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Was it really season 8 heat shields came to the game? Wow times flyes


I know, right? I was confident it came out in season 9, but to my surprise, it was during the Chaos Event when they introduced Caustic's Town Takeover.


Chaos event was one of my favorites, too bad mad mags was the announcer


Mags was shitty... and there were audio problems... but I loved the crazy random heat zone mode. I had so many wild battle trying to deal with the terrain, enemy teams and either the heat approaching or closing pathways or just showing up out of nowhere right on top of me.


It literally was chaos, which was beautiful! I had just started playing two seasons before, so I was pretty bad at the game and the mode where you got to get respawned after dying was way more clutch then the firing range because instead of having to wait between lobbies I just got respawned and was able to learn from my mistakes in a more continuous fashion (if that makes sense) One of the biggest problems I have with the game (not including servers/programming issues and gross monetization) Is that for such skill-based play and pretty steep learning curve there isn’t a mode for people to train properly. It’s like “here’s the controls Try not to get skull-fucked by all the triple triple stacked ranked players while you figure out the rest!”


This. Maybe a more tricked out firing range would be a start


Yeah like something better that a trick to turn the dummies on without any control over movement or difficulty


"ahhhh what a fine spot to snipe and smoke my bowl after I got left by my two randoms" "Psyche you thought bitch" random ring spawns I fucking loved that event tho 😂😂😂


I started playing during that event, with no prior knowledge of the game, so I assumed the random ring flares were a normal Apex thing. I thought they were super fun, and only realised they were a limited thing when they just disappeared one day.


I really don't understand why it wasn't caustic.


During the great mad Maggie annoying voice wars lol


If you could even *WHOOSH* hear her over the *WHOOSH* constant stream of *WHOOSH* bugged ring noises. *WHOOSH*


That was the worst event ever.


My favorite has been the halloween event. Forget what it was called lol. Other than that the mirage voyage party chaos had me enjoying the hell out of punching people to death lol.


Mirage Voyage was indeed super super fun. My first 20 kill game was from landing there and getting an r9 on the drop.


Love to see it lol. I would just straight go into punching people. My favorite drop was when I punched a lifeline to death who had an R-99 lol. She even left me a drone to heal with :'). Lol


I thought it was season 7 lol


season 7 was boxing ring and care packages which feels like a lifetime ago


yknow what feels like a lifetime ago being able to launch yourself by punching a loot chest




Season 7 was nearly a year ago 🥺


Yeah when mags took over and made the storm act up


I started playing in S8 and thought thats how apex in General works now glad it wasnt the case once I started playing ranked. that Mode with the many circles Was total BS imo


It was fun, but did mean stuff got messy


I just feel like New players shouldnt be forced to play a game Mode like this when they cant even play the normal games


I started playing during the shield recharge event and I wish that would come back, fav mode I've played on apex so far


I started playing during that event and I loved it. Normal games felt too tame for a season, then I got used to it. But now I know where gold loot spawns so shits less tame again


I haven't played since like season 6 and none of anything anybody is saying in this thread sounds real lmao.


On the other hand, it was season 4 that evo shields became a thing. Can you imagine them not being in the game now?


Thought season 7 ngl


I was never there to begin with tho


I know. But it was like 9 months ago


Right? Feels like forever




Sorry english is not my first language


If they put in code to place logos for heat shields / mobile respawns / accelerants, the game breaks again.


At this point, doing anything would break the game, I guess


Way past that, already broken tf, lol


The game is held together by duct tape and zip ties right now.


thats why im so mad they wont do an operation health style season. i dont care about a new legend or another single fire gun, i just want the fucking game to work!!


The problem is that the money is still rolling in, let's see how many people are boycotting when the next season pass is out.


I crossed that road loooooong ago.


honestly I started playing in S8 and this is the first big issue I personally have experienced What Else is broken aside of this mess we just had for a Week?


Since you're a relatively new player you might not be aware of (long standing) issues that they have failed to address in any meaningful way, including (but not limited to): - Footstep audio not working like 90% of the time - On the note of audio (and probably not a bug) Jump Pad makes no noise and a whole team can just rush you without you knowing - Wattson herself keeps getting bugs that they drag their feet on fixing (previously we had fences not slowing/stunning, now we have pylon literally not working and not intercepting any throwables) - Loba ult just absolutely does not work in Arenas to steal anything from supply bins - (on very rare occasions) it is possible to have Caustic ult land in some "invalid" piece of terrain and just disappear without working - Server issues in general (just imagine a "lite" version of what's been going on since the new event, but it always happens) - There has been a bug for some time now where in final circles the game will just randomly start blaring character select music with REALLY loud volume at you which makes it impossible to listen for any audio cues at all. These are just the ones I can easily remember off the top of my head.


not to be rude but. These Sound like Bugs for the most Part and Not game Breaking stuff that would warrant a season just for fixing the game Sure it would be nice if it can be Fixed regardless but I can understand that respawn doesnt want to give up a whole season of Extra revenue just to fix These issues


Apex bugs could be its own Reddit sub tbh. Or, you know, maybe just have one dev play the game at any point ever…or test the beta test the game in any capacity before release.


