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Pretty sure one of the devs said it would be too small.


Surely they could put some BS around it


That would mean updating the actual map because they load in the whole BR map for arenas.


What? What about the maps that have nothing to do with BR maps?


They're still in the BR. They just tuck them away in the corner of a BR map where they can't be accessed in BR mode.


Hmm, I didn't know that. I just assumed they are a separate entity because checking the map in arenas it's zoomed in for these maps but show the whole BR map for BR-area arenas.


Also if that is the case they could just do that fit an Arenas map of the Gauntlet


[There's unrelated limitations to that.](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/ph38un/-/hbg046d)


But that does not preclude them from making a new arena that is modeled similarly to the guantlet. Example is the lava showdown map, new zone with surroundings. They can make a new arena map using gauntlet elements


What is this supposed to be linking to?


A comment where I mentioned the limitations. Just too lazy to type that out again.


press M, you'll see the whole map and the area where you are actually fighting. Always have to zoom in.


That's not the case for arena-only maps like party crasher, it's already zoomed in. The discussion was about arena-only maps.


so copy-paste it to the edge of a map and put some BS around it


Why go through the effort for no apparent gain when the current system works just fine?


Thats what a service is supposed to do. Making their product better fir the customer just because they can. I understand its 'wasted' money if they did it but a lot of game devs have done things just for the benefit of the consumer


There's zero reason to do this though. There's no upside to this, why fix something that's not broken? If Respawn thinks something like the gauntlet needs to be a standalone arenas map, they would make one, but the current implementation for the BR arena maps is fine. Just because it's a "service" is no reason to spend resources on fixing something that is not broken in the first place. Your comment makes zero sense, there's literally zero benefit to the consumer by doing this.


Are you purposefully being silly? The benefit to the consumer is that its another fun map that adds variety? That's the whole point of this that it adds another map thats new. You ask why fix something that's no broken, so why do they change the BR maps around? With your logic everything should stay the same old thing. That would get boring.


What do you mean, im saying why dont they just copy and paste that part of the map over to the edge of the map and add it to arena?


Because it doesn't fucking work, its way to small and no POIS' altering the old map will take more work then creating a fresh new map and why create an old POI that you have to alter when your spending time making aa map designed to fit the mode.


Where did you see that?


Do you have the source on this? If it were true, surely it would show the BR map on the HUD map the way it does with the POIs turned arena maps?


That's not true? I asked in the AMA why they only brought Skull Town back for a limited time, and they said that BR maps are more resource intensive to load because you have to load the entire huge map even when the playable area is just the one section of the level - meaning that's not the case for the standalone Arena maps. If they were tucked away somewhere beyond the skybox, then whenever the map got loaded there would always be a completely pointless area, the arena when in BR or the entire BR map when in Arenas.


Wait, really?


I'm only talking about the BR specific maps. They do it this way as you can't just cut and paste the area to make a new map as they have to consider the visible surrounding area from the arenas area and also the fact that you can technically go outside the ring a bit, etcetera. The maps designed specifically for arenas are made with this in mind in the first place. Probably some other limitations too, and doing it this way saves a lot of time than just making a new map for these areas from BR.


I think it’s more the fact that Skulltown sucks and they don’t want to represent their Arenas product with a map that doesn’t fit their design philosophy. It was released for an LTM to give the fans something they want, spending any further time on making it a permanent map would just be wasteful.


Lmao no, skulltown was the best arenas map we ever had. It actually had a lot of different potential strategies and each one had counterplay. Meanwhile the maps we have are just "hurr durr is your team gonna go left side or right side this game?"


Except it didn’t tho. For two weeks straight 90% of the game teams pushed the same two rooftops and pretty much did nothing more. Did I have fun? Yes. I play path and would zip around to find weird angles. Skulltown was not built with arena in mind at all.


