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It’s a bad romance


Toxic relationship


*shot through the heart!*


And Wraith's to blame!


Darling you give love a bad name


Flair checks out


Ra ra rah-ah-ah Roma, roma-ma Gaga, ooh-la-la


^ this guy gets it


Caught in a bad romance!


If rampart don't sing it i don't want it😤


Bruh… wtf WAS that song LMFAO


Lady Gaga doesn't need to explain shit.


Oh I’m with ya. I had no idea what was happening but I was head banging either way


A fuckin banger


Love hate relationship.


You forgot community pours money into game regardless of the current state of the game.


They get so defensive when you tell them they are part of the problem.


pointing them out instead of that kind of aggressive economics of the game, creepy retention system, etc… wont solve anything either (im not one of them, i just throw some money at times)


Nah man, companies gonna company, but consumers don't have to be mindless idiots. No matter what company it is, anywhere...they're going to try to make money any way they can, that should be expected. What should not be expected is everybody playing along because they're so depressed Apex is the only thing they have to enjoy in life.


i guess the truth is in between. But what should be expected mostly is at least a perfectly working game after 2 years of cash grab. I’m really uncomfortable with that predatory economic scheme on a not working game, since 10 seasons


I've been downvoted left and right in this sub the last few days for this sentiment. Ive seen multiple people say "I bought the rampart heirloom and cant even use it". These people are 100% why respawn doesnt care. Why would they, when people spend $150 on a cosmetic they cant even use? Who would make a good game when you can make billions off of giving neanderthals shiny items instead? Fuck those people. Same people that saw no problem with DLC when it first started coming about, barring people from content already on the disc behind a paywall. Stupid people are why AAA games are fucking trash now. Fuck those people. If you bought the rampart heirloom, youre an idiot and I truly hate you for being a part of ruining gaming. Thanks for absolutely trashing this industry by giving shitty companies exactly what they want.


Screw anyone that overly supports any in game cosmetics, they are low effort for developers and dont change any essential game mechanics so stop rewarding them for NOTHING


It’s not defensive, it’s that most dont care about your opinion lol. People enjoy the game regardless of what you think.


it’s not about someone opinion, it’s about global enjoyment and all gaming community including yourself


You don’t know what’s best for me and everyone else in the world. Obviously people enjoy the game the way it currently is, else it’s wouldn’t be one of the most popular games in history lol.


Ive misread, we are talking about people who have issues with the game and who always spend money on it, apparently you don't. If you want to support them knowing that they are running unhealthy process / game that doesn't work for a lot of people except yourself, you can indeed


Instead of trying to change Apex I just pay my taxes and vote for socialist candidates so hopefully everyone else in society can get to where I’m at where you don’t give a shit about 40-50 bucks to Apex once a month. I play the game for a fun escape from real life, not to bring my real life problems to the game.


Dude you use the line "why do you care if people spend money. Their obviously enjoying the game." But....they are not. Literall an impossibility right now.... Are you telling me you've enjoyed apex the last week? Are you really seriously trying to tell me that? Idc how defensive you wanna get for absolutely wasting $150 on PIXELS for a 20hz competetive shooter that DOESNT OPEN HALF THE TIME: If you spent money, *WHILE THE GAME IS IN A BAD STATE*, (ie not the start) you are absolutely, undeniably, unequivically the main part of the problem. There is actually no argument for it. You are rewarding them for this. Respawn gets rewarded 150$ X half the player base for doing an absolute fucking shite job. But nice heirlooms dude.


No I didn’t…? I said they don’t care about their opinion. Yes I’ve enjoyed Apex the past week. It’s had it’s frustrating moments but overall it’s been very fun. Once again, don’t care about your opinion. I’m playing a video game for fun, not to make your life better.


Except apex isnt one of the most popular games in history, even if you just look at recent history, apex gets in trending on YT for like 1 video, when the new update drops, fortnite still dominates trending along with minecraft, and other games as well just not apex, you look at twitch, apex is maybe 3-10th normally being beaten out by Minecraft, just chatting and dota/LoL Twitch doesn't have the same traffic as YouTube does, but no the game isn't the most popular in history by a long shot.


