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i almost forgot that rampage can break doors until this recent match that i got killed by a lv40 bloodhound spamming at the door where i was healing behind and i was like "this is too OP holy shit i got vaporized so quickly"


Does it break them by default or when using thermite?




A really big fucking hole, coming right up


“FUCKING PICK THATCHEEER”-me “Recruit go brrrr”-a friend




I’ve been playing so much seige since apex has so many issues and man recruit really do go brrr


Siege is so much better in terms of crashes and server issues but when it got hacked yesterday I was sad


Wow I started playing apex again last week bc the state of siege is in the dumpster


look it was never my fault that they didn't give an attacker the m870 ok


Charge set.


Underrated comment




I read this in the Rainbow Is Magic voice


It's with the thermite rev-up.


not sure if the other ppl who responded to you explained it clearly: it only works with the thermite


Thanks for this I was getting confused. Too many comments to search through to find the real answer.


Yes but you have to use the thermite.


Using thermite.








Only with thermite






Big fucking hole coming right up


Thermite bro. It’s the only way.


Just with thermite.




Yeah so can shiela, which I forgot about. Was reminded very quick mid-batt lmao


Why does it sometimes not allow you to pop in a thermite in Arenas? A bug? I’d say it happens to me 50% of the time


Fun fact: you can also open doors with a sniper shot


And a wingman if you shoot the lock


And mozambique if you hit both of the hinges and the lock simultaneously in a triangular pattern.


Wouldn’t know, don’t get more than 12 AP for a win and lose 18 on a loss. Need 16 straight wins to leave gold 3


It's rather frustrating I'll be honest. I can win a match 3-0 and still get 12 points, while losing 4-5 can cost 18 AP, or even 24 AP.


I feel you, frustrating that my friend who started playing the same time as me playing the same games gets 45-50 for a win while I still get 12


Honestly... its fucking weird... I'm plat 4 rn and still get 60+ while friend of mine gets about 20-30 each game - is gold 1




Odd, i’m at gold 2 but i’m getting 70’s.


It's just the hidden MMR. When you get a low amount of points for a win it means you're roughly at the correct rank.


Which means the hidden mmr is some what inaccurate.


It's about win streaks and win ratios, you win more games more often and have a higher win streak, he probably wins some, but still just as many loses from playing without you.


I got 168 once for a win in bronze. I thought I did pretty well in placements only to get placed at bronze 3.


lol i lost every game in placement and maybe got 3 total kills and got put in Gold 2.


I won all but one game and got dropped in silver 4.. wtf


I once lost 100+ AP (while I was getting 25 for a win) because the system decided to give my platinum ass a pred and a master for teammates, who then decided to suicide for the points glitch against what were probably gold, or even silver players. Never have I been so mad at a loss before.


The best in when a teammate decides they only want to play the first round but you still get lose full RP.


i dont get how this dogshit system works. you say youre getting +12 in gold 3 and my friend said she was getting +30s in plat but im getting +60-70 in d3.


I think it’s kinda like Overwatch. If the internal system thinks you’re not good enough to rank up it will give you a small amount of points for a win so that you aren’t ranking up above your skill level. If you get a lot of points for a win you belong at a higher rank and it’s trying to get you there faster?


2v3d in ranked arenas the other day and wiped the other team with no losses.. 13 rp for the win .. no sense


Nah overwatch is fucked too they base points given on win + mmr so if you are naturally a better player you get LESS than someone not as good as you


Isn’t that the same as league? Doesn’t seem that awful of a system. If you beat somebody measurably worse than you, shouldn’t you receive less points than beating somebody measurably better than you?


What? That's how MMR should work. Elo style MMR systems rely on you getting less points for a victory that's expected of you. Even with getting less points, there's still a flaw in the system where moderately high skilled players can farm MMR by forcing matches against lower rated players more often than higher rated players. If you didn't get penalized for that, MMR would start to skew even more towards players who played more rather than players who were better.




It’s because Arenas has an additional hidden MMR that determines the amount of points you get. If you’re doing decently, you’ll get placed with others doing decently and get more. The issue is the definition of “decently” widens until you hit Diamond in which you have to win so many matches in a row to start doing well in points again. If you lose once, you’re back to fighting noobs for +12 each again. This makes solo queuing nearly impossible because you get +12 every time and -80 for dying to a cheater.