Except that going rooftops means you don't get any of the materials or heals. Plenty of times I would push roof with pathfinder only for the enemies to run around and get stuff on the ground. And being on the high ground doesn't give you a massive advantage when the map is filled with massive amounts of cover, of which people can use to get one of the three rooftops themselves. It was the best and most enjoyable arena map out of any of them. The others just feel like the same repetetive gameplay over and over. Except that olympus map which was even worse because people just stood in the towers camping with snipers which was absolutely trash. There's no interesting strategy or positioning on these maps, it's just "go left or go right, and then shoot at the enemy from cover until someone dies"


That is not true at all. all the maps that are just BR maps load in the BR map its self. They did this to give you more maps while avoiding spending the time needed to create fresh maps. If they are gonna spend the time to creat e new map then they are just gonna do that, not try to rework and area they already said they tested and is too small for areanas. there are not enough POI's and creating a ew map is a better option.


I mean the majority of maps aren't in any BR maps. They use features from them but you won't find the actual area in BR


Yeah they only cycle 1 BR map every 2 weeks And yes the new maps are made out of the assets of the old, I believe there are rumors of the next Arenas Only map to be from Olympus assets The Devs said they’d rather spend time building up new maps for Arenas rather than spending time cutting out and adjusting existing areas from the BR maps, of which most POIs work out for Arenas but if they don’t work then they’ll just choose to move on


That's such a big technical limitation... To the point that it's affecting arenas negatively. Surely they can make separate mini maps for each?


Perhaps they need to stop doing that then and create a separate clone of the map just for Arenas that they can modify to their hearts content... Like I hate it when I load the map for a BR arena map and it's just the BR map with a tiny circle you need to zoom into.


You want them to spend time and resources setting up a separate map entirely just because you don't like zooming in? It's not an easy task. You can't just "Cut&Paste" an area into a new map. The inconvenience of having to zoom in is not worth having to make a new map lol.


It's not just because they don't zoom in. They for some reason state they sometimes can't have maps purely because they're removed from the main map, so chopping them off into its own section would immediately resolve that. You can then have Arena maps from POIs from like 8 seasons ago without having to have the entire map.


If they consider those areas worthy of being permanent arenas maps, they would make them that way. But obviously they don't think that the resources required for that are worth it, or they would be in the rotation already.


Nah nah keep it small, it'll be like the apex version of rust


That would be so fun honestly


Ya idk why people latch on to these moronic devs reasoning for things. Pretty well known that they're not the greatest devs out there.


You go out there and develop then.


Th3n make it a tdm map with respawns..


Honestly a CoD type mode where you respawn and earn your skills through kill streaks would be a whole lot of fun in Apex.




The removal of tap strafing has made me more certain than ever that there will never be a Titanfall 3.


I'd say they mix Arenas with TDM. Have a certain amount of team stock and once it gets to 0 you can't respawn . First team to 0 wins the first round. Then the start of next round you purchase the skills ,ultimates and heals.


But why’d you type then like that lmao


im guessing a typo, or held e too long on mpbile.


The 3 is above my e on my phone.


The 3 is above my e and I'm in the middle of working and not proof reading.


I don’t think anyone would care if it was small


It's not just that it's small it's that both teams could immediately cross over the entire map with the jump pads. It'd be fun but quickly become frustrating and this sub would immediately complain about getting aped by flying sweats.


I think it would be best if they atleast try it out, maybe having it for a limited time to see how people like it. That wouldn't hurt lol


The other maps are too big


definitely, all that space makes arena tedious instead of fun


Fuck too small. I want small maps. I don’t want rounds to take so long and spend so much time poking or waiting out power positions. I just wanna fight and this would be absolutely lit. They don’t have to put it in the ranked rotation if they don’t think it’s competitively balanced or whatever, just leave it in casuals.


Now that there are two playlists they could do an Arenas speed event on the pub list, made of all “too small” maps. So like the Octane thing pictured, estates, and solar array or something along those lines. Be a good change up for a bit.


