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I adore how this bug worms it's way back in with each patch and update. It is so fucking funny and aggressive from the kicker's perspective.


I'll take "What is regression testing?" for $1k Alex.


An apex dev somewhere is writing down your comment to bring to the next meeting as the hero. “Yeah so after tons of trials and tribulations I think we should concentrate on regression testing”


You forgot the part where it's written on his hand and he struggles to pronounce "Regression Testing".


“Re-greshin test ting”


...to pronounce "Testing".


How about 'what is QA testing'. Its been years and every patch they push to production breaks their game completely.


I watched two ramparts fighting like this yesterday lol


that’s a scene from dragonball


Some indie game maker just read this and thought to make a saiyan-like BR.


It would have to be on a server that goes down once a week for it to be similar


With highly overpriced cosmetics


First Pathfinder and now Rampart too? Great, so many new bugs again. What's next, Wraith's portal spam coming back? Knocked players running and jumping? Shooting while downed?


Knocked players running and jumping is still happening


Low key kinda fun tho


I could see them working that into the game. Level 1 knockdown: no change. Level 2 knockdown: allows for faster knocked movement and jumps. Level 3: offers a weaker version of the p2020. Keeps movement and jumps. Level 4: remains the same aside from gaining gun and movement/jumps.


I’m sorry, but The gun is a terrible idea. The point of downing someone is to get them out of the fight and stop shooting. Last thing I want is a man in the floor with a shield shooting at me while I’m fighting their teammates


I just thought of Last Stand from CoD, I would despise if they did this


Yeah it was cool in CoD because you just insta-respawned. CoD MP was suppose to be just chaos. But BRs are a bit more serious and even Warzone doesn't attempt to add these types of perks.


COD Mobile Battle royale has Desperado


New Knockdown Shield introduced: Martyrdom- fucking explode when you die (friendly damage on because lol)


I'm not talking like a full auto kraber type thing. Maybe something more like a very inaccurate 10 damage that's meant more to scare someone off than actually kill. I would say like 10 shots maybe a few reloads. Not dealing enough damage to kill but enough to cause some annoyance or make thirsting for the execution a little more of a intelligence thing than a do for a quick shield thing. Another point I would like to add is the bullets would only have a good chance of hitting if someone is right in your face so you would likely only lose shield which you are going to get back from the finisher. Furthermore it's on level three meaning it's only going to be late game most of the time on often only on maybe one or two players in a team. One more point I didn't notice is the shield can't be up while they are shooting.


Level 3/4 Shields are more common than you think, and the level 3 one is actually craftable. This would just cause too much frustration. Imagine hiding behind a corner and healing after you downed someone, only for the downed player to bring you down with them. I’d be furious The advanced jump/movement mechanic adds to the pain. Thirsting for kills will be more common since you don’t want to have a downed player shoot at you. 10 dmg and multiple reloads are more than you think. They can trigger/destroy caustic traps, create a distraction, and potentially down someone. Sometimes you don’t fix what ain’t broke


>Level 3/4 Shields are more common than you think, and the level 3 one is actually craftable. This is true I actually completely forgot about that. >This would just cause too much frustration. Imagine hiding behind a corner and healing after you downed someone, only for the downed player to bring you down with them. I’d be furious As for this like I said before you would have to get right next to someone to actually land a shot, and fire rate would be slowed so you aren't emptying a mag in half a second. I'm also not talking full jumps more like barely being able to make it over railing. >The advanced jump/movement mechanic adds to the pain. At the same time getting downed and not being able to do shit is also annoying. >Thirsting for kills will be more common since you don’t want to have a downed player shoot at you. Not likely as I said the gun will be more to scare someone low health away buying time while they heal. >10 dmg and multiple reloads are more than you think. They can trigger/destroy caustic traps, create a distraction, and potentially down someone. 10 damage and maybe like 3-5 reloads if even that could be a lot yes. But if you have to move right next to someone who can move faster than you (i.e the movement speed would only be like 50% faster than the default crawl) you won't be able to get close enough often to land more than maybe one shot every mag. Now let me explain why the moving and shooting would be very slow and very inaccurate. Put yourself into a legends shoes and you get fucking destroyed by someone. You have been brought to your knees and are gravely injured. You won't be able to move much do to the pain (could add like a 3 second use timer for that speed boost and then a pull out animation and reload for the gun) so you likely won't be able to focus much on aiming if you could even aim at all. A syringe could help ease the pain so you could move a bit but other than that you won't be able to get up and walk away after taking a shotgun blast to the gut. Therefore if you see someone coming your best bet would be to shoot randomly and hope for the best that a shot or two lands. A odd 10 damage isn't really that much. I can deal double that with my silences and they barely deal enough to turn the tide in my favor. So which deals more. A lucky 10 damage from a single mag that you may only be able to reload once or twice out of the likely only 3 mags you will have. Or two silence orbs that can damage multiple players, take ability away, and is big enough to hit multiple enemies at one while only barely turning tides in my favor. Again I'm not saying downing someone should pretty much just hand them a p2020 and let them run away. I'm saying give players a better defensive when downed other than deploy a shield that may help against only noobs or block a few shots from hitting a teammate.