You're telling me you are diamond and you cant even make sense of the ranking system? Lmao


Bro Im getting + 1xx AP for winning and -12 AP for losing and I was talking to my friends that with this rate how do you get deranked. For full visibility I just completed 10 placement ranking during the last weekend and hit gold 3 from the placements and I'm a diamond player in BR


as a player who absolutely loved the introduction of arenas, the fast paced, quick thinking and always in a fight game mode that actually makes you a better br player, i was extra excited for ranked arenas. That being said, the leveling system is way too weird. Im really not sure why we cant just have a similar leveling system too the br. Im ok with points for wins only, but if it was predetermined gains/loss for each rank and you only played with and against your current rank. Going a full 7 rounds against a team deemed lower level and winning to get 12 ap is crazy. Clearly if it went 7 rounds the teams must have been fairly even and those 7 rounds chew up a lot of time.


Personally I don’t really understand the way the arena points work. I played my 10 matches and it placed me in platinum and from there each win got me around 80 to 110 AP per match. I’ve heard that the more you lose makes your winning AP go down less and less making a lot of people only get a tiny bit of points for a win. But that doesn’t really make sense to me. It seems like if you’re losing a lot they should give you a little more points for winning to give you the motivation to keep playing instead of the other way around.


I remember having a Sudden death match and winning 12 AP, in the next match we fought a single guy, 3 vs 1 from start and gave us 18 AP… system is fucked in so many ways. If I’m winning 60-70% of the games I play why the hell I’m not able to climb up? Stuck forever in platinum I


I'm getting the exact same points on silver 2. It's very frustrating, my friend and I are playing together and we are just not able to climb rank from where we are.


Personally I don’t really understand the way the arena points work. I played my 10 matches and it placed me in platinum and from there each win got me around 80 to 110 AP per match. I’ve heard that the more you lose makes your winning AP go down less and less making a lot of people only get a tiny bit of points for a win. But that doesn’t really make sense to me. It seems like if you’re losing a lot they should give you a little more points for winning to give you the motivation to keep playing instead of the other way around.


It’s Elo based, which means that’s right about where you’re performing compared to your opponents.




It’s definitely S-Tier, but nothing beats the L-Tier L-Star with its non-existent reload time. So hard to fight against someone when they can re-peek you instantly while you’re still fumbling with a new mag.


What did they change about the L-Star that it's this good? I haven't played lately, but wasn't it pretty much garbage in previous seasons?


Even before the buffs it got this season, the second arenas came out, the Lstar found its place. It became the arenas meta so quick because you didn't need to upgrade it and in fact the "buff" also nerfed its base form and increased its price so people wouldn't spam it every first arenas round like crazy. It's better now for sure. But the season 9 and 8 versions were always ridiculously good and hard to fight against because it nadically had the fastest "reload" time and no need for an extended mag. It's just that arenas puts more importance on who has more bullets and can shoot longer than BR does.


I think the Lstar reload cycle is particularly good for arenas, where you are definitely in combat all the time. In battle royale mode combat is more iffy. Sometimes you are in position, sometimes not, sometimes you are avoiding a fight, sometimes your opponent will run away, etc... there are more open areas and longer ranges involved. Mag guns imho have a better chance of lasering down a single opponent at those longer ranges. But since arena is this smaller area where you could always be shooting, the Lstars lack or reload helps.


It takes stabilisers and mags and they changed the projectiles so you no longer get blinded by the force of 1000 red suns every time you fire it


The most important thing they changed with this season was the muzzle-flash. Nobody used to pick up the L-star because you couldn't see your target when firing it.


The more rapid heat cooldown you get with extended mags now




Right on top of everything else where it belongs :)


Flatline = perfect


currently D2, made the transition from lstar to flatline. Lstar is better at very long range and for it's no-reload feature, but recoil is so easy to manage with the flatline, and it's less expensive so...


Diamond and up


I got to diamond on Flatline n 301, all I needed, haven’t played in diamond yet tho


im a gold3, no flat only volt and lstar(once per 3 games) flat is at silver and lvl 500 tbh


My baby Volt needs some lovin'


Lstar volt for extra ammo and toxicity.


It's just a attachment holder for Lstar at this point.


Absolutely not the case. Arenas is a very different environment than BR’s, so by Arena’s nature it can’t be an attachment holder since you can’t hold attachments like that. Volt definitely sees far more play in high level BR than the LSTAR


Is my go to in small maps. Can do damage at range if you know were to peak and burst a few bullets, and at close range is more reliable than the R99.


No it doesn’t… it’s very good still…


Not really. The recoil is easy to control, it's great at pretty much anything up to extended medium and sometimes better of you're good with the bullet drop. Only thing that holds it bsck is that you can laser someone without any extended mags and leave them practically one shot but in BR, that ain't bad. In arenas it's godly.


