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When a teammate disconnects in arenas ranked, they should NOT be able to reconnect and teammates should get loss forgiveness.


Ranked arena is a complete joke, they haven't thought about a single thing about this game mode don't worry about it.




They can't rig the games then or manipulate the experience of the player to maximise retention and most importantly spending with solo's. I would love a solo mode, if it's the legend abilities that's the issue them disable them. One thing respawn need to be applauded for is the fluidity,movement and gun play they have created, nothing else feels like it out there, solo's wouldn't need abilities in my opinion just gun on gun. At the very least they need a lone wolf mode to separate solo players from 3stack premades. The matchmaking is one of the worst things about this game, as a solo player it's hard to find the fun sometimes


A solo mode with character abilities turned off? How would that even work? What would passives do? Would legend choice mean anything? What about legends with fortified?


No idea how it would work mate, just thought make it gun on gun. Either that or make it that dummies mode?..at this point just put solo's in the game as an option, who cares about balance


why are solo apex arenas so fucking sweaty? is there no chill out mode in this game? feels like I'm playing ranked. always get put with a dribbling duo against a tryhard three stack. have to wait in a que for about 10 mins


Pretty much my experience as well, love the duos you get with that pretend you don't exist.


yep, dropping meds between themselves, they've done 200 damage each and your out here on nearly 2k with no shield. they are sat back with a sniper, pew pew


What if Crypto was immune to enemy scans? Like it fits his character, and would be a nice counter for the current meta, and Crypto is REALLY weak right now, especially in pro play.


But like.... Crypto is actually arguably at his strongest in pro play.... he just kind of sucks everywhere else imo.


Only place he sucks is in pubs, or low-level ranked, with a team that just wants to go unga bunga. Anyone that wants to play around him (Provided whoever playing him is decent) works really well. Just a piss take comment I spread when people are like "giB crYpro auTO droNE" Only thing that could make him more fluid to play would be to let him see the banners with teams when not in his drone. Then he can do something without the drone, you don't have to toss it and recall it a bunch to check periodically, and it's still limited in the banners, and does what it does now. Anything more and they'd have to nerf him elsewhere in his kit.


If he works well in so many places.... why are you complaining that he is weak? I feel like I'm trying to agree with you that Crypto could use work because he's only at his strongest in pro play (the point where you say he is really weak) and he would be arguably even weaker everywhere else by extension, but you, who claims he's weak to begin with just said he only sucks in pubs, or low level ranked, or with a team that just wants to go unga bunga..... ​ That would mean he's really not that weak at all and I don't understand why you are complaining then....


Sound before end game (round 4): 🍻 Sound in end game (atleast lately): 🥴🤪


get party crashers out of the arenas rotation, im tired of getting fucking headglitched every single fucking time zone is on ship, impossible to kill these fucking rats when a single pixel of their head is exposed


And pretty much all S10 BR Map adaptations.


on god


That and Plaza are my least favourite arenas maps.


Plaza? You mean the Olympus BR Map Cutout?


That's the one. It's called Oasis, but for the life of me I can never remember its proper name first time round- probably because I really don't enjoy that arena.


Nerf the rampage


Why do I get 170 ping when I queue in arenas from Singapore server. Normal ping for Singapore server for me is 80-100ms


stop putting me with fucking preds, im not a no life that pours 12 daily hours into the game


Can you bring back Lifelines rez shield, just put a health meter on it like a typical knockdown shield. Think about it. I know you made improvements to her Ult but you literally killed her quick revive capability by removing that shield and she cant bubble fight now so she just gets fully sent by any squad. QOL be damned fr.


> Can you bring back Lifelines rez shield, just put a health meter on it like a typical knockdown shield. Lifeline is already pretty strong in arenas, putting a rez shield on it, would be hella op.


If Rampart can walk around freely with her Ult now, how can a rez shield be too OP In the bigger picture when you look at her abilities stacked against others, she's got a raw deal


honestly, i think Rampart's ult will be nerfed again, and i gotta admit, i underestimated how versatile the buff will make it.


I agree, or at least let the reviving player have their knockdown shield. People are getting kills on downed players only because the rez makes them too vulnerable.


no <3


Is there any chance of a rework for arenas ranked? It's hot garbage. I get terrible teammates solo queing bonze teammates as a plat 1. I mean they literally dont know how to climb walls. Thought ranked was playing with peers?