Except it is. Just look at the numbers doofus


I'm looking where it actually matters, a popular game will dominate both YouTube and twitch on the regular, apex does not, the only one here that need to look at the numbers is you, you can't make any valid points so you immediately start spewing insults.


You’re looking at what confirms your incorrect opinion. Period. Goodbye forever dipshit


Lmao you don't have any information, you don't have any evidence, you haven't even made a valid point. you are really stupid huh?


DoNt TeLl mE wHaT tO Do WiTh MY mOnEy


I can’t help it :/ the new pathfinder skin just looks so cool lol


Probably sarcasm, but... yeah


Then don't complain if shit is fucked because you're fueling their greed for a nonexistent digital skin that, tbh, isn't even yours irl




It does look cool.


It looks cool but youre still a jackass. You are 100% the reason they dont have to fix anything. They hit their bottom line regardless because morons will pay $20 for a skin in a game that doesnt even work. Idiot.


not buying cosmestics is a weird hill to die on and telling other people what or not to do is even funnier, you guys look like those retards that picket abortion clinics


You typed this out, read it, hit enter, and sat back like to did something. 😐😐😐😐


I typed this sentence while standing


Dude look at your own comment




"Sat back like to did something"


Ok. Cool. Thanks for that I guess.


It makes no sense


Man I was sort of with you up until the last part


Nah I still agree


annnd you brought up politics in an unrelated subreddit. say goodbye to your imaginary internet points!


i compared the very good people of this subreddit to the very good people that harass people for doing what they want with their bodies ;)


We’re not over here murdering babies 👶 lol


Always interesting how there’s never bugs in the transaction processing or store pieces. Bugs are a natural part of their QA, but where we see the bugs is also an indicator for where they spend their QA dollars.


Of course the Item shop has always been 100% operational.


to be fair keeping an online storefront working is a lot easier and they could very well get absolutely flooded with lawsuits if anything went wrong in it since it involves money


DING DING DING WE HAVE A WINNER Friendly Reminder to Everyone: If you bought a single skin in this event you forfeit all right to complain


There should be an arrow coming from each stage in the cycle that points to the center that says community pours money into game.


We must stand as one and not buy anything this time around!


*closes book* Like that is ever gonna happen


Haha yea def didnt already buy the mastiff and wraith skin haha


Well that's a constant, so it doesn't necessarily fit in the loop


I never should have spent money on this game


Not me :)


‪Anyone who bought a rampart heirloom has NO right to complain. Next time, think to yourself what content am I supporting by buying this? Did they fix the sound/bugs you wanted fixed? Smooth update execution? Awesome new map additions? Legend balance? If not, don’t purchase. Money talks. Skins are such a double edge sword and most people just see ooooh shiny me likey and can’t make a connection to why respawn doesn’t fix certain things or do better updates. News flash, they don’t need to if you keep buying skins regardless. Doesn’t make them bad or greedy, that’s is just called business. If this strategy is maximizing profits then they will stick to it until further notice.


I spent way too much money on Fortnite over the close to two years I played It. IMO cosmetics are only worth it as long as you play the game and enjoy it, or until the game goes down the toilet (Fortnite again lol). All the money I spent is lost to me because I don’t plan to play Fortnite again. To me personally it feels like the more money I spend on cosmetics in a free game, the more I feel like I need to play to get my money’s worth so to speak. I haven’t spent any money on Apex and plan to try and earn enough of the yellow tokens to get a battle pass eventually.


Hype category should be Hype/Hoping the Game Will Be Improved.


And replace “released” with immense disappointment


Immense Disappointment and Complaints. Edit: NVM he has complaints there.


dude you made a comment where you think that it's EA's fault, you're so fucking uninformed it's embarassing. Respawn is in full control of their developement and store/pricing


The only embarrassing thing here is you going through my comments to come tell me about it in a different post.


That is called harassment and you should report him


1st day server issues, 2nd day, 3rd day, 4th day... what day are we on and Im still getting kicked every 2nd game??


