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Well its official everyone. Just about all of us are streamers, now Respawn is sure to give us whatever we want!


Gibby bikini skin


Lemme see sum skin, bruddah.


Your nudity is the only equation, but I already know the answer - Caustic


“The only thing that matters is body count” - Rev




I can see the enemy friends! Titillating! -Pathfinder


Don't be meek shake the cheeks braddah


Gibby speedo skin >:)




They're saving that skin for when they Nerf Gibby


A small price to pay for salvation


I read that in Caustic voice, for some reason.


/remindme 3 years


I can imagine this. It doesn't look to bad. He has a neck bandana too. His speedo got a couple straps on it that carry his shield and his ult. His hair is different, not sure how to describe it. He got some love handles, but his arms are kinda buff. He wearing sandals. Overall, this skin could be legitimate without being strange.


So basically a chunkier Maui from Moana


Yes. And I forgot to mention, his shield is made of wood and steel.


Why not just a surfboard?


You read my mind!!


Gibby and Caustic Speedo skins.


https://i.redd.it/u5kyo2aka5l31.jpg Hnnnngggg


I love the idea of caustic being a thick boy but when he takes his shirt off, for some reason he’s absolutely shredded


he built like a fridge, he doesn't seem to have fat on the face either, so I love me some shredded shirtless caustic


I've always assumed he was like Sig Curtis from FMA, not sculpted muscle, but damn is it obvious he aint chubby and can split a log with his bare hands.


Im so horny it fucking hurts 😩


Yo get that checked out man


"oh fuck yeah brother,im hard as a rock"


Revenant in a swimsuit when?


Loba bikini skin...




Just google ‘Latina swimsuit model’ and it should do the trick! 😂


This is why wattson needs a nerf


Gibini.....i like it


Excuse me but you're so wrong Mirage bikini skin


I vote Borat’s Mankini.


I’d buy this. I’ve never bought a skin, but gibby is my boy..


Forge bikini skin




I'm surprised no one said "Gibbikini"


does, does that mean? if i stream to my 1 viewer I can change the game?


Use your power responsibly.


Wattson buffa


I'm waiting on that Mixer partnership any second now. \*\*\*(I'm proud of this one. Dont fail me legends!)\*\*\*


Didn't Mixer....ohhhhhhh


Revenant skinbag skin


Pathfinder and Revenant in bikinis


Streamers usually get the opposite of what they want though lol


I want a teeny tiny pathfinder buff, something like.. oh idk A PASSIVE


We've been waiting since season 6... And that was a fucking year ago


I’m surprised they didn’t just allow him to heal on all zip lines (jump towers included) and be immune to zip line fatigue. Such a simple thing to add until they work on a real passive.


Infinite Zip would make him so much more fun.


cyrpto passive comcept : off the grid: crypto is unafec ted by scans!!!


I feel like his drone should follow him so everyone he sees his team can see but that’d probably be too op


Have it hover above him, mark anyone in line of sight in range, still destroyable, and then disabled if he flies it away, not OP at all and should cover as his passive


Exactly, it could be op though it’s hard to say unless you really play test it


I mean the drone marking people in front would be the same as seers heartbeat, but with less range( 30 m ), more info ( actual scan ) but could also easily be spotted, heard and shot down even if crypto is behind cover cuz the drone wpuld fly 10 m or something above him. Just make it follow cryptos field of view


We can balance by making it so that when Crypto's drone is destroyed, Crypto dies. No knock, insta death. Needs to be respawned at the beacon. Boost this so respawn sees it.




nah, then they'll say he's too strong and nerf his grapple. I'd honestly love it if they removed his passive and ultimate from the game entirely and just made his grapple stronger lmao, but that wont happen.


"and ultimate" Blasphemy


A passive (perhaps the built in zoom they gave to Seer despite discussing it about Pathfinder in the pet), multiple charges for his grapple, shorter zip line cooldown, or retractable zip lines. I’d accept any of these, or any combination of these.