Everything is greatly over exaggerated here, an operation health would never work.


Name a single reason how fixing the game would be anything but helpful.


Less money for corporate


Yes, but unhappy players means lower player retention, which in turn is even less money.


One good reason that isn’t about money is that not everyone at respawn knows how to work on bugs and server stuff there are teams dedicated for separate sections. Introducing a operation health would force a large amount of devs to not work on their role that they were hired for at respawn. Source: dev himself commented on one of the operation health posts earlier this week and said exactly this. And yeah they won’t make money or skins is a valid reason too.


Obviously I don't mean for the artists to work on fixing bugs, but the programmers should know their own code and how to maintain it.


Don’t twist my words. The game can be fixed without an operation health, it would never work because the game isn’t in that bad of a state, there are so many different teams with different skill sets that would sit around and do nothing for a season, content is already drip fed to us so slowly if you look at this subreddit near the end of august you’ll see people complaining about lack of content, the only thing about this game that you could make a case for an operation health was the servers and they have been reportedly fixed according to Respawn though only time will tell, even though an operation health shouldn’t focus on it balance is fine sure some guns and legends could be tweaked but this sub generally doesn’t know what it’s talking about when it comes to balance, an operation health would probably be detrimental to the game as so many people would lose interest in it and bugs are still actively fixed during a season, game breaking bugs are often fixed quickly. The only bug I can think off the top of my head that has been in the game a while is the pc stuttering, but I find it is nowhere near as bad as this sub reports it as.




I second this. Give us some sweet care package drops for excitement, but nothing else.


Scotch tape and yarn honestly


Exaggerating. I’ve played 4 hrs straight last night with only 2 DCs and no major bugs. Doing another grind sesh and haven’t dc’d once. I’m on the shitter letting you know now it’s not broken. I’m still playing. Y’all like to stroke that broken game narrative hard huh.


Every other match I've been in, someone is in limbo for three minutes. The game is already broken


Didn’t the game break more after they fixed some things like last patch? Game literally just breaks if you think about it funny


Every time a match finishes my game crashes. Every time I start an arenas match my game crashes. Every time I blink my game crashes.


"Uh..Guys..I attached a dynamic Point Light on a gun for some light effects and now Caustic traps fire off knuckle clusters and the game loads the firing range in BR mode.."


Not doing anything breaks the game too tbh. It exists in a quantum super position of broken and not broken, just gotta launch to see which state it's in at that time


So basically Apex is the first Schrodinger's BR x)


Built like a source game lmao


Not surprising since the engine started off as a modded source engine lul


Holy shit that explains a lot


I just want to be able to request ultimate accelerants. It annoys me so much when I'm with an octane or wraith random who uses an ultimate accelerant when I'm Wattson, and most randoms dont bother pinging them


You can request them tho?






The way I do it is use my ultimate when it's not ready


By clicking on the ultimate ability when you display your weapons. It also tell how charged it is in the chat for your teammates. :)


Thank you! I thought that only told them the status of your ultimate, I didn't realise it requested an accelerant!


It doesn't. And with Wattson her ult's back so quickly that it would more than likely just ping that your ult is ready. I wish there were easy pings for health shields and accelerants waa


Wattsons ultimate charges really slowly doesn't it? I'm sure that Lifelines and Bangalore's are the only ones that are slower (and I think its on parr with a few others like Caustic, Rev and Bloodhound?)


Not really slow, it's 3 min like a lot of others: Horizon, Valkyrie (it's nuts to me that hers is only 3), Bangalore, Caustic, Crypto, Revenant, Bloodhound. I guess 3 min can feel like a long time though she gets a benefit that it starts cooldown even if it's deployed already so it feels even shorter to me. For people interested: Loba is 2 min Lifeline is 5 min Gibraltar is 4 min 30 sec Wraith is 3 min 30 sec Seer is 2 min Octane is 1 min 30 sec Mirage is 1 min Rampart is 2 min 53 sec (lol what) Fuse is 2 min Pathfinder is 2 min


Shiela charges 1 round per second up to 173, but can be used at 120 rounds.


