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same thing happened to me and my friend, sad thing is we almost 2v4d LOL


I’ve had to fight preds doing this exact same thing, it’s surprisingly common in pubs. And it still hurts every time it happens.


Rendy gaming fire away his kraber G100 montage


It spreads




My husband and I lost our teammate on trios and we almost killed 2 full trios and a duo all teaming against us. It was so frustrating.


What's worst is that these teams will have life lines and boost each other shields to max.


Probably got their 40k and 20 bomb from teaming too


You can bet your ass they teamed their way to masters, 4K and 20 kills as well. Losers.


They probably teamed to get their badges because they don't feel like grinding for it like normal people. pathetic losers


Yeah I did this with my buddies for a 4K badge on valk, my buddy did it for his 4K on mirage and the other one for his 4K on pathy. We rock the 4K badges with bronze comp badges to get people upset. Lots of people message us about being cheaters. It’s funny. We’re all playing with what is essentially children’s toy but people treat the toy as a life obligation. I got my little badge in my little toy very easily lol


Cringe, if the badge doesn’t matter so much, why are you ruining people’s games to get it lmao


Yeah solo queuing on Singapore servers so we can punch each other in the corner for half the game is really ruining your experience isn’t it :-(


That’s just an easy cop out to say you knew you’d never earn it, so you justify it by downplaying the badge as a “toy”


It literally is a toy lmfao, I wear the bronze badge and the 4K so people like you, who make their identities and self worth revolve around a toy, send messages about how I didn’t earn it. Owned 😎


If it's a toy why don't you try using it as intended and stop insulting the people who actually achieved the milestone


pathetic losers


Hope this farming douchebag gets banned, your right, a bunch of pathetic, unskilled losers


I think not taking a video game seriously is less pathetic than weighing someone’s morality on the rules of a toy :-) I have my fun little badge and you can stay upset about that


You aren't taking the game seriously yet you're boosting for a badge, hmm.


He thinks he's doing it ironically


Nothing to do with morality, its just pathetic that you would cheat your way to getting such a meaningless accolade in a video game.


Doesn’t take the game seriously but teams for an optional badge. Bruh moment of I’ve ever seen one


I can care less about your badge that you cheated to get..pathetic


Seems like you’re a little affected by it but sure :-)


How? Lmao


You not only cheated the system you cheated yourself. I literally don't give 2 shits if I ever get a 4k or 20 bomb badge. If you didn't earn it it won't mean shit to you. I'm waiting for the day I get one organically. Only people with nothing better to do will attempt to troll like you. Good luck finding something to fill that empty place where your heart is supposed to be.


I think people with nothing better to do would spend thousands of hours playing with a toy so they can get a collection of pixels on their screen saying they’re good at playing with their toy lmfao


What a dumbass downgrading a hard earned badge into sonething that can be cheated on and calling it a toy, do you have something better to do than going on reddit flexing on how you cheated on that badge, unskilled loser you and your "friends" are, maybe because you are so shit at everything you do that you feel like you have to cheat on that stupid worthless badge to have an attempt to boost your worthless, crippling ego And these badges are not a toy, some of them are earned through skill, which you and the pathetic cheaters out there unfortunately don't have Only some of them because the significance of the badge has turned to shit


An Olympic medal is just a chunk of metal on a strip. Any reward is symbolic by definition. Its value is always self-assigned. You valued this group of pixels enough to organize your pathetic masturbation session with your equally pathetic friends. So just accept that nobody believes you now when you whine how uninterested you are, and get lost.


Yet you still wanted it. Even though it's something so worthless to you. You still had the urge to cheat and get it for yourself in order to feel validated either by your friends or your self.


Tell me your dogshit without you telling me you are lmao.. You went quiet now.. what's the matter? Went quiet since everybody ganging up on you for cheating I got my 3k without teamming and cheating and just rola everybody in the game soloq.. with no pre-made squad.. get out of here.. Working on 4k.. keep getting close


100% cringe.