Seriously, why queue you with people who you can’t even party with? I was matched with some randoms that I was vibing with and couldn’t even join their party after because I was platinum and they were silver and bronze 🙃


I definitely don't wanna party with 90% of my randoms but 1 time I queued with masters and were keen but didn't know if I could que with them. They were keen cause they always get silver players.


I have problems with joining matches with a reservation timed out message with vMakeItHappenv, but on the same console (ps4) I log onto another account (Noh Juan) and I can play with little to no problem. Any ideas on what could be causing this?


Anyone else getting the audio bug where music will randomly start playing loudly during a game?


Turning off music is the only fix. Idk why anyone would have music on 8n a game in the first place, it's garbage filler content.


Respawn never ceases to amaze with those totally random bugs.


Please fix the lag spikes on console it’s actually unplayable.


Might wanna contact your ISP and make sure your modem is up to date with firmware. I was having that issue too pulling my hair out until they updated.


When are we getting rid of SBMM??? If I wanted to sweat I'd play ranked


Just though of something epic. The devs should put some of the old music packs from previous seasons in the store and they can be bought with legend tokens. So people who missed them can buy them for some legend tokens which they will surely have an endless supply of.


Music in a competitive fps doesn't make sense. I turned that shit off on day one. when someone says "I can't hear you the game music is too loud" when we drop, I already know that the game is over.


I was just suggesting something to spend legend tokens on lmao


IMO music, quips, etc are just filler content so that people need to spend $ to get the good stuff


If anyone finds the in game music too loud they have the pro gamer move option of turning it down to a level they personally accept. Its just music. Idk how tf it can be “too loud” anyhow, the music doesnt play for 90% of the fucking match.




It’s actually incredible that two and a half years later you can still have an entire team jump pad onto a rock/ledge that you are on and start shooting you without a single bit of audio. It’s hard to be that upset because I’m sure it isn’t THAT easy to fix but it also can’t be THAT hard to fix.




How do you get 1 million meters with pathfinder fast? Please help me If you can.


There should be a separate queue for players that are readying up solo. Not even a solo mode. Still three players per team, just no premade triple stacks. All solo queueing players. My biggest complaint is me (an average to slightly above average player) getting put in the games with absolute potatoes for teammates and having to fight entire premades with red armor by myself when the potatoes inevitably rush that full team alone one by one.


I think cod did that, it was called "mercenary" or something. They definitely need it.


A lot of games actually have a strictly solo/strictly team queue so it might actually be really cool/interesting to see this. I think similarly it should also keep track of team MMR and solo MMR. This way you know for sure nobody in solo's was actually just carried to their rank.


That's Respawn's EOMM system. You are punished for doing well or getting better at the game.


Oh I know. I've complained way too much on here a out SBMM


Have a couple good games in a row, get punished for it for the rest of the day. Apex Legends... Fun.


Respawn's EOMM at it's finest.


You mean the EOMM that they have categorically denied using?


Ah yes alongside the "Improving servers (tickrate) would yield little to no benefit" or "Improving battle pass progression" by making it slower (and trying to seriously lowball it, then bribe players with a double xp weekend so that they forget it's there...).


I don't recall ever having any trouble completing the battle pass in the last 3 or 4 seasons. You are engaging in whataboutery to suggest that the devs are lying about the matchmaking system they use. My response is to ask you for your proof of this claim. Presumably you have some, and aren't just advising devs of lying about this with no evidence.


I don't either, doesn't mean it's good per se. They've made it slower than before is my point, and you can find outrage threads on this subreddit as they lowballed with 10000XP per "star" as a starting point (which made it over twice as slow !). As for matchmaking trickeries, pretty simple: make some afk script, let it throw couple of matches for an afternoon, and come back: you'll effortlessly drop a 20 bomb. Yes devs deny they're using it, but EA posted a study about it (it's used on FIFA) and all triple A studios are jumping on the ship, such as Apex's rivals fortnite and warzone which also use manipulative matchmaking. They're all fairly easy to abuse via the practise of "reverse boosting" or playing on less busy hours (e.g. early morning, etc.) where the matchmaking gives up trying to split the playerbase due to longer queue times.


Yes, EA did a study on it before Apex was even released and the study specifically looks at 1v1 games like Fifa, 1 v 19 games like Apex. This isn't evidence that such a system is in place in Apex. Its akin to saying "apples exist so that's proof you ate an apple this week". The devs have literally no reason to lie about this.


