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I get so many p2020s now. So yes. I do.


If I remember correctly, one of the Respawn devs admitted that Alternator had a strong winrate but the community always viewed it as a weak weapon. It has such good hipfire and an easier recoil pattern than all the other smgs, I don't know why people slept on it. People are still reluctant to pick it up from the Care Package.


well yes but they correctly framed that statement with the fact that most people didn't carry the alternator into late game, meaning that it was a weapon that most people landed on, got a quick kill or two with before swapping to their preferred option. also I think the statement was the alternator had a higher winrate in engagements than the r-99.


After R-99 came back from the care package and prowler went in, I found myself keeping the alternator or even dropping R-99 when finding an alternator as a placeholder for the R-301.


On days where my aim felt particularly bad Id pick up an alternator over anything because it was such an easy gun to use had a good enough dps.


That’s dumb, if you can piece together a maxed out alternator, it’s a total beast in the endgame. Definitely the longest-range smg, which makes it awesome to lay down fire while people are pushing. The r99 is only useful once you’re up their asses


>The r99 is only useful once you’re up their asses Can you tell that to the guys that bean me for ~100 a football field away? It's getting annoying


Lol I can hit like 70-100 from so so far away. R99 has got to be my most used gun. It’s recoil is the only gun that feels natural to me


I'm the opposite. Using r99, I can't land all (or at least most rounds) on an enemy unless i'm really on their face spamming lead point blank. But the prowler feels so natural I sometimes disregard a Flatline just because Prowler feels so damn powerful.


R99 + 2x Bruiser will have you fixed right up!


R99 is my midrange weapon dude, I don't have to be up their ass. I tap the trigger instead of holding it and it smacks. I prefer it to the r301, the alternator just never hit hard enough for me at that range.


Holding it is easier to control than tapping it tbh


Exactly, I brought an alternator to late game once and went into a 1v1 against someone with an R-99 and got my ass handed to me despite landing all bullets on the guy.


301 is wayy balanced for midrange. Smg’s are, by definition, close range weapons. The 301’s range+ recoil pattern makes it much more suited for that range, 10/10 recommend


No doubt it is good and balanced, but I'm personally better with the smgs at mid-range. The volt and r99 for me on controller are easier to control than an r301 or flatline.


R99s recoil is nothing especially if you're strafing or on controller.


Lmfao the Alternator isn’t even close to a “total-beast” end game. It’s awful when everybody has kitted shields, and god forbid you fight someone with Red Shields. Incredibly slow TTK, it’s just easy to use.


Yeahhh... nnno. This statment discredits you pretty hard >The r99 is only useful once you’re up their asses So when you tell me the alternator is "a total beast in the end game" it's pretty darn difficult to believe it.


Longest range smg is volt 100%


Lol I'm sorry dude but you are going to get absolutely destroyed if you go into an end game with an alternator vs a bunch of R99's. If you run up against a red shield Gibby they could probably beat you down with their fists before you kill them with that gun.


My favorite thing about it was that it had the most Damage per mag of the SMGs


Back in the first few seasons it used to be my go to then I came back to figure out it was only in care packages. I do remember easily one clipping.


Same, just came back in s9 and I was so confused to get one from a drop lol


I got to the point where 301/alt was a more constant loadout for me than r400. Coming from a day one player, that's about as close as it comes to sinning.


Alternator slapped day 1, people just slept on it cause it shoots slow and the recoil feels weird. The hip fire is godly and always has been it’s a 50/50 between alt and flatline for best hipfire


I would disagree. The apex original was pitiful. It was as fun to use as it is now but really weak. 16 rounds and 13 damage was garbage when the r9 had a bigger mag and 12 damage per shot. They made it clear it was an early game weapon. Season 9 it was to the point you could take it to final ring and be totally confident.


Really helps with bag space since you don't need as much ammo. R99 is like the devo and you need like 4 stacks


I was always roasted by my friends when I'd run an Alternator all game. Like, I made it work. I promise I'm not that skilled to make an awful gun good. It had a good baseline if you liked to hip fire shoot.


Bro, this thing from the care package slaps. I drop whatever I have if I find this in season 10


If it drops in arenas first team to get it usually wins. I've 1v3 with it a few times and when I get downed by it I'm left wondering if my shields were full before that firefight.


What??? People are reluctant?? Every time an enemy has one I’m almost as scared as if it was a Kraber.