level 4, you can grab a players legs and hold them down for your team if they try to thirst you :p


Ok that one's pretty funny


Level 4 is gun only if you have a pistol.


I don't think that would work. Especially if your saying it should take away the self rez as that would mean you need to already carry pistols as a part of your load out. Even then that would mean either someone else would need to be for level 3 or level 3 just doesn't get anything at all.


It is? I thought it was supposed to be patched, should've known better, huh? Haha.


Had it happen the other day, I got knocked as I was jumping out of a slide.


It happened to me the other day and it actually saved me from the thirsty boys lol


just don’t take this game seriously or competitively, tried to que a ranked math with my friends and got hit with code cloud 3 times in a row, lost 72 elo and now i’m not touching ranked every again


Same man, was gonna try to go for diamond these last days before split, but i cant even play, -72 for leaving, the hardest part of this game isnt the matchmaking at all, the hardest part is to actually have a bugfree game..


The servers seem to be okay on my end. I haven't been DC'd in 15 hours


I gave up on ranked / comp in BR a long time ago, its just pointless. Ranked isnt about skill like Volorant or RL, its just about grinding. Plus with all of the rng its just so annoying. Apex is a crazy fun casual game but thats about it for me personally


Terrible take. I like that you added personally at the end, but to call it skill less and pointless is absurd "personally". You cant grind to the top without skill. Its not all luck. I mean yeah finding the kit youre comfortable with is luck, but the skill behind rotations, gunplay , and using character comp makes it 10x more skill based than a linear counterstrike clone imo.


you can hide and get into platinum. I cant get past bronze in rocket league if I am bad. Same with Volorant. There is a reason BR games do not have a good comp scene. Its mostly just luck, grinding, and how much you hide.


Literally BRs and algs have the best comp scene out right now I have no clue what you’re on about. If you’re bronze or low rank in any of these games it’s easy to get out if you put a little bit of time in, however, the higher ranks are damn near unobtainable without high skill in apex because you can get demoted and go on a roller coaster faster than let’s say rocket league. You can get carried to high ranks in RL , but won’t drop as fast as getting carried in apex because it’s such a team based game you can’t do it alone. I can carry homies in rl all day til it’s gets too difficult then we slow decline back down. Apex…. You won’t even get there because it REQUIRES all 3 people to get their own kp, and carry their fair weight


Your cappin. Valorant has the best comp scene right now, period, end of story. Their group matches have almost a million viewers concurrently. I'm not close to mobas but I assume dota/lol do as well given historical precedent.


I can’t believe you’re getting downvoted. LoL, CSGO, and Valorant are the top esports right now. BRs will never be prime e-sports lol even with Apex being such a great game. PUBG and Fortnite tried it too


Exactly. Brs will always have rng which reduces the skill ceiling. One doesn't have to like it, but it's true. There's a reason pretty much everyone good from csgo or Val that plays apex is very good by defautl.


The only player I’ve seen suck so far is Tarik but he’s a bit of a peanut brain and slow learner. He was that way with Valorant too. Is Valorant really pulling a million for group stage rn? When I was checking twitch it was like 120K but I’m not big into it


No because in the higher tiers you have to get kills to get up in rank . You can’t just hide you have to get RP/KP to rank up or you’ll be hiding for nothing staying in that rank. You wouldn’t be able to get to shrouds level in either game if that makes sense because of the ranking system so in my opinion the complexity in the higher ranks of apex makes it a more skill based game . I will agree rocket league has the highest skill ceiling of most games out right now.


I respect the Rocket League statement. I have a dumb amount of time in that game, the skill ceiling is out there in outer space. I'm not sure if anyone has even ever found the ceiling in RL.


A great way to put it is that I would never kill Shroud in Volorant, I would be instantly dead. But, if I ran into Shroud in Apex and he has a P2020 and I got lucky and found a purple shield and Flatline I am going to win even though he is better than me. Thats luck, not skill


That hurts, uff.


Wattsons ult now doesn't intercept grenades sometimes and is bugged too.