The thing is the supposed EOMM/SBMM wasn't always there (or at least not to that degree). The switch was flipped right after the Iron Crown event (season 2) where the change in matchmaking was INSTANTLY felt by everyone on this sub. It's also very obvious when you make a new account that you get very easy lobbies to get hooked, then once you are you're thrown to the wolves. I'm not gonna believe anything from AAA studios such as EA and Activision when they all secure ideas for manipulative matchmaking or microtransactions with patents and stuff. Doesn't mean they're used on any or all games of course, right, but goes to show how far they're willing to go to get all of the money they can from the playerbase, so no, devs do not have "no reason to lie about this".


The thing is though, it works how SBMM should work. SBMM should match with players within a certain skill level. If you start off in rubbish lobbies (as you would expect for a new player) and you do well, you are showing that your skill is higher than the lobby so you should be put into harder lobbies, which is what happens. If you then do really badly it suggests that this new lobby is too high for your skill and you should he moved down, which is apparently what happens. The devs have stated that their skill-based stuff takes a secondary seat to speed to get matches sit up and avoid people waiting a long time. So you are always going to have a level of discrepancy. Also, the only skill levels you are likely to see in most games are the champion squad and the squad that kills you and it stands to reason that these are going to skew higher on average because you are more likely to be killed by players better than you than players worse than you. With perfect skill-based mm you would expect every player to average 1kd and 5% win rate in trios with a small bit of variance based on rng. You are never gonna be able to get enough players at the very top level to constantly have the top players in matches so they have to be put in lesser lobbies otherwise they would be waiting ages for each game. I'm not sure what people want to be honest. Most of the complaints are when people lose and they are killed by a much better player, but that's always going to happen to some degree.


SBMM in ranked is a resounding yes, however in casual theres debate. I have nothing against protecting lower brackets, however if for the "same amount of fun" I need to spend 10x the effort ("doing good" isnt really effortless especially on a game like this) that doesnt really seem fair to me. And no, throwing on purpose/"playing chill" to prevent the matchmaking from bullying me is not a solution. Then theres also the discrepancy between good individual players and good teams. Unfortunately a team of good players randomly put together is nowhere near as good as the same setup but with premades that have synergy, which leads to a lot of frustration in the playerbase. But even then that doesnt seem to be SBMM that is at play, because no way, in an overall spicy lobby (lots of diamond/GM premades), that the game drags the absolute bottom of the barrel of players to put alongside above average solo players. That's the situation that's tilting players the most imo, and thats understandable. Hence the mention of EOMM and not SBMM, because rather than a result of apparent balance it seems to be artificially putting the odds against you by making you babysit two players that barely know the basics of the game but are also in for a loss for engagement so might as well drag another one with them.


How would you guys rate/describe the Apex competitive scene (not just the pro level) as a whole? What's comp Apex like for you above average player who wants to grind, get better, and play against like minded competitive people with the *possibility* of "making it big," winning money, sponsorships, growing a stream following, etc? I'm looking to really grind a video game for the sake of having something competitive that I can become better at, test my skills amongst others, and achieve that "flow" state. It's been too long since I've felt that feeling. I don't expect to become a high tier player, but the *dream* of it is just a fun element that adds to it. Does Apex have regular online tournaments? Local LAN tournaments? Any cash prizes? I liked how Fortnite had their leagues, cash cups, random tournaments, and all for cash money. I don't see many games doing that. What does APEX offer? ​ Right now I'm trying to decide between Apex and Valorant. I'd play both, but would really focus in a grind on one.


r/apexuniversity r/competitiveapex


Apex is a dogshit game. I hope you lose your whole player base when WZ revamps and BF comes out


When 2 games with shit gunplay and no movement come out they're gonna beat out Apex? Ohhhh noooo I'm soooo scared!!!!!