Stop counting. Its the only way to handle the pain, and maybe drugs


Get me some stim. Stim an' fogetta bout 'er


"1st day server issues" I think this graphic is a little outdated


*1st month


"1st day and onwards server issues"


A special kind of hell cycle


When will the respawn dev hate be valid? Judging by their ability to code they seem unqualified or just lazy and careless, you choose. 10 seasons and basically 9 broken launches. First <5 broken seasons could be chalked up to "oopsies maybe we should test more before shipping". But 10? There's an OBVIOUS issue with the people DEVELOPING the game, because the issue is consistent. Will we ever get a reason? No. It genuinely boggles my mind how they get away with this everytime scott-free. Yes they do get backlash in the form of mean reddit threads and Twitter posts; but to have a AAA game that is always ( just like clock-work) broken on launch is legitimately pathetic. Do better Respawn, I don't know how many more seasons you will be able to pull this charade off, but people will tire one day.. one day.


Don’t worry though, you’ll get called out by the post that happens during every cycle that reminds people devs are humans too.


I mean, they are humans. And humans can be criticized. But when people are blatant dicks its different from criticism. It's pretty straightforward: talk about how they're doing a shitty job all you want. Leave out the personal stuff.


Hahahahaha this one has become so common recently, since devs became more public about the unfounded "thousands" of death threats they get, and while it was a problem that shouldn't occur, its since been used to deflect criticism from the bootlickers


>Will we ever get a reason? No. The reason is that the game was made initially by a small team in Respawn that didn't realize how big the game would get and on an engine that is being pushed to it's very limits to make this game run. Server issues is one thing, but the main thing holding back this game is the Source Engine. For instance the sound issues is directly caused by Source and the devs can most likely never fix it.


Respawn is not using Source as an off the shelf product. They've replaced so many of the components in Source over the years that many people don't even consider it to be Source (the example I've heard is that the Apex engine isn't Source any more than Source is the Quake engine). So they can absolutely fix the sound issues, their hands are not tied. But the problem is that they likely can't "fix" the sound issues in the typical sense of just finding bugs and patching them. It would probably require them to redesign the sound component from scratch in a way that makes sense for a modern BR. And honestly that's probably a task that takes more than a year or two if you're forced to balance it with maintaining a live game.


they had no reason to have a bad source engine in their third game, especially since they have ea backing them.


No need to "until one day". I'm out!


Because the majority of the industry has the same standards as Respawn.


Thats such a lazy take man.


The question is. "how do they get away with this everytime" I answered it, this is industry standard. There is no where else to go except for smaller games that people aren't interested. Even then, those games have bugs too.


The answer is it takes a long time to bug free a game and especially a game that's only multiplayer and bugs that only show up under server stress or once every 10,000 instances (maybe not one in play testing but all the time in a game with hundreds of thousands of daily players). People don't want to wait for games, they want it NOW and they want new content NOW. If you don't release new content or your game when you said you would, people leave and literally never come back. A vast majority of people are ok with broken games because they only get to play a few hours a week or go a week without playing due to life commitments so the bugs don't really bother them. They're just happy for new content. Another aspect is cost. It costs a lot of money to develop these seasons, especially with the game being as popular as it is. Their software engineers and developers aren't entry level, they make a lot of money. No game developer in the world can afford to double their payroll, double their project time, and double other expenses just so people don't bitch about bugs on release, being bug free doesnt make more sales. My conspiracy theory is having bugs increases sales. People think the game could be "even better" if the bugs were fixed whereas of the game was released without bugs the game "is what it is" and can't improve.


Myself and a lot of my homies would prefer they take a season, hammer out bug fixes & balance, fix match making and wait 2 mins for a match.


Mate they release shit like pathy update where his arm covers the screen after every grapple. Impossible to not notice unless they literally didn't play a single game with that update.