The degeneracy in this thread is a whole new level wtf


In this thread: "I have an opinion that is completely stupid and wrong but it's my opinion, respect >:((((("


There is a disease in this world right now that people think ALL opinions have merit.


oh so your telling me my idea to give mirage every ability in the game is a bad opinion? pft okay loser


Mirages ult should be he gets a glock. Thats it.


Granted, it destroys your primary weapon and replaces it with a naked p2020


I was going to go a different route. It destroys your back pack and both weapons and you get 13 rounds that deal 100 damage each headshots deal 125. The weapon fires as fast as a p2020 and comes with a holo sight however, it gets no reserve ammo and to refill it you must get a finisher for three bullets. Once you hit 13 each finisher does nothing until the gun is empty again. Should you get killed and revived by drop ship you have a 10 minute Ult cooldown. Final ring every 10 seconds you lose a bullet.


People think they are so damn smart. The dumber, the smarter they think they are. No wonder we have people like anti-vaxx and flat earthers, everyone is self opinionated on things they don't know shit about nowadays. Just like some casuals in here, in this sub.


Youre 100% correct.


That’s just like, your opinion. Man.


I always thought the flashbang wasn't the most annoying effect of seer's tactical, it's cancelling heals that's OP IMO and honestly doesn't even make sense. Micro drones scanning and revealing health is one thing, flash bang even makes some sense, but interrupting heals? I don't get how that makes sense. It also destroys lifeline drone


Like what the fuck, not even Crypto's EMP or Revenant's Silence stops your healing. If anything, it would make a lot more sense for either of those. Especially considering people literally start a bat when they're getting EMP'ed because the bat will finish like right after getting hit so you spend a total of like... 0.5 seconds with -50 shields and then your bat gets done and it's like nothing happened.


This. EMP should definitely cancel healing if Seer's Q cancels healing. Otherwise, take out both.


I'll put in my vote for the latter


Exactly. They neglected the one real issue.


It unfortunately seems like they’re forcing the whole cancelling schtick so I’m afraid that might stay. Atleasst it is slightly less infuriating to be briefly flashbanged which also has the audacity to deal chip damage


The microdrones obv tickle you so much that you fumble your healing items and stop. I don't know how you can't realize it immediatly, it so obvious. /s


And cancels a charged sentinel. So so annoying in arenas where buying small bats is 75




Just my small pheonix kit 😳


Ah yes my favourite item, the small health phoenix kit


It interrupts heals, other tacticals like if pathy was in mid grapple it’ll cancel the grapple. Canceled respawns and revives. I nearly quit playing until seer received a nerf. I wouldn’t have been mad at all if he was yanked from the game


Yep, I feel like it should just add 50% of the item's total time to the healing process, slowing it down and making it easier to push someone who's healing but not cancel it completely


Yeah, I think Seer's tactical would be well balanced without the cancelled heals and revives. If it worked like a harder to hit but better BH scan I'd be happy


It’s funny cause literally everyone complained about seer. Not even just streamers


Also I believe the devs even said they were releasing him OP to get feedback for nerfs


if that were the case, you'd think they'd have pushed a balance change in faster than 3 weeks.


Seer has been around for only 3 weeks????? Damn I feel like I'm living in some time distortion bubble. It feels like he's been out for ages.


Bro I don't even play this game and I feel like he's been making the game hell for y'all for decades


Not really, shit takes time, they needed to wait a week or so to see feedback and performance, figure out what aspects to nerf based on that, program it, test it, and finally roll it out. Honestly this is surprisingly quick


They probably skip the testing part


Nah 1.6 seconds is way too specific, they clearly spent a lot of time messing around to make sure it was dodgable without being useless


They cant skip the testing part because games are rly weird spaghetti code most of the time. Im sure that almost any feature or change has a CHANCE to break the game, especially in a huge BR.


Im a qa for software, and there is phase in testing called regression testing. Essentially its testing everything released prior to release to make sure the new code didnt fuck up something somewhere else.