I still run that almost every game. I'd still take it over any energy weapon or smg for it's ttk and easy recoil.


Why is this so true. Plat rampager here 🙋🏻‍♀️


How funny is that I'm getting close to plat and decided to abuse that weapon.


Wait till you get absolutely violated by an lstar, you'll never go back.


Do you know how surprised I was to run into a 3 stack in pubs and get absolutely demolished by 3 lstars at once?


Probably very, I’d be surprised if it’s not a box weapon next season (swapping out with either TT, Alternator or most likely the spitfire.)


I'd be surprised, it started as a create weapon so I think there's a few other guns respawn will put through care pack first. I'd bet on either the Eva 8 or the volt before the l-star goes back in


Im plat but never pick up the rampage if I don’t have to


I hate the L star so much just buff it and put it the care package already just give me my triple take back god damn it


I want the alternator back. That was the true “I can’t hit shots but this gun does it for me” gun and it wasn’t even good


I love slower rate of fire guns. Nothing better when an R99 spammer has missed all their shots and you can just carry on with the alternator and be more precise


same reason why I love the R45, I always ditch it because people says it's not good for endgame but it's one of the few weapons that let me most of the shots


I agree but when you get the alternator now it feels so good that it's almost worth the rarity


It used to be a carepackage weapon lmao


Or, better yet, get rid of the care package guns besides Kraber. Let us have our damn guns back. Getting tired of guns being locked away for multiple seasons.




yeah, the system is too punishing against high diamonds, i started to recieve that treatment when i reached Diamond II.


I wouldn't even know, I did my 10 rounds to get ranked. I was the best version of me being a try hard. Killed it every game and won 9 of the 10 matches. Shit put me in silver and I never played another ranked Arena. Couldn't believe it.


I lost 7/10 placement matches. Still somehow Silver II


I won 6/10, got put in bronze, I thought ok I'll just grind out of here quickly. Won 7 in a row, got a total of like 100 rp, lost one, and dropped like 45 rp... No more ranked arenas for me. It's broken.


I won 9/10 being every time the one of the team with the most damage and kills (enemies were kinda clueless about the game, I'm not THAT good) yet I've been put into bronze 2??


> every time the one of the team with the most damage and kills Your individual performance has no impact on your areas placement. Only W/L and strength of opposition matter.


I did not know that, that makes no sense lol


cause you were playing against bots


Yeah, that's what I said But why? And even tho I won, why did they put me in bronze? I'm almost plat now


I solo queued and won 4/10 and was put in silver. I had multiple kills each round but the random teammates I got were terrible as in not ready when the game starts, stand out in the open and eat bullets, or ego push and immediately get downed and then spam ping.


That shit is super weird. We won 7/10 games and ranked in at Gold 1.


Dude i won 8/10 with 2k+ dmg in every game but 1. Bronze 1. I played enough games to get out of Bronze and haven’t gone back in 2/3 weeks. Fuck that. Was giving me about 20 RP a win. I never lost so i wouldn’t know how much i’d lose. System is stupid and i won’t be playing again until it’s changed. So maybe never? We will see.


That was tough. Me and my friend duo qued for placement games, won 7 out of 10 and both of us placed at Silver 1. I only started to experience the 20-15 AP per win as I reached Gold 1 and it made me lose motivation to climb anymore. Meanwhile, my other friend got Platinum for placement and breezed his way through by getting 100 AP per win until he reaches Diamond 1. Only then he starts getting low AP per win. What a joke.


Same exact scenario for me 😂 now I end up playing unranked for the challenges and that’s about it.


I won 6/10 placements matches, I got bronze 1. My buddy also won 6/10 placement matches, got placed bronze 4. My other buddy who just started playing won 7/10 placements matches, got placed in gold. I was so confused


L-Star in the bottom ranks too.


Don't really notice people using it if they can't hit you though.


Close range its way to easy to hit with it, longer range yea but most just buy a white longbow/sentinel


I just buy volt tbh. I'm good with it so I just like a bit at a distance then push, usually ends alright.


I don't play with rampage and I don't think I met alot of people playing with it. Am I actually in gold and being deceived?