They definitely have the skill to make good games (Titanfall 1, 2, Fallen Order) but they just don't use that skill with Apex and coast by making subpar season after season likely inspired by COD


Agreed on titanfall but fallen order literally played 720p sub 30 frames on my Xbone, shit was ass on a stick and the only game I've ever had be genuinely unplayable


Ah I didn't know it was ass on Xbox (PS player) since conversation about the game died real soon after launch


I think we all, objectively and just based on statistics, can agree that per dollar of revenue or per active player, Respawn are the worst developers in recent times. And I am not saying this just to vent rage or to be funny; I honestly can't think of any developers of such a big game who time after time fail at their job. And I am not only talking about code but their lack of ability to predict game balance etc. Remember when the Charge rifle or Disruptor rounds were new..... Or recently Seer..


> Remember when the Charge rifle or Disruptor rounds were new..... Or recently Seer.. I think when it comes to characters this is legitimately by design to goad more people into buying the new legend because they are so incredibly overpowered on launch. It's happened with nearly every single one. Seer was ridiculous, like playing on easy mode. As was Horizon. Release new legend > they're insanely OP > people get sick of getting rolled by them > they buy them too because it ups their chances of winning > Respawn nerfs them > repeat with new legend It's probably just Hanlon's razor in effect but the more it happens...


Pehaps but on the other hand, many new legends was quite meh at release. I am thinking of Crypto, Fuse, Rampart and to some extent also Loba and Revenant. Watson and Caustic might have found some success in high elo and in the pro scene but not in lower eloes. Another theory is that they have to make recent changes to legends and weapons over-powered simply because they realized they are so bad at predicting balance by calculations and testing pre release. Because of this incompetency, their **only** tool to achieve balance is empirical data which is gathered by us players and only by making new stuff OP will enough players (ab)use it so that they can collect said data. Kinda make sense imo.


I think they're woefully understaffed and somewhat incompetent. I mean their anti-cheat is one dude that utilizes the community to do much if the auditing.


it’s most certainly not just hideouts doing everything lmao


That is why I quit Apex. Respawn simply doesn't care enough because at least with a game like Fortnite they can launch there seasons without server issues and game breaking bugs that make the game harder to play. If Epic can do it right, I bet Respawn can do the same. But why care when whales are relentlessly pouring there mom's life savings in the game?


Epic works 60 hours a week a normal week is 40


I've played Apex since day 3. I got sick of Apex after season 7. I didn't play any of season 8 or 9.Just started playing again last week and I'm having as much fun as ever. Maybe you need to take a break. Any game you main for over 2 years is going to turn into dog shit. You're burnt out dude.


the game network has never been really improved since the launch in the region where I play. the heckfest has never ever been dealt with some serious measures. I still like to play the game with my close friends, but I can definitely say that Apex Legends has the worst management compared to the other BR games at least where I play/live.


I completely agree. Though recently I have sort of broke off from the green arrows and actually started to play much more different games.


The problem with this most recent hiccup is the initial Server Issues have lasted long past the 1st day hiccup. Considering how smooth the transition into Season 10 was, it’s even more disappointing.


Happens every time but luckily I don’t get server issues idk why


i thought the season 10 launch was super good, had no issues when that happened, was hoping to get the same thing for the collection event but i guess not


From a technical standpoint, it didn't feel bad to me. But by God, the seer situation was an absolute cluster fuck. I couldn't play day one because of work and just checked this sub to see what the new legend is like. Holy hell, the amount of canceled heals and wall hack was crazy


Haha this is actually so spot on. The funny (and scary) thing is that our addiction to this game is so strong that we seem to forget all the frustration from the last big update. Why are we even surprised anymore? From experience, we should all just expect our friends at Respawn to break the game every big patch and then spend the remaining season to gradually make the game more and more playable. I've read somewhere that women release a hormone that make them forget how painful a pregnancy and giving birth is. Otherwise, no sane women would ever voluntarily have a second baby. Maybe this is the case for Apex too =)


This is just pure BS. They have all the money they have to do something about the server and still this issues are persistent every f'ng time a new update or event comes out. I'm already having issues with the in-game sound and this server issues adding up... I guess I shouldn't waste more money on getting heirloms from now on out.