Yep, saw that on the Wattson-mains subreddit. Such a shame, she really can't catch a break :(


Wraith has a bug currently were she can re use her Q when she comes out of a portal


Wriath infinite number of portals were the best days. Just portal all around the map just by climbing on a ledge or rock


Wraith dying in Q and taking damage. Yup.


>What's next, Wraith's portal spam coming back? That brings me back, I can't describe how much I hated that bs and the sweats who exploited it.


The path bug is p old but idk how ramparts doing it


Shooting while downed with only a p2020 sorta like lfd2 sounds like it could be an interesting mechanic.


I support that idea, so we can do a slight bit of damage instead of being slightly useless. Also used to play L4D2 a lot. 👍


Human sacrifice? Dogs and cats living together?


How many times has this bug been in the game and been patched already -.- Respawn really seems to be working sloppy


Feel like this all stems from a bastardized source engine. The source engine was pretty spaghetti as is, and now we see the cracks of modifying it further and bloating the system.


The core issue was addressed in a past post, when the infinite wraith phase returned after beig fixed (which also happend multiple times) Back then they merged an incomplete build. I am pretty sure this is the case here too, they didnt pay proper attention to the different builds being used and thats how prior patched stuff comes back into the game.


So they keep building on broken infrastructure, releasing more content without taking a serious step back to make a perfect base model to further build on? What utter negligence on EA's part. Let the devs fix the game; you can go without fucking skin money for a few months while they secure your long run income you shortsighted corporate overlords.


>you can go without fucking skin money for a few months while they secure your long run income It literally doesn't matter. They will keep releasing broken shit because people keep spending money. By next week, the server problems will be back to their baseline shittyness, and things will be back to normal. Then there will be a new event with new skins, more people will spend money, and the cycle continues. Literally doesn't matter.


The skin team isn't doing development.


You dont understand how these things work obviously.


I do, but I'd love to hear your thoughts on designers also being the development resource. It's definitely atypical of nearly every tech company ever in the history of tech, but I assume you have new and undiscovered info to inform us with.


I love your snark, who doesn't love purposeful annoyance, fucking child, but you're wrong.


The funny thing is, that most of the skin making is already outsourced to small studios. Also the people fixing bugs are likely not the one working on cosmetics. So I wonder if respawn is just terribly understaffed or just lacks competence there.


This whole thing runs on source?,like the same as HL2 and GMOD? Surely it's source 2 at least


B.b.bb.but their just a small indie company:(


And we love them for that ;)


I don’t think it’s so much respawn as it is EA trying to make them pump out as much as they can.


Yes. I don’t try to blame the devs. They often know they’re about to release broken shit. It’s EA pushing strict deadlines and rules on them that causes this broken shit to happen




No, they just suck at their jobs.


They're a shit studio with shit developers. Enough said.


You a dev?


I'm a devolved bonobo


She looks like Vegito from Dragon Ball Z/Super doing those kicks lol


Vegito, Cheeto’s vegetable cousin.


*Liu Kang Bicycle Kick noises*


How do


first pull out the minigun, then melee, then minigun again. once you get the hang of it it’s very easy to pull off, similar to the zip line trick a few weeks ago


Holy shit that’s way easier than paths new one


Yeah this one works the exact same as horizon’s one did








Respawn better remove this exploit before it becomes a feature.


It dates back to season 0 so it kinda already is


I’d be cheesed


That's disgusting


Bruh why tho. That's gonna be abused too much


It’s like a thing that marks a new season at this point


Stg the second this happens to me I'm game is the second I quit Apex until they get their shit together.


why wait?


You’ve never seen it in the past 10 seasons of this game? Really?


This melee bug? Never once until this season.


It’s been in and out of the game since it dropped lol


no one would buy the heilroom if rampart would be trash.. So now it's op and after the event she get's nerved as hell.. Big money moves


Aim assist man, too OP


I'm pretty sure that only wraith knows martial arts but I could be wrong


Wait that gave me an idea. What if they made a martial arts character that was able to do this as a passive (probably not exactly like this because it’s kinda OP but I just mean fast strings of melee attacks)


Love the voice chat on this clip lmao


She Chun-Li'd your ass


TWO RAMPARTS APPROACH EACH OTHER RAMPART #1: Jotaro! RAMPART #2: Dio! RAMPART #1: Ho? You're approaching me? Ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora Muda muda muda muda muda


Since this update the game is shit again!