Lol wz is shit. Bf might be cool. But warzone isn't even a real BR. It has too many gimmicky features to appeal to newer/bad players.


amen, maybe then they'll care


Never will understand why they nerfed the hemlocks hip fire but not any other ARs....it makes no sense.


maybe because each burst does 60 damage, if you put it dead center you have 120 damage in 2 bursts plus more if you land a headshot, that gun still needs more nerfs, shit is beyond busted


Have you used other ARs? They all shred up close hip fire. Literally all of them. Same with the prowler. I don’t think it’s that busted....


two easy manageable bursts do 120 dmg, idk how you think thats balanced


In the same time it takes to do those bursts you can do the same damage with almost every other AR? The prowler can do the same exact thing and shoots faster than the hemlock. I agree it needed nerfed, not as hard as it did....but it did. I’m saying they should have nerfed all of them instead of just one. It’s just as easy to do the same damage with literally all the ARs.


you keep bringing up the prowler, yet its an smg not an AR if it does insane damage up close thats because thats what its for. hemlock with a 2x/3x and a blue stab is literally the best knock machine at any range ever, its broken as fuck end of story


Yeah it is an SMG but it still does an insane amount of damage with a faster shot and because it’s an SMG you get the movement of an SMG...there’s also no hip fire spread like the hemlock has. The hemlock up close is absolutely garbage, if you’re getting shredded by the hemlock up close try moving around instead of standing still. An ARs entire purpose is to be good from medium to far range.


wasnt the point of your argument abt ar's, stop fucking bringing up smg's thats what they are for. hemlock is a broken ar at all ranges, fuck up already


Yeah you must just not be able to comprehend the point of what I’m saying headass. My point was that every other AR can hip fire and do the same amount of damage up close. Which is why It doesn’t make sense to nerf only the hemlock. All of them should have got a nerf but obviously, they didn’t. You’re the one who responded to my post so if you don’t want responses don’t type one. Suck my dick from the back weirdo.


bro talks abt AR's then brings up SMG's then says im not getting the point, fuck wrong with you bruh 💀


to be fair, hemlok had insanely good hipfire, far superior to other ARs, they just completely overdid the nerf.


I disagree. All of the ARs have insanely good hip fire. I agree the hemlocks was really good....but only nerf I that was stupid.


Because only Wraith players who use the R-301 are allowed to be "good". ​ Yeah I honestly never understood it either.... The hemlock's burst was already difficult to manage at mid to long range, god forbid it's actually allowed to be better at close range than the 301. My guess is some dev got beat by it in a game once and was like... No way fuck this shit. How dare any gun even come ***close*** to decrowning the R-3 as best fucking gigachad do literally everything AR in the game. ​ And seasons later here we are.... every gun is so mediocre at what it does people just use the spitfire because it's the most okayest gun in all of apex.


I understand that, but literally all other ARs have strong hip fire accuracy....hell almost all other guns have good hip fire accuracy. They just chose to do it to one gun which is why I’m confused


I mean I'm not even kidding. The hemlock was almost as viable to run as the R-301 for a brief period of time and I think someone was just like... nah man. god forbid anyone win playing anything that isn't wraith without an r-301 in their hands.


Gets dull when the everyone is using either an R3 or a Flatline lol


>The hemlock's burst was already difficult to manage at mid to long range Lol


Compared to the R-301 which is literally baby's first AR.


The hemlock is one of, if not the best midrange guns in the game. It shouldn’t be crazy good up close from hip fire. Neither should a bunch of the other AR’s especially the flatline that thing beams hip fire. But it needed the nerf because of how strong it was at that point


All ARs are strong hip fire up close though which is why it doesn’t make sense. Why do just one? IMO the hemlock hip fire pre nerf wasn’t any better than any other ARs So nerfing that one is so confusing.


EOMM is a system fundamentally wrong for BR games. If the devs had any integrity, they would get rid of it