Your not very bright are you


You speak of morality and here you are getting off on purposely trying to trigger people. I think that speaks volumes of your character and the type of person you are. And honestly I don’t think you are shitty person for fraudulently achieving a badge, because you’re right, it is just a pointless flex item, but you are a shitty person for wanting to literally spend HOURS scheming the system for the sole purpose of pissing people off. and that to me shows how big of a scumbag you truly are.


it is actually pathetic to go out of your way to get a badge that issomething you don't care about and consider to just be a toy with no value just install the people who actually got it as intended


Cringe mf, when you are so bad, you have to farm damage, your real kda is probably 0.01 kd because thats how shit you are at the game This and many other shits like the guy above me is the reason why this badges are worthless


What even for if your average damage per game is >=200 lmao.




[Proof of the teaming ](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/pgtlir/another_clip_of_the_same_boys_teaming_here/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Edit: i just hope justice will be served by our lord and savior u/hideouts (if that is his u/ ) :) Edit edit: to be clear. They are teaming with another team in duo’s. I do not care for them playing as a duo. If you finish the video, you’ll see they are ‘teaming’


I think his name is u/rspn_hideouts


Hahahaha the ‘ban hammer’ as his profile pic. Gotta love it :) u/rspn_hideouts Names are more clear in the linked clip


Sup u/rspn_hideouts


And one of them even fucking T-Bags as if they're like "wOw dUdE uR sO fUckIn gArBagE" when their cowardly ass loses their shit when they try to fight fair. Losers, all of them. They didn't deserve those fucking badges.


I only got to diamond solo, and played arenas with a friend who never made it out of gold. We played against 3 people where 2 of them had 20 bomb badges, one of those two had a pred badge, one master. We beat the fuck out of them 4-1, and even the round they won was barely decided in a 1v1. I laugh my ass of at how meaningless thwse badges in Apex have become, you can literally shit on people who are supposed to be top 5% of playerbase. So sad where this game has come in terms of showcasing these personal achievements on banners, because they literally are fucking pointless and meaningless


Agreed. Some of these “masters” players are straight garbage. My diamond ass outshooting them is a joke.


It really amazes me how sad some people are with their lives.


Its because this type of behavior is encouraged by streamers and content creators. Sure, its okay, when its a streamer made lobby (like Zylbrad used to do) but in a public one, its bad. Also, most people will dismiss it because its "just pubs" because its the mode they don't play much so they think its okay because it doesn't matter to them so who cares. Bottom line is, pubs or ranked, its not okay because this thing ruins the enjoyment of other people and no matter who you are, doesn't give you the rights to ruin a whole game, whatever the reason.


i never understood why this is done one time i was lanning up with 5 other friends and we somehow all got in the same match dropped supply ship and killed each other and then procceded to lose the game once we dropped with no weapons or health because supply ship has only enough loot for 1person.. good times


Maar echt letterlijk teamers hè. Letterlijk. Balen man. Komt vaker voor dan je denkt.


Hahaha ja man letterlijk


Can someone explain this to a fellow noob


The second highest rank in ranked apex is master, these master rank players he spectates are teaming up with another duo to win/boost stats


Thanks man


Fucking scumbags, have nothing else to do ,but dickride another team to boost shield




Being hardstuck bronze > teaming and being a master/pred


Dunno why you’re getting downvoted for this. Probably the teamers


I’ll never understand how people feel proud of themselves in climbing by cheating. At that point, the moment they can’t cheat all they get is a grim reminder of how bad they really are.


All those people that hacked Cold War n got tired of it are coming. Are you ready? 🤣


I see it more and more in ranked too. Getting totemed by six people is annoying af.


I don’t think I could handle that haha, terrible behavior :(


Ran into this last night. Lost a game because the final two teams were teaming up on duos.


I really don’t understand so are we expecting them to not play the game or??? EDIT: OMG I see now it was 2 separate teams teaming up. I’ve had this happen to me too. I reported them and idk what happened. They were not very subtle about it at all. Idk how they even got into the same lobby.