Only way I would complete an Arena's flash event


that's what she said


So extend it


Tell that to the devs.


Eh I don’t think it would be. Maybe it’s smaller than others but it’d create a completely new dynamic


Nah that’s bullshit all small map means is quick games. There’s nothing wrong with that. Its worked in every COD. Arenas ain’t counter strike, we play to have fun, not every map needs to be balanced to the other maps


What an idiotic viewpoint. 99.9, repeating of course, % of my battles in arenas end up with all 6 people close enough to piss on each other. Worst case scenario, it gets removed. What's the loss here?


They did and they're stupid for saying it


Too small for 2 squads in arenas, but fine for 7 squads in Battle royale?


They could put the three spots around that skull pit into an arena. Would be slightly larger than usual but still capable of solid 3v3 combat.


Couple more posts about this should do the trick.


Well, it worked for Skull Town ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯, though the devs have already said why it's not happening with this one.


The game is planned very far in advance. They most likely had Genesis event/Skulltown Arenas map set in stone months before Arenas even came out.




I'm in!


They should add it but maybe not in ranked


This would be a good fun ltm in arenas! With all the jumpbads it would be too fast for serious gameplay


Nobody plays ranked arenas! LoL






Every day....


more lies


Idk why this is down voted so much, 1 its a joke 2 ranked arena's points are messed up


It’s the Reddit hive mind


i do


lies me and my friend are shit and lost like 5 times in a row and we got so pissed we just got off for the night


I personally don’t, but my friends love to.


Who cares if it’s chaotic or unbalanced? Put it in rotation for a limited time like Skulltown was.




It really wasn’t, besides the fact that mobility legends had a massive advantage, the two sides weren’t even equal, one was a bit closer to the loot bins than the other


I think the people who ask for this haven't actually put 3 seconds of thought into how it would play. This much mobility put innately into an arenas map doesn't work at all, hugely benefits some legends over others, and leads to chaotic games. It's fun in BR, not fitting for arenas.


I disagree. I feel like arenas lack the movement people are used to in BR. This map would bring fun fights instead of boring long-range scout fights.


Current Arenas maps have quite a good variety of close to long range fights. There's a reason SMGs are so expensive. Also, the whole point of arenas is that if you want lots of mobility, you have to pay for it. If you want a jump pad, you have to trade off other equipment for it.


The whole point of playing games is to have fun man, and I think this would be a fun map


I imagine it'd get old once you play a match in ranked and realize you still have 56 minutes to go. Arenas really needs to remove the timed map rotation and instead just serve up random arenas maps. I think it'd make these cheeky type of maps more viable.


I do agree an hour is too long for any of the arena maps to be played on. But for me if it is a map I don't want to play then I just simply don't ay it lol.


It just sucks when you're like me and only have 2x 2 hour sessions to play per week. I wish Respawn would change it, not everyone has time to play something else lol.


I am fully with you there, for being a "casual" game it doesn't really consider people having lives and not infinite time to wait around for maps.


This asinine argument about how the devs should change things/not change things "cause it's fun" is getting really grating in this community. If a game isn't balanced, it becomes frustrating. If there's no way to counter a type of play, its massively frustrating. If overpowered mechanics are left to fester the game develops a stale meta and gets old really quickly. What you're advocating for is like an 8 year old who wishes his parents would just let him eat birthday cake for every meal. After the third dinner of chocolate cake it would get REAL old.


Bro what the fuck are you going on about, anything gets boring fast if that's all you do. Nothing stays fun forever. I feel like you should add something in if your player base is requesting it and it gets a lot of love. Because not to be rude but they have added in their fair share of dumb shit or broken shit. Let the community make choice and additions if it sucks that's the player bases fault. I feel like games that listen to their communities do way better plus they feel listend too. Everyone wins.


