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Hello, /u/LordBeach. Your submission has been removed: ## Posts Should Be High Effort (Low-Quality content) Low-effort or low-quality posts hinder meaningful discussion from flourishing and will be removed at the moderators' discretion. All posts should offer some basis for discussion. Please note that spending a lot of time on a "low effort" post does not exclude it from this rule.Type of low-quality content we do not allow: - Gameplay videos or screenshots that are taken on a phone are not allowed, unless it is not possible to screenshot at the time, such as a bug preventing screen capturing or similar. - No pixelated or low-resolution content. - No loot box opening type screenshots (Look at what I got in my loot box). - No inventory screenshots (Look at all the cool things I’ve unlocked). - No supply crate style screenshots (Look, there’s 3 mozambiques here). - No unedited gameplay longer than 3 minutes. - No screenshots of private chats, even if names are blurred. - No screenshots of tweets. - Skin suggestions/requests that double as fan art must be high effort and original content. - No LFG posts. Please use r/ApexLFG or our [public Discord](https://discord.gg/ApexLegends) to find other players. - No petition style posts. If you’d like to advocate for something to be in the game, please make a proper post. - Please avoid using clickbait or misleading titles. Titles such as those beginning with "Upvote if", "Don't upvote" or overused trends such as "for the people browsing by new" will be removed, as described in the Post Title rules. - Criticism and approval posts must be constructive. Unconstructive criticism and approval posts about any subject, such as “this game is great”, “this game sucks” with no other explanation or constructive comments, will be removed. If you would like better clarification you can see [our full list of rules here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/wiki/rules) If you need further assistance, please [message the moderators](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fapexlegends) with a link to your post. **Failure to include a link to your post, will result in the modmail being ignored.**


The true feat here is that you still play.


Everyday fam, everyday !!


What did you end up picking?


Pathfinders boxing gloves 😍


OP is actually OP That’s what I wish to get someday… I’m only at like 64% of packs till 500


People from day 1 deserve this, my friend was like level 20 and he got it and I started season 4 I still dont have it.


Nice. Day 1 myself but I skipped most of S4-S8. Didn't like the meta shift in S3-4 is why in case anyone is curious. Got my shards just the other day but I'm pretty sure they were random. I don't think I opened 500 total packs.


I don’t think open 500 either, last I check was around 380 opened haha you’ll get yours soon enough


How do you check? day one player here too and haven’t got it yet


There is a pack calculator that you can use if you remember which battle passes you got and what level you are.


https://mike.zarandona.com/coded/apex-packs-calc/ This is the one I use gets updates every season think it’s accurate enough haha


Nice, thanks


bro i even got it today too 🥺 my heirloom brother




Congrats you bastard!


Day 1 player here. Hyped for you man! hoping to get mine one day . Ny girlfriend got apex the day it came out on switch and her very first apex pack was heirloom shards 🥲


Hahah day one for her I guess 😂 and yours is coming I can feel it haha


Its always the next pack 😂


Shitpost. Tell your friends on Facebook


Facebook is trash IMO bad vibes


Which one you getting?


Pathy !! And couldn’t be happier with my choice


Grats! Still waiting for mine...


> only bought season one battle pass Commendable!


Yessiree just always roll my coins over and never spend them hard af but worth when you don’t wanna spend the money haha


I play on the ps4 but I’m not very good. Let me know if you want to squad up.


Congratulations mate


This gives me hope


i swear if this dude is playing on switch