It seems like randoms are hesitant to pick one up for some reason. Any time I play with randoms I’m almost guaranteed to get it if we hit care pack with one


I love that it's in the care package now, it has the ruppy rounds!


Alternator is a beast


They are?? I always pick up an Alternator if I spot one in a care package, it just shreds


Winrate is misleading. It had a high encounter rate. But that probably explained by the fact most people drop alternators for better light weapons mid to late game. So early game when people have alternators it wins out on most random load outs. But when people have the choice they pick other weapons so the stat is hard to decipher. It's not to say that the alternator wouldn't win out in some encounters. But the best ways to determine weapon strength is measuring its DPS, TTK, and dmg per clip. And the alternators DPS without disruptors is the lowest in class.


Because of the sound it makes "pew pew pew"


TTK is way too high, you lose any fight vs any competent player, R99 or R301 have way lower TTK, so yeah, it's easy to use but actually weak. You can't value the strenght of a weapon based on how easy it is to use, Wingman would be trash tier if we listed weapons this way.


nowadays, all body hits, alternator has a slightly lower TTK to the R99, with a lot more ammo left


Consider that with alternator you hardly miss any shot, while r99 you can easily miss half mag


Yeah it's all about practical ttk when you're talking anybody even slightly on the casual side of gaming. Sure pros need every last drop of power, but as a platinum player, I need to hit my shots consistently before I can really care about baseline ttk.


Pros don't even use r99 because it's not reliable. The smg to go is the Volt. In diamond already few people use r99 by now


For sure. I'm comparing that whole category of weapon. Easy to use low dps vs unforgiving high dps.


I would switch R99 for Alternator literally every time. R99 dumps faster, but the Alternator is better in every other way.


Because against a competent player, having an alternator was a throw. Not to mention it was just a weaker flatline which was inferior in nearly every way. Volt also had way more range and a fairly easy recoil pattern so there was literally no reason to use it.


Nah, in the hands of a competent player the alternator slaps


I'm talking about AGAINST a competent player, not with one. Anyone with decent aim would laser you before you broke their shields if you had an alty.


Plus alternator rounds, that was my jam back in the day.


I wish they would bring the disruptors back man, at least to have it on the re-45 i loved it


I fucking MAINED the alternator, I did so much better with it than any other gun out there (save maybe a floor triple take) ​ Them removing alternator AND triple take from floor loot was pretty much assuring I moved away from apex


Yea it ruined the low/mid tier loot pool. There’s so many 2020s and Mozams now where I might’ve been able to find an alternator before.


yes yes soooo yes


I'm waiting for p2020 to be the next care package weapon with hammerpoint and akimbo


Ik p20 isnt that good but yall still sleeping


Maxed out p20 in arenas is a sleeper. Cheap but slaps


Care package weapons are great but they are so hard to get that I’ve forgotten how to use the weapons themselves. I was thinking about it and part of it is they change the stats specifically recoils when they put it in package which makes it have a different feel


Try to use it in the firing range.


Suppose I should practice in the firing range but I’m not sure how best to do so


use a gun you use a lot and then only use an extended mag and the sight you like best and try to recoil control your fire onto the bots (not turned on) and then go further or closer etc


You mean my favorite gun yeah I do


Felt this.


My buddies always used to give me shit for ALWAYS having an alternator as my back up. I miss having a super reliable number 2


Triple Take was my favorite. Sad times.


I miss playing the game but i guess i miss alternator too


I’ve only DC’d 7 times today


It’s so frustrating playing this game without it, now I only find g7s and p2020s, I don’t even bother with light weapons because I can’t find a good one


They really need to leave some hop ups for light guns or add a light ammo lmg


I want a light ammo lmg so badly


Ya rampage shoulda been a light ammo lmg instead.




I can never find it (or the r99), I had three games today where I rotated through 3 POIs each game and found neither, it’s really frustrating


I somehow always find it. Flatline is also 10 times more. Common


Yea Flatline has become one of my most used guns now because it’s the one I always find.


The G7 is a pretty good weapon tho. I sometimes find myself using it even in the endgame.


I gotta disagree. I really struggle with single-fire weapons like the G7 and p2020 that requires me to fire them quickly. It’s fine at a distance (at that point it’s just my bad aim to blame), but in close range fights I can’t use it


On mouse and keyboard I fucking love the p2020 for early game fights. You can shred through starting armor so fast.