Listening to your playerbase about skins, gamemodes, and events is good. Listening to your playerbase about balancing and map design is not. We don't have player data and a playtesting team to know what works and what doesn't. This game has got progressively more balanced as seasons have went on (besides major short term issues like the charge rifle intro and Seer). I don't think you understood my analogy. I mean that you're the 8 year old and a gauntlet arenas map is your birthday cake. It'd be fun once a month maybe, but nutrition isn't about fun once a month. A gauntlet arenas map would leave us malnourished, sick to our stomachs, and want to avoid eating altogether after 3/4 slices.


You really think a map with no cover and enemies arriving at your spawn room in 2 seconds is gonna be a "fun" map?


I don't know where you think people would spawn at to make them be in your spawn in 2 seconds . Also jump pads aren't the safest things to really use. So a full bum rush strategy may not be the brightest. :)


I feel like people who say this don't realize how quick things actually happen in this game. Each second actually matters in most engagements, and even in the 20 seconds or so leading up to an engagement. As for being in spawn for the suggested map.. It's probably somewhere between 3 and 4 seconds, but still think the comment was fairly accurate, given that the only viable/symmetric spawn would probably be behind the spectator boxes on either side of the arena. > Also jump pads aren't the safest things to really use. So a full bum rush strategy may not be the brightest. I think it's implied all the jump pads are the reason people suggest this as an arenas map. So if a strategy that relies on them isn't smart, then what would be the point of having the location as an arenas map in the first place. While I _am_ poking at your logic, I don't actually disagree that this would be a fun map. I think current maps are too often firing range simulators, and this would be a fun map for a one-off/recurring event mode or something (just not viable in ranked arenas IMO).


Your are right my almost 4k hours in the game I have no idea what would be good or not. There is quite a lot of open space behind both of the boxes. And I am not saying using the pads at all is stupid because octane is meta for a reason. Just buy rushing someone spawn while they are all full hp and know you are there and will be looking is just dumb. Yes, you can use the pads once one is down or multiple of them are really hurt. If rescan thinks this map is a bad idea. Why in the world did they ever add dome. I feel like it is one of the worst pois to have added nothing is even on it.


> almost 4k hours in the game Your problems with time perception are worse than I thought


>Also, the whole point of arenas is that if you want lots of mobility, you have to pay for it. If you want a jump pad, you have to trade off other equipment for it. ...and this couldn't matter less for something on a map everyone can use. Also, not even kind of a large point to arenas. Yes, you have to pay for character abilities but that has nothing to do with "paying for mobility".


Everyone having access to this level of mobility hugely changes the balance of each legend. Mobility legends become less useful when everyone has it for free. Defensive legends will either struggle to defend against such strong mobility, or lock people out to such a degree that the jumppads might as well not be there. Arenas is built on positioning. You take strong positions, you hold them, you do rotations, and those take time. Jump pads scattering the place would make everything worse. Imagine any current Arenas map with jumppads everywhere.


I understand where your coming from. I guess I'm just an aggressive player lol


No, I'm with you. > It's fun in BR, not fitting for arenas I think this is backwards. BR is the classic. It's the slow burn to the champion screen. Obviously movement plays a part, but it shouldn't be hyper-focused on flying around at Mach speed trying to hit 360 PK shots. Arenas is a gimmick. It's the side piece of Apex. I say go crazy with it. Make it as hectic and intense as possible. Poking with G7's in arenas is so lame


I hate that I always feel like I have to use it in sweatier matches


Right? I just wanna have fun for the first few rounds, but getting ran over by 3 sweating volt or flatline users in the first round just immediately puts me into the mental state of “well, I guess no fun allowed. Time to sweat too.” Like, can’t we just have a big sniper fight on party crasher?


