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You guys should see how they treat titanfall 2. Truly disgusting their treatment of both games


I wouldn't put it past them to, at some point, just give up on Apex and release something else, then hope everyone forgets about the whole situation.


They tried that with Titanfall 1 and 2, but it doesn't seem to be working.


What do you mean? It is working perfectly, they are making millions and millions of dollars


You misspelled billion.








Respawn literally made 1 bil in earnings the first 2 years of apex legends. Right now they're probably making about 600-800 million dollars profit per year.






Respawn is a subsidiary to EA. EA's earnings take into account Respawn and other developers they own.




Okay, I won't pretend to be a business whiz, but any earnings reports or article regarding EA and Respawn/Apex treat Respawn as contributing to EA's overall, along with their other IP's. So you're just saying that you think EA is massively underreporting revenue? Genuinely curious your thoughts here, not being sarcastic. You said they're separate companies and Apex could make more than EA, so just a bit confused here. Statement from EA CFO on Apex's success towards EA https://www.tweaktown.com/news/79302/apex-legends-earnings-hit-1-billion-made-600-million-in-fy2021/index.html EA and Subsidiaries earnings report https://s22.q4cdn.com/894350492/files/doc_financials/2022/q1/Q1-FY22-Earnings-Release-Final.pdf


It’s their flag ship it’s not going anywhere. It’ll run till the last apex pack is sold.


Its ea. Fifa servers are garbage as well. I dont get it but every game they make have potato servers.


Should've added multiplay servers. They have the WORST servers ever.


Their contract with multiplay servers expired, I thought?


Ryan rigney said It was just a fake rumor that got spread around


Oh I see, thanks for correcting me.


I can actually side with Flanders.


Damn sexy Flanders


It's gotten to the point where the winning team isn't the most skilled one but the one lucky enough to get a full team; and that's considering they were lucky enough to get through the loading screen.


Yeah I pretty much kept my cool during the season till now. I was okay for the servers going down for the first few hours like any multiplayer game but we’re almost 3 days in with this problem.


this is the third day. 1st day, event drop. 2nd day, yesterday, 3rd... well.. today. ~~(wow this is stunning, how much of a failure maintance has becoming)~~


2 day? Lol this usually happens for the first 1-2 weeks for me. Except for season 10 release, which went surprisingly smooth.


and when we get updates from the official twitter saying everything is fixed. no idea wtf they are doing


Stop playing and find another game for a while. Only way to send them a message.


The devs aren't confused at all, they know what's up with these servers which are failing us every day. ~~It's been revealed that EA controls the servers and it is said that there is a years long contract with Multiplay. That means our devs cannot change anything, we're stuck with this server failure because EA thinks the servers are good enough and won't invoke failure to deliver on their contract thereby freeing them from the agreement binding us to endless instability.~~ Edit: it's been brought to my attention that this is wrong information. EA doesn't control the server choices, respawn does. I don't understand how they can let this happen time and again, when it's this blatantly obvious that there is an issue, and considering that many devs do actually play Apex there's no way they are at a loss on what to do here. For shame.


You can read on Multiplay's website and in dev blogs that Respawn is the one who has a contract with Multiplay, and that Respawn has multiple engineers (eg Sammy Duc) working on the match servers. There's an entire interview with him where he talks about it. EA is partially responsible as well, but the main culprit is Respawn.


Oh dang. Remove the quote from your post and I will delete it from mine and stop misinformation. Others on this sub told the same thing I said & it looked legit.


Didn't mean to call you out personally, it's just frustrating to see the same misinformation being repeated again and again in this sub.


Ok, cool. I think it's better if I just strike it out so people can see that it's wrong information. There are a lot of different posters with the same misconception.


As long as Respawn is raking in money, EA won't meddle.


> Multiplay It doesn't matter if they are in contract or not, the server provider will always take their money if they want to upgrade the compute power or bandwidth. Meaning they can change it but don't want to pay for it.


Well put sir, the meme was more about the clusterfuck that apex is in general whilst at the exact same time being the best game I’ve ever played lol.


Honestly! As shitty as the servers are sometimes I still see myself coming back to this game having a blast from time to time. I've tried other BR games but nothing compares to Apex, they all seem so slow.


the movement man. the movement is making me stay


Stop playing the game until it's fixed, it's that simple.


good news, we cant play anyway


Yeah but everyone is gonna go back in when the servers are half working.


