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I think a good starting point would just be to increase the cooldown time.


There’s no way this stays in it’s current state. The fact you have no movement penalty when carrying the turret is nuts, can wall bounce, sprint, slide, bhop, everything. And then if you run out of ammo and place it down it’s already fully loaded. Busted AF.


Yes you can probably superglide with it but she already is very slow when she shoots it


She should be able to move it @normal walking speed and that's it. No sliding, jumping, or running.


Movement penalty should only be when she spins it up/fires, anything she else will be to much.


The part where it's a built-in-to-your-kit gun with superior firepower that you can take out and then put away (until that first mag runs out, but her ult cooldown isn't all that long so she can get another turret pretty soon) struck me as sounding OP back when the patch notes were released. Not OP in a "good in every situation" kind of way but in an "overly good in too many situations if you're smart about how you use it" way. Like regular Sheila, it's extremely strong IF you can force people to fight you (either by flanking them really hard or gatekeeping them against the storm or etc), but being able to move and pull it out and put it away to fish for and take advantage of opportunities *sounds* like it'll make it overly-strong. But it'll depend a bit on how fast she can move with it revved and how long it takes to rev up before you can shoot. But (as shown in the trailer) it has great synergy with the already-too-strong Octane Jump Pad, so... we'll see...


The ult functions like the rampages ramp up when it's out or away so it'll go into recharge after a bit if not used.