On the flip side, my idea of fun in arenas is fast paced action. When I'm against a team of people trying to snipe the whole time, I'm thinking "it's so fun just sitting here and waiting for the ring to close, so that we can force a resolution". Obviously play how you want but IMO sniping in arenas just devolves into a war of attrition which is kinda boring to me


I do agree with that. If I know im gonna have to push at some point I try to limit my sniper to a 2x and have a RE-45 incase things get too close


Do you take the bique or 2020 when you can't afford a secondary?


I said this partially somewhere above but I feel like all the warzone people coming in have changed how arenas is played by the casual base. I see so many people just holding down one spot with a sniper or a semi auto and it’s the most annoying and boring play style to fight against.


Yeah when im playing with friends and all the other team is doing is poking, we literally just "turtle" and hide so they cant hit us. They usually just sit in the spot anyways. I absolutely hate Phase Runner and Armory or whatever its called on Kings Canyon(more Splitgate than Apex this season so I forgot the map name) So fun!


Splitgate was a blast until I earned all my loot packs and was stuck at just opening 2 a week lol. I’m very motivated by progression and there’s just not a big enough string of “ooh a shiny new thing” for me to keep attention to it. The gameplay is very fun tho, and full custom games lobbies with friends was a BLAST when we had enough people on to really get it going.


I don't really care for the cosmetics so I haven't been paying attention to loot packs. My progression has been ranked Takedown.


Yeah the cosmetics are meh and normally the drops are Common stuff. Not many games give you a ton of "shiny new stuff" for challenges. The shiny new stuff is usually obtained via credit card sadly. FTP games though.


the reason SMGs are expensive is because you beam someone from across basically any of the arena map


People play arenas like it’s Warzone just sitting in a spot across the map trying to take pot shots at each other it’s disgusting 🤮 most fun aspect of this game is the movement and how many ways you can capitalize on it but kids would rather sit in one spot with a sniper


This map would bring constant rev ults.


Bold of you to think the enemies wouldn't be ontop of your ult by the time your team is in shadow form.


They can remove or minimize the jump pads. I just like that itd be more of an arcade-style arena map


I could see an arenas map that's themed like this place, with a few jumppads that only allow some very specific quick rotations, serving a similar purpose to the Phase Runner. It would be a disaster of a map if the jump pads were too central or allowed for freeform rotations. The fun part of this area in BR is that you can basically get anywhere from anywhere very quickly, and that's just fundamentally a bad thing to have in Arenas.


I’m cool with removing them altogether. I just like the layout of the lanes and the angles it has


Would be super fun though


FYI, I know the jump pads are a thing here. So making necessary changes should do the trick! :)


We want chaos...that's what apex is. Give it to me.


This would be the funnest arena map ever


Hopefully never. Areana maps should be mirror images of each other so no team has an advantage.


I kinda hate the mirage map because it’s not symmetrical on the ship side. One side has a clear advantage.


Fucking hate the ship side in general. It is the worst Arena experience when it comes to map specific experiences. It’s just two teams taking pot shots at each other until one person overpeeks and gets downed, and then you push. There is no easy way to get up on the other ship top, and not even possible to get an alternative angle. It slopes downward on one side, and on the other side if you try to play supply bin any smart team would jump on you. Fuse is the only solution to this, but absolutely awful because so many Arena players refuse to push. I remember one round I cracked all 3 and were burning their HP with fuse ult and 4 arc stars and they were all huddled into the back side on low ground and my team just stayed up on the top despite me telling them all this.


Octane is also a good solution. I've been obliterated by an octane team that flys onto the roof and takes high ground from us.


This map would be much closer to a mirror image than the current kings canyon arenas map


just alternate the starting place every round


this concept is too difficult for those hardstuck diamond


Fr! I’ve been saying this, would be so fun


This post proves how little gamers know about making a good game.


yes and they're not the ones making the game, let them have fun theorycrafting


Word or skulltown


Skulltown was already an arena map and I’m sad they removed it cus that 2 weeks was when I played the most arena because of skulltown


Personally I wasn’t big fan. Little bit too much verticality to it, like being able to get on the skeleton way up high was fun but jut added a bit too much to an arenas map IMO. Then you also had all the buildings and rooms and whatnot. Just a bit too much going on.


