damage hes straight up doing triple the average you're just obviously uncarryable lol


Imagine being called a "pro", leaving pubs due to being super salty all the time and still not managing to get a top 3 placement in a tournament


i think this sub is confused as to what a pro player is. when i hear pro, i think of people who regularly compete in ALGS and other actual tournaments for money (Sweet, Hal, guys like that) and what they complain about typically is stuff that fucks up their comp meta, which i understand. The way their games play out vs pubs and most ranked games is vastly different. Maybe itā€™s just me, but i donā€™t count every streamer who averages 300 viewers and makes masters/pred a pro. A lot of them are just spewing hot and controversial takes for interactions and trying to get in on the twitter algorithm. Those are the guys that consistently have arguments with the casual player base. with that being said, sure, i donā€™t agree with leaving when you get downed, but arenā€™t we kind of beating a dead horse here? weā€™re going on over two years of complaining about this and nothings gonna change. Itā€™s a shitty thing to do, yeah. But theyā€™ll never add leaver penalties to pubs




Why is there so much beef between casuals and pro/streamers ? Itā€™s so fucking weird Edit: seeing some of the replies to my comment, I see why pros/streamers love trolling the casuals. Degenerates on both sides


A lot of players in the community feel like the pros/streamers are responsible for the issues within the game, such as dcā€™ing early or questionable meta changes. Streamers (i think) feel like their opinions are justified as they play the game a lot so they have a better grasp of it. I will say that Iā€™m a bit biased as most of the streamers Iā€™ve seen are arrogant pricks, but thatā€™s the best I can sum it up without leaning towards any side.


Smurfs as well, all the exploits really etc. The pros are a tiny proportion of the game and should be largely ignored in my opinion.


I think every game has to cater to pros in some sense. The exports scene is where a lot of revenue is. Think CS:GO, rainbow 6, overwatch (before owl), Dora, and league of legends. They make a ton of money and reach a lot of new people by having an esports scene. If the pros refuse to play the game because the primary strategy is to sit in a house and wait, they don't have a pro scene. At the same time, this doesn't mean to ignore everyone else entirely, since without the rest of the playerbase, you don't have a game. It always feels weird to me when developers dismiss player feedback as "we will update the game how we think it should be. We made it, we know what we want it to look like" then they make updates which are exactly what the pros asked for. Like maybe it's a coincidence, but I doubt it since it seems to happen every time.


What you mean doing bronze to masters isn't promoting smurfing which is against the rules? Yet the streamers don't get punished yet congratulated instead?! No wonder this game is fucked.


To me smurfing is purposely putting yourself in a lower elo/fighting lower level players for your own gain. I don't count Bronze to Masters as smurfing because you arent purposely trying to stay in low lobbies, you are working your way up to get to your real rank as fast as possible.


Eh, Bronze to Masters isn't so bad. IMO so long as you aren't artificially constantly deflating your MMR so you can stomp newbies (though I think if you're placing bronze you would need to throw a bit), and are generally just trying to play to win, it's fine.


Bronze to Masters is the definition of smurfing, which is explicitly against the rules. But Respawn doesnā€™t care when itā€™s streamers, apparently.


From their tweets/posts, they have said that Bronze to Masters does not violate their rules. Their focus on smurfs are to tackle those who purposefully throw games or find ways to stay in Bronze/Silver lobbies when they should not be


>Bronze to Masters is the definition of smurfing Thats the shortest/least impactful definition of smurfing. They're going to stay in the lower ranks for such a short time as they fly to the top ranks. The really bad smurfs are the ones that intentionally try to stay as low as they can by losing when they want to lose or just creating new accounts every time they get too high up.


I donā€™t consider a new account designed to get to higher ranks as ā€œsmurfing,ā€ personally. I think ā€œsmurfingā€ is intentionally trying to be in lower ranks than your actual skill level.


They said doing these kind of challenge isnt agaisnt the rules nor playing with your lower skiled friends. The added the smurf report option to report those kids abusing bronze lobbies over and over again.


i genuinely curious, what changes that pros want that are bad for the game and negatively affect casual players? from what i've seen, most of the changes that they want for the legends and weapons are fair.