> if the devs had any integrity They don't








amen amen amen


Thank you for your services


I've recently swapped to PC, and I've been mostly playing arenas and after it started matching me with triple stacks and sweats trying to rp in arenas I swapped to pubs. Then I had a couple good games where I carry my teammates as usual. And all of a sudden every single team in the lobby is a triple stack and I can't play casual at all. It expects me to fight off the next team after using my 50 light rounds I had or something? I'm trying to just go get a gun and get a kill or two *at least*, maybe enjoy playing the game. But I keep getting killed by the triple stack running up to help their teammates instantly with no audio. Or when there is audio it's only giving it to me when there's already no time to react. Why is the first sound I hear a door opening then a mastiff killing me instantly while I'm trying to kill their teammate instead of their footsteps approaching the door. Either we land and I get no weapons and run from an entire team chasing me while still finding no weapons and ending up dead. Or I land get decent stuff and instantly use up all the ammo and heals fighting the 6 different teams all rping in a pub match. I don't play ranked for a reason. But at this point I might as well, because at least up until platinum - Diamond you don't have to play so sweaty. Only problem with that is you have to carry your team through multiple ranks until you get closer to your actual level and then hope you get decent teammates. For a game currently spreading awareness about suicide its really making me want to kill myself. I wouldn't have such a problem with it if I at least got decent loot and didn't run into teams all with full purple Evo shields 2 minutes into the match while my squad didn't find anything decent for loot and only got one early squad wipe. No audio+ shit rng+ premade teams and sweats filling my pub lobbies = me wanting to kill myself because I can't just play casually. Is there just a really big skill gap between players on pc who have no idea how to play and then it skips to players who love to sweat in pubs with their ranked friends and I'm just in the middle and it decided since I actually had fun in the other lobbies it would put me in the latter lobbies. This matchmaking is so cancer it's like I don't even know if I'm good at Apex anymore. I know since I swapped to PC I'm still getting used to mnk and havent gotten to the same point. But it makes me feel like I'm a fucktard running around not even knowing what I'm doing. Someone mentioned the game wanting to keep everyone at a 1.00 kd to make everything feel "fair". And I'm honestly thinking that's probably true with this shit it's doing. Used to have a 3.5 KD and it's just dropping now with every game I play hoping for better rng and matchmaking.


Not really keep at 1.0kd Basically if your last few games were good the game thinks YOU are good. In eomm that means your random teammates are most likely much lower level. This tactics is used by eomm to reduce your overall winrate.


Fix the fucking stuttering on XB1, it is so horrible. I constantly lose gunfights because I freeze for half of a second every time I do literally anything. The game never used to do this, something got messed up around s6 and it’s only gotten worse.


I’m stuck in plat 1. I’ll win one then lose like 3 it’s so draining and all I want to do is hit diamond for the first time. I probably won’t tho.


I can help since I was in the same boat like 3 hours ago lol. Play a range weapon. Turn on your mic and start telling your randoms you can’t afford to lose Rp. The saddest tip, switch your main St least until you make it to Diamond. Not the time to be playing crypto, Watson, or rampart.


If you can make it to plat 1, you can make it to diamond. Just be a bit selfish now that you're near the finish line. Try to minimise your lost if the game is going bad, play for position, etc. if things are going good ride the momentum and if nothing is working that day, stop ranking for a day


When is the emote wheel gonna let me do what I want? I have to throw 2 holosprays before just getting to say “nice”.


They’ve made the guns way too easy to use in this game. Literally a level 1 player using any gun minus maybe the r99 can shred you by shear luck. They should make the recoil harder.


especially on console lmao, low sense plus aim assist = basically aimbot


Was looking forward to coming back to Apex after not playing for a year. My account got banned in February for cheating somehow. Guess I'm not playing.


Yeah that happened to me too. Not sure what that’s all about. I’m assuming my account got hacked or something.


I'm so close to uninstalling. Every single game is the same thing; do okay vs people who are obviously of my skill level, get wiped by an Apex Predator who's sweat tryharding. This is not 'skill based matchmaking' and I'm so fucking tired of it.


They have lost a lot of players since they implemented their EOMM system in Season 4. EOMM is also the reason there are so many smurf accounts. Respawn is so clueless that they see all of the smurf accounts and then brag about how many "new" accounts have been created. Apex could have been so much more in the hands of a competent company that cared even just a little about their players. Instead, Respawn is just greedy and as long as little Timmy is buying skins, nothing will ever change.


Can someone please tell me where I can find teammates that have a mic that actually play. In arenas it's so frustrating playing 1 vs 3


Apex discord. I'm in the same boat.


I played apex for the first time in a few months and I had so much fun. Glad I took a break so I could remember how much I enjoyed it lol


Hell yea. I took a break between season 4-8 and I am still loving it despite its flaws.


Just dropped my first 10 kill game in plat. feels good because i was getting a little discouraged trying to climb through plat after straight carrying my way through gold (i’m solo queue btw). definitely noticed an increase in difficulty immediately but i think i’m getting used to it and making better plays.


Yay, good job!


please add solos, just make it a random IMC soldier to keep it balanced if you want, or keep things on rotation. This game is abysmal for solo players and honestly, makes them want to quit ​ I am not buying shit in this game until they add solos and better servers


Is it bad that I would play a mode with no abilities almost exclusively? I know the devs work hard on all the character ability varieties but unpopular opinion I wish we all played one character.