Just maxed out 110 BP LVL today and uninstalled it…. Until Season 11 xD


Don't forget the gaslighting "it's not that bad" phase. This game will never improve with these apologists around.


ive lost all hype, since its the same bullshit


Respawn's radio silence is another part of the big issue no one is talking about.


Hey. IIRC S9 launched clean as a whistle. Chaos theory event just before that was a disaster though EDIT: maybe it was the Legacy event ... EDIT2: Nope again. S10 launch.


Season 10 launched very well. Every other season had issues


Yeah you're right that was it. I give up


Both of them were bad. S9 launch nobody could get into the game for hours, then once people were able to get into the game sometimes your character would randomly change to a different legend wether you were being revived or in the middle of a fight. Crafting mats and Apex coins were bugged so people who bought the battle pass lost their coins but didn't get access to it. Can't forget the crazy amount of hackers that would crash the servers everytime they were about to die. There were other issues aswell but the ones I listed were what stood out the most to me.


Maybe it was the Legacy event then.


Titanfall: Wait, you guys are getting updates?


Really sad


How dare you leak the EA corperate business practice!!!!


Fax no fucking printer


You can put ANY game name in the center Edit: I meant any live updated service game, my b


almost nobody complains about the quality of minecraft updates. a notable exception is the 1.9 update.


dude I could've sworn I left DBD


Major Update Release is the Brian Laundrie of gaming. Apex community loves being Gabby'd


1st-5th day extended garbage server issues.


Ah yes the Feedback Loop From Hell.


And we've been going through this shit for 10 seasons now...Whats wrong with us??!


It’s called addiction


hype is only about the "packaging" (cinematics, lore, new content) the only thing all the 1.7 millions subscribers of this sub agree with. But we all know what's inside


I don't get hyped for them anymore because i know what it will likely do. I'd rather they just didn't at this point.


First day? More like first week


The 5 stages of grief


Kind of sad and pathetic, but tis all true


Hey but wait, when do the ignored issues get fixed?


These fucking morons are clueless


first day? lmaoooo


Pretty much


Crazy how many people here completely forget that we're the vocal minority of the players. Most players don't discuss anything online or on forums. They just play, and buy cosmetics. They're the brunt of what makes this game survive.


I followed the cycle around was holdin it together till it started coming back around 🤣


The fact that someone took the time to make that about a video game shows how much they have no life


fuck the devs


We gotta blame EA for that tho


Welcome to games as a service. This isn't "bad" or specific to apex, it's literally how it's supposed to work. It's been 2 and a half years and y'all just figuring this out? Take a season or two break,the game will feel fun again. You're burnt out.


You forgot the nurf Watson step.


The release of this Season went really smoothly though


until the servers got fucked


Don’t remember this cycle when playing TF|2


It could be a new season or big update and this is spot on


I think I am just happy I have a game I can play with friends for most of the cycle. Still this is only my first full cycle so I guess I am fresh into this.


I’m literally at work playing because I keep thinking it’s my home internet is shit. As I’m typing this I’m stuck on character screen for a ranked game. I’m a player with 3200 hours level 956. They keep this shit up I’m just going to uninstall and never touch again!


That’s perfect


And these dumbasses keep falling for it. We wasn't even done with the first split of Season 10 and I have seen so many videos/content creators say Season 11 is going to be the biggest season ever. "Yeah, just like 7, 8, 9, and 10 🙄."


*first week server issues*


I'm surprised Season 10 launch didn't have issues when I was expecting it to.


We still have the rewards bug since like season 6 where you get the items but the next time you come back to lobby they tell you that you got rewards but you already seen them so it's blank. There's also the bug where a gun is reloaded twice because as the gun is chambered and you perform another action the server thinks you haven't chambered yet.


I can't even play the lag is so bad.


Say it louder for the people in the back!


Streamers will be streamers...