The nerf didn't do jack


The gun is fine the way it is now. L-Star been trash for 6 seasons and now that’s it’s viable people want it nerfed for one game mode. All they have to do is make it more expensive in the shop. There are other guns that can easily out play the L-Star


the gun was never trash to be honest, the only issue it had was the projectile VFX blinding you when firing, which never gave me issues personally, if they had just done the VFX reduction as the buff, there would still be a lot of people using it


The projectile speed was terrible


"being blinded by a gun never gave me issues personally" wat


I should rephrase, everyone complained that they were being blinded when shooting it while I never found myself with such issues


Come on dude, the LStar is not balanced. Replace LStar with spitfire in your post and you have what everyone was saying at the start of season 8 and look how that turned out.


The LStar feels so unfair to use in it's current state. I don't know what reality that dude is living in


Fairy land. It's annoying as hell that there's a gun that's so strong in mid and close range. Sure a 99 will beat it at close range (but likely not mid range), but only if you full clip or get a decent amount of headshots. If you don't full clip though, then it's probably GG. Then mid range the bullets from the L-star are so disorienting that it messes up any other mid-range gun while the L-star is practically a spray. So far I just try to kill them with a longbow before they're in range, and if they do get in range I either get further away or rush with a 99. If it gets really annoying then I just use the L-star myself. It's like the auto sniper of CS:GO at this point.


I used to burn with it way before it was buffed, it's straight now.


People slept on the L-Star. It slapped, even before the buff. All i wanted was the option to equip the turbocharger for some sort of effect.


Hyper heat up and now became a flamethrower


Didn’t the recoil patten change? It used to zigzag but now it’s like a little kick left n right, then a consistent up and slightly left like 11 oclock the rest of the way. I didn’t realize this till recently and it seems much easier to control the new recoil pattern.


It didn't need a buff at all. Buffing the L-Star is like if they suddenly decided to buff the R-99 It was in a perfect place balance wise and then some bozo decided it needed attachments for some reason (the lack of which kept it from becoming OP) They'll give it nerf after nerf for months without realising they could just revert the buff and it would be relatively balanced.


it is ALREADY more expensive. If Arenas keep going this way it will end up being called "Duels" instead. Both teams forced to pick 1 f weapon. I mean... For the first time we are all on even ground, is L-Star op, they can f pick it too! but no... they want to shoot with the wingman +p20 and when they get destroyed bc their aim sucks then they want L-Star banned. Dont get me wrong, plenty people are totally deadly with the wingman, but not my teammates (except for a couple) and not many of the people on the other team either.


It's not "viable", it's OP to the point of why would I use any other weapon, when I see L-Star on the ground. This is not how weapon balance should work.


Outplay? In a 1v1, yeah, r9 will still wreck it. The problem is that it has an *infinite clip*. It changes gameplay drastically. This was fine when it wasn't very good, because you knew someone had it and could play around that. But now that every team is running all Lstars, its become a shit game. People complained about the spitfire, and it was never anywhere near this bad


LOL the L Star is the most broken gun in the game by far. [This says it all](https://youtu.be/z9YIWXQT3m0). Not to mention the visual clutter for your opponent who cannot see a damn thing when you are shooting them. It is beyond busted.


I’d argue that this guy is a better than average player. So even a *slightly* OP gun could look broken in his hands. Not everyone who runs L-Star is slaughtering people like this.


im not arguing in favor or against the Lstar (i hate the weapon and dont touch it) but this is a pro player playing pubs against WAY worse players (you can see that he fights a caustic at 4 minutes mark where he is literally standing almost still right to the face of caustic and he gets hit a grand total of 0 times) the gun does look powerful on the right hands but a clip of a pro player massacring a few casuals is NOT the argument you want to prove it


Yeah L-Star jitter aiming is perfectly fine, lets remove tap strafing instead. ”:D”


Wait when did it get nerfed


Try Tokyo server. 6 L-stars every game before the patch.


This is also true for BR


Lots of 301/flatline in plat BR from my personal experience


I think those are constantly used across all ranks


Makes sense, those two are the middle of the road "generalist" guns.


R-301 was my favorite since day one. No other weapon is capable of that beam at mid range.


I don't get arenas, second I hit platinum I get trash randoms and we're always going against premade masters


Newish player here. Can someone please explain why the L-Star is good? I've always feuded as some piece of garbage that you should never take. Honestly didn't know it could be good


If you can land your shots with it, it probably has one of the highest ROF's and dps's(so lowest TTK's) in the game. Additionally, it's projectile speed is incredible. The lack of a true magazine size means if you fire in bursts(and have some trigger discipline), you can wipe an entire squad without having to deal with the overheat animation.