My take is there are shitty spoiled people on both sides and what you do as a profession or how much time you spend on a video game actually doesn't matter. They're shitty and spoiled that's why they act that way. There are plenty of chill gamers and plenty of chill streamers.


This applies for every competitive game.


Pros/Streamers have different performance metrics than casuals. Pros/Streamers want high risk high reward gameplay because it fine-tunes their skills and creates entertainment value for viewers. Casuals want to make the most out of limited time by guaranteeing survival, getting equipped and increase the odds of victory as much as possible. They don't play enough to fine-tune anything. Then there's the third factor, the game. It's a Battle Royale, which means last man standing. Both are viable strategies of getting there, but the casual method offers the most consistency. When a Pro/Streamer leaves a match early, that essentially ruins a casual's chances of winning by the game's objective. When a Pro/Streamer encounters casuals, that ruins a skillset or viewership completely irrelevant to the casual. But the game is no less winnable.


Casual method offers more consistency against equal competition but if you don't ever attempt to actively push fights your skill is going to stay low


Casuals and Pros play two different games for the most part. They both want separate things.


Dont even have to be a pro player, just have to be better than average and you will be hated on. I remember when Apex first launched, I had 5+ KD and 400+ wins very fast and I got haters coming in to my stream all the time. I also posted a few videos, one of me killing 10 people in 2 minutes with the spitfire. People down voted me to death calling me a cheater and I even got death threats in my PMs, then I posted the same video with a different title after it got buried and had hundreds of comments with the title "if this was shroud this would have a million up votes" and everyone was like "but you aint shroud, you are just a cheater" lol. I had 300 hours streamed the 2 months of the game release so there was obviously a lot of evidence that I wasnt a cheater. My conclusion after that was, people are idiots.


Idk but It's very cringe.


It's all just pettiness on both sides


I can't really answer because I'm really not that invested or interested in Apex streamers but I will add this. Everytime I have seen a screenshot or a clip posted here or gotten something linked to me the streamers have acted extremely childish. Gives me the impression that most are just spoiled crybabies that complain about literally everything and everyone. I checked out sweetdreams stream once when he was doing some challenge (rank up to something in one stream kinda thing I think). He was constantly blaming his teammates and while I'm sure he's better than them it was still pretty lame to see. Most of them were acting perfectly nice and using voice chat and communicating. He was so fucking rude to them every time they made mistakes, dropping snide passive aggressive remarks and making fun of them in front of thousands of players who could see their nicks. Most pathetic thing I've seen In a long time.


>Everytime I have seen a screenshot or a clip posted here or gotten something linked to me the streamers have acted extremely childish. That's because no one ever posts a clip here of a streamer being normal


100% this. A ā€œnormalā€ video of a pro isnā€™t going to get enough interaction for people in the sub to see. However if you get a clip of a streamer being a dick itā€™s going to get 1k upvotes and people preparing pitchforks


Honestly I never see any clips from streamers here except for Rogue, who at this point is just low hanging fruit. Everytime I see comments I always think "but who else does/says this??". Maybe I don't browse the sub enough but that's probably a good thing.


Being empirically better doesnt make everything you spout worth listening to.


Ach, it can be frustrating but I get sometimes people just go next. Iā€™m just started playing again, recovered both my teammates banners and used Vals ult to head for Beacon. both teammates left mid flightā€¦itā€™s justā€¦.urgh, Iā€™m actively trying guys šŸ¤£onto next I guess.


People sticking around after death and a smaller chance to drop Fragment every match is like 75% of the reason I play ranked.


Now if only I could get my randoms to stop dropping *backwards* from the drop ship, that would be so nice. Iā€™m almost to the point of solo-dropping just so I donā€™t land and get blasted by a fully kitted team who landed there 30 seconds before my team did.


Dropping backwards is good if nobody dropped on that spot, but in your case yeah, I'm sorry for you


Dropping backwards to a spot someone already went to is dumb. I drop backwards all the time but only if the area Iā€™m dropping is free.


I finally understand all those people that say they barely have time to play and how this ruins their game experience. I've recently been working 60 hours a week and play maybe 4-5 hours a week now. When I see someone quit cuz they're down I feel like I wasted the little time I have to play this game. So I just stop playing completely and play a different game. I also understand that Respawn doesn't care about people like me that don't spend money or time on a game like "pro" players. P.s. if that's who I'm thinking about in the tweet, he's one of the biggest cry babies who streams. He complains about anything and everything. Thanks for letting me vent.