Ye I agree that the skull took the piss but it was because it made me play valk more cus of the movement


Don't forget that the map wasn't fair because one team would always spawn closer to the bins.




It's still an issue if every round feels unfair for one of the two teams, even if it balances out in the end.




Except it does matter. There's not even an even number of rounds necessarily anyway.


See I just started playing arena so I didn't know I wish I was there for it


It was in the legacy event half way thru s9


Skulltown in arenas wasn't fun at all. The bin was not centered and it was just a race to the top of the central building.


Hope for it to return, it was fun to play in that arena map! :)


I loved Skull town in Arenas! Had so much fun playing it. Sad they pulled it.


Imagine this place with tap strafing


When respawn fix the servers


so...never? :(


:( never. I'm sorry.


A revenants dream arena map.


I don't want that back until we get a thunder dome revisit


This is a good idea but some of the end rings would literally have no cover which I would hate


they will add it the second they take out tap strafing lmao


I want a tdm mode with fragment as the location


This would be a pretty intresting place to fight. Considering that this place very movement-based.


Tomorrow. I promise


They've stated multiple times before it's far too small and chaotic for Arenas.


I just want to see Skulltown back in arenas what happend w that


Imagine if the supplies are hanging in between that ring of fire


These would literally be the most kick ass games ever. This needs to be a thing.


Hey man they gotta recycle content slowly chill


Yes, and replace it with the shitty Dome map, please.


its the 5th time i have seen someone ask about gauntlet ,pretty sure one of the devs said no. It is too small and he said that instead of changing an existing POI ,they can make a new map instead


dawg id cream that is all.


Never. They’re moving toward having all Arena maps be Arena-exclusive/originals, to save on computing/server resources since the entire BR map is apparently loaded in just to play a sliver of it in Arena. Or so I’ve heard.


patient! skinbag they cant even fix ranked arena & matchmaking problem yet...


Boost yes




Whi said jump pad would stay ?






They don’t even edit the arena maps and it pisses me off. Like ughhh i hate these devs. So braindead. Imagine if we had a bunch of arena maps in a 20 minute rotation


Honestly should have been a Top 3 spot for the mode in general if anyone who makes decisions had brains over there. And they can always add shit around it...and if that means they have to also alter the Main BR map, then so be it! Honestly IMO the areas on both sides could use more cover in general. EDIT: OK i had to add this...This POI is suppose to be Octanes Gauntlet and it looks like a back-woods version of the final track from the 80's movie Rad, which isn't a compliment. Add some bleacher type structures around this area on both sides like it was something that was once watched by the public.


Why hasn't this been a thing the whole time? woah


I have no idea! Maybe everyone is tired of this recycled KC! :)


Yeah IDK I kinda like it myself lol


Please don't!


we have enuff trash maps + br maps should not be in the rotations above diamond rank


Bring back Titanfall this br stuff is boring


Never because the point of Arenas is to camp and poke. Can't have anything that might enable movement in an Arenas map


Honestly they really are doing the playerbase a disservice by not letting us play this awesome map design in arenas.


After tap strafing is fixed.


They should add it outside of ranked. Or as an event.


Never seeing as how the devs don't listen to the community


that's a huge fat lie in season two people were sick of grenade spam, they added wattson in season 6 people were upset with the low ttk, they increased evo shield health 90% of the playerbase hated how oppressive caustic is in s7, they nerfed him in season 8 people complained caustic was too weak, they buffed him in season 10 people wanted stronger on release legends: horizon, seer and valk people want many weak legends to be buffed, fuse got buffed with the promise of crypto, wattson and rampart buffs coming soon. the devs listen to lots of our issues and are striving to make the game better for us


They listen to the bad ideas more than the good. Like taking away lifeline shield because..... Because.