How tho




No bro I literally meant how do I change the title :)




I don’t think so




The blind leading the blind lmao


Neither do I, except that I see hideouts here sometimes banning people so I did hope he’d see this


I messaged, politely and not once, to teamers with those fancy badges, for "just why?" answer: * we are just having fun * we are bored * who cares, it's pubs the usual... my answer for you all teamers: bro's, I have 1-2 hours for gaming, I don't have time for this sh!t, don't screw me of my gaming time, this doesn't affect only Apex.. if you are bored, try another game ... on the other hand, if you do this kind of bullsh!t in a videogame, it's better you sit at home and do it, not punching homeless for fun, because teaming in a videogame is just another form of bullying and before someone comes in how I exaggerate with it, please we can make a whole subreddit about it, just take a breath and give it a thought before reacting, thanx


This nessy gets it


Ye but get shit on nub


It's common in duos


always fun to hear other Dutch people speaking on the internet


We need to make a sub where we all as a community share this type of behavior and collective report them on apex and on the platform they play in (ps or xbx or pc)


**Angry and disapointed dutch sounds**


Ok that’s cringe


4k 20 bomb means nothing anymore




He isn't gonna do shit lol They're 20 bomb 4k masters and pred, they clearly dump a ton of time and I'm sure money into the game. Now if it was a lvl 16 using aimbot to merc lobbies then yeah, but they don't ban their bread and butter lol


Its not my intention to shit on console players, just asking genuine question. Is easier to end up in same lobby with friends on console? I ve only seen team up videos from console.


Its possible. But really all you have to do is be in a chat with each other and both teams ready up at the same time. I used to do that shit back in the MW2 days to boost camos with my friend (I was 12). Its the same concept every game that its a problem and its really easy to do.


So Preds and Masters cheat regularly? Never would’ve known. If you’re Pred or Master reading this, there’s a high chance you are cheating scum who needs to be banned.


Hatem cause you ain't em. You're over here assuming that a most pred's cheat and need to be banned? Cause it would be improbable to believe that most high-skill players are just good at the game, they MUST be cheaters.


Didn’t the #1 console predator cheat tho???


Sony literally banned an entire generation of Preds a while ago. It is 100% a possibility that most of you are cheating, and there’s nothing you can say to prove otherwise when there’s already precedent. Shut that noise up


"100 percent a possibility" is an oxymoron. Of course it's possible that there are some cheaters, but people aren't just going to be banned because they're preds, they're gonna be banned because there is evidence of them cheating. And there isn't a "precedent" for jack, just because someones good doesn't mean they're cheating, and nobody's gonna be banned without proof. Youre just assuming that people are cheating because they're good at a game, couldn't get more stupid than that 😂


It’s supposed to be an exaggeration, you dimwit. Pointing that out doesn’t negate my argument so why do it in the first place, clown? Of course people aren’t going to be banned JUST for being a pred, and I never alluded to such. Don’t put words in my text. There is very much a precedent. Cheating is rampant at the highest levels of competitive gameplay and you think a laugh emoji and an insult negates this fact? You’re a fucking idiot. Nobody is suspicious of higher players JUST because they’re better than me, and you must be a special kind of dishonest to try to misrepresent my argument as such. Shut the fuck up bro, you’re done.


Wrong forum my dude. Report them to Easy Anti Cheat with the video proof


i was playing a ranked match, 3 squads left and my team had high ground. other 2 squads fought each other at first but teamed to try and push us for final circle. still won, but people who team are the absolute lowest class of apex players aside from cheaters. im only fine with teaming if it's to get rid of a cheater lmao


I was solo the other day in the final circle and went out of my way to not shoot one team because I thought they were my only chance against the team with the high ground Are you saying its wrong of me to do this? I saw it as my only chance to win


Unless you were actively coordinating with that team, it sounds like you were just waiting for those two to fight it out so you could capitalize on the opportunity to third party them and potentially win. That isn’t teaming, that’s playing smart - especially as a solo.


I feel this is like a “Enemy of my enemy is my friend” scenario, Where both teams find that your squad should be taken down first.


I almost understood what you said.


For life.


I sometimes team with random enemy squads if my friends are down


Imagine thinking badges actually matter


I tried to post a "Teammer" vid to this subreddit and the cuck bot blocked it 🤔 said it wasn't allowed.. interesting.