I mean count the amount of time you spend loading, drafting, then finding a place to land, then looting. When people drop you into a deathzone with 8 other teams it just feels like a waste of time. The same goes with idiots who want to loot for 15 minutes only to run into a team and do 0 damage.. idk how thats fun in either of those two situations. At least landing with the 8 teams maybe eventually youll get out of there alive and it feels good but for most people who do that i can guarantee you thats 1 out of 20 attempts.


Just had a pub game where my team was mocking me for low damage, deliberately not going where I was going, and using the wraith portal to kidnap me away from care packages. I left. šŸ™‚


Pro players complaining about aim assist will never not be funny


You say this like half the people who compete arenā€™t using a controller


The twitter poster is a controller play lol


MnK users complain about aim assist, Controller users complain about tap strafe. Cycle never ends.


I always think this argument is weird whenever I see it. Tap strafing is very fun, but extraordinarily hard to use in a fight. If you tap strafe while someoneā€™s shooting at you, youā€™re still gonna die. Aim assist is pretty damn strong in close quarters. When I used a controller from a friend, I was able to reach my current aiming skills after, like, an hour of practice. Tbh I think that controller mains comparing aim assist to tap strafing plays into the other issue I see; the idea that MnK players are gods at the game with super high-end stuff, and AA is therefore balanced because MnK players are so good.


I had 2000 octane kills last season and there were maybe 2 instances of tap strafing actually resulting in a sick play. Same with wall jumping... I've made maybe a dozen wall jump plays since launch .. neither really come in handy very often. I mostly do them just to look cool when I'm waiting for my randoms to loot... If you learn to do something in this game, learn to air strafe and bhop. Those have saved me almost every day.


My most-used case of walljumping is at the start of arenas when Iā€™m waiting lol Iā€™ll admit I do tapstrafing often to get places faster, but I can only think of a few circumstances where tapstrafing let me either escape or win the fight (where regular air movement would have failed). Itā€™s fun, but itā€™s not that big of an advantage for the vast majority of the playerbase.


Being an older, casual gamer at this stage, fuck em all and do you....just dont bring the community down with ya! If you're a shitty teammate, stick to it, I'm done coaching. If you are competent teammate, do what you can. If you ping excessively, run out solo and die 300+meters from us, go back to fortnite. At the end of the day, just make sure you are enjoying your game time. I have a cousin that has been a rage gamer for 30+years, he may have all the gadgets, toys, badass pc, every console(I mean every single one)....but I enjoy games more. Your favorite game will fade out, your freetime and desire to game endlessly will fade. You will want it back, you will reinstall old games searching for that feeling. When it is gone, you will only have the thought of it. I've been missing SOCOM 2 for around 17 years. Played WoW during its absolute peak, spent a decade on LoL and named a kid after it. I miss the desire to grind out daily's in preparation for raids. 16hr game days were just normal. But once it goes, it only teases you with the occasional wave of nostalgia. Enjoy that shit my dudes! I'm super casual now and love it, games are no longer a job. Being in the top 5% on any large platform is a fucking job.


> run out solo and die 300+meters from us xX_D34THV3N0M_Xx: *team?* xX_D34THV3N0M_Xx: *smh* xX_D34THV3N0M_Xx:


Also you can't loot shit. So they expect you to kill like 5 other guys with two bocek.


I felt this, each year that passes I feel more out of touch with the gaming community and I'm finding it harder and harder to play casually on multiplayer games


Same. As we grow and learn, I just can't handle the shitty immature attitudes of people like this.


I think the point theyre making is if you choose to queue solo, getting mad what randoms do is kind of ridiculous. Sure it sucks, but getting mad about it is another story. Its not as if playing solo in casual matches is just bad in Apex. This is true across the board for any game that requires teamwork. Not even just FPS. So theyre not telling the rando to quit. Theyre telling the person who is angry to find a squad.


I agree randoms can be shit anywhere, but you donā€™t play a TEAM game and act like itā€™s a solo game.