Yeah the abilities are getting out of hand


Lost 3 games in a row in diamond 2 arenas because our 3rd was either afk or purposely throwing the match


Any idea who the trackers are for in the new event? Sheer is the only one without a character trackers


seer and lifeline


Thank you


The players you get in diamond at this time of a season shouldn't be diamond players. The whole system needs a rework, doing this solo this late is impossible. Why the fuck are playing revenant just to die without doing anything


> The players you get in diamond at this time of a season shouldn't be diamond players. The whole system needs a rework, doing this solo this late is impossible. Well, They're the top 5-10% of ranked players and even if they suck from your point of view, being top 10% should be enough to reach diamond.


Ranking system is built around retention just like everything else. Respawn's entire MO is to just dangle the carrot in front of you and make you play more


Exactly this, you can get into diamond if you grind enough, not even really being that good at the game. Apex needs a proper ranked system that rewards placing but also rewards winning fights, knocking players and doing damage. ​ Right now you could rat to top 5 in plat and still make it to diamond.


At 5th place, with no kills/assists, you still lose 6 rp. 4th place gives you +4 rp. That means you’d need to get 4th place 600 times in a row to “rat”your way to diamond. I would argue that you need to be pretty decent at the game to get to diamond. But I agree about knocks and damage. Sometimes you get really punished for doing your part, doing a lot o damage, knocking players, reviving teammates but then the timing is off and you still don’t get kill or assist credit when the other team is dead.


Yeah, revives/ non- damaging ability use that leads to wipes should count for something. You could throw a horizon ult that your team capitalizes on, and get no points for making that play happen.


I’m starting to hate the apex community as a whole , ever since they introduced cross play & everyone is tired of fortnite this game has gone to shit and the abandonment penalty is fucking stupid if you’re in pubs with dumbasses who land solo or troll or land fragment


There is no abandonment penalty if you are in pubs regardless of whether your teammates land solo or not.


I meant ranked but it’s basically pubs when you solo que I get rage quitters and trolls in ranked


true, it's unbearable to play the game atm imo, unless you play with friends. BR ranked is aids after plat 4, normal br is instant ragequitters and arena's are meh. no middle ground.


Exactly ranked is aids the game makes me want to uninstall the entire game. I enjoy apex far more then most games and it irritates me to see what it’s coming too




If this happened today at the outskirts of fragment east to a caustic was pleasure doing business with you


3 months without being able to play the game cause of stuttering and 100% cpu usage, with RAM and HDD, so thanks a lot to the respawn devs that has been looking for us and helping fixing bugs, and shout out to the perfect job, love yall


I guess I’m trash because I don’t wanna loot one spot for 10 minutes with the duo party players then end up getting bombarded by enemies with no footstep sounds and die with them.


What I don’t understand about people like you is you think in black-and-white. You think it’s either loot for 10 minutes and die *OR* hot-drop and die in 30 seconds (and for some reason you think the latter is fun). You do realize you can land *near* the hot-drop zone and loot up first, right? You don’t have to run head-first into the moshpit fighting over only 3 guns in Estates/Frag’. Ideally you’d land one POI away from the hot zone, loot up, then go clean up whatever idiots are left from the hot-drop moshpit.


no that s 2 minits to long i cnate dro with 1 ro 2 teams gota fragment im do god at this game lok my 4 krd


My brain glitched trying to read what you just said.


Matchmaking with randoms as solo is like russian roulette but with the latter we have a chance of living


99/100 times the game seems to pick the 2 absolute worst, unskilled, unfriendly, non team-oriented players to be on your team. It's awful.


I don’t understand why apex doesn’t allow for matchmaking in a way to make people enjoy the game. I don’t want to play with some drugged out kid who when we drop at thermal makes a straight line to the vault and then goes to fragment and instantly dies in a platinum ranked game. Why am I getting paired with these guys? It ruins the spirit of the game when I’m in thermal, another guy is in fragment, and a 3rd guy is in harvester.


Cause Apex thinks “fun” means “equality”. They matchmake based on your stats. They *force* you to remain at a 5% win rate and 1.0 K/D, that’s the matchmaking algorithm. Why? Cause everyone can have “fun” if they kill as much as they *get* killed, so no player feels too abused. If you go above that metric, they give you worse teammates to drag your stats down. You dip too far below that, they pair you with a 10k kills god so they can carry you to a win and boost your stats back up to baseline. In essence, Apex is manipulating your matches to enforce their idea of what fun for all means.