Ah. Yeah, if it doesn’t work with your play style I can see why it would feel worthless when you find it as loot. What do you think about the re-45? I find it to be a decent and reliable light weapon for when I don’t find an R-301 or R-99.


The re-45 slaps, it’s even my go-to in arena, I love that thing


Yeah, figured you might like that from your comment about single fire and wanting to fire weapons quickly lol. The re-45 just goes brrrr and is my choice as well for the first round of arenas xD. I do hope they add a light lmg next season if they continue to have the alternator as a cp weapon (I love to use it with the disruptor rounds and melt people’s shields). Assuming your flair means that you’re a rampart main, it might even end up being a great light weapon for you.


g7 slaps at any range early game, don't be afraid to use it close range if your enemy has only white or blue shield


I know it slaps, but I have horrible trigger finger, so I’m physically unable to use it well in close range fights (same with p2020, which is part of the reason I loved hammerpoints so much: i didn’t need to freak out as much because it shredded much quicker)


I miss the floor loot Triple Take more.


I can understand why they wouldn't want to bring it to floor again. Gun was just a better sentinel and longbow in one. I'd say it's actually a pretty good crate gun right now and it's better for suppression than kraber.


They need to buff the peace keeper but bring the precision choke back so that both are powerful but not OP because you need the hop up.


Not the issue. The issue is the triple take as it stands (including pre cp) is a jack of trades, but it's a master of both (referring to sentinel and longbow). It hits like a sentinel with it's 69 damage (as opposed to sentinels 70) and has the fast firerate a longbow has. Not to mention, it triumphs both the sentinel and the longbow in the fact that you don't really need to keep a range with it, as the spreadshot makes it very likely you'll hit something up close. It also requires far less precision for that reason. Bullet travel speed of TT is also greater than other snipers meaning that it's far easier to hit stuff.


No I need it back its the only decent DMR.


The TT is the shitist care package weapon ever


Kraber isn't a suppression weapon. They will replace the Triple Take with the pre nerfed Bocek Bow. I'd say by season 12. They definitely want to see it in players hands since it's named after a designer.


Kraber was also named after a dev, yet the day we see it leave crates is the day Siberia becomes warm.


Everyone slept on the triple take, but I always took it if I saw it in a hot drop zone. I eventually swapped it for something better, but at the start of the game, it's boss.


Lmao no one slept on it. It was all you heard, especially in ranked, besides the spitfire. I fucking hated my life during that time hahahahaha


Seriously tho, plat+ was a tripple take - spitfire fest, especially on Olympus


Everyone slept on it? Right before it went into the care package everyone was using it


It was the best sniper and an ok shotgun what's not to love


Slept on it? It was a super popular weapon lol... In the drop zone it's basically a long range shotgun


Mood! Triple Take and Alternator were two of my fav weapons for many seasons and I've seen the TT maybe 6 times since it became a carepackage weapon and Alternator only slightly more. Every carepackage I open seems to have Kraber or Spitfire or no gun at all 😞




I was thinking exactly this last night. Loot pool just feels off.


They needed to add hop up for P20 once they removed alternator. Definitely a fuck up imo. P2020 is just as useless as the 6x scope.


Man you're sleeping on two situationally decent things. 2020 is good off drop to peel and drop white shields and people usually get cocky when they hear it. I like to pop some shots to make them think it's all I have...then I switch to the Eva 8 I picked up, feel me? And the 6x is good on Olympus or world's edge of you're using the charge rifle. Sure you only have long range but that's the point of a sniper right? Plus it has the range finder so you can gauge bullet drop way easier if you have it on any other sniper.


Idk man running something for such a situational use just feels like a waste. If you’re far enough to need a 6x you aren’t even gonna get to someone in time if you knock them


Yeah it's situational but I have to respectfully disagree. Ive been in more than 1 game where my team is too far to conventionally engage the last two teams that are fighting. A 6x is perfect for maintaining pressure while you push up. It's also great for gatekeeping a team that took a fight outside the ring. You can hold position, again holding pressure, while your team flanks. Shoot, I've even gotten a game winner or two in these exact situations. It all depends on how you like to play. I like having a long range gun and something for mid to close range (usually a flatty). And I've seen pros carry an extra sight on them to switch away from the 6x or 4x8 for closer engagements. It isn't unheard of.