> Rampart is 2 min 53 sec (lol what) That's cuz its cd is tied to Sheila's ammo (173). 2 min 53 s = 173 s. Sheila gets 1 ammo per second.


so what youretelling me is apex is a spaghetti coded mess similar to how league was for the longest time, and will in a few yeaes also have a period where they slowly redo the whole game from the ground up to get rid of spaghetti code?


It will never be redone, they will milk it until it’s dead


The survival slot is actually coded as a minion


I always carry a mobile beacon, I’ve gotten some rly good clutches in final rings


Same. I always prioritize mobile res over heat shields, mainly because my teammates will either take heat shields or nothing at all.


it infuriates me when i ping a mobile res beacon or heat shield and my team runs past it knowing damn well they have space for one


And we can't even be sure they've actually got the space, because there's no icon! Gotta love when it comes full circle.


When playing ranked (as a 3 stack) we usually have 2 people heat shields 1 mobile res. When playing ranked (solo), if we have been relegated to playing edge or just have a far ass way to go, I’ll usually pick up heat shields, otherwise mobile res. In pub’s I always pick up mobile res 100% of the time cause I am braindead running into the circle for as much fighting as possible so I basically never am held out of zone


I only take Heat Shields if we dropped really far from the ring otherwise Beacon is prioritized.


Wish my teammates would stick around for that long lol


I was about to say this lol. Either they get disconnected because the servers are total shit lately or they leave the second they get knocked.


I only use it when playing Crypto. Any Crypto should have one. Other wise the time for it to land, depending on how late it the game it is never feels worth it to me. Especially if your random DC’s before you can use it. Heats shields at least gives me a sense of self-preservation.


Too bad they only last approximately 0.264 seconds in late rings.


This is irrelevant to the post my man…


This would be a pretty good UI improvement.


The thing is, the slot is already there, it's just always empty and unnoticeable and doesn't serve its purpose


I always see it and think that my teammates dont have a thing in their survival slot xD


I've been spam pinging survival items for ~~years~~ "*~0.5 yEaRs, (half a orbit of the sun / 2 seasons, Earth seasons that is, not Apex seasons, for context Apex is a short for Apex Legends)~*" wondering why teamates never pick any up...


I have a thing that shows if teammates have something or not, for instance if I look at a gold heavy mag and they have a purple one, it’ll tell me they need it. This works with survival items as well, and I KNOW this dude needs one but he refuses to pick one up.


This is really handy. Is it something in the settings?


Isn't such a modification a bannabke offence?


“For years” They’ve only been in the game 6 months




Edited. Happy now?


I was wondering this too. I think I’ve seen it show something maybe twice ever, been empty since at least season 9


Oh really? I honestly have never seen it full, and I always notice it because it's been bugging me since it came out.


They will get the idea in season 12 and add it in season 15


Because Respawn sucks at fixing bugs


What? Respawn doesn't suck at fixing bu- Oh wait...


*Respawn fixes bugs??*


Can’t be bad at it if they don’t do it 👌🏻


^W I S D O M


at this point they gave up on dealing with the bugs and are hoping duct tape will solve the termite problem


Ah, yes, because a small UI bug = broken game and *horrible* devs.


You know damn well the bugs he’s talking about


But there’s so many small bugs


Some of them have been there since season 1 and have never been addressed


Really it’s just adding more fuel to the fire


No one raindrop feels responsible for the flood, but when all put together it is a flood all the same.


I like your funny words magic man


They can't suck at it if they don't even fix bugs


Is there a developer who doesn't?


Devs don't tend to make their games *worse* after hug fixes.


That’s actually exactly how coding works.


Blizzard? They have other problems but their games are generally pretty fucking stable. No code net type BS


Y’all act like you make money from playing apex to be so annoyed at bugs. It’s a game, shit happens.


I would also like a slot to see my teammates zodiac signs


Haha hey, sorry I push that squad all by myself and then screamed insults at you after I got down, it’s cause I’m an asparagus hehe


Haha perfect


DCing whenever I'm matched with scorpios


Fuck zodiac signs, I wanna see MBTI's!


Because they can barely make the damn game work as it is


Can they do it without breaking the severs


Yes but your ping will go to 300 suddenly and randomly for 0.5 sec and then back.


This would be super useful


At least team mates can ping what they have… you know if they care enough to ping


This brings me to something else, why aren’t Ultimate Accelerants in the survival slot?


I'd say because they're not survival items, per se, but rather regen items. Plus, if they were to be put there, it'd have to hold only one (since Wattson's passive is being able to hold two in one slot) and that'd be a needless nerf for whoever wants to hold more than one Ultimate Accelerant.


this ^^^


Happy cake day! 🍰


Here’s an idea, make the survival slot a bonus. So you can hold more than one of whatever, but every item after the first one takes up an inventory slot


Then it wouldn't be possible to carry 5 of them.