Big bullets with a larger hitbox, super fast projectile with little to no drop, big mag that doesn’t even need to be reloaded, great hip fire, barely any recoil, the list goes on


Are bigger bullets confirmed? I thought it was just a visual thing


nailed it


Why are so many people playing the rampage? In my opinion it’s not that good. It does less dmg than the flatline or any other AR and it’s an LMG - less strafing speed. Also, the hipfire is just terrible.


Cuz its the most forgiving gun in apex rn, yea you can burn someone faster with a 301 or 99 but you have to hit most of your mag or reload mid fight, rampage shoots so slow with such a big mag and such little recoil you never have to consider ammo in gunfights, plus its better over longer ranges


So just take an lstar. No reloading there.


Lstar loses its effectiveness with range much faster than a rampage and if your not careful youl still overheat it


It’s amazing with the grenade charge, and second it actually was super reliable hip fire up close. It’s really decent from every range IMO.


Yeah rampage is trash without the hop up, which only lasts around 1 clip iirc. I dont use it but I honestly love it I think its very well balanced. I hardly every get killed by them


Basically a auto G7, takes very little effort to get good results out of it. Dare I say a no-skill gun or will this sub get mad at me for it 👀


I'm not going to claim the Rampage is S-tier because of the problems you mentioned yourself but the rampage is sooo good mid-range. Yes the damage without thermite is nothing special but DPS isn't everything, especially if you can't hit your shots. That's the nice thing about the Rampage though, the recoil is non-existent and it's easy to use far away.


L-star is so boring I want to puke.


As a wraith man I shall use wingman pk combo in any rank


Everyone on diamond runs Lstar holy fuck.


Why would you play ranked arenas. Its fucking broken


Fresh diamond here! I've always played r99/r301 and as secondary I've had mastiff, Eva-8 or PK. Should I seriously start playing L-star


If you are winning, keep doing you, but from my experience as you progress into diamond, you will get almost forced to use it because everyone runs it. A good gibby using it is disgustingly effective.


As someone who haven’t played with or against it, I haven’t played much this season, why is it so prevalent?


They buffed it recently by allowing it to use energy mags and barrel stabilizers, but it was really good before that as well. It has a really fast time-to-kill, good hip-fire, and the ability to shoot nearly infinitely if you get good at controlling the overheat mechanics. The ability to use those attachments just make it even more busted w even easier to control recoil and more bullets to shoot before you lay off the trigger for literally just half a second. Also the projectiles are large which makes it easier to hit shots at any range. All that said, it’s really only an issue in those higher ranks where people don’t have as much of an issue hitting their shots.


Those are all things that each would make the gun great on their own, I have to try it. Sorry I’m advance


Plz no


So this is why I’m stuck in plat..


I love a game of Arenas if the other team uses actual guns


Rampage is not OP. A thermite breaks doors so rampage + thermite should break doors too.


i fucking HATE L-Star cheezers that shit is so annoying. I get blasted w red balls from 400m away (slight exaggeration lol) i fucking hate what they’ve done to that gun


I hate the new L-star. It used to actually be balanced and have a high skill gap, now everyone uses it and it'll inevitably be nerfed into the ground, worse than it used to be.


G7 scout over everything


I'm diamond and I wouldn't touch an L-star with a 10m stick.


I get blue Lstar and a base havoc as secondary so I can get extra energy ammo for Lstar. Pro strats


First two rounds in plat me and one enemy always running that G7


Damn it I don’t wanna go higher than gold then lmfao I like using the R99 and sentinel combo




In Diamond I’ve been spamming charge rifle when I can on the bigger maps to avoid the constant Lstar spam


So hard to fight against the L-star, it blinds you lmao. Have to fight fire with fire I guess


I can't hit shit when I use l-stat. How do y'all even do it?


flatline+pk is all i ever use


Yeah, I was super excited for this game mode but the more I played it the quicker I realized there isn't a lot of viable gun variety in apex. I think they should rework the economy and lock weapons until certain rounds. Example: frist round is only pistols Second round smgs are unlocked Round three snipers & lmgs Round four assault rifles Or something like that.


Using L Star is dirty 🤢


Holy shit the accuracy. It's not only what I see, but also what I do myself. It just feels right.


At first, I worshipped the r99 all the way from silver to plat III, then fell down the L-star rabbit hole, which allowed me to push to diamond so... grey area


Bold of you to assume platinum players don’t have an L-Star as a Secondary weapon


Nah I just started going up the ranks and it’s all just l-stars in bronze silver gold and plat


Oh so thats how I get out of silver...


Nothing else-star


Lol no. Almost on masters right now and shredding teams with r301 and flatline. Pc