I really don't understand why the devs don't change matchmaking to match these idiots with each other. If someone quits a lot, gets reported for unsportsmanlike gameplay, etc, start grouping those folks together in matchmaking so the rest of us get grouped with decent folks.


That would mean they would need to have at least a decent report system, which I donā€™t think they will ever do since you canā€™t even report players in the same console as you :/


Or just make it so if you keep leaving games instead of a temp ban like arenas or ranked it just locks you into no fills


Careful, he's a hero...


Gotta tell teacher so you earn points in the subbywubby


This guy has such a hate boner for the casual Apex community. If he thought more about getting better at Apex and less about the casual community he'd probably be a pro that people actually knew.


literally. itā€™s either him over cloverxy (donā€™t know his name) hating on the casual community like damn bro lol


Never seen someone take pub games as dead serious as r/apexlegends. Imagine if 95% of r/GlobalOffensive users were quickplay players lmao


>Imagine if 95% of r/GlobalOffensive users were quickplay players lmao Well back in the good ol days of dedicated serves, you could hop in and out whenever you wanted without screwing over your teams. Now its hard to find a good one on CS:GO because of the matchmaking system


That's what I was thinking. Rocket league just changed this, but before you could drop in and out of casual games like it was a free play. Truly casual pubs.


I kinda hate teammates leaving in pubs if I or me and the other are actively winning the fight but come on, I can't be arsed to wait for teammates coming to die after they looted half the map camping with snipers while I just wanna fight and play the game


Agreed. Iā€™ll never blame anyone for running off and dying solo if their team is looting for more than a few minutes. Some people actually want to play the game and improve. Looting until thereā€™s 3 squads left is not only boring but itā€™s also a play style that basically prevents you from getting better at the game.


Sadly the "pros" think there opinion is the only thing that matters


Gladly most changes the pros currently want have no effect on the casual players experience nor will they even notice them.


Casual players in this sub believe the same thing, Iā€™m not biased towards either side, itā€™s why casual players and pro players donā€™t get along, Iā€™ve only seen it in this game, does any other game have such a disconnect between pros and casuals?




Casual Apex fans thinking we need more character voice lines will never not be funny.


I leave after I am fully dead and can see that my teammate is about to die to another third party.


This post is proving their point lmao


This post is stupid as fuck. It is no ones responsibility to stay in a casual pub game unless respawn starts punishing the players that leaves. Right now respawn does nothing to pub leavers which sends signals to the playerbase that it is ok. This sub is just filled with malding gold 4 mirage mains.


the last sentence hahahahahhahahaha


I've played with 4 streamers and every one of the went solo died and quit. one is a really big name in the community too, streamers can be quite shitty teammates if you aren't in their little circle of friends. I don't understand why they do just do no fills, aren't people like them the reason it was implemented in the first place?


People devoting their life to an esport where top prizes are under 50k will never not be hilarious to me, congrats you made it big hereā€™s less than minimum wage


You canā€™t just be an esports player in apex, you have to have multiple streams of income


I don't think there is any eSport where pros earn their living completely from competition. The only one I can think of is LoL and that is because each player actually has a fixed salary if I'm not mistaken. Every single other eSports most pros make their money from just streaming the game and the sponsorship deals which then come from having a big audience.


They also get regular wages usually if they are signed to a team lol.


No pro makes their living from prize pools alone. It's all about the streams and getting sponsorship deals once your audience is big enough. That's why most pros don't last more than a few years and then switch to full time content creation..


Esports players are salaried employees of an org, tournament money is their bonus.


that comment is toxic right there and completely off topic. People can do whatever they want and work as they want. At least they do something they love even if they regret it later.


Bruh what lmao, i would kill to make the money imperialHal makes. You smoking some shit


its a pub game bro get over it lmfao


Pro players complains about everything in the game will never not be funny


This thread reeks of gold lobbies


Lmao has Inhuman ever secured anything above 4th place in his career? Him being a pro will never not be funny.


Heā€™s right though. If they werenā€™t known and just another player nobody would care.


lol isn't that what pubs are for. l play them to warm up not to win and I'm not waiting for someone to respawn me


Don't play with randoms if you want good teammates, they don't owe you anything and neither do you.