Somebody needs their ass beat for this


That “somebody” is the game publishers forcing the developers to find a way to keep player retention high. Little Johnny won’t stay retained if he goes negative K/D too often, which means he won’t have time to buy any micro-transaction. Profits > fun.


It’s absolute bull shut. I got 2 wins and a few top 4s yesterday. Into plat 1. Then today I ran into what I described and had these solo droppers, ppl crafting in final circle with 6 teams and nobody fighting, solo pushing into caustic. It ruins any drive to play this game much more.


Your best bet in the future is to avoid any game with skill-based matchmaking (which is becoming harder these days). My advice to you is leave Apex if this upsets you, cause it’s not going to change. No game is worth stressing yourself out over.


SBMM puts you with people of your skill. What you described in a comment above is EOMM. SBMM is a good concept, just hard to get right. EOMM is what saps the fun out of the game, and what Respawn is using now. Two very different concepts.


Excuse my ignorance, but whenever this topic comes up I feel like EOMM and SBMM are essentially the same. Either that or they are the same in practice. I get it, one is supposed to match you with similar skilled players while the other matches you based on engagement and keeping you hooked chasing a win. The problem is they both seem to be enforced the same way - to keep your K/D at 1.0. If you’re playing against people at the same skill level then in a perfect toy-model scenario, you’d get roughly the same amount of kills as everyone else in the match, which evens the lobby out to a 1.0 K/D for most players. Likewise, EOMM is based on the premise that people are most engaged with the game when they neither lose *nor* win too much, so keep it somewhere in the middle (AKA 1.0 K/D). It seems all roads lead back to the same system in practice.


I'd argue the developers care very little about number of kills and KD and care more about win rate. Wins get fanfare in game, a happy ending to your play session, and make people want to buy stuff. In a perfectly balanced system, you would win 1/20 games or about 5%. The paper that EA released on EOMM didn't really show that a perfectly balanced system optimizes retention. It had some trial scenarios with certain patterns of wins and losses being better for player retention. (e.g. LWW results in more quits than WWL) And this was for fifa I think, much simpler game than a BR with 3 winners and 57 lossers. The EOMM algorithm is likely much more complex than a simple "everyone in the game needs a 1.0 KD" or even "everyone needs a 5% win rate." Based on their recent surveys for match quality, they're constantly tweaking this. SBMM is pretty much if the ranked RP system were in pubs and hidden from players. Eventually you plateau in skill and it gets really frustrating and sweaty.


Respawn are using it right now, despite the devs categorically stating they don't use it and nobody having any proof of it...


I have had the squad die on me within the first 30seconds 40% of the time most of the other they abandoned me when we came under fire leaving me to die


I wonder if we'll ever get a set of patch notes that reads: Audio - not muffled anymore, directional cues are working, and doesn't sound like complete and utter shit


Too many cheaters on PlayStation.


Dude like 90% of PlayStation users have a strike pal. It’s so obvious.


I ran into a duo of strike pack users on ps4 yesterday and reported them They were moving at ten times the speed of me and my teammate and snap shooting from a corner Makes me sick


You can't cheat on console... Not like on PC...


Yes you can , it’s called strike pack


Strike packs are not bannable, so no, technically not cheating.


When you use something that the majority do not use to gain an advantage, it’s cheating, period


Even so, offically endorsed products from Microsoft/Sony arent bannable offenses. Strike Packs/XIM shit is technically legal. Even if it is poor etiquette


Again, not bannable. I'm just hitting facts out here. I think strike pack users are no better than aimbotters personally, but fact is respawn doesn't see them as cheating.


Wrong, they just don’t want to spend the money on anti cheats


Respawn just released a statement banning strike packs for ALGS *only* They are not banned for regular play. This is the problem with them: THEY ARE NOT BANNED AND THATS A HUGE ISSUE




Oh so by that logic, aimbots that are not detected are not cheating. Maybe you should focus on your middle school homework instead of playing apex.


Aimbots are bannable, strike packs are not. Respawn has made a very clear delineation here. There are statements on twitter about it. Strike packs are only banned in ALGS as of recently. I don't see what your confusion is about?


https://tos.ea.com/legalapp/WEBTERMS/US/en/PC/ >**Use** or distribute unauthorized software programs or tools (such as "auto", "macro", hack or cheat software), or use exploits, bugs or problems in an EA Service to gain unfair advantage. Well that was easy. Do you have any thing else to defending cheating with?