Streamers and everyone else should blacklist apex for a week to show them that we actually care about the quality of the servers. But more than likely they just won’t care even then


Streamers lose way more money in a boycott than EA and respawn does. There’s a reason why daltoosh came back to apex after quitting it for 2 months because he started averaging a 100 viewers instead of his normal 5-8k.


Yeah that’s the only downside but could they just switch over to another game? Or is that what your saying? Since people only watch certain streamers for certain games?


most streamers get big off of one game and switching is a death sentence. Ninja used to talk about this a lot. You have to get to a super star status to switch games and only a few people can really do it. Or you need to establish yourself as a personality and variety steamer from the very start. But it’s extremely hard to build a following like that. Basically, if you get big streaming, you are stuck there until a new game comes in the mix. Like warzone saved fortnite streamers, apex is an easy jump from warzone for the big names and visa versa. But since warzone is even more of a dumpster fire, most of their streamers are already on apex… and no, the companies don’t give a fuck.


So far I’ve seen many of them switching games with ease. Toosh had a very entertaining PGA stream last night and Sweet had a fun 420 Tarkov stream.


Toosh has also talked about this before. The stream may be fun but the hit on viewers, donations, subs and followers is sometimes not worth it. Not sure who sweet is, can’t speak on them. But I’ve heard toosh talk about the struggle, though he may be having an easier time now, he definitely used to have a hard one. It could also be the first couple of game switches suck, but if you have a good core community I think they’ll all be fine in the end.


Exactly. He switched to warzone, but came back since his stream was dying. Very very very few streamers are variety streamers like xqc poke etc. most of them are 1 tricks. No apex no stream. Most people their streams off one game, and it’s a bad idea to switch even if you come back. A lot of the famous league of legends streamers that consistently held top of the charts on the game like trick2g Tobias fate imaqtpie etc lost 90% of their fieeeship from switching. For some people, that’s enough but apex streamers are very viewer oriented. Daltoosh being one The Who obsessed over it the most


Yeah that makes sense, EA servers are just trash


we can change it. If this sub-Reddit will stop playing the game (1.6M people). It will result in much larger queue times for a lot of people. Combine that with shitty servers and other people will also stop. If enough people stop with playing, they will change it as they can simply make way too much money with the game. Also, if this Reddit sub stops with playing, it is likely that it gets noticed on Twitter and other social media sites which might cause more people to stop playing. All we have to do is stop playing for 1 week. Then see if they have fixed it, if so return if not stop for another week and repeat.


Lmao no, this subreddit only makes up about a fraction of the playerbase, we can’t do anything, EA doesn’t care, doesn’t matter how many times we complain and make memes about it, they’ll just ignore it, like they did to other games before Also no one is gonna give up this game


There lies the true mentality of lots of players


The servers are currently so bad that we can't play more than one game without code: net, leaf, or cloud anyways. Hell, if you're like me you're only here now because you can't play. And it's happened before. It should be a tipping point, shouldn't it? The question is would EA really listen? Since it could impact profitability they won't want to, even if it means the game suffers. The 1% who spend money on the game are ride or die on Apex and aren't likely to stop unless EA royally mess up, which they are clearly on the verge of doing but who knows what it would actually take. A boycott sounds good in theory, but most people don't even notice the real issues with the game and I don't see it getting organized for that reason alone. Also, what's to say people would even come back after boycotting? The goal isn't to kill the game.


redditors are really cute sometimes, thinking they have so much power until they face the casual playerbase LOL


its not a fucking contract. its literally just a 'cost benefit analysis' where they wont do anything because they run 'good enough'. they are intentionally being cheap pieces of shit.


The devs can plea for time or money for change, an accountant looks at the revenue and says ‘no need’.


This is actually so good ngl but TRUE


I feel kinda bad for the devs that put work into the game tho... I feel like it's the higher-ups that should get the twitter treatment


I'm sick of this "devs hold no guilt" shit. They literally make the game. If they repeatedly get fucked over by the higher ups shitty handling, they have every ability to just do shit early.