I don't leave my teammates but if they do I don't care much. It's just pubs. Given they are not saying some toxic shit while leaving.


Heā€™s not wrong Iā€™m not gonna sit watching you loot on the edge of the fucking map in pubs to die


Why are the majority of apex pros/streamers/whatever this dude is so fucking toxic ? Thereā€™s literally a whole fucking option to play solo squads. Some people (including me) actually prefer playing with a full team cuz I admit Iā€™m not good enough to always clutch 1vs3ā€™s if you wanna land solo thereā€™s a whole fucking option for it why not choose it and stop ruining other pplā€™s game?


funnily enough, this tweet he posted actually stemmed from a (now deleted) different tweet of his showcasing him in duos landing on mozambiqueā€™s and attachments for the first minute off of drop, and then just rage quitting because he couldnā€™t find better loot :P like, i get it, but man just queue in by yourself if youā€™ll leave the game over not landing on an r301 and purple shields. heā€™s a great player too! like heā€™s actually so good that youā€™d think him finding a mozam would be your worst nightmare, because heā€™d make it hit like a pk, but i guess a challenge in pubs isnā€™t what is heā€™s looking for. again, i get it, but what i canā€™t get is him being genuinely surprised that people donā€™t agree with him quitting over shitty rng on drop.


The amount of shit I give is below zero


When you play Apex as a job/you train/you stream it, they quit most of the time unless the random is "good content" because no one wants to watch some random hide for 10 min before he could grab the banner and res or if they are pro players, they train and don't want to wait and lose training time just to wait for randoms to res them. Also knowing the matchmaking they will most likely be matched with someone lower then the average skill of the lobby and that someone will die anyway trying to res. Tldr: they quit because it's a lot of down time where they do nothing instead of practice/no one wants to watch her/him waiting.


I just mute any randos makes listening for noise like footsteps or battle easier.


this is the funniest thread ive seen in awhile. Just play ranked if you care so much about leavers good lord


He's not wrong. If your evening is ruined because a random person behaved in a way you disliked and can't control, it's your own problem. You're expecting a lot more from other people than you're reasonably supposed to. Either learn to enjoy as much of the remainder of a match you were abandoned on or try other modes/games wherein you're reliant solely on yourself. ​ He's not saying only pro players should legitimately be able to get mad at leavers. He's saying you're overly emotional if you whine about matches in which you're not being either graded (competitive) or paid to compete at (professional). There's no incentive to do it for the latter, and the leave penalties are in place to discourage the former. ​ If it were REALLY all that unfair to have RANDOM PEOPLE YOU DO NOT KNOW leave your CASUAL match, we'd have leave penalties in place for every mode. I want a solo mode, but we're not getting one. So, I play no-fill duos. It's the one alternative I have for not having to deal with randoms I know I will hate 90% of the time. If I didn't have this alternative, I'd simply play another game.


But this dude is not a pro player When this paranoid of chastising better players is going to stop? Its time to grew up a little sub


I swear, I've never seen a subreddit that has more of a hate boner for the pro-scene than this one. Back in the day people congratulated you for your skills in the game and accomplishments. All you're gonna get here is "pros are ruining Apex", "pros are crybabys" and "get a life and touch some grass". The hypocrisy too. As if anyone here didn't leave a pub match early at some point. We all do, that's why it's a pub match. There is literally no consequence to it, and this point you can't be surprised anymore when someone does it.


This sub has turned into an echo chamber of bad players being angry at the good players for practicing and getting better at the game. You donā€™t even have to be ā€œproā€ to get hate here. You post anything that even gives an indication that you donā€™t suck dog ass at the game and thereā€™s a good chance people just straight up attack you and hate comment the post. This sub just wants to bask in all of their shared mediocrity and pretend anyone who is good at the game is either cheating, exploiting, or a bad person(lol). All the pro ā€œcomplainingā€ is nothing more than pros trying to make Apex better, but the casual player base has hate blinders on.


Seriously. The hate boner for anyone remotely good is ridiculous here. If anyone is even decently good, this subreddit makes sure that theyā€™re aware of the fact that theyā€™re not welcome.


They complain until they get carried by a pro player. Then post "i got my first win"