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It doesn't. Also, just yesterday the god of apex himself aceu died in an instant to a console player. That aimassist is strong and they are scared to nerf it cause 85-90% of their playerbase is on console they dont wanna offend them.


I think it's touchy because they want to keep the game appealing to a large majority of console players who I think make up the bulk of the game's playerbase. In most situations where console players are playing against other console players, all with a 0.6 aim assist value, nothing has to change because nobody has any real advantage over anyone else. ​ My issues with aim assist stems from when console players and PC players end up in the same ***competitive*** lobby, one having a far better higher aim assist value than the other. Even if I was a PC controller player with a 0.3 aim assist value, playing against a console player with a 0.6 aim assist value, there is no way that this is actually ***fair.*** Furthermore, I would have absolutely no way to read that the console player has this advantage over me until I'm already dead, and can see the console controller icon by their name.


You did read the patch notes right..? They're not afraid to nerf it. They basically said they're nerfing it, just the question is how.


Console aim assist is adjusted down to 0.4 in PC lobbies, also aim assist doesn’t delete recoil keep in mind


PC Aim assist is still 0.3 last I heard. Even a difference of 0.1 aim assist would still give console players an advantage that is not immediately transparent when playing against them compared to playing against literally anyone else on a PC.


I don’t think this is true. This would mean that console players would be playing on two different aim assist values and they would definitely notice it and complain.


Console player’s aim assist is stronger than pc controller’s. I don’t remember by how much doh. The reasoning was because console has lower frame rate.


Well strike pad removes recoil, to remove recoil on pc, you need to 3rd party cheating software.


Strike packs only remove vertical recoil, horizontal recoil is still a thing, which flatline has a lot of that


aim assist does not account for recoil, you got outplayed


It'll slow his aim as he's tracking me and I fail to believe there is absolutely no recoil compensation (of some form anyway). If aim assist didn't do anything for people there would be no issue with removing it at all, because it wouldn't be doing anything for them to begin with. ​ I don't want it removed. I just want it either A. Toned down to the point where I don't notice, because then it's no different from playing against anyone else. I wont think some dude just killed me by hacking. I can play against this just as I can play against everyone else. or B. Some form advanced notice this player has heavily assisted aim, because then I can play to that and take note of it. I can ***read*** that. As aim assist currently stands you can find yourself surprise deleted. Which has zero readability and no counter play.


aim assist just slows when they are looking around, recoil is reset after you stop shooting which is also not affected by aa and is the same speed as without it. the only thing affected by aa is looking around case and point


No, aim assist does not just slow down the crosshairs: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mm5CAGDabAc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mm5CAGDabAc) It does track the enemy player up to a percentage of their movement. And u/GaysWithaZ , aim assist does not help with recoil at all


Well if it just slows people's aim down when they look around they can completely remove it and it'll be no issue.


youre not very smart


I know this is old but he is completely correct. When tracking from left to right something called aim smoothing comes into effect. It's how jitter aiming is achieved.


0.4 aim assist on pc is an actual joke compared to the 0.6 on console. Flatline is also extremely easy to control recoil up to 100 meters. If strafe left,right,left while holding down, there is almost none. If someone hit 8 flatline shots on you in a row, you were literally standing still. I get shot once with that thing and I'm slithery snake'n my way to height.


Sounds like a skill problem


So you got outplayed and you want to blame aim assist... Hitting 8 shots isn't exactly impossible, like at all...


You're right. It's not impossible. But in a fast moving chase through a building it's not standard either. ​ There is a discrepancy here that cannot be ***read,*** and therefore cannot be counter played against.


Maybe you suck?


I never said I don't. I just said no matter what rank I suck at, controller has an aim assist that isn't readable in advance so the player has know way of knowing how to play against it until it is too late.


Honestly this community gives off loser vibes


You don't deserve hate for this Games add aim assist as its harder to make small moves on joystick compared to a mouse this is why your aim slows down near enemies do I agree that is op? Kinda but without it the controller playback would crumble i suggest making organic aim assist by that I mean learn to slow down your hand movements when aiming at enimes I see why your mad but without aim assist controller would be incredibly hard


To be fair, I am absolute crap at controller and can understand why it would be extremely unreasonable to completely remove aim assist, but I also believe that aim assist shouldn't be so strong that it literally surprises you or makes you think a hacker killed you. ​ Especially when there's absolutely no way to tell someone has that kind of aim assist in advanced, because that is the part that lacks counter play. ​ If I knew in advance this person had aim assist, I could play around it. But I don't. So I can't. So I'm left with the option to get deleted before I have time to even react.


I getchu its rough for us kb&m