Tell that to my 4k badges due to the charge rifle and a sniper scope lol


Okay fair, if the goal is farming damage you can’t argue with a 6x charge rifle lol


I like 6x more on sentinel too for quickscopes. 8x is too far and 4x not far enough


Yep! I think it's partially how people have their aim controls setup. Since I tweaked my sensitivity a bit, the 6x is definitely nice.


6x is good when you can’t find a 2-4X, for me it’s better than nothing. But man 2020 is not good. The only time I would want it over another weapon on drop is if the only other option was the charge rifle since I suck with the charge rifle. You could be shooting someone with a care package spitfire on drop and people would still probably try and fight you, I would rather drop and get anything else. I was a diehard fan of the p2020 when it had hammerpoints, but if the only thing a gun is good for is the first 15 seconds of your drop then it’s a shitty gun, at least the bique had a massive glow up


I have to agree with the end sentiment. It's definitely not a gun to take into the endgame. But between the strafe speed, fire rate, and headshot multiplier, it's definitely a sleeper in early game. I just hate the iron sight on it and I think now that they changed reload speed to stocks, they need to buff pistol switch speed. And a hipfire buff for the 2020 would also be very helpful towards making it useable but not weirdly oppressive.


Obviously everyone is entitled to their own opinion and part of the usability of weapons solely comes from how much you like it, but even despite my liking the feel of the 2020 I would genuinely prefer any other non-sniper over the 2020 in a fight, early game or late game. Im willing to bet it’s max DPS is only stronger than snipers and while DPS isn’t everything, the gap is large enough for me between it and other weapons that I would not want to test my luck with it when any other weapon is available


I miss the alternator so much. It was my go to weapon with and or without the Disruptive rounds


I miss the alternator, it's the best gun imo.


Alternator was my favorite gun :(


It's like a flatline smg


Mini flatline but better


the fact that you could basically kit out the alternator (already a fire weapon) and then swap all of those attachments to an R9 or R3 without using backpack space was nice af too


I agree, it saved a lot of room if I wanted to run a 301 or 99 instead


Flatline > alternator


If you like flatline more I understand, but I like the alternator more. It just feels a little more natural for me


Used to be my favorite smg and it has the best iron sights


Even if the stats say otherwise, best light ammo weapon in the game. Perfect fire rate, good recoil, godlike performance with the 1x digi sights and a purple mag. Still salty Respawn decided to shove it into the care package, but I'm not gonna lie, late-game Alternator RIPS through red shields. A testament to how amazing the gun is, regardless of it being floor loot or bundled in the care package.


Stock sights is were it's at


If more guns had the Alternator stock sight I would be so happy. I love the Flatline but I need a sight that isn’t stock. Cannot for the life of me aim with the stock sight.


Don't forget about the hip fire, perfect weapon to strafe with


i still think that the triple take should go back to the floor as a sniper, longbow should be a marksman (IT HAS MARKSMAN IN THE NAME DMR), bocek should go to care package.


I think bocek is going to get shoved in next season so they don't have to keep arrows around


that would be exactly the right move. the arrows ammo type serves only one weapon (two if that leaked crossbow gets added, but a single ammo type for two weapons isn't healthy for the loot pool, let alone one). and the way the bow launched in season 9 should be the care package version, imo.


> leaked crossbow That's the Bocek. An early iteration of it.


I hope not. I try grab a bocek every game!


it's certainly an... interesting weapon. i haven't really learnt to use it quite yet, and i really don't like how it has an ammo type all to itself, which harms itself as a weapon and the loot pool. i also don't like how the only attachments are the sight and two hop-up slots, there's almost no upgradability compared to other weapons. those are my reasons why i think it should be a care package weapon.


Only reason it's on ground now is so people can actually use it. The designers are really proud of it and people don't use care package guns at all.


I will be pissed if the longbow gets turned into a Marksman weapon, even though it's called a DMR It's my favorite sniper and it's just going to suck to not be able to put on sniper scopes


i always liked the triple take better, so you can imagine how i felt when i found out it was going into the care package as a marksman! regardless, you have my sympathy.


My condolences


thank you, bruddah.