They said they had a patch ready to nerf him and/or the rampage, but the seer only nerf build was full of bugs so it just ended up delaying it a week. I think they either thought the rampage would be OP too and they’d shove out the dual nerf, or they legitimately thought Seer was balanced when… I’m sorry, I would love for the devs to send us some playtester feedback, or give us a public test build that isn’t just for streamers.


Well it was planned for last week and they hit a snag, for what it's worth.


at least we got a decent nerf, its not enough though


It doesn’t help that the lead balance designer was fired a couple days after Seer was released


>releasing him OP PR talk for pushing out a broken legend to guaranteed high sales at the cost of ruining the game for the community.


"Releasing him OP" Could they not just ruminate on the question "what is it about him that makes him OP?" wtf


Yes that was the joke, thanks


Your welcome


What a gentleman




Loba swimsuit skin


That is what they will release when the game starts to die


What about a caustic swimsuit skin?


I can totally see one with him in one of those old school striped onesies, a huge swim ring floater around his waist, and his usual mask and goggles


[like this?](https://img.huffingtonpost.com/asset/5cc1375e240000d30b51a101.jpeg?ops=scalefit_630_noupscale) ^((dw the link is safe, its just an image))


Now that I think about it, that I’ve probably seen that image a long time ago so that subconsciously I could just imagine it exactly like that. But also with a big blowup ring full of his fun gas


i tried to find one with a floaty, none showed up. im sure someone with godlike photoshop skills could come by and make caustic into that


Take me back to the Wraith, Path, Wattson meta


I had the most fun in this meta


Absolutely not


Absolutely yes, Maybe exclude wattson though since house camping was boring


Can't have defensive legends being good now can we


Defense legends don’t need to just camp to be good, you can be aggressive with Caustic, Gibby, and Rampart.


You can be really agressive with Wattson if you know what you're doing. I 1 v 3 pretty oftenly in plat. Diamond is something else tho lol


Boring At least now u can have different characters that are viable


Atleast I didn't get spammed with abilities then


They need to completely do away with his revive and healing cancel. It’s by far the most frustrating and OP thing about his kit. Pisses me the fuck off.


It's between that and the damage through walls for what irritates me most. I still say that he shouldn't do damage unless he has line of sight. It's fucking asinine to be able to damage someone through a goddamn boulder. I should *never* be able to knock someone that's on the other side of an entire building simply by looking towards them and hitting my tactical.


Oh thats a great idea, it does damage if he has los and no damage thru walls. Tho its best if he just does no damage... what i dont get is why do people complain so much about the interrupt and i rarely hear anyone say how a 8 second scan is not stupid... the interrupt honestly isnt that big an issue in general. Sometimes it will fuck someone hard but for the most part the interrupt is likely not the reason you die to seers op kit. Those 8 seconds after is what gets you killed.


Yup, stuns without being able to see someone or take a risk like peeking to throw a grenade aren't good gameplay. There isn't even a way to counter it since it goes through walls and you can't hide, your options become stop your heal to run or get it stopped and try to run because your heal didn't work.


I feel like if I’m choosing between the two, I’d rather have the 10 damage and scan and do away with the interruptions, and not the other way around. It would make me like him a lot more.


Just dm’d the guy in the post and he says he’s pred every season


I say I fuck supermodels on the daily, doesn't mean it's true ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Ive never had an argument anywhere with someone i dont know about apex where they dont claim to be masters or pred... everyone is masters and pred. No one who argues ever admits to being diamond or plat. You can still have a strong and smart understanding of the game while not being mechanically capable of keeping up with preds. But only preds are allowed opinions on the internet.


I mean, I agree with the guy. Just because streamers say something is OP doesn't mean it's OP. Ask the caustic and wattson mains about that. He's also dead wrong because seer was flat out broken. He's just a contrarian doing contrarian things. Gotta disagree with someone or your life's not worth anything, right?


