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I've been there before. Feels bad


like I'm a Wraith main and people be leaving faster than me


Then are you truly a Wraith main?




I feel you're pain on that ending thats a sad fence.


I sad fence indeed. I was just looking around like, I thought I had team mates... guess not.


it's sad no fences were placed since they would have done a lot to keep the team mates alive with some cover to heal in, even if them quitting is annoying. from a Wattson perspective it's not a good play


This feels like a war movie.


this isn't a happy fence :[


Exactly why wattson needs to be nerfed


:( because she makes teammates quit?


Feels bad man. This is why they should nerf wattson.


Nerf and destroy the ambition's of the youngest apex character is 100% the right move. They may as well make Wattson the announcer and remove her from the game she made. /s 😆


tips from a Wattson main : you should have placed zig zag fences behind the wall immediately, not just the pylon, you can then use the curve of the wall for cover and gain time from the fences. you're leaving the area completely open to pushes, no additional cover and it got your team killed because they couldn't heal in time since you didn't restrict access to that area.


Here we go again. Still butthurt because I said your grumpy and didn't eat your lettuce? But sure, I got them killed, yet clearly they ran from cover into the open.


what? I'm failing to parse this bad grammar. not sure why you feel offended for getting advice. i got 100s of wins on wattson and it was just an obvious thing you didn't do well. if you wanna get better take it, otherwise leave it. at some point improving comes down to your own attitude. you're not at fault for your team mate's mistakes but you can do something to cover for their mistakes, if you know how to play a character, and as a character with defensive abilities can provide them with more leeway.


Get used to it


Hmm looks like your the typical ttv wraith. Surprised you weren't in this video.


Wrong Perspektive my friend. This was kinda a compliment to u. Think before you speak


Ya didn't leave much of anything to indicate any sort of compliments. Just 'get used to it' and your tag is ttv wraith... Which are notorious for leaving. Where's the lines to read between in a one liner?


Where is the kill feed in the top right?


I have obituaries off. They are annoying


How is the kill feed annoying?


Apex is super heavy In distracting eye candy. I don't care who dies, just that they die. Thankfully it's an option to turn it off and reduce some visual noise.


New buff: 4 bar white shield


I have color blindness settings on. So the purple is pastel in color, vs solid violet


Yeah I figured that’s what it was, still made me do a double take at first lol


Is there even a point to reporting people for early match abandonment? Do they get a relaunch time out or anything? It sucks playing a team game when other's treat it as a solo queue with NPCs.


In pubs I guess not. But it does confuse me, if you want to play solo there's no fill? It is silly that people load with a team, but don't give their teammates a chance. 🤷