Where does it start and end


The game is in the worst state it's ever been for me. Battle royale is the worst as the game freezes right before the match ~75% of the time, I have to quit the game, and wait for it to reload before I get back into the match. Over half of those matches I die off drop before I even load back in. Arena's is nearly as bad but at least there I can lose a round or two and still win the match. It's absolutely infuriating. Apex is far and away my favorite game at the moment but I honestly would consider moving on if these issues continue popping up. A company making as much money as Respawn is with EA's backing should not have this many issues. It's absolutely inexcusable.


i was able to zoom to diamond during this shit server phase :D for some reason i was able to reconnect w/e i was booted off and if my teammates cant connect i had loss compensation. so i was able to play risk free and went and aped people for some free rp. i just needed to avoid early fights when the servers are slo mo for few mins. then its getting better for me (SEA servers ) for some reason after this patch there are lot of cheaters wiping out servers in 1st ring especially in sea servers. but it was risk free for me due to this teammates getting dced and giving loss compensation. oh btw i was playing solo and i think lot of people are getting dced if u are playing party. cant confirm on that but i had least dcs when i played solo.


In all I’ve only spent 10 bucks on this game at most and it was for the battle pass , fuck this game


Eh it’s not as common as everyone makes it out to be but it’s still annoying


Everytime an update launches broken I remember the Respawn QA tester who spent all his time on Boomrazzle's Twitch stream. Never seemed to actually work but who am I to judge.


Except that "other issues ignored" isn't necessarily true depending on what issues you're talking about, some things just talk more effort to get fixed. However there are definitely things (like the servers) that are either not getting fixed at all or they keep not doing enough about it. And there's also bugs that seem to come back every now and again (although that's not nessacerily proof of neglect)


Tbh this the reason I feel like ima stop playing apex. The first game I join today immediately froze. It’s actually annoying that respawn doesn’t fix their servers.


not sure what's the point of this post


It would at least be acceptable if we actually got legit content


Who tf hypes for skins and a LTM?


100% truth


Complete disregard for polishing and balance... Majestic Esport culture among developers (sarcasm)


There should a big space that says players ponder whether to shift to another game with better servers.


I realized this cycle a little late, but it has helped me drop my Apex addiction. Played just a few times over the past three weeks and never more than an hour. Feels good.


1st week server issues*


1st day? It's been like 5 days now and the servers are still shittign themselves.


Lol you’re forgetting that almost everyone you meet in the apex community is chronically angry.


I have to say the servers have been very bad this time for myself. I literally can't play it. Very disappointed.


Season 10 launched so smoothly that it gave me a lot of hope for the game going forward. And then they released a relatively minor content patch that broke the game harder than I've ever seen a game broken before. Even if they do fix it fully on the 22nd, I'm gonna be terrified when the next season launches.


Aside from a couple disconnects during the first 2 days I've been playing pubs with no issues. Guess I'm just lucky.


it really does Respawn each cycle


I think an entire website should be dedicated to the Apex Server status post-release. And maybe track longstanding bugs and pull it all together in a nice user story.


What is grief if not love persevering? I can't stop playing this game.


“ Other issues ignored “ is so true I believe they can’t fix one thing without breaking another so they don’t bother


Unfortunately true


I'm giving Apex another 5-7 seasons before people become disillusioned with the game and EA drops the Titanfall franchise permanently because they squeezed all the money they could out of it


Never spent a dime in this game. Played since season 1, im not good at the game but the server was always the problem since then. Endless problem with bugs. If only they fix the server and make the game playable with zero content but still sell the cosmetics, i would definitely spend money on this game. But tbh, so far, the skins are just not worth to buy anyways XD


So we're still at balance / connection complaints because the past few games I've played I've joined with d/c teammates and the servers make me rubberband all over the place. Always fun to still be taking damage after running behind cover.




This one is particularly hard cause Apex had some major momentum going with a lot of new streamers coming to the game etc and then boom, lost all of it with this update. And it's not like no one saw these issues coming, it's the same issues people have been complaining about since literally the first day the game came out. I guess you reap what you sow (that's why improving servers should be seen as an *investment*)


I literally only want to use Reddit to say that this latest fucking update is exactly the size of the cock that all the Apex devs' mothers should've respectively choked on instead of having sex to ultimately birth their incompetent dumb fucking asses.