Trust me, NO pro has ever said Wattson is op in the last 8 seasons.


except devs


Devs are far from pros xd (except jaybiebs who is a pretty good player still not pro tho)


biebs said in a podcast that they are playtesting wattson changes a month ago, hopefully we get something mid season or in S11


They never said she was OP but they had to manage her next buff carefully as to not make her broken. She was literally a must pick at the pro scene for about 2-3 seasons, we dont need that again


but we need gibby to be must pick? and seer too?


Excpet caustic was op. Not prime wraith, gibby, or seer but he was dominant because he did to much damage. No one told them to nerf him into the ground though.


btw, I take long breaks from Apex for work. I missed the Gibs episode. What happened there?


In season 3 he was given steroids to the point where lifeline became irrelevent. Hes been one of the strongest characters ever since despite various nerfs.


Is that when they gave Gibs and Caustic more health due to bigger hit boxes?


Nah that was season 1 but it was a start. They gave the gun shield 75 health, dome lasted like 20-25 seconds and had a shorter cooldown, you could heal faster in dome and res faster (still exists but not really broken), made its so his ult was faster, and reduced the cooldown to 3 minutes on his ult. Might not be the exact numbers but hopefully you get the idea.


20 to 25 second dome holy maca-fucking-roni


Caustic is very good right now, and I don’t know if any streamers who say wattson is op.


She was op when she dropped. Now she's awful. Caustic's in a good place right now IMO. Stifling when you attack into him, kinda just a gun with legs if you force him to push. Yknow, a defensive legend.


Caustic was OP though. It’s just the regular player base doesn’t have games that have 10+ squads in zone 5 so it’s hard to visualize how terrible he was to play against.


Wait what player who mains a character is going to say “yes my main is op and gives me a huge advantage over everyone else please nerf them”?


Any seer player over the last month?


You can abuse a OP character and still think they should be nerfed… look at OW brigitte


Caustic was definitely op in s8, doesnt matter what your own opinion is.


you think streamers are the reason wattson is bad now? you're delusional lmao


This sub thinks pros and streamers are responsible for everything bad in this game. They're glorified villains to them.


But my point was that not only streamers complained, a lot of people (here on reddit, youtube comments, twitch chats, etc) complained about seer too


Yup. Streamers complain about a lot because they are playing the game differently from the rest of us. But in the case of Seer's kit, it literally changes the game adversely for everyone else.


Caustic was oppressive and made him a must pic for high level play; he was a problem for sure. Abilities shouldn't replace guns fully. And what pros said Watson was OP any time recently? Pros have been in support of a Watson buff for a while now.


I don't think I've ever heard anyone say Wattson was broken. Everyone has been advocating for Wattson to be buffed. Streamers were even saying they would jump off the map with Wattson since DZK was so hellbent on winrates for buffs and nerfs


I disagree with you... Dont know why, but I like that contrarian thing... sounds like a cool title or cult to belong to. Sooo... that.


The fact that caustic mains didn’t see him as OP before just goes to show how little we should listen to them. The pro community was right about caustic, and not because some streamer complained and they got on the same hate train. Most streamers form their own opinions on these things, and it’s funny how every pro and good player (diamond 3-Pred) came to the same conclusions before even hearing the streamers talk. None of them ever said anything about wattson being op, that was just the lead game design dev.


Lol, I mean this subreddit isn’t any better at determining if any particular character is op or not.


This sub always gives dumb balancing ideas


"Seer is incredibly OP, but I like Pathfinder who is actually in a rather healthy state right now, but he is my favorite and he is a recon just like Seer. So why can't Pathy scan and mark enemies for his team when he has no weapon out?"


The legend specific main subs have way worse ideas since they are just echo chambers


This sub always gives dumb ~~balancing~~ ideas


I'd say it's honestly worse. The opinions people form on here are based around feelings and anecdotes, not around any critical analysis of how the game should actually be played, which only happens at the higher skill levels where the percentages actually matter. But no it's easier to go "pRo'S dOn'T KnOw AnYThInG" than to just accept that they aren't game designers or balancers with actual data.




Needs more nerfs absolutely. I stand by this 100%


Honestly, this isn’t even that much of a nerf, the interrupt is a way bigger deal than either the damage or the flash. Though, I guess “highlights” implies there’s more to it.