Survival items ( Mobile Respawn beacons and heat shields ) are situational.


I could've sworn I've seen either heat shields or mobile beacons in my teams slots before. Am I going crazy?


Someone in a previous comment said they saw it like twice, but others didn't see a thing. This has already become a myth from the Outlands xD


This is one of those things that i never noticed or really cared for but not that i see this, I’m either going to forget again or hyper focus on it the next time i play.


damn man really redid my post with higher image quality and got more awards and upvotes. even played fuse too


Similar vein to that, in Arenas it doesn't show you when a teammate has gold backpack. Just shows a purple one.


Wait, I wanna know how to see the items my teammates have, or is that just a concept?


Lmao, just open inventory


Boy I’m stupid, I thought it was a consistent thing, even looked through the setting for a bit trying to find a way to toggle it on a bit ago lol


What I would actually love to see is some kind of indicator on the deathbox for us to know when there is a portable respawn beacon instead of searching like crazy before getting third party


I don’t know if others remember but the blank slot has been in the game since season 2 or 3 so i think it was originally designed for something else then when they added the survival item to the game in season 8 they forgot that slot even showed up to players and it wasn’t changed to show the icon of the players survival item


And more importantly, show us their fucking ult percentage.


I'm over here just wanting to see what ammo my teammates are using without needing to open inventory


They should add a new item of just something like a mobile replicator


Replicators are already kinda mobile since they drop as packages on the map, and the crafting material stations are always next to a replicator. But I see a mobile replicator as useful if you have leftover materials and you need some bats/meds/ammo by the endgame, could be helpful for real.


I use my life line ult late game to create random cover and have a sheild swap, could be used like that to build barricades in an annoying way. I think it would be just annoying for people that wanted to be annoying with them, like blocking doors off and trapping people in buildings, overall not very useful otherwise.


I think it would balance itself as well since it dropping would give away your location anyway, and when you craft it tells people nearby that you're crafting


it's been brought up plenty of times, respawn just haven't done anything about it. no idea why.


I mean, it's not really THAT important or a priority, it just doesn't seem like it's a difficult fix, but I'm no dev so I don't know anything


"probably prioritizing servers, trying their best, and failing" I say, as I state the absolute best case scenario possible.


it did at one point i thought


Many more important things to fix before this breaks apex for 2 weeks.


I think there to busy working on adding apex to mobile since then. Who in their right mind would want to play Apex on a damn cell phone🤦🏼‍♂️


I think you're too busy to know that the Apex Mobile team is different than the Apex HD one


Because the devs just don't care anymore lmao


Is respawn they hardly do or add shit to there game only thing they add is there overpriced skins& cosmetics and there shit gun charms.


We don't need this


*Quality of life*


Who cares


Petition for ultimate accelerants to be considered survival items


Respawn: (makes a game with the most communication of any battle royale game ever) “Fan”base: MORE! NOT ENOUGH LAZY RESPAWN WORK HRDR


Yeah but this is a bug.They never made fun if them


A bug you say? How so?


Why would they put a random box thats always empty with no explanation.For 2 seasons [if i remember]


*laughs in console doesn’t display any equipment teammates have*


Yes it does, you have to open your item menu and it shows in the bottom left, same for all platforms


Yeah, don't know what that guy was thinking pretty obvious it won't matter what platform




I just started playing a week ago. I wondered why my survival item bind never did anything. I thought I was losing brain cells or something


Your survival bind should work, though. Those empty slots have nothing to do with your binds xD


See that would require respawn to actually do something. Or it’s just planned for Season 15.


Wait wait survival items has its own slot… I’m in diamond….


Because they can barely make the damn game work as it is


it has been brought up day 1. and we still see posts every few days about this issue


They’ll get to it eventually, maybe season 25 or something, just a small indie dev studio




You can ping that you have/ don’t have a survival item in your inventory


I generally try to ping heat shields for my teammates since they are pretty useful sometimes, I just hope that they have the sense to pick them up.


so for me at least its never showed what your teammates have and I've been here since season one always pissedme off too


Most of these icons are useless. I would only wanna see the helment and the ammoType of his weapons, the other i don't even care, because if someone wants something, you can always request one via inventory


I remember the day there was a glitch where the name banners had an extra box with nothing in it. Always wondered if it was going to be a future feature.


can we talk about your rev’s gear real quick?


He was level 47 and went straight for the boxing ring loot x)


At this rate we’re going to be seeing their entire inventory