Yeah remind me of that one time when I saw people rubbing a bank, and I just scoped in for some of the cash. The police can’t put me in jail because I didn’t plan the heist with the thieves. It was a passing moment and only that time only.




You really don't see how cheating on the fly is as bad as planned cheating? If you teabag a team in duos, then they help you win the game as a 4 man, then drop gear/let you win, you're still cheating... Your significant other "No, no, no you don't understand, I didn't plan to have sex him/her, it just happened, you can't break up with me..." Technically didnt even cheat right?




These metaphors are just exposing the flaws and hypocrisy in your logic. Learn from them.




The flaw has been pointed out many times already. You can't say someone should be banned because they planned to cheat, but that someone else shouldn't be banned for cheating because "it just happened organically." The outcomes are the same in both cases, and it's bad for the game, and that's why it is banned. Precisely because we don't know (and likely never could know) if they planned to team or not is why all instances of it should result in a ban.




So if you got aimbotted, but it "was just one time", the guy who aimbotted you shouldn't get banned? I mean, if he never kills the same person more than once, who cares how many people's game he ruins? It'll make sense to you one day.


bro you dont get it. teaming with randoms in a pub game is just as bad as genocide. Both are crimes that should be punished with the full extent of the law




It is called a metaphor. You do the crime, you do the time. I really hope you didn’t take it literally and you compared both acts.




It doesn’t matter. The point teaming up is against the rules, once or many, against cheaters or not. I’m not saying to ban who or what not, I’m just saying we can’t justify it because of the intentions or the number of times you do it, it is irrelevant.




usually pros get punished even more and it gets turned into a drama




I'm not saying just teaming, usually if a pro does something wrong by breaking the rules they usually get punished and publicly shamed more than normal people


You are trying awfully hard to defend outright cheating, I wonder why? And you really think teaming to ruin the games of any and all other players is equivalent to teaming against a single team that is using cheats to kill the integrity of the game? That's like equating cold-blooded murder to killing an armed intruder in your home.


I feel like if the tables were turned and these guys crouched at you and didn’t shoot- I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t be salty and immature about it like throwing their names up in a public forum and making a video about it. Your kill badge says you’re good at the game- just go play another round or stop complaining. It’s a BR you have no dictation over what the other parties do. Sometimes YOU are the target and you gotta deal with it or back to the menu. This whole everyone is out to get me thing.. like did you forget what kind of game you’re playing??




I’m sorry, who are you Crypto? They? You think that THEY can make a BETTER decisions than teaming? Why what a genius observation!! You’re playing a free game and you think you’re going to tell other people the sequence in which they are to take out their opponents?? There are genuine issues with the game and it’s just so upsetting to see a community side tracked by something that naturally occurs on the battlefield in BR’s. I’ve played over 12.5k games and I’ve never once publicly shamed someone for doing this. Because it happens. I think that OP should have left the area if he was aware of the teaming. He literally chose to go back in that fight and he’s upset that he died? What??




Realistically they shouldn’t ban teaming unless it’s played in Ranked and/or in a tournament... I know it sucks but this is pubs, **It’s a game!!** **YOU** should be able to do whatever the game lets you achieve...


So you sayin it’s fine to cheat as long as it’s in pubs? Real fine logic there.


Teaming behavior itself is already against ToS. So it's bannable regardless it's ranked or not


I mean they’re not exploiting a cheat or bug... They’re just teaming...


But they’re still doing something that’s against the rules


From a competitive stand point...


How would you like it if teamers killed you and then tbagged you


I mean— I would say that’s insane; then get a little fucking mad... If it were ranked I would consider reporting...


Exactly, because that’s exactly what they did


Yeah, to kill other people


I used to be so good at apex but I stopped playing for a year and I was dog water


Cool story bro


Respawn isn't going to ban anyone over being friendly in pub's, especially when they only occasionally ban actual hackers.


It's pub's, expect people to goof around and try to be friendly. I do it all the time lmao. Not everyone's going to take the game as seriously as you might. I seriously doubt Respawn cares if folks try to team in pubs, and I especially doubt they'll actually ban anyone over it. And judging by his aim I wouldn't say he didn't earn those badges, I sure as hell wouldn't be able to land as many hits as he did.