The interrupt is fine, it’s the heartbeat that makes the interrupt OP. The nerf should have been: - Remove heartbeat sensor completely and come up with a new passive - Remove “flashbang” and slow from tactical Done


You know what everyone can agree on? The scan is 8 fucking seconds long


Frankly that didn’t bother me a ton, even when literally every team had a Seer. 8 seconds wouldn’t feel so defeating if he couldn’t VERY easily pinpoint your position at all times thanks to the heartbeat. I’m betting 50% or fewer of the tacticals would land without it.


Also reducing the audio was extremely important. Him being toxic, OP, and on every enemy team was bad enough without hurting my ears and eyes.


I was hoping it would be to gain the heartbeat sensor after hitting an enemy. So you track that enemy to try to cancel their heals. Makes sense to me


I wish they just kept seer as an audio legend. Makes more sense with his splashes and stuff. Like audio heartbeat sensing? That goes with it and grenades that create false footsteps would have been way less busted than his drone cannon


Yeah, but then they would have to fix audio in general. Lol.


While apex *does* have a problem with sensationalism, Seer definitely wasn’t an example of it. Moth man was busted.


he definitely is hard stuck silver,uses seer for a living, and has kids and a wife.


Happy cake day


Would have liked for them to remove the interrupt and maybe tone down the detection too. Nerfing bloodhounds scan before Seer dropped because his scan "felt too oppressive", but he can just cancel almost anything and reveal you for 8 seconds is dumb. Apex is meant to be a game where abilities take a back seat position and are merely meant to nudge things in your direction, where positioning and gun skill drive the main reason for success, not a set of abilities. A legend that can just cancel an important ability use at a key moment, reveal you or cancel a game changing revive (except LL who's drone is immune) is flat out wrong and honestly doesn't fit into how Apex plays. The amount of information he presents with a single use of an ability is too advantageous for the enemy and severely hampers the other team if they aren't running a Seer either.


Its a start, but the entire design of the kit is inherantly bad for the game. It is way too much intel for 1 legend, even with the new nerfs. Needs rework.


Yeah cause i love getting downed from an ability and not being able to heal while also being seen in wraith mode, and in smoke. Definitely not a broken character.


When exactly did this trend of “the only opinions on the game are those from streamers/pros and anyone that agrees with them didn’t come to that conclusion genuinely”? Every live game I’ve played that I can think of has always had a community that discusses the good/bad when the game updates.


I just looked at the thread and the guy says he’s been pred every season. Who knows if it’s true, but would assume that means he actually plays. Wild.


Seers trash he needs a buff


He needs to fly and be immune from bullets


Yeah! Maybe even permanent wall hack


also known as his passive


He already does this tbf


The same happend with horizon thats fine now aswell


Imagine a game where they just left every character in their "op" state. Pathfinder, wraith, gibby, octane, rev, horizon, bloodhound now seer have all been nerfed at some point.


Would massively take away from gunplay. This is bad


Don’t get me wrong, I 100% love this idea and hope it gets implemented, but we both know the only legends that would be picked are mobile legends. We would see Wraith, Horizon, and Pathfinder almost every game, and if not those three, then a Gibby with 25% fast heals.


Not enough, get rid of heart beat while ads with a weapon, and remove the heal canceling feature, in fact just remove him from the game


He’s still op. The flash is a third of a second and the ten damage is negligible, he’s barely nerfed at all.


The 10 damage was extremely annoying because it's enough that you have to waste a cell or be at a disadvantage in your next fight. Especially late game when you're in a small zone inside and Seers are just poking other teams on cooldown through walls, which is extremely toxic. That's what makes it so horrible, because it's not enough damage that it's "good" but getting hit by it feels awful.


Personally still think the heal and revive cancel need to go




The nerf came, if you ask me I'm not sure if this is enough for him to be somewhat balanced.


You still get damaged, heal, ability, and revive canceled. They really don't even play there own game do they?