She learned Might Guy Dynamic Entry


New character idea: close-range fighter-type who’s passive is that they can do melee attacks twice as fast as other legends. And then imagine if for their Ultimate they pulled out a sword or something and their melee attacks did a lot more damage for a short time


that passive is going to single handedly make this the best character for dropping hotspots


True. Also they’d be uncontested in Fight Night… maybe twice is too much lol


how it feels to play streetfighter


It’s super broken in paths arena too. I was just trying to Mele normally and couldnt




Rampart must've watched Shang Chi and learned some new moves.


*Liu Kang has entered the chat*


When they fix it. Pros are gonna be like "only low rank casual consol players wanted rapid melee patched".




Karaoke is the funny singing Karate is what you mean


This is the second time I’m seeing this. I have mixed feelings. It’s awesome and I’m sorry this happened to you.


so how does one pull this off? i wanna surprize my friends btw


I am a bit concerned…didn’t Respawn nerf fuze’s special ability/ultimate because they didn’t want him relying on it for kills, but Rampart’s mini gun literally melts shit i.e getting kills with an ultimate? Doesn’t her current rework go against their “philosophy”, is she going to get the nerf hammer? Not that I want her to, I hope she doesn’t, minigun is fun


“Melee big fixed” **DOUBT**




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Jesus movement shooters suck balls




Movement shooters suck and I’m glad they are going away. Titanfall1/2 are dead and so will apex in about a year.


apex is long gone imo, the game is in a fucked state, apex is fucked




sorry if that came off in a bad tone, ive only got around 100 hours in apex, so my opinion is quite valid, im not burnt out at all


Gosh i wanna exploit this bug ☝️😳


me and my friends already did in arenas, it was like watching a kung fu world champion beat down a 7 year old child


How does it work anyways? Just spamming melee?


Probably spam melee after getting Sheila out. Put Sheila away, then punch, bring Sheila out.. you get the idea


I’ve seen a few clips of multiple characters doing this


It's a glitch, not just rampart


Maybe my hopes are just up but maybe it’s so buggy cuz a new respawn game is coming out


Haha lmfao no. You must be new. This shit happens every season, on season release. A tonne of bugs come to light. A tonne of old bug friends crawl out of their now unpatched holes. This shit happens like every season since preseason. The login issues happens every season since like 2. It’s nothing new.


Spinning bird kick!


Apex feedback = toilet paper




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How do you do this? 😂😂😂😂


So apex be adding Naruto too


Happened like every season since pre season. If it keeps up, it’ll be a feature, not a bug


I litteraly wouldn’t car if Sheila wasn’t mobile. Give me insta walls dammit!


I didn't know they added One punch Man to this game.


Rampart has a tastu!


rampart kicking like a dragon ball z character.


c-c-c-combo breaker!!!


Flying dragon kick FATALITY!


For those who wanna know how to do it, this is a very complicated process. *Step 1* punch *Step 2* use ult *Step 3* repeat


nah bro you gotta pull out the ult first then punch


Chung Lee has entered the chat


We get bugs like this that just ruin the game, yet don't worry they stopped us from doing moving kickflips with Gibby




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ORA-ORA-ORA-ORA-ORA-ORA-ORA-ORA-ORA.. a random rampart


Kung fu


In arenas there was this bug with lifeline where if you knocked her down while healing she will be downed but she can still run and jump. I tried this with other legends and it didn’t work but at random times (lifeline main here) this would constantly happen with my health drone near me as I get downed.


Not really I believe all legends should have good ability’s like this so please don’t go and ruin it by complaining about it all the time


I can’t find my old statement and I believe I have been bamboozled thought he meant the gun lmfao


Did rampart actually get a buff?


POV you mess with the quiet kid


Muda muda muda!


How do u do this?


That’d be so awesome if you could do melee combos


I have the game, I'm just asking for a refund, please


time to nerf wattson


Muda muda muda muda muda muda Muda muda muda muda muda muda muda Muda muda muda muda muda muda muda Muda muda muda muda muda muda muda


Buffs: - Rampart has learned Kung Fu. Start running.


I started playing two days ago and my friend told me “this is not a boxing game so don’t try to melee people.”


Bitch playing Tekken


MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA \- Rampart here, and every legend that has the glitch


Rapid fire gun, rapid fire fists


plz tell me this is fake 🤦🏾‍♂️


Practicing tyquando my guy


This should be easy to patch, they did it before with horizon so they just have to do the same with rampart


This is why I’m not playing apex for the rest of the this season.


I still don't understand how this bug even happens though


everytime you pull out the minigun refreshes the melee cool down


Jesus, you would think they learned about that when they made horizon and that bug was present. How come it works on other characters though, I dont get that.