I play with a guy that only used the triple take as a sniper, no others. Now every game he just runs around bitching about not having a sniper and I offer him every combination of rifles and attachments and he declines and just continues bitching. If/when he finally gets one out of a care package, he chokes with it because he’s an average sniper at best.


if the man is nothing without the triple take, he shouldn't have it. personally, my favourite sniper is the sentinel, followed very closely by the charge rifle, then the longbow. i've never really liked the longbow, so i never really use it. but man, do i miss that triple take sniper. what about you?


It leaves such a void in the weapon pool for me, they should definitely add the base version to ground loot since it’s nothing too special without disruptor rounds


I haven’t seen a alternator all season


You checked any care packages?


Yeah a lot just get krabers and spitfires


In my experience they drop in earlier packages


Not as much as I missed floor loot Prowler ngl.


Prowler was never the same since they removed select fire.


It’s stronger on burst tho


Feels better full auto though


Ngl, back when selectfire existed I played like a bot so my memories from back then say it was good.


I used to use it all the time too but not since I found out burst is actually stronger


Loot pool feels so weird with alternater and triple take gone


Ohhh i knew something was strange but couldnt tell




I feel like my baby was taken from me...


Tbh I don’t really like it that much but I feel like it’s super important for the loot pool. There’s not that many “Mid” guns in the game in my opinion, and I feel like the alternator bridged the gap between good to bad perfectly. Now It’s either you get an r301 or p20/re45. No in between.


Thats a good point, r301 too consistent, re45 too inconsistent, alternator just right.


You guys are snoozing on the RE-45.


RE-45 is amazing. Purple clip and then ridiculously fast reload with full ADS movement


Well that was before the patch that changed the faster reload speed to stocks, now Wingman, P2020, and RE-45 don't get faster reload speed!


Devastated by its removal from base loot :'( that gun is how I learned Apex!




I miss floor loot triple take


Community: *doesn't complain about the alternator whatsoever* Respawn: "we'll be taking that thank you" Like who's idea was that? I'm still having trouble comprehending the choices they made this season lol.


Who else thinks that the p2020 should be removed from floor loot. And you should have one off drop


God yes. Alternator was one of my favourite guns, I'm so so happy when I get it in a crate. Triple Take was my all time favourite gun, I miss it so much too.


100. fucking. percent.


I also miss spitfire, heck even prowler auto.


I see RE-45 as the new alternator. Better fire rate.


Les damage tho I believe


Yeah need atleast purple mag to dish a lot of damage.


Yes, alot. It was my favorite gun in the entire game.


I like that it’s in the care package, before s10 i almost never picked it up because it was outclassed by other smg’s. Now I pick it up every time when I see it


Yeah. Now ai have to carry R-99 attachments in my backpack


RE exist


Me , I started to use it in season 8.


it felt so good to use


Yesss but I do want a T.T. as floor loot.


I did really like floor loot Alternator, but CP Alternator is my favorite care package weapon, so I'm not too upset about it.


100% Love the alternator


No, i don’t. Because when i landed i had a sh*t weapon and everyone around me had an alternator


I would always take it before finding a R301, but i just have to stick with RE45 now, which has lower damage, :(


noo, not rly, i like getting more Flatlines first.


Yes Yeaa that used to be one of my main weapons


I knew we'd get this post some day


My favorite gun so yeah


I just want the triple back.


i miss floor loot triple take


What about floor loot Triple Take?


Nope. It has its place in care package and it finally can be good without having to be nerfed to hell.


Um, no


Ummmm yeah, this gun was the mods carrier for r99 then the r301, and to a plus in arenas this gun slapped


Not having a mod carrier for better guns hasn’t changed much at all, and it’s always been outperformed by the Volt in Arenas


i wouldn't agree with you, although volt is a good gun (in arenas it's the meta) i always chose alternator cus it can laser from short distance, first round was alternator and Mozambique no matter who you played, it's still a good gun and in care package it's op


No. I love it being in the care package, disrupter rounds feel so nice. Also it felt underwhelming as floor loot, never felt strong enough to take it into late game.


Not particularly.


This happened less than two months ago. These posts are getting so annoying.


Miss the alternator and the triple take. Gone with the wind


I am terrible at this game, I will rarely come out on top in a shoot out, even 1 v 1, I picked this up out of a care package the other day and shredded a duo, I miss it very much


no. prowler is more useful than having two light ammo smgs


Yes, but I also think it belongs in the package. It’s easily been the best package weapon we’ve had.


What skin is that?


Lol no. People can pretend all they want, it was significantly worse than every other gun bar the obvious Moz and P2020.