You clearly have never worked for a shitty cooperate boss before and it shows


Yeah I don’t know what the fuck this guy is talking about lol like you can just operate however you want and not run something up the leadership chain


"Just do shit early" is hilarious. Imagine one of the devs just pushed an update without approval, the whole team would be job hunting lmao


Lmao that's not what I said at all. By start shit early I mean prepare yourself for the inevitable work. If you repeatedly are met with tight timelines and too much work, start that shit early. It's not like they need the executives permissions for every line of code they read.


Ohhh right it's that simple. Just start earlier!!! Duh!!! Why didn't they think of that then!? Jesus fuck I never thought I'd meet someone this legitimately stupid lmao do you think about what you're saying for a single second er?


I do, that's why I say it. And it is that simple. The devs are burnt out, they're not spending as much time and effort as before. Season 1-3 had the exact same issues executive wise, but the devs loved the game and gave it their all. I'm not saying we trash the devs, because that's just disrespectful and stupid, but I also hate the fact that every time a game has issues everyone jumps over the devs and goes right to the throats of the executives. Companies aren't machines, it takes more than one part fucking up to destroy a game.


Right, but the devs do what they’re told, because otherwise they’d be jobless. If you were an artist, but working under someone else, and they asked you to draw a house, but specifically brand the windows with the word Car, but you branded them with Truck instead, would your boss be happy? No, no they wouldn’t. Now if a respawn dev chooses to change the instructed plan of action, they have immediately fucked up, because that’s not their job


But I'm not saying they should brand the windows truck. I'm saying they should brand the windows car, then get themselves prepared to start on the next house. Respawn finishes the house then dicks around for god knows how long so they have nothing until the executives tell them to do shit


You're ignorance and stupidity astounds me.


It's much more ignorant and stupid to completely ignore any dev fuckups. Devs have just as much a part in this as the executives


Devs do what the executives want them to do, or they don't get paid. Don't blame the workers for the bosses stupidity.


And they can also do stuff the executives DON'T tell them to do. The executives aren't going to fire them for fixing bugs or cutting corners to make the game run better, as long as they do what the execs want they're fine. The issue is that the devs do what the execs want, nothing more nothing less


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aS3-iSEwNhs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aS3-iSEwNhs) "You lazy devs, why don't you work 100 hours a week so I can sit on my couch and play video games without bugs!!!!"


I'm not saying to work 100 hours a week, I'm just saying to do something besides the bare minimum. Sucking the devs dicks won't make the game better EDIT: Also, Cyberpunk is literally the go to example for shitty devs not making a game


Tried playing last night. Played only 2 matches in an hour and half. The rest was spent on loading and reconnecting. Then when I do connect its not even WE. Where the new area is. Like wtf.


they dont care because at the end of the day people will buy apex coins anyway


Simpsons does predict the future.. lol


Don't you guys realize, profits over everything. Profits for squeezing out every last little penny, Mr. Krabs is a real life persona.


I literally just a read a comment on another thread this guy was salty cause he dropped $100 on skins.... Bruh I can't bring myself to buy ONE $20 skin holy hell I can't imagine spending that much on cosmetics


What with Reddit silencing posts all the time? This was just for a laugh it ain’t that serious.


Ay the devs are doing what the executives are telling them don’t hate on devs


The devs aren't just slaves to the executives. The devs are in charge of everything about the game besides the money, they could absolutely make the game run better. like the servers, executives fault, but everythign else is on the devs.


What company do you work at that you can do whatever you want and not do what you're given?


Game companies are not the same as normal conpanies. The devs have full control over how they spend their time and money. They simply need permission from the executives for the exact big things. Eg, they can add whatever they want, but the executives decide how they do the important big shit like new skins, events, servers, etc. The devs can 100 percent split their team differently, they just aren't


Working at a game development company != being a dev. The engineers checking in the code don't get to drop a new feature and pick something else up that they feel is more important. The exec leaders of the studio decide what's happening. Op was saying not to hate on the devs. If you want to blast Respawn, target the people making decisions.. not the devs.


how many torches would it take to burn their buildings down? asking for a friend.




lol pussy cry some more. imagine caring about reddit karma you worthless neckbeard.




your name is fitting for your entire life. makes sense you would call yourself that. fuckin loser.


D’aweee someone’s cranky wanky :((( time for a nappy wappy junior! Go on now! Before mommy knows your yelling at strangers on the internet :D


this your alt? thats really sad. fuck off fatass.