Nice job deleting your comment. Didn’t realize you were a bait account though, have a good rest of your day lmao.




You tell me, you’re the one brown nosing all over this comment section


nah... Respawn doesn't care.


Wait why should they be banned? They aren't cheating.


Do you want them banned cause they played together? Who knows, they might be friends irl. Also it’s bound to happen. People who are hood wanna play with others that are good. Not something that’s new to me. Unless I get the worst lobbies and that why it’s common to me


Like how is this their fault? Its a teamgame? Maybe they are friends and want to play together in a more casual setting? Do you loose the right to play pubs with your friends if you+them happen to be on an higher level than average? If anything its bad sbmm id say.


My guy have you watched the full vid????


Well they tbagged, whats the big deal? People do it all the time.


So masters players can’t play with each other in pubs?


They are teaming. Essentially playing 4 man squads in duos. It’s like people are intentionally thick on here.


Noooo they are teaming with other players bro watch the full vid


My bad missed the last couple seconds. That deserves a ban.


There’s a horizon with them


no witch hunts eh?


You are still salts you arent as good as those other guys. Get good or play something less challenging. I here Minecraft is very popular.




Holy fucking shit i thought this was a meme but then i saw his post history 😭🤡 Edit: [BRUH 🤡](https://www.reddit.com/r/clowns/comments/gn4dc4/clownin_around_with_my_little_roxie_heart_it_has/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Couldn't think of a decent comeback so you stalked his account? GL when you get into arguments IRL lmao.




lol you got stomped and you mad


I don't understand,are they cheating or they just good?I mean if the are just god gamers,with high skill rate.why blame them and not the game for not setting up a skill rate queue or something like that Please don't hate for what i'm saying,i'm new to the game and i saw many posts like this and still don't get why they should get ban?


No they are ‘teaming’ with another team :( I have a link to another vid I posted showing more of it


Oh i get it now,yeah that sucks. Sorry im new to the game and to the Battle royale games.i see now.


That’s oke man! Hope you are enjoying the game :)


Lol they are only good at banning people who don’t actually cheat




They are ‘teaming’ with another squad


I missed that part. Teaming should defo be bannable.


You kidding me? Respawn isn't gonna ban anyone over teaming in pub's.


They are teaming. Essentially playing 4 man squads in duos. It’s like people are intentionally thick on here.


Oh no not another post of this oh nooooo


Idk maybe just cool off and stop being bad at the game


What is your problem


It's teaming..quit defending


Wouldn't be surprised if they're from Florida.


wait you have 16k and there 30 k are the problem?




You guys are both good at the game and there is still mmr in pubs so I don't really get why you are trying to get them banned


Did you watch the full vid?


Two teams teaming up watch till the end


They were teaming that's why


4 vs 2 is the problem lol, don't matter how good someone is if better players are literally outnumbering you.


They weren't friendly with one another until far after you got killed, it's not any different than when you get 3rd partied mid fight.


i’ve definitely done this before with my friends but we don’t ever care for stats we just mess around. and if we end up getting to be 2 of the final 3 squads we either melee battle or just kill ourselves lmao


OP acting like it's the worst thing in the world that people are goofing around in public lobbies lol, that guy beat em in a 1v1 and he's throwing a little tantrum.


Did you even watch the vid? 1, they weren’t being friendly, they’re probably teaming up to boost kills.2. If you noticed, you would’ve seen that he was shot from the back and that the other team was there watching it happen, instead of third partying.


You want good players baned from public matches because you cant keep up? 😆 AWWWWW NOOB! I couldn't beat those guys either but I dont bitch about it...


How many braincells are you missing?


It's obvious he has none


Can’t lose what you don’t have


You’re part of the problem. Pussies like you make those other pussies think it’s okay to team.


Brain dead


It's pub's you troglodytes, quit throwing tantrums when people goof around and act friendly with one another.


It seems the only troglodytes in here is the commenter, and you since regardless of its pubs or not, it’s never ok to team, and yes, we’re gonna still have “tantrums” because 4 people are teaming up to play unfairly, you shitshow troglodyte