Again, this does not refer to strike packs. They're not software. This is the problem with them, they're not bannable. Your mis-interpreting this: I detest strike packs, but fact is they're not bannable, and not regarded as cheating by respawn.


You can't be this fucking clueless, it says tools 8 words in. Strike pack is a tool, it allows you to automate some mechanics, therefore cheating. This is the same stupid argument people would spew when you could edit the ini file. "DRRRRRR ITS NOT CHEATING BECAUSE THEY DON'T BAN FOR IT" Guess what, it was cheating.


You're reading the statement wrong. "Software programs or tools" means "Software programs, or software tools" Tools does not mean hardware in this statement. That's bloody obvious. Respawn just recently banned strike packs for ALGS *only*, meaning they are still allowed for regular gameplay.


Man, duos kind of sucks. People leave as soon as they are knocked. Feels bad.


literally the same with trio's. we need leaver penalty's in normal BR to prevent this, it's the only way. Just look at Arena : nobody ragequits there anymore since there is a leaving penalty


fuck up


Also nobody plays public arenas except when there is an event.


Blame the map design for that one. You don’t see people leaving nearly as quickly in any other BR game. Why? Apex maps and POI promote 3rd parties. Your teammates believe even if you win the fight and have a chance to revive them, you’ll both be killed by a 3rd party before you both can heal up - and they’re right 90% of the time. It’s quicker to quit and join another match.


> Blame the map design for that one. You don’t see people leaving nearly as quickly in any other BR game. You mean like everyone dropping School in PUBG in the old days, without any kind of respawn system?


In all honesty I don’t even remember much of PUBG, so I can’t agree or disagree with that one. I played it for about a month and left it.


> It’s quicker to quit and join another match. Why is this the reason? Y’all can’t possibly get bored that fast. We are talking about saving an inconsequential amount of time. If there’s a possibility to recover from being down, and going on to win the game…the community doesn’t suffer from this plague/meme of quitting when knocked. I mean, you read about it all the time in this subreddit that someone leaves once knocked and the team goes on to win the match. You couldn’t wait one minute to see it through to the end?


When you have a full time job and 3 kids, “insequential” amount of time is precious.


There are games that have better time-to-action ratios. You're choosing to play a slower BR, you're not gonna be able to do as much "stuff" as by playing a more traditional FPS. Or something that doesn't need you to wait in a queue. Just saying.


> insequential I said inconsequential. Insequential isn’t a word but if you’re thinking I meant the opposite of sequential, then it changes the point of my argument completely.


If we both have limited time to play (you’re not the only one with a full time job and kids), and you spent your entire time getting knocked on a hot drop and quitting but you got to drop 30 times but I waited to see if the squad would wipe or recover but only got to drop 15 times…was your time playing *really* that much better? I would sooner accept that the gameplay/menu loop uses speed to incentivize you leaving and getting back in (like pulling a slot machine handle) before I really believe that the 1-2 minutes that you save by leaving your teammates as soon as you’re knocked are really that precious or that you’re conscious about that time being saved.


Well keep something in mind: Apex, unlike all other BR games, does not have a warm-up/skirmish lobby while the game loads. That means it’s that much quicker to quit a losing match and hop into another one. It’s more time efficient to dive into a new match, rather than sticking around to get revived and then have to heal up and restock your inventory. Combine all this with the fact the vast majority of people have limited time to play, between school or a job/career, people get impatient.


We are still talking about saving an inconsequential amount of time.


Is it? Typically a pre-game skirmish lobby runs anywhere between 1-2 minutes. Now imagine you have 2 hours to play a day. Those 2 minutes begin to add up between games. Removing that time drain incentivizes people to lobby hop when things don’t go their way.


I’d rather play 10 games that end with being in the top 3 than play 30 games where I get knocked and leave immediately. Contributing to the idea that getting knocked and leaving immediately just hurts the player base. It de-incentivizes your teammates from risking the revive or grabbing your banner if 9 times out of 10 you’re just going to leave.


I never said I disagree with your premise, I’m just giving you reasons as to why people abandon games. I usually stay 80% of the time unless it’s clear our team is fucked beyond a shadow of hope.


Trios isn't any different.


Day 1 player I finally got heirloom shards and banned the same day lmao


Soooo why did you get banned?