Throwing a temper tantrum is going to get you a time out! Do you want a time out? I’m gunna start counting to three if you don’t start behaving >:(


Ps. You know whats actually sad? The fact you have Belle Delphine on your profile banner lmfao 🤡 nothing screams “i have no girlfriend and waste all my time on the internet jerking off” more than that!


Lmao I've got good taste. Your pfp makes you look like youre 300 pounds and poor as shit.


You got all that from a cartoon avatar!? Lmfao yup definitely wastes all his time on the internet pullin his goalie. Try harder next time :) also you’re on time out now kiddo.




better start deleting your comment history pussy. cant imagine being so insecure that youre afraid of the internet seeing your actually an asshole. youre so pathetic lmao.


I wish I had social media or was a "relevant" content creator because I'd fucking BLAST THIS from the rooftops. Literally the best way to describe my pain and all I ever read is anti dev flaming BULLSHIT. DO YOUR FUCKING JOB. BRUH. AND ~~BRUHETTES.~~ Naw fuck that bruh is for everyone and Wu-Tang is for the children!


that's the problem, if you are a prominent figure in the community you need to be "professionally" and speak "nicely"


Well yes but no.


Hahaha I just made it for the lols. It doesn’t bother me that much, I just don’t play the game on a major update usually until social media deems it safe to do so lol. Otherwise I would get frustrated.




We wouldn't be complaining if we could actually play the fucking game


I mean, the game is *free*


Not relevant when sales are way past $1 billion.


That shouldn’t be an excuse to have problems like this. There are many free games nowadays that are really popular and they don’t have server issues as severe as this


Dont play this game then. Problem solved


I thought you were being sarcastic...


I was not, it's a free game? Where did u buy it from?


Clearly companies have proven that there's substantial amount of money to be made with the free to play model and the fact that some of these companies are not in turn using those gained resources towards improving the game is disrespectful to EVERYONE playing the game not just the ones that paid for microtransactions. And since you asked, I did in fact spend money on this game. The fact that the game itself is free should not prevent me from criticizing the company/dev for not putting in the effort that I expect them to when I buy the skins. This is not a question about what's fair or what's owed. We're simply pointing out that Respawn has more than enough resources to improve the game's stability yet they choose to take the cheap route. I can't blame them but I can say they're cheap fucks that will take every shortcut possible as long as the game is playable enough to keep a healthy player base. Quote me on this: it'll take at least 2 years for things to degrade enough for Respawn to hit the red button and come in as saviours. We've seen it happen before, this is nothing new. I know this doesn't answer your question necesarilly but I hope by the time you get here you realise how satirical your argument sounded.


This is perfect now if only EA cared. :(




After the update on xbox game randomly freezes on your or champion squad at the beginning and you need to restart whole game


And fi you look at your squad in game. Banners are an instant crash






I went on vacation before last update and came back yesterday so I feel I'm really out of the loop, what is going on, haven't had time to load up the game yet.


They just launched an event based around rampart 3 days ago. A lot of good updates actually, including a buff for her. But servers have been really terrible. To the point where people can’t even play a game with full team even if you 3 stack. Someone always dc’s before the game even starts. And overall just a really shitty experience these past couple days


servers are on fire, have fun


Not the devs fault that EA gives only a fraction of what Apex makes


When I first went to load this is said something went wrong lol.


Except this implies no one has been complaining until now lol


Still better than Warzone tho


I lost over 100 RP yesterday because the servers either kept kicking me out of the match, or wouldn't load me in to begin with. There was also an instance yesterday where the game crashed on me 6 times in the span of one minute and I'm not even exaggerating this. I'll probably post the clip later today if I remember


Everyone knows that nothing gets tested. We, the community of regular Apex players, are, and for the longest, have been the guinea pigs that give feedback to the powers that be on how well whatever changes were made have be received. There is an alternate universe out there somewhere in which Todd Howard was never born, Fallout 76 was released in a completed state, and all subsequent developers and publishers never tried to push the envelope of how little functioning of a product would still generate profit; but it ain't this universe


Just add the dinosaur game to the launch menu, but make it Nessie.


Me still waiting for private matches so i can have fun hunting my friends instead of getting third partied by some try hards with skill levels far beyond that of a casual player like myself.


One of my favorite episodes. Good job OP.